Newt300 / Sonix parser


Version: 0.2+e70d9a9 updated

Summary: Parse SRT from sonix transcription

Copyright: 2019, Newt300 (

License: MIT

How does it work?

I was too lazy to create an interface so all interaction with the script takes place through the console.

  1. Inject script. (for example using Tampermonkey)
  2. Open the console in browser (F12)
  3. Write sonixParser.getSRT();
  4. Copy text from the console and save as .srt in text editor


    lines: 3, // the number of strings in the subtitles. DEFAULT: 1
    lineLength: 50, // max length of strings in the subtitles. DEFAULT: 36
    named: true, // show speaker name. DEFAULT: false
    nameOnAnotherLine: true // DEFAULT: false

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