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// ==UserScript== // @name Gladiatus // @namespace // @version 0.1 // @copyright 2020, MrLeonix ( // @license MIT // @description Auto-play for Gladiatus game. This script will help in expeditions, dungeons, training and working automatically for you. // @author MrLeonix // @match* // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // ==/UserScript== (function () { 'use strict'; const HOST = ""; const QUERY_PARAMETER_TOKEN = getQueryParameterValue("sh"); // Constants const DEFAULT_REQUEST_DELAY_IN_MILLISECONDS = 1000 + (Math.random() * 100); const STATS = ["STR", "DEX", "AGI", "CON", "CHA", "INT"]; // Script storage keys const KEY_CHARACTER = 'character'; const KEY_COOLDOWNS = 'cooldowns'; // Define character object const CHARACTER = GM_getValue(KEY_CHARACTER, { dungeonPoints: 0, expeditionPoints: 0, fragments: 0, gold: 0, health: 0, hellStones: 0, stats: { STR: 0, DEX: 0, AGI: 0, CON: 0, CHA: 0, INT: 0, }, canTrain: true, isWorking: false }); // Define character object const COOLDOWNS = GM_getValue(KEY_COOLDOWNS, { arena: 0, circus: 0, dungeon: 0, expedition: 0, }); CHARACTER.dungeonPoints = formatNumber(document.getElementById("dungeonpoints_value_point").innerText); CHARACTER.expeditionPoints = formatNumber(document.getElementById("expeditionpoints_value_point").innerText); = formatNumber(document.getElementById("sstat_gold_val").innerText); = formatNumber(document.getElementById("header_values_hp_bar").dataset.value); setTimeout(() => { if (isDungeonOnCooldown()) { COOLDOWNS.dungeon = getTimeLeftForDungeon(); } if (isExpeditionOnCooldown()) { COOLDOWNS.expedition = getTimeLeftForExpedition(); } updateCooldowns(); }, 750) updateCharacter(); setTimeout(() => { switch (getQueryParameterValue("mod")) { case "training": var auxCost = Math.min(); var chosenTraining = -1; var cost = 0; var chosenTrainingCost = 0; var trainingOptions = []; var divs = document.getElementById("training_box").children; for (let i = 0; i < divs.length; i++) { trainingOptions.push(divs[i]); } // Remove details trainingOptions.shift(); trainingOptions.pop(); trainingOptions.pop(); for (let i = 0; i < trainingOptions.length; i++) { CHARACTER.stats[STATS[i]] = formatNumber(trainingOptions[i].querySelector(`span#char_f${i} div`).innerText); cost = formatNumber(trainingOptions[i].querySelector("div div.training_costs").innerText); if (cost < auxCost) { chosenTraining = i; auxCost = chosenTrainingCost = cost; } } updateCharacter(); if (chosenTraining > -1 && >= chosenTrainingCost) { CHARACTER.stats[STATS[chosenTraining]] += 1; updateCharacter(); trainingOptions[chosenTraining].querySelector("div a.training_button").click(); } else { CHARACTER.canTrain = false; updateCharacter(); goToExpedition(); } break; case "location": if (!isExpeditionOnCooldown()) { attack(null, '0', 3, 1, ''); } else if (CHARACTER.dungeonPoints > 0 && COOLDOWNS.dungeon < 1) { goToDungeon(); } else if (CHARACTER.dungeonPoints < 1 && CHARACTER.expeditionPoints < 1) { goToWork(); } else { setTimeout(() => { COOLDOWNS.dungeon > COOLDOWNS.expedition ? goToExpedition() : goToDungeon(); }, Math.min(COOLDOWNS.dungeon, COOLDOWNS.expedition) * 1000); } break; case "dungeon": if (!isDungeonOnCooldown()) { document.querySelector("div.map_label").click(); } else { COOLDOWNS.dungeon = getTimeLeftForDungeon(); GM_setValue(KEY_COOLDOWNS, COOLDOWNS); } if (CHARACTER.expeditionPoints > 0 && COOLDOWNS.expedition < 1) { goToExpedition(); } else if (CHARACTER.dungeonPoints < 1 && CHARACTER.expeditionPoints < 1) { goToWork(); } else { setTimeout(() => { COOLDOWNS.dungeon > COOLDOWNS.expedition ? goToExpedition() : goToDungeon(); }, Math.min(COOLDOWNS.dungeon, COOLDOWNS.expedition) * 1000); } break; case "reports": goToExpedition(); if (document.getElementById("menue_packages").querySelector("div.menue_new_count") !== null) { //document.getElementById("menue_packages").click(); } break; case "work": if (document.getElementById("content").innerHTML.indexOf("Ainda não terminou seu trabalho") < 0 && CHARACTER.expeditionPoints < 1) { CHARACTER.canTrain = true; CHARACTER.isWorking = true; updateCharacter(); setWorkTime(2, 1, 8, 'Hora', 'Horas', 'Trabalhar no estábulo', 1); document.getElementById("workTime").value = document.getElementById("workTime").children[document.getElementById("workTime").childElementCount - 1].value; document.getElementById("doWork").click(); } else { CHARACTER.isWorking = false; updateCharacter(); goTraining(); } break; default: break; } }, DEFAULT_REQUEST_DELAY_IN_MILLISECONDS); // Format texts to return as numbers (no thousand separators) function formatNumber(value) { while (value.indexOf(".") > 0) value = value.replace(".", ""); return parseInt(value); } function getQueryParameterValue(param) { const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(; return urlParams.get(param); } function goToDungeon() { CHARACTER.dungeonPoints > 0 && !CHARACTER.isWorking ? goTo("dungeon") : goTo("work"); } function goToExpedition() { CHARACTER.expeditionPoints > 0 && !CHARACTER.isWorking ? goTo("location&loc=0") : goTo("work"); } function goToWork() { goTo("work"); } function goTraining() { if (!CHARACTER.canTrain) return; goTo("training"); } function goTo(loc) { location = `${HOST}mod=${loc}&sh=${QUERY_PARAMETER_TOKEN}`; } // Gets the basic value for a skill in given table cell. function getSkillValue(cell) { return parseInt(cell.querySelector("table > tbody > tr:nth-child(5n) > td:nth-child(2n)").textContent); } function getTimeLeftForDungeon() { var time = document.getElementById("cooldown_bar_text_dungeon").innerText; time = (parseInt(time.substr(0, 2)) * 3600) + (parseInt(time.substr(3, 2)) * 60) + parseInt(time.substr(5, 2)); return time; } function getTimeLeftForExpedition() { var time = document.getElementById("cooldown_bar_text_expedition").innerText; time = (parseInt(time.substr(0, 2)) * 3600) + (parseInt(time.substr(3, 2)) * 60) + parseInt(time.substr(5, 2)); return time; } function isDungeonOnCooldown() { return document.getElementById("cooldown_bar_text_dungeon").innerText !== "Ir para a Masmorra"; } function isExpeditionOnCooldown() { return document.getElementById("cooldown_bar_text_expedition").innerText !== "Ir em Expedição"; } // Update character in local storage function updateCharacter() { GM_setValue(KEY_CHARACTER, CHARACTER); } function updateCooldowns() { GM_setValue(KEY_COOLDOWNS, COOLDOWNS); } })();