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// ==UserScript== // @name Kinopoisk Video Quality Setter // @description Set the video quality on Kinopoisk automatically. // @copyright 2020, Seryiza ( // @namespace Kinopoisk // @version 2020.09.16 // @license MIT // @run-at document-end // @match* // @require // @grant GM_getValue // ==/UserScript== const DEFAULT_BEST_VIDEO_QUALITY = 720; const selectors = { 'player': 'video', 'settings-button': 'button[aria-label="Настройки"]:first-of-type', 'settings-select-label': '._1ML4B9X.q91zlOj ._2lty85i', }; const wait = new Waiter(findKinopoiskElement); const click = (el) =>; onPlayerUpdate(document.querySelector(selectors['player']), () => { const bestQuality = GM_getValue('bestVideoQuality', DEFAULT_BEST_VIDEO_QUALITY); setVideoQuality(bestQuality); }); function setVideoQuality(bestQuality = 720) { wait('settings-button') .then(click) .then(() => wait('settings-select-label', 'Качество')) .then(click) .then(() => wait('settings-select-label')) .then((elements) => getLessOrEqualVideoQualities(elements, bestQuality)) .then((qualities) => { if (!qualities.length) { throw new Error('Video quality was not picked.'); } click(qualities[0]); }); }; function findKinopoiskElement(componentName, root = document) { if (!(componentName in selectors)) { throw new Error('Kinopoisk selector not found: ' + componentName); } return Array.from( root.querySelectorAll(selectors[componentName]) ); } function getLessOrEqualVideoQualities(labels, expectingQuality) { return labels.filter(label => { const quality = parseInt(label.textContent); return !isNaN(quality) && quality <= expectingQuality; }); }; function onPlayerUpdate(player, fn) { const observer = new MutationObserver(fn); observer.observe(player, { attributes: true, attributeFilter: ['src'], }); }