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// ==UserScript== // @name AAC-Utils // @namespace // @version 1.0.1 // @copyright 2022, Reimu( // @license MIT // @description (Perhaps not so) Small fixes and utility functions for Anime Academy // @author Nick S. aka. Slash // @include /^https?:\/\/(www\.)?anime\.academy\/chat/ // @icon // @updateURL // @downloadURL // @supportURL // @setupURL // @grant none // ==/UserScript== (async function () { 'use strict'; /************************************ * * * CSS * * ************************************/ function addGlobalStyle(css) { let head, style; head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; if (!head) { return; } style = document.createElement('style'); style.type = 'text/css'; style.innerHTML = css; head.appendChild(style); } addGlobalStyle( '.autocomplete-flex {' + ' background-color: #484b52;' + ' font-weight: 600;' + ' display: flex;' + ' align-items: center;' + ' gap: 10px;' + ' padding: 5px;' + '}' + '.autocomplete-flex:hover {' + ' background-color: #5f646e;' + '}' + '' + '.autocomplete-flex:focus {' + ' background-color: #5f646e;' + '}' + '' + '.name-link:hover {' + ' text-decoration: none;' + '}' + '.autocomplete-icon {' + ' width: 45px !important;' + ' height: 45px !important;' + ' border-radius: 50%;' + '}' + '.chatMessage {' + ' transition: padding 0.4s ease 0s;' + '}' + '.chatMessage:hover {' + ' padding-top: 5px;' + ' padding-bottom: 5px;' + ' position: relative;' + ' background-color: #5f646e !important;' + ' border-radius: 3px;' + ' transition: padding 0.4s ease 0s;' + '}' + '.messageIcons {' + ' display: flex;' + ' justify-content: center;' + ' align-items: center;' + ' height: 32px;' + ' width: 32px;' + ' background-color: #484b52;' + ' position: absolute;' + ' right: 0;' + ' top: -20px;' + ' display: none;' + ' border-radius: 3px;' + '}' + '.messageIcons:hover {' + ' background-color: #5f646e;' + ' filter: drop-shadow(5px 7px 14px black);' + '}' + '' + '.collapsible-wrap {' + ' margin: 10px 0 10px 0;' + '}' + '' + '.collapsible-button {' + ' cursor: pointer;' + ' padding: 18px;' + ' width: 100%;' + ' text-align: left;' + ' outline: none;' + ' font-size: 15px;' + '}' + '' + '.collapsible-button:focus {' + ' transition: background-color 0.5s ease;' + ' background-color: #3e1e80 !important;' + '}' + '' + '.collapsible-button:hover {' + ' transition: background-color 0.5s ease;' + '}' + '' + '.active {' + ' border-bottom-right-radius: 0 !important;' + ' border-bottom-left-radius: 0 !important;' + ' background-color: #3e1e80 !important;' + '}' + '' + '.collapsible-button:after {' + " content: '\\002B';" + ' font-weight: bold;' + ' float: right;' + ' margin-left: 5px;' + '}' + '' + '.active:after {' + " content: '\\2212';" + '}' + '' + '.collapsible-content {' + ' padding: 0 10px;' + ' max-height: 0;' + ' overflow: hidden;' + ' transition: max-height 0.2s ease-out;' + ' background-color: #2c2f33;' + ' border-bottom-left-radius: 3px;' + ' border-bottom-right-radius: 3px;' + '}' + '' + '.avatar-grid {' + ' width: 100%;' + ' display: grid;' + ' grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, 8em);' + ' grid-gap: 10px 15px;' + '}' + '' + '.avatar-div {' + ' height: 80px;' + ' width: 80px;' + ' display: flex;' + ' align-items: center;' + ' justify-content: center;' + ' gap: 5px;' + '}' + '' + '.avatar-div:hover {' + ' background-color: #484b52;' + ' transition: background-color 0.5s ease;' + ' border-radius: 3px;' + '}' + '' + '.avatarIcon {' + ' height: 20px;' + ' width: 20px;' + ' background-color: #3e1e80;' + ' border-radius: 50%;' + ' display: none;' + ' align-items: center;' + ' justify-content: center;' + '}' + '' + '.avatarIcon:hover {' + ' background-color: #6b36d9;' + ' filter: drop-shadow(5px 7px 14px #2c2f33);' + ' transition: background-color 0.5s ease;' + '}' + '' + '.ionicon {' + ' width: 13px;' + ' height: 13px;' + ' fill: #ddd;' + '}' + '' + '.collection-selection {' + ' position: absolute;' + ' z-index: 10000;' + ' margin-left: auto;' + ' margin-right: auto;' + ' right: 0;' + ' left: 0;' + ' top: 80px;' + ' width: 300px;' + ' background-color: #484b52;' + ' padding: 10px;' + ' text-align: center;' + ' overflow: hidden scroll;' + ' border-radius: 3px;' + ' max-height: 200px;' + '}' + '' + '.collection-selectable {' + ' font-weight: 700;' + ' padding: 10px 0;' + ' margin-bottom: 5px;' + '}' + '' + '.collection-selectable:hover {' + ' background-color: #3e1e80;' + ' border-radius: 3px;' + ' transition: background-color 0.5s ease;' + ' filter: drop-shadow(5px 7px 14px #2c2f33);' + '}' + '' + '#createCollectionBtn {' + ' font-weight: 700;' + '}' + '' + '.removeCategory-btn {' + ' background-color: #fd2f2f;' + '}' + '' + '.request-delete-collection {' + ' position: absolute;' + ' z-index: 10000;' + ' margin-left: auto;' + ' margin-right: auto;' + ' right: 0;' + ' left: 0;' + ' top: 80px;' + ' width: 300px;' + ' background-color: #484b52;' + ' padding: 10px;' + ' text-align: center;' + ' overflow: hidden scroll;' + ' border-radius: 3px;' + ' max-height: 200px;' + '}' + '' + '.message-image {' + ' width: 100%;' + ' height: auto;' + ' border-radius: 3px;' + '}' + '' + '.message-image-container {' + ' margin-top: 5px;' + '}' + '' + '#username-results {' + ' border: none;' + ' max-height: 200px;' + ' overflow: hidden scroll;' + ' max-width: 30%;' + ' position: absolute;' + ' left: 0;' + ' right: 0;' + ' bottom: calc(100% + 8px);' + ' margin-left: 8px;' + ' border-radius: 5px;' + '}' + '' ); // Necessary for autoreconnect window.onbeforeunload = null; const scope = angular.element(document.getElementById('topbar')).scope(); /************************************ * * * Global Socket Hook * * ************************************/ const globalSocketReady = new Event('globalSocketReady'); io.Socket.prototype.o_emit = io.Socket.prototype.o_emit || io.Socket.prototype.emit; io.Socket.prototype.emit = function (eventName, ...args) { if (!window.socket) { window.socket = this; window.dispatchEvent(globalSocketReady); } window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('socketEmit', { detail: { eventName: eventName, args: [...args] } })); return this.o_emit(eventName, ...args); }; /************************************ * * * Autoreconnnect * * ************************************/ const disconnectReasons = [ 'transport error', 'transport close', 'io client disconnect', 'io server disconnect', 'ping timeout', ]; const disconnected = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('disconnected')); if (disconnected) { localStorage.setItem('disconnected', JSON.stringify(false)); window.addEventListener('globalSocketReady', () => { setTimeout(() => { window.socket.emit('moveAvatar', JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('avatarPosition'))); }, 1500); }); } window.addEventListener('socketEmit', (event) => { if (event.detail.eventName === 'moveAvatar') { localStorage.setItem('avatarPosition', JSON.stringify(event.detail.args[0])); } if (event.detail.eventName === 'disconnect' && disconnectReasons.includes(event.detail.args[0])) { localStorage.setItem('disconnected', JSON.stringify(true)); location.reload(); } }); /************************************ * * * Reload Chat History * * ************************************/ const maxStoredMessagesPerRoom = 50; const maxMessageAge = 1000 * 60 * 30; // 30 Minutes window.addEventListener('globalSocketReady', () => { window.socket.on('updateChatLines', (data) => { const currentRoom = window.location.href.split('=')[1]; let roomData; if (!localStorage.hasOwnProperty('rooms')) { localStorage.setItem('rooms', JSON.stringify({})); } if (!JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('rooms')).hasOwnProperty(currentRoom)) { roomData = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('rooms')); roomData[currentRoom] = { messages: [], }; roomData = JSON.stringify(roomData); localStorage.setItem('rooms', roomData); } roomData = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('rooms')); if (data.user !== 'System') roomData[currentRoom].messages.push(data); if (roomData[currentRoom].messages.length > maxStoredMessagesPerRoom) roomData[currentRoom].messages.splice(0, 1); roomData = JSON.stringify(roomData); localStorage.setItem('rooms', roomData); }); window.addEventListener('socketEmit', (event) => { if (event.detail.eventName === 'changeRoom') { setTimeout(() => { restoreChatlogs(); }, 100); } }); restoreChatlogs(); }); function restoreChatlogs() { let currentRoomChatlogs = undefined; if (JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('rooms'))) { if (JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('rooms'))[window.location.href.split('=')[1]]) { currentRoomChatlogs = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('rooms'))[window.location.href.split('=')[1]].messages; } } else { return; } if (currentRoomChatlogs) { setTimeout(() => { for (const messageData of currentRoomChatlogs) { if (messageData.user !== 'System' && - messageData.timestamp < maxMessageAge) { const message = { hasPremium: messageData.hasPremium, msg: messageData.chatLine, festername: messageData.festername, house: ? : null, color: undefined, user: messageData.user + ': ', timestamp: `${new Date(messageData.timestamp).toLocaleDateString('de-DE')} - ${new Date( messageData.timestamp ) .toLocaleTimeString('de-DE') .slice(0, -3)} Uhr`, }; scope.chatmsgs.push(message); document.getElementById('topbar').click(); // Yeah I have absolutely no fucking clue. } } }, 1500); } } /************************************ * * * Chat History Garbage Collector * * ************************************/ if (localStorage.hasOwnProperty('rooms')) { const chatLogs = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('rooms')); if (chatLogs) { for (const room in chatLogs) { const tooOldMessages = []; for (const message in chatLogs[room].messages) { if ( - chatLogs[room].messages[message].timestamp > maxMessageAge) { tooOldMessages.push(message); } } for (const index of tooOldMessages) { chatLogs[room].messages.splice(index, 1); } if (chatLogs[room].messages.length === 0) { delete chatLogs[room]; } } } localStorage.setItem('rooms', JSON.stringify(chatLogs)); } /************************************ * * * Autocomplete Usernames * * ************************************/ const chatArea = document.getElementById('graphicChatArea'); = 'none'; const messageForm = document.getElementsByName('chatMsgForm')[0]; const messageInput = document.getElementById('chatline'); messageInput.setAttribute('onKeyUp', 'showResults(this.value)'); const resultDiv = document.createElement('div'); resultDiv.setAttribute('id', 'username-results'); messageForm.appendChild(resultDiv); function showResults(value) { const result = document.getElementById('username-results'); = 'block'; if (!value.includes('@')) { = 'none'; } result.innerHTML = ''; let list = ''; const users = window.autocompleteMatch(value); for (const user in users) { list += `<a class="name-link"><div class="autocomplete-flex autocomplete-list" onclick="replaceName(this.children[1].innerHTML)" tabindex="0"><img class="autocomplete-icon" src="/img/publicimg/skinthumbnails/${ users[user].imgthumb }"><div class="name-wrap">${users[user].username.split('@')[1]}</div></div></a>`; } result.innerHTML = `<ul style="padding: 0px; margin: 0px;">${list}</ul>`; const autocompleteListElements = document.getElementsByClassName('autocomplete-list'); for (const element of autocompleteListElements) { element.addEventListener('keyup', function (event) { if (event.keyCode === 13) { window.replaceName(this.children[1].innerHTML); } }); } } function autocompleteMatch(input) { if (input === '') { return []; } const scope = angular.element(document.getElementById('topbar')).scope(); const users = scope.chatterlist.filter((user) => ===; const userObjects = => { return { ...user, username: `@${user.username}` }; }); const reg = new RegExp(`\\B@(${input.split('@')[1]}.*)$`, 'i'); return userObjects.filter((user) => { if (user.username.match(reg)) { return user; } }); } function replaceName(username) { const scope = angular.element(document.getElementById('topbar')).scope(); const messageInput = document.getElementById('chatline'); scope.chatline = scope.chatline.replace(/\B@(\w*)$/, `${username} `); const resultDiv = document.getElementById('username-results'); = 'none'; messageInput.focus(); } window.replaceName = replaceName; window.showResults = showResults; window.autocompleteMatch = autocompleteMatch; /************************************ * * * Save Enable-Video Preferences * * ************************************/ const enableVideosInput = document.getElementById('checkAllowVideo'); const enableVideos = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('enableVideos')) === undefined ? true : JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('enableVideos')); scope.allowVideos = enableVideos; enableVideosInput.checked = enableVideos; enableVideosInput.addEventListener('change', function () { localStorage.setItem('enableVideos', JSON.stringify(this.checked)); }); /************************************ * * * Save Microphone color * * ************************************/ const microphoneBackgroundColor = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('microphoneBackgroundColor')); const microphoneTextColor = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('microphoneTextColor')); if (microphoneBackgroundColor && microphoneTextColor) { window.addEventListener('globalSocketReady', () => { setTimeout(() => { window.socket.emit('applyMicrophoneColor', { microphoneBackgroundColor: microphoneBackgroundColor, microphoneTextColor: microphoneTextColor, }); }, 1500); }); } window.addEventListener('socketEmit', (event) => { if (event.detail.eventName === 'applyMicrophoneColor') { localStorage.setItem('microphoneBackgroundColor', JSON.stringify(event.detail.args[0].microphoneBackgroundColor)); localStorage.setItem('microphoneTextColor', JSON.stringify(event.detail.args[0].microphoneTextColor)); } }); /************************************ * * * Fix Loading-DM Issue * * ************************************/ window.addEventListener('globalSocketReady', () => { window.socket.on('getPNList', () => { const scope = angular.element(document.getElementById('topbar')).scope(); scope.loading = false; }); }); /************************************ * * * Reply-Message / View Images in chat * * ************************************/ const messageDiv = document.getElementsByClassName('chatverlauf')[0]; const messageObserverConfig = { childList: true }; const messagesMutationCallback = function (mutationsList) { for (const mutation of mutationsList) { // Reply-Message if (mutation.addedNodes.length) { const message = mutation.addedNodes[0]; const chatMessageDiv = message.querySelectorAll(`[ng-bind-html^='chatmsg.msg']`)[0]; const messageContent = chatMessageDiv.textContent; const isSystemMessage = message.classList.contains('systemMsg'); const isEmojiMessage = message.querySelectorAll(`[ng-if='chatmsg.emojiImage']`).length > 0; const isOwnMessage = messageContent.startsWith(': '); = '1px'; if (isEmojiMessage) { continue; } if (isSystemMessage) { continue; } message.classList.add('chatMessage'); const messageIconsDiv = document.createElement('div'); messageIconsDiv.classList.add('messageIcons'); messageIconsDiv.innerHTML = '<svg aria-hidden="true" class="svg-inline--fa fa-quote-right fa-w-16" focusable="false" data-prefix="fa" data-icon="quote-right" role="img" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 512 512" data-fa-i2svg=""><path fill="#d2d2d2" d="M464 32H336c-26.5 0-48 21.5-48 48v128c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h80v64c0 35.3-28.7 64-64 64h-8c-13.3 0-24 10.7-24 24v48c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h8c88.4 0 160-71.6 160-160V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zm-288 0H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v128c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h80v64c0 35.3-28.7 64-64 64h-8c-13.3 0-24 10.7-24 24v48c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h8c88.4 0 160-71.6 160-160V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48z"></path></svg>'; message.appendChild(messageIconsDiv); message.addEventListener('mouseover', function () { const iconDiv = this.children[this.children.length - 1]; = 'flex'; }); message.addEventListener('mouseout', function () { const iconDiv = this.children[this.children.length - 1]; = 'none'; }); messageIconsDiv.addEventListener('click', function () { const scope = angular.element(document.getElementById('topbar')).scope(); const messageInput = document.getElementById('chatline'); let username = ''; if (!isOwnMessage) { username = chatMessageDiv.previousElementSibling.textContent.slice(0, -1); } else { username = chatMessageDiv.previousElementSibling.textContent; } if (scope.chatline === undefined) { scope.chatline = ''; } if (!isOwnMessage) { scope.chatline += ` @${username} "${messageContent}" `; } else { scope.chatline += ` @${username} "${messageContent.split(': ')[1]}" `; } messageInput.focus(); }); // View Images in chat const imageUrlRegex = new RegExp(`(http)?s?:?(\/\/[^"']*\.(?:png|jpg|jpeg|gif|svg))`); const isImageUrl = messageContent.match(imageUrlRegex); if (isImageUrl) { const imageUrl = isImageUrl[0]; const imageDiv = document.createElement('div'); const imageElement = document.createElement('img'); imageDiv.setAttribute('class', 'message-image-container'); imageElement.setAttribute('class', 'message-image'); imageElement.src = imageUrl; imageDiv.appendChild(imageElement); chatMessageDiv.appendChild(imageDiv); } } } }; const messagesObserver = new MutationObserver(messagesMutationCallback); messagesObserver.observe(messageDiv, messageObserverConfig); /************************************ * * * Avatar-Collections * I may have developed a severe depression while trying to implementing this. * ************************************/ if (!localStorage.hasOwnProperty('collections')) { localStorage.setItem('collections', JSON.stringify({ 'Keine Kategorie': { isDefault: true } })); } if (!localStorage.hasOwnProperty('avatars')) { localStorage.setItem('avatars', JSON.stringify({})); } window.addEventListener('globalSocketReady', () => { window.socket.on('getAvatarcase', (data) => { const avatars = data.avatars; const storageAvatars = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('avatars')); for (const avatar of avatars) { if (!storageAvatars[avatar.avatarid]) { storageAvatars[avatar.avatarid] = { id: avatar.avatarid, img: avatar.img, imgthumb: avatar.imgthumb, collection: 'Keine Kategorie', }; } } localStorage.setItem('avatars', JSON.stringify(storageAvatars)); }); window.socket.emit('getAvatarcase'); }); window.addEventListener('socketEmit', (event) => { if (event.detail.eventName === 'deleteAvatar') { // Remove Avatar properly in case it gets deleted const avatarID = event.detail.args[0].avatarid; const avatarDiv = document.querySelectorAll(`[id^='${avatarID}']`)[0]; avatarDiv.remove(); const storageAvatars = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('avatars')); delete storageAvatars[avatarID]; localStorage.setItem('avatars', JSON.stringify(storageAvatars)); } }); window.addAvatarToCollection = function (avatarID, collection) { const collections = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('collections')); if (!collections[collection]) { console.log(`Collection '${collection}' doesn't exist!`); return false; } const storageAvatars = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('avatars')); if (!storageAvatars[avatarID]) { console.log(`Avatar '${avatarID}' doesn't exist!`); return false; } storageAvatars[avatarID].collection = collection; localStorage.setItem('avatars', JSON.stringify(storageAvatars)); return true; }; window.removeAvatarFromCollection = function (avatarID) { const storageAvatars = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('avatars')); if (!storageAvatars[avatarID]) { console.log(`Avatar '${avatarID}' doesn't exist!`); return false; } storageAvatars[avatarID].collection = 'Keine Kategorie'; localStorage.setItem('avatars', JSON.stringify(storageAvatars)); return true; }; window.addCollection = function (collection) { const collections = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('collections')); if (collections[collection]) { console.log(`Collection ${collection} already exists!`); return false; } collections[collection] = { isDefault: false, }; localStorage.setItem('collections', JSON.stringify(collections)); return true; }; window.deleteCollection = function (collection) { const collections = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('collections')); if (!collections[collection]) { console.log(`Collection '${collection}' doesn't exist!`); return false; } if (collections[collection].isDefault) { console.log(`Default collections such as '${collection}' must not be deleted!`); return false; } const storageAvatars = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('avatars')); for (const avatar in storageAvatars) { if (storageAvatars[avatar].collection === collection) { storageAvatars[avatar].collection = 'Keine Kategorie'; } } localStorage.setItem('avatars', JSON.stringify(storageAvatars)); delete collections[collection]; localStorage.setItem('collections', JSON.stringify(collections)); return true; }; // View const avatarcaseObserverConfig = { childList: true }; const avatarcaseDiv = document.querySelector('[ng-hide="disconnectedClient"]').children[1]; const avatarcaseMutationCallback = function (mutationsList) { for (const mutation of mutationsList) { for (const node of mutation.addedNodes) { if ( === 'avatarcase') { const acSelfAvatarElements = document.querySelectorAll('[ng-repeat="ownedAva in ownedAvas track by $index"]'); setTimeout(() => { for (const element of acSelfAvatarElements) { element.remove(); } }, 1200); const collections = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('collections')); const avatarCaseDiv = document.getElementsByClassName('avatarcase_main')[0]; for (const collection in collections) { const collapsibleWrap = createCategoryElement(collection, node, avatarCaseDiv); avatarCaseDiv.append(collapsibleWrap); } const newCollectionFormDiv = document.createElement('div'); const newCollectionInput = document.createElement('input'); const newCollectionSubmitButton = document.createElement('button'); newCollectionSubmitButton.textContent = 'Neue Kategorie erstellen'; = 'createCollectionBtn'; = 'createCollectionInput'; newCollectionFormDiv.appendChild(newCollectionInput); newCollectionFormDiv.appendChild(newCollectionSubmitButton); newCollectionSubmitButton.addEventListener('click', function () { const input = document.getElementById('createCollectionInput'); if (input.value !== '') { const successfullyAdded = window.addCollection(input.value); if (successfullyAdded) { const collapsbileWrap = createCategoryElement(input.value, node); avatarCaseDiv.insertBefore(collapsbileWrap, newCollectionFormDiv); } } }); avatarCaseDiv.appendChild(newCollectionFormDiv); } } } }; function createCategoryElement(collection, node) { const scope = angular.element(document.getElementById('topbar')).scope(); const collapsibleWrap = document.createElement('div'); const collapsibleButton = document.createElement('button'); const collapsibleContent = document.createElement('div'); const avatarGrid = document.createElement('div'); const removeCategoryButton = document.createElement('button'); collapsibleWrap.setAttribute('class', 'collapsible-wrap'); collapsibleWrap.setAttribute('id', collection); collapsibleButton.setAttribute('class', 'collapsible-button'); collapsibleContent.setAttribute('class', 'collapsible-content'); removeCategoryButton.setAttribute('class', 'removeCategory-btn'); avatarGrid.setAttribute('class', 'avatar-grid'); collapsibleButton.textContent = collection; removeCategoryButton.textContent = 'Kategorie löschen'; removeCategoryButton.addEventListener('click', function () { window.selectedCollection =; const requestDeleteCollectionDiv = document.createElement('div'); const cancelRequestBtn = document.createElement('button'); const acceptRequestBtn = document.createElement('button'); requestDeleteCollectionDiv.setAttribute('class', 'request-delete-collection'); requestDeleteCollectionDiv.textContent = `Kategorie "${window.selectedCollection}" wirklich löschen?`; acceptRequestBtn.textContent = 'löschen'; cancelRequestBtn.textContent = 'abbrechen'; acceptRequestBtn.addEventListener('click', function () { const deletionSuccessfull = window.deleteCollection(window.selectedCollection); if (deletionSuccessfull) { const defaultCategory = document.getElementById('Keine Kategorie'); const selecetedCategory = document.getElementById(window.selectedCollection); for (const avatar of selecetedCategory.children[1].children[0].children) { avatar.children[avatar.childElementCount - 1].remove(); createAddToCollectionIcon(avatar, node); defaultCategory.children[1].children[0].appendChild(avatar); } selecetedCategory.remove(); } this.parentElement.remove(); }); cancelRequestBtn.addEventListener('click', function () { this.parentElement.remove(); }); requestDeleteCollectionDiv.appendChild(cancelRequestBtn); requestDeleteCollectionDiv.appendChild(acceptRequestBtn); node.appendChild(requestDeleteCollectionDiv); }); collapsibleContent.appendChild(avatarGrid); if (collection !== 'Keine Kategorie') { collapsibleContent.appendChild(removeCategoryButton); } collapsibleWrap.appendChild(collapsibleButton); collapsibleWrap.appendChild(collapsibleContent); const avatars = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('avatars')); for (const avatar in avatars) { if (avatars[avatar].collection === collection) { const avatarDiv = document.createElement('div'); const 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1.14z"/></svg>'; selectIconDiv.innerHTML = '<svg xmlns="" class="ionicon" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><title>Shirt</title><path d="M256 96c33.08 0 60.71-25.78 64-58 .3-3-3-6-6-6a13 13 0 00-4.74.9c-.2.08-21.1 8.1-53.26 8.1s-53.1-8-53.26-8.1a16.21 16.21 0 00-5.3-.9h-.06a5.69 5.69 0 00-5.38 6c3.35 32.16 31 58 64 58z"/><path d="M485.29 89.9L356 44.64a4 4 0 00-5.27 3.16 96 96 0 01-189.38 0 4 4 0 00-5.35-3.16L26.71 89.9A16 16 0 0016.28 108l16.63 88a16 16 0 0013.92 12.9l48.88 5.52a8 8 0 017.1 8.19l-7.33 240.9a16 16 0 009.1 14.94A17.49 17.49 0 00112 480h288a17.49 17.49 0 007.42-1.55 16 16 0 009.1-14.94l-7.33-240.9a8 8 0 017.1-8.19l48.88-5.52a16 16 0 0013.92-12.9l16.63-88a16 16 0 00-10.43-18.1z"/></svg>'; avatarDiv.appendChild(deleteIconDiv); avatarDiv.appendChild(selectIconDiv); selectIconDiv.addEventListener('click', function () { scope.changeAvatarTexture('-')[1]); }); deleteIconDiv.addEventListener('click', function () { scope.requestDeleteAvatar({ avatarid:'-')[0] }); }); if (collection === 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