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// ==UserScript== // @name New Userscript 2 // @namespace // @version 2024-05-03 // @description try to take over the world! // @author You // @match // @match // @icon  // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== (function() { let nux = 0; let patrolStep; let patrolN = 0; let step15_2 = 1; let step24_2 = 2; let whatClick; function imonline() { let now = new Date() if ( == 'true' && now.getSeconds() == 1) { location.reload() } } setInterval(() => imonline(), 1000); function messLong () { let mess = document.getElementById("block_mess") if (!mess) { if (whatClick == 'patrol') {patrol()} else if (whatClick == 'swim') {swimm()} else if (whatClick == 'perex') {clicl()} else if (whatClick == 'kop') {kop()} else if (whatClick == 'zork') {zork()} } } setInterval(() => messLong(), 2000) function zork () { let actons = document.querySelectorAll("a.dey"); let mesto = document.getElementById("location"); let cages = document.querySelectorAll("span.move_name"); let son = document.getElementById('dream') let redWidth = 150 - son.lastChild.childNodes[0].offsetWidth; let i = 0; if (mesto.textContent == 'Заоблачная Высь' && redWidth < 20) { while (i < actons.length) { if (actons[i].getAttribute("data-id") == 42) { actons[i].click() } i++ } } else if (mesto.textContent == 'Заоблачная Высь' && redWidth >= 20) { while (i < cages.length) { if (cages[i].textContent == 'Вершина Горы') { cages[i].click() } i++ } } else if (mesto.textContent == 'Вершина Горы') { while (i < actons.length) { if (actons[i].getAttribute("data-id") == 1) { actons[i].click() whatClick = 0; } i++ } } } function patrol() { let cages = document.querySelectorAll("span.move_name"); let actons = document.querySelectorAll("a.dey"); let returnField = document.getElementById("tr_tos").childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[0]; let mesto = document.getElementById("location"); let j = 0; let i = 0; if (patrolN == 1) { if (mesto.textContent == 'Пологий берег') {patrolStep = 1} if (mesto.textContent == 'Скрытый лаз') {patrolStep = 2} if (mesto.textContent == 'Тихое место') {patrolStep = 3} if (mesto.textContent == 'Каюта малышей') {patrolStep = 4} if (mesto.textContent == 'Трюм') {patrolStep = 5} if (mesto.textContent == 'Подвал') {patrolStep = 6} } else if (patrolN == 2) { if (mesto.textContent == 'Верхняя палуба') {patrolStep = 1} if (mesto.textContent == 'Камбуз') {patrolStep = 2} if (mesto.textContent == 'Водохранилище') {patrolStep = 3} if (mesto.textContent == 'Штурвал') {patrolStep = 6} // ПРОПУСК if (mesto.textContent == 'Шлюпки') {patrolStep = 7} } while (i < actons.length) { if (localStorage.nuxChecked == 'true' && actons[i].getAttribute("data-id") == 13) { actons[i].click(); nux = 1 } i++ } if (patrolN == 1 && !nux) { while (j < cages.length) { if (cages[j].textContent == 'Скрытый лаз' && patrolStep == 1) { cages[j].click(); break } if (cages[j].textContent == 'Тихое место' && patrolStep == 2) { cages[j].click(); break } if (cages[j].textContent == 'Каюта малышей' && patrolStep == 3) { cages[j].click(); break } if (cages[j].textContent == 'Трюм' && patrolStep == 4) { cages[j].click(); break } if (cages[j].textContent == 'Подвал' && patrolStep == 5) { cages[j].click(); break } if (cages[j].textContent == 'Пологий берег' && patrolStep == 6) { cages[j].click(); break } j++ } } else if (patrolN == 2 && !nux) { while (j < cages.length) { if (cages[j].textContent == 'Камбуз' && patrolStep == 1 && step15_2 == 1) { cages[j].click(); step15_2 = 5; break } if (cages[j].textContent == 'Водохранилище' && patrolStep == 2 && step24_2 == 2) { cages[j].click(); step24_2 = 4; break } if (cages[j].textContent == 'Камбуз' && patrolStep == 3) { cages[j].click(); break } if (cages[j].textContent == 'Верхняя палуба' && patrolStep == 2 && step24_2 == 4) { cages[j].click(); step24_2 = 2; break } if (cages[j].textContent == 'Штурвал' && patrolStep == 1 && step15_2 == 5) { cages[j].click(); step15_2 = 1; break } if (cages[j].textContent == 'Шлюпки' && patrolStep == 6) { cages[j].click(); break } if (cages[j].textContent == 'Верхняя палуба' && patrolStep == 7) { cages[j].click(); break } j++ } } if (returnField.offsetWidth > 3) { returnField.childNodes[0].click(); setTimeout(() => patrol(), 1000); nux = 0; } } function swimm() { let actons = document.querySelectorAll("a.dey"); let i = 0; while (i < actons.length) { if (actons[i].getAttribute("data-id") == 24) { actons[i].click() } i++; } } function clicl() { let actons = document.querySelectorAll("a.dey"); let returnField = document.getElementById("tr_tos").childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[0]; let i = 0 let j = 0 while (i < actons.length) { if (localStorage.nuxChecked == 'true' && actons[i].getAttribute("data-id") == 13) { actons[i].click(); nux = 1 } i++ } if (!nux) { let cages = document.querySelectorAll("span.move_name"); while (j < 5) { if (cages[j].textContent == "Пологий берег") { cages[j].click() break } j++; } } if (returnField.offsetWidth > 3) { returnField.childNodes[0].click(); nux = 0 } } function kop() { let actons = document.querySelectorAll("a.dey"); let clean = document.getElementById('clean') let redWidth = 150 - clean.lastChild.childNodes[0].offsetWidth; let returnField = document.getElementById("tr_tos").childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[0]; let i = 0 if (returnField.offsetWidth > 3) { returnField.childNodes[0].click(); } while (i < actons.length) { if (localStorage.nuxChecked == 'true' && actons[i].getAttribute("data-id") == 13) { actons[i].click() break } else if (redWidth >= 4 && actons[i].getAttribute("data-id") == 3) { actons[i].click(); break } else if (actons[i].getAttribute("data-id") == 17) { actons[i].click(); break } i++ } } let mainDIV = document.createElement("div"); let DIVShow = document.createElement('div'); let content = document.createElement('div') document.body.append(mainDIV); = 'fixed'; = '1px'; = '1px'; = 'flex'; = 'column'; = '10px'; = '15%'; = '2px solid #2d2d2d'; = 'black'; = '5%'; = '#9c9c9c'; = '15px' = '1px solid black'; = '5px'; = '2px'; = 'center'; = '5px'; = 'pointer' let perexLabel = document.createElement("label"); perexLabel.textContent = "Переход" let kopLabel = document.createElement("label"); kopLabel.textContent = "Копание" let swimmLabel = document.createElement("label"); swimmLabel.textContent = "Плавание" let nuxLabel = document.createElement("label"); nuxLabel.textContent = "Нюхаем?" let patrolLabel = document.createElement("label"); patrolLabel.textContent = "Дозорим" let onlineLabel = document.createElement("label"); onlineLabel.textContent = "Обновление" let zorkLabel = document.createElement("label"); zorkLabel.textContent = 'Зоркаем' let perexChek = document.createElement("input") let kopChek = document.createElement("input") let swimmChek = document.createElement("input") let nuxChek = document.createElement("input") let patrolChek = document.createElement("input") let onlineChek = document.createElement("input") let zorkChek = document.createElement("input") perexChek.type = "radio"; kopChek.type = 'radio'; swimmChek.type = 'radio'; nuxChek.type = 'checkbox'; patrolChek.type = 'radio'; onlineChek.type = 'radio'; zorkChek.type = 'radio' = 'sett'; = 'sett'; = 'sett'; = 'sett'; = 'sett'; = 'sett' perexChek.value = 'perex'; kopChek.value = 'kop'; swimmChek.value = 'swimm'; patrolChek.value = 'patrol'; onlineChek.value = 'online'; zorkChek.value = 'zork' perexChek.checked = true; if (localStorage.nuxChecked == 'true') {nuxChek.checked = true} let submitClick = document.createElement("button"); let stopButton = document.createElement("button"); submitClick.textContent = 'OK'; stopButton.textContent = 'Стоп'; let patrolSelect = document.createElement ('select') let patrolLabel2 = document.createElement('label'); patrolLabel2.textContent = 'Дозор: ' let patrolNum = [document.createElement('option'),document.createElement('option')] for (let i = 0; i < patrolNum.length; i++) { patrolNum[i].value = i+1; patrolNum[i].textContent = i+1; } if (localStorage.mainDIVclosed == 'true') { content.classList.add('visually-hidden') DIVShow.textContent = 'Раскрыть 🡇' } else { DIVShow.textContent = 'Скрыть 🡅'} mainDIV.append(DIVShow); mainDIV.append(content) content.append(perexLabel); perexLabel.append(perexChek); content.append(kopLabel); kopLabel.append(kopChek); content.append(swimmLabel); swimmLabel.append(swimmChek); content.append(nuxLabel); nuxLabel.append(nuxChek); content.append(patrolLabel); patrolLabel.append(patrolChek) content.append(patrolLabel2); patrolLabel2.append(patrolSelect); for (let i = 0; i < patrolNum.length; i++) {patrolSelect.append(patrolNum[i])} content.append(zorkLabel); zorkLabel.append(zorkChek) content.append(onlineLabel); onlineLabel.append(onlineChek) content.append(submitClick); content.append(stopButton) submitClick.onclick = function setClick() { if (perexChek.checked) { whatClick = 'perex' } else if (kopChek.checked) { whatClick = 'kop' } else if (swimmChek.checked) { whatClick = 'swim' } else if (patrolChek.checked) { whatClick = 'patrol' patrolN = patrolSelect.value; } else if (onlineChek.checked) { = true; } else if (zorkChek.checked) { whatClick = 'zork' } else { alert ('Введи все поля!') } if (nuxChek.checked) { localStorage.nuxChecked = true } else { localStorage.nuxChecked = false } } stopButton.onclick = function stopOnline() { = false; whatClick = 0; } DIVShow.onclick = function closeMainDIV() { if (localStorage.mainDIVclosed == 'true') { content.classList.remove('visually-hidden') localStorage.mainDIVclosed = 'false' DIVShow.textContent = 'Скрыть 🡅' } else { content.classList.add('visually-hidden') localStorage.mainDIVclosed = 'true' DIVShow.textContent = 'Раскрыть 🡇' } } })();