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// ==UserScript== // @name Hools AutoBot Plugin // @namespace // @version 0.1 // @description Plugin for Hools. // @author MrDastan (skype: Dastan_Danik) // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_deleteValue // @grant GM_addStyle // @require // ==/UserScript== /* jshint -W097 */ 'use strict'; GM_addStyle ( "#setting-button-container { padding-bottom: 5px; text-align: center; height: 24px; margin: 1px } " +".settings-button { display: inline-block; margin: 2px; border: 1px solid; background-color: #585858 }" + ".settings-button:hover { background-color: #A8A8A8 }" ); var me = {}; me.getLevel = parseInt($('.h_level a').text().split('(')[0]); me.getMoney = $('.h_money a').text(); me.getMoney2 = $('.h_money2').text(); me.getStuff = $('.h_stuff').text(); me.getEnergy = parseInt($('.h_energy a').text().split('/')[0]); me.getHealth = parseInt($('.h_health a').text().split('/')[0]); me.getAggression = parseInt($('.h_aggression a').text().split('/')[0]); me.getAngry = parseInt($('.h_angry a').text().split('/')[0]); var Settings = function(profileName){ var settings = GM_getValue('hools_' + profileName, {}); this.getValue = function (key, defaultValue) { if (settings[key] !== undefined) { return settings[key]; } else { return defaultValue; } }; this.setValue = function (key, value) { settings[key] = value;; }; = function(){ GM_setValue('hools_' + profileName, settings); }; }; $(function() { var settings = new Settings( $('#i a')[0].innerText ); if (settings.getValue("useRefresh", true)) { setTimeout(function() { window.location.reload() },60000) } switch (window.location.pathname) { case '/user': /*Главная страница*/ setTimeout(function() { settings.setValue('level', me.getLevel); if ($('#c .notice .center a').length !== 0 && settings.getValue("useHappyHour", true)) { var jobLink = $('#c .notice .center a').first().attr('href'); if (jobLink) { document.location = jobLink; } } else if ($('.left .caption').text().indexOf('[') !== -1 && settings.getValue("useQuests", true)) { document.location = '/user/quests'; } else if (me.getHealth >= 90 && me.getAggression >= 15 && settings.getValue("useFight", true)) { document.location = '/user/fight'; } else if (me.getEnergy >= 20 && settings.getValue("useOutwork", true)) { document.location = '/user/outwork'; } else if (settings.getValue("useBattle", true) && $('#hdr .notice')[0].innerText.indexOf('Динамо') != -1) { document.location = '/user/battle'; } else if (settings.getValue("useSoccerGame", true)) { document.location = '/user/soccer_game'; } else { document.location = '/user'; } }, 10000); break; case '/user/outwork': /*Работа*/ case '/user/outwork/index': case '/user/outwork/details': var moveLinkValid = $('.actions a').length; if (me.getEnergy >= 20 && moveLinkValid !== 0 && settings.getValue("useOutwork", true)) { var jobLink = $('.actions a').first().attr('href'); document.location = jobLink; } else if (settings.getValue("useOutwork", true)) { document.location = '/user'; } break; case '/user/soccer_game': /*Настольный футбол*/ if ($('.info').length == 0 && settings.getValue("useSoccerGame", true)) { var gameLink = $('.actions a').first().attr('href'); if (gameLink) { document.location = gameLink; } } else if (settings.getValue("useSoccerGame", true)) { document.location = '/user'; } break; case '/user/soccer_game/play': if (settings.getValue("useSoccerGame", true)) { var move = settings.getValue("lastMove", 1); settings.getValue("lastMove", move ^ 1); var moveLink = $('.items li a').eq(move).attr('href'); if (moveLink) { document.location = moveLink; } var resLink = $('.actions a').first().attr('href'); if (resLink) { GM_deleteValue("lastMove"); document.location = resLink; } } break; case '/user/fight': /*Район*/ if ($(".notice").length === 1) { if (settings.getValue("useBattle", true) && $(".notice")[0].innerText.indexOf('месте')) { document.location = '/user/battle'; } } else if (me.getHealth >= 90 && me.getAggression >= 15 && settings.getValue("useFight", true) ) { var _one = $("h3")[0].outerText; var _oneHref = $(".img_action a")[1].href; var _tho = $("h3")[1].outerText; var _thoHref = $(".img_action a")[3].href; var _tre = $("h3")[2].outerText; var _treHref = $(".img_action a")[5].href; if ("Егор" == _one || "Фома" == _one || "Кузьминишна" == _one || "Бородач А.Р." == _one || "Копченый" == _one) { document.location = _oneHref; } else if ("Егор" == _tho || "Фома" == _tho || "Кузьминишна" == _tho || "Бородач А.Р." == _tho || "Копченый" == _tho) { document.location = _thoHref; } else if ("Егор" == _tre || "Фома" == _tre || "Кузьминишна" == _tre || "Бородач А.Р." == _tre || "Копченый" == _tre) { document.location = _treHref; } else { var _oneLevelPlayer = parseInt(/\[(\d+)\]/g.exec(_one)[1]); var _thoLevelPlayer = parseInt(/\[(\d+)\]/g.exec(_one)[1]); var _treLevelPlayer = parseInt(/\[(\d+)\]/g.exec(_one)[1]); if (me.getLevel == _oneLevelPlayer) { document.location = _oneHref; } else if (me.getLevel == _thoLevelPlayer) { document.location = _thoHref; } else if (me.getLevel == _treLevelPlayer) { document.location = _treHref; } else { document.location = '/user/fight'; } } } else if (settings.getValue("useFight", true)) { document.location = '/user'; } break; case '/user/fight/result': if (settings.getValue("useFight", true)) { document.location = '/user/fight'; } break; case '/user/quests': /*Задания*/ if ($('.actions').length != 0 && settings.getValue("useQuests", true)) { var moveLink = $('.actions a')[4]; var moveLink2 = $('.actions a')[2]; if (moveLink) { document.location = moveLink.href; } else if (moveLink2) { document.location = moveLink2.href; } } else if (settings.getValue("useQuests", true)) { document.location = '/user'; } break; case '/user/quests/details': if (settings.getValue("useQuests", true)) { document.location = '/user/quests'; } break; case '/user/battle': /*бм*/ if ($('.actions a').length == 0) { setTimeout(function() { window.location.reload() },10000) } else if ($('.actions a').length == 1) { settings.setValue("useBattle", false); document.location = '/user'; } else if($('.actions a').length == 2) { if(settings.getValue("useBattle", true)) { if (me.getAngry === 100) { document.location = $('.actions a')[0].href; } else { document.location = '/user/battle'; } } } break; case '/user/battle/battle_space': if (settings.getValue("usebattle", true)) { document.location = $('.item_button a')[1].href; } break; case '/user/stadium/tickets': /*Касса*/ if (settings.getValue("useTickets", true)) { console.log($('h3')[0].textContent); } break; case '/user/workshop/category': /*Пром зона*/ setTimeout(function() { if ($('.actions a').length != 0 && settings.getValue("useWorkshop", true)) { document.location = $('.actions a')[0].href; } else { location.reload(true); } }, 10000); break; case '/user/shop/category': /*Барыга*/ var host = ''; var host1 = ''; var host2 = ''; var host3 = ''; var host4 = ''; var host5 = ''; var linkWeapon = 'user/shop/category?id=weapon'; var linkWear = 'user/shop/category?id=wear'; if (location.href == host + linkWeapon || host1 + linkWeapon || host2 + linkWeapon || host3 + linkWeapon || host4 + linkWeapon || host5 + linkWeapon) { setTimeout(function() { if (settings.getValue("useWeapon", true)) { if (me.getLevel === 8 && settings.getValue("useShop", true)) { document.location = $('.items:last a')[1].href; settings.setValue("useWeapon", !settings.getValue("useWeapon", true)); } else { location.reload(true); } } }, 10000); } if (location.href == host + linkWear || host1 + linkWear || host2 + linkWear || host3 + linkWear || host4 + linkWear || host5 + linkWear) { setTimeout(function() { if (settings.getValue("useWear", true)) { if (me.getLevel === 8 && settings.getValue("useShop", true)) { document.location = $('.items:last a')[1].href; settings.setValue("useWeapon", !settings.getValue("useWeapon", true)); } else { location.reload(true); } } }, 10000); } break; } var ui = (function() { //init var container = $('<div>') .attr('id', 'setting-button-container') $('#hdr_i').after(container); //end:init var api = {}; api.appendBoolButton = function(buttonData) { var button = $('<div>'); var updateButtonStatus = function() { if(settings.getValue(buttonData.key, true)) { button.css('border-color', 'blue'); } else { button.css('border-color', 'red'); } }; button.addClass('settings-button') .html($('<img>') .attr('src', '/images/' + buttonData.icon + '.gif') .attr('title', buttonData.title) .css('width','20px') .css('height','20px')) .click(function() { settings.setValue(buttonData.key, !settings.getValue(buttonData.key, true)); updateButtonStatus(); }); updateButtonStatus(); container.append(button) }; return api; })(); ui.appendBoolButton({title: 'Обновление', key: 'useRefresh', icon: 'buttons/refresh'}); ui.appendBoolButton({title: 'Драки', key: 'useFight', icon: 'icons/i_fight'}); ui.appendBoolButton({title: 'Работа', key: 'useOutwork', icon: 'icons/i_outwork'}); ui.appendBoolButton({title: 'Настольный футбол', key: 'useSoccerGame', icon: 'icons/i_soccer_game'}); ui.appendBoolButton({title: 'Счасливый час', key: 'useHappyHour', icon: 'bonus_box'}); ui.appendBoolButton({title: 'Квесты', key: 'useQuests', icon: 'icons/i_quests'}); ui.appendBoolButton({title: 'БМ', key: 'useBattle', icon: 'icons/i_match'}); ui.appendBoolButton({title: 'Касса', key: 'useTickets', icon: 'icons/i_tickets'}); ui.appendBoolButton({title: 'Пром зона', key: 'useWorkshop', icon: 'icons/i_workshop'}); ui.appendBoolButton({title: 'Барыга', key: 'useShop', icon: 'icons/i_huckster'}); ui.appendBoolButton({title: 'Оружие', key: 'useWeapon', icon: 'icons/i_sc_weapon'}); ui.appendBoolButton({title: 'Одежда', key: 'useWear', icon: 'icons/i_sc_wear'}); });