M.R_SIKO / Dejkoob and Travian wave builder Developed

// ==UserScript==
// @name           Dejkoob and Travian wave builder Developed
// @namespace      https://openuserjs.org/users/M.R_SIKO
// @description    Create by Mostafa, make waves for dejkoob and travian4 and travian 3.6 (classic)
// @author         M.R_SIKO (Mostafa Rashnoo)
// @license        GPL-3.0-or-later; http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt

// @include        http://*.dejkoob.*/build.php*
// @include        http://*/*.dejkoob.*/build.php*
// @include        http://*.dejkoob.*/a2b.php*
// @include        http://*/*.dejkoob.*/a2b.php*
// @include        http://*.travian.*/build.php*
// @include        http://*/*.travian.*/build.php*
// @include        http://*.travian.*/a2b.php*
// @include        http://*/*.travian.*/a2b.php*
// @include        https://*.travian.*/build.php*
// @include        https://*/*.travian.*/build.php*
// @include        https://*.travian.*/a2b.php*
// @include        https://*/*.travian.*/a2b.php*
// @include        http://*.travianteam.*/build.php*
// @include        http://www.vfthis.net/*/build.php*
// @include        http://www.vfthis.net/*/a2b.php*
// @include        http://*.traaviaan.*/build.php*
// @include        http://*/*.traaviaan.*/build.php*
// @include        http://*.traaviaan.*/a2b.php*
// @include        http://*/*.traaviaan.*/a2b.php*
// @grant GM_addStyle
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_deleteValue

// @version        6.1
// ==/UserScript==

(function () {

function allInOneOpera () {
var version = '6.1';
var author = 'Mostafa.R (SIKO)';
var scriptURL = 'https://openuserjs.org/scripts/M.R_SIKO/Dejkoob_and_Travian_wave_builder_Developed';
notRunYet = false;
var defInterval = 200;
full_Imitation = false;

/*********************** common library ****************************/
function ajaxRequest(url, aMethod, param, onSuccess, onFailure) {
	var aR = new XMLHttpRequest();
	aR.onreadystatechange = function() {
		if( aR.readyState == 4 && (aR.status == 200 || aR.status == 304))
		else if (aR.readyState == 4 && aR.status != 200) onFailure(aR);
	aR.open(aMethod, url, true);
	if (aMethod == 'POST') aR.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8');
function httpPost(url,data) {
	var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
	data = encodeURI(data);
	xhttp.open("POST", url, false);
	xhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8");
	return xhttp.responseText;
Number.prototype.NaN0 = function(){return isNaN(this)?0:this;};
String.prototype.trim = function(){return this.replace(/ /g,'').replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,'');};
String.prototype.onlyText = function(){return this.replace(/&lt;/g,'<').replace(/&gt;/g,'>').replace(/<[\s\S]+?>/g,'');};
function $g(aID) {return (aID != '' ? document.getElementById(aID) : null);};
function $gn(aID) {return (aID != '' ? document.getElementsByName(aID) : null);};
function $gt(str,m) { return (typeof m == 'undefined' ? document:m).getElementsByTagName(str); };
function $gc(str,m) { return (typeof m == 'undefined' ? document:m).getElementsByClassName(str); };
function $at(aElem, att) {if (att !== undefined) {for (var xi = 0; xi < att.length; xi++) {aElem.setAttribute(att[xi][0], att[xi][1]); if (att[xi][0].toUpperCase() == 'TITLE') aElem.setAttribute('alt', att[xi][1]);};};};
function $t(iHTML) {return document.createTextNode(iHTML);};
function $e(nElem, att) {var Elem = document.createElement(nElem); $at(Elem, att); return Elem;};
function $ee(nElem, oElem, att) {var Elem = $e(nElem, att); if (oElem !== undefined) if( typeof(oElem) == 'object' ) Elem.appendChild(oElem); else Elem.innerHTML = oElem; return Elem;};
function $c(iHTML, att) { return $ee('TD',iHTML,att); }
function $a(iHTML, att) { return $ee('A',iHTML,att); }
function $am(Elem, mElem) { if (mElem !== undefined) for(var i = 0; i < mElem.length; i++) { if( typeof(mElem[i]) == 'object' ) Elem.appendChild(mElem[i]); else Elem.appendChild($t(mElem[i])); } return Elem;};
function $em(nElem, mElem, att) {var Elem = $e(nElem, att); return $am(Elem, mElem);};
function dummy() {return;};
jsNone = 'return false;';

function trImg ( cl, et ) {
	var ecl = [['class', cl],['src', 'img/x.gif']];
	if( typeof et != 'undefined' ) ecl.push(['title',et]);
	return $e('IMG',ecl);

function getRandom ( x ) {
	x = Math.round(x*0.8);
	return x+Math.round(Math.random()*x*0.5);

/********** begin of main code block ************/
function sendMultiAtt()
    var con = document.getElementById('tedad').value;
    (function fn(i) {
    setTimeout(function() {
      if(document.getElementById('bp').text != "+") {fn(i); return;}
        if ( i < con ) fn(++i);
function ok () {
	tFormFL = true;
	plus.innerHTML = '+';

function addWave () {
	if( tFormFL ) {
		tFormFL = false;
		plus.innerHTML = 'x';
	} else return;

	var tInputs = $gt('INPUT',tForm);
	var needC = true;
	var sParams = '';
	var cDescr = '';

	for( var i=0; i< tInputs.length; i++ ) {
		t = tInputs[i].name;
		if( /redeployHero/.test(t) ) {
			sParams += "redeployHero=&";
		} else if ( /^t\d/.test(t) || /x|y/.test(t) ) {
			sParams += t + "=" + $gn(t)[0].value + "&";
		} else if ( t == "c" ) {
			if ( needC ) {
				var iAttackType = $gn('c');
				for (var q = 0; q < iAttackType.length; q++)
					if( iAttackType[q].checked ) {
						sParams += "c=" + (q+2) + "&";
						cDescr = iAttackType[q].parentNode.innerHTML.onlyText().trim();
				needC = false;
		} else {
			sParams += t + "=" + tInputs[i].value + "&";
	sParams = sParams.substring(0, sParams.length - 1);
	var rpPage = $ee('div',httpPost(a2bURL,sParams),[['style','display:none;']]);
	var err = $gc('error',rpPage);
	if( err.length > 0 && err[0].innerHTML.length > 1 ) {
		alert( err[0].innerHTML.onlyText() );
	err = $gc('alert',rpPage);
	if( err.length > 0 && err[0].innerHTML.length > 1 ) {
		if( ! confirm(err[0].innerHTML.onlyText()) ) return;
	tInputs = $gt('INPUT',rpPage);
	sParams = '';
	var tc = new Array(12);
	for( i=0; i< tInputs.length; i++ ) {
		t = tInputs[i].name;
		if( /^t\d/.test(t) ) {
			tc[t.match(/\d+/)[0]] = tInputs[i].value;
		} if( t == "c" ) {
			needC = tInputs[i].value;
		sParams += t + "=" + tInputs[i].value + "&";
	sParams = sParams.substring(0, sParams.length - 1);
	var remBtn = $c($a('-',[['href','#'],['onClick',jsNone]]),[['title','remove wave'],['rowspan',2]]);
	var nrow = $ee('TR',remBtn);
	for( i=1; i< 12; i++ ) {
	var nbody = $ee('TBODY',nrow);
	tInputs = $gt('SELECT',rpPage);
	var nrow = $e('TR');
	nrow.appendChild($c(tInputs.length>0 ? tInputs[0]: '-',[['colspan',6]]));
	nrow.appendChild($c(tInputs.length>0 ? tInputs[0]: '-',[['colspan',6]]));
	setTimeout(newForm, getRandom(1200));

function newForm () {
	if( full_Imitation ) {
		ajaxRequest(a2bURL, "GET", null, function(ajaxResp) {
			var rpPage = $ee('div',ajaxResp.responseText,[['style','display:none;']]);
			rpPage = document.evaluate('.//form[@name="snd"]', rpPage, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue;
			if( rpPage ) tForm = rpPage;
		}, ok );
	} else ok();

function remWave () {
	var tb = this.parentNode.parentNode;

function sendTroops (x) {
	var wBody = tbl.tBodies[x];
	var sParams = $gt('INPUT',wBody)[0].value;
	var	tInputs = $gt('SELECT',wBody);
	sParams += tInputs.length>0 ? "&"+ tInputs[0].name +"="+ tInputs[0].value: '';
	sParams += tInputs.length>1 ? "&"+ tInputs[1].name +"="+ tInputs[1].value: '';

	wlog += x+', ';
	if( x== wCount-1 ) {
		wlog += 'OK';
		setTimeout(function(){ document.location.href = fullName +'build.php?'+ (ver4FL?'tt=1&':'') +'id=39'; }, getRandom(1500));
	cLog.innerHTML = wlog;
	ajaxRequest(a2bURL, "POST", sParams, dummy, dummy );

function sendWaves () {
	cLog = $c(wlog,[['colspan',13]]);
	wCount = tbl.tBodies.length;
	var nextWave = 10;
	var intWave = parseInt(interval.value).NaN0();
	if( intWave < 100 ) intWave = defInterval;
	for( var i=0; i<wCount; i++ ) {
		setTimeout(function(x){return function(){ sendTroops(x); }}(i), nextWave);
		nextWave += getRandom(intWave);

var ver4FL = true;
if( /a2b.php/.test(window.location.href) ) {
	var build = $g('content');
	ver4FL = false;
} else {
	var build = $g('build');
	if( !(build) ) return;
	if( build.getAttribute('class').indexOf('gid16') == -1 ) return;
var snd = $gn('snd');
if( $gn('snd').length == 0 ) return;

var nation = Math.floor(parseInt($gc('unit')[0].getAttribute('class').match(/\d+/)[0])/10);
if( nation < 0 ) return;

var a2bURL = ver4FL ? "build.php?tt=2&id=39": "a2b.php";
var wCount = 0;
var wlog = '';
var cLog;
var tForm = snd[0];
var tFormFL = true;
var fullName = window.location.href.match(/^.*\/\/.+\/+?/)[0];
// build table header
var tbl = $e('TABLE',[['style','border:1px solid silver;']]);
var plus = $a('+',[['href','#'],['id','bp'],['onClick',jsNone]]);
var addBtn = $c(plus,[['title','append wave']]);
var hrow = $ee('TR',addBtn);
for( var i=1; i<11; i++ ) {
	hrow.appendChild($c(trImg('unit u'+(nation*10+i))));
$am(hrow,[$c(trImg('unit uhero')),$c('c')]);
if( ver4FL ) {
	var sendBtn = $g('btn_ok').cloneNode(true);
} else {
	i = $g('btn_ok').getAttribute('alt');
	var sendBtn = $ee('BUTTON',(i?i:'!Go'),[['style','background-color: white; border: none; color: #4CAF50; padding: 6px 16px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; display: inline-block; font-size: 16px; margin: 4px 2px; transition-duration: 0.4s; cursor: pointer;']]);

var interval = $e('INPUT',[['type','text'],['value',defInterval],['size',4],['maxlength',4]]);
tbl.appendChild($ee('TFOOT',$ee('TR',$em('TD',['interval ',interval,' ms ',sendBtn,
	$a(' (Mostafa.R v'+version+') ',[['href',scriptURL],['target','_blank']])],
	[['colspan',13],['style','text-align:center !important;']]))));

  var num = $e('INPUT',[['type','number'],['value',20],['id','tedad'],['maxlength',4]]);
  var newBut = $ee('BUTTON',('++'),[['style','background-color: white; border: none; color: #4CAF50; padding: 6px 16px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; display: inline-block; font-size: 16px; margin: 4px 2px; transition-duration: 0.4s; cursor: pointer;']]);

/********** end of main code block ************/

function backupStart () {
	if(notRunYet) {
		var l4 = document.getElementById('l4');
		if( l4 ) allInOneOpera();
		else setTimeout(backupStart, 500);

var notRunYet = true;
if( /khtml/i.test(navigator.appVersion) ) allInOneOpera();
else if (window.addEventListener) window.addEventListener("load",function () { if(notRunYet) allInOneOpera(); },false);
setTimeout(backupStart, 500);
