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// ==UserScript== // @name ScriptKerknok // @namespace // @description Script for lol // @author McBelzebuth // @copyright 2017, McBelzebuth ( // @license MIT // @version 0.6 // @updateURL // @downloadURL // @include* // @include* // @include* // @include* // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_addStyle // ==/UserScript== // ==OpenUserJS== // @author McBelzebuth // ==/OpenUserJS== (function() { var debug = true; var script = { domain: '', gold: '0', user: '', hab: '0', date: '', happyness: '0', dist: '0', start: function() { this.checkPage(); }, checkPage : function() { this.log("CheckPage"); var limit = true; var tmp; var user; var time; var date; var dateRet; var dateString; var year; if (window.location.pathname.indexOf("/mgmt/") > -1 && window.location.pathname.indexOf("/res:") > -1) { tmp = window.location.pathname.substr(window.location.pathname.indexOf('/mgmt/')+6); this.domain = tmp.substr(0,tmp.indexOf('/')); user = document.getElementById('user'); this.user = user.getAttribute('title'); date = new Date(); dateRet = date.toUTCString(); dateString = ""; dateString += date.getDate() + "/"; dateString += (date.getMonth() + 1) + "/"; dateString += date.getFullYear(); = this.date_diff_indays("30/12/1899",dateString); var keyM = this.domain+'money'; if (limit && GM_getValue(keyM) && == GM_getValue(keyM)) this.log('money already exported this day'); else { this.log('money not exported this day'); GM_setValue(keyM,; this.getMoney(); } } else if (window.location.pathname.indexOf("/mgmt/") > -1 && window.location.pathname.indexOf("/units") > -1) { tmp = window.location.pathname.substr(window.location.pathname.indexOf('/mgmt/')+6); this.domain = tmp.substr(0,tmp.indexOf('/')); user = document.getElementById('user'); this.user = user.getAttribute('title'); date = new Date(); dateRet = date.toUTCString(); dateString = ""; dateString += date.getDate() + "/"; dateString += (date.getMonth() + 1) + "/"; dateString += date.getFullYear(); = this.date_diff_indays("30/12/1899",dateString); var keyH = this.domain+'hab'; if (limit && GM_getValue(keyH) && == GM_getValue(keyH)) this.log('hab already exported this day'); else { this.log('hab not exported this day'); GM_setValue(keyH,; this.getHab(); } } else if (window.location.pathname.indexOf("/map/") > -1) { if (window.location.pathname.length > 15) { var menu = document.getElementsByClassName("content"); var inputX = GM_getValue("inputX") ? GM_getValue("inputX") : 0; var inputY = GM_getValue("inputY") ? GM_getValue("inputY") : 0; var coord = window.location.pathname.substr(window.location.pathname.indexOf("/map/")+5,window.location.pathname.length-window.location.pathname.indexOf("/map/")+5); var Ax = coord.substr(0,coord.indexOf("W")); var Ay = coord.substr(coord.indexOf("W")+1,coord.length-2-coord.indexOf("W")); this.dist = Math.round(Math.sqrt((Ax-inputX)*(Ax-inputX)+(Ay-inputY)*(Ay-inputY)));//Math.abs(Ax-inputX)+Math.abs(Ay-inputY); var html = "<p>You are located at "+this.dist+" acres</p></div>"; html += menu[1].innerHTML; html += "<div><input style=\"width:90%\" type=\"submit\" value=\"submit actual case\" id=\"submit_case\">"; html += "<p><span><input id=\"inputX\" value=\""+inputX+"\" style=\"width: 35%\" name=\"inputX\" type=\"number\"></span><input id=\"inputY\" value=\""+inputY+"\" style=\"width: 35%\" name=\"inputY\" type=\"number\">"; html += "</p><input style=\"width:90%\" type=\"submit\" value=\"submit\" id=\"submit_distance\"></div>"; menu[1].innerHTML = html; document.getElementById('submit_distance').addEventListener('click', this.calcul_distance, false); document.getElementById('submit_case').addEventListener('click', this.calcul_case, false); } } }, calcul_distance: function() { if (document.getElementById('inputX').value) GM_setValue("inputX", document.getElementById('inputX').value); else GM_setValue("inputX", 0); if (document.getElementById('inputY').value) GM_setValue("inputY", document.getElementById('inputY').value); else GM_setValue("inputY", 0); }, calcul_case: function() { var coord = window.location.pathname.substr(window.location.pathname.indexOf("/map/")+5,window.location.pathname.length-window.location.pathname.indexOf("/map/")+5); var Ax = coord.substr(0,coord.indexOf("W")); var Ay = coord.substr(coord.indexOf("W")+1,coord.length-2-coord.indexOf("W")); if (Ax) GM_setValue("inputX", Ax); else GM_setValue("inputX", 0); if (Ay) GM_setValue("inputY", Ay); else GM_setValue("inputY", 0); }, date_diff_indays: function(date1, date2) { dt1 = new Date(date1.split('/')[2],date1.split('/')[1],date1.split('/')[0]); dt2 = new Date(date2.split('/')[2],date2.split('/')[1],date2.split('/')[0]); return Math.floor((Date.UTC(dt2.getFullYear(), dt2.getMonth(), dt2.getDate()) - Date.UTC(dt1.getFullYear(), dt1.getMonth(), dt1.getDate()) ) /(1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)); }, getMoney: function() { var golds = document.getElementById('money'); = golds.innerText.replace('.',','); this.postToGoogleMoney(); }, getHab: function() { var x = document.getElementsByClassName("mgmtinfo"); var span = x[0].getElementsByTagName("span"); this.hab = span[0].innerHTML; span = x[2].getElementsByTagName("span"); var happyness = span[0].innerHTML; this.happyness = happyness.replace('%',''); this.postToGoogleHab(); this.postToGoogleHappyness(); }, log: function(data) { if (debug) console.log(data); }, postToGoogleMoney: function(data) { $.ajax({ url: "", data: {"entry.1654479590": this.user, "entry.1139378047": this.domain, "entry.853885129":, "entry.1620731810":}, type: "POST", dataType: "xml", statusCode: { 0: function() { this.log("datas send to google form"); }, 200: function() { this.log("Error to send datas"); } } }); }, postToGoogleHab: function(data) { $.ajax({ url: "", data: {"entry.1875594956": this.user, "entry.291494610": this.domain, "entry.1965609127": this.hab, "entry.1383645315":}, type: "POST", dataType: "xml", statusCode: { 0: function() { this.log("datas send to google form"); }, 200: function() { this.log("Error to send datas"); } } }); }, postToGoogleHappyness: function(data) { $.ajax({ url: "", data: {"entry.655181608": this.user, "entry.1187718450": this.domain, "entry.1774053714": this.happyness, "entry.123012134":}, type: "POST", dataType: "xml", statusCode: { 0: function() { this.log("datas send to google form"); }, 200: function() { this.log("Error to send datas"); } } }); } }; script.start(); })();