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// ==UserScript== // @name Geocaching - Add nearest cache link // @namespace // @version 0.5 // @description Add a nearest cache link on cache page description // @author Francois Crevola // @match http*://* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== var lang = window.navigator.language; var label1 = 'Nearest cache'; var label2 = 'Not already found by you'; if (lang.substr(0,2)=="fr") { label1 = 'Autres caches à proximité'; label2 = 'Non-trouvées par vous-même'; } // Add information about nb of D/T found var elts = $('#ctl00_ContentBody_uxViewLargerMap'); var url = elts[0].href; url = url.replace("map/default.aspx?","seek/nearest.aspx?"); url2 = url + "&f=1"; $('.LocationData').append('<div class="AlignRight"><a href="'+url+'">'+label1+'</a><br>(<a href="'+url2+'">'+label2+'</a>)</div>');