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// ==UserScript== // @name GitHub Toggle Issue Comments // @version 1.3.6 // @description A userscript that toggles issues/pull request comments & messages // @license MIT // @author Rob Garrison // @namespace // @include* // @run-at document-idle // @grant GM_addStyle // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @require // @icon // @updateURL // @downloadURL // ==/UserScript== (() => { "use strict"; GM_addStyle(` .ghic-button { float:right; } .ghic-button .btn:hover { display:block; top:auto; bottom:25px; right:0; } .ghic-right { position:absolute; right:10px; top:9px; } .ghic-button .select-menu-header, .ghic-participants { cursor:default; display:block; } .ghic-participants { border-top:1px solid #484848; padding:15px; } .ghic-avatar { display:inline-block; float:left; margin: 0 2px 2px 0; cursor:pointer; position:relative; } .ghic-avatar:last-child { margin-bottom:5px; } .ghic-avatar.comments-hidden svg { display:block; position:absolute; top:-2px; left:-2px; z-index:1; } .ghic-avatar.comments-hidden img { opacity:0.5; } .ghic-button .dropdown-item { font-weight:normal; position:relative; } .ghic-button .dropdown-item span { font-weight:normal; opacity:.5; } .ghic-button .dropdown-item.ghic-has-content span { opacity:1; } .ghic-button .dropdown-item.ghic-checked span { font-weight:bold; } .ghic-button .dropdown-item.ghic-checked svg, .ghic-button .dropdown-item:not(.ghic-checked) .ghic-count { display:inline-block; } .ghic-button .dropdown-item:not(.ghic-checked) { text-decoration:line-through; } .ghic-button .ghic-count { margin-left:5px; } .ghic-button .select-menu-modal { margin:0; } .ghic-button .ghic-participants { margin-bottom:20px; } /* for testing: ".ghic-hidden { opacity: 0.3; } */ .ghic-hidden, .ghic-hidden-participant, .ghic-avatar svg, .ghic-button .ghic-count, .ghic-hideReactions .comment-reactions, .select-menu-header.ghic-active + .select-menu-list .dropdown-item:not(.ghic-has-content) { display:none; } .ghic-menu-wrapper input[type=checkbox] { height:0; width:0; visibility:hidden; position:absolute; } .ghic-menu-wrapper .ghic-toggle { cursor:pointer; text-indent:-9999px; width:20px; height:10px; background:grey; display:block; border-radius:10px; position:relative; } .ghic-menu-wrapper .ghic-toggle:after { content:''; position:absolute; top:0; left:1px; width:9px; height:9px; background:#fff; border-radius:9px; transition:.3s; } .ghic-menu-wrapper input:checked + .ghic-toggle { background:#070; } .ghic-menu-wrapper input:checked + .ghic-toggle:after { top:0; left:calc(100% - 1px); transform:translateX(-100%); } .ghic-menu-wrapper .ghic-toggle:active:after { width:13px; } .timeline-comment-wrapper.ghic-highlight .comment { border-color:#800 !important; } `); const regex = /(svg|path)/i, // ZenHub addon active (include ZenHub Enterprise) hasZenHub = $(".zhio, .zhe") ? true : false, exceptions = [ "ghsr-sort-block" // sort reactions block (github-sort-reactions.user.js) ], settings = { // example: title: { isHidden: false, name: "ghic-title", selector: ".discussion-item-renamed", label: "Title Changes" }, labels: { isHidden: false, name: "ghic-labels", selector: ".discussion-item-labeled, .discussion-item-unlabeled", label: "Label Changes" }, state: { isHidden: false, name: "ghic-state", selector: ".discussion-item-reopened, .discussion-item-closed", label: "State Changes (close/reopen)" }, // example: milestone: { isHidden: false, name: "ghic-milestone", selector: ".discussion-item-milestoned", label: "Milestone Changes" }, refs: { isHidden: false, name: "ghic-refs", selector: ".discussion-item", contains: ".discussion-item-ref-title", label: "References" }, assigned: { isHidden: false, name: "ghic-assigned", selector: ".discussion-item-assigned", label: "Assignment Changes" }, // Pull Requests commits: { isHidden: false, name: "ghic-commits", selector: ".discussion-commits", label: "Commits" }, reviews: { isHidden: false, name: "ghic-reviews", selector: ".discussion-item-review, .discussion-item-review_requested", label: "Reviews (All)" }, outdated: { isHidden: false, name: "ghic-outdated", selector: ".discussion-item-review", contains: ".outdated-comment-label", label: "Reviews (Outdated)" }, // example: diffOld: { isHidden: false, name: "ghic-diffOld", selector: ".outdated-diff-comment-container", label: "Diff (outdated) Comments" }, diffNew: { isHidden: false, name: "ghic-diffNew", selector: "[id^=diff-for-comment-]:not(.outdated-diff-comment-container)", label: "Diff (current) Comments" }, // example: merged: { isHidden: false, name: "ghic-merged", selector: ".discussion-item-merged", label: "Merged" }, integrate: { isHidden: false, name: "ghic-integrate", selector: ".discussion-item-integrations-callout", label: "Integrations" }, // similar comments similar: { isHidden: false, name: "ghic-similar", selector: `.js-discussion > .Details-element.details-reset, #js-progressive-timeline-item-container > .Details-element.details-reset`, label: "Similar comments" }, // extras (special treatment - no selector) plus1: { isHidden: false, name: "ghic-plus1", label: "+1 Comments" }, reactions: { isHidden: false, name: "ghic-reactions", label: "Reactions" }, projects: { isHidden: false, name: "ghic-projects", selector: `.discussion-item-added_to_project, .discussion-item-moved_columns_in_project, .discussion-item-removed_from_project`, label: "Project Changes" }, // page with lots of users to hide: // // ZenHub pipeline change pipeline: { isHidden: false, name: "ghic-pipeline", selector: ".discussion-item.zh-discussion-item", label: "ZenHub Pipeline Changes" } }; const iconHidden = `<svg class="octicon" xmlns="" width="30" height="30" viewBox="0 0 9 9"><path fill="#777" d="M7.07 4.5c0-.47-.12-.9-.35-1.3L3.2 6.7c. 0 .68-.07 1-.2.32-.14.6-.32.82-.55.23-.23.4-.5.55-.82.13-.32.2-.65.2-1zM2.3 5.8l3.5-3.52c-.4-.23-.83-.35-1.3-.35-.35 0-.68.07-1 .2-.3.14-.6.32-.82.55-.23.23-.4.5-.55.82-.13.32-.2.65-.2 1 0 . 1.3zm6.06-1.3c0 .7-.17 1.34-.52 1.94-.34.6-.8 1.05-1.4 1.4-.6.34-1.24.52-1.94.52s-1.34-.18-1.94-.52c-.6-.35-1.05-.8-1.4-1.4C.82 5.84.64 5.2.64 4.5s.18-1.35.52-1.94.8-1.06 1.4-1.4S3.8.64 4.5.64s1.35.17 1.94.52 1.06.8 1.4 1.4c.35.6.52 1.24.52 1.94z"/></svg>`, plus1Icon = `<img src="" class="emoji" title=":+1:" alt=":+1:" height="20" width="20" align="absmiddle">`; function addMenu() { if ($("#discussion_bucket") && !$(".ghic-button")) { // update "isHidden" values getSettings(); let name, isHidden, isChecked, list = "", keys = Object.keys(settings), onlyActive = GM_getValue("onlyActive", false), header = $(".discussion-sidebar-item:last-child"), menu = document.createElement("div"); for (name of keys) { if (!(name === "pipeline" && !hasZenHub)) { isHidden = settings[name].isHidden; isChecked = isHidden ? "" : "ghic-checked"; list += `<label class="dropdown-item ${isChecked} ${settings[name].name}" data-ghic="${name}"> <span>${settings[name].label} <span class="ghic-count"> </span></span> <span class="ghic-right"> <input type="checkbox"${isHidden ? "" : " checked"}> <span class="ghic-toggle"></span> </span> </label>`; } } menu.className = "ghic-button"; menu.innerHTML = ` <span class="btn btn-sm" role="button" tabindex="0" aria-haspopup="true"> <span class="tooltipped tooltipped-w" aria-label="Toggle issue comments"> <svg class="octicon octicon-comment-discussion" height="16" width="16" role="img" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M15 2H6c-0.55 0-1 0.45-1 1v2H1c-0.55 0-1 0.45-1 1v6c0 0.55 0.45 1 1 1h1v3l3-3h4c0.55 0 1-0.45 1-1V10h1l3 3V10h1c0.55 0 1-0.45 1-1V3c0-0.55-0.45-1-1-1zM9 12H4.5l-1.5 1.5v-1.5H1V6h4v3c0 0.55 0.45 1 1 1h3v2z m6-3H13v1.5l-1.5-1.5H6V3h9v6z"></path> </svg> </span> <div class="select-menu-modal-holder ghic-menu-wrapper"> <div class="select-menu-modal" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="select-menu-header ${onlyActive ? "ghic-active" : ""}" tabindex="-1"> <span class="select-menu-title">Toggle items</span> <label class="ghic-right tooltipped tooltipped-w" aria-label="Only show active items"> <input id="ghic-only-active" type="checkbox" ${onlyActive ? "checked" : ""}> <span class="ghic-toggle"></span> </label> </div> <div class="select-menu-list ghic-menu" role="menu"> ${list} <div class="ghic-participants"> <p><strong>Hide Comments from</strong></p> <div class="ghic-list"></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </span> `; if (hasZenHub) { header.insertBefore(menu, header.childNodes[0]); } else { header.appendChild(menu); } addAvatars(); } update(); } function addAvatars() { let indx = 0, str = "", list = $(".ghic-list"), unique = $$("span.ghic-avatar", list).map(el => el.getAttribute("aria-label")), // get all avatars avatars = $$(".timeline-comment-avatar img"), len = avatars.length - 1, // last avatar is the new comment with the current user updateAvatars = () => { list.innerHTML += str; str = ""; }, loop = () => { let el, name, max = 0; while (max < 50 && indx < len) { if (indx >= len) { return updateAvatars(); } el = avatars[indx]; name = (el.getAttribute("alt") || "").replace("@", ""); if (!unique.includes(name)) { str += `<span class="ghic-avatar tooltipped tooltipped-n" aria-label="${name}"> ${iconHidden} <img class="ghic-avatar avatar" width="24" height="24" src="${el.src}"/> </span>`; unique[unique.length] = name; max++; } indx++; } updateAvatars(); if (indx < len) { setTimeout(() => { loop(); }, 200); } }; loop(); } function getSettings() { let name, keys = Object.keys(settings); for (name of keys) { settings[name].isHidden = GM_getValue(settings[name].name, false); } } function saveSettings() { let name, keys = Object.keys(settings); for (name of keys) { GM_setValue(settings[name].name, settings[name].isHidden); } } function getInputValues() { let name, item, keys = Object.keys(settings), menu = $(".ghic-menu"); for (name of keys) { if (!(name === "pipeline" && !hasZenHub)) { item = closest(".dropdown-item", $("." + settings[name].name, menu)); if (item) { settings[name].isHidden = !$("input", item).checked; toggleClass(item, "ghic-checked", !settings[name].isHidden); } } } } function hideStuff(name, init) { const obj = settings[name], isHidden = obj.isHidden; let count, results, item = $(".ghic-menu .dropdown-item." +; if (name === "plus1") { hidePlus1(init, item); } else if (item && name === "reactions") { toggleClass($("body"), "ghic-hideReactions", isHidden); toggleClass(item, "ghic-has-content", $$(".has-reactions").length - 1 > 0); // make first comment reactions visible item = $(".has-reactions", $(".timeline-comment-wrapper")); if (item) { = "block"; } } else if (item && obj.selector) { results = $$(obj.selector); if (obj.contains) { results = results.filter(el => { return !!$(obj.contains, el); }); } toggleClass(item, "ghic-checked", !isHidden); if (isHidden) { count = addClass(results, "ghic-hidden"); $(".ghic-count", item).textContent = count ? "(" + count + " hidden)" : " "; } else if (!init) { // no need to remove classes on initialization removeClass(results, "ghic-hidden"); } toggleClass(item, "ghic-has-content", results.length); } } function hidePlus1(init, item) { let max, indx = 0, count = 0, total = 0, // keep a list of post authors to prevent duplicate +1 counts authors = [], // used for matches here... // matches "+1!!!!", "++1", "+!", "+99!!!", "-1", "+ 100", "thumbs up"; ":+1:^21425235" // ignoring -1's... add unicode for thumbs up; it gets replaced with an image in Windows regexPlus = /([?!*,.:^[\]()\'\"+-\d]|bump|thumbs|up|\ud83d\udc4d)/gi, // other comments to hide - they are still counted towards the +1 counter (for now?) // seen "^^^" to bump posts; "bump plleeaaassee"; "eta?"; "pretty please" // "need this"; "right now"; "still nothing?"; "super helpful"; "for gods sake" regexHide = new RegExp("(" + [ "@\\w+", "\\b(it|is|a|so|the|and|no|on|oh|do|this|any|very|much|here|just|my|me|too|want|yet|image)\\b", "pretty", "pl+e+a+s+e+", "plz", "totally", "y+e+s+", "eta", "fix", "right", "now", "hope(ful)?", "still", "wait(ed|ing)?", "nothing", "really", "add(ed|ing)?", "need(ed|ing)?", "updat(es|ed|ing)?", "(months|years)\\slater", "back", "features?", "infinity", // +Infinity "useful", "super", "helpful", "thanks", "for\\sgod'?s\\ssake", "c['emon]+" // c'mon, com'on, comeon ].join("|") + ")", "gi"), // image title ":{anything}:", etc. regexEmoji = /(:.*:)|[\u{1f300}-\u{1f64f}\u{1f680}-\u{1f6ff}\u{1f900}-\u{1f9ff}]/gu, regexWhitespace = /\s+/g, comments = $$(".js-discussion .timeline-comment-wrapper") .filter(comment => { const classes = comment.className.split(" "); return !exceptions.some(ex => classes.includes(ex)); }), len = comments.length, loop = () => { let wrapper, el, tmp, txt, img, hasLink, dupe; max = 0; while (max < 20 && indx < len) { if (indx >= len) { if (init) { item.classList.toggle("ghic-has-content", count > 0); } return; } wrapper = comments[indx]; // save author list to prevent repeat +1s el = $(".timeline-comment-header .author", wrapper); txt = (el ? el.textContent || "" : "").toLowerCase(); dupe = true; if (txt && authors.indexOf(txt) < 0) { authors[authors.length] = txt; dupe = false; } el = $(".comment-body", wrapper); // ignore quoted messages, but get all fragments tmp = $$(".email-fragment", el); // some posts only contain a link to related issues; these should not be counted as a +1 // see hasLink = $$(tmp.length ? ".email-fragment .issue-link" : ".issue-link", el).length; if (tmp.length) { // ignore quoted messages txt = getAllText(tmp); } else { txt = (el ? el.textContent || "" : "").trim(); } if (!txt) { img = $("img", el); if (img) { txt = img.getAttribute("title") || img.getAttribute("alt"); } } // remove fluff txt = (txt || "") .replace(regexEmoji, "") .replace(regexHide, "") .replace(regexPlus, "") .replace(regexWhitespace, " ") .trim(); if (txt === "" || (txt.length <= 4 && !hasLink)) { if (init && !settings.plus1.isHidden) { // +1 Comments has-content item.classList.toggle("ghic-has-content", true); return; } if (settings.plus1.isHidden) { wrapper.classList.add("ghic-hidden", "ghic-highlight"); total++; // one +1 per author if (!dupe) { count++; } } else if (!init) { wrapper.classList.remove("ghic-hidden"); } max++; } indx++; } if (indx < len) { setTimeout(() => { window.requestAnimationFrame(loop); }, 200); } else { if (init) { item.classList.toggle("ghic-has-content", count > 0); } $(".ghic-menu .ghic-plus1 .ghic-count").textContent = total ? "(" + total + " hidden)" : " "; addCountToReaction(count); } }; loop(); } function getAllText(el) { let txt = "", indx = el.length; // text order doesn't matter while (indx--) { txt += el[indx].textContent.trim(); } return txt; } function addCountToReaction(count) { if (!count) { count = ($(".ghic-menu .ghic-plus1 .ghic-count").textContent || "") .replace(/[()]/g, "") .trim(); } let comment = $(".timeline-comment"), tmp = $( ".has-reactions button[value='+1 react'], .has-reactions button[value='+1 unreact']", comment ), el = $(".ghic-count", comment); if (el) { // the count may have been appended to the comment & now // there is a reaction, so remove any "ghic-count" elements el.parentNode.removeChild(el); } if (count) { if (tmp) { el = document.createElement("span"); el.className = "ghic-count"; el.textContent = count ? " + " + count + " (from hidden comments)" : ""; tmp.appendChild(el); } else { el = document.createElement("p"); el.className = "ghic-count"; el.innerHTML = "<hr>" + plus1Icon + " " + count + " (from hidden comments)"; $(".comment-body", comment).appendChild(el); } } } function hideParticipant(el) { if (el) { el.classList.toggle("comments-hidden"); let name = el.getAttribute("aria-label"), results = $$( ".timeline-comment-wrapper, .commit-comment, .discussion-item" ).filter(el => { const author = $(".js-discussion .author", el); return author ? name === author.textContent.trim() : false; }); // use a different participant class name to hide timeline events // or unselecting all users will show everything if (el.classList.contains("comments-hidden")) { addClass(results, "ghic-hidden-participant"); } else { removeClass(results, "ghic-hidden-participant"); } results = []; } } function update() { if ($("#discussion_bucket") && $(".ghic-button")) { let keys = Object.keys(settings), indx = keys.length; while (indx--) { // true flag for init - no need to remove classes hideStuff(keys[indx], true); } addAvatars(); } } function checkItem(event) { if (document.getElementById("discussion_bucket")) { let name, target =, wrap = target && target.closest(".dropdown-item, .ghic-participants"); if (target && wrap) { if (target.nodeName === "INPUT") { getInputValues(); saveSettings(); name = wrap.dataset.ghic; if (name) { hideStuff(name); } } else if (target.classList.contains("ghic-avatar")) { // make sure we're targeting the span wrapping the image hideParticipant(target.nodeName === "IMG" ? target.parentNode : target); } else if (regex.test(target.nodeName)) { // clicking on the SVG may target the svg or path inside hideParticipant(closest(".ghic-avatar", target)); } } else if ( === "ghic-only-active") { closest(".select-menu-header", target).classList.toggle("ghic-active", target.checked); GM_setValue("onlyActive", target.checked); } // Make button show if it is active target = $(".ghic-button .btn"); if (target) { const active = $$(".ghic-hidden, .ghic-hidden-participant").length > 0; target.classList.toggle("btn-outline", active); } } } function $(selector, el) { return (el || document).querySelector(selector); } function $$(selector, el) { return Array.from((el || document).querySelectorAll(selector)); } function closest(selector, el) { while (el && el.nodeType === 1) { if (el.matches(selector)) { return el; } el = el.parentNode; } return null; } function addClass(els, name) { let indx, len = els.length; for (indx = 0; indx < len; indx++) { els[indx].classList.add(name); } return len; } function removeClass(els, name) { let indx, len = els.length; for (indx = 0; indx < len; indx++) { els[indx].classList.remove(name); } } function toggleClass(els, name, flag) { els = Array.isArray(els) ? els : [els]; let el, indx = els.length; while (indx--) { el = els[indx]; if (el) { if (typeof flag === "undefined") { flag = !el.classList.contains(name); } if (flag) { el.classList.add(name); } else { el.classList.remove(name); } } } } function init() { getSettings(); addMenu(); $("body").addEventListener("click", checkItem); update(); } // update list when content changes document.addEventListener("ghmo:container", addMenu); document.addEventListener("ghmo:comments", update); init(); })();