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/** * * This is a Greasemonkey script and must be run using a Greasemonkey-compatible browser. * * @author maymay <> */ // ==UserScript== // @name FetLife ASL Search (Females included) // @version 0.3.8 // @namespace // @description Allows you to search for FetLife profiles based on age, sex, location, and role. // @include* // @exclude* // @exclude* // @exclude* // @exclude* // @grant GM_log // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant GM_addStyle // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_deleteValue // @grant GM_openInTab // ==/UserScript== FL_ASL = {}; FL_ASL.CONFIG = { 'debug': false, // switch to true to debug. 'progress_id': 'fetlife_asl_search_progress', 'min_matches': 1 // show at least this many matches before offering to search again }; FL_ASL.total_result_count = 0; // How many matches have we found, across all pages, on this load? // Utility debugging function. FL_ASL.log = function (msg) { if (!FL_ASL.CONFIG.debug) { return; } GM_log('FETLIFE ASL SEARCH: ' + msg); }; // Initializations. var uw = (unsafeWindow) ? unsafeWindow : window ; // Help with Chrome compatibility? GM_addStyle('\ #fetlife_asl_search_options { display: none; }\ #fetlife_asl_search_options fieldset { clear: both; margin: 0; padding: 0; }\ #fetlife_asl_search_options legend { display: none; }\ #fetlife_asl_search_options label {\ display: inline-block;\ white-space: nowrap;\ }\ #fetlife_asl_search_options input { width: auto; }\ #fetlife_asl_search_results { clear: both; }\ '); FL_ASL.users = {}; FL_ASL.init = function () { FL_ASL.CONFIG.search_form = document.querySelector('form[action="/search"]').parentNode; FL_ASL.getUserProfile(; FL_ASL.main(); }; window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', FL_ASL.init); FL_ASL.toggleAslSearch = function () { var el = document.getElementById('fetlife_asl_search_options'); if ( == 'block') { = 'none'; } else { = 'block'; } }; FL_ASL.toggleLocationFilter = function (e) { var el = document.getElementById('fl_asl_loc_filter_label'); switch (e.currentTarget.value) { case 'group': case 'event': case 'fetish': case 'search': case 'user': if ( == 'none') { = 'inline'; } break; default: = 'none'; break; } }; FL_ASL.aslSubmit = function (e) { var el = document.getElementById('fetlife_asl_search'); if (!el.checked) { return false; } // Provide UI feedback. var prog = document.getElementById(FL_ASL.CONFIG.progress_id); prog.innerHTML = 'Searching…<br />'; // collect the form parameters var search_params = FL_ASL.getSearchParams(); // search one of the geographic regions "/kinksters" list FL_ASL.getKinkstersInSet(search_params.loc); return false; }; /** * Reads and saves the search parameters from the provided form. */ FL_ASL.getSearchParams = function () { var r = { 'age' : {'min': null, 'max': null}, 'sex' : [], 'role' : [], 'loc' : {}, 'filter': '' }; // Collect age parameters, setting wide defaults. r.age.min = (document.getElementById('min_age').value) ? parseInt(document.getElementById('min_age').value) : 1; r.age.max = (document.getElementById('max_age').value) ? parseInt(document.getElementById('max_age').value) : 99; // Collect gender/sex parameters. var x = FL_ASL.CONFIG.search_form.querySelectorAll('input[name="user[sex]"]'); for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { if (x[i].checked) {[i].value); } } // Collect role orientation parameters. var y = FL_ASL.CONFIG.search_form.querySelectorAll('input[name="user[role]"]'); for (var iy = 0; iy < y.length; iy++) { if (y[iy].checked) { r.role.push(y[iy].value); } } // Collect location parameters. var search_in = []; var z = FL_ASL.CONFIG.search_form.querySelectorAll('input[name="fl_asl_loc"]'); for (var iz = 0; iz < z.length; iz++) { if (z[iz].checked) { search_in.push(z[iz].value); } } // Match location parameter with known location ID. switch (search_in[0]) { // These cases all use numeric object IDs. case 'group': case 'event': case 'user': case 'fetish': r.loc[search_in[0]] = parseInt(FL_ASL.CONFIG.search_form.querySelector('input[data-flasl' + search_in[0] + 'id]').getAttribute('data-flasl' + search_in[0] + 'id')); break; // This case uses a string, so no need to parseInt() it. case 'search': r.loc[search_in[0]] = FL_ASL.CONFIG.search_form.querySelector('input[data-flasl' + search_in[0] + 'id]').getAttribute('data-flasl' + search_in[0] + 'id'); break; default: user_loc = FL_ASL.getLocationForUser(; for (var xk in user_loc) { if (null !== user_loc[xk] && (-1 !== search_in.indexOf(xk)) ) { r.loc[xk] = user_loc[xk]; } } break; } // Collect location filter, if one was entered. if (document.getElementById('fl_asl_loc_filter')) { r.filter = document.getElementById('fl_asl_loc_filter').value; } return r; }; FL_ASL.getLocationForUser = function (id) { var r = { 'city_id': null, 'area_id': null, 'country': null }; var profile_html = FL_ASL.users[id].profile_html; var m = profile_html.match(/href="\/countries\/([0-9]+)/); if (m) { = m[1]; } m = profile_html.match(/href="\/administrative_areas\/([0-9]+)/); if (m) { r.area_id = m[1]; } m = profile_html.match(/href="\/cities\/([0-9]+)/); if (m) { r.city_id = m[1]; } return r; }; FL_ASL.getUserProfile = function (id) { if (FL_ASL.users[id]) { return FL_ASL.users[id].profile_html; } else { FL_ASL.users[id] = {}; GM_xmlhttpRequest({ 'method': 'GET', 'url': '' + id.toString(), 'onload': function (response) { FL_ASL.users[id].profile_html = response.responseText; } }); } }; FL_ASL.getKinkstersInSet = function (loc_obj) { if ( { FL_ASL.getKinkstersInGroup(; } else if (loc_obj.event) { FL_ASL.getKinkstersInEvent(loc_obj.event); } else if (loc_obj.user) { FL_ASL.getKinkstersInFriend(loc_obj.user); } else if (loc_obj.fetish) { FL_ASL.getKinkstersInFetish(loc_obj.fetish); } else if ( { FL_ASL.getKinkstersInSearch(; } else if (loc_obj.city_id) { FL_ASL.getKinkstersInCity(loc_obj.city_id); } else if (loc_obj.area_id) { FL_ASL.getKinkstersInArea(loc_obj.area_id); } else if ( { FL_ASL.getKinkstersInCountry(; } else { return false; } }; FL_ASL.getKinkstersInCity = function (city_id, page) { var url = '' + city_id.toString() + '/kinksters'; url = (page) ? url + '?page=' + page.toString() : url ; FL_ASL.getKinkstersFromURL(url); }; FL_ASL.getKinkstersInArea = function (area_id, page) { var url = '' + area_id.toString() + '/kinksters'; url = (page) ? url + '?page=' + page.toString() : url ; FL_ASL.getKinkstersFromURL(url); }; FL_ASL.getKinkstersInCountry = function (country, page) { var url = '' + country.toString() + '/kinksters'; url = (page) ? url + '?page=' + page.toString() : url ; FL_ASL.getKinkstersFromURL(url); }; FL_ASL.getKinkstersInGroup = function (group, page) { var url = '' + group.toString() + '/group_memberships'; url = (page) ? url + '?page=' + page.toString() : url ; FL_ASL.getKinkstersFromURL(url); }; FL_ASL.getKinkstersInEvent = function (event, page) { var url = '' + event.toString() + '/rsvps'; url = (page) ? url + '?page=' + page.toString() : url ; FL_ASL.getKinkstersFromURL(url); }; FL_ASL.getKinkstersInFriend = function (user_id, page) { var url = '' + user_id.toString() + '/friends'; url = (page) ? url + '?page=' + page.toString() : url ; FL_ASL.getKinkstersFromURL(url); }; FL_ASL.getKinkstersInFetish = function (fetish_id, page) { var url = '' + fetish_id.toString() + '/kinksters'; url = (page) ? url + '?page=' + page.toString() : url ; FL_ASL.getKinkstersFromURL(url); }; FL_ASL.getKinkstersInSearch = function (search_string, page) { var url = '' + search_string.toString(); url = (page) ? url + '&page=' + page.toString() : url ; FL_ASL.getKinkstersFromURL(url); }; FL_ASL.getKinkstersFromURL = function (url) { FL_ASL.log('Getting Kinksters list from URL: ' + url); // Set minimum matches, if that's been asked for. if (document.getElementById('fl_asl_min_matches').value) { FL_ASL.CONFIG.min_matches = document.getElementById('fl_asl_min_matches').value; } prog = document.getElementById(FL_ASL.CONFIG.progress_id); prog.innerHTML = prog.innerHTML + '.'; GM_xmlhttpRequest({ 'method': 'GET', 'url': url, 'onload': function (response) { var parser = new DOMParser(); var doc = parser.parseFromString(response.responseText, 'text/html'); var els = doc.querySelectorAll('.user_in_list'); result_count = 0; for (var i = 0; i < els.length; i++) { // filter the results based on the form parameters if (FL_ASL.matchesSearchParams(els[i])) { // display the results in a "results" section in this portion of the page FL_ASL.displayResult(els[i]); result_count++; // note total results found FL_ASL.total_result_count += result_count; } } // Set up next request. my_page = (url.match(/\d+$/)) ? parseInt(url.match(/\d+$/)[0]) : 1 ; next_page = my_page + 1; if (next_page > 2) { next_url = url.replace(/\d+$/, next_page.toString()); } else { // Already have a query string? If so, append (&) rather than create (?). next_url = (url.match(/\?q=/)) ? url + '&page=' : url + '?page='; next_url += next_page.toString(); } // Automatically search on next page if no or too few results were found. if (0 === result_count || FL_ASL.CONFIG.min_matches >= FL_ASL.total_result_count) { FL_ASL.getKinkstersFromURL(next_url); return false; } else { // Reset total_result_count for this load. FL_ASL.total_result_count = 0; // Reset UI search feedback. p = prog.parentNode p.removeChild(prog); new_prog = document.createElement('p'); new_prog.setAttribute('id', FL_ASL.CONFIG.progress_id); p.appendChild(new_prog); } btn = document.createElement('button'); btn.setAttribute('id', 'btn_moar'); btn.setAttribute('onclick', "var xme = document.getElementById('btn_moar'); xme.parentNode.removeChild(xme); return false;"); btn.innerHTML = 'Show me MOAR…'; btn.addEventListener('click', function(){FL_ASL.getKinkstersFromURL(next_url)}); document.getElementById('fetlife_asl_search_results').appendChild(btn); } }); }; /** * Determines whether a "user_in_list" block matches the searched-for parameters. * * @return True if block matches all search parameters, false otherwise. */ FL_ASL.matchesSearchParams = function (el) { var search_params = FL_ASL.getSearchParams(); // Does block match location string filter? if (-1 === FL_ASL.getLocationString(el).toLowerCase().search(search_params.filter.toLowerCase())) { return false; } // Does block match age range? var age = FL_ASL.getAge(el); // Did we supply a minimum age? if (search_params.age.min && (search_params.age.min > age) ) { return false; } // Did we supply a maximum age? if (search_params.age.max && (search_params.age.max < age) ) { return false; } // Does block match gender/sex selection? if (-1 === { return false; } // Does block match role orientation selection? if (-1 === search_params.role.indexOf(FL_ASL.getRole(el))) { return false; } // All conditions match. return true; }; FL_ASL.getSex = function (el) { var x = el.querySelector('.quiet').innerHTML; var sex = x.match(/^\d\d(\S*)/); return sex[1]; }; FL_ASL.getAge = function (el) { var x = el.querySelector('.quiet').innerHTML; var age = x.match(/^\d\d/); return parseInt(age); }; FL_ASL.getRole = function (el) { var x = el.querySelector('.quiet').innerHTML; var role = x.match(/ ?(\S+)?$/); return role[1]; }; FL_ASL.getLocationString = function (el) { return el.querySelector('em').innerHTML; }; FL_ASL.displayResult = function (el) { var id = el.querySelector('a').getAttribute('href').match(/\d+$/); var name = el.querySelector('.large a').childNodes[0].nodeValue; var a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = '' + id; a.innerHTML = '(send ' + name + ' a message)'; = 'underline'; a.setAttribute('target', '_blank'); el.appendChild(a); document.getElementById('fetlife_asl_search_results').appendChild(el); }; // This is the main() function, executed on page load. FL_ASL.main = function () { // Insert ASL search button interface at FetLife "Search" bar. var label = document.createElement('label'); label.innerHTML = 'A/S/L?'; var input = document.createElement('input'); input.setAttribute('style', '-webkit-appearance: checkbox'); input.setAttribute('type', 'checkbox'); input.setAttribute('id', 'fetlife_asl_search'); input.setAttribute('name', 'fetlife_asl_search'); input.setAttribute('value', '1'); input.addEventListener('click', FL_ASL.toggleAslSearch); label.appendChild(input); var div = document.createElement('div'); div.setAttribute('id', 'fetlife_asl_search_options'); div.setAttribute('style', 'display: none;'); html_string = '<fieldset><legend>Search for user profiles of the following gender/sex:</legend><p>'; html_string += 'Show me profiles of people with a gender/sex of…'; html_string += '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user[sex]" value="M" /> Male</label>'; html_string += '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user[sex]" value="F" checked="checked" /> Female</label>'; html_string += '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user[sex]" value="CD/TV" />Crossdresser/Transvestite</label>'; html_string += '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user[sex]" value="MtF" />Trans - Male to Female</label>'; html_string += '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user[sex]" value="FtM" />Trans - Female to Male</label>'; html_string += '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user[sex]" value="TG" />Transgender</label>'; html_string += '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user[sex]" value="GF" />Gender Fluid</label>'; html_string += '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user[sex]" value="GQ" />Genderqueer</label>'; html_string += '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user[sex]" value="IS" />Intersex</label>'; html_string += '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user[sex]" value="B" />Butch</label>'; html_string += '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user[sex]" value="FEM" checked="checked" />Femme</label>'; html_string += '</p></fieldset>'; html_string += '<fieldset><legend>Search for user profiles between the ages of:</legend><p>'; html_string += '…who are also <label>at least <input type="text" name="min_age" id="min_age" placeholder="18" size="2" /> years old</label> and <label>at most <input type="text" name="max_age" id="max_age" placeholder="92" size="2" /> years old…</label>'; html_string += '</p></fieldset>'; html_string += '<fieldset><legend>Search for user profiles whose role is:</legend><p>'; html_string += '…who identify their role as '; // Note that these values are what show up, not necessarily what's sent to the FetLife backend. html_string += '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user[role]" value="Dom" />Dominant</label>'; html_string += '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user[role]" value="Domme" />Domme</label>'; html_string += '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user[role]" value="Switch" />Switch</label>'; html_string += '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user[role]" value="sub" checked="checked" />submissive</label>'; html_string += '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user[role]" value="Master" />Master</label>'; html_string += '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user[role]" value="Mistress" />Mistress</label>'; html_string += '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user[role]" value="slave" checked="checked" />slave</label>'; html_string += '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user[role]" value="pet" checked="checked" />pet</label>'; html_string += '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user[role]" value="kajira" />kajira</label>'; html_string += '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user[role]" value="kajirus" />kajirus</label>'; html_string += '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user[role]" value="Top" />Top</label>'; html_string += '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user[role]" value="bottom" checked="checked" />Bottom</label>'; html_string += '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user[role]" value="Sadist" />Sadist</label>'; html_string += '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user[role]" value="Masochist" checked="checked" />Masochist</label>'; html_string += '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user[role]" value="Sadomasochist" />Sadomasochist</label>'; html_string += '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user[role]" value="Ageplayer" />Ageplayer</label>'; html_string += '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user[role]" value="Daddy" />Daddy</label>'; html_string += '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user[role]" value="babygirl" checked="checked" />babygirl</label>'; html_string += '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user[role]" value="brat" />brat</label>'; html_string += '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user[role]" value="Primal" />Primal</label>'; html_string += '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user[role]" value="Fetishist" />Fetishist</label>'; html_string += '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user[role]" value="Kinkster" />Kinkster</label>'; html_string += '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user[role]" value="Hedonist" />Hedonist</label>'; html_string += '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user[role]" value="Vanilla" />Vanilla</label>'; html_string += '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user[role]" value="Unsure" />Unsure</label>'; // Note that "Not Applicable" is the equivalent of "it doesn't matter", so we omit this. //html_string += '<label><input type="checkbox" name="user[role]" value="" />Not Applicable</label>'; html_string += '</p></fieldset>'; html_string += '<fieldset><legend>Search for user profiles located in:</legend><p>'; html_string += '…from '; // If we're on a "groups" or "events" or "user" or "fetish" or "search" page, var which_thing = window.location.toString().match(/(group|event|user|fetish)e?s\/(\d+)/) || window.location.toString().match(/(search)\/kinksters\/?\?(?:page=\d+&)?q=(\S+)/); if (null !== which_thing) { switch (which_thing[1]) { case 'user': var label_text = "user's friends"; break; case 'group': // fall through case 'event': case 'fetish': case 'search': default: var label_text = which_thing[1]; break; } // offer an additional option to search for users associated with this object rather than geography. html_string += '<label><input type="radio" name="fl_asl_loc" value="' + which_thing[1] + '" data-flasl' + which_thing[1] + 'id="' + which_thing[2] + '"/>this ' + label_text + '</label>'; html_string += '<label id="fl_asl_loc_filter_label" style="display: none;"> located in <input type="text" id="fl_asl_loc_filter" name="fl_asl_loc_filter" /></label>'; html_string += ', or '; } html_string += ' my <label><input type="radio" name="fl_asl_loc" value="city_id" checked="checked" />city</label>'; html_string += '<label><input type="radio" name="fl_asl_loc" value="area_id" />state/province</label>'; html_string += '<label><input type="radio" name="fl_asl_loc" value="country" />country</label>'; html_string += '.</p></fieldset>'; html_string += '<fieldset><legend>Result set options:</legend><p>'; html_string += '<label>Return at least <input id="fl_asl_min_matches" name="fl_asl_min_matches" value="" placeholder="1" size="2" /> matches per search.</label> (Set this lower if no results seem to ever appear.)'; html_string += '</p></fieldset>'; div.innerHTML = html_string; FL_ASL.CONFIG.search_form.appendChild(label); FL_ASL.CONFIG.search_form.appendChild(div); var radio_els = document.querySelectorAll('input[name="fl_asl_loc"]'); for (var i = 0; i < radio_els.length; i++) { radio_els[i].addEventListener('click', FL_ASL.toggleLocationFilter); } btn_submit = document.createElement('button'); btn_submit.setAttribute('id', 'btn_fetlife_asl_search_submit'); btn_submit.setAttribute('onclick', "var xme = document.getElementById('btn_fetlife_asl_search_submit'); xme.parentNode.removeChild(xme); return false;"); btn_submit.innerHTML = 'Mine! (I mean, uh, search…)'; btn_submit.addEventListener('click', FL_ASL.aslSubmit); div.appendChild(btn_submit); results_container = document.createElement('div'); results_container.setAttribute('id', 'fetlife_asl_search_results'); FL_ASL.CONFIG.search_form.appendChild(results_container); prog = document.createElement('p'); prog.setAttribute('id', FL_ASL.CONFIG.progress_id); FL_ASL.CONFIG.search_form.appendChild(prog); }; FAADE = {}; FAADE.CONFIG = { 'debug': false, // switch to true to debug. 'gdocs_key': '0ArYmNHuRadHbdGNVT1kzSzFnOXhHRjh1RnczZVVmMXc', 'gform_key': 'dGNVT1kzSzFnOXhHRjh1RnczZVVmMXc6MQ', 'gdocs_development_key': '0ArYmNHuRadHbdGxjMUhyR0FzLWJicHNXUFdxckFEQWc', 'gform_development_key': 'dGxjMUhyR0FzLWJicHNXUFdxckFEQWc6MQ', }; // Utility debugging function. FAADE.log = function (msg) { if (!FAADE.CONFIG.debug) { return; } GM_log('FETLIFE FAADE: ' + msg); }; // Initializations. var uw = (unsafeWindow) ? unsafeWindow : window ; // Help with Chrome compatibility? GM_addStyle('\ /* Highlight alleged abusers in bright yellow. */\ .faade_alleged_abuser {\ display: inline-block;\ border: 2px solid yellow;\ }\ #faade_abuse_reports caption {\ background: yellow;\ color: red;\ }\ #faade_abuse_reports tfoot td {\ padding-top: 1em;\ text-align: center;\ }\ #faade_abuse_reports tr:target > * {\ border: 1px solid red;\ }\ #faade_abuse_reports tr:target th {\ border-width: 1px 0 1px 1px;\ }\ #faade_abuse_reports tr:target td {\ border-width: 1px 1px 1px 0;\ }\ /* FAADE location broadcast dialog styles. */\ [aria-labelledby="ui-dialog-title-faade"] { border-color: yellow; }\ #ui-dialog-title-faade { color: red; }\ /* General prettiness. */\ #profile #main_content a + a.faade_report_link { padding-left: 5px; }\ footer .faade_report_link,\ .blog_entry p.quiet.small .faade_report_link,\ .byline .faade_report_link {\ display: block;\ color: #777;\ }\ .mini_feed_title .faade_report_link {\ float: left;\ padding-right: 5px;\ }\ li a.faade_report_link,\ #profile ul.friends li { width: auto; }\ '); FAADE.init = function () { FL_ASL.getUserProfile(; // run early FAADE.injectDialog(); FAADE.abuser_database = FAADE.getValue('abuser_database', false); if (FAADE.abuserDatabaseExpired()) { FAADE.fetchAbuserDatabase(); } FAADE.main(); }; window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', FAADE.init); // Determines whether the abuser database has expired and needs to be re-fetched. FAADE.abuserDatabaseExpired = function () { // If we don't have a database, then of course it's "expired." if (!FAADE.abuser_database) { FAADE.log('Abuser database expired because of false-equivalent value.'); return true; } else if ( (new Date().getTime() > (parseInt(FAADE.getValue('last_fetch_time')) + 86400)) ) { // Abuser database was last fetched more than 24 hours (86400 seconds) ago, so refresh. FAADE.log('Abuser database expired because of time.'); return true; } else { FAADE.log('Abuser database still fresh.'); return false; } }; FAADE.getDatabaseConnectionString = function () { return (FAADE.CONFIG.debug) ? FAADE.CONFIG.gdocs_development_key : FAADE.CONFIG.gdocs_key; }; FAADE.getReportFormKey = function () { return (FAADE.CONFIG.debug) ? FAADE.CONFIG.gform_development_key : FAADE.CONFIG.gform_key; }; FAADE.setValue = function (x, y) { return (FAADE.CONFIG.debug) ? GM_setValue(x += '_development', y) : GM_setValue(x, y); }; FAADE.getValue = function (x, y) { if (arguments.length === 1) { return (FAADE.CONFIG.debug) ? GM_getValue(x += '_development'): GM_getValue(x); } else { return (FAADE.CONFIG.debug) ? GM_getValue(x += '_development', y): GM_getValue(x, y); } }; FAADE.fetchAbuserDatabase = function () { var key = FAADE.getDatabaseConnectionString(); var url = '' + key + '&output=html'; FAADE.log('fetching abusers database from ' + url); GM_xmlhttpRequest({ 'method': 'GET', 'url': url, 'onload': function (response) { if (!response.finalUrl.match(/^https:\/\/\/spreadsheet\/pub/)) { FAADE.log('Failed to fetch abuser database from ' + url); return false; } FAADE.setValue('last_fetch_time', new Date().getTime().toString()); // timestamp this fetch FAADE.setValue('abuser_database', response.responseText); FAADE.abuser_database = FAADE.getValue('abuser_database'); } }); }; FAADE.injectDialog = function () { // Inject hidden dialog box link. var trigger_el = document.createElement('a'); trigger_el.setAttribute('class', 'opens-modal'); trigger_el.setAttribute('data-opens-modal', 'faade'); document.body.appendChild(trigger_el); // Inject dialog box HTML. FetLife currently uses Rails 3, so mimic that. // See, for instance, Rails Behaviors: var faade_dialog = document.createElement('div'); faade_dialog.setAttribute('style', 'display: none; position: absolute; overflow: hidden; z-index: 1000; outline: 0px none;'); faade_dialog.setAttribute('class', 'ui-dialog ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all'); faade_dialog.setAttribute('tabindex', '-1'); faade_dialog.setAttribute('role', 'dialog'); faade_dialog.setAttribute('aria-labelledby', 'ui-dialog-title-faade'); var html_string = '<div class="ui-dialog-titlebar ui-widget-header ui-corner-all ui-helper-clearfix" unselectable="on" style="-moz-user-select: none;">'; html_string += '<span class="ui-dialog-title" id="ui-dialog-title-faade" unselectable="on" style="-moz-user-select: none;">FetLife Alleged Abusers Database Engine (FAADE)</span>'; html_string += '<a href="#" class="ui-dialog-titlebar-close ui-corner-all" role="button" unselectable="on" style="-moz-user-select: none;">'; html_string += '<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-closethick" unselectable="on" style="-moz-user-select: none;">close</span>'; html_string += '</a>'; html_string += '</div>'; html_string += '<div data-modal-title="FetLife Alleged Abusers Database Engine (FAADE)" data-modal-height="280" data-modal-auto-open="false" class="modal ui-dialog-content ui-widget-content" id="faade">'; html_string += '<p class="mbm">There have been <span id="faade_reports_to_alert">X</span> new consent violations filed in FAADE that may have been perpetrated near your location (<span id="faade_user_loc">X, X, X</span>).</p>'; html_string += '<p>Click "View new nearby FAADE reports" to view the profiles of the people who have been accused of consent violations near your area in new tabs.</p>'; html_string += '<p id="faade-actions" class="ac">'; html_string += '<a rel="nofollow" class="btnsqr close" data-closes-modal="faade" href="#">View new nearby FAADE reports</a>'; html_string += '<span class="i s q"> -or- </span>'; html_string += '<a data-closes-modal="faade" class="close tdn q" href="#">Cancel</a>'; html_string += '</p>'; html_string += '<p>(Don\'t worry, I\'m not looking for where you actually are. Your location was determined from your FetLife profile.)</p>'; html_string += '</div>'; faade_dialog.innerHTML = html_string; document.body.appendChild(faade_dialog); // Attach event listener to trigger element. document.querySelector('[data-opens-modal="faade"]').addEventListener('click', function (e) { document.querySelector('[data-opens-modal="faade"]').dialog("open"); }); }; FAADE.getLocationFromProfileHtml = function (html) { var parser = new DOMParser(); var doc = parser.parseFromString(html, 'text/html'); return doc.querySelector('h2.bottom + p > em').textContent.split(', '); // split with comma AND space }; FAADE.broadcastNewProximalReports = function (doc) { // Recall timestamp of last record checked. var last_timestamp_checked = parseInt(FAADE.getValue('last_timestamp_checked', '0')); // default is "never!" // Get latest timestamp in stored alleged abuser database. var rows = doc.querySelectorAll('#tblMain tr'); // read in every report, in full var latest_timestamp_filed = Date.parse(rows[rows.length - 1].childNodes[1].textContent); // If never checked, or if there are new records since last timestamp checked if (last_timestamp_checked < latest_timestamp_filed) { FAADE.log('Last timestamp checked (' + last_timestamp_checked.toString() + ') is older than latest timestamp filed (' + latest_timestamp_filed.toString() + ').'); // count how many new records there are since last check var num_reports = 0; for (var i = rows.length - 1; i > 0; i--) { if (Date.parse(rows[i].childNodes[1].textContent) > last_timestamp_checked) { num_reports++; } else { break; // we've reached the timestamps we've already checked, we're done } } FAADE.log('Total of ' + num_reports + ' new reports since last check.'); var user_loc = FAADE.getLocationFromProfileHtml(FL_ASL.users[].profile_html); FAADE.log('Current user location seems to be ' + user_loc.join(', ') + '.'); // Loop over all new records one by one var reports_to_alert = []; for (var i = rows.length - num_reports; i <= rows.length - 1; i++) { // extract the location data from the report report_loc = rows[i].childNodes[6].textContent; // compare current user's FetLife profile location against alleged abuse location // and test each substring of the user profile against the reported location for (var z = 0; z < user_loc.length; z++) { // if a relevant case insensitive substring matches if (-1 !== report_loc.toLowerCase().search(user_loc[z].toLowerCase())) { FAADE.log('Filed report location ' + report_loc + ' matches user location substring ' + user_loc[z] + '!'); // store for future pop-up reports_to_alert.push(rows[i]); break; // we found a match, so stop trying on this row } } } // Ask user to view the profiles of the alleged abusers in the user's local vicinity. if (reports_to_alert.length) { // Fill in the user-facing message with the appropriate info. document.getElementById('faade_reports_to_alert').innerHTML = reports_to_alert.length.toString(); document.getElementById('faade_user_loc').innerHTML = user_loc.join(', '); // Create the click event we're going to use. var evt = document.createEvent('MouseEvents'); evt.initEvent('click', true, false); // can bubble, can't be cancelled // "Click" event on hidden code. document.querySelector('a[data-opens-modal="faade"]').dispatchEvent(evt); // Attach event listener to "View" button and pass in appropriate URLs. document.querySelector('.btnsqr[data-closes-modal="faade"]').addEventListener('click', function () { for (var i = 0; i < reports_to_alert.length; i++) { // TODO: Add the permalink to the specific report to this URL, so it's highlighted when opened. var url = ''; GM_openInTab(url + reports_to_alert[i].childNodes[2].textContent.match(/\d+/)[0]); } }); } } // Make a note of the latest timestamp filed, so we start here next time we're loaded. FAADE.setValue('last_timestamp_checked', latest_timestamp_filed.toString()); }; // This is the main() function, executed on page load. FAADE.main = function () { // Make a list of known alleged abuser user IDs. var parser = new DOMParser(); var doc = parser.parseFromString(FAADE.abuser_database, 'text/html'); var els = doc.querySelectorAll('#tblMain td:nth-child(3)'); // third child is the column of IDs. var abuser_ids = []; for (var i = 1; i < els.length; i++) { // we never need the first (0'th) cell because Google provides it blank. abuser_ids.push(els[i].innerHTML); } FAADE.log('recalled abuser ids ' + abuser_ids); // TODO: Refactor this, it's kludgy. setTimeout(function() { FAADE.log('Running time-delayed function.'); if (FL_ASL.users[].profile_html) { FAADE.log('We have the current user\'s FetLife profile HTML. Running broadcast checks.'); FAADE.broadcastNewProximalReports(doc); } }, 5000); // give us a few seconds to grab the current user's FetLife profile HTML. // Are we on a user profile page? if (window.location.href.match(/users\/(\d+)\/?$/)) { var profile_nick = document.querySelector('h2.bottom').childNodes[0].textContent.match(/\S+/)[0]; var id_in_url = window.location.href.match(/users\/(\d+)\/?$/)[1]; // If we're not viewing our own profile page, insert a report link. usr_ops = document.querySelector('#main_content p.quiet'); if (usr_ops) { usr_ops.appendChild(document.createElement('br')); usr_ops.appendChild(FAADE.createAbuseReportLink(id_in_url, profile_nick)); } // If this is a profile page of an alleged abuser, if (-1 !== abuser_ids.indexOf(id_in_url)) { var report_el = document.createElement('table'); report_el.setAttribute('id', 'faade_abuse_reports'); report_el.setAttribute('summary', 'Reported consent violations committed by ' + profile_nick + '.'); var caption = document.createElement('caption'); caption.innerHTML = 'There are reports ' + profile_nick + ' violated others\' consent in these ways:'; var tfoot = document.createElement('tfoot'); tfoot.innerHTML = '<tr><td colspan="2"></td></tr>'; tfoot.querySelector('td').appendChild(FAADE.createAbuseReportLink(id_in_url, profile_nick)); report_el.appendChild(caption); report_el.appendChild(tfoot); // Find all reports that match ID number. var abuse_reports = []; for (var ix = 0; ix < els.length; ix++) { if (id_in_url === els[ix].innerHTML) { abuse_reports.push(els[ix].parentNode); // the table row of abuse report } } // Add this information to the top of this user's profile for (var iy = 0; iy < abuse_reports.length; iy++) { var num = iy + 1; var tr = document.createElement('tr'); tr.setAttribute('id', 'faade_abuse_report-' + num.toString()); var details_html = '<ul><li class="faade_abuse_report_datetime">' + abuse_reports[iy].childNodes[7].innerHTML + '</li>'; details_html += '<li class="faade_abuse_report_location">' + abuse_reports[iy].childNodes[6].innerHTML + '</li></ul>'; var permalink_html = '<a class="faade_abuse_reported_datetime" rel="bookmark" href="' + window.location + '#faade_abuse_report-' + num.toString() + '" title="Permalink for FAADE abuse report number ' + num.toString() + ' against ' + profile_nick + '.">' + abuse_reports[iy].childNodes[1].innerHTML + '</a>'; tr.innerHTML += '<th>Abuse report ' + num.toString() + ' (' + permalink_html + '):' + details_html + '</th>'; tr.innerHTML += '<td>' + abuse_reports[iy].childNodes[5].innerHTML + '</td>'; report_el.appendChild(tr); } var before = document.querySelector('#main_content table:last-child'); before.parentNode.insertBefore(report_el, before); } } // Collect all user links on this page. var user_links = []; for (i = 0; i < document.links.length; i++) { var l = document.links[i].href.match(/^(https:\/\/\/users\/(\d+)\/?$/); if ( l && (l[2] !== ) { user_links.push(document.links[i]); } } // For each user ID found, var last_id = null; for (i = 0; i < user_links.length; i++) { // Collect its user ID number. var id = user_links[i].href.match(/\d+\/?$/); if (id) { id = id.toString(); } // cast to string for later comparison // Get nickname. var n; if (user_links[i].children.length) { // This is an avatar link, not a text link. n = user_links[i].childNodes[0].alt; } else { // This is a text link. Easy. n = user_links[i].innerHTML; } // check the alleged abusers data store for a match. if (-1 !== abuser_ids.indexOf(id)) { FAADE.log('found match on this page for alleged abuser ID number ' + id); // highlight the user's links that matched an alleged abuser using CSS user_links[i].setAttribute('class', user_links[i].className + ' faade_alleged_abuser'); } // Don't create another link if we just made one for that user. if (id === last_id) { continue; } // Offer a link to add another report for this user. // See also: // Add link to report this user for a consent violation. var a = FAADE.createAbuseReportLink(id, n); user_links[i].parentNode.appendChild(a); last_id = id; } }; FAADE.createAbuseReportLink = function (id, nick) { var a = document.createElement('a'); a.setAttribute('class', 'faade_report_link'); a.setAttribute('target', '_blank'); var href = '' + FAADE.getReportFormKey(); href += '&entry_0=' + id; href += '&entry_1=' + nick; a.setAttribute('href', href); a.innerHTML = '(report a consent violation by ' + nick + ')'; return a; }; // The following is required for Chrome compatibility, as we need "text/html" parsing. /* * DOMParser HTML extension * 2012-09-04 * * By Eli Grey, * Public domain. * NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. */ /*! @source */ /*global document, DOMParser*/ (function(DOMParser) { "use strict"; var DOMParser_proto = DOMParser.prototype , real_parseFromString = DOMParser_proto.parseFromString ; // Firefox/Opera/IE throw errors on unsupported types try { // WebKit returns null on unsupported types if ((new DOMParser).parseFromString("", "text/html")) { // text/html parsing is natively supported return; } } catch (ex) {} DOMParser_proto.parseFromString = function(markup, type) { if (/^\s*text\/html\s*(?:;|$)/i.test(type)) { var doc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument("") ; doc.body.innerHTML = markup; return doc; } else { return real_parseFromString.apply(this, arguments); } }; }(DOMParser));