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// ==UserScript== // @name C&C:TA Compass Movable // @namespace http*://prodgame**/index.aspx* // @description Creates compass poiting to the currently selected base (compass points from itself). // @version 1.1.0 // @author Caine,BlinDManX // @include http*://prodgame**/index.aspx* // ==/UserScript== (function () { var CompassMain = function () { try { function createCompass() { console.log('Compass loaded'); qx.Class.define("Compass", { extend: qx.ui.window.Window, construct: function () { this.base(arguments); this.setWidth(54); this.setHeight(90); this.setContentPadding(0); this.setShowMinimize(false); this.setShowMaximize(false); this.setShowClose(false); this.setResizable(false); this.setAllowMaximize(false); this.setAllowMinimize(false); this.setAllowClose(false); this.setShowStatusbar(false); this.setDecorator(null); var title = this.getChildControl("title"); title.setTextAlign("center"); title.setTextColor("#FFF"); title.setRich(true); title.setDecorator("tabview-chat-pane"); var captionBar = this.getChildControl("captionbar"); captionBar.setDecorator(null); captionBar.remove(this.getChildControl("icon")); captionBar.remove(this.getChildControl("minimize-button")); captionBar.remove(this.getChildControl("restore-button")); captionBar.remove(this.getChildControl("maximize-button")); captionBar.remove(this.getChildControl("close-button")); captionBar.setLayout(new qx.ui.layout.Grow()); var pane = this.getChildControl("pane"); pane.setDecorator(null); pane.setLayout(new qx.ui.layout.Grow()); this.setLayout(new qx.ui.layout.Canvas()); var st = '<canvas id="compass" style="border:1px solid;position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px;" height="50" width="50"></canvas>'; var l = new qx.ui.basic.Label().set({ value: st, rich: true }); this.add(l); if (PerforceChangelist >= 382917) { phe.cnc.Util.attachNetEvent(ClientLib.Vis.VisMain.GetInstance().get_Region(), "PositionChange", ClientLib.Vis.PositionChange, this, this.displayCompass); } else { webfrontend.Util.attachNetEvent(ClientLib.Vis.VisMain.GetInstance().get_Region(), "PositionChange", ClientLib.Vis.PositionChange, this, this.displayCompass); } this.addListener("move", function (e) { this.displayCompass(); }); this.displayCompass(); }, members: { needle: null, ec: null, ctx: null, halfsize: 25, displayCompass: function () { try { if (this.ctx != null) { var currentCity = ClientLib.Data.MainData.GetInstance().get_Cities().get_CurrentOwnCity(); var faction = currentCity.get_CityFaction(); var winpos = this.getLayoutProperties(); var ctx = this.ctx; var cityCoordX = currentCity.get_PosX(); var cityCoordY = currentCity.get_PosY(); var region = ClientLib.Vis.VisMain.GetInstance().get_Region(); var zoom = region.get_ZoomFactor(); var targetCoordX = winpos.left + 34; var targetCoordY = + 61; var gridW = region.get_GridWidth(); var gridH = region.get_GridHeight(); var viewCoordX = (region.get_PosX() + targetCoordX / zoom - zoom * gridW / 2) / gridW; var viewCoordY = (region.get_PosY() + targetCoordY / zoom - zoom * gridH / 2) / gridH; var dx = viewCoordX - cityCoordX; var dy = cityCoordY - viewCoordY; var distance = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); var dtext = Math.round(10 * distance) / 10; var t = qx.lang.String.pad(currentCity.get_Name(),7,"")+"<br>"+dtext; this.setCaption(t); ctx.clearRect(0, 0, 50, 50);; ctx.globalAlpha = 0.5; ctx.fillStyle = '#000'; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 50, 50); // Mittelpunkt ctx.globalAlpha = 1.0; ctx.translate(25, 25); ctx.rotate(dy > 0 ? Math.asin(dx / distance) : -Math.asin(dx / distance) + Math.PI); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(0, 20); ctx.lineTo(17, -15); ctx.lineTo(-17, -15); ctx.closePath(); ctx.moveTo(0, 0); ctx.lineTo(10, -22); ctx.lineTo(-10, -22); ctx.closePath(); ctx.lineWidth =4.0; ctx.fillStyle = faction == ClientLib.Base.EFactionType.GDIFaction ? "#00a" : "#a00"; ctx.strokeStyle = "#000"; ctx.fill(); ctx.stroke(); ctx.restore(); //console.log(faction); } else { = document.getElementById("compass"); if ( != null){ this.ctx ='2d'); console.log("Compass ok"); } } } catch (e) { console.log("displayCompass", e); } } } }); var win = new Compass(); win.moveTo(140, 30);; } } catch (e) { console.log('createCompass: ', e); } function CompassCheckLoaded() { try { if (typeof qx != 'undefined' && qx.core.Init.getApplication() && qx.core.Init.getApplication().getUIItem(ClientLib.Data.Missions.PATH.BAR_NAVIGATION) && qx.core.Init.getApplication().getUIItem(ClientLib.Data.Missions.PATH.BAR_NAVIGATION).isVisible()) { window.setTimeout(createCompass, 5000); } else { window.setTimeout(CompassCheckLoaded, 1000); } } catch (e) { console.log('CompassCheckLoaded: ', e); } } if (/commandandconquer\.com/i.test(document.domain)) { window.setTimeout(CompassCheckLoaded, 5000); } } try { var CompassScript = document.createElement('script'); CompassScript.innerHTML = "(" + CompassMain.toString() + ')();'; CompassScript.type = 'text/javascript'; if (/commandandconquer\.com/i.test(document.domain)) { document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(CompassScript); } } catch (e) { console.log('Compass: init error: ', e); } })();