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// ==UserScript== // @name SnakeOnPipeline // @namespace Slay // @version 2024-05-03 // @description snake on pipeline lololol // @author Nooble // @match *://*/**/pipelines/* // @grant none // @copyright 2024, Nooble ( // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== (function () { "use strict"; const css = '#snakeBackdrop,#snakeGameArea{position:fixed;top:0;left:0;width:100vw;height:100vh}body,html{min-height:100vh;min-width:100vw;margin:0;position:relative}#snakeOpenGameBtn{position:fixed;bottom:1rem;right:1rem}#snakeBackdrop{background-color:rgba(0,0,0,.2)}#snakeGrid{background-color:#000;position:absolute;top:50%;left:50%;transform:translate(-50%,-50%);display:grid;grid-template-columns:repeat(20,1fr);width:50vw;min-width:400px;max-width:800px;height:50vw;min-height:400px;max-height:800px}'; const Directions = { UP: 0, RIGHT: 1, DOWN: 2, LEFT: 3, }; const snake = [{ x: 10, y: 10 }, { x: 10, y: 10 }, { x: 10, y: 10 }, ]; const apples = []; let currentDirection = Directions.RIGHT; let newDirections = []; let currentSpeed = 200; let shouldIncreaseSpeed = false; let gameLoop; function toggleGameArea() { const grid = document.getElementById("snakeGameArea"); = === "none" ? "block" : "none"; if ( === "none") { clearInterval(gameLoop); gameLoop = undefined; } } function addGridCells() { const grid = document.getElementById("snakeGrid"); for (let i = 0; i < 400; i++) { const cell = document.createElement("div"); cell.classList.add("snakeCell"); grid.appendChild(cell); } } function createGameArea() { console.log("Creating grid..."); const style = document.createElement("style"); style.textContent = css; document.head.appendChild(style); const gameArea = document.createElement("div"); = "snakeGameArea"; = "none"; gameArea.innerHTML = ` <div id="snakeBackdrop"></div> <div id="snakeGrid"></div> `; document.body.appendChild(gameArea); const backdrop = document.getElementById("snakeBackdrop"); backdrop.onclick = toggleGameArea; addGridCells(); } function createUI() { console.log("Creating UI..."); const openGameBtn = document.createElement("button"); = "snakeOpenGameBtn"; openGameBtn.textContent = "Snake"; openGameBtn.onclick = toggleGameArea; document.body.appendChild(openGameBtn); } function updateGridUI() { const cells = document.querySelectorAll(".snakeCell"); for (let i = 0; i < 400; i++) { const cell = cells[i]; = "black"; } snake.forEach((segment) => { const index = segment.x + segment.y * 20; cells[index].style.backgroundColor = "green"; }); apples.forEach((apple) => { const index = apple.x + apple.y * 20; cells[index].style.backgroundColor = "red"; }); } function checkSnakeDied(position) { if ( position.x < 0 || position.x >= 20 || position.y < 0 || position.y >= 20 ) { return true; } if ( snake.some( (segment) => segment.x === position.x && segment.y === position.y ) ) { return true; } return false; } function snakeDied() { console.log("Snake died..."); clearInterval(gameLoop); gameLoop = undefined; } function generateApple() { if (snake.length + apples.length === 400) return; const newApple = { x: Math.floor(Math.random() * 20), y: Math.floor(Math.random() * 20), }; if ( snake.some( (segment) => segment.x === newApple.x && segment.y === newApple.y ) || apples.some((apple) => apple.x === newApple.x && apple.y === newApple.y) ) { generateApple(); return; } console.log("NEW APPLE", newApple); apples.push(newApple); } function update() { const currentHead = snake[snake.length - 1]; if (newDirections.length > 0) { currentDirection = newDirections.shift(); } let newPos; switch (currentDirection) { case Directions.UP: newPos = { x: currentHead.x, y: currentHead.y - 1 }; break; case Directions.RIGHT: newPos = { x: currentHead.x + 1, y: currentHead.y }; break; case Directions.DOWN: newPos = { x: currentHead.x, y: currentHead.y + 1 }; break; case Directions.LEFT: newPos = { x: currentHead.x - 1, y: currentHead.y }; break; } if (checkSnakeDied(newPos)) { snakeDied(); return; } const appleIndex = apples.findIndex( (apple) => apple.x === newPos.x && apple.y === newPos.y ); if (appleIndex !== -1) { apples.splice(appleIndex, 1); apples.length === 0 && generateApple(); snake.unshift(snake[0]); } snake.push(newPos); snake.shift(); updateGridUI(); shouldIncreaseSpeed && increaseSpeed(); } function init() { console.log("Initializing..."); createGameArea(); createUI(); generateApple(); updateGridUI(); } function increaseSpeed() { if (currentSpeed > 50) { console.log("Increasing speed..."); currentSpeed -= 50; clearInterval(gameLoop); gameLoop = setInterval(update, currentSpeed); shouldIncreaseSpeed = false; } } function start() { console.log(gameLoop); if (gameLoop === undefined) gameLoop = setInterval(update, currentSpeed); } window.addEventListener("load", () => { init(); }); function canChangeDirection(currentDirection, newDirection) { return ( (currentDirection === Directions.UP && newDirection !== Directions.DOWN) || (currentDirection === Directions.RIGHT && newDirection !== Directions.LEFT) || (currentDirection === Directions.DOWN && newDirection !== Directions.UP) || (currentDirection === Directions.LEFT && newDirection !== Directions.RIGHT) ); } window.addEventListener("keydown", (event) => { switch (event.code) { case "ArrowUp": if ( (newDirections.length === 0 && canChangeDirection(currentDirection, Directions.UP)) || (newDirections.length === 1 && canChangeDirection(newDirections[0], Directions.UP)) ) { newDirections.push(Directions.UP); } break; case "ArrowRight": if ( (newDirections.length === 0 && canChangeDirection(currentDirection, Directions.RIGHT)) || (newDirections.length === 1 && canChangeDirection(newDirections[0], Directions.RIGHT)) ) { newDirections.push(Directions.RIGHT); } break; case "ArrowDown": if ( (newDirections.length === 0 && canChangeDirection(currentDirection, Directions.DOWN)) || (newDirections.length === 1 && canChangeDirection(newDirections[0], Directions.DOWN)) ) { newDirections.push(Directions.DOWN); } break; case "ArrowLeft": if ( (newDirections.length === 0 && canChangeDirection(currentDirection, Directions.LEFT)) || (newDirections.length === 1 && canChangeDirection(newDirections[0], Directions.LEFT)) ) { newDirections.push(Directions.LEFT); } break; case "Space": start(); break; case "Enter": shouldIncreaseSpeed = true; break; } }); window.addEventListener("snake__increaseSpeed", () => { shouldIncreaseSpeed = true; }); window.addEventListener("snake__generateApple", () => { generateApple(); }); })();