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// ==UserScript== // @name Select like a Boss // @namespace // @version 2023.7.42 // @license MPL-2.0 // @description With this extension, you can easily select link text just like regular text, making it easier to copy. Just Select like a Boss! ;) // @author seril🍋 // @match * // @run-at document-end // @homepageURL // @icon // @downloadURL // @supportURL // @grant none // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; const _bind = (evt, bind = true) => { const events = Array.isArray(evt) ? evt : [evt]; const method = bind ? 'addEventListener' : 'removeEventListener'; events.forEach(e => document[method](e, handlers[e], true)); }; const _unbind = (evt) => _bind(evt, false); function getCurrentAnchor(n) { while (n && n !== document.body) { if (n instanceof HTMLAnchorElement || n instanceof HTMLButtonElement) return n; n = n.parentNode; } return null; } const stopEvent = (e) => { return e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), false; }; // browser compatibility const getRangeFromPoint = (x, y) => { if (document.caretPositionFromPoint) { let range = document.createRange(); let p = document.caretPositionFromPoint(x, y); range.setStart(p.offsetNode, p.offset); return range; } else return document.caretRangeFromPoint(x, y); } // user style const _letUserSelect = (function () { let n, styleElm = document.createElement('style'); let _className = 'ext-Select-like-a-Boss', _property = '-webkit-user-select:text!important;outline-width:0!important;'; document.head.appendChild(styleElm); styleElm.sheet.insertRule(`.${_className}{${_property}}`, 0); return (node) => { if (node) { (n = node).classList.add(_className); } else if (n) { n.classList.remove(_className); n = null; } }; })(); let selection = document.getSelection(); let cursor = {}, movable, needDetermineUserSelection, needCreateStartSelection, needStopClick, userSelecting, regexTDTH = /T[HD]/; const mainMouseDownHandler = (e) => { let t = // console.log(t) if (e.button !== 0) return; // LMB only // resetVars needDetermineUserSelection = needCreateStartSelection = true; userSelecting = needStopClick = false; cursor.x = e.clientX; cursor.y = e.clientY; if (selection.type === 'Range') { let range = getRangeFromPoint(cursor.x, cursor.y); if (range && selection.getRangeAt(0).isPointInRange(range.startContainer, range.startOffset) ) return; } _letUserSelect(); if (t.nodeType === 3) t = t.parentNode if (e.ctrlKey && regexTDTH.test(t.tagName) || e.altKey) return; let n = getCurrentAnchor(t); // console.log(n) if (['HTMLTextAreaElement', 'HTMLCanvasElement'].includes( || t.textContent === '' || !n) return; let rect = n.getBoundingClientRect(); movable = { n: n, x: Math.round(rect.left), y: Math.round(, c: 0 }; _bind(['mousemove', 'mouseup', 'dragend', 'dragstart']); _letUserSelect(n); }; // detection range setting let D = 3, K = 0.8; function getOutFromMoveHandler() { _unbind(['mousemove', 'mouseup', 'dragend', 'dragstart', 'click']); _letUserSelect(); selection.removeAllRanges(); } const handlers = { mousemove: (e) => { if (movable) { if (movable.n.constructor !== HTMLAnchorElement && movable.n.draggable) { movable = null; return getOutFromMoveHandler(); } if (movable.c++ < 12) { let rect = movable.n.getBoundingClientRect(); if ( Math.round(rect.left) !== movable.x || Math.round( !== movable.y ) { _unbind(['mousemove', 'mouseup', 'dragend', 'dragstart', 'click']); _letUserSelect(); selection.removeAllRanges(); return; } } else movable = null; } let x = e.clientX; let y = e.clientY; if (needCreateStartSelection) { if (!e.altKey || !e.ctrlKey) selection.removeAllRanges(); let correct = x > cursor.x ? -2 : 2; let range = getRangeFromPoint(x + correct, y); if (range) { selection.addRange(range); needCreateStartSelection = false; } } if (needDetermineUserSelection) { let vx = Math.abs(cursor.x - x), vy = Math.abs(cursor.y - y); userSelecting = vy === 0 || vx / vy > K; if (vx > D || vy > D) { needDetermineUserSelection = false; if (userSelecting) { needStopClick = true; _bind('click'); } } } if (userSelecting) { let range = getRangeFromPoint(x, y); if (range) selection.extend(range.startContainer, range.startOffset); } }, dragstart: (e) => { _unbind('dragstart'); if (userSelecting) return stopEvent(e); }, mouseup: (e) => { _unbind(['mousemove', 'mouseup', 'dragstart', 'dragend']); if (!userSelecting && needStopClick) needStopClick = false; setTimeout(() => _unbind('click'), 111); if (selection.type !== 'Range') _letUserSelect(); }, dragend: () => { _unbind(['dragend', 'mousemove', 'mouseup']); }, click: function (e) { _unbind('click'); if (selection.type !== 'Range') _letUserSelect(); if (needStopClick) return stopEvent(e); }, }; document.addEventListener('mousedown', mainMouseDownHandler, true); })();