Sandbird / TorrentLeech V4 Enhancer


Version: 2.6+3afc613 updated

Summary: Enhance TorrentLeech

License: MIT;

License: GPL-3.0+;

TorrenLeech v4 Enhance Script

The purpose of the script is to make torrent browsing at TorrentLeech v4 fast and efficient.
Works with Greasemonkey(firefox) and with Tampermonkey(Chrome)

  • Adds a config settings menu, so people can choose what they want to show/hide/alter.
  • Highlights IMDB score
  • Adds helpful buttons next to the movie title (traktv page, copy title, trailer, IMDB link)
  • Adds color to the Seeders you know which ones are 'hot' or not.
    Colors are based on seeders and are ranged like this:
    0 to 50
    51 to 100
    101 to 200
    201 to 300
    301 to 500
    501 to 800
    801 to 1000
    1001 to 10000000
    using these colors:

v2.0 Features a settings menu.
preview v2



v2.6 - Minor fix
v2.5 - Added checkbox in the settings menu to Show/Hide Enhancer buttons (Traktr, Copy etc)
v2.4 - Changed the way the page loads..Now it should work the same with Tampermonkey and Greasemonkey...(Removed the Tampermonkey repo added in v2.1)
v2.3 - New icons, because the old ones were deleted from the repository
v2.2 - Small modification to the settings button. TL changed something, and the Gear icon wasn't showing
v2.1 - Added a settings menu, so users can choose how they want the plugin to behave. Due to some benefits that Tampermonkey has, created a new script just for Tampermonkey users (Chrome).
v1.2 - Removed trailer button for TV series, and fixed mouseover titles on buttons
v1.1 - Added buttons, moved IMDB score next to the title
v1 - Initial release

Rating: 0