Miles / Pilatinhas

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Pilatinhas 
// @version      0.7
// @description  Exensão para o evento Piratas 
// @author       Miles Tailsko Prower
// @match
// @match
// @changes        Nenhuma ;)
// @require
// @grant        GM_setValue
// @grant        GM_getValue
// @grant        GM_xmlhttpRequest

// @namespace 
// ==/UserScript==

var _version_ = GM_info.script.version;

var debugMonkeyReleaseMessage = "<h1>EAE SEUS PUTO!</h1>" + "<a href='' target='_blank'></a><p>"+
    "SAMPLE TEXT <br><p>" +
	"ALEQUIS INUTIL <br><p>" +
    "Chega mais parsa, essa extensão é para o evento Piratinhas no domingo (10/01/16) <br><p>" +
	"..................<p>" +
	"FAQ: <p>" +
	"<b> LAG! </b><br>" +
	"Foda-se, a culpa não é minha. <br><p>"+
	"<b> ME DA MOD! </b><br>"+
	"'-' <br><p>"+
	"<b> Piratas virou comunidade de fic. </b><br>" +
	"<b> XBOX um >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PS4 </b><br>" +
	"<i><b> Você sabia que... </b></i><br>" +
	"<i> Enquanto você lia, um corinthiano roubou seu carro? </i><br>" +
	"<i><strike> Alequis já foi útil? </i></strike>..<< Ele pediu pra mim remover, pois é ofensivo :(<br>"
   "<img src=''>";

//if ( != window.self)  //-- Don't run on frames or iframes
//    return;

unsafeWindow.connect2 = unsafeWindow.connect;
jQuery("#connecting").after('<canvas id="canvas" width="800" height="600"></canvas>');

(function(d, f) {

    // Options that will always be reset on reload
    var zoomFactor = 10;
    var isGrazing = false;
    var serverIP = "";
    var showVisualCues = true;

    // Game State & Info
    var highScore = 0;
    var timeSpawned = null;
    var grazzerTargetResetRequest = false;
    var nearestVirusID;
    var suspendMouseUpdates = false;
    var grazingTargetFixation = false;
    var selectedBlobID = null;

    // Constants
    var Huge = 2.66,
        Large = 1.25,
        Small = 0.7,
        Tiny = 0.375;
    var Huge_Color = "#FF3C3C",
        Large_Color = "#FFBF3D",
        Same_Color = "#FFFF00",
        Small_Color  = "#00AA00",
        Tiny_Color = "#CC66FF",
        myColor ="#3371FF",
        virusColor ="#666666";
    var lastMouseCoords = { x: 0, y: 0 };
    var ghostBlobs = [];

    var miniMapCtx=jQuery('<canvas id="mini-map" width="175" height="175" style="border:2px solid #999;text-align:center;position:fixed;bottom:5px;right:5px;"></canvas>')

    // cobbler is the object that holds all user options. Options that should never be persisted can be defined here.
    // If an option setting should be remembered it can
    var cobbler = {
        set grazingMode(val)    {isGrazing = val;},
        get grazingMode()       {return isGrazing;},
        minimapScaleCurrentValue : 1,
        "displayMiniMap" : true,

    // utility function to simplify creation of options whose state should be persisted to disk
    function simpleSavedSettings(optionsObject){
        _.forEach(optionsObject, function(defaultValue, settingName){
            var backingVar = '_' + settingName;
            cobbler[backingVar] = GM_getValue(settingName, defaultValue),
            Object.defineProperty(cobbler, settingName, {
                get: function()     { return this[backingVar];},
                set: function(val)  { this[backingVar] = val; GM_setValue(settingName, val); }
    // defines all options that should be persisted along with their default values.
    function makeCobbler(){
        var optionsAndDefaults = {
            "isLiteBrite"       : true,
            "sfxVol"            : 0.5,
            "bgmVol"            : 0.5,
            "drawTail"          : false,
            "splitGuide"        : true,
            "rainbowPellets"    : true,
            "debugLevel"        : 1,
            "imgurSkins"        : true,
            "amExtendedSkins"   : true,
            "amConnectSkins"    : true,
            "namesUnderBlobs"   : false,
            "grazerMultiBlob2"  : false,
            "grazerHybridSwitch": false,
            "grazerHybridSwitchMass" : 300,
            "gridLines"         : true,
            "autoRespawn"       : false,
            "visualizeGrazing"  : true,
            "msDelayBetweenShots" : 100,
            "miniMapScale"      : false,
            "miniMapScaleValue" : 64,
            "enableBlobLock"    : false,
            'nextOnBlobLock'    : false,
            'rightClickFires'   : false,
            'showZcStats'       : true,

    window.cobbler = cobbler;

    // ======================   Property & Var Name Restoration  =======================================================
    var zeach = {
        get connect()       {return Aa;},        // Connect
        get ctx()           {return g;},        // g_context
        get webSocket()     {return r;},        // g_socket
        get myIDs()         {return K;},        // g_playerCellIds
        get myPoints()      {return m;},        // g_playerCells
        get allNodes()      {return D;},        // g_cellsById
        get allItems()      {return v;},        // g_cells
        get mouseX2()       {return fa;},       // g_moveX
        get mouseY2()       {return ga;},       // g_moveY
        get mapLeft()       {return oa;},       // g_minX
        get mapTop()        {return pa;},       // g_minY
        get mapRight()      {return qa;},       // g_maxX
        get mapBottom()     {return ra;},       // g_maxY
        get isShowSkins()   {return fb;},       // g_showSkins
        // "g_showNames": "va",
        get isNightMode()   {return sa;},       // ??
        get isShowMass()    {return gb;},       // ??
        get gameMode()      {return O;},        // g_mode
        get fireFunction()  {return G;},        // SendCmd
        get isColors()      {return Ka;},       // g_noColors
        get defaultSkins()  {return jb;},       // g_skinNamesA
        get imgCache()      {return T;},       // ???
        get textFunc()      {return ua;},       // CachedCanvas
        get textBlobs()     {return Bb;},       // g_skinNamesB
        get hasNickname()   {return va;},        // g_showNames
        get scale()   {return k;},        //
        // Classes
        get CachedCanvas()  {return ua;},       // CachedCanvas
        get Cell()          {return aa;},        //
        // These never existed before but are useful
        get mapWidth()      {return  ~~(Math.abs(zeach.mapLeft) + zeach.mapRight);},
        get mapHeight()  {return  ~~(Math.abs(zeach.mapTop) + zeach.mapBottom);},

    function restoreCanvasElementObj(objPrototype){
        var canvasElementPropMap = {
            'setValue'   : 'C',                 //
            'render'     : 'L',                 //
            'setScale'   : 'ea',                //
            'setSize'    : 'M',                 //
        _.forEach(canvasElementPropMap, function(newPropName,oldPropName){
            Object.defineProperty(objPrototype, oldPropName, {
                get: function()     { return this[newPropName];},
                set: function(val)  { this[newPropName] = val; }

    // Cell
    function restorePointObj(objPrototype){
        var pointPropMap = {
            'isVirus'     : 'h', //
            'nx'          : 'J', //
            'ny'          : 'K', //
            'setName'     : 'B', //
            'nSize'       : 'q', //
            'ox'          : 's', //
            'oy'          : 't', //
            'oSize'       : 'r', //
            'destroy'     : 'X', //
            'maxNameSize' : 'l', //
            'massText'    : 'O', //
            'nameCache'   : 'o', //
            'isAgitated'  : 'n'
        _.forEach(pointPropMap, function(newPropName,oldPropName){
            Object.defineProperty(objPrototype, oldPropName, {
                get: function()     { return this[newPropName];},
                set: function(val)  { this[newPropName] = val; }

    // ======================   Utility code    ==================================================================
    function isFood(blob){
        return (blob.nSize < 15);
    function getSelectedBlob(){
        if(!_.contains(zeach.myIDs, selectedBlobID)){
            selectedBlobID = zeach.myPoints[0].id;
            //console.log("Had to select new blob. Its id is " + selectedBlobID);
        return zeach.allNodes[selectedBlobID];

    function isPlayerAlive(){
        return !!zeach.myPoints.length;

    function sendMouseUpdate(ws, mouseX2, mouseY2, blob) {
        lastMouseCoords = {x: mouseX2, y: mouseY2};

        if (ws && ws.readyState == ws.OPEN) {
            var blobId = blob ? : 0;
            var z0 = new ArrayBuffer(13);
            var z1 = new DataView(z0);
            z1.setUint8(0, 16);
            z1.setInt32(1, mouseX2, true);
            z1.setInt32(5, mouseY2, true);
            z1.setUint32(9, blobId, true);

    function getMass(x){
        return x*x/100;

    function lineDistance( point1, point2 ){
        var xs = point2.nx - point1.nx;
        var ys = point2.ny - point1.ny;

        return Math.sqrt( xs * xs + ys * ys );

    function getVirusShotsNeededForSplit(cellSize){
        return ~~((149-cellSize)/7);

    function calcTTR(element){

        var totalMass = _.sum(_.pluck(zeach.myPoints, "nSize").map(getMass));
        return ~~((((totalMass*0.02)*1000)+30000) / 1000) - ~~(( - element.splitTime) / 1000);

    function getBlobShotsAvailable(blob) {
        return ~~(Math.max(0, (getMass(blob.nSize)-(35-18))/18));

    function distanceFromCellZero(blob) {
        return isPlayerAlive() ? lineDistance(blob, getSelectedBlob()) :
            Math.sqrt((zeach.mapRight - zeach.mapLeft) * (zeach.mapRight - zeach.mapLeft) + (zeach.mapBottom - zeach.mapTop) * (zeach.mapBottom - zeach.mapTop));

    function getViewport(interpolated) {
        var x =  _.sum(_.pluck(zeach.myPoints, interpolated ? "x" : "nx")) / zeach.myPoints.length;
        var y =  _.sum(_.pluck(zeach.myPoints, interpolated ? "y" : "ny")) / zeach.myPoints.length;
        var totalRadius =  _.sum(_.pluck(zeach.myPoints, interpolated ? "size" : "nSize"));
        var zoomFactor = Math.pow(Math.min(64.0 / totalRadius, 1), 0.4);
        var deltaX = 1024 / zoomFactor;
        var deltaY = 600 / zoomFactor;
        return { x: x, y: y, dx: deltaX, dy: deltaY };

    function getMouseCoordsAsPseudoBlob(){
        return {
            "x": zeach.mouseX2,
            "y": zeach.mouseY2,
            "nx": zeach.mouseX2,
            "ny": zeach.mouseY2,

    // ======================   Grazing code    ==================================================================

    function checkCollision(myBlob, targetBlob, potential){
        // Calculate distance to target
        var dtt = lineDistance(myBlob, targetBlob);
        // Slope and normal slope
        var sl = (targetBlob.ny-myBlob.ny)/(targetBlob.nx-myBlob.nx);
        var ns = -1/sl;
        // y-int of ptt
        var yint1 = myBlob.ny - myBlob.nx*sl;
        if(!(lineDistance(myBlob, potential) < dtt)){
            // get second y-int
            var yint2 = potential.ny - potential.nx * ns;
            var interx = (yint2-yint1)/(sl-ns);
            var intery = sl*interx + yint1;
            var pseudoblob = {};
            pseudoblob.nx = interx;
            pseudoblob.ny = intery;
            if (((targetBlob.nx < myBlob.nx && targetBlob.nx < interx && interx < myBlob.nx) ||
                (targetBlob.nx > myBlob.nx && targetBlob.nx > interx && interx > myBlob.nx)) &&
                ((targetBlob.ny < myBlob.ny && targetBlob.ny < intery && intery < myBlob.ny) ||
                (targetBlob.ny > myBlob.ny && targetBlob.ny > intery && intery > myBlob.ny))){
                if(lineDistance(potential, pseudoblob) < potential.size+100){
                    return true;
        return false;

    function isSafeTarget(myBlob, targetBlob, threats){
        var isSafe = true;
        // check target against each enemy to make sure no collision is possible
        threats.forEach(function (threat){
            if(isSafe) {
                if(threat.isVirus) {
                    //todo once we are big enough, our center might still be far enough
                    // away that it doesn't cross virus but we still pop
                    if(checkCollision(myBlob, targetBlob, threat) )  {
                        isSafe = false;
                else {
                    if ( checkCollision(myBlob, targetBlob, threat) || lineDistance(threat, targetBlob) <= threat.size + 200) {
                        isSafe = false;
        return isSafe;

    // All blobs that aren't mine
    function getOtherBlobs(){
        return _.omit(zeach.allNodes, zeach.myIDs);

    // Gets any item which is a threat including bigger players and viruses
    function getThreats(blobArray, myMass) {
        // start by omitting all my IDs
        // then look for viruses smaller than us and blobs substantially bigger than us
        return _.filter(getOtherBlobs(), function(possibleThreat){
            var possibleThreatMass = getMass(possibleThreat.size);

            if(possibleThreat.isVirus) {
                // Viruses are only a threat if we are bigger than them
                return myMass >= possibleThreatMass;
            // other blobs are only a threat if they cross the 'Large' threshhold
            return possibleThreatMass > myMass * Large;

    var throttledResetGrazingTargetId = null;

    function doGrazing() {
        var i;
        if(!isPlayerAlive()) {
            //isGrazing = false;
        if(null === throttledResetGrazingTargetId){
            throttledResetGrazingTargetId = _.throttle(function (){
                grazzerTargetResetRequest = 'all';
            }, 200);
        if (grazzerTargetResetRequest == 'all') {
            grazzerTargetResetRequest = false;
            for(i = 0; i < zeach.myPoints.length; i++) {
                zeach.myPoints[i].grazingTargetID = false;
        } else if (grazzerTargetResetRequest == 'current') {
            var pseudoBlob = getMouseCoordsAsPseudoBlob();

            pseudoBlob.size = getSelectedBlob().size;
            //pseudoBlob.scoreboard = scoreboard;
            var newTarget = findFoodToEat_old(pseudoBlob,zeach.allItems);
            if(-1 == newTarget){
                isGrazing = false;
            getSelectedBlob().grazingTargetID =;
        // with target fixation on, target remains until it's eaten by someone or
        // otherwise disappears. With it off target is constantly recalculated
        // at the expense of CPU
        if(!grazingTargetFixation) {

        var target;

        var targets = findFoodToEat(!cobbler.grazerMultiBlob2);
        for(i = 0; i < zeach.myPoints.length; i++) {
            var point = zeach.myPoints[i];
            if (!cobbler.grazerMultiBlob2 && != getSelectedBlob().id) {
            point.grazingMode = isGrazing;
            if(cobbler.grazerHybridSwitch) {
                var mass = getMass(point.nSize);
                // switch over to new grazer once we pass the threshhold
                if(1 === point.grazingMode && mass > cobbler.grazerHybridSwitchMass){
                    point.grazingMode = 2; // We gained enough much mass. Use new grazer.
                }else if(2 === point.grazingMode && mass < cobbler.grazerHybridSwitchMass ){
                    point.grazingMode = 1; // We lost too much mass. Use old grazer.
            switch(point.grazingMode) {
                case 1: {

                    if(!zeach.allNodes.hasOwnProperty(point.grazingTargetID)) {
                        target = findFoodToEat_old(point, zeach.allItems);
                        if(-1 == target){
                            point.grazingMode = 2;
                        point.grazingTargetID =;
                    } else {
                        target = zeach.allNodes[point.grazingTargetID];
                    if (!cobbler.grazerMultiBlob2) {
                        sendMouseUpdate(zeach.webSocket, target.x + Math.random(), target.y + Math.random());
                    } else {
                        sendMouseUpdate(zeach.webSocket, target.x + Math.random(), target.y + Math.random(), point);
                case 2: {
                    if (!cobbler.grazerMultiBlob2) {
                        target = _.max(targets, "v");
                        sendMouseUpdate(zeach.webSocket, target.x + Math.random(), target.y + Math.random());
                    } else {
                        target = targets[];
                        sendMouseUpdate(zeach.webSocket, target.x + Math.random(), target.y + Math.random(), point);


    function dasMouseSpeedFunction(id, cx, cy, radius, nx, ny) { = cx; = cy; this.radius = radius; this.nx = nx; this.ny = ny;
        this.value = function(x, y) {
            x -=; y -=;
            var lensq = x*x + y*y;
            var len = Math.sqrt(lensq);

            var val = x * this.nx + y * this.ny;
            if (len > this.radius) {
                return {
                    id : id,
                    v: val / len,
                    dx: y * (this.nx * y - this.ny * x) / (lensq * len),
                    dy: x * (this.ny * x - this.nx * y) / (lensq * len),
            } else {
                return {id: id, v: val / this.radius, dx: this.nx, dy: this.ny};

    function dasBorderFunction(l, t, r, b, w) {
        this.l = l; 
        this.t = t;
        this.r = r; 
        this.b = b; 
        this.w = w;
        this.value = function(x, y) {
            var v = 0, dx = 0, dy = 0;
            if (x < this.l) {
                v += this.l - x;
                dx = -this.w;
            } else if (x > this.r) {
                v += x - this.r;
                dx = this.w;

            if (y < this.t) {
                v += this.t - y;
                dy = -this.w;
            } else if (y > this.b) {
                v += y - this.b;
                dy = this.w;

            return {v: v * this.w, dx: dx, dy: dy};

    function dasSumFunction(sumfuncs) {
        this.sumfuncs = sumfuncs;
        this.value = function(x, y) {
            return {
                return func.value(x, y);
            }).reduce(function (acc, val) {
                acc.v += val.v; acc.dx += val.dx; acc.dy += val.dy;
                return acc;

    function gradient_ascend(func, step, iters, id, x, y) {
        var max_step = step;

        var last = func.value(x, y);

        while(iters > 0) {
            iters -= 1;

            x += last.dx * step;
            y += last.dy * step;
            var tmp = func.value(x, y);
            if (tmp.v < last.v) {
                step /= 2;
            } else {
                step = Math.min(2 * step, max_step);
            //console.log([x, y, tmp[0], step]);

            last.v = tmp.v;
            last.dx = (last.dx + tmp.dx)/2.0;
            last.dy = (last.dy + tmp.dy)/2.0;

        return {id: id, x: x, y: y, v: last.v};

    function augmentBlobArray(blobArray) {

        blobArray = blobArray.slice();

        var curTimestamp =;

        // Outdated blob id set
        var ghostSet = [];

        blobArray.forEach(function (element) {
            ghostSet[] = true;
            element.lastTimestamp = curTimestamp;

        var viewport = getViewport(false);

        ghostBlobs = _.filter(ghostBlobs, function (element) {
            return !ghostSet[] && // a fresher blob with the same id doesn't exist in blobArray already
                (curTimestamp - element.lastTimestamp < 10000) && // last seen no more than 10 seconds ago
                    (Math.abs(viewport.x - element.nx) > (viewport.dx + element.nSize) * 0.9) ||
                    (Math.abs(viewport.y - element.ny) > (viewport.dy + element.nSize) * 0.9)
                ); // outside of firmly visible area, otherwise there's no need to remember it

        ghostBlobs.forEach(function (element) {

        ghostBlobs = blobArray;

        return blobArray;
    function findFoodToEat(useGradient) {
        blobArray = augmentBlobArray(zeach.allItems);

        zeach.myPoints.forEach(function(cell) {
            cell.gr_is_mine = true;

        var accs = (cell) {

            var per_food = [], per_threat = [];
            var acc = {
                id :,
                fx: 0,
                fy: 0,
                x: cell.nx,
                y: cell.ny,
                size : cell.nSize,
                per_food: per_food,
                per_threat: per_threat,
                cumulatives: [ { x: 0, y: 0}, { x: 0, y: 0} ],
            if (!useGradient && cell.grazingMode != 2) {
                return acc;
            var totalMass = _.sum(_.pluck(zeach.myPoints, "nSize").map(getMass));

            // Avoid walls too
            var wallArray = [];
            wallArray.push({id: -2, nx: cell.nx, ny: zeach.mapTop - 1, nSize: cell.nSize * 30});
            wallArray.push({id: -3, nx: cell.nx, ny: zeach.mapBottom + 1, nSize: cell.nSize * 30});
            wallArray.push({id: -4, ny: cell.ny, nx: zeach.mapLeft - 1, nSize: cell.nSize * 30});
            wallArray.push({id: -5, ny: cell.ny, nx: zeach.mapRight + 1, nSize: cell.nSize * 30});
            wallArray.forEach(function(el) {
                // Calculate repulsion vector
                var vec = { id:, gr_type: true, x: cell.nx - el.nx, y: cell.ny - el.ny };
                var dist = Math.sqrt(vec.x * vec.x + vec.y * vec.y);

                // Normalize it to unit length
                vec.x /= dist;
                vec.y /= dist;

                // Walls have pseudo-size to generate repulsion, but we can move farther.
                dist += cell.nSize / 2.0;

                dist = Math.max(dist, 0.01);

                // Walls. Hate them muchly.
                dist /= 10;

                // The more we're split and the more we're to lose, the more we should be afraid.
                dist /= cell.nSize * Math.sqrt(zeach.myPoints.length);

                // The farther they're from us the less repulsive/attractive they are.
                vec.x /= dist;
                vec.y /= dist;

                if(!isFinite(vec.x) || !isFinite(vec.y)) {

                // Save element-produced force for visualization

                // Sum forces from all threats
                acc.fx += vec.x;
                acc.fy += vec.y;

            blobArray.forEach(function(el) {
                var vec = { id:, x: cell.nx - el.nx, y: cell.ny - el.ny };

                if(el.gr_is_mine) {
                    return; //our cell, ignore
                } else if( !el.isVirus && (getMass(el.nSize) * 4 <= getMass(cell.nSize) * 3)) {
                    //if(!el.isVirus && (getMass(el.nSize) <= 9)) {
                    //vec.gr_type = null; //edible
                } else if (!el.isVirus && (getMass(el.nSize) * 3 < (getMass(cell.nSize) * 4))) {
                    return; //not edible ignorable
                    // TODO: shouldn't really be so clear-cut. Must generate minor repulsion/attraction depending on size.
                } else {
                    vec.gr_type = true; //threat

                // Calculate repulsion vector
                var dist = Math.sqrt(vec.x * vec.x + vec.y * vec.y);

                // Normalize it to unit length
                vec.x /= dist;
                vec.y /= dist;

                if(el.nSize > cell.nSize) {
                    if(el.isVirus) {
                        // Viruses are only a threat if they're smaller than us

                    // Distance till consuming
                    dist -= el.nSize;
                    dist += cell.nSize / 3.0;
                    dist -= 11;

                    dist = Math.max(dist, 0.01);

                    // Prioritize targets by size
                    if(!vec.gr_type) {
                        dist /= el.nSize;
                    } else {
                        var ratio = getMass(el.nSize) / getMass(cell.nSize);
                        // Cells that 1 to 8 times bigger are the most dangerous.
                        // Prioritize them by a truncated parabola up to 6 times.

                        // when we are fractured into small parts, we might underestimate
                        // how cells a lot bigger than us can be interested in us as a conglomerate of mass.
                        // So calculate threat index for our total mass too.
                        var ratio2 = getMass(el.nSize) / totalMass;
                        if(ratio2 < 4.5 && ratio > 4.5) {
                            ratio2 = 4.5;

                        ratio = Math.min(5, Math.max(0, - (ratio - 1) * (ratio - 8))) + 1;
                        ratio2 = Math.min(5, Math.max(0, - (ratio2 - 1) * (ratio2 - 8))) + 1;
                        ratio = Math.max(ratio, ratio2);

                        // The more we're split and the more we're to lose, the more we should be afraid.
                        dist /= ratio * cell.nSize * Math.sqrt(zeach.myPoints.length);

                } else {
                    // Distance till consuming
                    dist += el.nSize * 1 / 3;
                    dist -= cell.nSize;
                    dist -= 11;

                    if(el.isVirus) {
                        if(zeach.myPoints.length >= 16 ) {
                            // Can't split anymore so viruses are actually a good food!
                            delete vec.gr_type; //vec.gr_type = null;
                        } else {
                            // Hate them a bit less than same-sized blobs.
                            dist *= 2;

                    dist = Math.max(dist, 0.01);

                    // Prioritize targets by size
                    dist /= el.nSize;

                if(!vec.gr_type) {
                    //Not a threat. Make it attractive.
                    dist = -dist;

                // The farther they're from us the less repulsive/attractive they are.
                vec.x /= dist;
                vec.y /= dist;

                if(!isFinite(vec.x) || !isFinite(vec.y)) {

                // Save element-produced force for visualization
                (vec.gr_type ? per_threat : per_food).push(vec);

                // Sum forces per target type
                var cumul = acc.cumulatives[!vec.gr_type ? 1 : 0];
                cumul.x += vec.x;
                cumul.y += vec.y;

            // Sum forces from all sources
            acc.fx += _.sum(_.pluck(acc.cumulatives, "x"));
            acc.fy += _.sum(_.pluck(acc.cumulatives, "y"));

            // Save resulting info for visualization
            cell.grazeInfo = acc;
            return acc;
        if (useGradient) {
            var funcs = {
                return new dasMouseSpeedFunction(, acc.x, acc.y, 200, acc.fx, acc.fy);

            // Pick gradient ascent step size for better convergence
            // so that coord jumps don't exceed ~50 units
            var step = _.sum( {
                return Math.sqrt(acc.fx * acc.fx + acc.fy * acc.fy);
            step = 50 / step;
            if(!isFinite(step)) {
                step = 50;

            var viewport = getViewport(false);
                new dasBorderFunction(
                    viewport.x - viewport.dx,
                    viewport.y - viewport.dy,
                    viewport.x + viewport.dx,
                    viewport.y + viewport.dy,

            var func = new dasSumFunction(funcs);

            var results = {
                return gradient_ascend(func, step, 100,, acc.x, acc.y);
        } else {
            results = { 
                var norm = Math.sqrt(acc.fx * acc.fx + acc.fy * acc.fy);
                return {id:, x: acc.x + 200 * acc.fx / norm, y: acc.y + 200 * acc.fy / norm };

        var reply = {};
        for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
            reply[results[i].id] = {id : -5, x : results[i].x, y : results[i].y, v : results[i].v};

        return reply;

    function findFoodToEat_old(cell, blobArray){
        var edibles = [];
        var densityResults = [];
        var threats = getThreats(blobArray, getMass(cell.size));
        blobArray.forEach(function (element){
            var distance = lineDistance(cell, element);
            if (!element.isSafeTarget) {
                element.isSafeTarget = {};
            element.isSafeTarget[] = null;
            if( getMass(element.size) <= (getMass(cell.size) * 0.4) && !element.isVirus){
                if(isSafeTarget(cell, element, threats)){
                    edibles.push({"distance":distance, "id"});
                    element.isSafeTarget[] = true;
                } else {
                    element.isSafeTarget[] = false;
        edibles = edibles.sort(function(x,y){return x.distance<y.distance?-1:1;});
        edibles.forEach(function (element){
            var density = calcFoodDensity(cell, zeach.allNodes[], blobArray)/(element.distance*2);
            densityResults.push({"density":density, "id"});
        if(0 === densityResults.length){
            //console.log("No target found");
            return avoidThreats(threats, cell);
            return -1;
        var target = densityResults.sort(function(x,y){return x.density>y.density?-1:1;});
        //console.log("Choosing blob (" + target[0].id + ") with density of : "+ target[0].isVirusensity);
        return zeach.allNodes[target[0].id];

    function avoidThreats(threats, cell){
        // Avoid walls too
        threats.push({x: cell.x, y: zeach.mapTop - 1, size: 1});
        threats.push({x: cell.x, y: zeach.mapBottom + 1, size: 1});
        threats.push({y: cell.y, x: zeach.mapLeft - 1, size: 1});
        threats.push({y: cell.y, x: zeach.mapRight + 1, size: 1});

        var direction = threats.reduce(function(acc, el) {
            // Calculate repulsion vector
            var vec = { x: cell.x - el.x, y: cell.y - el.y };
            var dist = Math.sqrt(vec.x * vec.x + vec.y * vec.y);

            // Normalize it to unit length
            vec.x /= dist;
            vec.y /= dist;

            // Take enemy cell size into account
            dist -= el.size;

            // The farther they're from us the less repulsive they are
            vec.x /= dist;
            vec.y /= dist;

            // Sum forces from all threats
            acc.x += vec.x;
            acc.y += vec.y;

            return acc;
        }, {x: 0, y: 0});

        // Normalize force to unit direction vector
        var dir_norm = Math.sqrt(direction.x * direction.x + direction.y * direction.y);
        direction.x /= dir_norm;
        direction.y /= dir_norm;

        if(!isFinite(direction.x) || !isFinite(direction.y)) {
            return -1;

        return { id: -5, x: cell.x + direction.x * cell.size * 5, y: cell.y + direction.y * cell.size * 5 };

    function calcFoodDensity(cell, cell2, blobArray2){
        var MaxDistance2 = 250;
        var pelletCount = 0;
        blobArray2.forEach(function (element2){
            var distance2 = lineDistance(cell2, element2);

            var cond1 = getMass(element2.size) <= (getMass(cell.size) * 0.4);
            var cond2 = distance2 < MaxDistance2;
            var cond3 = !element2.isVirus;
            //console.log(cond1 + " " + distance2 + " " + cell2.isSafeTarget);
            if( cond1 && cond2 && cond3 && cell2.isSafeTarget[] ){
                pelletCount +=1;

        return pelletCount;
// ======================   UI stuff    ==================================================================

    function drawRescaledItems(ctx) {
        if (showVisualCues && isPlayerAlive()) {

            drawSplitGuide(ctx, getSelectedBlob());

    function getScoreBoardExtrasString(F) {
        var extras = " ";
        if (showVisualCues) {
            highScore = Math.max(highScore, ~~(F / 100));
            extras += " High: " + highScore.toString();
            if (isPlayerAlive()) {
                extras += "" + isPlayerAlive() ? " Alive: " + (~~(( - timeSpawned) / 1000)).toString() : "";
        return extras;

    function drawCellInfos(noColors, ctx) {
        var color = this.color;
        if (showVisualCues) {
            color = setCellColors(this, zeach.myPoints);
            if (this.isVirus) {
                if (!zeach.allNodes.hasOwnProperty(nearestVirusID))
                    nearestVirusID =;
                else if (distanceFromCellZero(this) < distanceFromCellZero(zeach.allNodes[nearestVirusID]))
                    nearestVirusID =;
            if(noColors) {
                ctx.fillStyle = "#FFFFFF";
                ctx.strokeStyle = "#AAAAAA"
            else {
                ctx.fillStyle = color;
                ctx.strokeStyle = ( == nearestVirusID) ? "red" : color

    function drawMapBorders(ctx) {
        if (zeach.isNightMode) {
            ctx.strokeStyle = '#FFFFFF';
        ctx.moveTo(zeach.mapLeft, zeach.mapTop);        // 0
        ctx.lineTo(zeach.mapRight, zeach.mapTop);       // >
        ctx.lineTo(zeach.mapRight, zeach.mapBottom);    // V
        ctx.lineTo(zeach.mapLeft, zeach.mapBottom);     // <
        ctx.lineTo(zeach.mapLeft, zeach.mapTop);        // ^

    function drawSplitGuide(ctx, cell) {
        if( !isPlayerAlive() || !cobbler.splitGuide){
        var radius = 660;
        var centerX = cell.x;
        var centerY = cell.y;
        var hold = ctx.globalAlpha;
        ctx.arc(centerX, centerY, radius+cell.size, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false);
        ctx.lineWidth = 2;
        ctx.strokeStyle = '#FF0000';

        ctx.arc(centerX, centerY, radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false);
        ctx.lineWidth = 2;
        ctx.strokeStyle = '#00FF00';
       ctx.globalAlpha = hold;

    function isTeamMode(){
        return (zeach.gameMode === ":teams");
    function setCellColors(cell,myPoints){
            return cell.color;
        if(cobbler.rainbowPellets && isFood(cell)){
            return cell.color;
        var color = cell.color;
        if (myPoints.length > 0 && !isTeamMode()) {
            var size_this =  getMass(cell.size);
            var size_that =  ~~(getSelectedBlob().size * getSelectedBlob().size / 100);
            if (cell.isVirus || myPoints.length === 0) {
                color = virusColor;
            } else if (~myPoints.indexOf(cell)) {
                color = myColor;
            } else if (size_this > size_that * Huge) {
                color = Huge_Color;
            } else if (size_this > size_that * Large) {
                color = Large_Color;
            } else if (size_this > size_that * Small) {
                color = Same_Color;
            } else if (size_this > size_that * Tiny) {
                color = Small_Color;
            } else {
                color = Tiny_Color;
        return color;

    function displayDebugText(ctx, agarTextFunction) {

        if(0 >= cobbler.debugLevel) {

        var textSize = 15;
        var debugStrings = [];
        if(1 <= cobbler.debugLevel) {
            debugStrings.push("v " + _version_);
            debugStrings.push("Server: " + serverIP);

            debugStrings.push("G - Bot: " + (isGrazing ? (1 == isGrazing) ? "Old" : "Ativado" : "Desativado"));
        if(2 <= cobbler.debugLevel) {
            debugStrings.push("M - Suspender Mouse: " + (suspendMouseUpdates ? "Sim" : "Não"));
            debugStrings.push("Z - zoom: " + zoomFactor.toString());
            if (isPlayerAlive()) {
                debugStrings.push("Location: " + Math.floor(getSelectedBlob().x) + ", " + Math.floor(getSelectedBlob().y));

        var offsetValue = 20;
        var text = new agarTextFunction(textSize, (zeach.isNightMode ? '#F2FBFF' : '#111111'));

        for (var i = 0; i < debugStrings.length; i++) {
            text.setValue(debugStrings[i]); // setValue
            var textRender = text.render();
            ctx.drawImage(textRender, 20, offsetValue);
            offsetValue += textRender.height;

    // Probably isn't necessary to throttle it ... but what the hell.
    var rescaleMinimap = _.throttle(function(){
        var minimapScale = cobbler.miniMapScaleValue;
        var scaledWidth = ~~(zeach.mapWidth/minimapScale);
        var scaledHeight = ~~(zeach.mapHeight/minimapScale);
        var minimap = jQuery("#mini-map");

        if(minimap.width() != scaledWidth || minimap.height() != scaledHeight || cobbler.minimapScaleCurrentValue != minimapScale){
            // rescale the div
            // rescale the canvas element
            minimap[0].width = scaledWidth;
            minimap[0].height = scaledHeight;
            cobbler.minimapScaleCurrentValue = minimapScale;
    }, 5*1000);

    function drawMiniMap() {
        var minimapScale = cobbler.miniMapScaleValue;
        miniMapCtx.clearRect(0, 0, ~~(zeach.mapWidth/minimapScale), ~~(zeach.mapHeight/minimapScale));

        _.forEach(_.values(getOtherBlobs()), function(blob){
            miniMapCtx.strokeStyle = blob.isVirus ?  "#33FF33" : 'rgb(52,152,219)' ;
  miniMapCtx.arc((blob.nx+Math.abs(zeach.mapLeft)) / minimapScale, (blob.ny+Math.abs(zeach.mapTop)) / minimapScale, blob.size / minimapScale, 0, 2 * Math.PI);


        _.forEach(zeach.myPoints, function(myBlob){
            miniMapCtx.strokeStyle = "#FFFFFF";
			 miniMapCtx.arc((myBlob.nx+Math.abs(zeach.mapLeft)) / minimapScale, (myBlob.ny+Math.abs(zeach.mapTop)) / minimapScale, myBlob.size / minimapScale, 0, 2 * Math.PI);


    function drawLine(ctx, point1, point2, color){
        ctx.strokeStyle = color;
        ctx.moveTo(point1.x, point1.y);
        ctx.lineTo(point2.x, point2.y);

    function drawGrazingLines(ctx) {
        if(!isGrazing || !cobbler.visualizeGrazing ||  !isPlayerAlive())
            //console.log("returning early");
        var oldLineWidth = ctx.lineWidth;
        var oldColor = ctx.color;
        var oldGlobalAlpha = ctx.globalAlpha;

        zeach.myPoints.forEach(function(playerBlob) {
            if(!playerBlob.grazeInfo || playerBlob.grazingMode != 2) {
            var grazeInfo = playerBlob.grazeInfo;

            var nullVec = { x: 0, y: 0 };
            var cumulatives = grazeInfo.cumulatives;
            var maxSize = 0.001;

            // Render threat forces
            grazeInfo.per_threat.forEach(function (grazeVec){
                var element = zeach.allNodes[];

                if(!element) return; //Wall or dead or something

                //drawLine(ctx,element, playerBlob, "red" );
                //drawLine(ctx,element, {x: element.x + grazeVec.x / maxSize, y: element.y + grazeVec.y / maxSize }, "red" );
                drawLine(ctx,playerBlob, {x: playerBlob.x + grazeVec.x / maxSize, y: playerBlob.y + grazeVec.y / maxSize }, "red" );

                var grazeVecLen = Math.sqrt(grazeVec.x * grazeVec.x + grazeVec.y * grazeVec.y);

                ctx.globalAlpha = 0.5 / zeach.myPoints.length;
                ctx.arc(element.x, element.y, grazeVecLen / maxSize / 20, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false);
                ctx.fillStyle = 'red';
                ctx.lineWidth = 2;
                ctx.strokeStyle = '#FFFFFF';
                ctx.globalAlpha = 1;

            if(zeach.myPoints.length <= 1) {
                // If we're not fragmented, render fancy food forces
                grazeInfo.per_food.forEach(function (grazeVec){
                    var element = zeach.allNodes[];

                    if(!element) return; //Wall or dead or something

                    //drawLine(ctx,element, playerBlob, "white" );
                    drawLine(ctx,element, {x: element.x + grazeVec.x / maxSize, y: element.y + grazeVec.y / maxSize }, "green" );
                    //drawLine(ctx,playerBlob, {x: playerBlob.x + grazeVec.x / maxSize, y: playerBlob.y + grazeVec.y / maxSize }, "green" );

            // Prepare to render cumulatives
            maxSize *= grazeInfo.per_threat.length + grazeInfo.per_food.length;
            maxSize /= 10;

            ctx.lineWidth = 10;

            // Render summary force without special forces, like walls
                    x: playerBlob.x + (cumulatives[0].x + cumulatives[1].x) / maxSize,
                    y: playerBlob.y + (cumulatives[0].y + cumulatives[1].y) / maxSize,
                }, "gray"

            // Render foods and threats force cumulatives
            drawLine(ctx,playerBlob, {x: playerBlob.x + cumulatives[1].x / maxSize, y: playerBlob.y + cumulatives[1].y / maxSize }, "green" );
            drawLine(ctx,playerBlob, {x: playerBlob.x + cumulatives[0].x / maxSize, y: playerBlob.y + cumulatives[0].y / maxSize }, "red" );

            // Render summary force with special forces, like walls
            ctx.lineWidth = 5;
            drawLine(ctx,playerBlob, {x: playerBlob.x + (grazeInfo.fx) / maxSize, y: playerBlob.y + (grazeInfo.fy) / maxSize }, "orange" );
            ctx.lineWidth = 1;
            drawLine(ctx,playerBlob, {x: playerBlob.x + 300 * (grazeInfo.fx) / maxSize, y: playerBlob.y + 300 * (grazeInfo.fy) / maxSize }, "orange" );

        var viewport = getViewport(true);

        // Render sent mouse coords as a small circle
        ctx.globalAlpha = 0.5;
        ctx.arc(lastMouseCoords.x, lastMouseCoords.y, 0.01 * viewport.dx, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false);
        ctx.fillStyle = 'red';
        ctx.lineWidth = 2;
        ctx.strokeStyle = zeach.isNightMode ? '#FFFFFF' : '#000000';
        ctx.globalAlpha = 1;

        // Render viewport borders, useful for blob lookout and 10-sec-memoization debugging
        ctx.strokeStyle = zeach.isNightMode ? '#FFFFFF' : '#000000';
        ctx.lineWidth = 5;

        ctx.moveTo(viewport.x - viewport.dx, viewport.y - viewport.dy);
        ctx.lineTo(viewport.x + viewport.dx, viewport.y - viewport.dy);
        ctx.lineTo(viewport.x + viewport.dx, viewport.y + viewport.dy);
        ctx.lineTo(viewport.x - viewport.dx, viewport.y + viewport.dy);
        ctx.lineTo(viewport.x - viewport.dx, viewport.y - viewport.dy);

        ctx.globalAlpha = oldGlobalAlpha;
        ctx.lineWidth = oldLineWidth;
        ctx.color = oldColor;

    function drawTrailTail(ctx) {
        // Render trailing tail that indicates real movement,
        // based on the difference between client-interpolated and real coords.
        var trailScale = 5;
        zeach.myPoints.forEach(function(playerBlob) {
            var d = { x: playerBlob.nx - playerBlob.x, y: playerBlob.ny - playerBlob.y };
            drawLine(ctx,playerBlob, {x: playerBlob.x - d.x * trailScale, y: playerBlob.y - d.y * trailScale }, myColor );
            //drawLine(ctx,{x: playerBlob.ox, y: playerBlob.oy }, {x: playerBlob.nx, y: playerBlob.ny }, "green" );

    function drawGrazingLines_old(ctx) {
        if(!isGrazing || !cobbler.visualizeGrazing ||  !isPlayerAlive())
            //console.log("returning early");
        var oldLineWidth = ctx.lineWidth;
        var oldColor = ctx.color;
        ctx.lineWidth = 10;
        for(var i = 0; i < zeach.myPoints.length; i++) {
            var point = zeach.myPoints[i];
            if (point.grazingMode != 1) {
            if(_.has(zeach.allNodes, point.grazingTargetID)){
                drawLine(ctx, zeach.allNodes[point.grazingTargetID], point, "green");
        ctx.lineWidth = 2;
        for(var i = 0; i < zeach.myPoints.length; i++) {
            var point = zeach.myPoints[i];
            if (point.grazingMode != 1) {
            zeach.allItems.forEach(function (element){
                if (!element.isSafeTarget) {
                } else if(element.isSafeTarget[] === true) {
                    drawLine(ctx, element, point, "white" );
                } else if (element.isSafeTarget[] === false) {
                    drawLine(ctx, element, point, "red" );
                } else {
                    //drawLine(ctx,element, getSelectedBlob(), "blue" );
        ctx.lineWidth = oldLineWidth;
        ctx.color = oldColor;


// ======================   Virus Popper    ==================================================================
    function findNearestVirus(cell, blobArray){
        var nearestVirus = _.min(_.filter(blobArray, "isVirus", true), function(element) {
            return lineDistance(cell, element);

        if( Infinity == nearestVirus){
            //console.log("No nearby viruses");
            return -1;
        return nearestVirus;

    function fireAtVirusNearestToBlob(blob, blobArray) {
        var msDelayBetweenShots = cobbler.msDelayBetweenShots;
        nearestVirus = findNearestVirus(blob, blobArray);

        if(-1 == nearestVirus){
            console.log("No Nearby Virus Found");

        // TODO: count availableshots and limit shots sent to  Math.min(shotsNeeded, ShotsAvailable)
        var shotsNeeded = getVirusShotsNeededForSplit(nearestVirus.size);
        var shotsFired = 0 / zeach.myPoints.length;
        if(shotsNeeded <= 0){

        suspendMouseUpdates = true;
        console.log("Nearest Virus at: ("+ nearestVirus.x + "," + nearestVirus.y + ") requires " + shotsNeeded + " shots.");
        // two mouse updates in a row to make sure new position is locked in.
        sendMouseUpdate(zeach.webSocket, nearestVirus.x + Math.random(), nearestVirus.y + Math.random());
        window.setTimeout(function () { sendMouseUpdate(zeach.webSocket, nearestVirus.x + Math.random(), nearestVirus.y + Math.random()); }, 25);

        // schedules all shots needed spaced evenly apart by of 'msDelayBetweenShots'
        for ( ; shotsFired < shotsNeeded; shotsFired++){
            window.setTimeout(function () {
                sendMouseUpdate(zeach.webSocket, nearestVirus.x + Math.random(), nearestVirus.y + Math.random());
            }, msDelayBetweenShots *(shotsFired+1));
        window.setTimeout(function () { suspendMouseUpdates = false;}, msDelayBetweenShots *(shotsFired+1));

    function fireAtVirusNearestToCursor(){
        fireAtVirusNearestToBlob(getMouseCoordsAsPseudoBlob(), zeach.allItems);

// ======================   Skins    ==================================================================
    /* skins have been moved to the very end of the file */
    var extendedSkins = {
        "billy mays" : "",
        "stannis": "",
        "shrek is love" : "",
        "shrek is life" : "",
        "blueeyes" : "",
        "ygritte"  : "",
        "lord kience" : "",

    var skinsSpecial = {
        "white  light": "",
        "tubbymcfatfuck" : "",
        "texas  doge" : "",
        "doge  helper" : "",
        "controless " : "",
        "sqochit" : "",
        "drunken" : "",

    // special skins are defined in this script by me and are never translucent
    function isSpecialSkin(targetName){
        return skinsSpecial.hasOwnProperty(targetName.toLowerCase());
    // special skins are defined in this script by me and can be translucent
    function isExtendedSkin(targetName){
        return _.has(extendedSkins, targetName.toLowerCase());

    function isAgarioModsSkin(targetName){
            return false;
        return _.includes(agariomodsSkins, targetName)
    function isImgurSkin(targetName){
            return false;
        return _.startsWith(targetName, "i/");
    function isAMConnectSkin(targetName){
            return false;
        return _.startsWith(targetName, "*");

    function customSkins(cell, defaultSkins, imgCache, showSkins, gameMode) {
        var retval = null;
        var userName =;
        var userNameLowerCase = userName.toLowerCase();
        if(":teams" ==  gameMode)
            retval = null;
        else if(!cell.isAgitated && showSkins ){
            if(-1 != defaultSkins.indexOf(userNameLowerCase) || isSpecialSkin(userNameLowerCase) || isImgurSkin(userNameLowerCase) ||
                    isAgarioModsSkin(userNameLowerCase) || isAMConnectSkin(userNameLowerCase) || isExtendedSkin(userNameLowerCase)){
                if (!imgCache.hasOwnProperty(userNameLowerCase)){
                    if(isSpecialSkin(userNameLowerCase)) {
                        imgCache[userNameLowerCase] = new Image;
                        imgCache[userNameLowerCase].src = skinsSpecial[userNameLowerCase];
                    else if(isExtendedSkin(userNameLowerCase)) {
                        imgCache[userNameLowerCase] = new Image;
                        imgCache[userNameLowerCase].src = extendedSkins[userNameLowerCase];
                    else if(isAgarioModsSkin(userNameLowerCase)) {
                        imgCache[userNameLowerCase] = new Image;
                        imgCache[userNameLowerCase].src = "" + userNameLowerCase + ".png";
                    else if(isAMConnectSkin(userNameLowerCase)) {
                        console.log("is AmConnect skin")
                        imgCache[userNameLowerCase] = new Image;
                        imgCache[userNameLowerCase].src = "" + userNameLowerCase.slice(1) + ".png";
                    else if(isImgurSkin(userNameLowerCase)){
                        imgCache[userNameLowerCase] = new Image;
                        imgCache[userNameLowerCase].src = ""+ userName.slice(2) +".png";

                        imgCache[userNameLowerCase] = new Image;
                        imgCache[userNameLowerCase].src = "skins/" + userNameLowerCase + ".png";
                if(0 != imgCache[userNameLowerCase].width && imgCache[userNameLowerCase].complete) {
                    retval = imgCache[userNameLowerCase];
                } else {
                    retval = null;
            else {
                retval = null;
        else {
            retval = null;
        return retval;

// ======================   Draw Functions    ==================================================================
    function shouldRelocateName(){
        if(cobbler.namesUnderBlobs && !this.isVirus) {
            return true;
        return ((isExtendedSkin(|| isSpecialSkin( || /*isBitDoSkin(||*/ isAMConnectSkin(;

    function drawCellName(isMyCell, kbIndex, itemToDraw){
        var yBasePos;
        var nameCache = this.nameCache;
        yBasePos = ~~this.y;
        // Viruses have empty name caches. If this is a virus with an empty name cache
        // then give it a name of the # of shots needed to split it.
        if(null == nameCache) {
            if (this.isVirus) {
                var virusSize = this.nSize;
                var shotsNeeded = getVirusShotsNeededForSplit(virusSize).toString();
            } else if(!isFood(this)) {
                this.setName(this.nSize.toString()); // Stupid blank cells. Give them a name.

        if((zeach.hasNickname || isMyCell) && ( && (nameCache && (null == itemToDraw || -1 == zeach.textBlobs.indexOf(kbIndex)))) ) {

            itemToDraw = nameCache;
            setCellName(this, itemToDraw);
            var scale = Math.ceil(10 * zeach.scale) / 10;

            setVirusInfo(this, itemToDraw, scale);
            itemToDraw = itemToDraw.render();
            var xPos = ~~(itemToDraw.width / scale);
            var yPos = ~~(itemToDraw.height / scale);

            if( {
                // relocate names to UNDER the cell rather than on top of it
                zeach.ctx.drawImage(itemToDraw, ~~this.x - ~~(xPos / 2), yBasePos + ~~(yPos ), xPos, yPos);
                yBasePos += itemToDraw.height / 2 / scale + 8;
            else {
                zeach.ctx.drawImage(itemToDraw, ~~this.x - ~~(xPos / 2), yBasePos - ~~(yPos / 2), xPos, yPos);
            yBasePos += itemToDraw.height / 2 / scale + 4;
        return yBasePos;

    function drawCellMass(yBasePos, itemToDraw){
        var massValue = (~~(getMass(this.size))).toString();
        // Append shots to mass if visual cues are enabled
        if(showVisualCues && _.contains(zeach.myIDs,{
            massValue += " (" + getBlobShotsAvailable(this).toString() + ")";

        if(zeach.isShowMass) {
            var scale;
            if(itemToDraw || 0 == zeach.myPoints.length && ((!this.isVirus || this.isAgitated) && 20 < this.size)) {
                if(null == this.massText) {
                    this.massText = new zeach.CachedCanvas(this.maxNameSize() / 2, "#FFFFFF", true, "#000000");
                itemToDraw = this.massText;
                itemToDraw.setSize(this.maxNameSize() / 2);
                itemToDraw.setValue(massValue); // precalculated & possibly appended
                scale = Math.ceil(10 * zeach.scale) / 10;

                // Tweak : relocated mass is line is bigger than stock
                itemToDraw.setScale(scale * ( ? 2 : 1));

                var e = itemToDraw.render();
                var xPos = ~~(e.width / scale);
                var yPos = ~~(e.height / scale);
                if( {
                    // relocate mass to UNDER the cell rather than on top of it
                    zeach.ctx.drawImage(e, ~~this.x - ~~(xPos / 2), yBasePos + ~~(yPos), xPos, yPos);
                else {
                    zeach.ctx.drawImage(e, ~~this.x - ~~(xPos / 2), yBasePos - ~~(yPos / 2), xPos, yPos);


// ======================   Misc    ==================================================================

    function switchCurrentBlob() {
        var myids_sorted = _.pluck(zeach.myPoints, "id").sort(); // sort by id
        var indexloc = _.indexOf(myids_sorted, selectedBlobID);
        if(-1 === indexloc){
            selectedBlobID = zeach.myPoints[0].id;
            console.log("Had to select new blob. Its id is " + selectedBlobID);
            return zeach.allNodes[selectedBlobID];
        indexloc += 1;
        if(indexloc >= myids_sorted.length){
            selectedBlobID = zeach.myPoints[0].id;
            console.log("Reached array end. Moving to beginning with id " + selectedBlobID);
            return zeach.allNodes[selectedBlobID];
        selectedBlobID = zeach.myPoints[indexloc].id;
        return zeach.allNodes[selectedBlobID];

    function customKeyDownEvents(d) {
        //if('X'.charCodeAt(0) === d.keyCode && isPlayerAlive()) {
        //        jQuery("#overlays").hide();
        //        jQuery("#ZCOverlay").hide();
        //        isGrazing = 0;
        //        showVisualCues = true;
        //        suspendMouseUpdates = false;
        //        cobbler.enableBlobLock = false;

        if(9 === d.keyCode && isPlayerAlive()) {
        else if('A'.charCodeAt(0) === d.keyCode && isPlayerAlive()){
            cobbler.isAcid = !cobbler.isAcid;
        else if('C'.charCodeAt(0) === d.keyCode && isPlayerAlive()) {
            grazzerTargetResetRequest = "all";
            showVisualCues = !showVisualCues;
            if(!showVisualCues) {
                zoomFactor = 10;
        else if('E'.charCodeAt(0) === d.keyCode && isPlayerAlive()){
        else if('G'.charCodeAt(0) === d.keyCode && isPlayerAlive()) {
            if(cobbler.grazerHybridSwitch && isGrazing){
                isGrazing = 0;
            grazzerTargetResetRequest = "all";
            isGrazing = (2 == isGrazing) ? false : 2;
        else if('H'.charCodeAt(0) === d.keyCode && isPlayerAlive()) {
            if(cobbler.grazerHybridSwitch && isGrazing){
                isGrazing = 0;
            grazzerTargetResetRequest = "all";
            isGrazing = (1 == isGrazing) ? false : 1;
        else if('M'.charCodeAt(0) === d.keyCode && isPlayerAlive()){
            suspendMouseUpdates = !suspendMouseUpdates;
        else if('O'.charCodeAt(0) === d.keyCode && isPlayerAlive()) {
            cobbler.rightClickFires = !cobbler.rightClickFires;
        else if('P'.charCodeAt(0) === d.keyCode && isPlayerAlive()) {
            grazingTargetFixation = !grazingTargetFixation;
        else if('R'.charCodeAt(0) === d.keyCode && isPlayerAlive()){
        else if('T'.charCodeAt(0) === d.keyCode && isPlayerAlive() && (1 == isGrazing)) {
            console.log("Retarget requested");
            grazzerTargetResetRequest = "current";
        else if('V'.charCodeAt(0) === d.keyCode && isPlayerAlive()) {
            cobbler.visualizeGrazing = !cobbler.visualizeGrazing;
        else if('Z'.charCodeAt(0) === d.keyCode && isPlayerAlive()) {
            // /*old*/ zoomFactor = (zoomFactor == 10 ? 11 : 10);
            /*new*/ zoomFactor = zoomFactor >= 11 ? 10 : +(zoomFactor + 0.1).toFixed(2);
        else if('1'.charCodeAt(0) <= d.keyCode && '7'.charCodeAt(0) >= d.keyCode && isPlayerAlive()) {
            var id = d.keyCode - '1'.charCodeAt(0);
            if(id >= _.size(zeach.myPoints)) {return; }
            var arr =  _.sortBy(zeach.myPoints, "nSize").reverse();
            selectedBlobID = arr[id].id;
        else if('S'.charCodeAt(0) === d.keyCode && isPlayerAlive()) {
            for(var i = 0; i < zeach.myPoints.length; i++) {
                var point = zeach.myPoints[i];
                point.locked = false;

    function onAfterUpdatePacket() {
        if (!isPlayerAlive()){
            timeSpawned = null;
        if(null == timeSpawned && isPlayerAlive()) {
            timeSpawned =; // it's been reported we miss some instances of player spawning

    function onBeforeNewPointPacket() {
        if (0 == _.size(zeach.myPoints)){
            timeSpawned =;

    function setCellName(cell, d) {
        if (showVisualCues) {
            var pct;
            if (_.size(zeach.myPoints) > 1 && _.contains(zeach.myIDs, {
                var oldestSplitTime = _.min(zeach.myPoints, "splitTime");
                if( =={
                } else {
                    pct = (cell.nSize * cell.nSize) * 100 / (getSelectedBlob().nSize * getSelectedBlob().nSize);
                    d.setValue(calcTTR(cell) + " ttr" + " " + ~~(pct) + "%");}
            } else if (!cell.isVirus && isPlayerAlive()) {
                pct = ~~((cell.nSize * cell.nSize) * 100 / (getSelectedBlob().nSize * getSelectedBlob().nSize));
                d.setValue( + " " + pct.toString() + "%");

    function setVirusInfo(cell, ctx, c) {
        ctx.setScale(c * 1.25);
        if (showVisualCues) {
            if (cell.isVirus) {
                var nameSizeMultiplier = 4;
                ctx.setScale(c * nameSizeMultiplier);
        if (cell.isVirus && !showVisualCues) {
            cell.nameCache.setValue(" ");

    function sendMultyMouseUpdate(send_normal) {
        for (var i = 0; i < zeach.myPoints.length; i++) {
            var blob = zeach.myPoints[i];
            var x = zeach.mouseX2;
            var y = zeach.mouseY2;
            if (blob.locked) {
                if (blob.last_locked < 0) {
                x = blob.locked_x;
                y = blob.locked_y;
            } else if (!send_normal) {
            var z0 = new ArrayBuffer(13);
            var z1 = new DataView(z0);
            z1.setUint8(0, 16);
            z1.setInt32(1, x, true);
            z1.setInt32(5, y, true);
            z1.setUint32(9,, true);

    function lockCurrentBlob() {
        var blob = getSelectedBlob();
        if (blob.locked) {
            blob.locked = false;
        } else {
            if (cobbler.nextOnBlobLock) {
            blob.locked = true;
            blob.last_locked = 10;
            blob.locked_x = zeach.mouseX2;
            blob.locked_y = zeach.mouseY2;

// ======================   Start main    ==================================================================

    function kb() {
        wa = true;
        setInterval(La, 18E4);
        F = xa = document.getElementById("canvas");
        g = F.getContext("2d");
        // /*old*/ (/*new*/ /remap/) F.onmousewheel = function (e) {zoomFactor = e.wheelDelta > 0 ? 10 : 11;}
        /*new*/ F.onmousewheel = function (e) {
            if (e.wheelDelta > 0) {
                zoomFactor = zoomFactor <= 9.50 ? 9.50 : +(zoomFactor - 0.05).toFixed(2);
            } else {
                zoomFactor = zoomFactor >= 11 ? 11 : +(zoomFactor + 0.05).toFixed(2);
        F.onmousedown = function(a) {
            /*new*/if(cobbler.enableBlobLock) {lockCurrentBlob();}
            /*new*/if(isPlayerAlive() && cobbler.rightClickFires){fireAtVirusNearestToCursor();}return;
            if (Ma) {
                var c = a.clientX - (5 + q / 5 / 2);
                var b = a.clientY - (5 + q / 5 / 2);
                if (Math.sqrt(c * c + b * b) <= q / 5 / 2) {
            ca = a.clientX;
            da = a.clientY;
        F.onmousemove = function(a) {
            ca = a.clientX;
            da = a.clientY;
        F.onmouseup = function() {
        if (/firefox/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
            document.addEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", Na, false);
        } else {
            document.body.onmousewheel = Na;
        var a = false;
        var c = false;
        var b = false;
        d.onkeydown = function(e) {
            if (!(32 != e.keyCode)) {
                if (!a) {
                    a = true;
            if (!(81 != e.keyCode)) {
                if (!c) {
                    c = true;
            if (!(87 != e.keyCode)) {
                if (!b) {
                    b = true;
            if (27 == e.keyCode) {
        d.onkeyup = function(e) {
            if (32 == e.keyCode) {
                a = false;
            if (87 == e.keyCode) {
                b = false;
            if (81 == e.keyCode) {
                if (c) {
                    c = false;
        d.onblur = function() {
            b = c = a = false;
        d.onresize = Pa;
        setInterval(U, 40);
        if (x) {
        if (0 == za) {
            if (x) {
        V = true;
    function Na(a) {
        // /*new*/ H *= Math.pow(0.9, a.wheelDelta / -120 || (a.detail || 0));
        if (1 > H) {
            H = 1;
        if (H > 4 / k) {
            H = 4 / k;
    function lb() {
        if (0.4 > k) {
            W = null;
        } else {
            var a = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
            var c = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
            var b = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
            var e = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
            var l = 0;
            var p = 0;
            for (;p < v.length;p++) {
                var h = v[p];
                if (!!h.N()) {
                    if (!h.R) {
                        if (!(20 >= h.size * k)) {
                            l = Math.max(h.size, l);
                            a = Math.min(h.x, a);
                            c = Math.min(h.y, c);
                            b = Math.max(h.x, b);
                            e = Math.max(h.y, e);
            W = mb.ja({
                ca : a - (l + 100),
                da : c - (l + 100),
                ma : b + (l + 100),
                na : e + (l + 100),
                ka : 2,
                la : 4
            p = 0;
            for (;p < v.length;p++) {
                if (h = v[p], h.N() && !(20 >= h.size * k)) {
                    a = 0;
                    for (;a < h.a.length;++a) {
                        c = h.a[a].x;
                        b = h.a[a].y;
                        if (!(c < t - q / 2 / k)) {
                            if (!(b < u - s$$0 / 2 / k)) {
                                if (!(c > t + q / 2 / k)) {
                                    if (!(b > u + s$$0 / 2 / k)) {
    function ya() {
        fa = (ca - q / 2) / k + t;
        ga = (da - s$$0 / 2) / k + u;
    function La() {
        if (null == ha) {
            ha = {};
            f("#region").children().each(function() {
                var a = f(this);
                var c = a.val();
                if (c) {
                    ha[c] = a.text();
        f.get("", function(a) {
            var c = {};
            var b;
            for (b in a.regions) {
                var e = b.split(":")[0];
                c[e] = c[e] || 0;
                c[e] += a.regions[b].numPlayers;
            for (b in c) {
                f('#region option[value="' + b + '"]').text(ha[b] + " (" + c[b] + " players)");
        }, "json");
    function Sa() {
        V = false;
        if (d.googletag) {
            if (d.googletag.pubads && d.googletag.pubads().clear) {
    function ea(a) {
        if (a) {
            if (a != x) {
                if (f("#region").val() != a) {
                x = d.localStorage.location = a;
                f(".region-message." + a).show();
                f(".btn-needs-server").prop("disabled", false);
                if (wa) {
    function Oa(a) {
        if (!V) {
            I = null;
            if (a) {
                w = 1;
            V = true;
            f("#overlays").fadeIn(a ? 200 : 3E3);
    function ia(a) {
        f("#helloContainer").attr("data-gamemode", a);
        O = a;
    function Ra() {
        if (f("#region").val()) {
            d.localStorage.location = f("#region").val();
        } else {
            if (d.localStorage.location) {
        if (f("#region").val()) {
        } else {
    function nb() {
        if (ja) {
            ja = false;
            setTimeout(function() {
                ja = true;
            }, 6E4 * Ta);
            if (d.googletag) {
                if (d.googletag.pubads && d.googletag.pubads().clear) {
    function X(a) {
        return d.i18n[a] || (d.i18n_dict.en[a] || a);
    function Ua() {
        var a = ++za;
        console.log("Find " + x + O);
        f.ajax("", {
            error : function() {
                setTimeout(Ua, 1E3);
            success : function(c) {
                if (a == za) {
                    c = c.split("\n");
                    if (c[2]) {
                    Aa("ws://" + c[0], c[1]);
                    /*new*/ serverIP = c[0];
            dataType : "text",
            method : "POST",
            cache : false,
            crossDomain : true,
            data : (x + O || "?") + "\n154669603"
    function N() {
        if (wa) {
            if (x) {
    function Aa(a$$0, c) {
        if (r) {
            r.onopen = null;
            r.onmessage = null;
            r.onclose = null;
            try {
            } catch (b$$0) {
            r = null;
        if (null != J) {
            var e = J;
            J = function() {
        if (ob) {
            var l = a$$0.split(":");
            a$$0 = l[0] + "s://ip-" + l[1].replace(/\./g, "-").replace(/\//g, "") + "" + (+l[2] + 2E3);
        K = [];
        m = [];
        D = {};
        v = [];
        P = [];
        E = [];
        y = z = null;
        Q = 0;
        ka = false;
        console.log("Connecting to " + a$$0);
        r = new WebSocket(a$$0);
        r.binaryType = "arraybuffer";
        r.onopen = function() {
            var a;
            console.log("socket open");
            a = L(5);
            a.setUint8(0, 254);
            a.setUint32(1, 5, true);
            a = L(5);
            a.setUint8(0, 255);
            a.setUint32(1, 154669603, true);
            a = L(1 + c.length);
            a.setUint8(0, 80);
            var b = 0;
            for (;b < c.length;++b) {
                a.setUint8(b + 1, c.charCodeAt(b));
        r.onmessage = pb;
        r.onclose = qb;
        r.onerror = function() {
            console.log("socket error");
    function L(a) {
        return new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(a));
    function M(a) {
    function qb() {
        if (ka) {
            la = 500;
        console.log("socket close");
        setTimeout(N, la);
        la *= 2;
    function pb(a) {
        rb(new DataView(;
    function rb(a) {
        function c$$0() {
            var c = "";
            for (;;) {
                var e = a.getUint16(b, true);
                b += 2;
                if (0 == e) {
                c += String.fromCharCode(e);
            return c;
        var b = 0;
        if (240 == a.getUint8(b)) {
            b += 5;
        switch(a.getUint8(b++)) {
            case 16:
                sb(a, b);
            case 17:
                Y = a.getFloat32(b, true);
                b += 4;
                Z = a.getFloat32(b, true);
                b += 4;
                $ = a.getFloat32(b, true);
                b += 4;
            case 20:
                m = [];
                K = [];
            case 21:
                Ba = a.getInt16(b, true);
                b += 2;
                Ca = a.getInt16(b, true);
                b += 2;
                if (!Da) {
                    Da = true;
                    ma = Ba;
                    na = Ca;
            case 32:
                K.push(a.getUint32(b, true));
                b += 4;
            case 49:
                if (null != z) {
                var e$$0 = a.getUint32(b, true);
                b = b + 4;
                E = [];
                var l = 0;
                for (;l < e$$0;++l) {
                    var p = a.getUint32(b, true);
                    b = b + 4;
                        id : p,
                        name : c$$0()
            case 50:
                z = [];
                e$$0 = a.getUint32(b, true);
                b += 4;
                l = 0;
                for (;l < e$$0;++l) {
                    z.push(a.getFloat32(b, true));
                    b += 4;
            case 64:
                oa = a.getFloat64(b, true);
                b += 8;
                pa = a.getFloat64(b, true);
                b += 8;
                qa = a.getFloat64(b, true);
                b += 8;
                ra = a.getFloat64(b, true);
                b += 8;
                Y = (qa + oa) / 2;
                Z = (ra + pa) / 2;
                $ = 1;
                if (0 == m.length) {
                    t = Y;
                    u = Z;
                    k = $;
            case 81:
                var h = a.getUint32(b, true);
                b = b + 4;
                var d = a.getUint32(b, true);
                b = b + 4;
                var f = a.getUint32(b, true);
                b = b + 4;
                setTimeout(function() {
                        e : h,
                        f : d,
                        d : f
                }, 1200);
    function sb(a, c) {
        Xa = A =;
        if (!ka) {
            ka = true;
            if (J) {
                J = null;
        var b = Math.random();
        Ea = false;
        var e = a.getUint16(c, true);
        c += 2;
        var l = 0;
        for (;l < e;++l) {
            var p = D[a.getUint32(c, true)];
            var h = D[a.getUint32(c + 4, true)];
            c += 8;
            if (p) {
                if (h) {
                    /*new*/// Remove from 10-sec-remembered cells list by id
                    /*new*//*remap*/_.remove(ghostBlobs, {id:});
                    h.s = h.x;
                    h.t = h.y;
                    h.r = h.size;
                    h.J = p.x;
                    h.K = p.y;
                    h.q = h.size;
                    h.Q = A;
        l = 0;
        for (;;) {
            e = a.getUint32(c, true);
            c += 4;
            if (0 == e) {
            var d;
            p = a.getInt32(c, true);
            c += 4;
            h = a.getInt32(c, true);
            c += 4;
            d = a.getInt16(c, true);
            c += 2;
            var g = a.getUint8(c++);
            var k = a.getUint8(c++);
            var q = a.getUint8(c++);
            g = (g << 16 | k << 8 | q).toString(16);
            for (;6 > g.length;) {
                g = "0" + g;
            g = "#" + g;
            k = a.getUint8(c++);
            q = !!(k & 1);
            var s = !!(k & 16);
            if (k & 2) {
                c += 4;
            if (k & 4) {
                c += 8;
            if (k & 8) {
                c += 16;
            var r;
            var n = "";
            for (;;) {
                r = a.getUint16(c, true);
                c += 2;
                if (0 == r) {
                n += String.fromCharCode(r);
            r = n;
            n = null;
            if (D.hasOwnProperty(e)) {
                n = D[e];
                n.s = n.x;
                n.t = n.y;
                n.r = n.size;
                n.color = g;
            } else {
                n = new aa(e, p, h, d, g, r);
                D[e] = n;
       = p;
                n.ta = h;
            n.h = q;
            n.n = s;
            n.J = p;
            n.K = h;
            n.q = d;
   = b;
            n.Q = A;
   = k;
            if (r) {
            if (-1 != K.indexOf(e)) {
                if (-1 == m.indexOf(n)) {
                    document.getElementById("overlays").style.display = "none";
                    if (1 == m.length) {
                        t = n.x;
                        u = n.y;
        b = a.getUint32(c, true);
        c += 4;
        l = 0;
        for (;l < b;l++) {
            e = a.getUint32(c, true);
            c += 4;
            n = D[e];
            if (null != n) {
        if (Ea) {
            if (0 == m.length) {
    function U() {
        /*new*/if(isGrazing){ doGrazing(); return; }
        var a;
        if (S()) {
            a = ca - q / 2;
            var c = da - s$$0 / 2;
            if (!(64 > a * a + c * c)) {
                if (!(0.01 > Math.abs($a - fa) && 0.01 > Math.abs(ab - ga))) {
                        $a = fa;
                        ab = ga;
                        a = L(13);
                        a.setUint8(0, 16);
                        a.setInt32(1, fa, true);
                        a.setInt32(5, ga, true);
                        a.setUint32(9, 0, true);

    function Ya() {
        if (S() && null != I) {
            var a = L(1 + 2 * I.length);
            a.setUint8(0, 0);
            var c = 0;
            for (;c < I.length;++c) {
                a.setUint16(1 + 2 * c, I.charCodeAt(c), true);
    function S() {
        return null != r && r.readyState == r.OPEN;
    function G(a) {
        if (S()) {
            var c = L(1);
            c.setUint8(0, a);
    function Va() {
        if (S() && null != B) {
            var a = L(1 + B.length);
            a.setUint8(0, 81);
            var c = 0;
            for (;c < B.length;++c) {
                a.setUint8(c + 1, B.charCodeAt(c));
    function Pa() {
        q = d.innerWidth;
        s$$0 = d.innerHeight;
        xa.width = F.width = q;
        xa.height = F.height = s$$0;
        var a = f("#helloContainer");
        a.css("transform", "none");
        var c = a.height();
        var b = d.innerHeight;
        if (c > b / 1.1) {
            a.css("transform", "translate(-50%, -50%) scale(" + b / c / 1.1 + ")");
        } else {
            a.css("transform", "translate(-50%, -50%)");
    function cb() {
        var a;
        a = 1 * Math.max(s$$0 / 1080, q / 1920);
        return a *= H;
    function tb() {
        if (0 != m.length) {
            var a = 0;
            var c = 0;
            for (;c < m.length;c++) {
                a += m[c].size;
            a = Math.pow(Math.min(64 / a, 1), 0.4) * cb();
            //k = (9 * k + a) / 10;
            /*new*//*remap*/k = (9 * k + a) / zoomFactor;
    function bb() {
        var a$$0;
        var c$$0 =;
        A = c$$0;
        if (0 < m.length) {
            var b = a$$0 = 0;
            var e = 0;
            for (;e < m.length;e++) {
                a$$0 += m[e].x / m.length;
                b += m[e].y / m.length;
            Y = a$$0;
            Z = b;
            $ = k;
            t = (t + a$$0) / 2;
            u = (u + b) / 2;
        } else {
            t = (29 * t + Y) / 30;
            u = (29 * u + Z) / 30;
            k = (9 * k + $ * cb()) / 10;
        if (!Fa) {
            g.clearRect(0, 0, q, s$$0);
        if (Fa) {
            g.fillStyle = sa ? "#111111" : "#F2FBFF";
            g.globalAlpha = 0.05;
            g.fillRect(0, 0, q, s$$0);
            g.globalAlpha = 1;
        } else {
        v.sort(function(a, c) {
            return a.size == c.size ? - : a.size - c.size;
        g.translate(q / 2, s$$0 / 2);
        g.scale(k, k);
        g.translate(-t, -u);
        e = 0;
        for (;e < P.length;e++) {
        e = 0;
        for (;e < v.length;e++) {
        if (Da) {
            ma = (3 * ma + Ba) / 4;
            na = (3 * na + Ca) / 4;
            g.strokeStyle = "#FFAAAA";
            g.lineWidth = 10;
            g.lineCap = "round";
            g.lineJoin = "round";
            g.globalAlpha = 0.5;
            e = 0;
            for (;e < m.length;e++) {
                g.moveTo(m[e].x, m[e].y);
                g.lineTo(ma, na);
        if (y) {
            if (y.width) {
                g.drawImage(y, q - y.width - 10, 10);
        Q = Math.max(Q, wb());
        /*new*//*remap*/ var extras = " " + getScoreBoardExtrasString(Q);
        if (0 != Q) {
            if (null == ta) {
                ta = new ua(24, "#FFFFFF");
            ta.C(X("score") + ": " + ~~(Q / 100));
            /*new*/ /*remap*/ ta.setValue("Score: " + ~~(Q / 100) + extras);
            b = ta.L();
            a$$0 = b.width;
            g.globalAlpha = 0.2;
            g.fillStyle = "#000000";
            g.fillRect(10, s$$0 - 10 - 24 - 10, a$$0 + 10, 34);
            g.globalAlpha = 1;
            g.drawImage(b, 15, s$$0 - 10 - 24 - 5);
        c$$0 = - c$$0;
        if (c$$0 > 1E3 / 60) {
            C -= 0.01;
        } else {
            if (c$$0 < 1E3 / 65) {
                C += 0.01;
        if (0.4 > C) {
            C = 0.4;
        if (1 < C) {
            C = 1;
        c$$0 = A - db;
        if (!S() || V) {
            w += c$$0 / 2E3;
            if (1 < w) {
                w = 1;
        } else {
            w -= c$$0 / 300;
            if (0 > w) {
                w = 0;
        if (0 < w) {
            g.fillStyle = "#000000";
            g.globalAlpha = 0.5 * w;
            g.fillRect(0, 0, q, s$$0);
            g.globalAlpha = 1;
        db = A;
    function vb() {
        g.fillStyle = sa ? "#111111" : "#F2FBFF";
        g.fillRect(0, 0, q, s$$0);
        g.strokeStyle = sa ? "#AAAAAA" : "#000000";
        g.globalAlpha = 0.2 * k;
        var a = q / k;
        var c = s$$0 / k;
        var b = (-t + a / 2) % 50;
        for (;b < a;b += 50) {
            g.moveTo(b * k - 0.5, 0);
            g.lineTo(b * k - 0.5, c * k);
        b = (-u + c / 2) % 50;
        for (;b < c;b += 50) {
            g.moveTo(0, b * k - 0.5);
            g.lineTo(a * k, b * k - 0.5);
    function xb() {
        if (Ma && Ga.width) {
            var a = q / 5;
            g.drawImage(Ga, 5, 5, a, a);
    function wb() {
        var a = 0;
        var c = 0;
        for (;c < m.length;c++) {
            a += m[c].q * m[c].q;
        return a;
    function Wa() {
        y = null;
        if (null != z || 0 != E.length) {
            if (null != z || va) {
                y = document.createElement("canvas");
                var a = y.getContext("2d");
                var c = 60;
                c = null == z ? c + 24 * E.length : c + 180;
                var b = Math.min(200, 0.3 * q) / 200;
                y.width = 200 * b;
                y.height = c * b;
                a.scale(b, b);
                a.globalAlpha = 0.4;
                a.fillStyle = "#000000";
                a.fillRect(0, 0, 200, c);
                a.globalAlpha = 1;
                a.fillStyle = "#FFFFFF";
                b = null;
                b = X("leaderboard");
                a.font = "30px Ubuntu";
                a.fillText(b, 100 - a.measureText(b).width / 2, 40);
                if (null == z) {
                    a.font = "20px Ubuntu";
                    c = 0;
                    for (;c < E.length;++c) {
                        b = E[c].name || X("unnamed_cell");
                        if (!va) {
                            b = X("unnamed_cell");
                        if (-1 != K.indexOf(E[c].id)) {
                            if (m[0].name) {
                                b = m[0].name;
                            a.fillStyle = "#FFAAAA";
                        } else {
                            a.fillStyle = "#FFFFFF";
                        b = c + 1 + ". " + b;
                        a.fillText(b, 100 - a.measureText(b).width / 2, 70 + 24 * c);
                } else {
                    c = b = 0;
                    for (;c < z.length;++c) {
                        var e = b + z[c] * Math.PI * 2;
                        a.fillStyle = yb[c + 1];
                        a.moveTo(100, 140);
                        a.arc(100, 140, 80, b, e, false);
                        b = e;
    function Ha(a, c, b, e, l) {
        this.V = a;
        this.x = c;
        this.y = b;
        this.i = e;
        this.b = l;
    function aa(a, c, b, e, l, p) { = a;
        this.s = this.x = c;
        this.t = this.y = b;
        this.r = this.size = e;
        this.color = l;
        this.a = [];
        /*new*/this.splitTime =;
    function ua(a, c, b, e) {
        if (a) {
            this.u = a;
        if (c) {
            this.S = c;
        this.U = !!b;
        if (e) {
            this.v = e;
    function R(a, c) {
        var b$$0 = "1" == f("#helloContainer").attr("data-has-account-data");
        /*new*/var b$$0 = "1" == f("#ZCOverlay").attr("data-has-account-data");

        f("#helloContainer").attr("data-has-account-data", "1");
        if (null == c && d.localStorage.loginCache) {
            var e = JSON.parse(d.localStorage.loginCache);
            e.f = a.f;
            e.d = a.d;
            e.e = a.e;
            d.localStorage.loginCache = JSON.stringify(e);
        if (b$$0) {
            var l = +f(".agario-exp-bar .progress-bar-text").text().split("/")[0];
            b$$0 = +f(".agario-exp-bar .progress-bar-text").text().split("/")[1].split(" ")[0];
            e = f(".agario-profile-panel .progress-bar-star").text();
            if (e != a.e) {
                    f : b$$0,
                    d : b$$0,
                    e : e
                }, function() {
                    f(".agario-profile-panel .progress-bar-star").text(a.e);
                    f(".agario-exp-bar .progress-bar").css("width", "100%");
                    f(".progress-bar-star").addClass("animated tada").one("webkitAnimationEnd mozAnimationEnd MSAnimationEnd oanimationend animationend", function() {
                        f(".progress-bar-star").removeClass("animated tada");
                    setTimeout(function() {
                        f(".agario-exp-bar .progress-bar-text").text(a.d + "/" + a.d + " XP");
                            f : 0,
                            d : a.d,
                            e : a.e
                        }, function() {
                            R(a, c);
                    }, 1E3);
            } else {
                var p =;
                var h = function() {
                    var b;
                    b = ( - p) / 1E3;
                    b = 0 > b ? 0 : 1 < b ? 1 : b;
                    b = b * b * (3 - 2 * b);
                    f(".agario-exp-bar .progress-bar-text").text(~~(l + (a.f - l) * b) + "/" + a.d + " XP");
                    f(".agario-exp-bar .progress-bar").css("width", (88 * (l + (a.f - l) * b) / a.d).toFixed(2) + "%");
                    if (1 > b) {
                    } else {
                        if (c) {
        } else {
            f(".agario-profile-panel .progress-bar-star").text(a.e);
            f(".agario-exp-bar .progress-bar-text").text(a.f + "/" + a.d + " XP");
            f(".agario-exp-bar .progress-bar").css("width", (88 * a.f / a.d).toFixed(2) + "%");
            if (c) {
    function eb(a) {
        if ("string" == typeof a) {
            a = JSON.parse(a);
        if ( + 18E5 > a.ia) {
            f("#helloContainer").attr("data-logged-in", "0");
        } else {
            d.localStorage.loginCache = JSON.stringify(a);
            B = a.fa;
                f : a.f,
                d : a.d,
                e : a.e
            f("#helloContainer").attr("data-logged-in", "1");
    function zb(a) {
        a = a.split("\n");
            name : a[0],
            ra : a[1],
            fa : a[2],
            ia : 1E3 * +a[3],
            e : +a[4],
            f : +a[5],
            d : +a[6]
    function Ia(a$$0) {
        if ("connected" == a$$0.status) {
            var c = a$$0.authResponse.accessToken;
            d.FB.api("/me/picture?width=180&height=180", function(a) {
                d.localStorage.fbPictureCache =;
            f("#helloContainer").attr("data-logged-in", "1");
            if (null != B) {
                f.ajax("", {
                    error : function() {
                        B = null;
                    success : function(a) {
                        a = a.split("\n");
                            e : +a[0],
                            f : +a[1],
                            d : +a[2]
                    dataType : "text",
                    method : "POST",
                    cache : false,
                    crossDomain : true,
                    data : B
            } else {
                f.ajax("", {
                    error : function() {
                        B = null;
                        f("#helloContainer").attr("data-logged-in", "0");
                    success : zb,
                    dataType : "text",
                    method : "POST",
                    cache : false,
                    crossDomain : true,
                    data : c
    if (!d.agarioNoInit) {
        var Ja = d.location.protocol;
        var ob = "https:" == Ja;
        var xa;
        var g;
        var F;
        var q;
        var s$$0;
        var W = null;
        var r = null;
        var t = 0;
        var u = 0;
        var K = [];
        var m = [];
        var D = {};
        var v = [];
        var P = [];
        var E = [];
        var ca = 0;
        var da = 0;
        var fa = -1;
        var ga = -1;
        var ub = 0;
        var A = 0;
        var db = 0;
        var I = null;
        var oa = 0;
        var pa = 0;
        var qa = 1E4;
        var ra = 1E4;
        var k = 1;
        var x = null;
        var fb = true;
        var va = true;
        var Ka = false;
        var Ea = false;
        var Q = 0;
        var sa = false;
        var gb = false;
        var Y = t = ~~((oa + qa) / 2);
        var Z = u = ~~((pa + ra) / 2);
        var $ = 1;
        var O = "";
        var z = null;
        var wa = false;
        var Da = false;
        var Ba = 0;
        var Ca = 0;
        var ma = 0;
        var na = 0;
        var hb = 0;
        var yb = ["#333333", "#FF3333", "#33FF33", "#3333FF"];
        var Fa = false;
        var ka = false;
        var Xa = 0;
        var B = null;
        var H = 1;
        var w = 1;
        var V = true;
        var za = 0;
        var Ma = "ontouchstart" in d && /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent);
        var Ga = new Image;
        Ga.src = "img/split.png";
        var ib = document.createElement("canvas");
        if ("undefined" == typeof console || ("undefined" == typeof DataView || ("undefined" == typeof WebSocket || (null == ib || (null == ib.getContext || null == d.localStorage))))) {
            alert("You browser does not support this game, we recommend you to use Firefox to play this");
        } else {

            var ha = null;
            d.setNick = function(a) {
                I = a;
                Q = 0;
                /*new*/GM_setValue("nick", a);
                /*new*/console.log("foda se '" + a + "' as nick");
            d.setRegion = ea;
            d.setSkins = function(a) {
                fb = a;
            d.setNames = function(a) {
                va = a;
            d.setDarkTheme = function(a) {
                sa = a;
            d.setColors = function(a) {
                Ka = a;
            d.setShowMass = function(a) {
                gb = a;
            d.spectate = function() {
                I = null;
            d.setGameMode = function(a) {
                if (a != O) {
                    if (":party" == O) {
                        f("#helloContainer").attr("data-party-state", "0");
                    if (":party" != a) {
            d.setAcid = function(a) {
                Fa = a;
            if (null != d.localStorage) {
                if (null == d.localStorage.AB9) {
                    d.localStorage.AB9 = 0 + ~~(100 * Math.random());
                hb = +d.localStorage.AB9;
                d.ABGroup = hb;
            f.get(Ja + "//", function(a) {
                var c = a.split(" ");
                a = c[0];
                c = c[1] || "";
                if (-1 == ["UA"].indexOf(a)) {
                if (-1 != d.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Android")) {
                    d.location.href = "market://details?";
                if (-1 != d.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("iPhone") || (-1 != d.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("iPad") || -1 != d.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("iPod"))) {
                    d.location.href = "";
                if (ba.hasOwnProperty(a)) {
                    if ("string" == typeof ba[a]) {
                        if (!x) {
                    } else {
                        if (ba[a].hasOwnProperty(c)) {
                            if (!x) {
            }, "text");
            var ja = false;
            var Ta = 0;
            setTimeout(function() {
                ja = true;
            }, Math.max(6E4 * Ta, 1E4));
            var ba = {
                AF : "JP-Tokyo",
                AX : "EU-London",
                AL : "EU-London",
                DZ : "EU-London",
                AS : "SG-Singapore",
                AD : "EU-London",
                AO : "EU-London",
                AI : "US-Atlanta",
                AG : "US-Atlanta",
                AR : "BR-Brazil",
                AM : "JP-Tokyo",
                AW : "US-Atlanta",
                AU : "SG-Singapore",
                AT : "EU-London",
                AZ : "JP-Tokyo",
                BS : "US-Atlanta",
                BH : "JP-Tokyo",
                BD : "JP-Tokyo",
                BB : "US-Atlanta",
                BY : "EU-London",
                BE : "EU-London",
                BZ : "US-Atlanta",
                BJ : "EU-London",
                BM : "US-Atlanta",
                BT : "JP-Tokyo",
                BO : "BR-Brazil",
                BQ : "US-Atlanta",
                BA : "EU-London",
                BW : "EU-London",
                BR : "BR-Brazil",
                IO : "JP-Tokyo",
                VG : "US-Atlanta",
                BN : "JP-Tokyo",
                BG : "EU-London",
                BF : "EU-London",
                BI : "EU-London",
                KH : "JP-Tokyo",
                CM : "EU-London",
                CA : "US-Atlanta",
                CV : "EU-London",
                KY : "US-Atlanta",
                CF : "EU-London",
                TD : "EU-London",
                CL : "BR-Brazil",
                CN : "CN-China",
                CX : "JP-Tokyo",
                CC : "JP-Tokyo",
                CO : "BR-Brazil",
                KM : "EU-London",
                CD : "EU-London",
                CG : "EU-London",
                CK : "SG-Singapore",
                CR : "US-Atlanta",
                CI : "EU-London",
                HR : "EU-London",
                CU : "US-Atlanta",
                CW : "US-Atlanta",
                CY : "JP-Tokyo",
                CZ : "EU-London",
                DK : "EU-London",
                DJ : "EU-London",
                DM : "US-Atlanta",
                DO : "US-Atlanta",
                EC : "BR-Brazil",
                EG : "EU-London",
                SV : "US-Atlanta",
                GQ : "EU-London",
                ER : "EU-London",
                EE : "EU-London",
                ET : "EU-London",
                FO : "EU-London",
                FK : "BR-Brazil",
                FJ : "SG-Singapore",
                FI : "EU-London",
                FR : "EU-London",
                GF : "BR-Brazil",
                PF : "SG-Singapore",
                GA : "EU-London",
                GM : "EU-London",
                GE : "JP-Tokyo",
                DE : "EU-London",
                GH : "EU-London",
                GI : "EU-London",
                GR : "EU-London",
                GL : "US-Atlanta",
                GD : "US-Atlanta",
                GP : "US-Atlanta",
                GU : "SG-Singapore",
                GT : "US-Atlanta",
                GG : "EU-London",
                GN : "EU-London",
                GW : "EU-London",
                GY : "BR-Brazil",
                HT : "US-Atlanta",
                VA : "EU-London",
                HN : "US-Atlanta",
                HK : "JP-Tokyo",
                HU : "EU-London",
                IS : "EU-London",
                IN : "JP-Tokyo",
                ID : "JP-Tokyo",
                IR : "JP-Tokyo",
                IQ : "JP-Tokyo",
                IE : "EU-London",
                IM : "EU-London",
                IL : "JP-Tokyo",
                IT : "EU-London",
                JM : "US-Atlanta",
                JP : "JP-Tokyo",
                JE : "EU-London",
                JO : "JP-Tokyo",
                KZ : "JP-Tokyo",
                KE : "EU-London",
                KI : "SG-Singapore",
                KP : "JP-Tokyo",
                KR : "JP-Tokyo",
                KW : "JP-Tokyo",
                KG : "JP-Tokyo",
                LA : "JP-Tokyo",
                LV : "EU-London",
                LB : "JP-Tokyo",
                LS : "EU-London",
                LR : "EU-London",
                LY : "EU-London",
                LI : "EU-London",
                LT : "EU-London",
                LU : "EU-London",
                MO : "JP-Tokyo",
                MK : "EU-London",
                MG : "EU-London",
                MW : "EU-London",
                MY : "JP-Tokyo",
                MV : "JP-Tokyo",
                ML : "EU-London",
                MT : "EU-London",
                MH : "SG-Singapore",
                MQ : "US-Atlanta",
                MR : "EU-London",
                MU : "EU-London",
                YT : "EU-London",
                MX : "US-Atlanta",
                FM : "SG-Singapore",
                MD : "EU-London",
                MC : "EU-London",
                MN : "JP-Tokyo",
                ME : "EU-London",
                MS : "US-Atlanta",
                MA : "EU-London",
                MZ : "EU-London",
                MM : "JP-Tokyo",
                NA : "EU-London",
                NR : "SG-Singapore",
                NP : "JP-Tokyo",
                NL : "EU-London",
                NC : "SG-Singapore",
                NZ : "SG-Singapore",
                NI : "US-Atlanta",
                NE : "EU-London",
                NG : "EU-London",
                NU : "SG-Singapore",
                NF : "SG-Singapore",
                MP : "SG-Singapore",
                NO : "EU-London",
                OM : "JP-Tokyo",
                PK : "JP-Tokyo",
                PW : "SG-Singapore",
                PS : "JP-Tokyo",
                PA : "US-Atlanta",
                PG : "SG-Singapore",
                PY : "BR-Brazil",
                PE : "BR-Brazil",
                PH : "JP-Tokyo",
                PN : "SG-Singapore",
                PL : "EU-London",
                PT : "EU-London",
                PR : "US-Atlanta",
                QA : "JP-Tokyo",
                RE : "EU-London",
                RO : "EU-London",
                RU : "RU-Russia",
                RW : "EU-London",
                BL : "US-Atlanta",
                SH : "EU-London",
                KN : "US-Atlanta",
                LC : "US-Atlanta",
                MF : "US-Atlanta",
                PM : "US-Atlanta",
                VC : "US-Atlanta",
                WS : "SG-Singapore",
                SM : "EU-London",
                ST : "EU-London",
                SA : "EU-London",
                SN : "EU-London",
                RS : "EU-London",
                SC : "EU-London",
                SL : "EU-London",
                SG : "JP-Tokyo",
                SX : "US-Atlanta",
                SK : "EU-London",
                SI : "EU-London",
                SB : "SG-Singapore",
                SO : "EU-London",
                ZA : "EU-London",
                SS : "EU-London",
                ES : "EU-London",
                LK : "JP-Tokyo",
                SD : "EU-London",
                SR : "BR-Brazil",
                SJ : "EU-London",
                SZ : "EU-London",
                SE : "EU-London",
                CH : "EU-London",
                SY : "EU-London",
                TW : "JP-Tokyo",
                TJ : "JP-Tokyo",
                TZ : "EU-London",
                TH : "JP-Tokyo",
                TL : "JP-Tokyo",
                TG : "EU-London",
                TK : "SG-Singapore",
                TO : "SG-Singapore",
                TT : "US-Atlanta",
                TN : "EU-London",
                TR : "TK-Turkey",
                TM : "JP-Tokyo",
                TC : "US-Atlanta",
                TV : "SG-Singapore",
                UG : "EU-London",
                UA : "EU-London",
                AE : "EU-London",
                GB : "EU-London",
                US : "US-Atlanta",
                UM : "SG-Singapore",
                VI : "US-Atlanta",
                UY : "BR-Brazil",
                UZ : "JP-Tokyo",
                VU : "SG-Singapore",
                VE : "BR-Brazil",
                VN : "JP-Tokyo",
                WF : "SG-Singapore",
                EH : "EU-London",
                YE : "JP-Tokyo",
                ZM : "EU-London",
                ZW : "EU-London"
            /*new*/// Hack to kill an established websocket
            /*new*//*remap*/d.connect2 = d.connect;d.connect = zeach.connect;setTimeout(function(){try {d.connect2("Killing_original_websocket","");}catch(err){}} ,1500);

            var J = null;
            d.connect = Aa;
            var la = 500;
            var $a = -1;
            var ab = -1;
            var y = null;
            var C = 1;
            var ta = null;
            var Qa = function() {
                var a =;
                var c = 1E3 / 60;
                return function() {
                    var b =;
                    var e = b - a;
                    if (e > c) {
                        a = b - e % c;
                        if (!S() || 240 > - Xa) {
                        } else {
                            /*new*///console.warn("Skipping draw");
            var T = {};
            var jb = "poland;usa;china;russia;canada;australia;spain;brazil;germany;ukraine;france;sweden;chaplin;north korea;south korea;japan;united kingdom;earth;greece;latvia;lithuania;estonia;finland;norway;cia;maldivas;austria;nigeria;reddit;yaranaika;confederate;9gag;indiana;4chan;italy;bulgaria;tumblr;;hong kong;portugal;jamaica;german empire;mexico;sanik;switzerland;croatia;chile;indonesia;bangladesh;thailand;iran;iraq;peru;moon;botswana;bosnia;netherlands;european union;taiwan;pakistan;hungary;satanist;qing dynasty;matriarchy;patriarchy;feminism;ireland;texas;facepunch;prodota;cambodia;steam;piccolo;ea;india;kc;denmark;quebec;ayy lmao;sealand;bait;tsarist russia;origin;vinesauce;stalin;belgium;luxembourg;stussy;prussia;8ch;argentina;scotland;sir;romania;belarus;wojak;doge;nasa;byzantium;imperial japan;french kingdom;somalia;turkey;mars;pokerface;8;irs;receita federal;facebook".split(";");
            var Bb = ["8", "nasa"];
            var Cb = ["m'blob"];
            Ha.prototype = {
                V : null,
                x : 0,
                y : 0,
                i : 0,
                b : 0
            aa.prototype = {
                /*new*/ locked : false,
                id : 0,
                a : null,
                name : null,
                o : null,
                O : null,
                x : 0,
                y : 0,
                size : 0,
                s : 0,
                t : 0,
                r : 0,
                J : 0,
                K : 0,
                q : 0,
                ba : 0,
                Q : 0,
                qa : 0,
                ha : 0,
                G : false,
                h : false,
                n : false,
                R : true,
                Y : 0,
                X : function() {
                    var a;
                    a = 0;
                    for (;a < v.length;a++) {
                        if (v[a] == this) {
                            v.splice(a, 1);
                    delete D[];
                    a = m.indexOf(this);
                    if (-1 != a) {
                        Ea = true;
                        m.splice(a, 1);
                    a = K.indexOf(;
                    if (-1 != a) {
                        K.splice(a, 1);
                    this.G = true;
                    if (0 < this.Y) {
                l : function() {
                    return Math.max(~~(0.3 * this.size), 24);
                B : function(a) {
                    if ( = a) {
                        if (null == this.o) {
                            this.o = new ua(this.l(), "#FFFFFF", true, "#000000");
                        } else {
                W : function() {
                    var a = this.I();
                    for (;this.a.length > a;) {
                        var c = ~~(Math.random() * this.a.length);
                        this.a.splice(c, 1);
                    if (0 == this.a.length) {
                        if (0 < a) {
                            this.a.push(new Ha(this, this.x, this.y, this.size, Math.random() - 0.5));
                    for (;this.a.length < a;) {
                        c = ~~(Math.random() * this.a.length);
                        c = this.a[c];
                        this.a.push(new Ha(this, c.x, c.y, c.i, c.b));
                I : function() {
                    var a = 10;
                    if (20 > this.size) {
                        a = 0;
                    if (this.h) {
                        a = 30;
                    var c = this.size;
                    if (!this.h) {
                        c *= k;
                    c *= C;
                    if ( & 32) {
                        c *= 0.25;
                    return~~Math.max(c, a);
                oa : function() {
                    var a$$0 = this.a;
                    var c = a$$0.length;
                    var b = 0;
                    for (;b < c;++b) {
                        var e = a$$0[(b - 1 + c) % c].b;
                        var l = a$$0[(b + 1) % c].b;
                        a$$0[b].b += (Math.random() - 0.5) * (this.n ? 3 : 1);
                        a$$0[b].b *= 0.7;
                        if (10 < a$$0[b].b) {
                            a$$0[b].b = 10;
                        if (-10 > a$$0[b].b) {
                            a$$0[b].b = -10;
                        a$$0[b].b = (e + l + 8 * a$$0[b].b) / 10;
                    var p = this;
                    var h = this.h ? 0 : ( / 1E3 + A / 1E4) % (2 * Math.PI);
                    b = 0;
                    for (;b < c;++b) {
                        var d = a$$0[b].i;
                        e = a$$0[(b - 1 + c) % c].i;
                        l = a$$0[(b + 1) % c].i;
                        if (15 < this.size && (null != W && (20 < this.size * k && 0 < {
                            var f = false;
                            var g = a$$0[b].x;
                            var m = a$$0[b].y;
                   - 5, m - 5, 10, 10, function(a) {
                                if (a.V != p) {
                                    if (25 > (g - a.x) * (g - a.x) + (m - a.y) * (m - a.y)) {
                                        f = true;
                            if (!f) {
                                if (a$$0[b].x < oa || (a$$0[b].y < pa || (a$$0[b].x > qa || a$$0[b].y > ra))) {
                                    f = true;
                            if (f) {
                                if (0 < a$$0[b].b) {
                                    a$$0[b].b = 0;
                                a$$0[b].b -= 1;
                        d += a$$0[b].b;
                        if (0 > d) {
                            d = 0;
                        d = this.n ? (19 * d + this.size) / 20 : (12 * d + this.size) / 13;
                        a$$0[b].i = (e + l + 8 * d) / 10;
                        e = 2 * Math.PI / c;
                        l = this.a[b].i;
                        if (this.h) {
                            if (0 == b % 2) {
                                l += 5;
                        a$$0[b].x = this.x + Math.cos(e * b + h) * l;
                        a$$0[b].y = this.y + Math.sin(e * b + h) * l;
                P : function() {
                    if (0 >= {
                        return 1;
                    var a;
                    a = (A - this.Q) / 120;
                    a = 0 > a ? 0 : 1 < a ? 1 : a;
                    var c = 0 > a ? 0 : 1 < a ? 1 : a;
                    if (this.G && 1 <= c) {
                        var b = P.indexOf(this);
                        if (-1 != b) {
                            P.splice(b, 1);
                    this.x = a * (this.J - this.s) + this.s;
                    this.y = a * (this.K - this.t) + this.t;
                    this.size = c * (this.q - this.r) + this.r;
                    return c;
                N : function() {
                    return 0 >= ? true : this.x + this.size + 40 < t - q / 2 / k || (this.y + this.size + 40 < u - s$$0 / 2 / k || (this.x - this.size - 40 > t + q / 2 / k || this.y - this.size - 40 > u + s$$0 / 2 / k)) ? false : true;
                w : function(a) {
                    if (this.N()) {
                        var c = 0 < && (!this.h && (!this.n && 0.4 > k));
                        if (5 > this.I()) {
                            c = true;
                        if (this.R && !c) {
                            var b = 0;
                            for (;b < this.a.length;b++) {
                                this.a[b].i = this.size;
                        this.R = c;
                        this.ha = A;
                        b = this.P();
                        if (this.G) {
                            a.globalAlpha *= 1 - b;
                        a.lineWidth = 10;
                        a.lineCap = "round";
                        a.lineJoin = this.h ? "miter" : "round";
                        if (Ka) {
                            a.fillStyle = "#FFFFFF";
                            a.strokeStyle = "#AAAAAA";
                        } else {
                            a.fillStyle = this.color;
                            a.strokeStyle = this.color;
                        /*new*/, zeach.isColors, zeach.ctx);
                        if (c) {
                            a.arc(this.x, this.y, this.size + 5, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false);
                        } else {
                            var e = this.I();
                            a.moveTo(this.a[0].x, this.a[0].y);
                            b = 1;
                            for (;b <= e;++b) {
                                var d = b % e;
                                a.lineTo(this.a[d].x, this.a[d].y);
                        e =;
                        //if (!this.n && (fb && ":teams" != O)) {
                        //    if (-1 != jb.indexOf(e)) {
                        //        if (!T.hasOwnProperty(e)) {
                        //            T[e] = new Image;
                        //            T[e].src = "skins/" + e + ".png";
                        //        }
                        //        b = 0 != T[e].width && T[e].complete ? T[e] : null;
                        //    } else {
                        //        b = null;
                        //    }
                        //} else {
                        //    b = null;
                        /*new*//*remap*/var b = customSkins(this, zeach.defaultSkins, zeach.imgCache, zeach.isShowSkins, zeach.gameMode);
                        b = (d = b) ? -1 != Cb.indexOf(e) : false;
                        /*new*///if (!c) {

                        if (!(null == d)) {
                            if (!b) {
                                /*new*/zeach.ctx.globalAlpha = (isSpecialSkin( || _.contains(zeach.myIDs, ? 1 : 0.5;
                                a.drawImage(d, this.x - this.size, this.y - this.size, 2 * this.size, 2 * this.size);
                        if (Ka || 15 < this.size) {
                            if (!c) {
                                a.strokeStyle = "#000000";
                                a.globalAlpha *= 0.1;
                        a.globalAlpha = 1;
                        if (null != d) {
                            if (b) {
                                a.drawImage(d, this.x - 2 * this.size, this.y - 2 * this.size, 4 * this.size, 4 * this.size);
                        b = -1 != m.indexOf(this);
                        c = ~~this.y;
                        //if (0 != && ((va || b) && ( && (this.o && (null == d || -1 == Bb.indexOf(e)))))) {
                        //    d = this.o;
                        //    d.C(;
                        //    d.M(this.l());
                        //    e = 0 >= ? 1 : Math.ceil(10 * k) / 10;
                        //    d.ea(e);
                        //    d = d.L();
                        //    var p = ~~(d.width / e);
                        //    var h = ~~(d.height / e);
                        //    a.drawImage(d, ~~this.x - ~~(p / 2), c - ~~(h / 2), p, h);
                        //    c += d.height / 2 / e + 4;
                        //if (0 < {
                        //    if (gb) {
                        //        if (b || 0 == m.length && ((!this.h || this.n) && 20 < this.size)) {
                        //            if (null == this.O) {
                        //                this.O = new ua(this.l() / 2, "#FFFFFF", true, "#000000");
                        //            }
                        //            b = this.O;
                        //            b.M(this.l() / 2);
                        //            b.C(~~(this.size * this.size / 100));
                        //            e = Math.ceil(10 * k) / 10;
                        //            b.ea(e);
                        //            d = b.L();
                        //            p = ~~(d.width / e);
                        //            h = ~~(d.height / e);
                        //            a.drawImage(d, ~~this.x - ~~(p / 2), c - ~~(h / 2), p, h);
                        //        }
                        //    }
                        /*new*//*remap*/if(0 != {
                            /*new*//*remap*/var vertical_offset =,b,e,d);
            ua.prototype = {
                F : "",
                S : "#000000",
                U : false,
                v : "#000000",
                u : 16,
                p : null,
                T : null,
                k : false,
                D : 1,
                M : function(a) {
                    if (this.u != a) {
                        this.u = a;
                        this.k = true;
                ea : function(a) {
                    if (this.D != a) {
                        this.D = a;
                        this.k = true;
                setStrokeColor : function(a) {
                    if (this.v != a) {
                        this.v = a;
                        this.k = true;
                C : function(a) {
                    if (a != this.F) {
                        this.F = a;
                        this.k = true;
                L : function() {
                    if (null == this.p) {
                        this.p = document.createElement("canvas");
                        this.T = this.p.getContext("2d");
                    if (this.k) {
                        this.k = false;
                        var a = this.p;
                        var c = this.T;
                        var b = this.F;
                        var e = this.D;
                        var d = this.u;
                        var p = d + "px Ubuntu";
                        c.font = p;
                        var h = ~~(0.2 * d);
                        a.width = (c.measureText(b).width + 6) * e;
                        a.height = (d + h) * e;
                        c.font = p;
                        c.scale(e, e);
                        c.globalAlpha = 1;
                        c.lineWidth = 3;
                        c.strokeStyle = this.v;
                        c.fillStyle = this.S;
                        if (this.U) {
                            c.strokeText(b, 3, d - h / 2);
                        c.fillText(b, 3, d - h / 2);
                    return this.p;
            if (! {
       = function() {
                    return(new Date).getTime();
            (function() {
                var a$$0 = ["ms", "moz", "webkit", "o"];
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                for (;c < a$$0.length && !d.requestAnimationFrame;++c) {
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                        return setTimeout(a, 1E3 / 60);
                    d.cancelAnimationFrame = function(a) {
            var mb = {
                ja : function(a$$0) {
                    function c$$1(a, c, b, d, e) {
                        this.x = a;
                        this.y = c;
                        this.j = b;
                        this.g = d;
                        this.depth = e;
                        this.items = [];
                        this.c = [];
                    var b$$1 = a$$0.ka || 2;
                    var e$$0 = a$$ || 4;
                    c$$1.prototype = {
                        x : 0,
                        y : 0,
                        j : 0,
                        g : 0,
                        depth : 0,
                        items : null,
                        c : null,
                        H : function(a) {
                            var c$$0 = 0;
                            for (;c$$0 < this.items.length;++c$$0) {
                                var b = this.items[c$$0];
                                if (b.x >= a.x && (b.y >= a.y && (b.x < a.x + a.j && b.y < a.y + a.g))) {
                                    return true;
                            if (0 != this.c.length) {
                                var d = this;
                                return this.$(a, function(c) {
                                    return d.c[c].H(a);
                            return false;
                        A : function(a, c) {
                            var b$$0 = 0;
                            for (;b$$0 < this.items.length;++b$$0) {
                            if (0 != this.c.length) {
                                var d = this;
                                this.$(a, function(b) {
                                    d.c[b].A(a, c);
                        m : function(a) {
                            if (0 != this.c.length) {
                            } else {
                                if (this.items.length >= b$$1 && this.depth < e$$0) {
                                } else {
                        Z : function(a) {
                            return a.x < this.x + this.j / 2 ? a.y < this.y + this.g / 2 ? 0 : 2 : a.y < this.y + this.g / 2 ? 1 : 3;
                        $ : function(a, c) {
                            return a.x < this.x + this.j / 2 && (a.y < this.y + this.g / 2 && c(0) || a.y >= this.y + this.g / 2 && c(2)) || a.x >= this.x + this.j / 2 && (a.y < this.y + this.g / 2 && c(1) || a.y >= this.y + this.g / 2 && c(3)) ? true : false;
                        ga : function() {
                            var a = this.depth + 1;
                            var b = this.j / 2;
                            var d = this.g / 2;
                            this.c.push(new c$$1(this.x, this.y, b, d, a));
                            this.c.push(new c$$1(this.x + b, this.y, b, d, a));
                            this.c.push(new c$$1(this.x, this.y + d, b, d, a));
                            this.c.push(new c$$1(this.x + b, this.y + d, b, d, a));
                            a = this.items;
                            this.items = [];
                            b = 0;
                            for (;b < a.length;b++) {
                        clear : function() {
                            var a = 0;
                            for (;a < this.c.length;a++) {
                            this.items.length = 0;
                            this.c.length = 0;
                    var d$$0 = {
                        x : 0,
                        y : 0,
                        j : 0,
                        g : 0
                        root : new c$$1(a$$, a$$0.da, a$$ - a$$, a$$ - a$$0.da, 0),
                        m : function(a) {
                        A : function(a, c) {
                            this.root.A(a, c);
                        pa : function(a, c, b, e, f) {
                            d$$0.x = a;
                            d$$0.y = c;
                            d$$0.j = b;
                            d$$0.g = e;
                            this.root.A(d$$0, f);
                        H : function(a) {
                            return this.root.H(a);
                        clear : function() {
            var Za = function() {
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                var c = document.createElement("canvas");
                c.width = 32;
                c.height = 32;
                var b = c.getContext("2d");
                return function() {
                    if (0 < m.length) {
                        a.color = m[0].color;
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                        f.setAttribute("href", c.toDataURL("image/png"));
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            f(function() {
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                    f(".agario-profile-picture").attr("src", d.localStorage.fbPictureCache);

            d.fbAsyncInit = function() {
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                    d.FB.login(function(a) {
                    }, {
                        scope : "public_profile, email"
                    appId : "677505792353827",
                    cookie : true,
                    xfbml : true,
                    status : true,
                    version : "v2.2"
                d.FB.Event.subscribe("auth.statusChange", function(c) {
                    if ("connected" == c.status) {
                    } else {
                d.facebookLogin = a$$0;

            var Ab = function() {
                function a$$0(a, c, b, d, e) {
                    var f = c.getContext("2d");
                    var g = c.width;
                    c = c.height;
                    a.color = e;
                    a.size = d;
                    f.translate(g / 2, c / 2);
                var c$$0 = new aa(0, 0, 0, 32, "#5bc0de", "");
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                        var b = f(this);
                        var g =;
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                        m.clearRect(0, 0, h, k);
                        m.translate(h / 2, k / 2);
                        var q = 0;
                        for (;10 > q;++q) {
                            m.drawImage(d$$0, (0.1 * g + 80 * q) % (h + 140) - h / 2 - 70 - 35, k / 2 * Math.sin((0.001 * g + q) % Math.PI * 2) - 35, 70, 70);
                        if (b = b.attr("data-itr")) {
                            b = X(b);
                        a$$0(c$$0, this, b || "", +f(this).attr("data-size"), "#5bc0de");
                        /*new*/             });

            d.createParty = function() {
                J = function(a) {
                    f("#helloContainer").attr("data-party-state", "1");

            d.joinParty = function(a) {
                f("#helloContainer").attr("data-party-state", "4");
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                    error : function() {
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                    success : function(c) {
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                        Aa("ws://" + c[0], a);
                    dataType : "text",
                    method : "POST",
                    cache : false,
                    crossDomain : true,
                    data : a
            d.cancelParty = function() {
                f("#helloContainer").attr("data-party-state", "0");

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// ====================================== Stats Screen ===========================================================

var __STORAGE_PREFIX = "mikeyk730__";
var chart_update_interval = 10;
jQuery('body').append('<div id="chart-container" style="display:none; position:absolute; height:176px; width:300px; left:10px; bottom:44px"></div>');
var checkbox_div = jQuery('#settings input[type=checkbox]').closest('div');

// make sure player sees ads at least once so Zeach doesn't go medieval on me.
var PlayerHasSeenOfficialAds =_.once(function (){

unsafeWindow.hideZCOverlay = function(){
unsafeWindow.showZCOverlay = function (){
jQuery('body').append('<div id="ZCOverlay" class="bs-example-modal-lg" style="position:relative;z-index: 300;">'+
'<div class="modal-dialog modal-lg">'+
'    <div class="modal-content">'+
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'</div><!-- /.modal-content -->'+
'</div><!-- /.modal-dialog -->'+
'</div><!-- /.modal -->');


    .append('<button type="button" class="btn btn-danger" id="opnZC" onclick="showZCOverlay()" style="margin-top:5px;position:relative;width:100%;">Opções</button>');
    .append('<button type="button" id="opnBrowser" onclick="openServerbrowser();" style="margin-top:5px;position:relative;width:100%" class="btn btn-success">Servers do AgarioMods</button><br>');

jQuery('#ZCOverlayBody').append('<div id="ZCStats" style="position:relative;width:100%; background-color: #FFFFFF; border-radius: 15px; padding: 5px 15px 5px 15px;">'+
    '<ul class="nav nav-pills" role="tablist">' +
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    '<div id="bigbox" class="tab-content">' +
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    '<div id="page1" role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane">' +
    '<div class="row">' +
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    '<div id="padder" class="col-sm-1"></div>' +
    '</div>' +
    '<div class="row">' +
    '<div id="gainArea" class="col-sm-6" style="vertical-align:top;"></div>' +
    '<div id="lossArea" class="col-sm-6" style="vertical-align:top;"></div>' +
    '</div>' +
    '<div class="row">' +
    '<div id="chartArea" class="col-sm-8" ></div>' +
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    '</div>' +
    '<div id="page3" role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane">' +
    '<div class="row">' +
    '<div id="col1" class="col-sm-6" style="padding-left: 5%; padding-right: 1%;"><h3>Keys</h3><ul>' +
    '   <li><B>TAB</B> - Quando separado muda a célula principal</li>' +
    '   <li><B>A</B> - Modo Acido</li>' +
    '   <li><B>Q</B> - Macro (Atira massa igual um demente)</li>' +
    '   <li><B>C</B> - Desabilita/Habilita a parte visual da extensão</li>' +
    '   <li><B>G</B> - Desabilita/Habilita o novo grazer (Melhor)</li>' +
    '   <li><B>H</B> - Desabilita/Habilita o antigo grazer' +
    '   <li><B>E</B> - Atira no vírus perto do cursor</li>' +
    '   <li><B>R</B> - Atira no virus perto da célula selecionada (Virus fica vermelho)</li>' +
    '   <li><B>M</B> - Desabilita/Habilita controle pelo mouse</li>' +
    '   <li><B>Z</B> - Zoom</li>' +
    '   <li><B>Click</B> - Trava a célula (Se habilitado nas opções)</li>' +
    '   <li><B>S</B> - Destrava a célula (Se habilitado nas opções)</li>' +
    '</ul></div>' +
    '<div id="col2" class="col-sm-6" style="padding-left: 5%; padding-right: 2%;"><h3></h3></div>' +
    '</div>' +
function LS_getValue(aKey, aDefault) {
    var val = localStorage.getItem(__STORAGE_PREFIX + aKey);
    if (null === val && 'undefined' != typeof aDefault) return aDefault;
    return val;

function LS_setValue(aKey, aVal) {
    localStorage.setItem(__STORAGE_PREFIX + aKey, aVal);

function GetRgba(hex_color, opacity)
    var patt = /^#([\da-fA-F]{2})([\da-fA-F]{2})([\da-fA-F]{2})$/;
    var matches = patt.exec(hex_color);
    return "rgba("+parseInt(matches[1], 16)+","+parseInt(matches[2], 16)+","+parseInt(matches[3], 16)+","+opacity+")";

function secondsToHms(d)
    d = Number(d);
    var h = Math.floor(d / 3600);
    var m = Math.floor(d % 3600 / 60);
    var s = Math.floor(d % 3600 % 60);
    return ((h > 0 ? h + ":" + (m < 10 ? "0" : "") : "") + m + ":" + (s < 10 ? "0" : "") + s);

var chart = null;
var chart_data = [];
var num_cells_data = [];
var chart_counter = 0;
var stat_canvas = null;

var stats = null;
var my_cells = null;
var my_color = "#ff8888";
var pie = null;
var stats_chart;

var display_chart = LS_getValue('display_chart', 'true') === 'true';
var display_stats = LS_getValue('display_stats', 'false') === 'true';

function AppendCheckbox(e, id, label, checked, on_change)
    e.append('<label><input type="checkbox" id="'+id+'">'+label+'</label><br>');
    jQuery('#'+id).attr('checked', checked);
function AppendCheckboxP(e, id, label, checked, on_change)
    e.append('<p><input type="checkbox" id="'+id+'">'+label+'</p>');
    jQuery('#'+id).attr('checked', checked);

function OnChangeDisplayChart(display)
    LS_setValue('display_chart', display ? 'true' : 'false');
    display_chart = display;
    display ? jQuery('#chart-container').show() : jQuery('#chart-container').hide();

function OnChangeDisplayStats(display)
    LS_setValue('display_stats', display ? 'true' : 'false');
    display_stats = display;

function ResetChart()
    chart = null;
    chart_data.length = 0;
    num_cells_data.length = 0;
    chart_counter = 0;

function UpdateChartData(mass)
    if (chart_counter%chart_update_interval > 0)
        return false;

        x: chart_counter,
        y: my_cells.length

        x: chart_counter,
        y: mass/100
    return true;

function CreateChart(e, color, interactive)
    return new CanvasJS.Chart(e,{
        interactivityEnabled: false,
        title: null,
            valueFormatString: " ",
            lineThickness: 0,
            tickLength: 0
            lineThickness: 0,
            tickLength: 0,
            gridThickness: 2,
            gridColor: "white",
            labelFontColor: "white"
        backgroundColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0.2)",
        data: [{
            type: "area",
            color: color,
            dataPoints: chart_data

function UpdateChart(mass, color)
    my_color = color;
    if (chart === null)
        chart = CreateChart("chart-container", color, false);
    if (UpdateChartData(mass) && display_chart)


function ResetStats()
    stats = {
        pellets: {num:0, mass:0},
        w: {num:0, mass:0},
        cells: {num:0, mass:0},
        viruses: {num:0, mass:0},

        time_of_death: null,
        high_score: 0,
        top_slot: Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY,

        gains: {},
        losses: {},

function OnGainMass(me, other)
    var mass = other.size * other.size;
    if (other.isVirus){
        stats.viruses.mass += mass; //TODO: shouldn't add if  game mode is teams
    else if (Math.floor(mass) <= 400 && !{
        stats.pellets.mass += mass;
    // heuristic to determine if mass is 'w', not perfect
    else if (! && mass <= 1444 && (mass >= 1369 || (other.x == other.ox && other.y == other.oy))){
        //console.log('w', mass,, other);
        if (other.color != me.color){ //don't count own ejections, again not perfect
            stats.w.mass += mass;
    else {
        //console.log('cell', mass,, other);
        var key = + ':' + other.color;
        stats.cells.mass += mass;
        if (stats.gains[key] == undefined)
            stats.gains[key] = {num: 0, mass: 0};
        stats.gains[key].mass += mass;

function OnLoseMass(me, other)
    var mass = me.size * me.size;
    var key = + ':' + other.color;
    if (stats.losses[key] == undefined)
        stats.losses[key] = {num: 0, mass: 0};
    stats.losses[key].mass += mass;

function DrawPie(pellet, w, cells, viruses)
    var total = pellet + w + cells + viruses;
    pie = new CanvasJS.Chart("pieArea", {
        title: null,
        animationEnabled: false,
            verticalAlign: "center",
            horizontalAlign: "left",
            fontSize: 20,
            fontFamily: "Helvetica"
        theme: "theme2",
        data: [{
            type: "pie",
            showInLegend: true,
            toolTipContent:"{legendText} {y}%",
            dataPoints: [
                {  y: 100*pellet/total, legendText:"pellets"},
                {  y: 100*cells/total, legendText:"cells"},
                {  y: 100*w/total, legendText:"w"},
                {  y: 100*viruses/total, legendText:"viruses"},

function GetTopN(n, p){
    var r = [];
    var a = Object.keys(stats[p]).sort(function(a, b) {return -(stats[p][a].mass - stats[p][b].mass)});
    for (var i = 0; i < n && i < a.length; ++i){
        var key = a[i];
        var mass = stats[p][key].mass;
        var name = key.slice(0,key.length-8);
        if (!name) name = "An unnamed cell";
        var color = key.slice(key.length-7);
        r.push({name:name, color:color, mass:Math.floor(mass/100)});
    return r;

function AppendTopN(n, p, list) {
    var a = GetTopN(n,p);
    for (var i = 0; i < a.length; ++i){
        var text = a[i].name + ' (' + (p == 'gains' ? '+' : '-') + a[i].mass + ' mass)';
        list.append('<li style="font-size: 16px; "><div style="width: 16px; height: 16px; border-radius: 50%; margin-right:5px; background-color: ' + a[i].color + '; display: inline-block;"></div>' + text + '</li>');
    return a.length > 0;

function ShowZCStats(){


function DrawStats(game_over) {
    if (!stats) return;


    if (game_over){
        stats.time_of_death =;
        if(window.cobbler.autoRespawn && window.cobbler.grazingMode){setTimeout(function(){jQuery(".btn-play-guest").click();},500);}
    var time = stats.time_of_death ? stats.time_of_death :;
    var seconds = (time - stats.birthday)/1000;

    var list = jQuery('<ul>');
    list.append('<li style="font-size: 16px; ">Game time: ' + secondsToHms(seconds) + '</li>');
    list.append('<li style="font-size: 16px; ">High score: ' + ~~(stats.high_score/100) + '</li>');
    if (stats.top_slot == Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY){
        list.append('<li style="font-size: 16px; ">You didn\'t make the leaderboard</li>');
    else {
        list.append('<li style="font-size: 16px; ">Leaderboard max: ' + stats.top_slot + '</li>');
    list.append('<li style="font-size: 16px; padding-top: 15px">' + stats.pellets.num + " pellets eaten (" + ~~(stats.pellets.mass/100) + ' mass)</li>');
    list.append('<li style="font-size: 16px; ">' + stats.cells.num + " cells eaten (" + ~~(stats.cells.mass/100) + ' mass)</li>');
    list.append('<li style="font-size: 16px; ">' + stats.w.num + " masses eaten (" + ~~(stats.w.mass/100) + ' mass)</li>');
    list.append('<li style="font-size: 16px; ">' + stats.viruses.num + " viruses eaten (" + ~~(stats.viruses.mass/100) + ' mass)</li>');
    jQuery('#statArea').append('<h2>Game Summary</h2>');

    DrawPie(stats.pellets.mass, stats.w.mass, stats.cells.mass, stats.viruses.mass);

    jQuery('#gainArea').append('<h3>Top Gains</h3>');
    list = jQuery('<ol>');
    if (AppendTopN(5, 'gains', list))
        jQuery('#gainArea').append('<ul><li style="font-size: 16px; ">You have not eaten anybody</li></ul>');

    jQuery('#lossArea').append('<h3>Top Losses</h3>');
    list = jQuery('<ol>');
    if (AppendTopN(5, 'losses', list))
        jQuery('#lossArea').append('<ul><li style="font-size: 16px; ">Nobody has eaten you</li></ul>');

    if (stats.time_of_death !== null){
        stat_chart = CreateChart('chartArea', my_color, true);
        var scale = Math.max.apply(Math,{return o.y;}))/16;
        var scaled_data ={return {x:a.x, y:a.y*scale};});{type: "line", dataPoints: scaled_data, toolTipContent:" "});
    else {

var styles = {
    heading: {font:"30px Ubuntu", spacing: 41, alpha: 1},
    subheading: {font:"25px Ubuntu", spacing: 31, alpha: 1},
    normal: {font:"17px Ubuntu", spacing: 21, alpha: 0.6}

var g_stat_spacing = 0;
var g_display_width = 220;
var g_layout_width = g_display_width;

function AppendText(text, context, style) {
    context.globalAlpha = styles[style].alpha;
    context.font = styles[style].font;
    g_stat_spacing += styles[style].spacing;

    var width = context.measureText(text).width;
    g_layout_width = Math.max(g_layout_width, width);
    context.fillText(text, g_layout_width/2 - width/2, g_stat_spacing);

function RenderStats(reset) {
    if (reset) g_layout_width = g_display_width;
    if (!display_stats || !stats) return;
    g_stat_spacing = 0;

    var gains = GetTopN(3, 'gains');
    var losses =  GetTopN(3, 'losses');
    var height = 30 + styles['heading'].spacing + styles['subheading'].spacing * 2 + styles['normal'].spacing * (4 + gains.length + losses.length);

    stat_canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
    var scale = Math.min(g_display_width, .3 * window.innerWidth) / g_layout_width;
    stat_canvas.width = g_layout_width * scale;
    stat_canvas.height = height * scale;
    var context = stat_canvas.getContext("2d");
    context.scale(scale, scale);

    context.globalAlpha = .4;
    context.fillStyle = "#000000";
    context.fillRect(0, 0, g_layout_width, height);

    context.fillStyle = "#FFFFFF";
    AppendText("Stats", context, 'heading');

    var text = stats.pellets.num + " pellets eaten (" + ~~(stats.pellets.mass/100) + ")";
    AppendText(text, context,'normal');
    text = stats.w.num + " mass eaten (" + ~~(stats.w.mass/100) + ")";
    AppendText(text, context,'normal');
    text = stats.cells.num + " cells eaten (" + ~~(stats.cells.mass/100) + ")";
    AppendText(text, context,'normal');
    text = stats.viruses.num + " viruses eaten (" + ~~(stats.viruses.mass/100) + ")";
    AppendText(text, context,'normal');

    AppendText("Top Gains",context,'subheading');
    for (var j = 0; j < gains.length; ++j){
        text = (j+1) + ". " + gains[j].name + " (" + gains[j].mass + ")";
        context.fillStyle = gains[j].color;
        AppendText(text, context,'normal');

    context.fillStyle = "#FFFFFF";
    AppendText("Top Losses",context,'subheading');
    for (var j = 0; j < losses.length; ++j){
        text = (j+1) + ". " + losses[j].name + " (" + losses[j].mass + ")";
        context.fillStyle = losses[j].color;
        AppendText(text, context,'normal');

jQuery(unsafeWindow).resize(function() {

unsafeWindow.OnGameStart = function(cells) {
    my_cells = cells;

unsafeWindow.OnShowOverlay = function(game_in_progress) {

unsafeWindow.OnUpdateMass = function(mass) {
    stats.high_score = Math.max(stats.high_score, mass);
    UpdateChart(mass, GetRgba(my_cells[0].color,0.4));

unsafeWindow.OnCellEaten = function(predator, prey) {
    if (!my_cells) return;

    if (my_cells.indexOf(predator) != -1){
        OnGainMass(predator, prey);
    if (my_cells.indexOf(prey) != -1){
        OnLoseMass(prey, predator);

unsafeWindow.OnLeaderboard = function(position) {
    stats.top_slot = Math.min(stats.top_slot, position);
unsafeWindow.OnDraw = function(context) {
    display_stats && stat_canvas && context.drawImage(stat_canvas, 10, 10);

(function() {
    var amount = 2;
    var duration = 50; //ms

    var overwriting = function(evt) {
        if (evt.keyCode === 81) { // 81=KEY_Q  <<<------------- set key for W spam 86 means W just works, but after long press starts spamming
            for (var i = 0; i < amount; ++i) {
                setTimeout(function() {
                    window.onkeydown({keyCode: 87}); // KEY_W   
                    window.onkeyup({keyCode: 87});
                }, i * duration);

    window.addEventListener('keydown', overwriting);

// ====================== Music & SFX System ==============================================================
//sfx play on event (only one of each sfx can play - for sfx that won't overlap with itself)
var ssfxlist = [
var ssfxs = [];
for (i=0;i<ssfxlist.length;i++) {
    var newsfx = new Audio("" + ssfxlist[i] + ".mp3");
    newsfx.loop = false;
function sfx_play(id) {
    if (document.getElementById("sfx").value==0) return;
    var event = ssfxs[id];
    event.volume = document.getElementById("sfx").value;;

//sfx insertion on event (multiple of same sfx can be played simultaneously)
var sfxlist = [

var sfxs = {};
for (i=0;i<sfxlist.length;i++) {
    var newsfx = new Audio("//" + sfxlist[i] + ".mp3");
    newsfx.loop = false;
    newsfx.onended = function() {
    sfxs[sfxlist[i]] = newsfx;
function sfx_event(id) {
    if (document.getElementById("sfx").value==0) return;
    var event = jQuery.clone(sfxs[id]);
    event.volume = document.getElementById("sfx").value;;

var StartBGM = function () {
    if (document.getElementById("bgm").value==0) return;
    if (bgmusic.src == ""){
        bgmusic.src = _.sample(tracks, 1);
    bgmusic.volume = document.getElementById("bgm").value;;

var StopBGM = function () {
    if (document.getElementById("bgm").value==0) return;
    bgmusic.src = _.sample(tracks, 1);

volBGM = function (vol) {
    console.log(vol.toString() + " - " + document.getElementById("bgm").value)
    bgmusic.volume = document.getElementById("bgm").value;
    window.cobbler.bgmVol = document.getElementById("bgm").value;

volSFX = function (vol) {
    window.cobbler.sfxVol = vol;

var tracks = ['',
var nodeAudio = document.createElement("audio"); = 'audiotemplate';
nodeAudio.preload = "auto";

var bgmusic = $('#audiotemplate').clone()[0];
bgmusic.src = tracks[Math.floor(Math.random() * tracks.length)];
bgmusic.loop = false;
bgmusic.onended = function() {
    var track = tracks[Math.floor(Math.random() * tracks.length)];
    bgmusic.src = track;;

function uiOnLoadTweaks(){
    $("label:contains('Dark theme') input").prop('checked', true);
    $("label:contains('Show mass') input").prop('checked', true);

    $('#nick').val(GM_getValue("nick", ""));
//================================  AgarioMods Private Servers  ========================================================
unsafeWindow.openServerbrowser = function (a) {
    var b = unsafeWindow.openServerbrowser.loading;
    if(b) {
    b = true;
        .prop("disabled", true);
    if(!a) {

function serverinfo(list, index) {
    if(index >= list.length) {
        unsafeWindow.openServerbrowser.loading = false;
            .prop("disabled", false);
    value = list[index];
    started =;
    statsurl = "http://" + value[0] + "" + (8080 + value[1]);
        url: statsurl,
        dataType: "json",
        success: function (data) {
            $("#" + (value[0] + value[1]) + " #player")
                .text(data.current_players + "/" + data.max_players);
            latency = - started;
            if(latency < 100) {
                jQuery("#" + (value[0] + value[1]) + " #latency")
                    .css("color", "#19A652");
            } else {
                if(latency < 250) {
                    jQuery("#" + (value[0] + value[1]) + " #latency")
                        .css("color", "#E1BD2C");
                } else {
                    jQuery("#" + (value[0] + value[1]) + " #latency")
                        .css("color", "#F00");
            jQuery("#" + (value[0] + value[1]) + " #latencyres")
                .text(latency + "ms");
        error: function (data) {
            jQuery("#" + (value[0] + value[1]) + " #player")
                .text("No information");
            jQuery("#" + (value[0] + value[1]) + " #latency")
                .css("color", "#f00");
            jQuery("#" + (value[0] + value[1]) + " #latency")
        complete: function (data) {
                    .style.display == "none")) {
                serverinfo(list, index + 1);
unsafeWindow.connectPrivate = function (location, i) {
    var ip = location.toLowerCase()
            .replace(" ", "") + "";
    var port = 1500 + parseInt(i);
    //server.ip = ip;
    //server.i = i;
    //server.location = location;
    connect("ws://" + ip + ":" + port, "");
var st = document.createElement("style");
st.innerHTML = ".serveritem {display:block;border-bottom:1px solid #ccc;padding:4px;}.serveritem:hover{text-decoration:none;background-color:#E9FCFF;}.overlay{line-height:1.2;margin:0;font-family:sans-serif;text-align:center;position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;z-index:1000;background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.2)}.popupbox{position:absolute;height:100%;width:60%;left:20%;background-color:rgba(255,255,255,0.95);box-shadow:0 0 20px #000}.popheader{position:absolute;top:0;width:100%;height:50px;background-color:rgba(200,200,200,0.5)}.browserfilter{position:absolute;padding:5px;top:50px;width:100%;height:60px;background-color:rgba(200,200,200,0.5)}.scrollable{position:absolute;border-top:#eee 1px solid;border-bottom:#eee 1px solid;width:100%;top:50px;bottom:50px;overflow:auto}.popupbuttons{background-color:rgba(200,200,200,0.4);height:50px;position:absolute;bottom:0;width:100%}.popupbox td,th{padding:5px}.popupbox tbody tr{border-top:#ccc solid 1px}#tooltip{display:inline;position:relative}#tooltip:hover:after{background:#333;background:rgba(0,0,0,.8);border-radius:5px;bottom:26px;color:#fff;content:attr(title);left:20%;padding:5px 15px;position:absolute;z-index:98;width:220px}#chat{z-index:2000;width:500px;position:absolute;right:15px;bottom:50px}#chatinput{bottom:0;position:absolute;opacity:.8}#chatlines a{color:#086A87}#chatlines{position:absolute;bottom:40px;width:500px;color:#333;word-wrap:break-word;box-shadow:0 0 10px #111;background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.1);border-radius:5px;padding:5px;height:200px;overflow:auto}.listing>span{display:block;font-size:11px;font-weight:400;color:#999}.list{padding:0 0;list-style:none;display:block;font:12px/20px 'Lucida Grande',Verdana,sans-serif}.listing{border-bottom:1px solid #e8e8e8;display:block;padding:10px 12px;font-weight:700;color:#555;text-decoration:none;cursor:pointer;line-height:18px}li:last-child > .listing{border-radius:0 0 3px 3px}.listing:hover{background:#e5e5e5}";

unsafeWindow.closeServerbrowser = function () {
var locations=new Array("Chicago Beta","Dallas Beta","Frankfurt Beta","London Beta","Los Angeles Beta","Miami Beta","New Jersey Beta","Paris Beta","Seattle Beta","Silicon Valley Beta","Sydney Beta","Amsterdam","Amsterdam Beta","Atlanta Beta","Frankfurt Alpha","Frankfurt","London","Quebec","Paris","Paris Gamma","Atlanta","Chicago","Dallas","Los Angeles","Miami","New Jersey","Seattle","Silicon Valley","Sydney","Tokyo");
locations[0] = [locations[1], locations[1] = locations[0]][0];

function getServers() {
    var latencylist = Array();
    jQuery.each(locations, function (index, value) {
        var i = 1;
        for(; i <= 2; i++) {
            serverid = value.toLowerCase()
                    .replace(" ", "") + i;
            $("#serverlist" + i)
                .append('<a href class="serveritem" id="' + serverid + '" onclick="connectPrivate(\'' + value + "', '" + i + '\');closeServerbrowser();return false;"><b style="color: #222">' + value + " #" + i + '</b><br>\t\t\t<i style="color: #999"><span id="player">fetching data...</span> <i style="color: #ccc" class="fa fa-users" /> | </i><span id="latency"><i class="fa fa-signal"></i> <span id="latencyres"></span></span></a>');
            latencylist.push(new Array(value.toLowerCase()
                .replace(" ", ""), i));
    serverinfo(latencylist, 0);

    .ready(function () {
            .append('<div id="serverBrowser" class="overlay" style="display:none"><div class="valign"><div class="popupbox"><div class="popheader"><h3>Agariomods Ogar Server Browser</h3></div>\t<div class="scrollable"><center style="border-right:1px solid #e8e8e8;float:left;width:50%;"><div id="serverlist1"></div></center><center style="float:right;width:50%;"><div id="serverlist2"></div></center></div><div class="popupbuttons"><button onclick="closeServerbrowser()" type="button" style="transform:translateX(72%);margin:4px"\tclass="btn btn-danger">Back</button><button id="rsb" onclick="openServerbrowser(true)" class="btn btn-info" type="button" style="float:right;margin:4px;">Refresh <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-refresh"></i></button></div></div></div></div>');
            .append('<div id="chat" style="display:none"><div id="chatlines"></div><div id="chatinput" style="display:none" class="input-group">\t<input type="text" id="chatinputfield" class="form-control" maxlength="120"><span class="input-group-btn">\t<button onclick="sendMSG()" class="btn btn-default" type="button">Send</button></span></div></div>');
// ===============================================================================================================

var col1 = $("#col1");
AppendCheckbox(col1, 'showZcStats-checkbox', ' Status na morte', window.cobbler.showZcStats, function(val){window.cobbler.showZcStats = val;});
AppendCheckbox(col1, 'litebrite-checkbox', ' Habilitar Modo Lite Brite', window.cobbler.isLiteBrite, function(val){window.cobbler.isLiteBrite = val;});
AppendCheckbox(col1, 'trailingtail-checkbox', ' Cauda', window.cobbler.drawTail, function(val){window.cobbler.drawTail = val;});
AppendCheckbox(col1, 'splitguide-checkbox', ' Mostrar distância de split', window.cobbler.splitGuide, function(val){window.cobbler.splitGuide = val;});
AppendCheckbox(col1, 'rainbow-checkbox', ' Pellets gays', window.cobbler.rainbowPellets, function(val){window.cobbler.rainbowPellets = val;});
AppendCheckbox(col1, 'namesunder-checkbox', ' Nomes nas células', window.cobbler.namesUnderBlobs, function(val){window.cobbler.namesUnderBlobs = val;});
AppendCheckbox(col1, 'gridlines-checkbox', ' Grid', window.cobbler.gridLines, function(val){window.cobbler.gridLines = val;});
AppendCheckbox(col1, 'chart-checkbox', ' Alguma coisa', display_chart, OnChangeDisplayChart);
AppendCheckbox(col1, 'stats-checkbox', ' Status no jogo', display_stats, OnChangeDisplayStats);
AppendCheckbox(col1, 'feature-click-fire', ' Clicar para ativar macro do vírus', window.cobbler.rightClickFires, function(val) {window.cobbler.rightClickFires = val;});
AppendCheckbox(col1, 'feature-blob-lock', ' Clicar para travar célula', window.cobbler.enableBlobLock, function(val) {window.cobbler.enableBlobLock = val;});
AppendCheckbox(col1, 'feature-blob-lock-next', ' Mudar célula no click', window.cobbler.nextOnBlobLock, function(val) {window.cobbler.nextOnBlobLock = val;});

var col2 = $("#col2");
col2.append('<h4>Debug</h4><div class="btn-group-sm" role="group" data-toggle="buttons">' +
    '<label class="btn btn-primary"><input type="radio" name="DebugLevel" id="DebugNone" autocomplete="off" value=0>None</label>' +
    '<label class="btn btn-primary"><input type="radio" name="DebugLevel" id="DebugLow" autocomplete="off" value=1>Low</label>' +
    '<label class="btn btn-primary"><input type="radio" name="DebugLevel" id="DebugHigh" autocomplete="off" value=2>High</label>' +
$('input[name="DebugLevel"]:radio[value='+window.cobbler.debugLevel +']').parent().addClass("active");
$('input[name="DebugLevel"]').change( function() {window.cobbler.debugLevel = $(this).val();});

col2.append('<h4>Macro para vírus</h4><h5>Millisegundos por tiro</h5><div id="mspershot-group" class="input-group input-group-sm"> <input type="text" id="mspershot-textbox" class="form-control" placeholder="1-2000 (Default: 100)"' +
    'value=' + cobbler.msDelayBetweenShots.toString() + '><span class="input-group-addon">ms</span></div><h6>145ms = 7 tiros. Valores menores = BUG, BUG, E BUG!</h6>');
$('#mspershot-textbox').on('input propertychange paste', function() {
    var newval = parseInt(this.value);
    if(!_.isNaN(newval) && newval > 0 && newval <= 2000) {
        cobbler.msDelayBetweenShots = newval;

col2.append('<h4>Tamanho do Minimap</h4>' +
    '<div id="minimap-group" class="input-group input-group-sm"><span class="input-group-addon"><input id="minimap-checkbox" type="checkbox"></span>' +
    '<input id="minimap-textbox" type="text" placeholder="64 = 1/64 scale" class="form-control" value='+ cobbler.miniMapScaleValue +'></div>');
    } else {
    cobbler.miniMapScale = !!this.checked;
if(cobbler.miniMapScale){$('#minimap-checkbox').prop('checked', true);}else{ $('#minimap-textbox').attr({disabled:"disabled"})}
$('#minimap-textbox').on('input propertychange paste', function() {
    var newval = parseInt(this.value);
    if(!_.isNaN(newval) && newval > 1 && newval < 999) {
        cobbler.miniMapScaleValue = newval;

col2.append('<h4>Grazer</h4><div id="grazer-checks" class="checkbox" ></div>');
var grazerChecks = $("#grazer-checks");
AppendCheckbox(grazerChecks, 'autorespawn-checkbox', ' Grazer Auto-Respawns', window.cobbler.autoRespawn, function(val){window.cobbler.autoRespawn = val;});
AppendCheckbox(grazerChecks, 'option5', ' Visualize Grazer', window.cobbler.visualizeGrazing, function(val){window.cobbler.visualizeGrazing = val;});
AppendCheckbox(grazerChecks, 'grazer-multiBlob-checkbox', ' Grazer MultiBlob', window.cobbler.grazerMultiBlob2, function(val){window.cobbler.grazerMultiBlob2 = val;});

col2.append('<h5>Hybrid Grazer</h5>' +
    '<div id="hybrid-group" class="input-group input-group-sm"><span class="input-group-addon"><input id="hybrid-checkbox" type="checkbox"></span>' +
    '<input id="hybrid-textbox" type="text" class="form-control" value='+ cobbler.grazerHybridSwitchMass +' placeholder="Default: 300"></div>' +
    '<h6>Sample Text</h6>');
    } else {
    cobbler.grazerHybridSwitch = !!this.checked;
if(cobbler.grazerHybridSwitch){$('#hybrid-checkbox').prop('checked', true);}else{ $('#hybrid-textbox').attr({disabled:"disabled"})}
$('#hybrid-textbox').on('input propertychange paste', function() {
    var newval = parseInt(this.value);
    if(!_.isNaN(newval)) {
        cobbler.grazerHybridSwitchMass = newval;

var col3 = $("#col3");
col3.append('<p>SFX<input id="sfx" type="range" value=' + window.cobbler.sfxVol + ' step=".1" min="0" max="1" oninput="volSFX(this.value);"></p>');
col3.append('<p>Musica<input type="range" id="bgm" value=' + window.cobbler.bgmVol + ' step=".1" min="0" max="1" oninput="volBGM(this.value);"></p>');
AppendCheckboxP(col3, 'amConnect-checkbox', ' Skins do AgarioMods', window.cobbler.amConnectSkins, function(val){window.cobbler.amConnectSkins = val;});
AppendCheckboxP(col3, 'amExtended-checkbox', ' O mesmo de cima, só que costumizadas', window.cobbler.amExtendedSkins, function(val){window.cobbler.amExtendedSkins = val;});
AppendCheckboxP(col3, 'imgur-checkbox', '  i/skins', window.cobbler.imgurSkins, function(val){window.cobbler.imgurSkins = val;});

// ---- Tooltips
$("#rainbow-checkbox").attr({"data-toggle": "tooltip", "data-placement": "right",
    "title": "Allow food pellets to be rainbow colored rather than purple. Combines well with Lite Brite Mode"});
$("#litebrite-checkbox").attr({"data-toggle": "tooltip", "data-placement": "right",
    "title": "Leaves blob centers empty except for skins."});
setTimeout(function(){$(function () { $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip()})}, 5000); // turn on all tooltips.

// Ugly ass hack to fix effects of official code loading before mod
//$("body").prepend('<canvas id="canvas" width="800" height="600"></canvas>');

//================================  Skins from  ===================================================

var agariomodsSkins = ("0chan;18-25;1up;360nati0n;8ball;UmguwJ0;aa9skillz;ace;adamzonetopmarks;advertisingmz;;al sahim;alaska;albania;alchestbreach;alexelcapo;algeria;am3nlc;amoodiesqueezie;amway921wot;amyleethirty3;anarchy;android;angrybirdsnest;angryjoeshow;animebromii;anonymous;antvenom;aperture;apple;arcadego;assassinscreed;atari;athenewins;authenticgames;avatar;aviatorgaming;awesome;awwmuffin;aypierre;baka;balenaproductions;bandaid;bane;baseball;bashurverse;basketball;bateson87;batman;battlefield;bdoubleo100;beats;bebopvox;belarus;belgium;bender;benderchat;bereghostgames;bert;bestcodcomedy;bielarus;bitcoin;bjacau1;bjacau2;black widow;blackiegonth;blitzwinger;blobfish;bluexephos;bluh;blunty3000;bobross;bobsaget;bodil30;bodil40;bohemianeagle;boo;boogie2988;borg;bowserbikejustdance;bp;breakfast;breizh;brksedu;buckballs;burgundy;butters;buzzbean11;bystaxx;byzantium;calfreezy;callofduty;captainsparklez;casaldenerd;catalonia;catalunya;catman;cavemanfilms;celopand;chaboyyhd;chaika;chaosxsilencer;chaoticmonki;charlie615119;charmander;chechenya;checkpointplus;cheese;chickfila;chimneyswift11;chocolate;chrisandthemike;chrisarchieprods;chrome;chucknorris;chuggaaconroy;cicciogamer89;cinnamontoastken;cirno;cj;ckaikd0021;clanlec;clashofclansstrats;cling on;cobanermani456;coca cola;codqg;coisadenerd;cokacola;colombia;colombiaa;commanderkrieger;communitygame;concrafter;consolesejogosbrasil;controless ;converse;cookie;coolifegame;coookie;cornella;cornellà;coruja;craftbattleduty;creeper;creepydoll;criken2;criousgamers;cristian4games;csfb;cuba;cubex55;cyberman65;cypriengaming;cyprus;czech;czechia;czechrepublic;d7297ut;d7oomy999;dagelijkshaadee;daithidenogla;darduinmymenlon;darksideofmoon;darksydephil;darkzerotv;dashiegames;day9tv;deadloxmc;deadpool;deal with it;deathly hallows;deathstar;debitorlp;deigamer;demon;derp;desu;dhole;diabl0x9;dickbutt;dilleron;dilleronplay;direwolf20;dissidiuswastaken;dnb;dnermc;doge;doggie;dolan;domo;domokun;donald;dong;donut;doraemon;dotacinema;douglby;dpjsc08;dreamcast;drift0r;drunken;dspgaming;dusdavidgames;dykgaming;ea;easports;easportsfootball;eatmydiction1;eavision;ebin;eeoneguy;egg;egoraptor;eguri89games;egypt;eksi;electrokitty;electronicartsde;elementanimation;elezwarface;eligorko;elrubiusomg;enzoknol;eowjdfudshrghk;epicface;ethoslab;exetrizegamer;expand;eye;facebook;fantabobgames;fast forward;fastforward;favijtv;fazeclan;fbi;fer0m0nas;fernanfloo;fgteev;fidel;fiji;finn;fir4sgamer;firefox;fishies;flash;florida;fnatic;fnaticc;foe;folagor03;forcesc2strategy;forocoches;frankieonpcin1080p;freeman;freemason;friesland;frigiel;frogout;fuckfacebook;fullhdvideos4me;funkyblackcat;gaben;gabenn;gagatunfeed;gamebombru;gamefails;gamegrumps;gamehelper;gameloft;gamenewsofficial;gameplayrj;gamerspawn;games;gameshqmedia;gamespot;gamestarde;gametrailers;gametube;gamexplain;garenavietnam;garfield;gassymexican;gaston;geilkind;generikb;germanletsfail;getinmybelly;getinthebox;ghostrobo;giancarloparimango11;gimper;gimperr;github;giygas;gizzy14gazza;gnomechild;gocalibergaming;godsoncoc;gogomantv;gokoutv;goldglovetv;gommehd;gona89;gonzo;gonzossm;grammar nazi;grayhat;grima;gronkh;grumpy;gtamissions;gtaseriesvideos;guccinoheya;guilhermegamer;guilhermeoss;gurren lagann;h2odelirious;haatfilms;hagrid;halflife;halflife3;halo;handicapped;hap;hassanalhajry;hatty;hawaii;hawkeye;hdluh;hdstarcraft;heartrockerchannel;hebrew;heisenburg;helix;helldogmadness;hikakingames;hikeplays;hipsterwhale;hispachan;hitler;homestuck;honeycomb;hosokawa;hue;huskymudkipz;huskystarcraft;hydro;iballisticsquid;iceland;ie;igameplay1337;ignentertainment;ihascupquake;illuminati;illuminatiii;ilvostrocarodexter;imaqtpie;imgur;immortalhdfilms;imperial japan;imperialists;imperialjapan;imvuinc;insanegaz;insidegaming;insidersnetwork;instagram;instalok;inthelittlewood;ipodmail;iron man;isaac;isamuxpompa;isis;isreal;itchyfeetleech;itsjerryandharry;itsonbtv;iulitm;ivysaur;izuniy;jackfrags;jacksepticeye;jahovaswitniss;jahrein;jaidefinichon;james bond;jamesnintendonerd;jamonymow;java;jellyyt;jeromeasf;jew;jewnose;jibanyan;jimmies;jjayjoker;joeygraceffagames;johnsju;jontronshow;josemicod5;joueurdugrenier;juegagerman;jumpinthepack;jupiter;kalmar union;kame;kappa;karamba728;kenny;keralis;kiloomobile;kingdomoffrance;kingjoffrey;kinnpatuhikaru;kirby;kitty;kjragaming;klingon;knekrogamer;knights templar;knightstemplar;knowyourmeme;kootra;kripparrian;ksiolajidebt;ksiolajidebthd;kuplinovplay;kurdistan;kwebbelkop;kyle;kyokushin4;kyrsp33dy;ladle;laggerfeed;lazuritnyignom;ldshadowlady;le snake;lenny;letsplay;letsplayshik;letstaddl;level5ch;levelcapgaming;lgbt;liberland;libertyy;liechtenstien;lifesimmer;linux;lisbug;littlelizardgaming;llessur;loadingreadyrun;loki;lolchampseries;lonniedos;love;lpmitkev;luigi;luke4316;m3rkmus1c;macedonia;machinimarealm;machinimarespawn;magdalenamariamonika;mahalovideogames;malena010102;malta;mario;mario11168;markipliergame;mars;maryland;masterball;mastercheif;mateiformiga;matroix;matthdgamer;matthewpatrick13;mattshea;maxmoefoegames;mcdonalds;meatboy;meatwad;meatwagon22;megamilk;messyourself;mickey;mike tyson;mike;miles923;minecraftblow;minecraftfinest;minecraftuniverse;miniladdd;miniminter;minnesotaburns;minnie;mkiceandfire;mlg;mm7games;mmohut;mmoxreview;mod3rnst3pny;moldova;morealia;mortalkombat;mr burns;mr.bean;mr.popo;mrchesterccj;mrdalekjd;mredxwx;mrlev12;mrlololoshka;mrvertez;mrwoofless;multirawen;munchingorange;n64;naga;namcobandaigameseu;nasa;natusvinceretv;nauru;nazi;nbgi;needforspeed;nepenthez;nextgentactics;nextgenwalkthroughs;ngtzombies;nick fury;nick;nickelodeon;niichts;nintendo;nintendocaprisun;nintendowiimovies;nipple;nislt;nobodyepic;node;noobfromua;northbrabant;northernlion;norunine;nosmoking;notch;nsa;obama;obey;officialclashofclans;officialnerdcubed;oficialmundocanibal;olafvids;omfgcata;onlyvgvids;opticnade;osu;ouch;outsidexbox;p3rvduxa;packattack04082;palau;paluten;pandaexpress;paulsoaresjr;pauseunpause;pazudoraya;pdkfilms;peanutbuttergamer;pedo;pedobear;peinto1008;peka;penguin;penguinz0;pepe;pepsi;perpetuumworld;pewdiepie;pi;pietsmittie;pig;piggy;pika;pimpnite;pinkfloyd;pinkstylist;pirate;piratebay;pizza;pizzaa;plagasrz;plantsvszombies;playclashofclans;playcomedyclub;playscopetrailers;playstation;playstation3gaminghd;pockysweets;poketlwewt;pooh;poop;popularmmos;potato;prestonplayz;protatomonster;prowrestlingshibatar;pt;pur3pamaj;quantum leap;question;rageface;rajmangaminghd;retard smile;rewind;rewinside;rezendeevil;reziplaygamesagain;rfm767;riffer333;robbaz;rockalone2k;rockbandprincess1;rockstar;rockstargames;rojov13;rolfharris;roomba;roosterteeth;roviomobile;rspproductionz;rss;rusgametactics;ryukyu;s.h.e.i.l.d;sah4rshow;samoa;sara12031986;sarazarlp;satan;saudi arabia;scream;screwattack;seal;seananners;serbia;serbiangamesbl;sethbling;sharingan;shell;shine;shofu;shrek;shufflelp;shurikworld;shuuya007;sinistar;siphano13;sir;skillgaming;skinspotlights;skkf;skull;skydoesminecraft;skylandersgame;skype;skyrim;slack;slovakia;slovenia;slowpoke;smash;smikesmike05;smoothmcgroove;smoove7182954;smoshgames;snafu;snapchat;snoop dogg;soccer;soliare;solomid;somalia;sp4zie;space ace;space;sparklesproduction;sparkofphoenix;spawn;speedyw03;speirstheamazinghd;spiderman;spongegar;spore;spqr;spy;squareenix;squirtle;ssohpkc;sssniperwolf;ssundee;stalinjr;stampylonghead;star wars rebel;starbucks;starchild;starrynight;staxxcraft;stitch;stupid;summit1g;sunface;superevgexa;superman;superskarmory;swiftor;swimmingbird941;syria;t3ddygames;tackle4826;taco;taltigolt;tasselfoot;tazercraft;tbnrfrags;tctngaming;teamfortress;teamgarrymoviethai;teammojang;terrorgamesbionic;tetraninja;tgn;the8bittheater;thealvaro845;theatlanticcraft;thebajancanadian;thebraindit;thecraftanos;thedanirep;thedeluxe4;thediamondminecart;theescapistmagazine;thefantasio974;thegaminglemon;thegrefg;thejoves;thejwittz;themasterov;themaxmurai;themediacows;themrsark;thepolishpenguinpl;theradbrad;therelaxingend;therpgminx;therunawayguys;thesims;theskylanderboy;thesw1tcher;thesyndicateproject;theuselessmouth;thewillyrex;thnxcya;thor;tintin;tmartn;tmartn2;tobygames;tomo0723sw;tonga;topbestappsforkids;totalhalibut;touchgameplay;transformer;transformers;trickshotting;triforce;trollarchoffice;trollface;trumpsc;tubbymcfatfuck;turkey;tv;tvddotty;tvongamenet;twitch;twitter;twosyncfifa;typicalgamer;uberdanger;uberhaxornova;ubisoft;uguu;ukip;ungespielt;uppercase;uruguay;utorrent;vanossgaming;vatican;venomextreme;venturiantale;videogamedunkey;videogames;vietnam;vikkstar123;vikkstar123hd;vintagebeef;virus;vladnext3;voat;voyager;vsauce3;w1ldc4t43;wakawaka;wales;walrus;wazowski;wewlad;white  light;whiteboy7thst;whoyourenemy;wiiriketopray;willyrex;windows;wingsofredemption;wit my woes;woodysgamertag;worldgamingshows;worldoftanks;worldofwarcraft;wowcrendor;wqlfy;wroetoshaw;wwf;wykop;xalexby11;xbox;xboxviewtv;xbulletgtx;xcalizorz;xcvii007r1;xjawz;xmandzio;xpertthief;xrpmx13;xsk;yamimash;yarikpawgames;ycm;yfrosta;yinyang;ylilauta;ylilautaa;yoba;yobaa;yobaaa;yogscast2;yogscastlalna;yogscastsips;yogscastsjin;yoteslaya;youalwayswin;yourheroes;yourmom;youtube;zackscottgames;zangado;zazinombies;zeecrazyatheist;zeon;zerkaahd;zerkaaplays;zexyzek;zimbabwe;zng;zoella;zoidberg;zombey;zoomingames").split(";");