Mottie / Bitbucket Collapse Markdown


Version: 0.1.0+4135a7c

Summary: A userscript that collapses markdown headers


License: MIT;

License: CC BY-SA 4.0

A userscript that collapses markdown headers

  • This script makes all markdown headers clickable and toggles the view of all content between same level headers (e.g. between H2 headers).
  • It works on overview, source, pull requests, issues, comment preview, & wiki pages. Pretty much everywhere on bitbucket.
  • Click on any header to toggle the view of the content below it.
  • Use Shift + Click to toggle the view of all same level header content.
  • When the content of a header is expanded, all sub-headers are also expanded.
  • Links within the header are still clickable.
  • Use the userscript addon to change these settings (see screenshot below):
    • "Set Bitbucket collapse markdown state" to collapsed (expanded by default) which collapses all header content initially.

    • "Set Bitbucket collapse markdown colors" to an JSON array with six color values (accepts named, hex, rgb, hsl, etc). For example, these six colors apply to the H1 through H6 header arrows respectively:

      // palette generated by
      // (colorblind friendly; soft)
      ["#6778d0", "#ac9c3d", "#b94a73", "#56ae6c", "#9750a1", "#ba543d"]
    • After changing either of the above options, make sure to reload the page (Shift + F5) to have the updated setting take effect.

  • Can be used along with the bitbucket collapse in comment userscript.

bitbucket collapse markdown settings

bitbucket collapse markdown

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