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// ==UserScript== // @name 【玩的嗨】VIP工具箱,百度文库解析导出,全网VIP视频免费破解去广告,一站式音乐搜索下载,获取B站封面,下载B站视频等众多功能聚合 长期更新,放心使用 // @namespace // @version 4.2.54 // @homepage // @supportURL // @description 功能介绍:1、Vip视频解析;2、一站式音乐搜索解决方案;3、bilibili视频封面获取;4、bilibili视频下载;5、上学吧答案查询(已下线);6、商品历史价格展示(一次性告别虚假降价);7、优惠券查询 // @author MaxZhang // @icon // @include *://* // @include *://* // @include *://* // @include *://* // @include *://** // @include *://** // @include *://** // @include *://** // @include ** // @include *://** // @include ** // @include ** // @include **play* // @include ** // @include *://** // @include *://** // @include *://** // @include *://** // @include *://** // @include *://* // @include *://* // @include *://** // @include *://** // @include *://** // @include *://** // @include *://** // @include *://** // @include *://** // @include *://* // @include *://* // @include *://** // @include *://* // @include *://* // @include *://* // @include *://* // @include *://* // @include *://* // @include *://* // @include *://* // @include *://* // @include *://* // @include *://* // @include *://* // @include *://* // @include *://* // @include *://* // @include *://** // @include *://** // @include *://** // @include *://* // @include *://** // @include *://* // @include *://* // @include *://* // @include *://*.html // @include *://* // @include *://*.html // @include *://* // @include *://* // @include *://* // @include *://* // @include *://* // @include *://* // @include *://* // @include *://* // @include *://* // @include *://* // @include ** // @exclude *://** // @require // @require // @require // @require // @require // @require // @require // @require // @require // @require // @license MIT // @grant GM_setClipboard // @run-at document-end // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @grant unsafeWindow // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant GM_info // @grant GM.addStyle // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_notification // @grant GM_openInTab // @grant GM_deleteValue // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // @grant GM_unregisterMenuCommand // @compatible firefox // @compatible chrome // @compatible opera safari edge // @compatible safari // @compatible edge // @antifeature referral-link 此提示为GreasyFork代码规范要求含有查券功能的脚本必须添加,实际使用无任何强制跳转,代码可查,请知悉。 // ==/UserScript== !function(global, factory) { "object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module ? factory(require("sweetalert2"), require("vue"), require("reflect-metadata"), require("crypto-js")) : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define([ "sweetalert2", "vue", "reflect-metadata", "crypto-js" ], factory) : factory((global = "undefined" != typeof globalThis ? globalThis : global || self).Swal, global.Vue, null, global.CryptoJS); }(this, (function(Swal, Vue, reflectMetadata, CryptoJS) { "use strict"; function _interopDefaultLegacy(e) { return e && "object" == typeof e && "default" in e ? e : { default: e }; } var Swal__default = _interopDefaultLegacy(Swal), Vue__default = _interopDefaultLegacy(Vue), CryptoJS__default = _interopDefaultLegacy(CryptoJS), extendStatics = function(d, b) { return (extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; } || function(d, b) { for (var p in b) b.hasOwnProperty(p) && (d[p] = b[p]); })(d, b); }; function __extends(d, b) { function __() { this.constructor = d; } extendStatics(d, b), d.prototype = null === b ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __); } function __decorate(decorators, target, key, desc) { var d, c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : null === desc ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc; if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.decorate) r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc); else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) (d = decorators[i]) && (r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r); return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r; } function __metadata(metadataKey, metadataValue) { if ("object" == typeof Reflect && "function" == typeof Reflect.metadata) return Reflect.metadata(metadataKey, metadataValue); } function __awaiter(thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) { return new (P || (P = Promise))((function(resolve, reject) { function fulfilled(value) { try { step(; } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function rejected(value) { try { step(generator.throw(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P((function(resolve) { resolve(value); })); }(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); } step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next()); })); } function __generator(thisArg, body) { var f, y, t, g, _ = { label: 0, sent: function() { if (1 & t[0]) throw t[1]; return t[1]; }, trys: [], ops: [] }; return g = { next: verb(0), throw: verb(1), return: verb(2) }, "function" == typeof Symbol && (g[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this; }), g; function verb(n) { return function(v) { return function step(op) { if (f) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing."); for (;_; ) try { if (f = 1, y && (t = 2 & op[0] ? y.return : op[0] ? y.throw || ((t = y.return) &&, 0) : && !(t =, op[1])).done) return t; switch (y = 0, t && (op = [ 2 & op[0], t.value ]), op[0]) { case 0: case 1: t = op; break; case 4: return _.label++, { value: op[1], done: !1 }; case 5: _.label++, y = op[1], op = [ 0 ]; continue; case 7: op = _.ops.pop(), _.trys.pop(); continue; default: if (!(t = _.trys, (t = t.length > 0 && t[t.length - 1]) || 6 !== op[0] && 2 !== op[0])) { _ = 0; continue; } if (3 === op[0] && (!t || op[1] > t[0] && op[1] < t[3])) { _.label = op[1]; break; } if (6 === op[0] && _.label < t[1]) { _.label = t[1], t = op; break; } if (t && _.label < t[2]) { _.label = t[2], _.ops.push(op); break; } t[2] && _.ops.pop(), _.trys.pop(); continue; } op =, _); } catch (e) { op = [ 6, e ], y = 0; } finally { f = t = 0; } if (5 & op[0]) throw op[1]; return { value: op[0] ? op[1] : void 0, done: !0 }; }([ n, v ]); }; } } var update_key = "isUpdate", Min = 60, Hour = 60 * Min, B1 = "YmVpYmVpZG91eXUxMjM0NQ==", B2 = "YmVpYmVpMTIzNDU2Nzg5MA==", Logger = function() { function Logger() {} return Logger.log = function(msg, level) {}, Logger.debug = function(msg) { this.log(msg, LogLevel.debug); }, = function(msg) { null === event || void 0 === event || event.srcElement, this.log(msg,; }, Logger.warn = function(msg) { this.log(msg, LogLevel.warn); }, Logger.error = function(msg) { this.log(msg, LogLevel.error); }, Logger; }(), LogLevel; !function(LogLevel) { LogLevel[LogLevel.debug = 0] = "debug", LogLevel[ = 1] = "info", LogLevel[LogLevel.warn = 2] = "warn", LogLevel[LogLevel.error = 3] = "error"; }(LogLevel || (LogLevel = {})); var Config = function() { function Config() {} return Object.defineProperty(Config, "env", { get: function() { return GM_info; }, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Config.get = function(key, defaultValue) { void 0 === defaultValue && (defaultValue = ""); var objStr = GM_getValue(this.encode(key), defaultValue); if (objStr) { var obj = JSON.parse(objStr); if (-1 == obj.exp || obj.exp > (new Date).getTime()) return"cache true"), obj.value; } return"cache false"), defaultValue; }, Config.set = function(key, v, exp) { void 0 === exp && (exp = -1); var obj = { key: key, value: v, exp: -1 == exp ? exp : (new Date).getTime() + 1e3 * exp }; GM_setValue(this.encode(key), JSON.stringify(obj)); }, Config.clear = function(key) { this.set(key, null, -10); }, Config.decode = function(str) { return atob(str); }, Config.encode = function(str) { return btoa(str); }, Config; }(), History = function History() { this.max = 0, this.price_detail = []; }, PriceDetail = function PriceDetail() {}, ListPriceItem = function ListPriceItem() {}, BrowerType; !function(BrowerType) { BrowerType[BrowerType.Edge = 0] = "Edge", BrowerType[BrowerType.Edg = 1] = "Edg", BrowerType[BrowerType.Chrome = 2] = "Chrome", BrowerType[BrowerType.Firefox = 3] = "Firefox", BrowerType[BrowerType.Safiri = 4] = "Safiri", BrowerType[BrowerType.Se360 = 5] = "Se360", BrowerType[BrowerType.Ie2345 = 6] = "Ie2345", BrowerType[BrowerType.Baidu = 7] = "Baidu", BrowerType[BrowerType.Liebao = 8] = "Liebao", BrowerType[BrowerType.UC = 9] = "UC", BrowerType[BrowerType.QQ = 10] = "QQ", BrowerType[BrowerType.Sogou = 11] = "Sogou", BrowerType[BrowerType.Opera = 12] = "Opera", BrowerType[BrowerType.Maxthon = 13] = "Maxthon"; }(BrowerType || (BrowerType = {})); var Core = function() { function Core() { this.url = this.currentUrl(); } return Core.appendTo = function(selecter, html) { $(selecter).append(html); }, Core.lazyload = function(callback, time) { return void 0 === time && (time = 5), __awaiter(this, void 0, Promise, (function() { var _this = this; return __generator(this, (function(_a) { return [ 2, new Promise((function(resolve) { setTimeout((function() { return __awaiter(_this, void 0, void 0, (function() { return __generator(this, (function(_a) { switch (_a.label) { case 0: return [ 4, callback() ]; case 1: return _a.sent(), resolve(), [ 2 ]; } })); })); }), 1e3 * time); })) ]; })); })); }, Core.autoLazyload = function(is_ok, callback, time) { return void 0 === time && (time = 5), __awaiter(this, void 0, Promise, (function() { var _this = this; return __generator(this, (function(_a) { return [ 2, new Promise((function(resolve) { return __awaiter(_this, void 0, void 0, (function() { return __generator(this, (function(_a) { switch (_a.label) { case 0: return is_ok() ? [ 3, 1 ] : (setTimeout((function() { Core.autoLazyload(is_ok, callback, time).then((function() { return resolve(); })); }), 1e3 * time), [ 3, 3 ]); case 1: return [ 4, callback() ]; case 2: _a.sent(), Logger.debug("\u81ea\u52a8\u5ef6\u8fdf\u56de\u8c03\u6267\u884c\u5b8c\u6bd5,\u5ef6\u65f6\u65f6\u95f4:" + time), resolve(), _a.label = 3; case 3: return [ 2 ]; } })); })); })) ]; })); })); }, Core.sleep = function(time) { return new Promise((function(resolve) { setTimeout((function() { resolve(); }), 1e3 * time); })); }, Core.random = function(min, max) { var range = max - min, rand = Math.random(); return min + Math.round(rand * range); }, Core.prototype.background = function(callback, time) { void 0 === time && (time = 5), setInterval((function() { callback(); }), 1e3 * time); }, Object.defineProperty(Core, "head", { get: function() { return unsafeWindow.window.document.head; }, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Core.isNumber = function(a) { return !Array.isArray(a) && a - parseFloat(a) >= 0; }, Core.addUrl = function(key, url) { GM_setValue(key, url); }, Core.openUrl = function(key) {; }, Core.prototype.getPar = function(option, url) { void 0 === url && (url =; var v = url.match(new RegExp("[?&]" + option + "=([^&]+)", "i")); return null == v || v.length < 1 ? "" : v[1]; }, Core.appendCss = function(url) { var linkCSS = document.createElement("link"); linkCSS.type = "text/css", linkCSS.rel = "stylesheet", linkCSS.href = url, Core.head.appendChild(linkCSS); }, Core.appendCssContent = function(content) { var Style = document.createElement("style"); Style.innerHTML = content, Core.head.appendChild(Style); }, Core.prototype.bodyAppendCss = function(url) { $("body").append($('<link rel="stylesheet" href="' + url + '">')); }, Core.bodyAppend = function(html) { $("body").append(html); }, Core.appendJs = function(url) { var linkScript = document.createElement("script"); linkScript.type = "text/javascript", linkScript.src = url, this.head.appendChild(linkScript); }, Core.prototype.bodyAppendJs = function(url) { $("body").append($('<script type="text/javascript" src="' + url + '"><\/script>')); }, Core.prototype.currentUrl = function() { return window.location.href; }, Core.inIframe = function() { return !(!self.frameElement || "IFRAME" != self.frameElement.tagName) || (window.frames.length != parent.frames.length || self != top); }, Core.format = function(time, fmt) { void 0 === fmt && (fmt = "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"); var o = { "M+": time.getMonth() + 1, "d+": time.getDate(), "h+": time.getHours(), "m+": time.getMinutes(), "s+": time.getSeconds(), "q+": Math.floor((time.getMonth() + 3) / 3), S: time.getMilliseconds() }; for (var k in /(y+)/.test(fmt) && (fmt = fmt.replace(RegExp.$1, (time.getFullYear() + "").substr(4 - RegExp.$1.length))), o) new RegExp("(" + k + ")").test(fmt) && (fmt = fmt.replace(RegExp.$1, 1 == RegExp.$1.length ? o[k] : ("00" + o[k]).substr(("" + o[k]).length))); return fmt; }, Core.encode = function(str) { return window.btoa(str); }, Core.decode = function(str) { return window.atob(str); }, Core.prototype.Msg = function(msg) { return layer.msg(msg, { icon: 5 }); }, Core.prototype.showContent = function(title, content) { return{ type: 1, title: title, shade: 0, content: content }); }, Core.prototype.close = function(obj) { layer.close(obj); }, Core.prototype.closeAll = function() { layer.closeAll(); }, = function(url, loadInBackGround) { void 0 === loadInBackGround && (loadInBackGround = !1), GM_openInTab(url, loadInBackGround); }, = function(selector, callback) { $(selector).on("click", callback); }, Core.uuid = function(len, split, radix) { void 0 === len && (len = 10), void 0 === split && (split = !1), void 0 === radix && (radix = 0); var i, chars = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".split(""), uuid = []; if (radix = 0 == radix ? radix || chars.length : radix, split) { var r = void 0; for (uuid[8] = uuid[13] = uuid[18] = uuid[23] = "-", uuid[14] = "4", i = 0; i < 36; i++) uuid[i] || (r = 0 | 16 * Math.random(), uuid[i] = chars[19 == i ? 3 & r | 8 : r]); } else for (i = 0; i < len; i++) uuid[i] = chars[0 | Math.random() * radix]; return uuid.join(""); }, Core.getBrowser = function() { var browser = !1, userAgent = window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); return null != userAgent.match(/firefox/) ? browser = BrowerType.Firefox : null != userAgent.match(/edge/) ? browser = BrowerType.Edge : null != userAgent.match(/edg/) ? browser = BrowerType.Edg : null != userAgent.match(/bidubrowser/) ? browser = BrowerType.Baidu : null != userAgent.match(/lbbrowser/) ? browser = BrowerType.Liebao : null != userAgent.match(/ubrowser/) ? browser = BrowerType.UC : null != userAgent.match(/qqbrowse/) ? browser = BrowerType.QQ : null != userAgent.match(/metasr/) ? browser = BrowerType.Sogou : null != userAgent.match(/opr/) ? browser = BrowerType.Opera : null != userAgent.match(/maxthon/) ? browser = BrowerType.Maxthon : null != userAgent.match(/2345explorer/) ? browser = BrowerType.Ie2345 : null != userAgent.match(/chrome/) ? browser = navigator.mimeTypes.length > 10 ? BrowerType.Se360 : BrowerType.Chrome : null != userAgent.match(/safari/) && (browser = BrowerType.Safiri), browser; }, Core; }(), Runtime = function() { function Runtime() {} return Object.defineProperty(Runtime, "url", { get: function() { return window.location.href; }, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Runtime; }(); !function() { function HttpRequest(option) { this.headers = new Map, this.url = option.url, this.method = option.methodType, this.dataType = option.dataType, this._option = option; } HttpRequest.prototype.onload = function(res) { this._option.onSuccess(res); }, HttpRequest.prototype.onerror = function() { this.onerror(); }, HttpRequest.prototype.setQueryData = function(datas) { if (datas instanceof FormData) = datas; else { var fd = new FormData; for (var i in datas) fd.append(i, datas[i]); = fd; } }, Object.defineProperty(HttpRequest.prototype, "onLoad", { get: function() { return this.onSuccess; }, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }); }(); var AjaxOption = function() { function AjaxOption(_url, _methodType, _data, _success, _header, timeOut) { void 0 === _methodType && (_methodType = "GET"), void 0 === _header && (_header = new Map), void 0 === timeOut && (timeOut = 60), this.url = _url, this.methodType = _methodType, this.onSuccess = _success, this.onError = _success, = _data, this.headers = _header, this.timeOut = timeOut; } return AjaxOption.prototype.getData = function() { if ( instanceof FormData) return; if ( instanceof Map) { var fd_1 = new FormData; return, k) { fd_1.append(k, v); })), fd_1; } var fd = new FormData; for (var i in fd.append(i,[i]); return fd; }, AjaxOption; }(), Alert = function() { function Alert() {} return = function(titls, content, area, shade, offset, maxmin) { return void 0 === area && (area = [ "400px", "300px" ]), void 0 === shade && (shade = 0), void 0 === offset && (offset = "lb"), void 0 === maxmin && (maxmin = !0),{ type: 1, title: titls, area: area, shade: shade, offset: offset, maxmin: maxmin, content: content }); }, = function(msg) { return layer.msg(msg, { time: 2e3 }); }, Alert.error = function(msg) { return layer.msg(msg, { icon: 5, time: 2e3 }); }, Alert.confim = function(title, msg, buttons, callback, auto_close) { void 0 === auto_close && (auto_close = !1); var tid ={ type: 1, title: title || !1, closeBtn: 1, shade: .8, id: "LAY_layuipro", resize: !1, btn: buttons, btnAlign: "c", moveType: 1, content: '<div style="padding: 20px; line-height: 22px; background-color: #393D49; color: #fff; font-weight: 300;">' + msg + "</div>", yes: function(index) { callback(index), auto_close && Core.lazyload((function() { layer.close(tid); })); } }); return tid; }, Alert.prompt = function(title, v, callback, size, type) { void 0 === type && (type = 0), layer.prompt({ title: title, value: v, formType: type }, (function(v, i, ele) { callback(v), layer.close(i); })); }, Alert.close = function(index) { layer.close(index); }, Alert.closeAll = function() { layer.closeAll(); }, Alert.loading = function(style, _time, _shade) { return void 0 === style && (style = 1), void 0 === _time && (_time = 10), void 0 === _shade && (_shade = .3), layer.load(style, { shade: _shade, time: 1e3 * _time }); }, Alert.loadingS = function(msg, time) { void 0 === time && (time = -1),{ title: msg, didOpen: function() { Swal__default.default.showLoading(); }, allowOutsideClick: !1, allowEscapeKey: !1, timer: -1 == time ? void 0 : 1e3 * time }); }, Alert; }(), Http = function() { function Http() {} return Http.ajax = function(option) { var _a, _b, _c; option.headers.set("User-Agent", null !== (_a = unsafeWindow.navigator.userAgent) && void 0 !== _a ? _a : "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/92.0.4515.159 Safari/537.36"), option.headers.set("Accept", "application/atom+xml,application/xml,text/xml"); var head = new HttpHeaders; option.url.indexOf("wandhi") > 0 && (head.version = Config.env.script.version, head.auth = null !== (_b = && void 0 !== _b ? _b : "", head.namespace = null !== (_c = Config.env.script.namespace) && void 0 !== _c ? _c : ""), option.headers.forEach((function(v, k) { head[k] = v; })), GM_xmlhttpRequest({ url: option.url, method: option.methodType, headers: head, data: option.getData(), timeout: 1e3 * option.timeOut, onload: function(res) { var _a, _b; try { null === (_a = option.onSuccess) || void 0 === _a ||, "POST" == option.methodType ? JSON.parse(res.responseText) : res.responseText); } catch (error) { Alert.confim("", ' \n <h1>\u54cd\u5e94\u5f02\u5e38\uff0c\u8bf7\u590d\u5236\u4e0b\u5217\u4fe1\u606f\u5411\u5f00\u53d1\u8005\u53cd\u9988\u95ee\u9898</h1><br>\n <span style="color:red;font-weight: bold;font-size: large;">\u9519\u8bef\u65e5\u5fd7\uff1a</span><br>\n <p>' + error + "(" + res.status + ')</p>\n <span style="color:red;font-weight: bold;font-size: large;">\u9519\u8bef\u8be6\u60c5\uff1a</span><br>\n <p>' + escape(res.responseText) + '</p> \n <span style="color:red;font-weight: bold;font-size: large;">\u73af\u5883\u4fe1\u606f\uff1a</span><br>\n <p>\u6cb9\u7334\u7248\u672c\uff1a' + Config.env.version + "</p>\n <p>\u811a\u672c\u7248\u672c\uff1a" + Config.env.script.version + "</p>\n <p>Url\uff1a" + Runtime.url + "</p>\n ", [ "\u53bb\u53cd\u9988", "\u5173\u95ed" ], (function() {""); })), null === (_b = option.onSuccess) || void 0 === _b ||, null); } }, onerror: function(res) { var _a, _b; (null === (_a = res.finalUrl) || void 0 === _a ? void 0 : _a.indexOf("")) > 0 ? option.onError(null) : (Alert.confim("", ' \n <h1>\u8bf7\u6c42\u5931\u8d25\uff0c\u8bf7\u590d\u5236\u4e0b\u5217\u4fe1\u606f\u5411\u5f00\u53d1\u8005\u53cd\u9988\u95ee\u9898</h1><br>\n <span style="color:red;font-weight: bold;font-size: large;">\u9519\u8bef\u8be6\u60c5\uff1a</span><br>\n <p>' + escape(res.responseText) + "(" + res.status + ')</p>\n <span style="color:red;font-weight: bold;font-size: large;">\u73af\u5883\u4fe1\u606f\uff1a</span><br>\n <p>\u6cb9\u7334\u7248\u672c\uff1a' + Config.env.version + "</p>\n <p>\u811a\u672c\u7248\u672c\uff1a" + Config.env.script.version + "</p>\n <p>Url\uff1a" + Runtime.url + "</p> \n ", [ "\u53bb\u53cd\u9988", "\u5173\u95ed" ], (function() {""); })), null === (_b = option.onError) || void 0 === _b ||, res)); } }); }, Http.getData = function(url, callback) { $.getJSON(url, (function(d) { callback(d); })); }, Http.JqGet = function(url, callback) { Http.get(url, new Map).then((function(d) { callback(d); })); }, = function(url, data, timeOut) { void 0 === timeOut && (timeOut = 10); var index = Alert.loading(); return new Promise((function(resolve) { Http.ajax(new AjaxOption(url, "POST", data, (function(data) { Alert.close(index), resolve(data); }), new Map, timeOut)); })); }, Http.get = function(url, data, time_out) { return void 0 === data && (data = new Map), void 0 === time_out && (time_out = 10), Alert.loading(), new Promise((function(resolve, reject) { Http.ajax(new AjaxOption(url, "GET", data, (function(data) { var _a; try { var res = null !== (_a = JSON.parse(data)) && void 0 !== _a ? _a : data; resolve(res); } catch (error) { Logger.debug(error), reject(); } }), new Map, time_out)); })); }, Http.getWithHead = function(url, data, head, time_out) { return void 0 === data && (data = new Map), void 0 === head && (head = new Map), void 0 === time_out && (time_out = 10), Alert.loading(), new Promise((function(resolve, reject) { Http.ajax(new AjaxOption(url, "GET", data, (function(data) { var _a; try { var res = null !== (_a = JSON.parse(data)) && void 0 !== _a ? _a : data; resolve(res); } catch (error) { Logger.debug(error), reject(); } }), head, time_out)); })); }, Http.postWithHead = function(url, data, head, time_out) { return void 0 === data && (data = new Map), void 0 === head && (head = new Map), void 0 === time_out && (time_out = 10), Alert.loading(), new Promise((function(resolve, reject) { Http.ajax(new AjaxOption(url, "POST", data, (function(data) { try { resolve(data); } catch (error) { Logger.debug([ url, error ]), reject(); } }), head, time_out)); })); }, Http.get_text = function(url) { return new Promise((function(resolve) { Http.ajax(new AjaxOption(url, "GET", new Map, (function(data) { resolve(data); }))); })); }, Http; }(), HttpHeaders = function HttpHeaders() {}, Convert = function() { function Convert() {} return Convert.genterData = function(data) { var _data = new History; if ( = Core.format(new Date(Number.parseInt(data.lowerDate.match(/[0-9]{13}/)[0]) + 800), "yyyy-MM-dd"), _data.min = data.lowerPrice, _data.max = _data.min, _data.max_date =, _data.current = data.currentPrice.toString(), _data.mark = "" == data.changPriceRemark ? "\u6682\u65e0" : data.changPriceRemark, 0 == data.listPrice.length || !data.listPrice) { var temp_1 = []; data.datePrice.split("],[").forEach((function(v, n) { var t = new ListPriceItem, values = (v = v.replace(/\[|"|\]/g, "")).split(","); = Number.parseInt(values[1]), t.yh = 3 == values.length ? values[2] : v.substring(v.indexOf(values[2]), v.length), t.dt = values[0], temp_1.push(t); })), data.listPrice = temp_1; } return data.listPrice.forEach((function(v, n) { var detail = new PriceDetail; detail.timestamp = Number.parseInt(v.dt.match(/[0-9]{13}/)[0]) + 800, detail.time = Core.format(new Date(detail.timestamp), "yyyy-MM-dd"), detail.price =, detail.mark = v.yh, _data.max < && (_data.max =, _data.max_date = detail.time), _data.price_detail.push(detail); })), _data; }, Convert.genterDataV2 = function(data) { var _data = new History; = Core.format(new Date(data.lowerDate), "yyyy-MM-dd"), _data.min = data.lowerPrice, _data.max = _data.min, _data.max_date =, _data.current = data.currentPrice.toString(), _data.mark = "" == data.changPriceRemark ? "\u6682\u65e0" : data.changPriceRemark; var listPrice = []; if (0 != data.datePrice.length) { var temp_2 = []; data.datePrice.split("],[").forEach((function(v, n) { var t = new ListPriceItem, values = (v = v.replace(/\[|"|\]/g, "")).split(","); = Number.parseInt(values[1]), t.yh = 3 == values.length ? values[2] : v.substring(v.indexOf(values[2]), v.length), t.dt = values[0], temp_2.push(t); })), listPrice = temp_2; } return listPrice.forEach((function(v, n) { var detail = new PriceDetail; detail.timestamp = Number.parseInt(v.dt.match(/[0-9]{13}/)[0]) + 800, detail.time = Core.format(new Date(detail.timestamp), "yyyy-MM-dd"), detail.price =, detail.mark = v.yh, _data.max < && (_data.max =, _data.max_date = detail.time), _data.price_detail.push(detail); })), _data; }, Convert.genterAuth = function() { return __awaiter(this, void 0, Promise, (function() { var _auth; return __generator(this, (function(_a) { switch (_a.label) { case 0: return (_auth = Config.get("baseauth", "")) ? [ 4, _auth ] : [ 3, 2 ]; case 1: return [ 2, _a.sent() ]; case 2: return [ 4, Http.get_text(this.authApi).then((function(html) { var matchR = html.match(/id=\"ticket\" value=\"(.*)\"/i); return (_auth = null != matchR ? "" + matchR[1] : "").length > 4 && (_auth = "BasicAuth " + (_auth = _auth.substr(_auth.length - 4, 4) + _auth.substring(0, _auth.length - 4))), Config.set("baseauth", _auth, 60), _auth; })) ]; case 3: return [ 2, _auth = _a.sent() ]; } })); })); }, Convert.authApi = "", Convert; }(), Result = function() { function Result() {} return Result.prototype.constructorq = function() {}, Result; }(); !function(_super) { function StuResult() { return null !== _super && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; } __extends(StuResult, _super); }(Result), function(_super) { function StrResult() { return null !== _super && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; } __extends(StrResult, _super); }(Result); var HistoryResult = function(_super) { function HistoryResult() { return null !== _super && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; } return __extends(HistoryResult, _super), HistoryResult; }(Result); !function(_super) { function HistoryQueryResult() { return null !== _super && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; } __extends(HistoryQueryResult, _super); }(Result), function(_super) { function HistoryV1Result() { return null !== _super && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; } __extends(HistoryV1Result, _super); }(Result), function(_super) { function HistoryV2Result() { return null !== _super && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; } __extends(HistoryV2Result, _super); }(Result); var Route = function() { function Route() { this.queryTao = ""; } return Object.defineProperty(Route, "apiRoot", { get: function() { return ""; }, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Route.baseApi = function(api, data, callback, timeOut) { void 0 === timeOut && (timeOut = 10), + api, data, timeOut).then((function(res) { callback(res); })); }, Route.querySbx = function(id, callback) { var _this = this; "" !== Config.get(this.sxb_key, "") ? this.query365(id, Config.get(this.sxb_key), callback) : this.queryValue("sxb_anhao", (function(res) { _this.query365(id,, callback); })); }, Route.sbxFeedback = function(id, answer) { this.baseApi("/tools/record", new Map([ [ "id", id ], [ "data", answer ], [ "anhao", Config.get(this.sxb_key) ] ]), (function() {})); }, Route.query365 = function(id, anhao, callback) { var api = Config.get("sxb_api"); api ?, new Map([ [ "docinfo", "" + id + ".html" ], [ "anhao", anhao ] ])).then((function(res) { callback(res); })) : this.queryValue("sxb_api", (function(res) { Config.set("sxb_api",, 864e5),, new Map([ [ "docinfo", "" + id + ".html" ], [ "anhao", anhao ] ])); })); }, Route.queryValue = function(key, callback) { this.baseApi(Route.config, new Map([ [ "key", key ] ]), callback); }, Route.queryHistory = function(url, siteType, callback) { this.baseApi(this.history, new Map([ [ "url", url ], [ "type", siteType ] ]), callback); }, Route.queryHistoryv1 = function(url, siteType, callback) { var _this = this, that = this; this.baseApi(this.historyv1, new Map([ [ "url", url ] ]), (function(res) { Logger.debug(res), res.code ? Http.get( { var _res = new HistoryResult; _res.code = 1, = Convert.genterData(prices), Logger.debug(_res), callback(_res); })).catch((function() { that.queryHistory(url, siteType, callback); })) : _this.queryHistory(url, siteType, callback); }), 60); }, Route.queryHistoryv2 = function(url, siteType, callback) { var _this = this, that = this; this.baseApi(this.historyv2, new Map([ [ "url", url ] ]), (function(res) { Logger.debug(res), res.code ? Http.getWithHead(, new Map, new Map([ [ "Authorization", ] ])).then((function(prices) { var _res = new HistoryResult; 0 == prices.code ? _res.code = 1 : _res.code = -1, _res.code = 1, = Convert.genterDataV2(, Logger.debug(_res), callback(_res); })).catch((function() { that.queryHistory(url, siteType, callback); })) : _this.queryHistory(url, siteType, callback); }), 60); }, Route.queryHistoryv3 = function(url, siteType, callback) { var _this = this, that = this; this.baseApi(this.historyv3, new Map([ [ "url", url ] ]), (function(res) { Logger.debug(res), res.code ? Convert.genterAuth().then((function(auth) { Http.postWithHead(, new Map([ [ "token", ], [ "t", ], [ "key", ], [ "method", ] ]), new Map([ [ "Authorization", null != auth ? auth : ] ])).then((function(prices) { var _res = new HistoryResult; 0 == prices.code ? _res.code = 1 : 2 == prices.code ? (Config.clear("baseauth"), _this.queryHistoryv3(url, siteType, callback)) : _res.code = -1, _res.code = 1, = Convert.genterDataV2(, Logger.debug(_res), callback(_res); })).catch((function() { that.queryHistory(url, siteType, callback); })); })) : _this.queryHistory(url, siteType, callback); }), 60); }, Route.queryHistoryV4 = function(url, siteType, fp, dfp, callback) { var root = "" + encodeURIComponent(url) + "&ver=1&format=json&fp=" + fp + "&dfp=" + dfp + "&union=union_gwdang&from_device=chrome&version=" + (new Date).getTime(); Http.JqGet(root, callback); }, Route.queryBiliImg = function(aid, callback) { Http.getData(this.biliInfo + "?aid=" + aid, callback); }, Route.queryBiliDown = function(aid, cid, callback) { Http.getData(this.bilidown + "?cid=" + cid + "&avid=" + aid + "&qn=112", callback); }, Route.queryCoupons = function(itemId, callback) { this.baseApi(, new Map([ [ "id", itemId ] ]), callback); }, Route.queryJdCoupons = function(itemId, callback) { Route.baseApi(Route.jd_coupons, new Map([ [ "item_id", itemId ] ]), callback); }, Route.querySnCoupons = function(url, callback) { Route.baseApi(Route.sn_coupons, new Map([ [ "url", url ] ]), callback); }, Route.queryVpCoupons = function(url, callback) { Route.baseApi(Route.vp_coupons, new Map([ [ "url", url ] ]), callback); }, Route.couponQuery = function(itemId, type, callback) { Route.baseApi("/coupons/info", new Map([ [ "id", itemId ], [ "type", type ] ]), callback); }, Route.update_api = "" + Core.uuid(), Route.home_url = "", Route.install_url_one = "", Route.install_url_two = "", Route.sxb_anhao = "", Route.sxb_key = "sxb_anhao", Route.config = "/config/query", Route.history = "/history/", Route.historyv1 = "/history/v1", Route.historyv2 = "/history/v2", Route.historyv3 = "/history/v3", Route.bili = "/tools/bili", Route.biliInfo = "", Route.bilidown = "", = "/tb/infos/", = "/tb/guesslike", Route.jd_coupons = "/jd/info", Route.sn_coupons = "/sn/info", Route.vp_coupons = "/vp/info", Route; }(), Toast = function() { function Toast(msg, title, type) { this.creationTime = new Date, this.message = msg, this.type = type, this.title = title, this.duration = 3e3, this.randomKey = Math.floor(Math.random() * (Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER + 1)); } return = function() { var _this = this;, 0, this), void 0 !== this.duration && -1 != this.duration && setTimeout((function() { return _this.dismiss(); }), this.duration); }, Toast.prototype.dismiss = function() { &&, 1); }, Object.defineProperty(Toast.prototype, "element", { get: function() { return $(".toast-card[data-key='" + this.key + "']"); }, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(Toast.prototype, "key", { get: function() { return this.creationTime.toISOString() + "[" + this.randomKey + "]"; }, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(Toast, "containerVM", { get: function() { return this.element || Toast.createToastContainer(), this.element; }, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), 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drags.x = parseInt(getCss(this, "left")), drags.y = parseInt(getCss(this, "top")), drags.winHei = $(window).height(), drags.winWid = $(window).width(), $(document).on("mousemove", (function(a) { var e = a.clientX - drags.clientX, t = a.clientY - drags.clientY; (asideNav = asideNav || $("#Wandhi-nav")[0]) = drags.y + t + "px", = drags.x + e + "px"; })); })).on("mouseup", "" + this.menuSelecter, (function() { drags.down = !1, $(document).off("mousemove"); })),; } }, Menu.close = function() { $("#" + Menu.mainId).hide(); }, Menu.mainId = "Wandhi-nav", Menu; }(); Common.Menu = Menu; }(Common || (Common = {})); var container = new Map, Container = function() { function Container() {} return Container.Registe = function(type, args) { var className = this.processName(; return container.set(className, window.Reflect.construct(type, this.buildParams(args))), container.get(className); }, Container.buildParams = function(args) { var para = []; return null == args || { para.push(item); })), para; }, Container.processName = function(name) { return name.toLowerCase(); }, Container.Require = function(type) { var _this = this, name = this.processName(; if (container.has(name)) return container.get(name); var args, classParams = Reflect.getMetadata(METADATA_PARAMS, type); return (null == classParams ? void 0 : classParams.length) && (args = { return _this.Require(item); }))), this.Registe(type, args); }, Container.define = function(target, key) { var _a, classType = Reflect.getMetadata(METADATA_TYPE, target, key), desc = null !== (_a = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key)) && void 0 !== _a ? _a : { writable: !0, configurable: !0 }; desc.value = this.Require(classType), Object.defineProperty(target, key, desc); }, Container; }(), METADATA_TYPE = "design:type", METADATA_PARAMS = "design:paramtypes"; function WandhiAuto(target, key) { Container.define(target, key); } var PluginBase = function() { function PluginBase() { var _this = this; this._unique = !0, this.Process = function() { _this.loader(),; }, this._appName = "base"; } var _a, _b; return PluginBase.prototype.unique = function() { return this._unique; }, PluginBase.prototype.linkTest = function(url) { var _this = this; url || (url = this.core.currentUrl()); var flag = !1; return this.rules.forEach((function(v, k) { return !v.test(url) || (flag = !0, = k, !1); })), flag; }, PluginBase.prototype.appName = function() { return this._appName; }, __decorate([ WandhiAuto, __metadata("design:type", "function" == typeof (_a = void 0 !== Core && Core) ? _a : Object) ], PluginBase.prototype, "core", void 0), __decorate([ WandhiAuto, __metadata("design:type", "function" == typeof (_b = void 0 !== Common && Common.Menu) ? _b : Object) ], PluginBase.prototype, "menu", void 0), PluginBase; }(), SiteEnum; !function(SiteEnum) { SiteEnum.All = "All", SiteEnum.TaoBao = "TaoBao", SiteEnum.TMall = "TMall", SiteEnum.JingDong = "JingDong", SiteEnum.IQiYi = "IQiYi", SiteEnum.YouKu = "YouKu", SiteEnum.LeShi = "LeShi", SiteEnum.TuDou = "TuDou", SiteEnum.Tencent_V = "Tencent_V", SiteEnum.MangGuo = "MangGuo", SiteEnum.SoHu = "SoHu", SiteEnum.Acfun = "Acfun", SiteEnum.BiliBili = "BiliBili", SiteEnum.M1905 = "M1905", SiteEnum.PPTV = "PPTV", SiteEnum.YinYueTai = "YinYueTai", SiteEnum.WangYi = "WangYi", SiteEnum.Tencent_M = "Tencent_M", SiteEnum.KuGou = "KuGou", SiteEnum.KuWo = "KuWo", SiteEnum.XiaMi = "XiaMi", SiteEnum.TaiHe = "TaiHe", SiteEnum.QingTing = "QingTing", SiteEnum.LiZhi = "LiZhi", SiteEnum.MiGu = "MiGu", SiteEnum.XiMaLaYa = "XiMaLaYa", SiteEnum.WenKu = "WenKu", SiteEnum.SXB = "SXB", SiteEnum.BDY = "BDY", SiteEnum.BDY1 = "BDY1", SiteEnum.LZY = "LZY", SiteEnum.SuNing = "SuNing", SiteEnum.Steam = "Steam", SiteEnum.Vp = "Vp", SiteEnum.CSDN = "CSDN", SiteEnum.ZhiHu = "ZhiHu", SiteEnum.JianShu = "JianShu"; }(SiteEnum || (SiteEnum = {})); var UpdateService = function(_super) { function UpdateService() { var _this = || this; return _this.rules = new Map([ [ SiteEnum.All, /(.*)/i ] ]), _this._unique = !1, _this._appName = "update", _this; } return __extends(UpdateService, _super), UpdateService.prototype.loader = function() {}, = function() { if (!Config.get(update_key, !1)) { var current_1 = new VersionCompar(Config.env.script.version); Http.get_text(Route.update_api).then((function(res) { var version = new VersionCompar(null == res ? void 0 : res.match(/@version[ ]*([\d\.]+)/)[1]); if (version.compareTo(current_1) === VersionResult.greater) { var msg = "\u65b0\u7248\u672c<span>" + version.versionString + '</span>\u5df2\u53d1\u5e03.<a id="new-version-link" class="link" href="' + Route.install_url_one + '">\u5b89\u88c5(\u7ebf\u8def\u4e00)</a><a id="new-version-link" class="link" href="' + Route.install_url_two + '">\u5b89\u88c5(\u7ebf\u8def\u4e8c)</a><a class="link" target="_blank" href="' + Route.home_url + '">\u67e5\u770b</a>';, "\u68c0\u67e5\u66f4\u65b0"), Config.set(update_key, !0, Hour); } })); } }, UpdateService; }(PluginBase), VersionCompar = function() { function VersionCompar(e) { /^[\d\.]+$/.test(e) || Logger.error("Invalid version string"), = e.split(".").map((function(e) { return parseInt(e); })), this.versionString = e; } return VersionCompar.prototype.compareTo = function(e) { for (var t = 0; t <; ++t) { if ( === t) return VersionResult.greater; if ([t] !==[t]) return[t] >[t] ? VersionResult.greater : VersionResult.less; } return !== ? VersionResult.less : VersionResult.equal; }, VersionCompar.prototype.greaterThan = function(e) { return this.compareTo(e) === VersionResult.greater; }, VersionCompar.prototype.lessThan = function(e) { return this.compareTo(e) === VersionResult.less; }, VersionCompar.prototype.equals = function(e) { return this.compareTo(e) === VersionResult.equal; }, VersionCompar; }(), VersionResult; !function(VersionResult) { VersionResult[VersionResult.less = -1] = "less", VersionResult[VersionResult.equal = 0] = "equal", VersionResult[VersionResult.greater = 1] = "greater", VersionResult[VersionResult.incomparable = NaN] = "incomparable"; }(VersionResult || (VersionResult = {})); var EventHelper = function() { function EventHelper() {} return EventHelper.bind_click = function(query, act) { var _a; null === (_a = document.querySelector(query)) || void 0 === _a || _a.addEventListener("click", (function(e) { act(); })); }, EventHelper; }(), BaseCoupon = function() { function BaseCoupon() {} return BaseCoupon.prototype.init_qrcode = function(url) { return new Promise((function(resolve) { QRCode.toCanvas(document.getElementById("vip-plugin-outside-coupons-qrcode-img"), url, { errorCorrectionLevel: "H", type: "image/jpeg", quality: .3, margin: 1, width: 150 }, (function(err) { err || resolve(!0); })); })); }, BaseCoupon.prototype.init_coupon_info = function(after, price, time, q_url) { void 0 === q_url && (q_url = ""); var coup_info = "<p>\u79fb\u52a8\u7aef<span>\u5feb\u6377</span>\u8d2d\u4e70</p>", act = '<a class="vip-plugin-outside-coupons-button quan-none" href="javascript:void(0)">\u6253\u5f00\u624b\u673a\u626b\u4e00\u626b</a>', url = Runtime.url; if (q_url) { var now = new Date; coup_info = "<p><span>" + price + '</span> \u5143\u5238</p><p class="vip-plugin-outside-coupons-date">\uff08' + Core.format(now, "yyyy-MM-dd") + " ~ " + time + "\uff09</p>", act = '<a class="vip-plugin-outside-coupons-button quan-exits">\u626b\u7801\u9886' + price + "\u5143\u4f18\u60e0\u5238</a>", url = q_url; } new Promise((function(resolve) { $(".vip-plugin-outside-coupons-title").html(coup_info), $(".vip-plugin-outside-coupons-action").html(act), resolve(); })).then((function() { q_url && EventHelper.bind_click(".vip-plugin-outside-coupons-button", (function() {; })); })); }, BaseCoupon.prototype.default = function(url) { var _this = this; void 0 === url && (url = ""), Logger.debug(url), this.init_qrcode("" == url ? Runtime.url : url).then((function(res) { _this.init_coupon_info(0, 0, ""); })); }, BaseCoupon; }(), VpCoupon = function(_super) { function VpCoupon() { return null !== _super && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; } return __extends(VpCoupon, _super), VpCoupon.prototype.init_html = function(html) { var _this = this; return new Promise((function(resolve) { if ($(".FW-product.clearfix").length) Core.appendTo(".FW-product.clearfix", html), resolve(!0); else { var that_1 = _this; Core.lazyload((function() { return that_1.init_html(html); }), 1); } })); }, VpCoupon.prototype.init_coupons = function() { var _this = this; Route.queryVpCoupons(Runtime.url, (function(res) { if (Logger.debug(res), res.code) if ( { var q =, exp = new Date(q.quan_time); _this.init_qrcode(decodeURIComponent(q.quan_link)).then((function(res) { _this.init_coupon_info(q.after_price, q.quan_price, "" + Core.format(exp, "yyyy-MM-dd"), decodeURIComponent(q.quan_link)); })); } else ? (_this.default(, EventHelper.bind_click("#vip-plugin-outside-coupons-qrcode-img", (function() {; }))) : _this.default(); else _this.default(); })); }, VpCoupon; }(BaseCoupon), SuningCoupon = function(_super) { function SuningCoupon() { return null !== _super && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; } return __extends(SuningCoupon, _super), SuningCoupon.prototype.init_html = function(html) { var _this = this; return new Promise((function(resolve) { if ($(".proinfo-container").length) Core.appendTo(".proinfo-container", html), resolve(!0); else { var that_1 = _this; Core.lazyload((function() { return that_1.init_html(html); }), 1); } })); }, SuningCoupon.prototype.init_coupons = function() { var _this = this; Route.querySnCoupons(Runtime.url, (function(res) { if (Logger.debug(res), res.code) if ( { var q =, exp = new Date(q.quan_time); _this.init_qrcode(decodeURIComponent(q.quan_link)).then((function(res) { _this.init_coupon_info(q.after_price, q.quan_price, "" + Core.format(exp, "yyyy-MM-dd"), decodeURIComponent(q.quan_link)); })); } else ? (_this.default(, EventHelper.bind_click("#vip-plugin-outside-coupons-qrcode-img", (function() {; }))) : _this.default(); else _this.default(); })); }, SuningCoupon; }(BaseCoupon), JdCoupon = function(_super) { function JdCoupon() { return null !== _super && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; } return __extends(JdCoupon, _super), JdCoupon.prototype.init_html = function(html) { var _this = this; return new Promise((function(resolve) { $(".product-intro").length ? (Core.appendTo(".product-intro", html), resolve(!0)) : setTimeout(_this.init_html, 2e3); })); }, JdCoupon.prototype.init_coupons = function() { var _a, _b, _this = this, item_id = null === (_b = null === (_a = unsafeWindow.pageConfig) || void 0 === _a ? void 0 : _a.product) || void 0 === _b ? void 0 : _b.skuid; if (item_id) { var key_1 = "jd_" + item_id, coupon = Config.get(key_1); if (coupon) if (coupon.has_coupon) { var q_1 = coupon, exp_1 = new Date(q_1.quan_time); this.init_qrcode(decodeURIComponent(q_1.quan_link)).then((function(res) { _this.init_coupon_info(q_1.after_price, q_1.quan_price, "" + Core.format(exp_1, "yyyy-MM-dd"), decodeURIComponent(q_1.quan_link)); })); } else coupon.quan_link ? this.default(coupon.quan_link) : this.default(); else Route.queryJdCoupons(item_id, (function(res) { if (Logger.debug(res), res.code) if (Config.set(key_1,, 43200), { var q_2 =, exp_2 = new Date(q_2.quan_time); _this.init_qrcode(decodeURIComponent(q_2.quan_link)).then((function(res) { _this.init_coupon_info(q_2.after_price, q_2.quan_price, "" + Core.format(exp_2, "yyyy-MM-dd"), decodeURIComponent(q_2.quan_link)); })); } else ? _this.default( : _this.default(); else _this.default(); })); } else this.default(); }, JdCoupon; }(BaseCoupon), TaoCoupon = function(_super) { function TaoCoupon() { return null !== _super && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; } var _a; return __extends(TaoCoupon, _super), TaoCoupon.prototype.init_html = function(html) { return new Promise((function(resolve) { $("#J_DetailMeta").length ? Core.appendTo("#J_DetailMeta", html) : Core.appendTo("#detail", html + "<br/>"), resolve(!0); })); }, TaoCoupon.prototype.init_coupons = function() { var _this = this, key = "n_itemId_" + this.core.getPar("id"), coupon = Config.get(key, !1); coupon ? (, this.render_coupon((null == coupon ? void 0 : coupon.length) > 0 && "string" != typeof coupon ? coupon[0] : void 0)) : Route.queryCoupons(this.core.getPar("id"), (function(data) { var _a, _b; if (data.code) { if ((null === (_a = || void 0 === _a ? void 0 : _a.length) > 0) { var q =[0], exp = new Date(q.quan_time); _this.init_qrcode(decodeURIComponent(q.quan_link)).then((function(res) { _this.init_coupon_info(q.after_price, q.quan_price, "" + Core.format(exp, "yyyy-MM-dd"), decodeURIComponent(q.quan_link)); })); } else _this.init_qrcode(Runtime.url).then((function(res) { _this.init_coupon_info(0, 0, ""); })); Config.set(key, (null === (_b = || void 0 === _b ? void 0 : _b.length) > 0 ? : [], 43200); } else _this.init_qrcode(Runtime.url).then((function(res) { _this.init_coupon_info(0, 0, ""); })); })); }, TaoCoupon.prototype.render_coupon = function(quan) { var _this = this; if (void 0 === quan && (quan = void 0), null == quan) this.init_qrcode(Runtime.url).then((function(res) { _this.init_coupon_info(0, 0, ""); })); else { var q_1 = quan, exp = new Date(q_1.quan_time); this.init_qrcode(decodeURIComponent(q_1.quan_link)).then((function(res) { _this.init_coupon_info(q_1.after_price, q_1.quan_price, "" + Core.format(exp, "yyyy-MM-dd"), decodeURIComponent(q_1.quan_link)); })); } }, __decorate([ WandhiAuto, __metadata("design:type", "function" == typeof (_a = void 0 !== Core && Core) ? _a : Object) ], TaoCoupon.prototype, "core", void 0), TaoCoupon; }(BaseCoupon), DefCoupon = function(_super) { function DefCoupon() { return null !== _super && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; } return __extends(DefCoupon, _super), DefCoupon.prototype.init_html = function(html) { return new Promise((function(resolve) { resolve(!1); })); }, DefCoupon.prototype.init_coupons = function() {}, DefCoupon; }(BaseCoupon), LinesOption = function LinesOption() {}, css_248z$3 = "#vip-plugin-outside {\n border: 1px solid #eee;\n margin: 0 auto;\n position: relative;\n clear: both;\n display: none\n}\n\n#vip-plugin-outside .vip-plugin-outside-coupons {\n width: 240px;\n float: left\n}\n\n#vip-plugin-outside .vip-plugin-outside-coupons .vip-plugin-outside-coupons-qrcode {\n text-align: center;\n min-height: 150px;\n margin-top: 30px\n}\n\n#vip-plugin-outside .vip-plugin-outside-coupons .vip-plugin-outside-coupons-qrcode canvas,\n#vip-plugin-outside .vip-plugin-outside-coupons .vip-plugin-outside-coupons-qrcode img {\n margin: 0 auto\n}\n\n#vip-plugin-outside .vip-plugin-outside-coupons .vip-plugin-outside-coupons-title {\n margin-top: 20px;\n color: #000;\n font-size: 14px;\n font-weight: 700;\n text-align: center\n}\n\n#vip-plugin-outside .vip-plugin-outside-coupons .vip-plugin-outside-coupons-title span {\n color: #ff0036;\n font-weight: 700\n}\n\n#vip-plugin-outside .vip-plugin-outside-coupons .vip-plugin-outside-coupons-action {\n margin-top: 10px;\n text-align: center\n}\n\n#vip-plugin-outside .vip-plugin-outside-coupons .vip-plugin-outside-coupons-action a {\n text-decoration: none\n}\n\n#vip-plugin-outside .vip-plugin-outside-coupons .vip-plugin-outside-coupons-action .vip-plugin-outside-coupons-button {\n min-width: 135px;\n padding: 0 8px;\n line-height: 35px;\n color: #fff;\n background: #ff0036;\n font-size: 13px;\n font-weight: 700;\n letter-spacing: 1.5px;\n margin: 0 auto;\n text-align: center;\n border-radius: 15px;\n display: inline-block;\n cursor: pointer\n}\n\n#vip-plugin-outside .vip-plugin-outside-coupons .vip-plugin-outside-coupons-action .vip-plugin-outside-coupons-button.quan-none {\n color: #000;\n background: #bec5c5\n}\n\ {\n color: #233b3d;\n font-weight: normal;\n font-size: 12px;\n}\n\n#vip-plugin-outside .vip-plugin-outside-history .vip-plugin-outside-history-tip {\n position: absolute;\n margin: 0;\n top: 50%;\n left: 50%;\n letter-spacing: 1px;\n font-size: 15px;\n transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%)\n}\n\n#vip-plugin-outside .vip-plugin-outside-history, #vip-plugin-outside-chart-body {\n height: 300px;\n overflow: hidden;\n position: relative\n}\n\n#vip-plugin-outside .vip-plugin-outside-history .vip-plugin-outside-chart-container,\n#vip-plugin-outside-chart-container-line {\n width: 100%;\n height: 100%\n}\n\n#vip-plugin-outside-similar {\n width: 100%;\n background: #fff;\n z-index: 99999999;\n height: 268px;\n overflow: hidden;\n left: -1px;\n top: 36px;\n border: 1px solid #edf1f2!important\n}\n\ {\n width: 303px;\n border-right: 1px solid rgb(237, 241, 242);\n height: 270px;\n padding: 0px;\n overflow: hidden;\n float: left;\n margin: 0px;\n}\{\n float: left;\n overflow: hidden;\n margin: 8px 7px 4px 14px;\n width: 16px;\n height: 16px\n}\ li {\n border-bottom: 1px solid #edf1f2;\n overflow: hidden;\n width: 100%;\n height: 33px;\n line-height: 33px\n}\ li:first-child b {\n font-style: normal;\n font-size: 14px;\n margin-left: 14px;\n font-weight: 700\n}\ {\n top: 15px;\n width: auto;\n right: 51px;\n padding: 0;\n text-align: center;\n font-size: 12px;\n margin: 0;\n height: auto\n}\ {\n height: 33px;\n margin: 0;\n display: inline-block;\n float: left;\n font-size: 14px;\n font-weight: 700;\n padding: 0;\n background: 0 0;\n line-height: 33px;\n max-width: 170px;\n overflow: hidden;\n text-overflow: ellipsis;\n white-space: nowrap;\n width: auto\n}\ {\n color: #E4393C;\n font-weight: 700;\n line-height: 33px;\n height: 33px;\n width: auto;\n float: right;\n font-size: 14px;\n margin-right: 14px;\n}\n"; styleInject(css_248z$3); var MsgInfo = function MsgInfo() {}, PromoInfo = function PromoInfo() { this.price = 0, this.time = 0; }, HistoryService = function(_super) { function HistoryService() { var _this = null !== _super && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; return _this.rules = new Map([ [ SiteEnum.TMall, /\/item.htm/i ], [ SiteEnum.TaoBao, / ], [ SiteEnum.JingDong, /item.jd.(com|hk)\/[0-9]*.html/i ], [ SiteEnum.SuNing, / ], [ SiteEnum.Vp, / ] ]), _this.factory = new DefCoupon, _this; } return __extends(HistoryService, _super), HistoryService.prototype.loader = function() {}, = function() { this.injectHistory(); }, HistoryService.prototype.injectHistory = function() { var _this = this; switch (Logger.debug(, { case SiteEnum.TaoBao: case SiteEnum.TMall: this.factory = new TaoCoupon; break; case SiteEnum.JingDong: this.factory = new JdCoupon; break; case SiteEnum.SuNing: this.factory = new SuningCoupon; break; case SiteEnum.Vp: this.factory = new VpCoupon; break; default: this.factory = new DefCoupon; } this.factory.init_html(this.getHistoryHtml()).then((function(res) { res && _this.InitPriceHistory(), _this.factory.init_coupons && _this.factory.init_coupons(); })); }, HistoryService.prototype.InitPriceHistory = function() { var _this = this; $("#vip-plugin-outside").show(), this.theme(), this.chartMsg("\u5386\u53f2\u4ef7\u683c\u67e5\u8be2\u4e2d"), Route.queryHistoryv3(Runtime.url,, (function(data) { var msg = ""; data.code ? ($(".vip-plugin-outside-chart-container").html('<div id="vip-plugin-outside-chart-container-line"></div>'), echarts.init(document.getElementById("vip-plugin-outside-chart-container-line"), _this.theme()).setOption(_this.getChartOption( : msg = "\u672a\u67e5\u5230\u5386\u53f2\u6570\u636e", _this.chartMsg(msg); })); }, HistoryService.prototype.getHistoryHtml = function() { return '<div id="vip-plugin-outside">\n <div class="vip-plugin-outside-coupons">\n <div class="vip-plugin-outside-coupons-qrcode"><canvas id="vip-plugin-outside-coupons-qrcode-img"></canvas></div>\n <div class="vip-plugin-outside-coupons-title"></div>\n <div class="vip-plugin-outside-coupons-action"></div>\n </div>\n <div id="vip-plugin-outside-history" class="vip-plugin-outside-history">\n <div class="vip-plugin-outside-chart-container"></div>\n <p class="vip-plugin-outside-history-tip"></p>\n </div> \n </div>'; }, HistoryService.prototype.chartMsg = function(msg) { $(".vip-plugin-outside-history-tip").html(msg); }, HistoryService.prototype.getChartOption = function(data) { var _a, _b, text = "\u5386\u53f2\u4f4e\u4ef7\uff1a{red|\uffe5" + data.min + "} ( {red|" + + "} ) \u5206\u6790\uff1a" + data.mark, chartOption = new LinesOption; (chartOption = { title: { left: "center", subtext: text, subtextStyle: { color: "#000", rich: { red: { color: "red" } } } }, tooltip: { trigger: "axis", axisPointer: { type: "cross" }, formatter: function(params) { params = params[0]; var date = new Date(, year = date.getFullYear(), month = date.getMonth() + 1, day = date.getDate(), monthStr = month.toString(), dayStr = day.toString(); return month < 10 && (monthStr = "0" + month), day < 10 && (dayStr = "0" + day), "\u65e5\u671f\uff1a" + year + "-" + monthStr + "-" + dayStr + "<br/>\u4ef7\u683c\uff1a\uffe5" + params.value[1].toFixed(2) + ("" == params.value[2] ? "" : "<br/>" + params.value[2]); } }, grid: { left: 0, right: 20, top: 50, bottom: 10, containLabel: !0 }, xAxis: { type: "time" }, yAxis: { type: "value" }, series: [ { type: "line", step: "end", data: function(data) { var l = []; return data.price_detail.forEach((function(v) { var p = { name: v.time, value: [ v.timestamp, v.price, v.mark ] }; l.push(p); })), l; }(data), showSymbol: !1, symbolSize: 3, lineStyle: { width: 1.5, color: "#ff0036" } } ] }).yAxis = { min: 10 * Math.floor(.9 * data.min / 10), max: 10 * Math.ceil(1.1 * data.max / 10) }; var line = null === (_a = chartOption.series) || void 0 === _a ? void 0 : _a.pop(); return line.markPoint = { data: [ { value: data.min, coord: [, data.min ], name: "\u6700\u5c0f\u503c", itemStyle: { color: "green" } }, { value: data.max, coord: [ data.max_date, data.max ], name: "\u6700\u5927\u503c", itemStyle: { color: "red" } } ] }, null === (_b = chartOption.series) || void 0 === _b || _b.push(line), chartOption.dataZoom = [ { type: "slider", show: !0, realtime: !0, start: 0, end: 100 } ], chartOption; }, HistoryService.prototype.theme = function() { return { color: [ "#2ec7c9", "#b6a2de", "#5ab1ef", "#ffb980", "#d87a80", "#8d98b3", "#e5cf0d", "#97b552", "#95706d", "#dc69aa", "#07a2a4", "#9a7fd1", "#588dd5", "#f5994e", "#c05050", "#59678c", "#c9ab00", "#7eb00a", "#6f5553", "#c14089" ], title: { itemGap: 8, textStyle: { fontWeight: "normal", color: "#008acd" } }, legend: { itemGap: 8 }, dataRange: { itemWidth: 15, color: [ "#2ec7c9", "#b6a2de" ] }, toolbox: { color: [ "#1e90ff", "#1e90ff", "#1e90ff", "#1e90ff" ], effectiveColor: "#ff4500", itemGap: 8 }, tooltip: { backgroundColor: "rgba(50,50,50,0.5)", axisPointer: { type: "line", lineStyle: { color: "#008acd" }, crossStyle: { color: "#008acd" }, shadowStyle: { color: "rgba(200,200,200,0.2)" } } }, dataZoom: { dataBackgroundColor: "#efefff", fillerColor: "rgba(182,162,222,0.2)", handleColor: "#008acd" }, grid: { borderColor: "#eee" }, categoryAxis: { axisLine: { lineStyle: { color: "#008acd" } }, splitLine: { lineStyle: { color: [ "#eee" ] } } }, valueAxis: { axisLine: { lineStyle: { color: "#008acd" } }, splitArea: { show: !0, areaStyle: { color: [ "rgba(250,250,250,0.1)", "rgba(200,200,200,0.1)" ] } }, splitLine: { lineStyle: { color: [ "#eee" ] } } }, polar: { axisLine: { lineStyle: { color: "#ddd" } }, splitArea: { show: !0, areaStyle: { color: [ "rgba(250,250,250,0.2)", "rgba(200,200,200,0.2)" ] } }, splitLine: { lineStyle: { color: "#ddd" } } }, timeline: { lineStyle: { color: "#008acd" }, controlStyle: { normal: { color: "#008acd" }, emphasis: { color: "#008acd" } }, symbol: "emptyCircle", symbolSize: 3 }, bar: { itemStyle: { normal: { borderRadius: 5 }, emphasis: { borderRadius: 5 } } }, line: { smooth: !0, symbol: "emptyCircle", symbolSize: 3 }, k: { itemStyle: { normal: { color: "#d87a80", color0: "#2ec7c9", lineStyle: { width: 1, color: "#d87a80", color0: "#2ec7c9" } } } }, scatter: { symbol: "circle", symbolSize: 4 }, radar: { symbol: "emptyCircle", symbolSize: 3 }, map: { itemStyle: { normal: { areaStyle: { color: "#ddd" }, label: { textStyle: { color: "#d87a80" } } }, emphasis: { areaStyle: { color: "#fe994e" }, label: { textStyle: { color: "rgb(100,0,0)" } } } } }, force: { itemStyle: { normal: { linkStyle: { strokeColor: "#1e90ff" } } } }, chord: { padding: 4, itemStyle: { normal: { lineStyle: { width: 1, color: "rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.5)" }, chordStyle: { lineStyle: { width: 1, color: "rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.5)" } } }, emphasis: { lineStyle: { width: 1, color: "rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.5)" }, chordStyle: { lineStyle: { width: 1, color: "rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.5)" } } } } }, gauge: { startAngle: 225, endAngle: -45, axisLine: { show: !0, lineStyle: { color: [ [ .2, "#2ec7c9" ], [ .8, "#5ab1ef" ], [ 1, "#d87a80" ] ], width: 10 } }, axisTick: { splitNumber: 10, length: 15, lineStyle: { color: "auto" } }, axisLabel: { textStyle: { color: "auto" } }, splitLine: { length: 22, lineStyle: { color: "auto" } }, pointer: { width: 5, color: "auto" }, title: { textStyle: { color: "#333" } }, detail: { textStyle: { color: "auto" } } }, textStyle: { fontFamily: "\u5fae\u8f6f\u96c5\u9ed1, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif" } }; }, HistoryService; }(PluginBase), GwdService = function(_super) { function GwdService() { var _this = null !== _super && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; return _this.rules = new Map([ [ SiteEnum.TMall, /detail\.tmall\.com\/item\.htm/i ], [ SiteEnum.TaoBao, /item\.taobao\.com/i ], [ SiteEnum.JingDong, /item\.(yiyaojd|jd)\.(com|hk)\/[0-9]*\.html/i ], [ SiteEnum.SuNing, /product\.suning\.com/i ], [ SiteEnum.Vp, /detail\.vip\.com/i ] ]), _this._appName = "GwdService", _this.factory = new DefCoupon, _this.dfp = "0H88kUZe0CP80DtM0C0VkUc20z88kUZM6UTM0UMikUc26z82kUPe0H88kUP80H88EV3+0UZi0DZ2", _this.fp = "378437f5078442c878e99f78720278c4", _this; } var _a; return __extends(GwdService, _super), GwdService.prototype.loader = function() {}, = function() { this.injectHistory(); }, GwdService.prototype.injectHistory = function() { var _this = this; switch (Logger.debug(, { case SiteEnum.TaoBao: case SiteEnum.TMall: this.factory = new TaoCoupon; break; case SiteEnum.JingDong: this.factory = new JdCoupon; break; case SiteEnum.SuNing: this.factory = new SuningCoupon; break; case SiteEnum.Vp: this.factory = new VpCoupon; break; default: this.factory = new DefCoupon; } this.factory.init_html(this.getHistoryHtml()).then((function(res) { res && _this.InitPriceHistory(), _this.factory.init_coupons && _this.factory.init_coupons(); })); }, GwdService.prototype.InitPriceHistory = function() { var _this = this; $("#vip-plugin-outside").show(), this.theme(), this.chartMsg("\u5386\u53f2\u4ef7\u683c\u67e5\u8be2\u4e2d"); var that = this; Route.queryHistoryV4(Runtime.url,, that.fp, that.dfp, (function(data) { if (Logger.debug(data), "price_status" in data) $(".vip-plugin-outside-chart-container").html('<div id="vip-plugin-outside-chart-container-line"></div>'), echarts.init(document.getElementById("vip-plugin-outside-chart-container-line"), _this.theme()).setOption(_this.getChartOption(data)), _this.chartMsg(""); else { if ("is_ban" in data && 1 == data.is_ban) {{ icon: "info", html: "\u5386\u53f2\u4ef7\u683c\u67e5\u8be2\u5f02\u5e38,\u662f\u5426\u6253\u5f00\u9a8c\u8bc1\u9875\u9762\u8fdb\u884c\u9a8c\u8bc1?", showCloseButton: !0, showCancelButton: !0, focusConfirm: !1, confirmButtonText: "\u9a8c\u8bc1\u8d70\u8d77", cancelButtonText: "\u8001\u5b50\u4e0d\u770b" }).then((function(res) { res.isConfirmed &&"" + encodeURIComponent(Runtime.url)), Swal__default.default.close(res); })); "99999999999" != $(".swal2-container").css("z-index") && $(".swal2-container").css("z-index", "99999999999"); } that.historyService.Process(); } })); }, GwdService.prototype.getHistoryHtml = function() { return '<div id="vip-plugin-outside">\n <div class="vip-plugin-outside-coupons">\n <div class="vip-plugin-outside-coupons-qrcode"><canvas id="vip-plugin-outside-coupons-qrcode-img"></canvas></div>\n <div class="vip-plugin-outside-coupons-title"></div>\n <div class="vip-plugin-outside-coupons-action"></div>\n </div>\n <div id="vip-plugin-outside-history" class="vip-plugin-outside-history">\n <div class="vip-plugin-outside-chart-container"></div>\n <p class="vip-plugin-outside-history-tip"></p>\n </div> \n \n </div>'; }, GwdService.prototype.chartMsg = function(msg) { $(".vip-plugin-outside-history-tip").html(msg); }, GwdService.prototype.getChartOption = function(data) { var _a, _b, analysisTxt = data.analysis.tip, min = data.analysis.promo_days[data.analysis.promo_days.length - 1], text = analysisTxt + "\uff1a{red|\uffe5" + min.price + "} ( {red|" + + "} )", maxData = new PromoInfo, minData = new PromoInfo; minData.price = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, minData.humanPrice = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, maxData.humanPrice = Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER; var chartOption = new LinesOption; (chartOption = { title: { left: "center", subtext: text, subtextStyle: { color: "#000", rich: { red: { color: "red" } } } }, tooltip: { trigger: "axis", axisPointer: { type: "cross" }, formatter: function(params) { params = params[0]; var date = new Date(, year = date.getFullYear(), month = date.getMonth() + 1, day = date.getDate(), monthStr = month.toString(), dayStr = day.toString(); return month < 10 && (monthStr = "0" + month), day < 10 && (dayStr = "0" + day), "\u65e5\u671f\uff1a" + year + "-" + monthStr + "-" + dayStr + "<br/>\u4ef7\u683c\uff1a\uffe5" + params.value[1].toFixed(2) + ("" == params.value[2] ? "" : "<br/>" + params.value[2]); } }, grid: { left: 0, right: 20, top: 50, bottom: 10, containLabel: !0 }, xAxis: { type: "time" }, yAxis: { type: "value" }, series: [ { type: "line", step: "end", data: function(data) { var _a, l = []; if ( > 0) { var storeData =[0]; > 1 && (storeData =[1]); var couponsMap_1 = {}; (null === (_a = || void 0 === _a ? void 0 : _a.length) > 0 && { couponsMap_1.hasOwnProperty(1e3 * v.time) || (couponsMap_1[1e3 * v.time] = v); })); var now_1 = storeData.all_line_begin_time; storeData.all_line.forEach((function(v) { v > maxData.humanPrice && (maxData.humanPrice = v, maxData.time = now_1 / 1e3), v < minData.humanPrice && (minData.humanPrice = v, minData.time = now_1 / 1e3); var promo = new PromoInfo; promo.msg = new MsgInfo, couponsMap_1.hasOwnProperty(now_1) && (Logger.debug("yes"), promo = couponsMap_1[now_1]); var p = { name: now_1, value: [ now_1, v, couponsMap_1.hasOwnProperty(now_1) ? ? promo.msg.promotion : : "" ] }; l.push(p), now_1 += 864e5; })), Logger.debug(couponsMap_1); } return Logger.debug(maxData), Logger.debug(minData), l; }(data), showSymbol: !1, symbolSize: 3, lineStyle: { width: 1.5, color: "#ff0036" } } ] }).yAxis = { min: 10 * Math.floor(.9 * minData.humanPrice / 10), max: 10 * Math.ceil(1.1 * maxData.humanPrice / 10) }; var line = null === (_a = chartOption.series) || void 0 === _a ? void 0 : _a.pop(); return line.markPoint = { data: [ { value: minData.humanPrice, coord: [ 1e3 * minData.time, minData.humanPrice ], name: "\u6700\u5c0f\u503c", itemStyle: { color: "green" } }, { value: maxData.humanPrice, coord: [ 1e3 * maxData.time, maxData.humanPrice ], name: "\u6700\u5927\u503c", itemStyle: { color: "red" } } ] }, null === (_b = chartOption.series) || void 0 === _b || _b.push(line), chartOption.dataZoom = [ { type: "slider", show: !0, realtime: !0, start: 0, end: 100 } ], chartOption; }, GwdService.prototype.theme = function() { return { color: [ "#2ec7c9", "#b6a2de", "#5ab1ef", "#ffb980", "#d87a80", "#8d98b3", "#e5cf0d", "#97b552", "#95706d", "#dc69aa", "#07a2a4", "#9a7fd1", "#588dd5", "#f5994e", "#c05050", "#59678c", "#c9ab00", "#7eb00a", "#6f5553", "#c14089" ], title: { itemGap: 8, textStyle: { fontWeight: "normal", color: "#008acd" } }, legend: { itemGap: 8 }, dataRange: { itemWidth: 15, color: [ "#2ec7c9", "#b6a2de" ] }, toolbox: { color: [ "#1e90ff", "#1e90ff", "#1e90ff", "#1e90ff" ], effectiveColor: "#ff4500", itemGap: 8 }, tooltip: { backgroundColor: "rgba(50,50,50,0.5)", axisPointer: { type: "line", lineStyle: { color: "#008acd" }, crossStyle: { color: "#008acd" }, shadowStyle: { color: "rgba(200,200,200,0.2)" } } }, dataZoom: { dataBackgroundColor: "#efefff", fillerColor: "rgba(182,162,222,0.2)", handleColor: "#008acd" }, grid: { borderColor: "#eee" }, categoryAxis: { axisLine: { lineStyle: { color: "#008acd" } }, splitLine: { lineStyle: { color: [ "#eee" ] } } }, valueAxis: { axisLine: { lineStyle: { color: "#008acd" } }, splitArea: { show: !0, areaStyle: { color: [ "rgba(250,250,250,0.1)", "rgba(200,200,200,0.1)" ] } }, splitLine: { lineStyle: { color: [ "#eee" ] } } }, polar: { axisLine: { lineStyle: { color: "#ddd" } }, splitArea: { show: !0, areaStyle: { color: [ "rgba(250,250,250,0.2)", "rgba(200,200,200,0.2)" ] } }, splitLine: { lineStyle: { color: "#ddd" } } }, timeline: { lineStyle: { color: "#008acd" }, controlStyle: { normal: { color: "#008acd" }, emphasis: { color: "#008acd" } }, symbol: "emptyCircle", symbolSize: 3 }, bar: { itemStyle: { normal: { borderRadius: 5 }, emphasis: { borderRadius: 5 } } }, line: { smooth: !0, symbol: "emptyCircle", symbolSize: 3 }, k: { itemStyle: { normal: { color: "#d87a80", color0: "#2ec7c9", lineStyle: { width: 1, color: "#d87a80", color0: "#2ec7c9" } } } }, scatter: { symbol: "circle", symbolSize: 4 }, radar: { symbol: "emptyCircle", symbolSize: 3 }, map: { itemStyle: { normal: { areaStyle: { color: "#ddd" }, label: { textStyle: { color: "#d87a80" } } }, emphasis: { areaStyle: { color: "#fe994e" }, label: { textStyle: { color: "rgb(100,0,0)" } } } } }, force: { itemStyle: { normal: { linkStyle: { strokeColor: "#1e90ff" } } } }, chord: { padding: 4, itemStyle: { normal: { lineStyle: { width: 1, color: "rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.5)" }, chordStyle: { lineStyle: { width: 1, color: "rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.5)" } } }, emphasis: { lineStyle: { width: 1, color: "rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.5)" }, chordStyle: { lineStyle: { width: 1, color: "rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.5)" } } } } }, gauge: { startAngle: 225, endAngle: -45, axisLine: { show: !0, lineStyle: { color: [ [ .2, "#2ec7c9" ], [ .8, "#5ab1ef" ], [ 1, "#d87a80" ] ], width: 10 } }, axisTick: { splitNumber: 10, length: 15, lineStyle: { color: "auto" } }, axisLabel: { textStyle: { color: "auto" } }, splitLine: { length: 22, lineStyle: { color: "auto" } }, pointer: { width: 5, color: "auto" }, title: { textStyle: { color: "#333" } }, detail: { textStyle: { color: "auto" } } }, textStyle: { fontFamily: "\u5fae\u8f6f\u96c5\u9ed1, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif" } }; }, __decorate([ WandhiAuto, __metadata("design:type", "function" == typeof (_a = void 0 !== HistoryService && HistoryService) ? _a : Object) ], GwdService.prototype, "historyService", void 0), GwdService; }(PluginBase), css_248z$2 = ".tb-prop .tb-img li a {\n width: auto !important;\n background-position-x: 5px !important;\n}\n\n.tb-prop .tb-img li span {\n text-indent: 1em !important;\n display: block !important;\n padding: 0 5px !important;\n margin-left: 35px;\n}\n"; styleInject(css_248z$2); var TaoBaoService = function(_super) { function TaoBaoService() { var _this = null !== _super && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; return _this._appName = "TaoBaoService", _this.rules = new Map([ [ SiteEnum.TaoBao, /taobao\.com\//i ], [ SiteEnum.TMall, /tmall\.com\/|hk/i ] ]), _this.UrlTag = "Wandhi_qLink", _this; } var _a; return __extends(TaoBaoService, _super), TaoBaoService.prototype.loader = function() { Core.appendCss("//"); }, = function() { this.init(), this.historyService.linkTest() && this.historyService.Process(); }, TaoBaoService.prototype.init = function() { var _a, _this = this, init = "<div id='wandhi_div'><table class='wandhi_tab' id='wandhi_table'><thead><tr><th><b style='cursor:pointer'>\u4f18\u60e0\u5238</b></th><th>\u5238\u540e</th><th>\u6709 \u6548 \u671f</th><th>\u64cd\u4f5c</th></tr></thead><tr><td colspan='4'>\u6b63\u5728\u67e5\u8be2\u4f18\u60e0\u4fe1\u606f\uff0c\u8bf7\u7a0d\u5019...</td></tr></table></div>"; $("#J_LinkBasket").parent().parent().prepend(init), $(".J_LinkAdd").parent().parent().prepend(init), (null === (_a = this.rules.get(SiteEnum.TaoBao)) || void 0 === _a ? void 0 : _a.test(this.core.currentUrl())) ? $("#wandhi_table").addClass("wandhi_tab_taobao") : $("#wandhi_table").addClass("wandhi_tab_tmall"); var itemId = this.core.getPar("id"), key = "td_s_" + itemId, d = Config.get(key, !1); d ? this.initElement(d) : Route.queryCoupons(itemId, (function(data) { Config.set(key, data, 43200), _this.initElement(data); })); }, TaoBaoService.prototype.initElement = function(data) { var _a; $("#wandhi_table tbody tr").remove(); var row = ""; data.code && (null === (_a = || void 0 === _a ? void 0 : _a.length) > 0 && "string" != typeof ? { row += "<tr><td>" + e.quan_context + "</td><td>" + e.after_price + "</td><td>" + e.quan_time + "</td><td><b'" + e.quan_link + "')) style='cursor:pointer'>\u9886\u53d6</b></td></tr>"; })) : row = "<tr><td colspan='4'>\u8fd9\u4e2a\u5546\u54c1\u6ca1\u6709\u8d85\u503c\u4f18\u60e0\u5238</td></tr>", $("#wandhi_table tbody").append(row); }, __decorate([ WandhiAuto, __metadata("design:type", "function" == typeof (_a = void 0 !== GwdService && GwdService) ? _a : Object) ], TaoBaoService.prototype, "historyService", void 0), TaoBaoService; }(PluginBase), BiliImgService = function(_super) { function BiliImgService() { var _this = || this; return _this.rules = new Map([ [ SiteEnum.BiliBili, /bilibili\.com\/video\/[av|bv]*/i ] ]), _this._appName = "bilibili", _this; } return __extends(BiliImgService, _super), BiliImgService.prototype.loader = function() { Core.appendCss("//"); }, = function() { this.init(); }, BiliImgService.prototype.init = function() { Core.autoLazyload((function() { if ($(".video-data").length && $(".bilibili-player-video-info-people-number").length) { var coin = $(".coin").text().replace("\u4e07", "").trim(); if ($.isNumeric(coin) || "\u6295\u5e01" == coin) return !0; } return !1; }), (function() { BiliImgService.add_img_btn(), BiliImgService.add_down_btn(), BiliImgService.add_triple_btn(); }), 1); }, BiliImgService.add_img_btn = function() { $(".video-data").last().append(BiliImgService.btn), $("body").on("click", "#findimg", (function() { var aid = unsafeWindow.__INITIAL_STATE__.videoData.aid; Route.queryBiliImg(aid, (function(res) { 0 === res.code ?"\u5c01\u9762\u9171", '<img src="' + + '" style="width: 705px;height: 400px;" alt="\u5c01\u9762">', [ "725px", "400px" ]) : Alert.error("\u54ce\u54df\u6ca1\u627e\u5230\u5c01\u9762\u54e6\uff0c\u8981\u4e0d\u8ddf\u4f5c\u8005\u62a5\u544a\u4e00\u4e0b\uff1f"); })); })); }, BiliImgService.add_down_btn = function() { $(".video-data").last().append(BiliImgService.down), $("body").on("click", "#downvideo", (function() { var _a, _b, aid = unsafeWindow.__INITIAL_STATE__.videoData.aid, cid = null !== (_b = null === (_a = unsafeWindow.__INITIAL_STATE__.cidMap[aid]) || void 0 === _a ? void 0 : _a.cid) && void 0 !== _b ? _b : unsafeWindow.__INITIAL_STATE__.videoData.cid, key = aid.toString() + cid.toString() + "MDD"; if (Logger.debug([ aid, cid ]), aid && cid) { var v_1 = Config.get(key, !1); v_1 ? (v_1 = v_1, Alert.confim("\u4e0b\u8f7d\u5730\u5740", "\u67e5\u8be2\u5230[" +[[0].order] + "]\uff0c\u662f\u5426\u4e0b\u8f7d\uff1f", [ "\u597d\u7684\u8d70\u8d77", "\u8fd8\u662f\u7b97\u4e86" ], (function(data) {[0].url); }), !0)) : Route.queryBiliDown(aid, cid, (function(res) { var _a; "" != (null === (_a = || void 0 === _a ? void 0 : _a.durl[0].url) ? (Config.set(key, res, Min), Alert.confim("\u4e0b\u8f7d\u5730\u5740", "\u67e5\u8be2\u5230[" +[[0].order] + "]\uff0c\u662f\u5426\u4e0b\u8f7d\uff1f", [ "\u597d\u7684\u8d70\u8d77", "\u8fd8\u662f\u7b97\u4e86" ], (function(data) {[0].url); }), !0)) : Alert.error("\u5565\u4e5f\u6ca1\u67e5\u7740,\u5e26\u7740\u89c6\u9891\u5730\u5740\u7ed9\u4f5c\u8005\u62a5\u544a\u4e00\u4e0b\u5427~"); })); } else Alert.error("\u6682\u4e0d\u652f\u6301\u5f53\u524d\u89c6\u9891\uff0c\u5982\u6709\u7591\u95ee\u8bf7\u5e26\u4e0a\u94fe\u63a5\u8be2\u95ee\u4f5c\u8005"); })); }, BiliImgService.add_triple_btn = function() { $(".video-data").last().append(BiliImgService.tripleClick), $("body").on("click", "#tripleClick", (function() { [ ".like", ".coin", ".collect" ].forEach((function(item) { $(item).trigger("click"); })); })); }, BiliImgService.decrypt = function(str) { return CryptoJS__default.default.AES.decrypt(str, CryptoJS__default.default.enc.Latin1.parse(Core.decode(B1)), { iv: CryptoJS__default.default.enc.Latin1.parse(Core.decode(B2)), mode: CryptoJS__default.default.mode.CBC, adding: CryptoJS__default.default.pad.ZeroPadding }).toString(CryptoJS__default.default.enc.Utf8); }, BiliImgService.btn = '\n <span id="findimg" style="\n background-color: #fb7199;\n color: white;\n font-size: 1rem;\n text-align: center;\n margin-left: 1rem;\n padding:0.5rem;\n cursor: pointer;\n border-radius: 1rem;\n ">\n \u83b7\u53d6\u5c01\u9762\n </span>', BiliImgService.down = '\n <span id="downvideo" style="\n background-color: #fb7199;\n color: white;\n font-size: 1rem;\n text-align: center;\n margin-left: 1rem;\n padding:0.5rem;\n cursor: pointer;\n border-radius: 1rem;\n ">\n \u4e0b\u8f7d\u89c6\u9891\n </span>', BiliImgService.tripleClick = '\n <span id="tripleClick" style="\n background-color: #fb7199;\n color: white;\n font-size: 1rem;\n text-align: center;\n margin-left: 1rem;\n padding:0.5rem;\n cursor: pointer;\n border-radius: 1rem;\n ">\n \u4e00\u952e\u4e09\u8fde\n </span>', BiliImgService; }(PluginBase), Menu$1 = Common.Menu, MovieService = function(_super) { function MovieService() { var _this = || this; return _this.rules = new Map([ [ SiteEnum.YouKu, /youku\.com/i ], [ SiteEnum.IQiYi, /iqiyi|iq\.com/i ], [ SiteEnum.LeShi, /\.le\.com/i ], [ SiteEnum.Tencent_V, /v\.qq/i ], [ SiteEnum.TuDou, /tudou\.com/i ], [ SiteEnum.MangGuo, /mgtv\.com/i ], [ SiteEnum.SoHu, /sohu\.com/i ], [ SiteEnum.Acfun, /acfun\.com/i ], [ SiteEnum.BiliBili, /bilibili\.com/i ], [ SiteEnum.M1905, /1905\.com/i ], [ SiteEnum.PPTV, /pptv\.com/i ], [ SiteEnum.YinYueTai, /yinyuetai\.com/ ] ]), = new Common.Menu, _this._unique = !1, _this; } return __extends(MovieService, _super), MovieService.prototype.loader = function() { "undefined" == typeof $ && Core.appendJs("//"); }, = function() {[ { title: "\u672c\u6b21\u5173\u95ed", show: "\u672c\u6b21<br>\u5173\u95ed", type: "search" }, { title: "\u89c6\u9891\u89e3\u6790", show: "\u89c6\u9891<br>\u89e3\u6790", type: "process" }, { title: "\u7edd\u4e16\u597d\u5238", show: "\u7edd\u4e16<br>\u597d\u5238", type: "tb" }, { title: "\u4eac\u4e1c\u597d\u5238", show: "\u4eac\u4e1c<br>\u597d\u5238", type: "jd" } ], this._onClick); }, MovieService.prototype._onClick = function() { $("body").on("click", "[data-cat=process]", (function() {"" + encodeURIComponent(window.location.href)); })), $("body").on("click", "[data-cat=search]", (function() { Menu$1.close(); })), $("body").on("click", "[data-cat=tb]", (function() {""); })), $("body").on("click", "[data-cat=jd]", (function() {""); })); }, MovieService; }(PluginBase), JdService = function(_super) { function JdService() { var _this = || this; return _this._appName = "JdService", _this.rules = new Map([ [ SiteEnum.JingDong, /item\.(yiyaojd|jd)\.c/i ] ]), _this; } var _a; return __extends(JdService, _super), JdService.prototype.loader = function() { this.historyService.linkTest() && this.historyService.Process(); }, = function() { var keywords = $(".sku-name").text().trim(); $("#choose-btns").prepend('<a href="javascript:;" class="btn-special1 btn-lg btn-yhj"><span class="">\u67e5\u8be2\u4f18\u60e0\u5238</span></a>'), $(".btn-yhj").on("click", (function() {"" + encodeURIComponent(keywords)); })); }, __decorate([ WandhiAuto, __metadata("design:type", "function" == typeof (_a = void 0 !== GwdService && GwdService) ? _a : Object) ], JdService.prototype, "historyService", void 0), JdService; }(PluginBase), UrlHelper = function() { function UrlHelper() {} return UrlHelper.Bind = function(CssSelector, method, doc) { $(CssSelector).click((function() { Core.openUrl($(this).data("key")); })); }, UrlHelper.urlEncode = function(url) { return encodeURIComponent(url); }, UrlHelper.urlDecode = function(url) { return decodeURIComponent(url); }, UrlHelper; }(), MusicService = function(_super) { function MusicService() { var _this = || this; return _this.rules = new Map([ [ SiteEnum.WangYi, /163(.*)song/i ], [ SiteEnum.Tencent_M, /y\.QQ(.*)song/i ], [ SiteEnum.KuGou, /kugou\.com\/song\/*/i ], [ SiteEnum.KuWo, /kuwo(.*)yinyue/i ], [ SiteEnum.XiaMi, /xiami/i ], [ SiteEnum.TaiHe, /taihe\.com/i ], [ SiteEnum.QingTing, /qingting\./i ], [ SiteEnum.LiZhi, /lizhi\./i ], [ SiteEnum.MiGu, /migu\./i ], [ SiteEnum.XiMaLaYa, /ximalaya\./i ] ]), = new Common.Menu, _this._appName = "MusicService", _this._unique = !1, _this; } return __extends(MusicService, _super), MusicService.prototype.loader = function() { Core.appendCss("//"); }, = function() {[ { title: "\u7535\u5f71\u641c\u7d22", show: "\u7535\u5f71<br>\u641c\u7d22", type: "search" }, { title: "\u97f3\u4e50\u4e0b\u8f7d", show: "\u97f3\u4e50<br>\u4e0b\u8f7d", type: "process" }, { title: "\u7edd\u4e16\u597d\u5238", show: "\u7edd\u4e16<br>\u597d\u5238", type: "tb" }, { title: "\u4eac\u4e1c\u597d\u5238", show: "\u4eac\u4e1c<br>\u597d\u5238", type: "jd" } ], this._OnClick); }, MusicService.prototype._OnClick = function() { this.rules, $("body").on("click", "[data-cat=process]", (function() { var _a, _b; if (/ximalaya/i.test(Runtime.url)) { for (var i = 0; i < unsafeWindow.document.scripts.length; i++) /window\.__INITIAL_STATE__ =/i.test(unsafeWindow.document.scripts[i].innerHTML) && (Logger.debug(unsafeWindow.document.scripts[i].innerHTML), eval(unsafeWindow.document.scripts[i].innerHTML.replace("window.__INITIAL_STATE__", "unsafeWindow.__INITIAL_STATE__"))); if (__INITIAL_STATE__ && (null === (_b = null === (_a = || void 0 === _a ? void 0 : _a.SoundDetailPage) || void 0 === _b ? void 0 : _b.trackId))"" + + "&type=ximalaya"); else { layer.closeAll(); var html = '<div style="padding:0px 50px 0px 50px;"><ul class="sound-list dOi2">'; $.each(, (function(index, item) { html += '<li class="d0i2"><a href="' + item.trackId + '&type=ximalaya" target="_blank">' + item.title + "</a></li>"; })), html += "</ul></div>",{ type: 1, area: [ "auto", "30%" ], title: "\u4e3a\u4f60\u627e\u5230\u4e86\u8fd9\u4e9b\u66f2\u76ee\u89e3\u6790\u2026\u2026", shade: .6, maxmin: !1, anim: 2, content: html }); } } else / ?"" + UrlHelper.urlEncode(Runtime.url.replace("taihe", "baidu"))) :"" + UrlHelper.urlEncode(Runtime.url)); })), $("body").on("click", "[data-cat=search]", (function() {""); })), $("body").on("click", "[data-cat=tb]", (function() {""); })), $("body").on("click", "[data-cat=jd]", (function() {""); })); }, MusicService; }(PluginBase), ItemType; !function(ItemType) { ItemType.TaoBao = "tb", ItemType.TMall = "tm", ItemType.JingDong = "jd", ItemType.JingDongChaoshi = "jdcs"; }(ItemType || (ItemType = {})); var Tao = function() { function Tao() {} return Tao.isVailidItemId = function(itemId) { if (!itemId) return !1; var itemIdInt = parseInt(itemId); return itemIdInt.toString() == itemId && itemIdInt > 1e4; }, Tao.isValidTaoId = function(itemId) { return !!itemId && (!!Core.isNumber(itemId) || (!(itemId.indexOf("http") >= 0) || !(!this.isTaoBaoDetailPage(itemId) && !itemId.includes("//")))); }, Tao.isTaoBaoDetailPage = function(url) { return url.includes("//") || url.includes("//") || url.includes("//") || url.includes("//"); }, Tao; }(), ListService = function(_super) { function ListService() { var _this = || this; return _this.rules = new Map([ [ SiteEnum.TaoBao, /s\.taobao\.com\/search/i ], [ SiteEnum.TMall, /list\.tmall\.com\/search_product\.htm/i ] ]), _this.selectorList = [], _this.selectora = [], _this.atrack = [], _this.key = "list_service_", _this._appName = "TaoList", _this; } return __extends(ListService, _super), ListService.prototype.loader = function() {}, Object.defineProperty(ListService, "style", { get: function() { return " \n .onekeyvip-tb-box-area {position: absolute;top: 10px;right: 5px;z-index: 9999;}\n .onekeyvip-jd-box-area {position: absolute;top: 235px;left: 10px;z-index: 9999;} \n .onekeyvip-jdcs-box-area {position: absolute;top: 5px;right: 0px;z-index: 9999;}\n .onekeyvip-box-info-translucent{opacity: .33;}\n .onekeyvip-box-info, .onekeyvip-box-info:hover, .onekeyvip-box-info:visited {text-decoration: none!important;}\n .onekeyvip-box-wait{cursor:pointer}\n .onekeyvip-box-info {width: auto!important;height: auto!important;padding: 6px 8px!important;font-size: 12px;color: #fff!important;border-radius: 15px;cursor: pointer;}\n .onekeyvip-jd-box-info-default, .onekeyvip-tb-box-info-default, .onekeyvip-jdcs-box-info-default{background: #3186fd!important;}\n .onekeyvip-box-info-empty {color: #000!important;background: #ccc!important;}\n .onekeyvip-box-info-find {background: #ff0036!important;}\n .onekeyvip-box-done{position:relative}\n "; }, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), = function() { switch ( { case SiteEnum.TaoBao: this.selectorList.push(".items .item"), this.atrack.push(".pic a", ".title a"), this.itemType = ItemType.TaoBao; break; case SiteEnum.TMall: this.selectorList.push(".product"), this.atrack.push(".productImg-wrap a", ".productTitle a"), this.itemType = ItemType.TaoBao; } var that = this; this.initStyle(), Core.autoLazyload((function() { try { return null != $ && null != jQuery; } catch (e) { return !1; } }), (function() { return that.initSearchEvent(); }), 3), this.core.background((function() { return that.initSearch(that); }), 3), this.core.background((function() { return that.initQuery(); }), 4); }, ListService.prototype.initStyle = function() { Core.appendCssContent(; }, ListService.prototype.initSearchEvent = function() { var that = this; try { $(document).on("click", ".onekeyvip-" + that.itemType + "-box-area", (function() { var $this = $(this); $this.hasClass("onekeyvip-box-wait") ? that.queryInfo(this) : $this.hasClass("onekeyvip-box-info-translucent") ? $this.removeClass("onekeyvip-box-info-translucent") : $this.addClass("onekeyvip-box-info-translucent"); })); } catch (e) { this.core.background((function() { $(".onekeyvip-" + that.itemType + "-box-area").click((function() { var $this = $(this); $this.hasClass("onekeyvip-box-wait") ? that.queryInfo(this) : $this.hasClass("onekeyvip-box-info-translucent") ? $this.removeClass("onekeyvip-box-info-translucent") : $this.addClass("onekeyvip-box-info-translucent"); })); })); } }, ListService.prototype.initSearch = function(that) { that.selectorList.forEach((function(e, i) { $(e).each((function(index, ele) { that.initSearchItem(ele); })); })); }, ListService.prototype.initSearchItem = function(selector) { var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, $dom = $(selector); if (!$dom.hasClass("onekeyvip-box-done")) { $dom.addClass("onekeyvip-box-done"); var itemId = null !== (_b = null !== (_a = $dom.attr("data-id")) && void 0 !== _a ? _a : $"sku")) && void 0 !== _b ? _b : ""; if (Tao.isVailidItemId(itemId) || (itemId = null !== (_d = null !== (_c = $dom.attr("data-itemid")) && void 0 !== _c ? _c : $"spu")) && void 0 !== _d ? _d : ""), !Tao.isVailidItemId(itemId)) if ($dom.attr("href")) itemId = location.protocol + $dom.attr("href"); else { var $a = $dom.find("a"); if (!$a.length) return; itemId = null !== (_e = $a.attr("data-nid")) && void 0 !== _e ? _e : "", Tao.isVailidItemId(itemId) || (itemId = $a.hasClass("j_ReceiveCoupon") && $a.length > 1 ? location.protocol + $($a[1]).attr("href") : location.protocol + $a.attr("href")); } if (!Tao.isVailidItemId(itemId) && itemId.indexOf("http") > -1) { var res = null !== (_f = /\/(.*?).html/i.exec(itemId)) && void 0 !== _f ? _f : []; itemId = res.length > 0 ? res[1] : ""; } Tao.isValidTaoId(itemId) && (this.initBoxHtml($dom, itemId), this.initTagClass($dom, itemId)); } }, ListService.prototype.initTagClass = function(target, itemId) { this.atrack.forEach((function(e) { target.find(e).hasClass("onekeyvip-item-" + itemId) || target.find(e).addClass("onekeyvip-item-" + itemId); })); }, ListService.prototype.initBoxHtml = function(target, itemId) { target.append('<div class="onekeyvip-' + this.itemType + '-box-area onekeyvip-box-wait" data-itemid="' + itemId + '"><a class="onekeyvip-box-info onekeyvip-' + this.itemType + '-box-info-default" title="\u70b9\u51fb\u67e5\u8be2">\u5f85\u67e5\u8be2</a></div>'); }, ListService.prototype.initQuery = function() { var that = this; $(".onekeyvip-box-wait").each((function(index, ele) { var s = Core.random(1, 5); Core.sleep(s).then((function() { that.queryInfo(ele); })); })); }, ListService.prototype.queryInfo = function(target) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, Promise, (function() { var that, $this, itemId, k, render, couponInfo; return __generator(this, (function(_a) { switch (_a.label) { case 0: return that = this, ($this = $(target)).removeClass("onekeyvip-box-wait"), itemId = $"itemid"), k = that.key + "_All_" + itemId, render = function(res) { if (0 != (null == res ? void 0 : res.code)) { var couponInfo_1 =; that.initCouponInfo(itemId, couponInfo_1, target); } else that.showQueryEmpty($this); }, (couponInfo = Config.get(k)) ? (render(couponInfo), [ 3, 3 ]) : [ 3, 1 ]; case 1: return [ 4, Route.couponQuery(itemId, that.itemType, (function(couponInfoResult) { render(couponInfoResult), Config.set(k, couponInfo, 43200); })) ]; case 2: _a.sent(), _a.label = 3; case 3: return [ 2 ]; } })); })); }, ListService.prototype.initCouponInfo = function(itemId, couponInfo, target) { var _a, $this = $(target); if ((null === (_a = null == couponInfo ? void 0 : || void 0 === _a ? void 0 : _a.length) > 0) { var coupon =[0]; this.showQueryFind($this, coupon.coupon_price); } else this.showQueryEmpty($this); }, ListService.prototype.showItemUrl = function(itemId, itemUrl) {".onekeyvip-item-" + itemId, (function() { return !itemUrl || (, !1); })); }, ListService.prototype.showQueryFind = function(selector, couponMoney) { selector.html('<a target="_blank" class="onekeyvip-box-info onekeyvip-box-info-find" title="\u5207\u6362\u900f\u660e\u5ea6">' + couponMoney + "\u5143\u5238</a>"); }, ListService.prototype.showQueryEmpty = function(selector) { selector.addClass("onekeyvip-box-info-translucent"), selector.html('<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="onekeyvip-box-info onekeyvip-box-info-empty" title="\u5207\u6362\u900f\u660e\u5ea6">\u6682\u65e0\u4f18\u60e0</a>'); }, ListService; }(PluginBase), css_248z$1 = "#content_views pre {\n -webkit-touch-callout: auto !important;\n -webkit-user-select: auto !important;\n -khtml-user-select: auto !important;\n -moz-user-select: auto !important;\n -ms-user-select: auto !important;\n user-select: auto !important;\n}\n\n#content_views pre code {\n -webkit-touch-callout: auto !important;\n -webkit-user-select: auto !important;\n -khtml-user-select: auto !important;\n -moz-user-select: auto !important;\n -ms-user-select: auto !important;\n user-select: auto !important;\n}\n\n.passport-login-container {\n display: none !important;\n}\n"; styleInject(css_248z$1); var CsdnAdService = function(_super) { function CsdnAdService() { var _this = || this; return _this.rules = new Map([ [ SiteEnum.CSDN, /blog\.csdn\.net/i ] ]), _this._appName = "csdn", _this._unique = !1, _this; } return __extends(CsdnAdService, _super), CsdnAdService.prototype.loader = function() {}, = function() { this.core.background(this.removeAds, 3), this.commentClean(); }, CsdnAdService.prototype.removeAds = function() { CsdnAdService.adSelectors.forEach((function(selector) { $(selector).remove(); })); }, CsdnAdService.prototype.commentClean = function() { Core.lazyload((function() {"\u8bc4\u8bba\u533a\u6e05\u7406"), $(".comment-list-box").css("overflow", "").css("max-height", ""), $("#commentPage").removeClass("d-none"), $("#btnMoreComment").remove(); }), 3); }, CsdnAdService.adSelectors = [ "#footerRightAds", ".side-question-box", "div[id^='dmp_ad']", "div[class^='ad_']", "div[id^='floor-ad_']", ".adsbygoogle" ], CsdnAdService; }(PluginBase), Menu = Common.Menu, WenKuService = function(_super) { function WenKuService() { var _this = || this; return _this.rules = new Map([ [ SiteEnum.WenKu, /wenku\.baidu\.com\/view/i ] ]), _this._unique = !1, = new Common.Menu, _this._appName = "WenKu", _this; } return __extends(WenKuService, _super), WenKuService.prototype.loader = function() { "undefined" == typeof $ && Core.appendJs("//"), Core.appendCss("//"); }, = function() {[ { title: "\u672c\u6b21\u5173\u95ed", show: "\u672c\u6b21<br>\u5173\u95ed", type: "search" }, { title: "\u5bfc\u51fa\u6587\u6863", show: "\u5bfc\u51fa<br>\u6587\u6863", type: "process" }, { title: "\u7edd\u4e16\u597d\u5238", show: "\u7edd\u4e16<br>\u597d\u5238", type: "tb" }, { title: "\u4eac\u4e1c\u597d\u5238", show: "\u4eac\u4e1c<br>\u597d\u5238", type: "jd" } ], this._onClick); }, WenKuService.prototype._onClick = function() { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, (function() { return __generator(this, (function(_a) { return "body", $("body").on("click", "[data-cat=process]", (function() { var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f; return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, (function() { return __generator(this, (function(_g) { switch (_g.label) { case 0: return "word" != (null === (_c = null === (_b = null === (_a = unsafeWindow.pageData) || void 0 === _a ? void 0 : _a.viewBiz) || void 0 === _b ? void 0 : _b.docInfo) || void 0 === _c ? void 0 : _c.fileType) ? [ 3, 4 ] : (null === (_f = null === (_e = null === (_d = unsafeWindow.pageData) || void 0 === _d ? void 0 : _d.mixVipAndUserInfo) || void 0 === _e ? void 0 : _e.userInfo) || void 0 === _f ? void 0 : _f.isLogin) ? (Alert.loadingS("\u89e3\u6790\u4e2d\u8bf7\u7a0d\u540e"), [ 4, Core.lazyload((function() { WenKuService.loadFullDoc().then((function() { Logger.debug("\u8f7d\u5165\u6587\u5e93\u5185\u5bb9\u5b8c\u6210"), window.scrollTo(0, 0), WenKuService.exportDoc(), Swal__default.default.close(); })); }), .5) ]) : [ 3, 2 ]; case 1: return _g.sent(), [ 3, 3 ]; case 2: Alert.error("\u8bf7\u5148\u767b\u5f55"), _g.label = 3; case 3: return [ 3, 5 ]; case 4: Alert.error("\u4ec5\u652f\u6301word\u6587\u6863\u7684\u5bfc\u51fa"), _g.label = 5; case 5: return [ 2 ]; } })); })); })), $("body").on("click", "[data-cat=search]", (function() { Menu.close(); })), $("body").on("click", "[data-cat=tb]", (function() {""); })), $("body").on("click", "[data-cat=jd]", (function() {""); })), [ 2 ]; })); })); }, WenKuService.exportDoc = function() { var doc = $(".reader-word-layer"), _doc = $(doc).clone(); _doc.each((function(i, e) { $(e).is(":hidden") && $(e).remove(); })); var docContent = "Mime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Base: " + Runtime.url + '\nContent-Type: Multipart/related; boundary="NEXT.ITEM-BOUNDARY";type="text/html"\n\n--NEXT.ITEM-BOUNDARY\nContent-Type: text/html; charset="utf-8"\nContent-Location: ' + Runtime.url + '\n\n<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">\n<style>\n\n</style>\n</head>\n<body>\n' + _doc.text().split("\n").map((function(t) { return "<p>" + t + "</p>"; })).join("") + "\n</body>\n</html>\n--NEXT.ITEM-BOUNDARY--"; saveAs(new Blob([ docContent ], { type: "application/msword;charset=utf-8" }), unsafeWindow.pageData.viewBiz.docInfo.title + ".doc"); }, WenKuService.scrollToEnd = function() { return Core.autoLazyload((function() { var _a, docEle = unsafeWindow.document.documentElement, heightTotal = docEle.scrollHeight, scrollTop = null !== (_a = docEle.scrollTop) && void 0 !== _a ? _a : unsafeWindow.document.body.scrollTop, clientHeight = docEle.clientHeight; return heightTotal - scrollTop <= 1.1 * clientHeight || (window.scroll(0, scrollTop + clientHeight / 4), !1); }), (function() { Logger.debug("\u6eda\u52a8\u7ed3\u675f"); }), .1); }, WenKuService.loadFullDoc = function() { var _this = this, funded = !1, that = this; return Core.autoLazyload((function() { var _a, btn = null !== (_a = unsafeWindow.document.querySelector(".goBtn")) && void 0 !== _a ? _a : unsafeWindow.document.querySelector(".read-all"); return funded = !0, null != btn || funded; }), (function() { return __awaiter(_this, void 0, void 0, (function() { var btn, _a; return __generator(this, (function(_b) { switch (_b.label) { case 0: return (btn = null !== (_a = unsafeWindow.document.querySelector(".goBtn")) && void 0 !== _a ? _a : unsafeWindow.document.querySelector(".read-all")) && $(btn).click(), Logger.debug("\u8fdb\u5165\u6eda\u52a8"), [ 4, that.scrollToEnd() ]; case 1: return _b.sent(), Logger.debug("\u7ed3\u675f\u6eda\u52a8"), [ 2 ]; } })); })); }), 2); }, WenKuService.loaded = !1, WenKuService; }(PluginBase), css_248z = ".one-key-vip-container { z-index: 99999!important }\ { font-size: 14px !important }\ { display: flex;align-items: center;justify-content: space-between;padding-top: 20px; }\ { width: 16px;height: 16px; }\n"; styleInject(css_248z); var ToastAlert = function() { function ToastAlert() {} return ToastAlert.showMessage = function(title, html, toast, position, time) { return{ title: title, html: html, position: position, toast: toast, timer: null == time ? void 0 : 1e3 * time }); }, ToastAlert.toast = function(title, html, time, position) { void 0 === time && (time = 2), void 0 === position && (position = "top"), this.showMessage(title, html, !0, position, time); }, = function(msg, time) { void 0 === time && (time = 2),{ toast: !0, position: "top", showCancelButton: !1, showConfirmButton: !1, title: msg, icon: "success", timer: 1e3 * time, customClass: this.customeCss }); }, ToastAlert.html = function(title, html, cancel, cancelTxt, confirm, confirmTxt) { return void 0 === cancel && (cancel = !1), void 0 === cancelTxt && (cancelTxt = ""), void 0 === confirm && (confirm = !1), void 0 === confirmTxt && (confirmTxt = ""),{ toast: !0, position: "top", html: html, showCancelButton: cancel, showConfirmButton: confirm, title: title, cancelButtonText: cancelTxt, confirmButtonText: confirmTxt, customClass: this.customeCss }); }, ToastAlert.customeCss = { container: "one-key-vip-container", popup: "one-key-vip-popup", header: "one-key-vip-header", title: "one-key-vip-title", closeButton: "one-key-vip-close", icon: "one-key-vip-icon", image: "one-key-vip-image", content: "one-key-vip-content", htmlContainer: "one-key-vip-html", input: "one-key-vip-input", validationMessage: "one-key-vip-validation", actions: "one-key-vip-actions", confirmButton: "one-key-vip-confirm", denyButton: "one-key-vip-deny", cancelButton: "one-key-vip-cancel", loader: "one-key-vip-loader", footer: "one-key-vip-footer" }, ToastAlert; }(), LinkJumpService = function(_super) { function LinkJumpService() { var _this = || this; return _this.rules = new Map([ [ SiteEnum.CSDN, /link\.csdn\.net/i ], [ SiteEnum.ZhiHu, /link\.zhihu\.com/i ], [ SiteEnum.JianShu, /www\.jianshu\.com\/go-wild/i ] ]), _this.key = "", _this._unique = !1, _this._appName = "LinkJump", _this; } return __extends(LinkJumpService, _super), LinkJumpService.prototype.loader = function() {}, = function() { switch ( { case SiteEnum.CSDN: case SiteEnum.ZhiHu: this.key = "target"; break; case SiteEnum.JianShu: this.key = "url"; break; default: this.key = ""; } if (this.key) { var u = this.core.getPar(this.key);"\u94fe\u63a5\u5df2\u89e3\u6790,\u6b63\u5728\u8df3\u8f6c~"), u && (u = decodeURIComponent(u), Logger.debug(u), unsafeWindow.window.location.href = u); } }, LinkJumpService; }(PluginBase), OneKeyVipInjection = function() { function OneKeyVipInjection() { this.plugins = new Array, this.plugins = [ Container.Require(UpdateService), Container.Require(BiliImgService), Container.Require(MovieService), Container.Require(ListService), Container.Require(TaoBaoService), Container.Require(JdService), Container.Require(MusicService), Container.Require(GwdService), Container.Require(CsdnAdService), Container.Require(WenKuService), Container.Require(LinkJumpService) ],"container loaded"); } return OneKeyVipInjection.prototype.Init = function() { this.plugins.every((function(element) { return !element.linkTest() || (new Promise((function(resolve) { resolve(1); })).then(element.Process), Logger.debug("element [" + element.appName() + "];unique:[" + element.unique() + "]"), !element.unique()); })); }, OneKeyVipInjection; }(); Logger.level =, Container.Require(OneKeyVipInjection).Init(); }));