Maurycy / Caravel On the fly Preview

// ==UserScript==
// @name           Caravel On the fly Preview
// @namespace
// @include        **
// @include        **
// @description    Displays the preview of your post on the fly, as you are typing
// @version        1.0.0
// @copyright      2011, Maurycy Zarzycki
// ==/UserScript==


// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright (c) 2008, Stone Steps Inc. 
// All rights reserved
// This is a BBCode parser written in JavaScript. The parser is intended
// to demonstrate how to parse text containing BBCode tags in one pass 
// using regular expressions.
// The parser may be used as a backend component in ASP or in the browser, 
// after the text containing BBCode tags has been served to the client. 
// Following BBCode expressions are recognized:
// [b]bold[/b]
// [i]italic[/i]
// [u]underlined[/u]
// [s]strike-through[/s]
// [samp]sample[/samp]
// [color=red]red[/color]
// [color=#FF0000]red[/color]
// [size=1.2]1.2em[/size]
// [url][/url]
// [url=][b]BBCode[/b] Parser[/url]
// [q=]inline quote[/q]
// [q]inline quote[/q]
// [blockquote=]block quote[/blockquote]
// [blockquote]block quote[/blockquote]
// [pre]formatted 
//     text[/pre]
// [code]if(a == b) 
//   print("done");[/code]
// text containing [noparse] [brackets][/noparse]
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
var opentags;           // open tag stack
var crlf2br = true;     // convert CRLF to <br>?
var noparse = false;    // ignore BBCode tags?
var urlstart = -1;      // beginning of the URL if zero or greater (ignored if -1)

// aceptable BBcode tags, optionally prefixed with a slash
var tagname_re = /^\/?(?:b|i|u|code|color|secret|SECRET|size|url|s|img|quote|lb|rb)$/;

// color names or hex color
var color_re = /^(red|green|blue|yellow|orange)$/i;

// numbers
var number_re = /^(\-2|\-1|\+1|\+2)/i;

// reserved, unreserved, escaped and alpha-numeric [RFC2396]
var uri_re = /^[-;\/\?:@&=\+\$,_\.!~\*'\(\)%0-9a-z]{1,512}$/i;

// main regular expression: CRLF, [tag=option], [tag] or [/tag]
var postfmt_re = /([\r\n])|(?:\[([a-z]{1,16})(?:=([^\x00-\x1F"'\(\)<>\[\]]{1,256}))?\])|(?:\[\/([a-z]{1,16})\])/ig;

var secret_count = 100;

// stack frame object
function taginfo_t(bbtag, etag)
   this.bbtag = bbtag;
   this.etag = etag;

// check if it's a valid BBCode tag
function isValidTag(str)
   if(!str || !str.length)
      return false;

   return tagname_re.test(str);

function getSecretContentOpen(){

// m1 - CR or LF
// m2 - the tag of the [tag=option] expression
// m3 - the option of the [tag=option] expression
// m4 - the end tag of the [/tag] expression
function textToHtmlCB(mstr, m1, m2, m3, m4, offset, string)
   var i;
   // CR LF sequences
   if(m1 && m1.length) {
         return mstr;

      switch (m1) {
         case '\r':
            return "";
         case '\n':
            return "<br>";

   // handle start tags
   if(isValidTag(m2)) {
      // if in the noparse state, just echo the tag
         return "[" + m2 + "]";

      // ignore any tags if there's an open option-less [url] tag
      if(opentags.length && opentags[opentags.length-1].bbtag == "url" && urlstart >= 0)
         return "[" + m2 + "]";

      switch (m2) {
         case "code":
            opentags.push(new taginfo_t(m2, "</pre>"));
            crlf2br = false;
            return "<pre>";

         case "color":
              return "[" + m2 + "]";
            else if (!color_re.test(m3))
              return "[" + m2 + "=" + m3 + "]"; 
            opentags.push(new taginfo_t(m2, "</span>"));
            return "<span style=\"color: " + m3 + "\">";
         case "secret":
            opentags.push(new taginfo_t(m2, "</div><br>"));
            i = secret_count;
            secret_count += 1;
            return ("<div onclick=\"document.getElementById('secret"+i+"').style.display='block';"+
              "id='secretclick"+i+"' class='secretclick1'>"+
              "Click here to view the secret text</div>"+
              "<div class='secret1' style='display: none;' id='secret"+i+"'>"+
              "<span onclick=\"document.getElementById('secretclick"+i+"').style.display='block';"+
              "document.getElementById('secret"+i+"').style.display='none';\" style='border: none; padding-right: 4px' class='secretclick'>×"+
         case "SECRET":
            opentags.push(new taginfo_t(m2, '</font></td></tr><tr><td><font size="2">(Highlight the secret text above.)</font></td></tr></tbody></table>')); 
            return '<table><tbody><tr><td bgcolor="white"><font color="white">';
         case "size":
              return "[" + m2 + "]";
            else if (!number_re.test(m3))
              return "[" + m2 + "=" + m3 + "]"; 
              case("-2"): m3 = "60%"; break;
              case("-1"): m3 = "80%"; break;
              case("+1"): m3 = "120%"; break;
              case("+2"): m3 = "135%"; break;
            opentags.push(new taginfo_t(m2, "</span>"));
            return "<span style=\"font-size: " + m3 + "\">";

         case "s":
            opentags.push(new taginfo_t(m2, "</span>"));
            return "<span style=\"text-decoration: line-through\">";

         case "noparse":
            noparse = true;
            return "";

         case "url":
            opentags.push(new taginfo_t(m2, "</a>"));
            // check if there's a valid option
            if(m3 && uri_re.test(m3)) {
               // if there is, output a complete start anchor tag
               urlstart = -1;
               return "<a href=\"" + m3 + "\">";

            // otherwise, remember the URL offset 
            urlstart = mstr.length + offset;

            // and treat the text following [url] as a URL
            return "<a href=\"";

         case "quote":
            opentags.push(new taginfo_t(m2, "<hr></blockquote>"));
            if (!m3){
              return '<blockquote><font size="1">quote:</font><hr>';
            } else {
              return '<blockquote><font size="1">quote:</font><hr><b>'+m3+' wrote:</b>';
         case "img":
            opentags.push(new taginfo_t(m2, '">'));
            return '<img border="0" src="';
          case "lb":
            return "[";
          case "rb":
            return "]";

            // [samp], [b], [i] and [u] don't need special processing
            opentags.push(new taginfo_t(m2, "</" + m2 + ">"));
            return "<" + m2 + ">";

   // process end tags
   if(isValidTag(m4)) {
      if(noparse) {
         // if it's the closing noparse tag, flip the noparse state
         if(m4 == "noparse")  {
            noparse = false;
            return "";
         // otherwise just output the original text
         return "[/" + m4 + "]";
      // highlight mismatched end tags
      if(!opentags.length || opentags[opentags.length-1].bbtag != m4)
         return "[/" + m4 + "]";

      if(m4 == "url") {
         // if there was no option, use the content of the [url] tag
         if(urlstart > 0)
            return "\">" + string.substr(urlstart, offset-urlstart) + opentags.pop().etag;
         // otherwise just close the tag
         return opentags.pop().etag;
      else if(m4 == "code" || m4 == "pre")
         crlf2br = true;

      // other tags require no special processing, just output the end tag
      return opentags.pop().etag;

   return mstr;

// post must be HTML-encoded
function parseBBCode(post)
   var result, endtags, tag, i, l;
   secret_count = 100;

   // convert CRLF to <br> by default
   crlf2br = true;

   // create a new array for open tags
   if(opentags == null || opentags.length)
      opentags = new Array(0);

   // run the text through main regular expression matcher
   result = post.replace(postfmt_re, textToHtmlCB);

   // reset noparse, if it was unbalanced
      noparse = false;
   // if there are any unbalanced tags, make sure to close them
   if(opentags.length) {
      endtags = new String();
      // if there's an open [url] at the top, close it
      if(opentags[opentags.length-1].bbtag == "url") {
         endtags += "\">" + post.substr(urlstart, post.length-urlstart) + "</a>";
      // close remaining open tags
         endtags += opentags.pop().etag;

    i = 0;
    l = EMOTICONS.length;
    for(i; i < l; i++){
      result = result.replace(new RegExp(EMOTICONS[i][0], 'g'),
        "<img align='absmiddle' src='"+EMOTICONS[i][1]+"' border='0' title='"+EMOTICONS[i][0]+"' alt='"+EMOTICONS[i][0]+"'>");

   return endtags ? result + endtags : result;

function init() {
  // quit if this function has already been called
  if (arguments.callee.done) return;

  // flag this function so we don't do the same thing twice
  arguments.callee.done = true;

  // kill the timer
  if (_timer) clearInterval(_timer);


/* for Mozilla/Opera9 */
if (document.addEventListener) {
  document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", init, false);

/* for Internet Explorer */
/*@cc_on @*/
/*@if (@_win32)
  document.write("<script id=__ie_onload defer src=javascript:void(0)><\/script>");
  var script = document.getElementById("__ie_onload");
  script.onreadystatechange = function() {
    if (this.readyState == "complete") {
      init(); // call the onload handler
/*@end @*/

/* for Safari */
if (/WebKit/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) { // sniff
  var _timer = setInterval(function() {
    if (/loaded|complete/.test(document.readyState)) {
      init(); // call the onload handler
  }, 10);

/* for other browsers */
window.onload = init;

// :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
// :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

var box, container;
function initParser(){  
  box = getBox();//document.getElementById("message");
  if (!box)
  container = getBoxContainer(box);
  if (!container)
  var throttleFunction = throttle(doParse, PREVIEW_UPDATE_DELAY);
  if(typeof box.addEventListener == 'function') {
    box.addEventListener("keyup", throttleFunction);
    box.addEventListener("focus", throttleFunction);
    box.addEventListener("blur", throttleFunction);
    box.addEventListener("change", throttleFunction);
  } else {
    box.attachEvent("keyup", throttleFunction);
    box.attachEvent("focus", throttleFunction);
    box.attachEvent("blur", throttleFunction);

function doParse(){
  container.innerHTML = parseBBCode(box.value);

function getBox(){
  var box = document.getElementById("message");
  if (box)
    return box;
  box = document.getElementsByTagName("textarea");
  var i = 0;
  var l = box.length;
  for(;i < l; i++){
    if (box[i].getAttribute('name') == 'message')
      return box[i];

function getBoxContainer(item){
  var bigTr;
  var msgTd;
  var msgTable;
  var itemName;
  var newTable;
  var html = document.createElement('table');
  html.innerHTML = getNewTableHTML();
  html = html.firstChild.firstChild;
  while (item.parentNode){
    item = item.parentNode;
    itemName = item.nodeName.toLowerCase();
    if (itemName == "table" && !msgTable){
      msgTable = item;
    }else if (itemName == "td" && msgTable){
      msgTd = item;
    } else if (itemName == "tr" && msgTable){
      bigTr = item;
  if (!bigTr)
    return null;
  bigTr.parentNode.insertBefore(html, bigTr.nextSibling);
  return document.getElementById('previewMagic');

function getNewTableHTML(){
  return ('<tbody><tr valign="top" class="message1">' +
  	 '<td width="130" valign="top" align="left"><b>Preview:</b></td>' +
  		'<td id="previewMagic"valign="top">' +
  		'</td>' +

function getNewTableHTML_(){
  return ('<tbody><tr valign="top" class="message1">' +
  	 '<td width="130" valign="top" align="left"><b>Preview:</b></td>' +
  		'<td width="100%" valign="top" nowrap="">' +
  			'<table width="100%"><tbody><tr>' +
  				'<td id="previewMagic" align="left" rowspan="2"></td>' +
  			'</tr>' +
  			'</tbody></table>' +
  		'</td>' +

function throttle(f, delay){
    var timer = null;
    return function(){
        var context = this, args = arguments;
        timer = window.setTimeout(function(){
            f.apply(context, args);
        delay || 500);