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// ==UserScript== // @name Auction Names // @match* // @match* // @namespace // @version 0.6 // @description try to take over the world! // @icon // @license MIT // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // @author RyuFive // @updateURL // ==/UserScript== function refreshData() { var x = 1; // 1 Seconds // Do your thing here var icons = document.querySelectorAll(".bonus-attachment-icons") if (icons.length === undefined || icons.length === 0) { setTimeout(refreshData, x * 1000); return } for (let i = 0; i < icons.length; i++) { if (icons[i].lastChild.tagName == 'SPAN') continue var bonus = document.createElement('span') var name = icons[i].title.split('>')[1].split('<')[0] var value = icons[i].title.split('%')[0].split('>')[3] + "% " var temp if (name == 'Irradiate' || name == 'Smash') { value = '' } else if (name == 'Disarm') { value = icons[i].title.split(' turns')[0].split('for ')[1] + " T " } else if (name == 'Bloodlust') { value = icons[i].title.split(' of')[0].split('by ')[1] + " " } else if (name == 'Execute') { value = icons[i].title.split(' life')[0].split('below ')[1] + " " } else if (name == 'Penetrate') { value = icons[i].title.split(' of')[0].split('Ignores ')[1] + " " } else if (name == 'Eviscerate') { value = icons[i].title.split(' extra')[0].split('them ')[1] + " " } bonus.innerHTML = value + name icons[i].appendChild(bonus) } setTimeout(refreshData, x * 1000); } refreshData()