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// ==UserScript== // @name 一键VIP视频解析、去广告(全网),一站式音乐搜索下载 2018-09-05 可用 // @namespace // @version 2.9.2 // @description 在视频播放页悬浮VIP按钮,可在线播放vip视频;支持优酷vip,腾讯vip,爱奇艺vip,芒果vip,乐视vip等常用视频...一站式音乐搜索解决方案,网易云音乐,QQ音乐,酷狗音乐,酷我音乐,虾米音乐,百度音乐,蜻蜓FM,荔枝FM,喜马拉雅...在淘宝天猫商品页添加优惠券查询按钮,可自行点击查询优惠券 // @author Wandhi // @copyright 2018, Max_zhang ( // @license MIT // @match *://* // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match *://* // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match *://** // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://** // @match *://* // @match http*://* // @match http*://* // @match http*://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @require // @require // @grant GM_setClipboard // @run-at document-end // @grant unsafeWindow // ==/UserScript== (function () { 'use strict'; var currentUrl = window.location.href; var reYk = /youku/i; var reAqy = /iqiyi/i; var reLS = /; var reTX = /v.qq/i; var reTD = /tudou/i; var reMG = /mgtv/i; var reSH = /sohu/i; var reAF = /acfun/i; var reBL = /bilibili/i; var reYJ = /1905/i; var rePP = /pptv/i; var reYYT = /yinyuetai/i; var reTaoBao = /taobao/i; var reTmall = /tmall/i; var reJd = /jd/i; var reWY = /163(.*)song/i; var reQQ = /QQ(.*)song/i; var reKG = /kugou(.*)song/i; var reKW = /kuwo(.*)yinyue/i; var reXM = /xiami/i; var reBD = /baidu/i; var reQT = /qingting/i; var reLZ = /lizhi/i; var reMiGu = /migu/i; var reXMLY = /ximalaya/i; var html=''; var name=''; if(reWY.test(currentUrl)||reQQ.test(currentUrl)||reKG.test(currentUrl)||reKW.test(currentUrl)||reXM.test(currentUrl)||reBD.test(currentUrl)||reQT.test(currentUrl)||reLZ.test(currentUrl)||reMiGu.test(currentUrl)||reXMLY.test(currentUrl)) { var sidenav = '<div class="aside-nav bounceInUp animated" id="aside-nav"><label for="" class="aside-menu" title="\u6309\u4f4f\u62d6\u52a8">VIP</label><a href="javascript:void(0)" title="\u7535\u5f71\u641c\u7d22" data-cat="search" class="menu-item menu-line menu-first">\u7535\u5f71<br>\u641c\u7d22</a><a href="javascript:void(0)" title="\u97f3\u4e50\u4e0b\u8f7d" data-cat="process" class="menu-item menu-line menu-second">\u97f3\u4e50<br>\u4e0b\u8f7d</a><a href="javascript:void(0)" title="\u7edd\u4e16\u597d\u5238" data-cat="tb" class="menu-item menu-line menu-third">\u7edd\u4e16<br>\u597d\u5238</a><a href="javascript:void(0)" title="\u4eac\u4e1c\u597d\u5238" data-cat="jd" class="menu-item menu-line menu-fourth">\u4eac\u4e1c<br>\u597d\u5238</a></div>'; $("body").append(sidenav).append($('<link rel="stylesheet" href="//">')); var ua = navigator.userAgent; /Safari|iPhone/i.test(ua) && 0 == /chrome/i.test(ua) && $("#aside-nav").addClass("no-filter"); var drags = { down: !1, x: 0, y: 0, winWid: 0, winHei: 0, clientX: 0, clientY: 0 }, asideNav = $("#aside-nav")[0], getCss = function (a, e) { return a.currentStyle ? 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