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// ==UserScript== // @name Stupka // @namespace // @version 1.0.0 // @description epilepsja alert // @author Puciek // @include * // @noframes // ==/UserScript== //ps to jest bezpieczne function Takeover(ratio, imageurl) { this.ratio = ratio; this.imageurl = imageurl } var getTakeover = { init: function (myTakeover) { this.myTakeover = myTakeover }, horizontal: function () { return this.myTakeover.filter(function (myTakeover) { return myTakeover.ratio === "horizontal"; }); }, vertical: function () { return this.myTakeover.filter(function (myTakeover) { return myTakeover.ratio === "vertical"; }); }, square: function () { return this.myTakeover.filter(function (myTakeover) { return myTakeover.ratio === "square"; }); } }; function Randomize(images) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * images.length); } var myTakeover = [ new Takeover("horizontal", ""), new Takeover("horizontal", ""), new Takeover("horizontal", ""), new Takeover("horizontal", ""), new Takeover("horizontal", ""), new Takeover("vertical", ""), new Takeover("vertical", ""), new Takeover("vertical", ""), new Takeover("vertical", ""), new Takeover("vertical", ""), new Takeover("square", ""), new Takeover("square", ""), new Takeover("square", ""), new Takeover("square", ""), new Takeover("square", "") ]; function imageRatio(image) { var proportion = image.height / image.width; if (proportion > 1) return "vertical"; else if (proportion === 1) return "square"; else if (proportion < 1) return "horizontal" } function runBookmarklet(target) { var images = (target || document).getElementsByTagName("img"); var length = images.length; getTakeover.init(myTakeover); for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { var ratio = imageRatio(images[i]); if (ratio === "horizontal") { var number = Randomize(getTakeover.horizontal()); var img = getTakeover.horizontal()[number]; images[i].src = img.imageurl } else if (ratio === "square") { var number = Randomize(getTakeover.square()); var img = getTakeover.square()[number]; images[i].src = img.imageurl } else if (ratio === "vertical") { var number = Randomize(getTakeover.vertical()); var img = getTakeover.vertical()[number]; images[i].src = img.imageurl } } } window.setInterval(function(){ runBookmarklet(); }, 1000); runBookmarklet();