SOK19045 / CCNAcheats

// ==UserScript==
// @name CCNAcheats
// @description Top and Down buttons everywhere (no Jquery) 
// @version 1.6
// @author Lukas S
// @license MIT
// @include *
// @run-at document-end
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==

// Press Ctrl+A, Ctrl+C and paste it into the assessment's console.
// You can access the console inside the assessment by pressing Ctrl+Shift+I or F12.
// Then, select a question and the answer will be displayed in the website's title
// (at the top of the browser window).

config = {
    "SERVER": "",
    "URL": "",
    "UPDATE_TITLE": true,
    "USE_INTERVAL": false,
    "UPDATE_INTERVAL": null,
    "ANSWER_REGEX": "",

function client({
                    UPDATE_TITLE = true,
                    RESET_TITLE_TIMEOUT = 0,
                    RESET_TITLE_ON_DESELECT = true,
                    AUTO_TICK_CHECKBOXES = false,
                    AUTO_FOCUS_CHECKBOXES = true,
                    USE_INTERVAL = false,
                    UPDATE_INTERVAL = 1000,
                }) {
    if (window.CLIENT) CLIENT.stop();
    const socket = io(SERVER);

    function selectionUpdater() {
        let previousSelection = " ";
        return function updateSelection() {
            let question;
            let selection = document.getElementsByClassName("question");
            for (let i = 0; i < selection.length; i++) {
                if (!(selection[i].classList.contains("hidden"))) {
                    question = selection[i].getElementsByClassName("mattext")[0].innerText.toString();
            selection = question;
            if (selection.length < 5) return;
            //if (selection !== previousSelection && selection.trim().length) {
            previousSelection = selection;
            socket.emit('selection', selection.trim())

    function resetTitle() {
        updateTitle(initialTitle, true)

    function updateTitle(title, reset = false) {
        document.title = title;
        if (!reset && RESET_TITLE_TIMEOUT > 0) {
            setTimeout(() => updateTitle(initialTitle, true), RESET_TITLE_TIMEOUT)

    function sanitize(text) {
        return text
            .replace(/\xa0/g, ' ') // nbsp
            .replace(/\u200b/g, '') // zwsp
            .replace(/’/g, "'") // weird apostrophe
            .replace(/\n/, ' ')

    // function setCheckboxes(answers) {
    //   Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.rTableOptionRow label'))
    //     .filter(label =>
    //       sanitize(answers.join('\n')).includes(sanitize(label.textContent))
    //     )
    //     .map(label => label.getAttribute('for'))
    //     .map(id => document.getElementById(id))
    //     .forEach(checkbox => (checkbox.checked = true))
    // }

    function setCheckboxes(answers) {
        const labels =
            document.querySelectorAll('.question:not(.hidden) .coreContent label');
        const checkboxes =
                .filter(label =>
                .map(label => label.querySelector('input'));

            checkboxes.forEach(checkbox => {
                checkbox.checked = true

                .filter(checkbox => !checkbox.checked)
                .forEach(checkbox => checkbox.focus())

    function updateAnswer(answers) {
        if (UPDATE_TITLE) {
            updateTitle(answers.join(', ') || 'N/A')

    function requestAnswerKey(url) {
        socket.emit('request', url)

    const initialTitle = document.title;

    socket.on('answer', updateAnswer);
    socket.on('fulfilled', name => console.log(`Applied answer key "${name}"`));

    const updateSelection = selectionUpdater();
    if (USE_INTERVAL) {
        setInterval(updateSelection, UPDATE_INTERVAL)
    } else {
        document.addEventListener('mousedown', updateSelection);
            document.addEventListener('mouseup', resetTitle)

        socket.emit('search', {
            answerRegex: ANSWER_REGEX,
            questionBeginning: QUESTION_BEGINNING,
            custom: true


    return {
        stop: () => {
            document.removeEventListener('mousedown', updateSelection);
            document.removeEventListener('mouseup', resetTitle);

 * Socket.IO v2.1.1
 * (c) 2014-2018 Guillermo Rauch
 * Released under the MIT License.
!function (t, e) {
    "object" == typeof exports && "object" == typeof module ? module.exports = e() : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define([], e) : "object" == typeof exports ? = e() : = e()
}(this, function () {
    return function (t) {
        function e(r) {
            if (n[r]) return n[r].exports;
            var o = n[r] = {exports: {}, id: r, loaded: !1};
            return t[r].call(o.exports, o, o.exports, e), o.loaded = !0, o.exports

        var n = {};
        return e.m = t, e.c = n, e.p = "", e(0)
    }([function (t, e, n) {
        "use strict";

        function r(t, e) {
            "object" === ("undefined" == typeof t ? "undefined" : o(t)) && (e = t, t = void 0), e = e || {};
            var n, r = i(t), s = r.source, p =, h = r.path, f = u[p] && h in u[p].nsps,
                l = e.forceNew || e["force new connection"] || !1 === e.multiplex || f;
            return l ? (c("ignoring socket cache for %s", s), n = a(s, e)) : (u[p] || (c("new io instance for %s", s), u[p] = a(s, e)), n = u[p]), r.query && !e.query && (e.query = r.query), n.socket(r.path, e)

        var o = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (t) {
            return typeof t
        } : function (t) {
            return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t
        }, i = n(1), s = n(7), a = n(12), c = n(3)("");
        t.exports = e = r;
        var u = e.managers = {};
        e.protocol = s.protocol, e.connect = r, e.Manager = n(12), e.Socket = n(37)
    }, function (t, e, n) {
        (function (e) {
            "use strict";

            function r(t, n) {
                var r = t;
                n = n || e.location, null == t && (t = n.protocol + "//" +, "string" == typeof t && ("/" === t.charAt(0) && (t = "/" === t.charAt(1) ? n.protocol + t : + t), /^(https?|wss?):\/\//.test(t) || (i("protocol-less url %s", t), t = "undefined" != typeof n ? n.protocol + "//" + t : "https://" + t), i("parse %s", t), r = o(t)), r.port || (/^(http|ws)$/.test(r.protocol) ? r.port = "80" : /^(http|ws)s$/.test(r.protocol) && (r.port = "443")), r.path = r.path || "/";
                var s =":") !== -1, a = s ? "[" + + "]" :;
                return = r.protocol + "://" + a + ":" + r.port, r.href = r.protocol + "://" + a + (n && n.port === r.port ? "" : ":" + r.port), r

            var o = n(2), i = n(3)("");
            t.exports = r
        }).call(e, function () {
            return this
    }, function (t, e) {
        var n = /^(?:(?![^:@]+:[^:@\/]*@)(http|https|ws|wss):\/\/)?((?:(([^:@]*)(?::([^:@]*))?)?@)?((?:[a-f0-9]{0,4}:){2,7}[a-f0-9]{0,4}|[^:\/?#]*)(?::(\d*))?)(((\/(?:[^?#](?![^?#\/]*\.[^?#\/.]+(?:[?#]|$)))*\/?)?([^?#\/]*))(?:\?([^#]*))?(?:#(.*))?)/,
            r = ["source", "protocol", "authority", "userInfo", "user", "password", "host", "port", "relative", "path", "directory", "file", "query", "anchor"];
        t.exports = function (t) {
            var e = t, o = t.indexOf("["), i = t.indexOf("]");
            o != -1 && i != -1 && (t = t.substring(0, o) + t.substring(o, i).replace(/:/g, ";") + t.substring(i, t.length));
            for (var s = n.exec(t || ""), a = {}, c = 14; c--;) a[r[c]] = s[c] || "";
            return o != -1 && i != -1 && (a.source = e, =, - 1).replace(/;/g, ":"), a.authority = a.authority.replace("[", "").replace("]", "").replace(/;/g, ":"), a.ipv6uri = !0), a
    }, function (t, e, n) {
        (function (r) {
            function o() {
                return !("undefined" == typeof window || !window.process || "renderer" !== window.process.type) || ("undefined" == typeof navigator || !navigator.userAgent || !navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/(edge|trident)\/(\d+)/)) && ("undefined" != typeof document && document.documentElement && && || "undefined" != typeof window && window.console && (window.console.firebug || window.console.exception && window.console.table) || "undefined" != typeof navigator && navigator.userAgent && navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/firefox\/(\d+)/) && parseInt(RegExp.$1, 10) >= 31 || "undefined" != typeof navigator && navigator.userAgent && navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/applewebkit\/(\d+)/))

            function i(t) {
                var n = this.useColors;
                if (t[0] = (n ? "%c" : "") + this.namespace + (n ? " %c" : " ") + t[0] + (n ? "%c " : " ") + "+" + e.humanize(this.diff), n) {
                    var r = "color: " + this.color;
                    t.splice(1, 0, r, "color: inherit");
                    var o = 0, i = 0;
                    t[0].replace(/%[a-zA-Z%]/g, function (t) {
                        "%%" !== t && (o++, "%c" === t && (i = o))
                    }), t.splice(i, 0, r)

            function s() {
                return "object" == typeof console && console.log &&, console, arguments)

            function a(t) {
                try {
                    null == t ?"debug") : = t
                } catch (n) {

            function c() {
                var t;
                try {
                    t =
                } catch (n) {
                return !t && "undefined" != typeof r && "env" in r && (t = r.env.DEBUG), t

            function u() {
                try {
                    return window.localStorage
                } catch (t) {

            e = t.exports = n(5), e.log = s, e.formatArgs = i, = a, e.load = c, e.useColors = o, = "undefined" != typeof chrome && "undefined" != typeof ? : u(), e.colors = ["#0000CC", "#0000FF", "#0033CC", "#0033FF", "#0066CC", "#0066FF", "#0099CC", "#0099FF", "#00CC00", "#00CC33", "#00CC66", "#00CC99", "#00CCCC", "#00CCFF", "#3300CC", "#3300FF", "#3333CC", "#3333FF", "#3366CC", "#3366FF", "#3399CC", "#3399FF", "#33CC00", "#33CC33", "#33CC66", "#33CC99", "#33CCCC", "#33CCFF", "#6600CC", "#6600FF", "#6633CC", "#6633FF", "#66CC00", "#66CC33", "#9900CC", "#9900FF", "#9933CC", "#9933FF", "#99CC00", "#99CC33", "#CC0000", "#CC0033", "#CC0066", "#CC0099", "#CC00CC", "#CC00FF", "#CC3300", "#CC3333", "#CC3366", "#CC3399", "#CC33CC", "#CC33FF", "#CC6600", "#CC6633", "#CC9900", "#CC9933", "#CCCC00", "#CCCC33", "#FF0000", "#FF0033", "#FF0066", "#FF0099", "#FF00CC", "#FF00FF", "#FF3300", "#FF3333", "#FF3366", "#FF3399", "#FF33CC", "#FF33FF", "#FF6600", "#FF6633", "#FF9900", "#FF9933", "#FFCC00", "#FFCC33"], e.formatters.j = function (t) {
                try {
                    return JSON.stringify(t)
                } catch (e) {
                    return "[UnexpectedJSONParseError]: " + e.message
            }, e.enable(c())
        }).call(e, n(4))
    }, function (t, e) {
        function n() {
            throw new Error("setTimeout has not been defined")

        function r() {
            throw new Error("clearTimeout has not been defined")

        function o(t) {
            if (p === setTimeout) return setTimeout(t, 0);
            if ((p === n || !p) && setTimeout) return p = setTimeout, setTimeout(t, 0);
            try {
                return p(t, 0)
            } catch (e) {
                try {
                    return, t, 0)
                } catch (e) {
                    return, t, 0)

        function i(t) {
            if (h === clearTimeout) return clearTimeout(t);
            if ((h === r || !h) && clearTimeout) return h = clearTimeout, clearTimeout(t);
            try {
                return h(t)
            } catch (e) {
                try {
                    return, t)
                } catch (e) {
                    return, t)

        function s() {
            y && l && (y = !1, l.length ? d = l.concat(d) : m = -1, d.length && a())

        function a() {
            if (!y) {
                var t = o(s);
                y = !0;
                for (var e = d.length; e;) {
                    for (l = d, d = []; ++m < e;) l && l[m].run();
                    m = -1, e = d.length
                l = null, y = !1, i(t)

        function c(t, e) {
   = t, this.array = e

        function u() {

        var p, h, f = t.exports = {};
        !function () {
            try {
                p = "function" == typeof setTimeout ? setTimeout : n
            } catch (t) {
                p = n
            try {
                h = "function" == typeof clearTimeout ? clearTimeout : r
            } catch (t) {
                h = r
        var l, d = [], y = !1, m = -1;
        f.nextTick = function (t) {
            var e = new Array(arguments.length - 1);
            if (arguments.length > 1) for (var n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++) e[n - 1] = arguments[n];
            d.push(new c(t, e)), 1 !== d.length || y || o(a)
        }, = function () {
  , this.array)
        }, f.title = "browser", f.browser = !0, f.env = {}, f.argv = [], f.version = "", f.versions = {}, f.on = u, f.addListener = u, f.once = u, = u, f.removeListener = u, f.removeAllListeners = u, f.emit = u, f.prependListener = u, f.prependOnceListener = u, f.listeners = function (t) {
            return []
        }, f.binding = function (t) {
            throw new Error("process.binding is not supported")
        }, f.cwd = function () {
            return "/"
        }, f.chdir = function (t) {
            throw new Error("process.chdir is not supported")
        }, f.umask = function () {
            return 0
    }, function (t, e, n) {
        function r(t) {
            var n, r = 0;
            for (n in t) r = (r << 5) - r + t.charCodeAt(n), r |= 0;
            return e.colors[Math.abs(r) % e.colors.length]

        function o(t) {
            function n() {
                if (n.enabled) {
                    var t = n, r = +new Date, i = r - (o || r);
                    t.diff = i, t.prev = o, t.curr = r, o = r;
                    for (var s = new Array(arguments.length), a = 0; a < s.length; a++) s[a] = arguments[a];
                    s[0] = e.coerce(s[0]), "string" != typeof s[0] && s.unshift("%O");
                    var c = 0;
                    s[0] = s[0].replace(/%([a-zA-Z%])/g, function (n, r) {
                        if ("%%" === n) return n;
                        var o = e.formatters[r];
                        if ("function" == typeof o) {
                            var i = s[c];
                            n =, i), s.splice(c, 1), c--
                        return n
                    }),, s);
                    var u = n.log || e.log || console.log.bind(console);
                    u.apply(t, s)

            var o;
            return n.namespace = t, n.enabled = e.enabled(t), n.useColors = e.useColors(), n.color = r(t), n.destroy = i, "function" == typeof e.init && e.init(n), e.instances.push(n), n

        function i() {
            var t = e.instances.indexOf(this);
            return t !== -1 && (e.instances.splice(t, 1), !0)

        function s(t) {
  , e.names = [], e.skips = [];
            var n, r = ("string" == typeof t ? t : "").split(/[\s,]+/), o = r.length;
            for (n = 0; n < o; n++) r[n] && (t = r[n].replace(/\*/g, ".*?"), "-" === t[0] ? e.skips.push(new RegExp("^" + t.substr(1) + "$")) : e.names.push(new RegExp("^" + t + "$")));
            for (n = 0; n < e.instances.length; n++) {
                var i = e.instances[n];
                i.enabled = e.enabled(i.namespace)

        function a() {

        function c(t) {
            if ("*" === t[t.length - 1]) return !0;
            var n, r;
            for (n = 0, r = e.skips.length; n < r; n++) if (e.skips[n].test(t)) return !1;
            for (n = 0, r = e.names.length; n < r; n++) if (e.names[n].test(t)) return !0;
            return !1

        function u(t) {
            return t instanceof Error ? t.stack || t.message : t

        e = t.exports = o.debug = o["default"] = o, e.coerce = u, e.disable = a, e.enable = s, e.enabled = c, e.humanize = n(6), e.instances = [], e.names = [], e.skips = [], e.formatters = {}
    }, function (t, e) {
        function n(t) {
            if (t = String(t), !(t.length > 100)) {
                var e = /^((?:\d+)?\.?\d+) *(milliseconds?|msecs?|ms|seconds?|secs?|s|minutes?|mins?|m|hours?|hrs?|h|days?|d|years?|yrs?|y)?$/i.exec(t);
                if (e) {
                    var n = parseFloat(e[1]), r = (e[2] || "ms").toLowerCase();
                    switch (r) {
                            return n * p;
                            return n * u;
                            return n * c;
                            return n * a;
                            return n * s;
                            return n;

        function r(t) {
            return t >= u ? Math.round(t / u) + "d" : t >= c ? Math.round(t / c) + "h" : t >= a ? Math.round(t / a) + "m" : t >= s ? Math.round(t / s) + "s" : t + "ms"

        function o(t) {
            return i(t, u, "day") || i(t, c, "hour") || i(t, a, "minute") || i(t, s, "second") || t + " ms"

        function i(t, e, n) {
            if (!(t < e)) return t < 1.5 * e ? Math.floor(t / e) + " " + n : Math.ceil(t / e) + " " + n + "s"

        var s = 1e3, a = 60 * s, c = 60 * a, u = 24 * c, p = 365.25 * u;
        t.exports = function (t, e) {
            e = e || {};
            var i = typeof t;
            if ("string" === i && t.length > 0) return n(t);
            if ("number" === i && isNaN(t) === !1) return e["long"] ? o(t) : r(t);
            throw new Error("val is not a non-empty string or a valid number. val=" + JSON.stringify(t))
    }, function (t, e, n) {
        function r() {

        function o(t) {
            var n = "" + t.type;
            if (e.BINARY_EVENT !== t.type && e.BINARY_ACK !== t.type || (n += t.attachments + "-"), t.nsp && "/" !== t.nsp && (n += t.nsp + ","), null != && (n +=, null != {
                var r = i(;
                if (r === !1) return g;
                n += r
            return f("encoded %j as %s", t, n), n

        function i(t) {
            try {
                return JSON.stringify(t)
            } catch (e) {
                return !1

        function s(t, e) {
            function n(t) {
                var n = d.deconstructPacket(t), r = o(n.packet), i = n.buffers;
                i.unshift(r), e(i)

            d.removeBlobs(t, n)

        function a() {
            this.reconstructor = null

        function c(t) {
            var n = 0, r = {type: Number(t.charAt(0))};
            if (null == e.types[r.type]) return h("unknown packet type " + r.type);
            if (e.BINARY_EVENT === r.type || e.BINARY_ACK === r.type) {
                for (var o = ""; "-" !== t.charAt(++n) && (o += t.charAt(n), n != t.length);) ;
                if (o != Number(o) || "-" !== t.charAt(n)) throw new Error("Illegal attachments");
                r.attachments = Number(o)
            if ("/" === t.charAt(n + 1)) for (r.nsp = ""; ++n;) {
                var i = t.charAt(n);
                if ("," === i) break;
                if (r.nsp += i, n === t.length) break
            } else r.nsp = "/";
            var s = t.charAt(n + 1);
            if ("" !== s && Number(s) == s) {
                for ( = ""; ++n;) {
                    var i = t.charAt(n);
                    if (null == i || Number(i) != i) {
                    if ( += t.charAt(n), n === t.length) break
       = Number(
            if (t.charAt(++n)) {
                var a = u(t.substr(n)), c = a !== !1 && (r.type === e.ERROR || y(a));
                if (!c) return h("invalid payload");
       = a
            return f("decoded %s as %j", t, r), r

        function u(t) {
            try {
                return JSON.parse(t)
            } catch (e) {
                return !1

        function p(t) {
            this.reconPack = t, this.buffers = []

        function h(t) {
            return {type: e.ERROR, data: "parser error: " + t}

        var f = n(3)(""), l = n(8), d = n(9), y = n(10), m = n(11);
        e.protocol = 4, e.types = ["CONNECT", "DISCONNECT", "EVENT", "ACK", "ERROR", "BINARY_EVENT", "BINARY_ACK"], e.CONNECT = 0, e.DISCONNECT = 1, e.EVENT = 2, e.ACK = 3, e.ERROR = 4, e.BINARY_EVENT = 5, e.BINARY_ACK = 6, e.Encoder = r, e.Decoder = a;
        var g = e.ERROR + '"encode error"';
        r.prototype.encode = function (t, n) {
            if (f("encoding packet %j", t), e.BINARY_EVENT === t.type || e.BINARY_ACK === t.type) s(t, n); else {
                var r = o(t);
        }, l(a.prototype), a.prototype.add = function (t) {
            var n;
            if ("string" == typeof t) n = c(t), e.BINARY_EVENT === n.type || e.BINARY_ACK === n.type ? (this.reconstructor = new p(n), 0 === this.reconstructor.reconPack.attachments && this.emit("decoded", n)) : this.emit("decoded", n); else {
                if (!m(t) && !t.base64) throw new Error("Unknown type: " + t);
                if (!this.reconstructor) throw new Error("got binary data when not reconstructing a packet");
                n = this.reconstructor.takeBinaryData(t), n && (this.reconstructor = null, this.emit("decoded", n))
        }, a.prototype.destroy = function () {
            this.reconstructor && this.reconstructor.finishedReconstruction()
        }, p.prototype.takeBinaryData = function (t) {
            if (this.buffers.push(t), this.buffers.length === this.reconPack.attachments) {
                var e = d.reconstructPacket(this.reconPack, this.buffers);
                return this.finishedReconstruction(), e
            return null
        }, p.prototype.finishedReconstruction = function () {
            this.reconPack = null, this.buffers = []
    }, function (t, e, n) {
        function r(t) {
            if (t) return o(t)

        function o(t) {
            for (var e in r.prototype) t[e] = r.prototype[e];
            return t

        t.exports = r, r.prototype.on = r.prototype.addEventListener = function (t, e) {
            return this._callbacks = this._callbacks || {}, (this._callbacks["$" + t] = this._callbacks["$" + t] || []).push(e), this
        }, r.prototype.once = function (t, e) {
            function n() {
      , n), e.apply(this, arguments)

            return n.fn = e, this.on(t, n), this
        }, = r.prototype.removeListener = r.prototype.removeAllListeners = r.prototype.removeEventListener = function (t, e) {
            if (this._callbacks = this._callbacks || {}, 0 == arguments.length) return this._callbacks = {}, this;
            var n = this._callbacks["$" + t];
            if (!n) return this;
            if (1 == arguments.length) return delete this._callbacks["$" + t], this;
            for (var r, o = 0; o < n.length; o++) if (r = n[o], r === e || r.fn === e) {
                n.splice(o, 1);
            return this
        }, r.prototype.emit = function (t) {
            this._callbacks = this._callbacks || {};
            var e = [], 1), n = this._callbacks["$" + t];
            if (n) {
                n = n.slice(0);
                for (var r = 0, o = n.length; r < o; ++r) n[r].apply(this, e)
            return this
        }, r.prototype.listeners = function (t) {
            return this._callbacks = this._callbacks || {}, this._callbacks["$" + t] || []
        }, r.prototype.hasListeners = function (t) {
            return !!this.listeners(t).length
    }, function (t, e, n) {
        (function (t) {
            function r(t, e) {
                if (!t) return t;
                if (s(t)) {
                    var n = {_placeholder: !0, num: e.length};
                    return e.push(t), n
                if (i(t)) {
                    for (var o = new Array(t.length), a = 0; a < t.length; a++) o[a] = r(t[a], e);
                    return o
                if ("object" == typeof t && !(t instanceof Date)) {
                    var o = {};
                    for (var c in t) o[c] = r(t[c], e);
                    return o
                return t

            function o(t, e) {
                if (!t) return t;
                if (t && t._placeholder) return e[t.num];
                if (i(t)) for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) t[n] = o(t[n], e); else if ("object" == typeof t) for (var r in t) t[r] = o(t[r], e);
                return t

            var i = n(10), s = n(11), a = Object.prototype.toString,
                c = "function" == typeof t.Blob || "[object BlobConstructor]" ===,
                u = "function" == typeof t.File || "[object FileConstructor]" ===;
            e.deconstructPacket = function (t) {
                var e = [], n =, o = t;
                return = r(n, e), o.attachments = e.length, {packet: o, buffers: e}
            }, e.reconstructPacket = function (t, e) {
                return = o(, e), t.attachments = void 0, t
            }, e.removeBlobs = function (t, e) {
                function n(t, a, p) {
                    if (!t) return t;
                    if (c && t instanceof Blob || u && t instanceof File) {
                        var h = new FileReader;
                        h.onload = function () {
                            p ? p[a] = this.result : o = this.result, --r || e(o)
                        }, h.readAsArrayBuffer(t)
                    } else if (i(t)) for (var f = 0; f < t.length; f++) n(t[f], f, t); else if ("object" == typeof t && !s(t)) for (var l in t) n(t[l], l, t)

                var r = 0, o = t;
                n(o), r || e(o)
        }).call(e, function () {
            return this
    }, function (t, e) {
        var n = {}.toString;
        t.exports = Array.isArray || function (t) {
            return "[object Array]" ==
    }, function (t, e) {
        (function (e) {
            function n(t) {
                return r && e.Buffer.isBuffer(t) || o && (t instanceof e.ArrayBuffer || i(t))

            t.exports = n;
            var r = "function" == typeof e.Buffer && "function" == typeof e.Buffer.isBuffer,
                o = "function" == typeof e.ArrayBuffer, i = function () {
                    return o && "function" == typeof e.ArrayBuffer.isView ? e.ArrayBuffer.isView : function (t) {
                        return t.buffer instanceof e.ArrayBuffer
        }).call(e, function () {
            return this
    }, function (t, e, n) {
        "use strict";

        function r(t, e) {
            if (!(this instanceof r)) return new r(t, e);
            t && "object" === ("undefined" == typeof t ? "undefined" : o(t)) && (e = t, t = void 0), e = e || {}, e.path = e.path || "/", this.nsps = {}, this.subs = [], this.opts = e, this.reconnection(e.reconnection !== !1), this.reconnectionAttempts(e.reconnectionAttempts || 1 / 0), this.reconnectionDelay(e.reconnectionDelay || 1e3), this.reconnectionDelayMax(e.reconnectionDelayMax || 5e3), this.randomizationFactor(e.randomizationFactor || .5), this.backoff = new l({
                min: this.reconnectionDelay(),
                max: this.reconnectionDelayMax(),
                jitter: this.randomizationFactor()
            }), this.timeout(null == e.timeout ? 2e4 : e.timeout), this.readyState = "closed", this.uri = t, this.connecting = [], this.lastPing = null, this.encoding = !1, this.packetBuffer = [];
            var n = e.parser || c;
            this.encoder = new n.Encoder, this.decoder = new n.Decoder, this.autoConnect = e.autoConnect !== !1, this.autoConnect &&

        var o = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (t) {
                return typeof t
            } : function (t) {
                return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t
            }, i = n(13), s = n(37), a = n(8), c = n(7), u = n(39), p = n(40), h = n(3)(""),
            f = n(36), l = n(41), d = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
        t.exports = r, r.prototype.emitAll = function () {
            this.emit.apply(this, arguments);
            for (var t in this.nsps), t) && this.nsps[t].emit.apply(this.nsps[t], arguments)
        }, r.prototype.updateSocketIds = function () {
            for (var t in this.nsps), t) && (this.nsps[t].id = this.generateId(t))
        }, r.prototype.generateId = function (t) {
            return ("/" === t ? "" : t + "#") +
        }, a(r.prototype), r.prototype.reconnection = function (t) {
            return arguments.length ? (this._reconnection = !!t, this) : this._reconnection
        }, r.prototype.reconnectionAttempts = function (t) {
            return arguments.length ? (this._reconnectionAttempts = t, this) : this._reconnectionAttempts
        }, r.prototype.reconnectionDelay = function (t) {
            return arguments.length ? (this._reconnectionDelay = t, this.backoff && this.backoff.setMin(t), this) : this._reconnectionDelay
        }, r.prototype.randomizationFactor = function (t) {
            return arguments.length ? (this._randomizationFactor = t, this.backoff && this.backoff.setJitter(t), this) : this._randomizationFactor
        }, r.prototype.reconnectionDelayMax = function (t) {
            return arguments.length ? (this._reconnectionDelayMax = t, this.backoff && this.backoff.setMax(t), this) : this._reconnectionDelayMax
        }, r.prototype.timeout = function (t) {
            return arguments.length ? (this._timeout = t, this) : this._timeout
        }, r.prototype.maybeReconnectOnOpen = function () {
            !this.reconnecting && this._reconnection && 0 === this.backoff.attempts && this.reconnect()
        }, = r.prototype.connect = function (t, e) {
            if (h("readyState %s", this.readyState), ~this.readyState.indexOf("open")) return this;
            h("opening %s", this.uri), this.engine = i(this.uri, this.opts);
            var n = this.engine, r = this;
            this.readyState = "opening", this.skipReconnect = !1;
            var o = u(n, "open", function () {
                r.onopen(), t && t()
            }), s = u(n, "error", function (e) {
                if (h("connect_error"), r.cleanup(), r.readyState = "closed", r.emitAll("connect_error", e), t) {
                    var n = new Error("Connection error");
           = e, t(n)
                } else r.maybeReconnectOnOpen()
            if (!1 !== this._timeout) {
                var a = this._timeout;
                h("connect attempt will timeout after %d", a);
                var c = setTimeout(function () {
                    h("connect attempt timed out after %d", a), o.destroy(), n.close(), n.emit("error", "timeout"), r.emitAll("connect_timeout", a)
                }, a);
                    destroy: function () {
            return this.subs.push(o), this.subs.push(s), this
        }, r.prototype.onopen = function () {
            h("open"), this.cleanup(), this.readyState = "open", this.emit("open");
            var t = this.engine;
            this.subs.push(u(t, "data", p(this, "ondata"))), this.subs.push(u(t, "ping", p(this, "onping"))), this.subs.push(u(t, "pong", p(this, "onpong"))), this.subs.push(u(t, "error", p(this, "onerror"))), this.subs.push(u(t, "close", p(this, "onclose"))), this.subs.push(u(this.decoder, "decoded", p(this, "ondecoded")))
        }, r.prototype.onping = function () {
            this.lastPing = new Date, this.emitAll("ping")
        }, r.prototype.onpong = function () {
            this.emitAll("pong", new Date - this.lastPing)
        }, r.prototype.ondata = function (t) {
        }, r.prototype.ondecoded = function (t) {
            this.emit("packet", t)
        }, r.prototype.onerror = function (t) {
            h("error", t), this.emitAll("error", t)
        }, r.prototype.socket = function (t, e) {
            function n() {
                ~f(o.connecting, r) || o.connecting.push(r)

            var r = this.nsps[t];
            if (!r) {
                r = new s(this, t, e), this.nsps[t] = r;
                var o = this;
                r.on("connecting", n), r.on("connect", function () {
           = o.generateId(t)
                }), this.autoConnect && n()
            return r
        }, r.prototype.destroy = function (t) {
            var e = f(this.connecting, t);
            ~e && this.connecting.splice(e, 1), this.connecting.length || this.close()
        }, r.prototype.packet = function (t) {
            h("writing packet %j", t);
            var e = this;
            t.query && 0 === t.type && (t.nsp += "?" + t.query), e.encoding ? e.packetBuffer.push(t) : (e.encoding = !0, this.encoder.encode(t, function (n) {
                for (var r = 0; r < n.length; r++) e.engine.write(n[r], t.options);
                e.encoding = !1, e.processPacketQueue()
        }, r.prototype.processPacketQueue = function () {
            if (this.packetBuffer.length > 0 && !this.encoding) {
                var t = this.packetBuffer.shift();
        }, r.prototype.cleanup = function () {
            for (var t = this.subs.length, e = 0; e < t; e++) {
                var n = this.subs.shift();
            this.packetBuffer = [], this.encoding = !1, this.lastPing = null, this.decoder.destroy()
        }, r.prototype.close = r.prototype.disconnect = function () {
            h("disconnect"), this.skipReconnect = !0, this.reconnecting = !1, "opening" === this.readyState && this.cleanup(), this.backoff.reset(), this.readyState = "closed", this.engine && this.engine.close()
        }, r.prototype.onclose = function (t) {
            h("onclose"), this.cleanup(), this.backoff.reset(), this.readyState = "closed", this.emit("close", t), this._reconnection && !this.skipReconnect && this.reconnect()
        }, r.prototype.reconnect = function () {
            if (this.reconnecting || this.skipReconnect) return this;
            var t = this;
            if (this.backoff.attempts >= this._reconnectionAttempts) h("reconnect failed"), this.backoff.reset(), this.emitAll("reconnect_failed"), this.reconnecting = !1; else {
                var e = this.backoff.duration();
                h("will wait %dms before reconnect attempt", e), this.reconnecting = !0;
                var n = setTimeout(function () {
                    t.skipReconnect || (h("attempting reconnect"), t.emitAll("reconnect_attempt", t.backoff.attempts), t.emitAll("reconnecting", t.backoff.attempts), t.skipReconnect || (e) {
                        e ? (h("reconnect attempt error"), t.reconnecting = !1, t.reconnect(), t.emitAll("reconnect_error", : (h("reconnect success"), t.onreconnect())
                }, e);
                    destroy: function () {
        }, r.prototype.onreconnect = function () {
            var t = this.backoff.attempts;
            this.reconnecting = !1, this.backoff.reset(), this.updateSocketIds(), this.emitAll("reconnect", t)
    }, function (t, e, n) {
        t.exports = n(14), t.exports.parser = n(21)
    }, function (t, e, n) {
        (function (e) {
            function r(t, n) {
                if (!(this instanceof r)) return new r(t, n);
                n = n || {}, t && "object" == typeof t && (n = t, t = null), t ? (t = p(t), n.hostname =, = "https" === t.protocol || "wss" === t.protocol, n.port = t.port, t.query && (n.query = t.query)) : && (n.hostname = p(, = null != ? : e.location && "https:" === location.protocol, n.hostname && !n.port && (n.port = ? "443" : "80"), this.agent = n.agent || !1, this.hostname = n.hostname || (e.location ? location.hostname : "localhost"), this.port = n.port || (e.location && location.port ? location.port : ? 443 : 80), this.query = n.query || {}, "string" == typeof this.query && (this.query = h.decode(this.query)), this.upgrade = !1 !== n.upgrade, this.path = (n.path || "/").replace(/\/$/, "") + "/", this.forceJSONP = !!n.forceJSONP, this.jsonp = !1 !== n.jsonp, this.forceBase64 = !!n.forceBase64, this.enablesXDR = !!n.enablesXDR, this.timestampParam = n.timestampParam || "t", this.timestampRequests = n.timestampRequests, this.transports = n.transports || ["polling", "websocket"], this.transportOptions = n.transportOptions || {}, this.readyState = "", this.writeBuffer = [], this.prevBufferLen = 0, this.policyPort = n.policyPort || 843, this.rememberUpgrade = n.rememberUpgrade || !1, this.binaryType = null, this.onlyBinaryUpgrades = n.onlyBinaryUpgrades, this.perMessageDeflate = !1 !== n.perMessageDeflate && (n.perMessageDeflate || {}), !0 === this.perMessageDeflate && (this.perMessageDeflate = {}), this.perMessageDeflate && null == this.perMessageDeflate.threshold && (this.perMessageDeflate.threshold = 1024), this.pfx = n.pfx || null, this.key = n.key || null, this.passphrase = n.passphrase || null, this.cert = n.cert || null, = || null, this.ciphers = n.ciphers || null, this.rejectUnauthorized = void 0 === n.rejectUnauthorized || n.rejectUnauthorized, this.forceNode = !!n.forceNode;
                var o = "object" == typeof e && e;
       === o && (n.extraHeaders && Object.keys(n.extraHeaders).length > 0 && (this.extraHeaders = n.extraHeaders), n.localAddress && (this.localAddress = n.localAddress)), = null, this.upgrades = null, this.pingInterval = null, this.pingTimeout = null, this.pingIntervalTimer = null, this.pingTimeoutTimer = null,

            function o(t) {
                var e = {};
                for (var n in t) t.hasOwnProperty(n) && (e[n] = t[n]);
                return e

            var i = n(15), s = n(8), a = n(3)(""), c = n(36), u = n(21), p = n(2), h = n(30);
            t.exports = r, r.priorWebsocketSuccess = !1, s(r.prototype), r.protocol = u.protocol, r.Socket = r, r.Transport = n(20), r.transports = n(15), r.parser = n(21), r.prototype.createTransport = function (t) {
                a('creating transport "%s"', t);
                var e = o(this.query);
                e.EIO = u.protocol, e.transport = t;
                var n = this.transportOptions[t] || {};
       && (e.sid =;
                var r = new i[t]({
                    query: e,
                    socket: this,
                    agent: n.agent || this.agent,
                    hostname: n.hostname || this.hostname,
                    port: n.port || this.port,
                    secure: ||,
                    path: n.path || this.path,
                    forceJSONP: n.forceJSONP || this.forceJSONP,
                    jsonp: n.jsonp || this.jsonp,
                    forceBase64: n.forceBase64 || this.forceBase64,
                    enablesXDR: n.enablesXDR || this.enablesXDR,
                    timestampRequests: n.timestampRequests || this.timestampRequests,
                    timestampParam: n.timestampParam || this.timestampParam,
                    policyPort: n.policyPort || this.policyPort,
                    pfx: n.pfx || this.pfx,
                    key: n.key || this.key,
                    passphrase: n.passphrase || this.passphrase,
                    cert: n.cert || this.cert,
                    ca: ||,
                    ciphers: n.ciphers || this.ciphers,
                    rejectUnauthorized: n.rejectUnauthorized || this.rejectUnauthorized,
                    perMessageDeflate: n.perMessageDeflate || this.perMessageDeflate,
                    extraHeaders: n.extraHeaders || this.extraHeaders,
                    forceNode: n.forceNode || this.forceNode,
                    localAddress: n.localAddress || this.localAddress,
                    requestTimeout: n.requestTimeout || this.requestTimeout,
                    protocols: n.protocols || void 0
                return r
            }, = function () {
                var t;
                if (this.rememberUpgrade && r.priorWebsocketSuccess && this.transports.indexOf("websocket") !== -1) t = "websocket"; else {
                    if (0 === this.transports.length) {
                        var e = this;
                        return void setTimeout(function () {
                            e.emit("error", "No transports available")
                        }, 0)
                    t = this.transports[0]
                this.readyState = "opening";
                try {
                    t = this.createTransport(t)
                } catch (n) {
                    return this.transports.shift(), void
      , this.setTransport(t)
            }, r.prototype.setTransport = function (t) {
                a("setting transport %s",;
                var e = this;
                this.transport && (a("clearing existing transport %s",, this.transport.removeAllListeners()), this.transport = t, t.on("drain", function () {
                }).on("packet", function (t) {
                }).on("error", function (t) {
                }).on("close", function () {
                    e.onClose("transport close")
            }, r.prototype.probe = function (t) {
                function e() {
                    if (f.onlyBinaryUpgrades) {
                        var e = !this.supportsBinary && f.transport.supportsBinary;
                        h = h || e
                    h || (a('probe transport "%s" opened', t), p.send([{
                        type: "ping",
                        data: "probe"
                    }]), p.once("packet", function (e) {
                        if (!h) if ("pong" === e.type && "probe" === {
                            if (a('probe transport "%s" pong', t), f.upgrading = !0, f.emit("upgrading", p), !p) return;
                            r.priorWebsocketSuccess = "websocket" ===, a('pausing current transport "%s"',, f.transport.pause(function () {
                                h || "closed" !== f.readyState && (a("changing transport and sending upgrade packet"), u(), f.setTransport(p), p.send([{type: "upgrade"}]), f.emit("upgrade", p), p = null, f.upgrading = !1, f.flush())
                        } else {
                            a('probe transport "%s" failed', t);
                            var n = new Error("probe error");
                            n.transport =, f.emit("upgradeError", n)

                function n() {
                    h || (h = !0, u(), p.close(), p = null)

                function o(e) {
                    var r = new Error("probe error: " + e);
                    r.transport =, n(), a('probe transport "%s" failed because of error: %s', t, e), f.emit("upgradeError", r)

                function i() {
                    o("transport closed")

                function s() {
                    o("socket closed")

                function c(t) {
                    p && !== && (a('"%s" works - aborting "%s"',,, n())

                function u() {
                    p.removeListener("open", e), p.removeListener("error", o), p.removeListener("close", i), f.removeListener("close", s), f.removeListener("upgrading", c)

                a('probing transport "%s"', t);
                var p = this.createTransport(t, {probe: 1}), h = !1, f = this;
                r.priorWebsocketSuccess = !1, p.once("open", e), p.once("error", o), p.once("close", i), this.once("close", s), this.once("upgrading", c),
            }, r.prototype.onOpen = function () {
                if (a("socket open"), this.readyState = "open", r.priorWebsocketSuccess = "websocket" ===, this.emit("open"), this.flush(), "open" === this.readyState && this.upgrade && this.transport.pause) {
                    a("starting upgrade probes");
                    for (var t = 0, e = this.upgrades.length; t < e; t++) this.probe(this.upgrades[t])
            }, r.prototype.onPacket = function (t) {
                if ("opening" === this.readyState || "open" === this.readyState || "closing" === this.readyState) switch (a('socket receive: type "%s", data "%s"', t.type,, this.emit("packet", t), this.emit("heartbeat"), t.type) {
                        this.setPing(), this.emit("pong");
                        var e = new Error("server error");
                        e.code =, this.onError(e);
                        this.emit("data",, this.emit("message",
                } else a('packet received with socket readyState "%s"', this.readyState)
            }, r.prototype.onHandshake = function (t) {
                this.emit("handshake", t), = t.sid, this.transport.query.sid = t.sid, this.upgrades = this.filterUpgrades(t.upgrades), this.pingInterval = t.pingInterval, this.pingTimeout = t.pingTimeout, this.onOpen(), "closed" !== this.readyState && (this.setPing(), this.removeListener("heartbeat", this.onHeartbeat), this.on("heartbeat", this.onHeartbeat))
            }, r.prototype.onHeartbeat = function (t) {
                var e = this;
                e.pingTimeoutTimer = setTimeout(function () {
                    "closed" !== e.readyState && e.onClose("ping timeout")
                }, t || e.pingInterval + e.pingTimeout)
            }, r.prototype.setPing = function () {
                var t = this;
                clearTimeout(t.pingIntervalTimer), t.pingIntervalTimer = setTimeout(function () {
                    a("writing ping packet - expecting pong within %sms", t.pingTimeout),, t.onHeartbeat(t.pingTimeout)
                }, t.pingInterval)
            }, = function () {
                var t = this;
                this.sendPacket("ping", function () {
            }, r.prototype.onDrain = function () {
                this.writeBuffer.splice(0, this.prevBufferLen), this.prevBufferLen = 0, 0 === this.writeBuffer.length ? this.emit("drain") : this.flush()
            }, r.prototype.flush = function () {
                "closed" !== this.readyState && this.transport.writable && !this.upgrading && this.writeBuffer.length && (a("flushing %d packets in socket", this.writeBuffer.length), this.transport.send(this.writeBuffer), this.prevBufferLen = this.writeBuffer.length, this.emit("flush"))
            }, r.prototype.write = r.prototype.send = function (t, e, n) {
                return this.sendPacket("message", t, e, n), this
            }, r.prototype.sendPacket = function (t, e, n, r) {
                if ("function" == typeof e && (r = e, e = void 0), "function" == typeof n && (r = n, n = null), "closing" !== this.readyState && "closed" !== this.readyState) {
                    n = n || {}, n.compress = !1 !== n.compress;
                    var o = {type: t, data: e, options: n};
                    this.emit("packetCreate", o), this.writeBuffer.push(o), r && this.once("flush", r), this.flush()
            }, r.prototype.close = function () {
                function t() {
                    r.onClose("forced close"), a("socket closing - telling transport to close"), r.transport.close()

                function e() {
                    r.removeListener("upgrade", e), r.removeListener("upgradeError", e), t()

                function n() {
                    r.once("upgrade", e), r.once("upgradeError", e)

                if ("opening" === this.readyState || "open" === this.readyState) {
                    this.readyState = "closing";
                    var r = this;
                    this.writeBuffer.length ? this.once("drain", function () {
                        this.upgrading ? n() : t()
                    }) : this.upgrading ? n() : t()
                return this
            }, r.prototype.onError = function (t) {
                a("socket error %j", t), r.priorWebsocketSuccess = !1, this.emit("error", t), this.onClose("transport error", t)
            }, r.prototype.onClose = function (t, e) {
                if ("opening" === this.readyState || "open" === this.readyState || "closing" === this.readyState) {
                    a('socket close with reason: "%s"', t);
                    var n = this;
                    clearTimeout(this.pingIntervalTimer), clearTimeout(this.pingTimeoutTimer), this.transport.removeAllListeners("close"), this.transport.close(), this.transport.removeAllListeners(), this.readyState = "closed", = null, this.emit("close", t, e), n.writeBuffer = [], n.prevBufferLen = 0
            }, r.prototype.filterUpgrades = function (t) {
                for (var e = [], n = 0, r = t.length; n < r; n++) ~c(this.transports, t[n]) && e.push(t[n]);
                return e
        }).call(e, function () {
            return this
    }, function (t, e, n) {
        (function (t) {
            function r(e) {
                var n, r = !1, a = !1, c = !1 !== e.jsonp;
                if (t.location) {
                    var u = "https:" === location.protocol, p = location.port;
                    p || (p = u ? 443 : 80), r = e.hostname !== location.hostname || p !== e.port, a = !== u
                if (e.xdomain = r, e.xscheme = a, n = new o(e), "open" in n && !e.forceJSONP) return new i(e);
                if (!c) throw new Error("JSONP disabled");
                return new s(e)

            var o = n(16), i = n(18), s = n(33), a = n(34);
            e.polling = r, e.websocket = a
        }).call(e, function () {
            return this
    }, function (t, e, n) {
        (function (e) {
            var r = n(17);
            t.exports = function (t) {
                var n = t.xdomain, o = t.xscheme, i = t.enablesXDR;
                try {
                    if ("undefined" != typeof XMLHttpRequest && (!n || r)) return new XMLHttpRequest
                } catch (s) {
                try {
                    if ("undefined" != typeof XDomainRequest && !o && i) return new XDomainRequest
                } catch (s) {
                if (!n) try {
                    return new (e[["Active"].concat("Object").join("X")])("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
                } catch (s) {
        }).call(e, function () {
            return this
    }, function (t, e) {
        try {
            t.exports = "undefined" != typeof XMLHttpRequest && "withCredentials" in new XMLHttpRequest
        } catch (n) {
            t.exports = !1
    }, function (t, e, n) {
        (function (e) {
            function r() {

            function o(t) {
                if (, t), this.requestTimeout = t.requestTimeout, this.extraHeaders = t.extraHeaders, e.location) {
                    var n = "https:" === location.protocol, r = location.port;
                    r || (r = n ? 443 : 80), this.xd = t.hostname !== e.location.hostname || r !== t.port, this.xs = !== n

            function i(t) {
                this.method = t.method || "GET", this.uri = t.uri, this.xd = !!t.xd, this.xs = !!t.xs, this.async = !1 !== t.async, = void 0 !== ? : null, this.agent = t.agent, this.isBinary = t.isBinary, this.supportsBinary = t.supportsBinary, this.enablesXDR = t.enablesXDR, this.requestTimeout = t.requestTimeout, this.pfx = t.pfx, this.key = t.key, this.passphrase = t.passphrase, this.cert = t.cert, =, this.ciphers = t.ciphers, this.rejectUnauthorized = t.rejectUnauthorized, this.extraHeaders = t.extraHeaders, this.create()

            function s() {
                for (var t in i.requests) i.requests.hasOwnProperty(t) && i.requests[t].abort()

            var a = n(16), c = n(19), u = n(8), p = n(31), h = n(3)("");
            t.exports = o, t.exports.Request = i, p(o, c), o.prototype.supportsBinary = !0, o.prototype.request = function (t) {
                return t = t || {}, t.uri = this.uri(), t.xd = this.xd, t.xs = this.xs, t.agent = this.agent || !1, t.supportsBinary = this.supportsBinary, t.enablesXDR = this.enablesXDR, t.pfx = this.pfx, t.key = this.key, t.passphrase = this.passphrase, t.cert = this.cert, =, t.ciphers = this.ciphers, t.rejectUnauthorized = this.rejectUnauthorized, t.requestTimeout = this.requestTimeout, t.extraHeaders = this.extraHeaders, new i(t)
            }, o.prototype.doWrite = function (t, e) {
                var n = "string" != typeof t && void 0 !== t, r = this.request({method: "POST", data: t, isBinary: n}),
                    o = this;
                r.on("success", e), r.on("error", function (t) {
                    o.onError("xhr post error", t)
                }), this.sendXhr = r
            }, o.prototype.doPoll = function () {
                h("xhr poll");
                var t = this.request(), e = this;
                t.on("data", function (t) {
                }), t.on("error", function (t) {
                    e.onError("xhr poll error", t)
                }), this.pollXhr = t
            }, u(i.prototype), i.prototype.create = function () {
                var t = {agent: this.agent, xdomain: this.xd, xscheme: this.xs, enablesXDR: this.enablesXDR};
                t.pfx = this.pfx, t.key = this.key, t.passphrase = this.passphrase, t.cert = this.cert, =, t.ciphers = this.ciphers, t.rejectUnauthorized = this.rejectUnauthorized;
                var n = this.xhr = new a(t), r = this;
                try {
                    h("xhr open %s: %s", this.method, this.uri),, this.uri, this.async);
                    try {
                        if (this.extraHeaders) {
                            n.setDisableHeaderCheck && n.setDisableHeaderCheck(!0);
                            for (var o in this.extraHeaders) this.extraHeaders.hasOwnProperty(o) && n.setRequestHeader(o, this.extraHeaders[o])
                    } catch (s) {
                    if ("POST" === this.method) try {
                        this.isBinary ? n.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/octet-stream") : n.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "text/plain;charset=UTF-8")
                    } catch (s) {
                    try {
                        n.setRequestHeader("Accept", "*/*")
                    } catch (s) {
                    "withCredentials" in n && (n.withCredentials = !0), this.requestTimeout && (n.timeout = this.requestTimeout), this.hasXDR() ? (n.onload = function () {
                    }, n.onerror = function () {
                    }) : n.onreadystatechange = function () {
                        if (2 === n.readyState) try {
                            var t = n.getResponseHeader("Content-Type");
                            r.supportsBinary && "application/octet-stream" === t && (n.responseType = "arraybuffer")
                        } catch (e) {
                        4 === n.readyState && (200 === n.status || 1223 === n.status ? r.onLoad() : setTimeout(function () {
                        }, 0))
                    }, h("xhr data %s",, n.send(
                } catch (s) {
                    return void setTimeout(function () {
                    }, 0)
                e.document && (this.index = i.requestsCount++, i.requests[this.index] = this)
            }, i.prototype.onSuccess = function () {
                this.emit("success"), this.cleanup()
            }, i.prototype.onData = function (t) {
                this.emit("data", t), this.onSuccess()
            }, i.prototype.onError = function (t) {
                this.emit("error", t), this.cleanup(!0)
            }, i.prototype.cleanup = function (t) {
                if ("undefined" != typeof this.xhr && null !== this.xhr) {
                    if (this.hasXDR() ? this.xhr.onload = this.xhr.onerror = r : this.xhr.onreadystatechange = r, t) try {
                    } catch (n) {
                    e.document && delete i.requests[this.index], this.xhr = null
            }, i.prototype.onLoad = function () {
                var t;
                try {
                    var e;
                    try {
                        e = this.xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-Type")
                    } catch (n) {
                    t = "application/octet-stream" === e ? this.xhr.response || this.xhr.responseText : this.xhr.responseText
                } catch (n) {
                null != t && this.onData(t)
            }, i.prototype.hasXDR = function () {
                return "undefined" != typeof e.XDomainRequest && !this.xs && this.enablesXDR
            }, i.prototype.abort = function () {
            }, i.requestsCount = 0, i.requests = {}, e.document && (e.attachEvent ? e.attachEvent("onunload", s) : e.addEventListener && e.addEventListener("beforeunload", s, !1))
        }).call(e, function () {
            return this
    }, function (t, e, n) {
        function r(t) {
            var e = t && t.forceBase64;
            p && !e || (this.supportsBinary = !1),, t)

        var o = n(20), i = n(30), s = n(21), a = n(31), c = n(32), u = n(3)("");
        t.exports = r;
        var p = function () {
            var t = n(16), e = new t({xdomain: !1});
            return null != e.responseType
        a(r, o), = "polling", r.prototype.doOpen = function () {
        }, r.prototype.pause = function (t) {
            function e() {
                u("paused"), n.readyState = "paused", t()

            var n = this;
            if (this.readyState = "pausing", this.polling || !this.writable) {
                var r = 0;
                this.polling && (u("we are currently polling - waiting to pause"), r++, this.once("pollComplete", function () {
                    u("pre-pause polling complete"), --r || e()
                })), this.writable || (u("we are currently writing - waiting to pause"), r++, this.once("drain", function () {
                    u("pre-pause writing complete"), --r || e()
            } else e()
        }, r.prototype.poll = function () {
            u("polling"), this.polling = !0, this.doPoll(), this.emit("poll")
        }, r.prototype.onData = function (t) {
            var e = this;
            u("polling got data %s", t);
            var n = function (t, n, r) {
                return "opening" === e.readyState && e.onOpen(), "close" === t.type ? (e.onClose(), !1) : void e.onPacket(t)
            s.decodePayload(t, this.socket.binaryType, n), "closed" !== this.readyState && (this.polling = !1, this.emit("pollComplete"), "open" === this.readyState ? this.poll() : u('ignoring poll - transport state "%s"', this.readyState))
        }, r.prototype.doClose = function () {
            function t() {
                u("writing close packet"), e.write([{type: "close"}])

            var e = this;
            "open" === this.readyState ? (u("transport open - closing"), t()) : (u("transport not open - deferring close"), this.once("open", t))
        }, r.prototype.write = function (t) {
            var e = this;
            this.writable = !1;
            var n = function () {
                e.writable = !0, e.emit("drain")
            s.encodePayload(t, this.supportsBinary, function (t) {
                e.doWrite(t, n)
        }, r.prototype.uri = function () {
            var t = this.query || {}, e = ? "https" : "http", n = "";
            !1 !== this.timestampRequests && (t[this.timestampParam] = c()), this.supportsBinary || t.sid || (t.b64 = 1), t = i.encode(t), this.port && ("https" === e && 443 !== Number(this.port) || "http" === e && 80 !== Number(this.port)) && (n = ":" + this.port), t.length && (t = "?" + t);
            var r = this.hostname.indexOf(":") !== -1;
            return e + "://" + (r ? "[" + this.hostname + "]" : this.hostname) + n + this.path + t
    }, function (t, e, n) {
        function r(t) {
            this.path = t.path, this.hostname = t.hostname, this.port = t.port, =, this.query = t.query, this.timestampParam = t.timestampParam, this.timestampRequests = t.timestampRequests, this.readyState = "", this.agent = t.agent || !1, this.socket = t.socket, this.enablesXDR = t.enablesXDR, this.pfx = t.pfx, this.key = t.key, this.passphrase = t.passphrase, this.cert = t.cert, =, this.ciphers = t.ciphers, this.rejectUnauthorized = t.rejectUnauthorized, this.forceNode = t.forceNode, this.extraHeaders = t.extraHeaders, this.localAddress = t.localAddress

        var o = n(21), i = n(8);
        t.exports = r, i(r.prototype), r.prototype.onError = function (t, e) {
            var n = new Error(t);
            return n.type = "TransportError", n.description = e, this.emit("error", n), this
        }, = function () {
            return "closed" !== this.readyState && "" !== this.readyState || (this.readyState = "opening", this.doOpen()), this
        }, r.prototype.close = function () {
            return "opening" !== this.readyState && "open" !== this.readyState || (this.doClose(), this.onClose()), this
        }, r.prototype.send = function (t) {
            if ("open" !== this.readyState) throw new Error("Transport not open");
        }, r.prototype.onOpen = function () {
            this.readyState = "open", this.writable = !0, this.emit("open")
        }, r.prototype.onData = function (t) {
            var e = o.decodePacket(t, this.socket.binaryType);
        }, r.prototype.onPacket = function (t) {
            this.emit("packet", t)
        }, r.prototype.onClose = function () {
            this.readyState = "closed", this.emit("close")
    }, function (t, e, n) {
        (function (t) {
            function r(t, n) {
                var r = "b" + e.packets[t.type] +;
                return n(r)

            function o(t, n, r) {
                if (!n) return e.encodeBase64Packet(t, r);
                var o =, i = new Uint8Array(o), s = new Uint8Array(1 + o.byteLength);
                s[0] = v[t.type];
                for (var a = 0; a < i.length; a++) s[a + 1] = i[a];
                return r(s.buffer)

            function i(t, n, r) {
                if (!n) return e.encodeBase64Packet(t, r);
                var o = new FileReader;
                return o.onload = function () {
           = o.result, e.encodePacket(t, n, !0, r)
                }, o.readAsArrayBuffer(

            function s(t, n, r) {
                if (!n) return e.encodeBase64Packet(t, r);
                if (g) return i(t, n, r);
                var o = new Uint8Array(1);
                o[0] = v[t.type];
                var s = new k([o.buffer,]);
                return r(s)

            function a(t) {
                try {
                    t = d.decode(t, {strict: !1})
                } catch (e) {
                    return !1
                return t

            function c(t, e, n) {
                for (var r = new Array(t.length), o = l(t.length, n), i = function (t, n, o) {
                    e(n, function (e, n) {
                        r[t] = n, o(e, r)
                }, s = 0; s < t.length; s++) i(s, t[s], o)

            var u, p = n(22), h = n(23), f = n(24), l = n(25), d = n(26);
            t && t.ArrayBuffer && (u = n(28));
            var y = "undefined" != typeof navigator && /Android/i.test(navigator.userAgent),
                m = "undefined" != typeof navigator && /PhantomJS/i.test(navigator.userAgent), g = y || m;
            e.protocol = 3;
            var v = e.packets = {open: 0, close: 1, ping: 2, pong: 3, message: 4, upgrade: 5, noop: 6}, b = p(v),
                w = {type: "error", data: "parser error"}, k = n(29);
            e.encodePacket = function (e, n, i, a) {
                "function" == typeof n && (a = n, n = !1), "function" == typeof i && (a = i, i = null);
                var c = void 0 === ? void 0 : ||;
                if (t.ArrayBuffer && c instanceof ArrayBuffer) return o(e, n, a);
                if (k && c instanceof t.Blob) return s(e, n, a);
                if (c && c.base64) return r(e, a);
                var u = v[e.type];
                return void 0 !== && (u += i ? d.encode(String(, {strict: !1}) : String(, a("" + u)
            }, e.encodeBase64Packet = function (n, r) {
                var o = "b" + e.packets[n.type];
                if (k && instanceof t.Blob) {
                    var i = new FileReader;
                    return i.onload = function () {
                        var t = i.result.split(",")[1];
                        r(o + t)
                    }, i.readAsDataURL(
                var s;
                try {
                    s = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(
                } catch (a) {
                    for (var c = new Uint8Array(, u = new Array(c.length), p = 0; p < c.length; p++) u[p] = c[p];
                    s = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, u)
                return o += t.btoa(s), r(o)
            }, e.decodePacket = function (t, n, r) {
                if (void 0 === t) return w;
                if ("string" == typeof t) {
                    if ("b" === t.charAt(0)) return e.decodeBase64Packet(t.substr(1), n);
                    if (r && (t = a(t), t === !1)) return w;
                    var o = t.charAt(0);
                    return Number(o) == o && b[o] ? t.length > 1 ? {type: b[o], data: t.substring(1)} : {type: b[o]} : w
                var i = new Uint8Array(t), o = i[0], s = f(t, 1);
                return k && "blob" === n && (s = new k([s])), {type: b[o], data: s}
            }, e.decodeBase64Packet = function (t, e) {
                var n = b[t.charAt(0)];
                if (!u) return {type: n, data: {base64: !0, data: t.substr(1)}};
                var r = u.decode(t.substr(1));
                return "blob" === e && k && (r = new k([r])), {type: n, data: r}
            }, e.encodePayload = function (t, n, r) {
                function o(t) {
                    return t.length + ":" + t

                function i(t, r) {
                    e.encodePacket(t, !!s && n, !1, function (t) {
                        r(null, o(t))

                "function" == typeof n && (r = n, n = null);
                var s = h(t);
                return n && s ? k && !g ? e.encodePayloadAsBlob(t, r) : e.encodePayloadAsArrayBuffer(t, r) : t.length ? void c(t, i, function (t, e) {
                    return r(e.join(""))
                }) : r("0:")
            }, e.decodePayload = function (t, n, r) {
                if ("string" != typeof t) return e.decodePayloadAsBinary(t, n, r);
                "function" == typeof n && (r = n, n = null);
                var o;
                if ("" === t) return r(w, 0, 1);
                for (var i, s, a = "", c = 0, u = t.length; c < u; c++) {
                    var p = t.charAt(c);
                    if (":" === p) {
                        if ("" === a || a != (i = Number(a))) return r(w, 0, 1);
                        if (s = t.substr(c + 1, i), a != s.length) return r(w, 0, 1);
                        if (s.length) {
                            if (o = e.decodePacket(s, n, !1), w.type === o.type && === return r(w, 0, 1);
                            var h = r(o, c + i, u);
                            if (!1 === h) return
                        c += i, a = ""
                    } else a += p
                return "" !== a ? r(w, 0, 1) : void 0
            }, e.encodePayloadAsArrayBuffer = function (t, n) {
                function r(t, n) {
                    e.encodePacket(t, !0, !0, function (t) {
                        return n(null, t)

                return t.length ? void c(t, r, function (t, e) {
                    var r = e.reduce(function (t, e) {
                        var n;
                        return n = "string" == typeof e ? e.length : e.byteLength, t + n.toString().length + n + 2
                    }, 0), o = new Uint8Array(r), i = 0;
                    return e.forEach(function (t) {
                        var e = "string" == typeof t, n = t;
                        if (e) {
                            for (var r = new Uint8Array(t.length), s = 0; s < t.length; s++) r[s] = t.charCodeAt(s);
                            n = r.buffer
                        e ? o[i++] = 0 : o[i++] = 1;
                        for (var a = n.byteLength.toString(), s = 0; s < a.length; s++) o[i++] = parseInt(a[s]);
                        o[i++] = 255;
                        for (var r = new Uint8Array(n), s = 0; s < r.length; s++) o[i++] = r[s]
                    }), n(o.buffer)
                }) : n(new ArrayBuffer(0))
            }, e.encodePayloadAsBlob = function (t, n) {
                function r(t, n) {
                    e.encodePacket(t, !0, !0, function (t) {
                        var e = new Uint8Array(1);
                        if (e[0] = 1, "string" == typeof t) {
                            for (var r = new Uint8Array(t.length), o = 0; o < t.length; o++) r[o] = t.charCodeAt(o);
                            t = r.buffer, e[0] = 0
                        for (var i = t instanceof ArrayBuffer ? t.byteLength : t.size, s = i.toString(), a = new Uint8Array(s.length + 1), o = 0; o < s.length; o++) a[o] = parseInt(s[o]);
                        if (a[s.length] = 255, k) {
                            var c = new k([e.buffer, a.buffer, t]);
                            n(null, c)

                c(t, r, function (t, e) {
                    return n(new k(e))
            }, e.decodePayloadAsBinary = function (t, n, r) {
                "function" == typeof n && (r = n, n = null);
                for (var o = t, i = []; o.byteLength > 0;) {
                    for (var s = new Uint8Array(o), a = 0 === s[0], c = "", u = 1; 255 !== s[u]; u++) {
                        if (c.length > 310) return r(w, 0, 1);
                        c += s[u]
                    o = f(o, 2 + c.length), c = parseInt(c);
                    var p = f(o, 0, c);
                    if (a) try {
                        p = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(p))
                    } catch (h) {
                        var l = new Uint8Array(p);
                        p = "";
                        for (var u = 0; u < l.length; u++) p += String.fromCharCode(l[u])
                    i.push(p), o = f(o, c)
                var d = i.length;
                i.forEach(function (t, o) {
                    r(e.decodePacket(t, n, !0), o, d)
        }).call(e, function () {
            return this
    }, function (t, e) {
        t.exports = Object.keys || function (t) {
            var e = [], n = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
            for (var r in t), r) && e.push(r);
            return e
    }, function (t, e, n) {
        (function (e) {
            function r(t) {
                if (!t || "object" != typeof t) return !1;
                if (o(t)) {
                    for (var n = 0, i = t.length; n < i; n++) if (r(t[n])) return !0;
                    return !1
                if ("function" == typeof e.Buffer && e.Buffer.isBuffer && e.Buffer.isBuffer(t) || "function" == typeof e.ArrayBuffer && t instanceof ArrayBuffer || s && t instanceof Blob || a && t instanceof File) return !0;
                if (t.toJSON && "function" == typeof t.toJSON && 1 === arguments.length) return r(t.toJSON(), !0);
                for (var c in t) if (, c) && r(t[c])) return !0;
                return !1

            var o = n(10), i = Object.prototype.toString,
                s = "function" == typeof e.Blob || "[object BlobConstructor]" ===,
                a = "function" == typeof e.File || "[object FileConstructor]" ===;
            t.exports = r
        }).call(e, function () {
            return this
    }, function (t, e) {
        t.exports = function (t, e, n) {
            var r = t.byteLength;
            if (e = e || 0, n = n || r, t.slice) return t.slice(e, n);
            if (e < 0 && (e += r), n < 0 && (n += r), n > r && (n = r), e >= r || e >= n || 0 === r) return new ArrayBuffer(0);
            for (var o = new Uint8Array(t), i = new Uint8Array(n - e), s = e, a = 0; s < n; s++, a++) i[a] = o[s];
            return i.buffer
    }, function (t, e) {
        function n(t, e, n) {
            function o(t, r) {
                if (o.count <= 0) throw new Error("after called too many times");
                --o.count, t ? (i = !0, e(t), e = n) : 0 !== o.count || i || e(null, r)

            var i = !1;
            return n = n || r, o.count = t, 0 === t ? e() : o

        function r() {

        t.exports = n
    }, function (t, e, n) {
        var r;
        (function (t, o) {
            !function (i) {
                function s(t) {
                    for (var e, n, r = [], o = 0, i = t.length; o < i;) e = t.charCodeAt(o++), e >= 55296 && e <= 56319 && o < i ? (n = t.charCodeAt(o++), 56320 == (64512 & n) ? r.push(((1023 & e) << 10) + (1023 & n) + 65536) : (r.push(e), o--)) : r.push(e);
                    return r

                function a(t) {
                    for (var e, n = t.length, r = -1, o = ""; ++r < n;) e = t[r], e > 65535 && (e -= 65536, o += w(e >>> 10 & 1023 | 55296), e = 56320 | 1023 & e), o += w(e);
                    return o

                function c(t, e) {
                    if (t >= 55296 && t <= 57343) {
                        if (e) throw Error("Lone surrogate U+" + t.toString(16).toUpperCase() + " is not a scalar value");
                        return !1
                    return !0

                function u(t, e) {
                    return w(t >> e & 63 | 128)

                function p(t, e) {
                    if (0 == (4294967168 & t)) return w(t);
                    var n = "";
                    return 0 == (4294965248 & t) ? n = w(t >> 6 & 31 | 192) : 0 == (4294901760 & t) ? (c(t, e) || (t = 65533), n = w(t >> 12 & 15 | 224), n += u(t, 6)) : 0 == (4292870144 & t) && (n = w(t >> 18 & 7 | 240), n += u(t, 12), n += u(t, 6)), n += w(63 & t | 128)

                function h(t, e) {
                    e = e || {};
                    for (var n, r = !1 !== e.strict, o = s(t), i = o.length, a = -1, c = ""; ++a < i;) n = o[a], c += p(n, r);
                    return c

                function f() {
                    if (b >= v) throw Error("Invalid byte index");
                    var t = 255 & g[b];
                    if (b++, 128 == (192 & t)) return 63 & t;
                    throw Error("Invalid continuation byte")

                function l(t) {
                    var e, n, r, o, i;
                    if (b > v) throw Error("Invalid byte index");
                    if (b == v) return !1;
                    if (e = 255 & g[b], b++, 0 == (128 & e)) return e;
                    if (192 == (224 & e)) {
                        if (n = f(), i = (31 & e) << 6 | n, i >= 128) return i;
                        throw Error("Invalid continuation byte")
                    if (224 == (240 & e)) {
                        if (n = f(), r = f(), i = (15 & e) << 12 | n << 6 | r, i >= 2048) return c(i, t) ? i : 65533;
                        throw Error("Invalid continuation byte")
                    if (240 == (248 & e) && (n = f(), r = f(), o = f(), i = (7 & e) << 18 | n << 12 | r << 6 | o, i >= 65536 && i <= 1114111)) return i;
                    throw Error("Invalid UTF-8 detected")

                function d(t, e) {
                    e = e || {};
                    var n = !1 !== e.strict;
                    g = s(t), v = g.length, b = 0;
                    for (var r, o = []; (r = l(n)) !== !1;) o.push(r);
                    return a(o)

                var y = "object" == typeof e && e,
                    m = ("object" == typeof t && t && t.exports == y && t, "object" == typeof o && o);
       !== m && m.window !== m || (i = m);
                var g, v, b, w = String.fromCharCode, k = {version: "2.1.2", encode: h, decode: d};
                r = function () {
                    return k
                }.call(e, n, e, t), !(void 0 !== r && (t.exports = r))
        }).call(e, n(27)(t), function () {
            return this
    }, function (t, e) {
        t.exports = function (t) {
            return t.webpackPolyfill || (t.deprecate = function () {
            }, t.paths = [], t.children = [], t.webpackPolyfill = 1), t
    }, function (t, e) {
        !function () {
            "use strict";
            for (var t = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/", n = new Uint8Array(256), r = 0; r < t.length; r++) n[t.charCodeAt(r)] = r;
            e.encode = function (e) {
                var n, r = new Uint8Array(e), o = r.length, i = "";
                for (n = 0; n < o; n += 3) i += t[r[n] >> 2], i += t[(3 & r[n]) << 4 | r[n + 1] >> 4], i += t[(15 & r[n + 1]) << 2 | r[n + 2] >> 6], i += t[63 & r[n + 2]];
                return o % 3 === 2 ? i = i.substring(0, i.length - 1) + "=" : o % 3 === 1 && (i = i.substring(0, i.length - 2) + "=="), i
            }, e.decode = function (t) {
                var e, r, o, i, s, a = .75 * t.length, c = t.length, u = 0;
                "=" === t[t.length - 1] && (a--, "=" === t[t.length - 2] && a--);
                var p = new ArrayBuffer(a), h = new Uint8Array(p);
                for (e = 0; e < c; e += 4) r = n[t.charCodeAt(e)], o = n[t.charCodeAt(e + 1)], i = n[t.charCodeAt(e + 2)], s = n[t.charCodeAt(e + 3)], h[u++] = r << 2 | o >> 4, h[u++] = (15 & o) << 4 | i >> 2, h[u++] = (3 & i) << 6 | 63 & s;
                return p
    }, function (t, e) {
        (function (e) {
            function n(t) {
                for (var e = 0; e < t.length; e++) {
                    var n = t[e];
                    if (n.buffer instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
                        var r = n.buffer;
                        if (n.byteLength !== r.byteLength) {
                            var o = new Uint8Array(n.byteLength);
                            o.set(new Uint8Array(r, n.byteOffset, n.byteLength)), r = o.buffer
                        t[e] = r

            function r(t, e) {
                e = e || {};
                var r = new i;
                for (var o = 0; o < t.length; o++) r.append(t[o]);
                return e.type ? r.getBlob(e.type) : r.getBlob()

            function o(t, e) {
                return n(t), new Blob(t, e || {})

            var i = e.BlobBuilder || e.WebKitBlobBuilder || e.MSBlobBuilder || e.MozBlobBuilder, s = function () {
                try {
                    var t = new Blob(["hi"]);
                    return 2 === t.size
                } catch (e) {
                    return !1
            }(), a = s && function () {
                try {
                    var t = new Blob([new Uint8Array([1, 2])]);
                    return 2 === t.size
                } catch (e) {
                    return !1
            }(), c = i && i.prototype.append && i.prototype.getBlob;
            t.exports = function () {
                return s ? a ? e.Blob : o : c ? r : void 0
        }).call(e, function () {
            return this
    }, function (t, e) {
        e.encode = function (t) {
            var e = "";
            for (var n in t) t.hasOwnProperty(n) && (e.length && (e += "&"), e += encodeURIComponent(n) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(t[n]));
            return e
        }, e.decode = function (t) {
            for (var e = {}, n = t.split("&"), r = 0, o = n.length; r < o; r++) {
                var i = n[r].split("=");
                e[decodeURIComponent(i[0])] = decodeURIComponent(i[1])
            return e
    }, function (t, e) {
        t.exports = function (t, e) {
            var n = function () {
            n.prototype = e.prototype, t.prototype = new n, t.prototype.constructor = t
    }, function (t, e) {
        "use strict";

        function n(t) {
            var e = "";
            do e = s[t % a] + e, t = Math.floor(t / a); while (t > 0);
            return e

        function r(t) {
            var e = 0;
            for (p = 0; p < t.length; p++) e = e * a + c[t.charAt(p)];
            return e

        function o() {
            var t = n(+new Date);
            return t !== i ? (u = 0, i = t) : t + "." + n(u++)

        for (var i, s = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz-_".split(""), a = 64, c = {}, u = 0, p = 0; p < a; p++) c[s[p]] = p;
        o.encode = n, o.decode = r, t.exports = o
    }, function (t, e, n) {
        (function (e) {
            function r() {

            function o(t) {
      , t), this.query = this.query || {}, a || (e.___eio || (e.___eio = []), a = e.___eio), this.index = a.length;
                var n = this;
                a.push(function (t) {
                }), this.query.j = this.index, e.document && e.addEventListener && e.addEventListener("beforeunload", function () {
                    n.script && (n.script.onerror = r)
                }, !1)

            var i = n(19), s = n(31);
            t.exports = o;
            var a, c = /\n/g, u = /\\n/g;
            s(o, i), o.prototype.supportsBinary = !1, o.prototype.doClose = function () {
                this.script && (this.script.parentNode.removeChild(this.script), this.script = null), this.form && (this.form.parentNode.removeChild(this.form), this.form = null, this.iframe = null),
            }, o.prototype.doPoll = function () {
                var t = this, e = document.createElement("script");
                this.script && (this.script.parentNode.removeChild(this.script), this.script = null), e.async = !0, e.src = this.uri(), e.onerror = function (e) {
                    t.onError("jsonp poll error", e)
                var n = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];
                n ? n.parentNode.insertBefore(e, n) : (document.head || document.body).appendChild(e), this.script = e;
                var r = "undefined" != typeof navigator && /gecko/i.test(navigator.userAgent);
                r && setTimeout(function () {
                    var t = document.createElement("iframe");
                    document.body.appendChild(t), document.body.removeChild(t)
                }, 100)
            }, o.prototype.doWrite = function (t, e) {
                function n() {
                    r(), e()

                function r() {
                    if (o.iframe) try {
                    } catch (t) {
                        o.onError("jsonp polling iframe removal error", t)
                    try {
                        var e = '<iframe src="javascript:0" name="' + o.iframeId + '">';
                        i = document.createElement(e)
                    } catch (t) {
                        i = document.createElement("iframe"), = o.iframeId, i.src = "javascript:0"
           = o.iframeId, o.form.appendChild(i), o.iframe = i

                var o = this;
                if (!this.form) {
                    var i, s = document.createElement("form"), a = document.createElement("textarea"),
                        p = this.iframeId = "eio_iframe_" + this.index;
                    s.className = "socketio", = "absolute", = "-1000px", = "-1000px", = p, s.method = "POST", s.setAttribute("accept-charset", "utf-8"), = "d", s.appendChild(a), document.body.appendChild(s), this.form = s, this.area = a
                this.form.action = this.uri(), r(), t = t.replace(u, "\\\n"), this.area.value = t.replace(c, "\\n");
                try {
                } catch (h) {
                this.iframe.attachEvent ? this.iframe.onreadystatechange = function () {
                    "complete" === o.iframe.readyState && n()
                } : this.iframe.onload = n
        }).call(e, function () {
            return this
    }, function (t, e, n) {
        (function (e) {
            function r(t) {
                var e = t && t.forceBase64;
                e && (this.supportsBinary = !1), this.perMessageDeflate = t.perMessageDeflate, this.usingBrowserWebSocket = h && !t.forceNode, this.protocols = t.protocols, this.usingBrowserWebSocket || (l = o),, t)

            var o, i = n(20), s = n(21), a = n(30), c = n(31), u = n(32), p = n(3)(""),
                h = e.WebSocket || e.MozWebSocket;
            if ("undefined" == typeof window) try {
                o = n(35)
            } catch (f) {
            var l = h;
            l || "undefined" != typeof window || (l = o), t.exports = r, c(r, i), = "websocket", r.prototype.supportsBinary = !0, r.prototype.doOpen = function () {
                if (this.check()) {
                    var t = this.uri(), e = this.protocols,
                        n = {agent: this.agent, perMessageDeflate: this.perMessageDeflate};
                    n.pfx = this.pfx, n.key = this.key, n.passphrase = this.passphrase, n.cert = this.cert, =, n.ciphers = this.ciphers, n.rejectUnauthorized = this.rejectUnauthorized, this.extraHeaders && (n.headers = this.extraHeaders), this.localAddress && (n.localAddress = this.localAddress);
                    try {
               = this.usingBrowserWebSocket ? e ? new l(t, e) : new l(t) : new l(t, e, n)
                    } catch (r) {
                        return this.emit("error", r)
                    void 0 === && (this.supportsBinary = !1), && ? (this.supportsBinary = !0, = "nodebuffer") : = "arraybuffer", this.addEventListeners()
            }, r.prototype.addEventListeners = function () {
                var t = this;
       = function () {
                }, = function () {
                }, = function (e) {
                }, = function (e) {
                    t.onError("websocket error", e)
            }, r.prototype.write = function (t) {
                function n() {
                    r.emit("flush"), setTimeout(function () {
                        r.writable = !0, r.emit("drain")
                    }, 0)

                var r = this;
                this.writable = !1;
                for (var o = t.length, i = 0, a = o; i < a; i++) !function (t) {
                    s.encodePacket(t, r.supportsBinary, function (i) {
                        if (!r.usingBrowserWebSocket) {
                            var s = {};
                            if (t.options && (s.compress = t.options.compress), r.perMessageDeflate) {
                                var a = "string" == typeof i ? e.Buffer.byteLength(i) : i.length;
                                a < r.perMessageDeflate.threshold && (s.compress = !1)
                        try {
                            r.usingBrowserWebSocket ? :, s)
                        } catch (c) {
                            p("websocket closed before onclose event")
                        --o || n()
            }, r.prototype.onClose = function () {
            }, r.prototype.doClose = function () {
                "undefined" != typeof &&
            }, r.prototype.uri = function () {
                var t = this.query || {}, e = ? "wss" : "ws", n = "";
                this.port && ("wss" === e && 443 !== Number(this.port) || "ws" === e && 80 !== Number(this.port)) && (n = ":" + this.port), this.timestampRequests && (t[this.timestampParam] = u()), this.supportsBinary || (t.b64 = 1), t = a.encode(t), t.length && (t = "?" + t);
                var r = this.hostname.indexOf(":") !== -1;
                return e + "://" + (r ? "[" + this.hostname + "]" : this.hostname) + n + this.path + t
            }, r.prototype.check = function () {
                return !(!l || "__initialize" in l && ===
        }).call(e, function () {
            return this
    }, function (t, e) {
    }, function (t, e) {
        var n = [].indexOf;
        t.exports = function (t, e) {
            if (n) return t.indexOf(e);
            for (var r = 0; r < t.length; ++r) if (t[r] === e) return r;
            return -1
    }, function (t, e, n) {
        "use strict";

        function r(t, e, n) {
   = t, this.nsp = e, this.json = this, this.ids = 0, this.acks = {}, this.receiveBuffer = [], this.sendBuffer = [], this.connected = !1, this.disconnected = !0, this.flags = {}, n && n.query && (this.query = n.query), &&

        var o = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (t) {
                return typeof t
            } : function (t) {
                return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t
            }, i = n(7), s = n(8), a = n(38), c = n(39), u = n(40), p = n(3)(""), h = n(30),
            f = n(23);
        t.exports = e = r;
        var l = {
            connect: 1,
            connect_error: 1,
            connect_timeout: 1,
            connecting: 1,
            disconnect: 1,
            error: 1,
            reconnect: 1,
            reconnect_attempt: 1,
            reconnect_failed: 1,
            reconnect_error: 1,
            reconnecting: 1,
            ping: 1,
            pong: 1
        }, d = s.prototype.emit;
        s(r.prototype), r.prototype.subEvents = function () {
            if (!this.subs) {
                var t =;
                this.subs = [c(t, "open", u(this, "onopen")), c(t, "packet", u(this, "onpacket")), c(t, "close", u(this, "onclose"))]
        }, = r.prototype.connect = function () {
            return this.connected ? this : (this.subEvents(),, "open" === && this.onopen(), this.emit("connecting"), this)
        }, r.prototype.send = function () {
            var t = a(arguments);
            return t.unshift("message"), this.emit.apply(this, t), this
        }, r.prototype.emit = function (t) {
            if (l.hasOwnProperty(t)) return d.apply(this, arguments), this;
            var e = a(arguments), n = {
                type: (void 0 !== this.flags.binary ? this.flags.binary : f(e)) ? i.BINARY_EVENT : i.EVENT,
                data: e
            return n.options = {}, n.options.compress = !this.flags || !1 !== this.flags.compress, "function" == typeof e[e.length - 1] && (p("emitting packet with ack id %d", this.ids), this.acks[this.ids] = e.pop(), = this.ids++), this.connected ? this.packet(n) : this.sendBuffer.push(n), this.flags = {}, this
        }, r.prototype.packet = function (t) {
            t.nsp = this.nsp,
        }, r.prototype.onopen = function () {
            if (p("transport is open - connecting"), "/" !== this.nsp) if (this.query) {
                var t = "object" === o(this.query) ? h.encode(this.query) : this.query;
                p("sending connect packet with query %s", t), this.packet({type: i.CONNECT, query: t})
            } else this.packet({type: i.CONNECT})
        }, r.prototype.onclose = function (t) {
            p("close (%s)", t), this.connected = !1, this.disconnected = !0, delete, this.emit("disconnect", t)
        }, r.prototype.onpacket = function (t) {
            var e = t.nsp === this.nsp, n = t.type === i.ERROR && "/" === t.nsp;
            if (e || n) switch (t.type) {
                case i.CONNECT:
                case i.EVENT:
                case i.BINARY_EVENT:
                case i.ACK:
                case i.BINARY_ACK:
                case i.DISCONNECT:
                case i.ERROR:
        }, r.prototype.onevent = function (t) {
            var e = || [];
            p("emitting event %j", e), null != && (p("attaching ack callback to event"), e.push(this.ack(, this.connected ? d.apply(this, e) : this.receiveBuffer.push(e)
        }, r.prototype.ack = function (t) {
            var e = this, n = !1;
            return function () {
                if (!n) {
                    n = !0;
                    var r = a(arguments);
                    p("sending ack %j", r), e.packet({type: f(r) ? i.BINARY_ACK : i.ACK, id: t, data: r})
        }, r.prototype.onack = function (t) {
            var e = this.acks[];
            "function" == typeof e ? (p("calling ack %s with %j",,, e.apply(this,, delete this.acks[]) : p("bad ack %s",
        }, r.prototype.onconnect = function () {
            this.connected = !0, this.disconnected = !1, this.emit("connect"), this.emitBuffered()
        }, r.prototype.emitBuffered = function () {
            var t;
            for (t = 0; t < this.receiveBuffer.length; t++) d.apply(this, this.receiveBuffer[t]);
            for (this.receiveBuffer = [], t = 0; t < this.sendBuffer.length; t++) this.packet(this.sendBuffer[t]);
            this.sendBuffer = []
        }, r.prototype.ondisconnect = function () {
            p("server disconnect (%s)", this.nsp), this.destroy(), this.onclose("io server disconnect")
        }, r.prototype.destroy = function () {
            if (this.subs) {
                for (var t = 0; t < this.subs.length; t++) this.subs[t].destroy();
                this.subs = null
        }, r.prototype.close = r.prototype.disconnect = function () {
            return this.connected && (p("performing disconnect (%s)", this.nsp), this.packet({type: i.DISCONNECT})), this.destroy(), this.connected && this.onclose("io client disconnect"), this
        }, r.prototype.compress = function (t) {
            return this.flags.compress = t, this
        }, r.prototype.binary = function (t) {
            return this.flags.binary = t, this
    }, function (t, e) {
        function n(t, e) {
            var n = [];
            e = e || 0;
            for (var r = e || 0; r < t.length; r++) n[r - e] = t[r];
            return n

        t.exports = n
    }, function (t, e) {
        "use strict";

        function n(t, e, n) {
            return t.on(e, n), {
                destroy: function () {
                    t.removeListener(e, n)

        t.exports = n
    }, function (t, e) {
        var n = [].slice;
        t.exports = function (t, e) {
            if ("string" == typeof e && (e = t[e]), "function" != typeof e) throw new Error("bind() requires a function");
            var r =, 2);
            return function () {
                return e.apply(t, r.concat(
    }, function (t, e) {
        function n(t) {
            t = t || {}, = t.min || 100, this.max = t.max || 1e4, this.factor = t.factor || 2, this.jitter = t.jitter > 0 && t.jitter <= 1 ? t.jitter : 0, this.attempts = 0

        t.exports = n, n.prototype.duration = function () {
            var t = * Math.pow(this.factor, this.attempts++);
            if (this.jitter) {
                var e = Math.random(), n = Math.floor(e * this.jitter * t);
                t = 0 == (1 & Math.floor(10 * e)) ? t - n : t + n
            return 0 | Math.min(t, this.max)
        }, n.prototype.reset = function () {
            this.attempts = 0
        }, n.prototype.setMin = function (t) {
   = t
        }, n.prototype.setMax = function (t) {
            this.max = t
        }, n.prototype.setJitter = function (t) {
            this.jitter = t
CLIENT = client(config);