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// ==UserScript== // @name BTN Sonarr Integration // @namespace // @description The BTN <-> Sonarr Integration we always wanted // @updateURL // @version 1.0.1 // @author SB100 // @copyright 2025, SB100 ( // @license MIT // @match* // @grant GM.xmlHttpRequest // @grant GM.getValue // @grant GM.setValue // @grant GM.registerMenuCommand // @connect // ==/UserScript== // ==OpenUserJS== // @author SB100 // ==/OpenUserJS== /* jshint esversion: 11 */ /** * ============================= * ADVANCED OPTIONS * ============================= */ // show debug logs in the browser console const SETTING_DEBUG = false; // how long to cache sonarr existing series for // default = 1000 * 60 * 10 = 10 minutes const SETTING_CACHE_TIME = 1000 * 60 * 10; /** * ============================= * END ADVANCED OPTIONS * DO NOT MODIFY BELOW THIS LINE * ============================= */ // ================================= Basics /** * Try parsing a string into JSON, otherwise fallback */ function JsonParseWithDefault(s, fallback = null) { try { return JSON.parse(s); } catch (e) { return fallback; } } /** * Print a debug message, if enabled */ function debug(strOrStrArray) { if (!SETTING_DEBUG) return; // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log( `[BTN Sonarr Integration] ${ Array.isArray(strOrStrArray) ? strOrStrArray.join(' - ') : strOrStrArray }` ); } // ================================= Config /** * Get a config value from the GM cache */ async function getConfig(key, fallback = '') { return GM.getValue(key, fallback); } /** * Set a config value into the GM cache */ async function setConfig(key, value) { await GM.setValue(key, value); } /** * Get all settings stored in localStorage for this script */ function getSettings() { const settings = window.localStorage.getItem('sonarrIntegrationSettings'); // eslint-disable-next-line no-use-before-define return JsonParseWithDefault(settings || {}, {}); } /** * Set a setting into localStorage for this script */ function setSetting(name, value) { const json = getSettings(); json[name] = value; window.localStorage.setItem( 'sonarrIntegrationSettings', JSON.stringify(json) ); } /** * Set a sonarr bar setting into the settings localStorage object */ function setSonarrBarSetting(type, value) { const existingSettings = getSettings().sonarrBar || {}; const newSettings = { ...existingSettings, [type]: value }; setSetting('sonarrBar', newSettings); } // ================================= Query /** * Query the sonarr api */ async function query(url, method = 'get', params = {}, sonarrApiKey = null) { let resolver; let rejecter; const p = new Promise((resolveFn, rejectFn) => { resolver = resolveFn; rejecter = rejectFn; }); const clonedUrl = new URL(url); const obj = { method, timeout: 60000, onloadstart: () => {}, onload: (response) => resolver(response), onerror: (response) => rejecter(response), ontimeout: (response) => rejecter(response), }; if (method === 'post') { const headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }; if (sonarrApiKey) { = new URLSearchParams({ apikey: sonarrApiKey, }).toString(); } const final = Object.assign(obj, { url: clonedUrl.toString(), headers, data: JSON.stringify(params), }); GM.xmlHttpRequest(final); } else { const newParams = sonarrApiKey ? { ...params, apikey: sonarrApiKey } : params; = new URLSearchParams(newParams).toString(); const final = Object.assign(obj, { url: clonedUrl.toString(), }); GM.xmlHttpRequest(final); } return p; } /** * Get request to Sonarr API. Parse results */ async function sonarrGet(path, params = {}) { const sonarrUrl = (await getConfig('host')).replace(/\/$/, ''); const apiKey = await getConfig('key'); const url = `${sonarrUrl}/api/v3`; return query(new URL(`${url}${path}`), 'get', params, apiKey).then( (response) => JSON.parse(response.responseText) ); } /** * Post request to Sonarr API. Parse results */ async function sonarrPost(path, params = {}) { const sonarrUrl = (await getConfig('host')).replace(/\/$/, ''); const apiKey = await getConfig('key'); const url = `${sonarrUrl}/api/v3`; return query(new URL(`${url}${path}`), 'post', params, apiKey).then( (response) => JSON.parse(response.responseText) ); } /** * Either parse the tvdb id from the url, or query the page for it */ async function tvdbGetIdFromUrl(tvdbUrl) { const url = new URL(tvdbUrl); // for format: if (url.searchParams.get('id') !== null) { return url.searchParams.get('id'); } // for format: return query(url).then((response) => { const parser = new DOMParser(); const html = parser.parseFromString(response.responseText, 'text/html'); return ( html.querySelector('#series_basic_info li span')?.textContent ?? null ); }); } /** * Get existing tvdb ids from sonarr, and cache for the appropriate time */ async function getExistingSonarrTvdbIds() { try { const { sonarrTvdbIds, lastUpdated } = getSettings(); if ( !lastUpdated || new Date().getTime() > lastUpdated + SETTING_CACHE_TIME ) { const hasSuccessfulConnection = await getConfig( 'hasSuccessfulConnection', false ); if (!hasSuccessfulConnection) { return []; } const allSeries = await sonarrGet('/series'); const tvdbIds = allSeries.reduce((result, series) => { // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign result[series.tvdbId] = series.titleSlug; return result; }, {}); setSetting('lastUpdated', new Date().getTime()); setSetting('sonarrTvdbIds', tvdbIds); return tvdbIds; } return sonarrTvdbIds; } catch (e) { await setConfig('hasSuccessfulConnection', false); // TODO update for sonarr // const sonarrBar = document.querySelector('.btn-sonarr__bar'); // sonarrBar.dataset.isLoaded = '0'; // debug([`Couldn't get existing IMDb IDs from Radarr`, e.message]); return []; } } /** * Get the data needed to populate the sonarr bar */ async function getDataForSonarrBar() { try { const [rootFolders, qualityProfiles, tags] = await Promise.all([ sonarrGet('/rootfolder'), sonarrGet('/qualityprofile'), sonarrGet('/tag'), ]); return { rootFolders, qualityProfiles, tags, }; } catch (e) { debug([`Couldn't connect to Sonarr`, e.message]); return { error: true, }; } } // ================================= Helpers /** * Tries to get the theme the user is using */ function getTheme() { const linkTags = Array.from( document.querySelectorAll('link[rel="stylesheet"]') ); for (let i = 0, len = linkTags.length; i < len; i += 1) { const tag = linkTags[i]; if (tag.href.includes('btn-future.css')) { return 'btn-future'; } } return 'default'; } /** * Get the BTN series id from the url */ function getBtnSeriesIdFromUrl() { if (window.location.pathname !== '/series.php') { debug( `Could not find BTN series ID from URL: "${window.location.toString()}"` ); return null; } const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(; return urlParams.get('id') ?? null; } /** * Get a tvdb id from the BTN id that has been saved in settings */ function getTvdbIdFromBtnId(btnId) { const { btnToTvdbMap = {} } = getSettings(); return btnToTvdbMap[btnId]; } /** * Save a BTN -> tvdb Id mapping */ function setTvdbIdForBtnId(btnId, tvdbId) { const { btnToTvdbMap = {} } = getSettings(); btnToTvdbMap[btnId] = tvdbId; setSetting('btnToTvdbMap', btnToTvdbMap); } /** * Get the tvdb url from the BTN series page */ function getTvdbUrlFromBtnSeriesPage() { if (window.location.pathname !== '/series.php') { debug(`Could not find tvdb URL from URL: "${window.location.toString()}"`); return null; } const a = document.querySelector( '[href*=""], [href*=""]' ); return a?.href ?? null; } /** * All encompassing function to find the tvdb id from a BTN series page */ async function getTvdbId() { const btnId = getBtnSeriesIdFromUrl(); const maybeLocalTvdbId = getTvdbIdFromBtnId(btnId); if (maybeLocalTvdbId) { debug(`tvdb ID exists locally [BTN: ${btnId}] [tvdb: ${maybeLocalTvdbId}]`); return maybeLocalTvdbId; } const tvdbUrl = getTvdbUrlFromBtnSeriesPage(); if (!tvdbUrl) { debug( `Could not obtain tvdb URL from BTN series page: "${window.location.toString()}"` ); return null; } const maybeRemoteTvdbId = await tvdbGetIdFromUrl(tvdbUrl); const asInt = Number.parseInt(maybeRemoteTvdbId, 10); if (Number.isNaN(asInt)) { debug( `Could not obtain tvdb ID from remote for URL: "${window.location.toString()}"` ); return null; } debug(`tvdb ID obtained remotely [BTN: ${btnId}] [tvdb: ${asInt}]`); setTvdbIdForBtnId(btnId, asInt); return asInt; } // ================================= Event Handlers /** * Force Sonarr Bar to show if the state of a checkbox is changed */ function handleCheckboxChange() { const sonarrBar = document.querySelector('.btn-sonarr__bar'); const allCheckboxes = Array.from( document.querySelectorAll('.btn-sonarr__checkbox') ); if (allCheckboxes.some((checkbox) => checkbox.checked)) { if (!sonarrBar.classList.contains('btn-sonarr__bar--showing')) { sonarrBar.classList.add('btn-sonarr__bar--showing'); } // if it hasn't been already, add dropdowns to the sonarr bar // eslint-disable-next-line no-use-before-define populateSonarrBar(sonarrBar); } else if (sonarrBar.classList.contains('btn-sonarr__bar--showing')) { sonarrBar.classList.remove('btn-sonarr__bar--showing'); } } /** * Close the Multiselect options if we have it open, and we click outside of it on the sonarr bar */ function handleSonarrBarClick(event) { const multiSelectOptions = document.querySelector('.multi-select__options'); // if options is opened, and we click outside the multi-select, close options if ( multiSelectOptions && multiSelectOptions.classList.contains('multi-select__options--opened') ) { const targetSelector = '.multi-select'; let { target } = event; while (target && target.matches('.btn-sonarr__bar') === false) { if (target.matches(targetSelector)) { return; } target = target.parentNode; } multiSelectOptions.classList.remove('multi-select__options--opened'); } } /** * Add the series to sonarr with the selected options */ async function handleSonarrBarSubmit(event) { event.preventDefault(); const addSeriesButton = document.getElementById('btn-sonarr__bar-submit'); // if errored, and form is submitted, reset the form if ( === '1') { // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign = '0'; addSeriesButton.value = 'Add Series'; return; } // disable the button addSeriesButton.value = 'Processing …'; addSeriesButton.disabled = true; // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign = '1'; // get the form data const sonarrBarFormData = Object.fromEntries( Array.from(new FormData( ); try { const tvdbId = parseInt( document.querySelector('.btn-sonarr__checkbox:checked')?.value, 10 ); if (Number.isNaN(tvdbId)) { addSeriesButton.disabled = false; addSeriesButton.value = 'Nothing selected'; return; } const tagIds = Array.from( document.querySelectorAll('.multi-select__option-checkbox:checked') ).map((c) => parseInt(c.value, 10)); const seriesInfos = await sonarrGet('/series/lookup', { term: `tvdb:${tvdbId}`, }); if (!Array.isArray(seriesInfos) || seriesInfos.length !== 1) { addSeriesButton.disabled = false; addSeriesButton.value = 'Invalid TVDb info'; return; } const addBody = { ...seriesInfos[0], alternateTitles: [], addOptions: { ignoreEpisodesWithFiles: false, ignoreEpisodesWithoutFiles: false, searchForCutoffUnmetEpisodes: sonarrBarFormData.searchCutoffUnmetEpisodes === 'on', searchForMissingEpisodes: sonarrBarFormData.searchMissingEpisodes === 'on', monitor: sonarrBarFormData.monitor, }, monitored: sonarrBarFormData.monitor !== 'none', tags: tagIds, rootFolderPath: sonarrBarFormData.rootFolderPath, qualityProfileId: parseInt(sonarrBarFormData.qualityProfileId, 10), seasonFolder: sonarrBarFormData.seasonFolder === 'on', path: `${sonarrBarFormData.rootFolderPath}/${seriesInfos[0].folder}`, added: new Date().toISOString(), }; delete addBody.folder; delete addBody.remotePoster; addSeriesButton.value = 'Adding …'; const addResult = await sonarrPost('/series', addBody); if (addResult.errors) { addSeriesButton.value = 'Error adding series'; debug(['Error importing series', addResult.errors.$]); setSetting('lastUpdated', 0); setSetting('sonarrTvdbIds', {}); return; } addSeriesButton.value = 'Added!'; // update cache const { sonarrTvdbIds } = getSettings(); setSetting('sonarrTvdbIds', { ...sonarrTvdbIds, [addResult.tvdbId]: addResult.titleSlug, }); // refresh the checkboxes to show the new ribbons // eslint-disable-next-line no-use-before-define await addCheckboxesToSeries(); } catch (e) { await setConfig('hasSuccessfulConnection', false); const sonarrBar = document.querySelector('.btn-sonarr__bar'); sonarrBar.dataset.isLoaded = '0'; sonarrBar.innerHTML = `<div class="loading-icon__cont">Error adding to Sonarr. <a href="#sonarr">Recheck your connection</a> or check your browser console for more info</div>`; debug([`Couldn't import series`, e.message]); return; } addSeriesButton.disabled = false; } // ================================= UI Sonarr Bar /** * Create a loading icon */ function createLoadingIcon() { const loader = document.createElement('div'); loader.className = 'loading-icon'; const container = document.createElement('div'); container.className = 'loading-icon__cont'; container.appendChild(loader); return container; } /** * Grab all contents needed to populate the sonarr bar, and render it */ async function populateSonarrBar(sonarrBar) { // make sure we've successfully connected before const hasSuccessfulConnection = await getConfig( 'hasSuccessfulConnection', false ); if (!hasSuccessfulConnection) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign sonarrBar.innerHTML = `<div class="loading-icon__cont"><a href="#sonarr">Configure and Test</a> your Sonarr Connection first</div>`; return; } // no need to query sonarr again if we've fully loaded the options before if (sonarrBar.dataset.isLoaded === '1') { return; } // query sonarr for data const { qualityProfiles, rootFolders, tags, error } = await getDataForSonarrBar(); if (error) { await setConfig('hasSuccessfulConnection', false); // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign sonarrBar.dataset.isLoaded = '0'; // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign sonarrBar.innerHTML = `<div class="loading-icon__cont">Error loading Sonarr settings. <a href="#sonarr">Recheck your connection</a> or check the browser console for more info</div>`; return; } // get saved settings for the sonarr bar const settings = getSettings().sonarrBar || {}; // build sonarr bar inners const qualityProfileOptions = qualityProfiles .map( (qp) => `<option value="${}" ${ settings.qualityProfileId === ? 'selected' : '' }>${}</option>` ) .join(''); const rootFolderOptions = rootFolders .map( (r) => `<option value="${r.path}" ${ settings.rootFolderPath === r.path ? 'selected' : '' }>${r.path}</option>` ) .join(''); let tagsSelected = 0; const tagOptions = tags .map((tag) => { let checked = ''; if ((settings.tags || []).includes( { checked = 'checked'; tagsSelected += 1; } return `<label for="multi-select__option-${}" class="multi-select__option"> <input type="checkbox" class="multi-select__option-checkbox" id="multi-select__option-${}" value="${}" ${checked}> <span class="multi-select__option-text">${tag.label}</span> </label>`; }) .join(''); // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign sonarrBar.innerHTML = ` <label class="btn-sonarr__bar-label" for="btn-sonarr__bar-root-folder"> <span class="btn-sonarr__bar-label-text">Root Folder</span> <select class="btn-sonarr__bar-select" id="btn-sonarr__bar-root-folder" name="rootFolderPath"> ${rootFolderOptions} </select> </label> <label class="btn-sonarr__bar-label" for="btn-sonarr__bar-monitor"> <span class="btn-sonarr__bar-label-text">Monitor</span> <select class="btn-sonarr__bar-select" id="btn-sonarr__bar-monitor" name="monitor"> <option value="all" ${ settings.monitor === 'all' ? 'selected' : '' }>All Episodes</option> <option value="future" ${ settings.monitor === 'future' ? 'selected' : '' }>Future Episodes</option> <option value="missing" ${ settings.monitor === 'missing' ? 'selected' : '' }>Missing Episodes</option> <option value="existing" ${ settings.monitor === 'existing' ? 'selected' : '' }>Existing Episodes</option> <option value="recent" ${ settings.monitor === 'recent' ? 'selected' : '' }>Recent Episodes</option> <option value="pilot" ${ settings.monitor === 'pilot' ? 'selected' : '' }>Pilot Episodes</option> <option value="firstSeason" ${ settings.monitor === 'firstSeason' ? 'selected' : '' }>First Season</option> <option value="lastSeason" ${ settings.monitor === 'lastSeason' ? 'selected' : '' }>Last Season</option> <option value="monitorSpecials" ${ settings.monitor === 'monitorSpecials' ? 'selected' : '' }>Monitor Specials</option> <option value="unmonitorSpecials" ${ settings.monitor === 'unmonitorSpecials' ? 'selected' : '' }>Unmonitor Specials</option> <option value="none" ${ settings.monitor === 'none' ? 'selected' : '' }>None</option> </select> </label> <label class="btn-sonarr__bar-label" for="btn-sonarr__bar-qp"> <span class="btn-sonarr__bar-label-text">Quality Profile</span> <select class="btn-sonarr__bar-select" id="btn-sonarr__bar-qp" name="qualityProfileId"> ${qualityProfileOptions} </select> </label> <label class="btn-sonarr__bar-label" for="btn-sonarr__bar-series-type"> <span class="btn-sonarr__bar-label-text">Series Type</span> <select class="btn-sonarr__bar-select" id="btn-sonarr__bar-series-type" name="seriesType"> <option value="standard" ${ settings.seriesType === 'standard' ? 'selected' : '' }>Standard</option> <option value="daily" ${ settings.seriesType === 'daily' ? 'selected' : '' }>Daily / Date</option> <option value="anime" ${ settings.seriesType === 'anime' ? 'selected' : '' }>Anime / Absolute</option> </select> </label> <label class="btn-sonarr__bar-label" for="btn-sonarr__bar-tags"> <span class="btn-sonarr__bar-label-text">Tags</span> <div class="multi-select"> <div class="multi-select__options"> ${tagOptions} </div> <button class="multi-select__button"> <span class="multi-select__button-icon">☰</span> <span class="multi-select__button-text">${tagsSelected} Tag(s)</span> </button> </div> </label> <span class="btn-sonarr__bar-label"> <span class="btn-sonarr__bar-label-text">Create</span> <span class="btn-sonarr__bar-multi-label"> <label for="btn-sonarr__bar-season-folder"> <input type="checkbox" class="btn-sonarr__bar-checkbox" id="btn-sonarr__bar-season-folder" name="seasonFolder" ${ settings.seasonFolder === true ? 'checked' : '' }> Season folder </label> </span> </span> <span class="btn-sonarr__bar-label"> <span class="btn-sonarr__bar-label-text">Search for</span> <span class="btn-sonarr__bar-multi-label"> <label for="btn-sonarr__bar-search-missing-episodes"> <input type="checkbox" class="btn-sonarr__bar-checkbox" id="btn-sonarr__bar-search-missing-episodes" name="searchMissingEpisodes" ${ settings.searchMissingEpisodes === true ? 'checked' : '' }> Missing </label> <label for="btn-sonarr__bar-search-cutoff-unmet-episodes"> <input type="checkbox" class="btn-sonarr__bar-checkbox" id="btn-sonarr__bar-search-cutoff-unmet-episodes" name="searchCutoffUnmetEpisodes" ${ settings.searchCutoffUnmetEpisodes === true ? 'checked' : '' }> Cutoff unmet </label> </span> </span> <label class="btn-sonarr__bar-label" for="btn-sonarr__bar-submit"> <span class="btn-sonarr__bar-label-text">Add Series</span> <input type="submit" class="btn-sonarr__bar-button" id="btn-sonarr__bar-submit" value="Add Series" /> </label> `; // multi select button // open and close menu document .querySelector('.multi-select__button') .addEventListener('click', (event) => { event.preventDefault(); const target ='.multi-select__button') ? :; const options = target.previousElementSibling; if (options.classList.contains('multi-select__options--opened')) { options.classList.remove('multi-select__options--opened'); } else { options.classList.add('multi-select__options--opened'); } }); // multi select checkboxes changed Array.from( document.querySelectorAll('.multi-select__option-checkbox') ).forEach((checkbox) => { checkbox.addEventListener('change', () => { const selected = Array.from( document.querySelectorAll('.multi-select__option-checkbox:checked') ); // updated how many tags have been selected document.querySelector( '.multi-select__button-text' ).innerHTML = `${selected.length} Tag(s)`; // save new settings setSonarrBarSetting( 'tags', => parseInt(s.value, 10)) ); }); }); // on select change, save the setting to use for next time Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.btn-sonarr__bar-select')).forEach( (select) => { select.addEventListener('change', (event) => { const parsed = parseInt(, 10); setSonarrBarSetting( select.getAttribute('name'), Number.isNaN(parsed) ? : parsed ); }); } ); // on checkbox change, save the setting to use for next time Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.btn-sonarr__bar-checkbox')).forEach( (checkbox) => { checkbox.addEventListener('change', (event) => { const { checked } =; setSonarrBarSetting(checkbox.getAttribute('name'), checked); }); } ); // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign sonarrBar.dataset.isLoaded = '1'; } /** * Add the sonarr bar to the page */ async function addSonarrBar() { const alwaysShow = await getConfig('alwaysShow', false); const sonarrBar = document.createElement('form'); sonarrBar.className = `btn-sonarr__bar`; sonarrBar.method = 'post'; sonarrBar.addEventListener('submit', handleSonarrBarSubmit); sonarrBar.addEventListener('click', handleSonarrBarClick); sonarrBar.appendChild(createLoadingIcon()); const wrapper = document.getElementById('wrapper'); wrapper.appendChild(sonarrBar); if (alwaysShow) { sonarrBar.classList.add('btn-sonarr__bar--showing'); populateSonarrBar(sonarrBar); } } // ================================= UI Checkboxes /** * Add checkboxes to the series posters */ async function addCheckboxesToSeries() { // remove existing checkboxes and ribbons Array.from( document.querySelectorAll('.btn-sonarr__checkbox, .btn-sonarr__ribbon') ).forEach((elem) => elem.remove()); // get setting on whether we always want to show ribbons or not const ribbons = await getConfig('ribbons', false); // get sonarr url const sonarrUrl = (await getConfig('host')).replace(/\/$/, ''); // find img poster const imgElem = document.querySelector('.sidebar img[onload]'); if (!imgElem) { debug(`Could not find cover poster for "${window.location.toString()}"`); return false; } const parent = imgElem.parentNode; = 'relative'; // add a loader whilst we do the api calls const loader = createLoadingIcon(); = 'absolute'; = 0; parent.appendChild(loader); // get current tvdbId, and all existing ones in sonarr const [tvdbId, existingTvdbIdObj] = await Promise.all([ getTvdbId(), getExistingSonarrTvdbIds(), ]); const existingTvdbIds = Object.keys(existingTvdbIdObj); // remove the loader loader.remove(); // add checkboxes / ribbons // couldn't parse tvdb id from somewhere if (!tvdbId) { const ribbon = document.createElement('div'); ribbon.className = `btn-sonarr__ribbon ${ ribbons ? 'btn-sonarr__ribbon--always' : '' }`; ribbon.innerHTML = `<span>No tvdb</span>`; parent.appendChild(ribbon); return false; } // already added to sonarr, ignore! if (existingTvdbIds.includes(tvdbId.toString())) { const ribbon = document.createElement('div'); ribbon.className = `btn-sonarr__ribbon btn-sonarr__ribbon--existing ${ ribbons ? 'btn-sonarr__ribbon--always' : '' }`; if (sonarrUrl) { ribbon.innerHTML = `<a href="${sonarrUrl}/series/${existingTvdbIdObj[tvdbId]}" rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank">In Sonarr</a>`; } else { ribbon.innerHTML = `<span>In Sonarr</span>`; } parent.appendChild(ribbon); return false; } const alwaysShow = await getConfig('alwaysShow', false); const checkbox = document.createElement('input'); checkbox.type = 'checkbox'; = 'btn-sonarr__checkbox'; checkbox.className = 'btn-sonarr__checkbox'; checkbox.value = tvdbId; checkbox.checked = alwaysShow; checkbox.onchange = () => handleCheckboxChange(); parent.appendChild(checkbox); return true; } // ================================= UI Config /** * Close the sonarr settings page */ function closeSonarrConfig(overlayElem) { if (!overlayElem) { return; } overlayElem.remove(); = 'inherit'; window.location.hash = '#close'; } /** * Test a connection to Sonarr */ async function testConnection() { const textarea = document.getElementById( 'btn-sonarr__config-testbox-textarea' ); const host = await getConfig('host'); const key = await getConfig('key'); textarea.value = ''; if (!host || !key) { textarea.value += 'Error: Please fill in your host and api key'; return; } textarea.value += 'Testing connection ...\n\n'; try { const healthCheck = await sonarrGet('/health'); await setConfig('hasSuccessfulConnection', true); if (healthCheck?.length === 0) { textarea.value += 'Success! Everything looks good to go\n\n'; } else { textarea.value += 'Success! Connected to sonarr, but there are health issues!\n\n'; healthCheck.forEach((h) => { textarea.value += ` – ${h.message}\n\n`; }); } // TODO: reloads the sonarr bar if needed handleCheckboxChange(); // TODO: reload checkboxes addCheckboxesToSeries(); } catch (error) { textarea.value += `Error: Couldn't connect to sonarr. Ensure your host and api key are correct\n\n`; } } /** * Create config container to allow user to configure settings */ async function createSonarrConfig() { const host = await getConfig('host'); const key = await getConfig('key'); const ribbons = await getConfig('ribbons', false); const alwaysShow = await getConfig('alwaysShow', false); const { body } = document; const container = document.createElement('div'); container.className = 'btn-sonarr__config-container'; container.innerHTML = `<div class="btn-sonarr__config-header"> <h3>BTN Sonarr Configuration</h3> </div> <div class="btn-sonarr__config-container-content"> <div class="btn-sonarr__config-desc"> The Sonarr API Key is attached to the request as a <strong>query string param</strong>. Ensure your Sonarr instance is accessible through any firewalls / auth processes you have in place for this.<br /><br /> Once you click "Test Connection", a new tab should open asking for permission to connect to your Sonarr domain. Click <strong>"Always Allow Domain"</strong>. </div> <div class="btn-sonarr__config-testbox"> <label for="btn-sonarr__config-testbox-textarea" class="btn-sonarr__config-label"> Test Output <textarea id="btn-sonarr__config-testbox-textarea" readonly></textarea> </label> <input type="button" class="btn-sonarr__config-button--test" value="Test Connection" /> </div> <label for="btn-sonarr__config-host" class="btn-sonarr__config-label"> Sonarr Host: <span class="btn-sonarr__config-label-aside">(inc. port, if applicable)</span> <input type="text" class="btn-sonarr__config-input" id="btn-sonarr__config-host" data-config-key="host" placeholder="e.g. or" value="${host}" /> </label> <label for="btn-sonarr__config-apikey" class="btn-sonarr__config-label"> Sonarr API Key: <span class="btn-sonarr__config-label-aside">(Settings -> General -> API Key)</span> <span class="btn-sonarr__config-input--with-icon"> <input type="password" class="btn-sonarr__config-input" id="btn-sonarr__config-apikey" data-config-key="key" placeholder="e.g. 5b1008a9ce6f35b4cfa8d5b1e0062401" value="${key}" /> <span class="btn-sonarr__config-input-icon">🔒</span> </span> </label> <label for="btn-sonarr__config-ribbons" class="btn-sonarr__config-label"> Always show "In Sonarr" and "No tvdb" ribbons: <input type="checkbox" class="btn-sonarr__config-checkbox" id="btn-sonarr__config-ribbons" data-config-key="ribbons" ${ ribbons ? 'checked' : '' } /> </label> <label for="btn-sonarr__config-always-show" class="btn-sonarr__config-label"> Always show Sonarr Bar on page load: <input type="checkbox" class="btn-sonarr__config-checkbox" id="btn-sonarr__config-always-show" data-config-key="alwaysShow" ${ alwaysShow ? 'checked' : '' } /> </label> <input type="button" class="btn-sonarr__config-button btn-sonarr__config-button--close" value="Close" /> </div> `; const overlay = document.createElement('div'); overlay.className = 'btn-sonarr__config-overlay'; overlay.onclick = (e) => { if ( !== overlay) { return; } closeSonarrConfig(overlay); }; overlay.appendChild(container); = 'hidden'; body.appendChild(overlay); // vars for event listeners const textarea = document.getElementById( 'btn-sonarr__config-testbox-textarea' ); // event listeners // host and api key Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.btn-sonarr__config-input')).forEach( (inputElem) => { const { configKey } = inputElem.dataset; inputElem.addEventListener('change', async (event) => { await setConfig(configKey,; await setConfig('hasSuccessfulConnection', false); textarea.value = `Settings changed: Test Connection to continue using script`; const sonarrBar = document.querySelector('.btn-sonarr__bar'); sonarrBar.dataset.isLoaded = '0'; handleCheckboxChange(); }); } ); // checkboxes Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.btn-sonarr__config-checkbox')).forEach( (inputElem) => { inputElem.addEventListener('change', async (event) => { const { checked } =; const { configKey } = inputElem.dataset; await setConfig(configKey, checked); addCheckboxesToSeries(); }); } ); // close button document .querySelector('.btn-sonarr__config-button--close') ?.addEventListener('click', () => closeSonarrConfig(overlay)); // test button document .querySelector('.btn-sonarr__config-button--test') ?.addEventListener('click', testConnection); // lock / unlock text input /* eslint-disable no-param-reassign */ Array.from( document.querySelectorAll('.btn-sonarr__config-input-icon') ).forEach((iconElem) => { iconElem.addEventListener('click', () => { if (iconElem.innerText === '🔒') { iconElem.innerText = '🔓'; iconElem.previousElementSibling.type = 'text'; } else { iconElem.innerText = '🔒'; iconElem.previousElementSibling.type = 'password'; } }); }); /* eslint-enable no-param-reassign */ } /** * Open / close settings depending on url hash */ function checkOpenSettings() { const overlay = document.querySelector('.btn-sonarr__config-overlay'); if (window.location.hash === '#sonarr') { if (!overlay) { createSonarrConfig(); } } else if (overlay) { closeSonarrConfig(overlay); } } /** * Create the sonarr config tab */ function addSonarrConfigTab() { const openSettings = () => { window.location.hash = '#sonarr'; checkOpenSettings(); }; GM.registerMenuCommand('Open Settings', openSettings, 's'); } // ================================= CSS /** * Create our custom style tag */ function createStyleTag(theme) { const css = ` .btn-sonarr__config-overlay { position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75); z-index: 100; } .btn-sonarr__config-container { width: 700px; position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -55%); border-radius: 10px; padding: 0; background-color: #262340; } .btn-sonarr__config-container-content { padding: 15px; } .btn-sonarr__config-header { padding: 1px; text-align: center; font-size: 18px; background-color: #2f2b4c; border-top-left-radius: 10px; border-top-right-radius: 10px; } .btn-sonarr__config-desc { margin-bottom: 10px; filter: brightness(85%); padding-bottom: 15px; border-bottom: 1px dashed #999; } .btn-sonarr__config-testbox { float: right; width: 300px; } #btn-sonarr__config-testbox-textarea { display: block; margin-top: 5px; width: 100%; height: 235px; font-family: monospace; font-size: 10px; } .btn-sonarr__config-label { display: block; padding: 8px 0; } .btn-sonarr__config-label-aside { color: #ccc; font-size: 10px; padding-left: 5px; } .btn-sonarr__config-input { display: block; margin-top: 5px; width: 340px; } .btn-sonarr__config-input-icon { position: absolute; top: 10px; right: 6px; font-size: 16px; } .btn-sonarr__config-input--with-icon { position: relative; display: inline-block; } .btn-sonarr__config-checkbox { margin-top: 5px!important; display: block!important; } .btn-sonarr__config-button { margin-top: 10px!important; } .multi-select { position: relative; } .multi-select__options { display: none; position: absolute; bottom: calc(100% + 3px); left: 0; border: 1px solid #3a4056; background: #2f2b4c; border-radius: 2px; color: #c0bdda; padding: 0.3rem; max-width: 200px; max-height: 150px; overflow-y: scroll; z-index: 101; } .multi-select__options--opened { display: block; } .multi-select__option { display: block; padding: 3px; white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; } .multi-select__option-checkbox { display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; } .multi-select__option-text { display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; margin-left: 4px; } .multi-select__button { border: 1px solid ${theme === 'default' ? '#666' : '#373257'}; background: ${theme === 'default' ? '#333' : '#2f2b4c'}; border-radius: ${theme === 'default' ? '0px' : '5px'}; color: ${theme === 'default' ? '#fff' : '#c0bdda'}; padding: 0.42rem; box-shadow: none; min-width: 120px; max-width: 140px; line-height: ${theme === 'default' ? '1' : '1.15'}; font-weight: normal!important; text-align: left; margin: 0; cursor: default; ${theme === 'default' ? 'font-size: 11px' : ''} } .multi-select__button:hover { background: ${theme === 'default' ? '#333' : '#2f2b4c'}; animation: none; cursor: default; ${theme === 'default' ? 'border: 1px solid #aaa;' : ''} } .multi-select__button:focus { background: ${theme === 'default' ? '#333' : '#2f2b4c'}; border: 1px solid ${theme === 'default' ? '#aaa' : '#3a4056'}; box-shadow: none; } .multi-select__button-icon { float: right; position: relative; top: -1px; } .loading-icon__cont { width: 100%; height: 70px; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; } .loading-icon__cont a { padding: 0 5px; } .loading-icon { position: relative; width: 10px; height: 10px; border-radius: 5px; background-color: #9880ff; color: #9880ff; animation: dot-flashing 0.75s infinite linear alternate; animation-delay: .375s; } .loading-icon::before, .loading-icon::after { content: ''; display: inline-block; position: absolute; top: 0; left: -15px; width: 10px; height: 10px; border-radius: 5px; background-color: #9880ff; color: #9880ff; animation: dot-flashing 0.75s infinite alternate; animation-delay: 0s; } .loading-icon::after { left: 15px; animation-delay: 0.75s; } @keyframes dot-flashing { 0% { background-color: #9880ff; } 50%, 100% { background-color: #ebe6ff; } } .btn-sonarr__ribbon { width: 60px; height: 60px; position: absolute; left: 10px; top: 10px; overflow: hidden; opacity: 0; transition: opacity 0.3s!important; } .btn-sonarr__ribbon--always, .btn-sonarr__ribbon--forced, *:hover > .btn-sonarr__ribbon { opacity: 0.75; transition: opacity 0.3s!important; } .btn-sonarr__ribbon > a, .btn-sonarr__ribbon > span { position: absolute; display: block; width: 85px; padding: 5px; background-color: #3498db; box-shadow: 0 5px 10px rgb(0 0 0 / 10%); color: #fff; text-align: center; font-size: 8px; right: -1px; top: 3px; transform: rotate(-45deg); } .btn-sonarr__ribbon--existing > a, .btn-sonarr__ribbon--existing > span { background-color: red; } .btn-sonarr__checkbox { position: absolute!important; top: 2px; left: 2px; opacity: 0; transition: opacity 0.3s!important; } .btn-sonarr__checkbox--forced, .btn-sonarr__checkbox:checked, *:hover > .btn-sonarr__checkbox { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 0.3s!important; } .btn-sonarr__bar { display: block; position: fixed; bottom: 0; left: 50%; max-width: 1170px; width: 100%; border-top-left-radius: 5px; border-top-right-radius: 5px; font-size: 12px; text-align: left; padding: 0; transform: translate(-50%, 100%); transition: transform 0.5s; background-color: #1e1c33; border: 2px solid #443f73; border-bottom: transparent; z-index: 10; } .btn-sonarr__bar--showing { transform: translate(-50%, 0%); transition: transform 0.5s; } .btn-sonarr__bar-label { display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; padding: 10px 9px; } .btn-sonarr__bar-label-text { display: block; margin-bottom: 5px; } .btn-sonarr__bar-multi-label { display: flex; flex-direction: column; } .btn-sonarr__bar-multi-label label { display: flex; gap: 5px; } .btn-sonarr__bar-button { padding: 0.3rem; } .btn-sonarr__bar-select { min-width: 120px; max-width: 140px; padding: 0.3rem; } #btn-sonarr__bar-submit { min-width: 120px; } `; const style = document.createElement('style'); style.type = 'text/css'; style.appendChild(document.createTextNode(css)); document.head.appendChild(style); } // ================================= Main Runner (async function run() { createStyleTag(getTheme()); addSonarrConfigTab(); // make sure we can add a checkbox to at least one item on the page, before rendering the other things const addedCheckboxes = await addCheckboxesToSeries(); if (addedCheckboxes) { addSonarrBar(); window.addEventListener('hashchange', checkOpenSettings); checkOpenSettings(); } })();