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// ==UserScript== // @name EdgenTweaks // @namespace // @version 1.0 // @description Adds tweaks to edgenuity // @license MIT // @author GW and RummyWasTaken // @match *://** // @grant none // ==/UserScript== //changes 3-13-21 //vocab, search selection fix //Removed note reading, aslap, //changes 4-9-21 //serach selection for iframepreview/elective classes //guess practice should work //made much messier //changes 7-24-23 //brainly, custom site search fix //guess practice optimized //made much less messy var $, jQuery; $ = jQuery = window.jQuery; setTimeout( //2 sec delay to load before trying to run function main() { console.log("HelloWorldEdgenTweaks") function init() { window.openedWindows = []; window.configElements = []; //Config infomation try { $(".mainfoot")[0].append(null); } //stupid hack to prevent it building twice catch { console.log('%cIGNORE THE ERROR BELOW ME!', 'color: green; font-weight: bold;'); $(".mainfoot")[0].append(null); } //Internal Functions function buildMenuButton(text, id, event, overrideid) { //puts buttons in the menu var x, y; y = document.createElement("li") = id y.append(x = document.createElement("button")) = "display:block; padding: 0; border: 2px; background: none; height:45px; width:54px; background-color: rgb(128, 0, 0); color: rgb(255, 255, 255); opacity: 1;" x.innerText = text x.addEventListener("click", event); if (!overrideid) { $(".toolbar")[0].append(y); } else $("#" + overrideid).append(y); } function RenderPane(name, id, width, height, transform) { //renders panes window.pane = document.createElement("div") = "padding:5px; z-index:1; overflow:auto; visibility: hidden; position: fixed; border: 1px solid rgb(255, 255, 255); background-color: rgb(128, 0, 0); color: rgb(255, 255, 255); text-align: center; top:50%;left:50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%)" = width = "auto" = height; = id; window.pane.classList.add("tweakpane") x = document.createElement("header") = "" var button = document.createElement("img"); button.src = ""; = "filter: sepia(1);;position:sticky;opacity:60%;text-align:left;left:0;top:0;height:15px;width:15px"; button.align = "left" button.onclick = function() { $("#" + id).css("visibility", "hidden") //find my pane and close $("#" + id + "~ div[id]").css("visibility", "hidden") }; //find panes after me and close x.appendChild(button); var z = document.createElement("label") = " float: right;" z.innerText = "info" var y = document.createElement("input") y.type = "checkbox"; y.checked = "true"; = "margin: 3px; float: right"; y.addEventListener("click", function() { $("#" + id + " p").fadeToggle() // $("#" +id).css("height", "auto") }) x.appendChild(y) x.appendChild(z); window.panetitle = document.createElement("h1") window.panetitle.innerText = " " + name //shitty centering fix x.appendChild(window.panetitle) window.pane.appendChild(x); $("#overlay").append(window.pane) } function BuildMenuEntry(name, info, id, configpane, override, element) { //Creates tickbox element with info and optional (new) config pane (see guesspractice). in a pane //Override 1 append to tweak menu //Override 2 no text no check just button and append //Override 3 no button window.entry = document.createElement("div") window.entry.margin = "5px" window.tickbox = document.createElement("input") window.tickbox.type = "checkbox" = id window.configElements.push(id) window.entry.appendChild(window.tickbox) window.label = document.createElement("label"); window.label.innerText = " " + name //spacing fix window.entry.appendChild(window.label) if (configpane != undefined) { //If any configpane was passed through try and create a button to open it. window.configbutton = document.createElement("button") window.configbutton.innerText = "Configure" = "7px" = "1px solid #5f5f5f" = "inset 0 0 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6)" = "rgb(255, 255, 255)" = "#800000" = "3px" window.configbutton.onclick = function() { if (document.getElementById(configpane).style.visibility == "hidden") { //visiblitly handler for configpane button document.getElementById(configpane).style.visibility = "visible" } else { document.getElementById(configpane).style.visibility = "hidden" } } window.entry.appendChild(window.configbutton) } if (element != null) { window.entry.appendChild(element); } if (info != "") { window.desc = document.createElement("p") window.desc.innerHTML = info; = "position: abosolute;"; window.entry.appendChild(window.desc) } if (override == 1) { //override $("#tweaksmenu").append(window.entry); } else return window.entry; } function dragElement(elmnt) { //drag elemments // var pos1 = 0, pos2 = 0, pos3 = 0, pos4 = 0; elmnt.onmousedown = dragMouseDown; function dragMouseDown(e) { e = e || window.event; e.preventDefault(); // get the mouse cursor position at startup: pos3 = e.clientX; pos4 = e.clientY; document.onmouseup = closeDragElement; document.onmouseleave = closeDragElement; // call a function whenever the cursor moves: document.onmousemove = elementDrag; } function elementDrag(e) { e = e || window.event; e.preventDefault(); // calculate the new cursor position: pos1 = pos3 - e.clientX; pos2 = pos4 - e.clientY; pos3 = e.clientX; pos4 = e.clientY; // set the element's new position: = (elmnt.offsetTop - pos2) + "px"; = (elmnt.offsetLeft - pos1) + "px"; } function closeDragElement() { // stop moving when mouse button is released: document.onmouseup = null; document.onmousemove = null; } } function shortcut(shortcut, callback, opt) { /* * * Version : 1.00.A * By Binny V A * License : BSD */ var code; //needed to be declared //Provide a set of default options var default_options = { 'type': 'keydown', 'propagate': false, 'target': document } if (!opt) opt = default_options; else { for (var dfo in default_options) { if (typeof opt[dfo] == 'undefined') opt[dfo] = default_options[dfo]; } } var ele = if (typeof == 'string') ele = document.getElementById(; var ths = this; //The function to be called at keypress var func = function(e) { e = e || window.event; //Find Which key is pressed if (e.keyCode) code = e.keyCode; else if (e.which) code = e.which; var character = String.fromCharCode(code).toLowerCase(); var keys = shortcut.toLowerCase().split("+"); //Key Pressed - counts the number of valid keypresses - if it is same as the number of keys, the shortcut function is invoked var kp = 0; var k; for (var i = 0; k = keys[i], i < keys.length; i++) { //Modifiers if (k == 'ctrl' || k == 'control') { if (e.ctrlKey) kp++; } else if (k == 'shift') { if (e.shiftKey) kp++; } else { //The special keys did not match if (character == k) kp++; } } if (kp == keys.length) { callback(e); if (!opt['propagate']) { //Stop the event //e.cancelBubble is supported by IE - this will kill the bubbling process. e.cancelBubble = true; e.returnValue = false; //e.stopPropagation works only in Firefox. if (e.stopPropagation) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); } return false; } } } //Attach the function with the event if (ele.addEventListener) ele.addEventListener(opt['type'], func, false); else if (ele.attachEvent) ele.attachEvent('on' + opt['type'], func); else ele['on' + opt['type']] = func; } shortcut("Ctrl+Shift+P", function(){$("#stageFrame").contents().find(".FrameRight").click()}); shortcut("Ctrl+Shift+O", function(){$("#stageFrame").contents().find(".FrameLeft").click()}); shortcut("Ctrl+Shift+H", function() { $("#HideButton").click(); $("#userconsole").prepend("<li>stealth mode hotkey pressed "+ $("#HideButton").is(":checked")); }) shortcut("Ctrl+Shift+G", function() { $("#GuessPractice").click(); $("#userconsole").prepend("<li>Guess hotkey pressed "+ $("#GuessPractice").is(":checked")); }) shortcut("Ctrl+Shift+A", function() { $("#AutoAdvance").click(); $("#userconsole").prepend("<li>Autoadvance hotkey pressed "+ $("#AutoAdvance").is(":checked")); }) shortcut("Ctrl+Shift+S", function() { $("#googlebutton > button").click(); $("#userconsole").prepend("<li>Search hotkey pressed "); }) shortcut("Ctrl+Shift+V", function() { $("#AutoCompleteVocabTickbox").click(); $("#userconsole").prepend("<li>AutoVocab hotkey pressed "+ $("#AutoCompleteVocabTickbox").is(":checked")); }) shortcut("Ctrl+Shift+E", function() { $("#ShowColumn").click(); $("#userconsole").prepend("<li>Example response hotkey pressed "+ $("#ShowColumn").is(":checked")); }) shortcut("Ctrl+Shift+M", function() { $("#SkipIntro").click(); $("#userconsole").prepend("<li>Skip Intro hotkey pressed " + $("#SkipIntro").is(":checked")); }) //!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!START REAL UI BUILDING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! //Create base overlay window.overlay = document.createElement("div") = "z-index:1;" = "overlay" document.body.prepend(window.overlay) //menu buttons buildMenuButton("Tweaks Menu", "tweaksbutton", function() { if (document.getElementById("tweaksmenu").style.visibility == "hidden") { document.getElementById("tweaksmenu").style.visibility = "visible" } else { document.getElementById("tweaksmenu").style.visibility = "hidden" } }) buildMenuButton("Search Selection", "googlebutton", function search() { var result = window.getSelection().toString(); window.openedWindows.forEach(function(window) { if (window != null) { window.close(); } window = null; }) if ($("#stageFrame")[0].contentWindow.document.getSelection().toString() != "") { result = $("#stageFrame")[0].contentWindow.document.getSelection().toString() } else if ($("#stageFrame").contents().find("iframe")[0].contentWindow.document.getSelection().toString() != "") { result = $("#stageFrame").contents().find("iframe")[0].contentWindow.document.getSelection().toString() } //console.log(result); if (result != "") { $("#userconsole").prepend("<li>Searching your selection "); if ($("#googlesearch").is(":checked")) window.openedWindows[0] ="" + result); if ($("#brainlysearch").is(":checked")) window.openedWindows[1] ="" + result); if ($("#wolframsearch").is(":checked")) window.openedWindows[2] ="" + result); if ($("#customsearch").is(":checked")) window.openedWindows[3] ="" + $("#css").val() + " " + result, ) localStorage.setItem("csskey", $("#css").val()) } else $("#userconsole").prepend("<li>There's nothing selected! "); }) buildMenuButton("Search Config", "scbutton", function() { if (document.getElementById("searchconfig").style.visibility == "hidden") { //visiblitly handler for configpane button document.getElementById("searchconfig").style.visibility = "visible" } else { document.getElementById("searchconfig").style.visibility = "hidden" } }, "googlebutton") $("#googlebutton").on("mouseenter", function() { $("#scbutton").fadeIn() }) //Hide / Show search config $("#googlebutton").on('mouseleave', function() { $("#scbutton").fadeOut() }) $("#scbutton").hide() buildMenuButton("Guess this", "guessbutton", function() { try { $("iframe#stageFrame").contents().find("form").find(".answer-choice-button")[Math.floor(Math.random() * Math.floor(4))].click() }catch{} try { $("#stageFrame").contents().find("iframe").contents().find("input")[Math.floor(Math.random() * Math.floor(4))].click() }catch{} //$("#stageFrame").contents().find("#nextQuestion")[0].click() $("#stageFrame").contents().find("#btnCheck")[0].click() }) buildMenuButton("Toggle Console", "consolebutton", function() { $("#consolediv").toggle() }) //Panes RenderPane("EdgenTweaks Rebirth (Brought to life by Rummy)", "tweaksmenu", "40%", "40%", "") //make tweaksmenu base RenderPane("Guess Practice Config", "practiceconfig", "35%", "35%") //Panerender for guesspractice RenderPane("Search Title Config", "searchconfig", "35%", "35%", ) //serach config RenderPane("Auto Advance Config", "aaconfig", "35%", "35%") dragElement(document.getElementById("tweaksmenu")) dragElement(document.getElementById("practiceconfig")) dragElement(document.getElementById("aaconfig")) //Entries //SearchConfig $("#searchconfig").append(BuildMenuEntry("Search in google", "", "googlesearch")) $("#searchconfig").append(BuildMenuEntry("Search in brainly", "", "brainlysearch")) $("#searchconfig").append(BuildMenuEntry("Search in wolfram", "", "wolframsearch")) var textbox = document.createElement("input") = "css" textbox.value = localStorage.getItem("csskey") ? localStorage.getItem("csskey") : "" //not sure if this works $("#searchconfig").append(BuildMenuEntry("CustomSearch ", "This should end in a .com to work best.", "customsearch", null, null, textbox)) //Autoadvance BuildMenuEntry("Auto Advance", "Advance to the next portion of the course automatically when it becomes available", "AutoAdvance", "aaconfig", 1) $("#aaconfig").append(BuildMenuEntry("No Skip", "Won't skip the end of videos", "aaNoSkip")) $("#aaconfig").append(BuildMenuEntry("Auto Submit", "Submit elective junk automatically", "aaASubmit")) $("#aaconfig").append(BuildMenuEntry("Feedback reading", "Don't autoadvance if there's a note from your teacher", "NoteReading")) //GuessPractice BuildMenuEntry("Guess Practice", "Automatically guesses through practice lessons (Warm-Up, Instruction, Summary)", "GuessPractice", "practiceconfig", 1) $("#practiceconfig").append(BuildMenuEntry("Guess thru Assignments", "Guesses thru assignments. This is highly discouraged", "guessassignments")) BuildMenuEntry("Skip intro", "Lets you interact with practices while the intro audio is playing", "SkipIntro", null, 1) //Skipintro BuildMenuEntry("Show Example Response", "Displays default example response for short answer questions", "ShowColumn", null, 1) //example response BuildMenuEntry("Auto Complete Vocab", "Automatically completes vocab assignments", "AutoCompleteVocabTickbox", null, 1) //Autocompletevocab BuildMenuEntry("Stealth Mode", "Hides button and dialogs", "HideButton", null, 1) //StealthMode //Copyright info & Other $("#inActivityMessage").after('<div style=position:static; overflow-y: hidden; visibility:visible; id=consolediv><ul style=color:red id=userconsole></ul></div>') //console ID=userconsole window.shortcutinfo = document.createElement("p") window.shortcutinfo.innerHTML = "<br> <b> HOTKEYS </b> <br> CTRL+SHFT+A = Auto Advance Toggle <br> CTRL+SHIFT+H = Stealth Mode Toggle <br> CTRL+SHIFT+G = Guess Practice toggler <br> CTRL+SHIFT+S = Search Selection <br> CTRL+SHIFT+P = Foward +O = Back <br> CTRL+SHIFT+V = AutoComplete Vocab Toggle <br> CTRL+SHIFT+E = Show Example Response toggle <br> CTRL+SHIFT+B = Skip Intro toggle" window.copyright = document.createElement("p") window.copyright.innerHTML = "EdgenTweaks Rebirth Version 1.0 highly modified and optimized by Rummy (Noah Prichard) (<a href=''>Find me on other platforms</a>) <br> . If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please head to my linktree (linked in this paragraph) and feel free to add me on any of my socials. My DMs are always open. Code will always be kept open source and up to date. This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any means. --- UPDATE LOG: Mon, Jul 24 2023 - Ver 1.0 is released. Several performance optimizations have been added and bugs have been squashed." = "white" = "100%" $("#tweaksmenu").append(window.shortcutinfo, window.copyright) document.getElementById("tweaksmenu").children[1].onclick = easteregg window.menutitleclicks = 0 //!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!END REAL UI BUILDING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! } //intialization init(); //!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BEGIN TWEAKS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! //Search Selection // Auto Advance function autoadvance() { var increment = 0; if (["Unit Test", "Unit Test Review", "Quiz"].includes(x = $("#activity-title").text()) && ($("#activity-status").text() != "Complete")) { output += "Autoadvance (disabled for " + x + "), "; return; } if ($("#aaNoSkip").is(":checked")) { //this really does not work well var x; var temp = eval(x = $("#stageFrame").contents().find("#uid1_time").text().replace(/:/g,".").replace("/", '-')); ///e.g. 1:20 / 2:00 -> 1.20 - 2.00 = abs seconds left console.log(temp, x) if (temp < -.02 && temp != undefined && temp != 0 && $("#stageFrame").contents().find("#frame_video_controls").css("display") != "none") { //many condition cause videos sometime get stuck one second behind, output += "Autoadvance (NoSkip is enabled), "; return; } } if ($("#aaASubmit").is(":checked")) { $("iframe").contents().find("#SubmitButton").click() return; } //All other AA checks have succedded at this point. $(".footnav.goRight").click() //Advance to next !!!!assignment!!! not redundant $("#stageFrame").contents().find(".FrameRight").click() output += ("Autoadvance, ") } //Stealth Mode function StealthMode(a) { //starting to get kinda bad, also, .toggle() if (a) { output += ("Stealth Mode, ") $("#consolediv").css("visibility", "hidden") $("#consolebutton").css("visibility", "hidden") $("#tweaksbutton").css("opacity", "0") $("#googlebutton").css("visibility", "hidden") $("#guessbutton").css("visibility", "hidden") $(".tweakpane").css("opacity", 0.05) } else { $("#consolediv").css("visibility", "visible") $("#consolebutton").css("visibility", "visible") $("#tweaksbutton").css("opacity", "1") $("#googlebutton").css("visibility", "visible") $("#guessbutton").css("visibility", "visible") $(".tweakpane").css("opacity", 1) document.getElementById("HideButton").checked = false; } } // Skip intro function skipIntro() { //if ($("#invis-o-div") == null) return; test this if you want, I can't. output += ("Skip intro, ") try { window.frames[0].document.getElementById("invis-o-div").remove() } catch (TypeError) {} } // Guess Practice function GuessPractice() { //Guesser (THIS IS INDEDED TO BE RESTRICTIVE, JUST LEAVE IT.) if (["Instruction", "Warm-Up", "Summary", "Lecture"].includes(document.getElementById("activity-title").innerText)) { var numOption if ($("iframe#stageFrame").contents().find("form").find(".answer-choice-button").length = numOption > 0) { $("iframe#stageFrame").contents().find("form").find(".answer-choice-button")[Math.floor(Math.random() * Math.floor(numOption))].click() } else if ($("#stageFrame").contents().find("iframe").contents().find(".answer-choice-button").length > 0) { $("#stageFrame").contents().find("iframe").contents().find(".answer-choice-button")[Math.floor(Math.random() * Math.floor(4))].click() } $("#stageFrame").contents().find("#btnCheck")[0].click() output += ("Guess practice tried to click, ") } else { output += ("Guess Practice (not supported for " + $("#activity-title").text() + "), ") } } // Unhide Right Column function showColumn() { output += ("Show Example Response, ") try { window.frames[0].frames[0].document.getElementsByClassName("right-column")[0].children[0].style.display = "block" } catch (TypeError) {} try { window.frames[0].frames[0].document.getElementsByClassName("left-column")[0].children[0].style.display = "block" } catch (TypeError) {} } // Easter Egg (onclick moved to init) function easteregg() { if (window.menutitleclicks < 10) { window.menutitleclicks++; if (window.menutitleclicks == 10) { alert("Easter egg activated! How'd you know?! (refresh to get rid of)") var easteregg = document.createElement("img") easteregg.src = "" = "fixed" = "40px"; = "80%" document.body.appendChild(easteregg) window.menutitleclicks = 0; } } } // Auto complete vocab function vocabCompleter() { if (document.getElementById("activity-title").innerText == "Vocabulary") { $("#stageFrame").contents().find(".uibtn.uibtn-blue.uibtn-arrow-next")[0].click() var i = 0; try{ var txt = window.frames[0].document.getElementsByClassName("word-background")[0].value window.frames[0].document.getElementsByClassName("word-textbox")[0].value = txt; $("#stageFrame").contents().find(".word-textbox.word-normal")[0].dispatchEvent(new Event("keyup")); } catch{return;} var speed = 50; output += ("Vocab Completer, ") $("#stageFrame").contents().find(".playbutton.vocab-play")[0].click() $("#stageFrame").contents().find(".playbutton.vocab-play")[1].click() $("#stageFrame").contents().find(".uibtn.uibtn-blue.uibtn-arrow-next")[0].click() } } //!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! END TWEAKS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! //!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BEGIN CONFIG & INTERNAL HANDLERS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! function loaditem(item, id) { if (localStorage.getItem(item) != null) { if (localStorage.getItem(item) == "true") { //Because LocalStorage only stores strings document.getElementById(id).checked = true } else { document.getElementById(id).checked = false } } } for (var x of configElements) { loaditem(x, x) } function syncConfig() { // Sync Config (save) for (var x of configElements) { localStorage.setItem(x, document.getElementById(x).checked.toString()) } } //!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! END CONFIG & INTERNAL HANDLERS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! //!!!!!! MASTERLOOP !!!!!!!! var output = ""; function loop() { output = "Active Tweaks: "; StealthMode($("#HideButton").is(":checked")) if ($("#AutoCompleteVocabTickbox").is(":checked")) vocabCompleter() if ($("#AutoAdvance").is(":checked")) autoadvance() if ($("#SkipIntro").is(":checked")) skipIntro() if ($("#GuessPractice").is(":checked")) GuessPractice() if ($("#ShowColumn").is(":checked")) showColumn() syncConfig() if ($("#userconsole li:first").text() != output) { $("#userconsole").prepend("<li>" + output) } } window.masterloop = setInterval(loop, 2000); }, 2000); //makes this run after 2 seconds