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// ==UserScript== // @name nasece cloud permalink // @namespace Saren // @description #upload-images, #album, #url-shorten, #about, #apps, #profile // @include http*://* // @require // @version 0.0.1 // ==/UserScript== var mainFunctions = { "upload-images": "圖片上載", "album": "雲端相簿", "url-shorten": "網址縮短" }; var secFunctions = { "about": "xhr/about", "apps": "xhr/apps" }; function bindToClicks() { for (var i in mainFunctions) { $("body").on("click", "li[data-hint='" + mainFunctions[i] + "']", function (e) { for (var j in mainFunctions) { if ($(this).attr("data-hint") == mainFunctions[j]) { window.location.hash = j; } } }); } for (var i in secFunctions) { $("body").on("click", "a[data-twig='" + secFunctions[i] + "']", function (e) { for (var j in secFunctions) { if ($(this).attr("data-twig") == secFunctions[j]) { window.location.hash = j; } } }); } $("body").on("click", "div[data-twig='user/profile']", function (e) { window.location.hash = "profile"; }); $("body").on("click", "div[data-twig='auth/login']", function (e) { window.location.hash = "profile"; }); } function handleHash(hash) { if (hash in mainFunctions) { var trigger = setInterval(function () { var elem = $("li[data-hint='" + mainFunctions[hash] + "']")[0]; if (typeof elem === 'undefined') { return; } $(elem).click(); clearInterval(trigger); }, 10); return; } if (hash in secFunctions) { var trigger = setInterval(function () { var elem = $("a[data-twig='" + secFunctions[hash] + "']")[0]; if (typeof elem === 'undefined') { return; } $(elem)[0].click(); clearInterval(trigger); }, 10); } if (hash === "profile") { var trigger = setInterval(function () { var profile = $("div[data-twig='user/profile']")[0]; var auth = $("div[data-twig='auth/login']")[0]; if (typeof profile !== 'undefined') { $(profile)[0].click(); clearInterval(trigger); return; } if (typeof auth !== 'undefined') { $(auth)[0].click(); clearInterval(trigger); return; } }, 10); return; } } $(function () { var thisFunction = window.location.hash.substr(1); handleHash(thisFunction); bindToClicks(); });