Koyd / Discord Message Logger

// ==UserScript==
// @name        Discord Message Logger
// @namespace   -
// @match         https://discordapp.com/activ*
// @match         https://discordapp.com/channel*
// @match         https://discord.com/activ*
// @match         https://discord.com/channel*
// @match         https://discord.com/channels/*
// @include       https://discord.com/*
// @grant         none
// @version       1.0
// @author        Koyd
// @description   logs deleted discord messages
// @run-at        document-start
// @compatible    chrome
// @compatible    firefox
// @compatible    opera
// @compatible    edge
// @compatible    safari
// @license       MIT
// ==/UserScript==

var allObservers = [];
var currentParent = null;

function disconnectAllObservers() {
  allObservers.forEach(function (observer) {
  // Clear the array after disconnecting all observers
  allObservers = [];

function formatLoggedNode(node) {
  var text = "";

  var mediaContentNode = node.querySelector('.container_dbadf5');

  if (mediaContentNode) {
    // Convert all of it into plain text
    var mediaContentText = mediaContentNode.innerHTML;

    // Use regex to find links like 'https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments*'
    var linkRegex = /https:\/\/cdn\.discordapp\.com\/attachments\/[^'"\s]*/g;
    var matches = mediaContentText.match(linkRegex);

    // Append the links to the text variable
    if (matches) {
      text += matches.join("\n");

    // Delete the mediaContentNode from the main node

  var messageContentNode = node.querySelector('.contents_f41bb2')
  var textContentNode = messageContentNode.querySelector('.markup_a7e664.messageContent__21e69');
  textContentNode.style.color = 'red';

  var spanElement = textContentNode.querySelector('span');

  if (spanElement) {
    textContentNode.querySelector('span').innerHTML += "\n" + text;
  else {
    // If span doesn't exist, create one and append text
    textContentNode.innerHTML = '<span>' + text + '</span>' + textContentNode.innerHTML;

  return node;

function setupMutationObserver(parent) {
  var observer = new MutationObserver(function (mutations) {
    mutations.forEach(function (mutation) {
      if (mutation.removedNodes.length > 0) {
        Array.from(mutation.removedNodes).forEach(function (node) {
          if (node.classList && node.classList.contains('messageListItem__6a4fb')) {
            // Check if the removed node has the specified class
            var messageContentNode = node.querySelector('.contents_f41bb2')

            var subTextNode = messageContentNode.querySelector('.markup_a7e664.messageContent__21e69');

            // Check if "isSending__6e109" class doesn't exist in the subnode
            if (subTextNode && subTextNode.classList.contains('isSending__6e109')) {

            // Get the deleted message ID
            var deletedIdMatch = node.id.match(/chat-messages-\d+-(\d+)/);
            var deletedMessageId = deletedIdMatch ? parseInt(deletedIdMatch[1]) : null;

            // Find the smallest index whose ID is greater than the deleted one
            var minIndex = Array.from(parent.children).reduce(function (minIndex, child) {
              var childIdMatch = child.id.match(/chat-messages-\d+-(\d+)/);
              var childMessageId = childIdMatch ? parseInt(childIdMatch[1]) : null;

              if (!isNaN(childMessageId) && childMessageId > deletedMessageId) {
                return Math.min(minIndex, Array.from(parent.children).indexOf(child));

              return minIndex;
            }, Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER);

            // Modify the node
            node = formatLoggedNode(node);

            // Append the modified node back to the parent at the calculated index
            if (minIndex < Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) {
              parent.insertBefore(node, parent.children[minIndex]);
            else {
              parent.insertBefore(node, parent.children[parent.children.length - 1]);


  // Configuration of the observer:
  var config = {
    childList: true

  // Pass in the target node, as well as the observer options
  observer.observe(parent, config);

setInterval(function () {
  // Check if the URL is in the form https://discord.com/channels*
  if (!/^https:\/\/discord\.com\/channels/.test(window.location.href)) {
    // If not, disconnect observers and return
    currentParent = null;

  var parent = document.querySelector('[data-list-id="chat-messages"]');

  if (!parent) {
    currentParent = null; // Set currentParent to null if the parent doesn't exist

  if (parent !== currentParent) {
    // Disconnect observers only if the parent node has changed
    currentParent = parent; // Update the current parent
}, 1000); // Check every 1000 milliseconds (1 second)