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// ==UserScript== // @name MelonToon - AssistAddon // @name:zh-CN 西瓜卡通 - 辅助播放插件 // @namespace // @version 0.2 // @description 支持无刷新切换章节,在[我的收藏]里显示最后播放章节、进度、最新章节、播放排序。 // @author 神梦无痕 // @match* // @match* // @match* // @icon // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; // 播放历史列表的键名 var historyKey = 'playHistory'; // 播放历史列表的先后顺序 var OrderKey = 'orderHistory'; // 当前播放的视频信息 window.G_currentVideo = { title: null, url: null, curTime: null, durTime: null }; window.setLocalStorage = GM_setValue; window.getLocalStorage = GM_getValue; var path = window.location.pathname; console.log(path); if(path === '/user/bookshelf'){ userBookshelf(); }else if(path.split('/')[1] === 'video' || path.split('/')[1] === 'user' ){ inlineVideoSourceSwitch(); }else if(path === '/player.htm'){ pframePlayer(); } // 从 GM_getValue 获取播放历史 function getPlayHistory(dramaTitle) { var history = GM_getValue(historyKey, "{}"); history = JSON.parse(history); if(!history[dramaTitle]){ history[dramaTitle] = {}; } return history; } // 将播放历史保存到 GM_setValue function savePlayHistory(dramaTitle, video) { var history = getPlayHistory(dramaTitle); if(video.title) history[dramaTitle].title = video.title; if(video.url) history[dramaTitle].url = video.url; if(video.curTime) history[dramaTitle].curTime = video.curTime; if(video.durTime) history[dramaTitle].durTime = video.durTime; GM_setValue(historyKey, JSON.stringify(history)); console.log(GM_getValue(historyKey, '')); } // 将秒转化为时间格式 function formatTime(seconds) { seconds = Math.floor(seconds); const hours = Math.floor(seconds / 3600); const minutes = Math.floor((seconds % 3600) / 60); const remainingSeconds = seconds % 60; const formattedHours = hours > 0 ? `${hours.toString().padStart(2, '0')}:` : ''; const formattedMinutes = minutes.toString().padStart(2, '0'); const formattedSeconds = remainingSeconds.toString().padStart(2, '0'); return `${formattedHours}${formattedMinutes}:${formattedSeconds}`; } // 格式化为百分号 function formatAsPercentage(decimal, minimumFractionDigits = 0, maximumFractionDigits = 0) { var formatter = new Intl.NumberFormat('en-US', { style: 'percent', minimumFractionDigits: minimumFractionDigits, maximumFractionDigits: maximumFractionDigits }); return formatter.format(decimal); } function pframePlayer(){ // 页面关闭前保存当前视频到播放历史 window.addEventListener('beforeunload', function() { window.G_currentVideo.curTime = elevideo.currentTime; savePlayHistoryTime(window.G_currentVideo); GM_setValue(getVid() + '_curTime', elevideo.currentTime); }); // 页面窗口前保存当前视频到播放历史 window.addEventListener('unload', function() { window.G_currentVideo.curTime = elevideo.currentTime; savePlayHistoryTime(window.G_currentVideo); GM_setValue(getVid() + '_curTime', elevideo.currentTime); }); var elevideo = document.querySelector("#video_frame"); elevideo.addEventListener('progress', function (e) { // 客户端正在请求数据 // console.log('客户端正在请求数据:', elevideo.buffered.end(0)); }); elevideo.addEventListener('loadedmetadata', function () { //成功获取资源长度 //视频的总长度 console.log('视频的总长度:' + elevideo.duration); window.G_currentVideo.durTime = elevideo.duration; savePlayHistoryTime(window.G_currentVideo); // 设置历史播放进度 var curTime = Number(GM_getValue(getVid() + '_curTime', 0)); elevideo.currentTime = curTime; console.log('设置历史播放进度:' + curTime);; }); elevideo.addEventListener('play', function () { //播放开始执行的函数 console.log("开始播放"); }); elevideo.addEventListener('playing', function () { //播放中 console.log("播放中"); }); elevideo.addEventListener('waiting', function () { //加载 console.log("加载中"); }); elevideo.addEventListener('pause', function () { //暂停开始执行的函数 console.log("暂停播放", elevideo.currentTime); GM_setValue(getVid() + '_curTime', elevideo.currentTime); }); elevideo.addEventListener('ended', function () { //结束 console.log("播放结束"); GM_setValue(getVid() + '_curTime', 0); }, false); function getVid(){ var params = new URLSearchParams(; return params.get('vid'); } function getDramaTitle(){ return GM_getValue(getVid()); } function savePlayHistoryTime(video){ savePlayHistory(getDramaTitle(), video) } } function userBookshelf(){ var OrderList = JSON.parse(GM_getValue(OrderKey, "[]")); var bookshelfList = []; var bookshelfItems = document.querySelectorAll("#layout > div.bookshelf.container .bookshelf-item"); bookshelfItems.forEach(function(book) { var bookshelf = book.querySelector("div.bookshelf-item-info > div > a"); var btns = book.querySelector(".btns"); var lastChapter = book.querySelector(".last-chapter"); var btnBase = book.querySelector(".btn-base"); var btnBase_span = btnBase.querySelector("span"); // 获取动画名 var bookTitle = bookshelf.textContent || bookshelf.innerText; // 按最近播放时间排序 var index = OrderList.indexOf(bookTitle) if(index > -1){ bookshelfList[index] = book; } // 获取动画URL var detailURL = bookshelf.href; var newVolume = getDetailUpdate(detailURL, btns); // 获取历史播放记录 var history = GM_getValue(historyKey, '{}'); history = JSON.parse(history); var history_book = history[bookTitle]; if(history_book){ var chapterTitle = history_book.title; var btnBaseURL = history_book.url; var seconds = history_book.curTime || 0; var duration = history_book.durTime; var progress = ""; // 计算播放进度 if(duration){ progress = "(" + formatAsPercentage(seconds / duration) + ")"; } // 修改最后播放标题 if(chapterTitle){ lastChapter.innerHTML = '上次看到: ' + chapterTitle + progress; } // 修改最后播放链接 if(btnBaseURL){ btnBase.href = btnBaseURL; } } }); // 调整元素顺序 // 设置 order 为 -1 可以使其排到第一位 bookshelfList.forEach(function(ele) { = -1; }); } function getDetailUpdate(URL, btns){ // 创建XHR请求 var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', URL, true); xhr.responseType = 'document'; // XHR请求完成后的处理 xhr.onload = function() { if (xhr.status === 200) { // 判断更新状态 var newStatus = "最近更新" var newStatusEle = xhr.response.querySelector(".detail-sider > div:has(+ .desk-ad) > div:last-child"); if (newStatusEle) { var newStatusText = newStatusEle.textContent || newStatusEle.innerText; if(^全\d+话,/) === 0){ newStatus = "全本完结"; } } // 请求成功,获取最新话元素 var newVolumeEle = xhr.response.querySelector(".detail-right__volumes > .row > div:last-child > a"); if (newVolumeEle) { // 返回当前页面的最新话 newVolumeEle.className = ''; var newVolume = newVolumeEle.outerHTML; btns.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', `<div class="new-chapter text-truncate" style="color: var(--color-primary); padding: 6px 0;" data-v-2c578c40="">`+ newStatus +`: ` + newVolume +`</div>`); } else { console.log('No volume-title found in the response.'); } } else { console.log('Request failed. Returned status of ' + xhr.status); } }; // 发送XHR请求 xhr.send(); } function inlineVideoSourceSwitch(){ // 获取当前的剧名 window.G_dramaTitle = ''; var breadcrumbItem = document.querySelector("nav > ol > a.breadcrumb-item:nth-child(3)") if(breadcrumbItem){ window.G_dramaTitle = breadcrumbItem.textContent || breadcrumbItem.innerText; } // 关联剧名和vid var src = document.querySelector('iframe')?.src; var search = src.split('?')[1]; var params = new URLSearchParams(search); var vid = params.get('vid'); GM_setValue(vid, window.G_dramaTitle); // 更新播放列表顺序 var OrderList = JSON.parse(GM_getValue(OrderKey, "[]")); OrderList = OrderList.filter(item => item !== window.G_dramaTitle); OrderList.push(window.G_dramaTitle); GM_setValue(OrderKey, JSON.stringify(OrderList)); // 保存当前页面视频信息 var aActive = document.querySelector('#video-volumes-items'); if(aActive){ // 父组件滚动法,滚动到 active 元素位置 var activeParent = aActive.parentElement; document.querySelector("#video-volumes-items").scrollTo(0, activeParent.offsetTop - activeParent.offsetHeight); // 获取a标签的href属性和文本内容(标题) var href = aActive.getAttribute('href'); var aActiveTitle = aActive.querySelector('.title'); var title = aActiveTitle.textContent || aActiveTitle.innerText; // 更新当前视频信息 window.G_currentVideo = { title: title, url: href }; savePlayHistory(window.G_dramaTitle, window.G_currentVideo); } // 获取#video-volumes-items元素下的所有a标签 var videoVolumeItems = document.querySelectorAll('#video-volumes-items a'); // 页面关闭前保存当前视频到播放历史 window.addEventListener('beforeunload', function() { if (window.G_dramaTitle && window.G_currentVideo.title && window.G_currentVideo.url) { savePlayHistory(window.G_dramaTitle, window.G_currentVideo); } }); // 页面窗口前保存当前视频到播放历史 window.addEventListener('unload', function() { if (window.G_dramaTitle && window.G_currentVideo.title && window.G_currentVideo.url) { savePlayHistory(window.G_dramaTitle, window.G_currentVideo); } }); // 为每个a标签添加点击事件监听器 videoVolumeItems.forEach(function(item) { item.addEventListener('click', function(event) { // 阻止a标签的默认点击行为 event.preventDefault(); // 移除所有a标签的active类 videoVolumeItems.forEach(function(el) { el.classList.remove('active'); }); // 给当前点击的a标签添加active类 item.classList.add('active'); // 获取a标签的href属性和文本内容(标题) var href = item.getAttribute('href'); var item_title = item.querySelector('.title'); var title = item_title.textContent || item_title.innerText; // 更新当前视频信息 window.G_currentVideo = { title: title, url: href }; savePlayHistory(window.G_dramaTitle, window.G_currentVideo); // 创建XHR请求 var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', href, true); xhr.responseType = 'document'; // XHR请求完成后的处理 xhr.onload = function() { if (xhr.status === 200) { // 请求成功,获取iframe元素 var iframeSrc = xhr.response.querySelector('iframe')?.src; if (iframeSrc) { // 找到当前页面的iframe元素 var currentIframe = document.querySelector('iframe'); if (currentIframe) { // 替换当前页面iframe的src属性 currentIframe.src = iframeSrc; } else { console.log('No iframe found on the current page to replace src.'); } } else { console.log('No iframe found in the response.'); } } else { console.log('Request failed. Returned status of ' + xhr.status); } }; // 发送XHR请求 xhr.send(); }); }); } })();