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// ==UserScript== // @name Export New Favorites // @namespace // @version 0.2 // @author Sauvegarde // @description Copy new favorites in the clipboard so it can be pasted in a Google sheet. // @match // @grant none // @iconURL // @updateURL // @downloadURL // @copyright 2021, Sauvegarde ( // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== /* jshint esversion: 6 */ 'use strict'; main(); function main() { const favCtn = document.querySelector("#favorite-messages"); const favs = favCtn.querySelectorAll(".g-box-contents li"); const exportBuffer = []; const sep = '\t' for(const fav of favs) { const ulink = fav.querySelector("a.user-link"); const title = fav.querySelector("a.title"); const pdate = fav.querySelector("span.pretty-date"); const rdate = parsePrettyDate(pdate.title); const textBuffer = [hyperlink(ulink), hyperlink(title), frenchDate(rdate)]; exportBuffer.push(textBuffer.join(sep)); } const rightActionCtn = favCtn.querySelector(".g-box-righttitle"); const exportLink = document.createElement("a"); exportLink.innerHTML = "Export New Favorites"; exportLink.className = "confirm-swap"; = "12px"; exportLink.addEventListener("click", () => writeToClipboard(exportBuffer.join('\n'))); rightActionCtn.insertBefore(exportLink, rightActionCtn.firstChild); } /** Attempt to copy the text (ctrl+c) into the system clipboard. */ function writeToClipboard(str) { navigator.clipboard.writeText(str) .then(() => { alert("The list of favorites has been successfully written to clipboard."); }) .catch(err => { alert("Error in writing to clipboard: ", err); }); } function frenchDate(d) { const zero = n => n < 10 ? "0" + n : n; return `${d.getDate()}/${d.getMonth()+1}/${d.getFullYear()} ${zero(d.getHours())}:${zero(d.getMinutes())}`; } function hyperlink(a) { return `=HYPERLINK("${a.href}"; "${a.innerHTML}")`; } /** Parse a pretty date ("Apr 17th, 2021 08:17 AM") to a Date object. */ function parsePrettyDate(str) { function iMonth(str) { const months = { "jan": 0, "january": 0, "feb": 1, "february": 1, "mar": 2, "march": 2, "apr": 3, "april": 3, "may": 4, "jun": 5, "june": 5, "jul": 6, "july": 6, "aug": 7, "august": 7, "sep": 8, "september": 8, "oct": 9, "october": 9, "nov": 10, "november": 10, "dec": 11, "december": 11 }; return months[str.toLowerCase()]; } function h24(hours12, meridiem) { hours12 = +hours12; meridiem = meridiem.toLowerCase(); if(meridiem === "pm" && hours12 < 12) { return hours12 + 12; } else if(meridiem === "am" && hours12 === 12) { return 0; } else { return hours12; } } const t = /^(\w+) (\d+).*?(\d+) (\d+):(\d+) (\w+)$/.exec(str); const MMM = t[1]; const dd = t[2]; const yyyy = t[3]; const hh12 = t[4]; const mm = t[5]; const mi = t[6]; return new Date(yyyy, iMonth(MMM), dd, h24(hh12, mi), mm, 0); }