NotZw3tty / Winner Selection Script


Version: 1.7.1+9afd095 updated

Summary: Automates the process of picking winners from the first post's like list in forum giveaways. Ensures a fair and transparent winner selection.


License: MIT

Giveaway Winner Picker


The Giveaway Winner Picker is a Tampermonkey script designed to automate and simplify the process of picking winners in forum-based giveaways. It ensures a fair and transparent selection of winners from users who have participated in a giveaway by liking a specific post.


  1. Install Tampermonkey: Ensure you have the Tampermonkey extension installed in your browser. If not, you can download it from here.
  2. Add the Script: Visit the Giveaway Winner Picker script page and click on the "Install" button. The script will be automatically added to your Tampermonkey dashboard.
  3. Enable the Script: Make sure the script is enabled in Tampermonkey.


To use the Giveaway Winner Picker:

  1. Navigate to the forum thread where the giveaway is hosted.
  2. Click the "Pick Winners" button which should appear alongside the usual "Report | Quote | Like" options in the first post of the thread.
  3. Enter the number of winners you wish to pick when prompted.
  4. Choose the desired format for displaying the winners.
  5. The script will then randomly select the winners and display them.


  • Fair and Random Selection: Picks winners randomly from the list of participants.
  • Multiple Output Formats: Offers various formats for displaying the winners' names and IDs.
  • Copy Winners Feature: Allows for easy copying of the winners' list for sharing.
  • Exclusion of Banned Users: Automatically excludes banned users from the selection pool.
  • Easy to Use: User-friendly interface integrated within the forum thread.


Contributions to the Giveaway Winner Picker script are welcome. If you have suggestions for improvements or have found a bug, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.


MIT License


For support, feature requests, or any questions about using the script, please open an issue in this repository.

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