Khazhomia / RatingR2 GEO

// ==UserScript==
// @name			RatingR2 GEO
// @version			1.7
// @description		REREC, Season TI, TrExMa, RatingR2  JP/EN/GE
// @include*
// @exclude
// @include*
// @exclude
// ==/UserScript==

var rou_factor = 0.00405;
var wage_rate = 27.55;

// NOTE: if you want to do some translate , find the key word "translate" in this script

// Array to setup the weights of particular skills for each player's actual ability
// This is the direct weight to be given to each skill.
// Array maps to these skills:
//				   [Str,Sta,Pac,Mar,Tac,Wor,Pos,Pas,Cro,Tec,Hea,Fin,Lon,Set]
var positions = [[  1,  3,  1,  1,  1,  3,  3,  2,  2,  2,  1,  3,  3,  3], // D C
				 [  2,  3,  1,  1,  1,  3,  3,  2,  2,  2,  2,  3,  3,  3], // D L
				 [  2,  3,  1,  1,  1,  3,  3,  2,  2,  2,  2,  3,  3,  3], // D R
				 [  1,  2,  2,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  2,  2,  1,  3,  3,  3], // DM C
				 [  2,  3,  1,  1,  1,  3,  3,  2,  2,  2,  2,  3,  3,  3], // DM L
				 [  2,  3,  1,  1,  1,  3,  3,  2,  2,  2,  2,  3,  3,  3], // DM R
				 [  2,  2,  3,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  3,  1,  2,  3,  3,  3], // M C 
				 [  2,  2,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  2,  3,  3,  3], // M L
				 [  2,  2,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  2,  3,  3,  3], // M R
				 [  2,  3,  3,  2,  2,  1,  1,  1,  3,  1,  2,  1,  1,  3], // OM C
				 [  2,  2,  1,  3,  3,  2,  2,  3,  1,  1,  2,  2,  2,  3], // OM L
				 [  2,  2,  1,  3,  3,  2,  2,  3,  1,  1,  2,  2,  2,  3], // OM R
				 [  1,  2,  2,  3,  3,  2,  2,  3,  3,  2,  1,  1,  1,  3], // F
				 [  2,  3,  2,  1,  2,  1,  2,  2,  3,  3,  3]]; // GK

// Weights need to total 100
var weights = [ [85,12, 3],  // D C
				[70,25, 5],  // D L
				[70,25, 5],  // D R
				[90,10, 0],  // DM C
				[50,40,10],  // DM L
				[50,40,10],  // DM R
				[85,12, 3],  // M C			   
				[90, 7, 3],  // M L
				[90, 7, 3],  // M R
				[90,10, 0],  // OM C
				[60,35, 5],  // OM  L
				[60,35, 5],  // OMR
				[80,18, 2],  // F
				[50,42, 8]]; // GK

var weightR2 = [[	0.51872935	,	0.29081119	,	0.57222393	,	0.89735816	,	0.84487852	,	0.50887940	,	0.50887940	,	0.13637928	,	0.05248024	,	0.09388931	,	0.57549122	,	0.00000000	,	0.00000000	,	0.00000000	],	// DC
                [	0.46087883	,	0.31034824	,	0.65619359	,	0.73200504	,	0.70343948	,	0.49831122	,	0.46654859	,	0.16635132	,	0.22496087	,	0.19697949	,	0.48253326	,	0.07310254	,	0.02834753	,	0.00000000	],	// DL/R
                [	0.43732502	,	0.31888984	,	0.53618097	,	0.63897616	,	0.59319466	,	0.51330795	,	0.53166961	,	0.32536200	,	0.06340582	,	0.27886822	,	0.49996910	,	0.18940400	,	0.07344664	,	0.00000000	],	// DMC
                [	0.42233965	,	0.32373447	,	0.62437404	,	0.54169665	,	0.51669428	,	0.49853202	,	0.47851686	,	0.26551219	,	0.22685609	,	0.32146118	,	0.45396969	,	0.23513340	,	0.09117948	,	0.00000000	],	// DML/R
                [	0.34304950	,	0.35058989	,	0.49918296	,	0.34631352	,	0.30595388	,	0.52078076	,	0.56068322	,	0.52568923	,	0.08771222	,	0.47650463	,	0.41232903	,	0.41160135	,	0.15960981	,	0.00000000	],	// MC
                [	0.37404045	,	0.33153172	,	0.62642777	,	0.33260815	,	0.30559265	,	0.50117998	,	0.47502314	,	0.28759565	,	0.33838614	,	0.44322386	,	0.40347341	,	0.41859521	,	0.16232188	,	0.00000000	],	// ML/R
                [	0.31998474	,	0.35180968	,	0.49002842	,	0.23116817	,	0.19239312	,	0.52687030	,	0.57839880	,	0.53861416	,	0.07598706	,	0.56096162	,	0.39614367	,	0.53152625	,	0.20611401	,	0.00000000	],	// OMC
                [	0.36069138	,	0.33248748	,	0.62214126	,	0.20034326	,	0.17595073	,	0.50091992	,	0.47631079	,	0.29235505	,	0.35086625	,	0.52960856	,	0.39553712	,	0.54964726	,	0.21314094	,	0.00000000	],	// OML/R
                [	0.40324698	,	0.29906901	,	0.39676419	,	0.10106757	,	0.07620466	,	0.50471883	,	0.58512049	,	0.37506253	,	0.05291339	,	0.53882195	,	0.51604535	,	0.82935839	,	0.32160667	,	0.00000000	],	// F
                [	0.45462811	,	0.30278232	,	0.45462811	,	0.90925623	,	0.45462811	,	0.90925623	,	0.45462811	,	0.45462811	,	0.30278232	,	0.15139116	,	0.15139116	]];	// GK						

// REC weights Str				   Sta				  Pac				 Mar				 Tac				 Wor				Pos				   Pas				  Cro				 Tec				Hea				   Fin				  Lon				 Set
var weightR = [[0.653962303361921,  0.330014238020285, 0.562994547223387, 0.891800163983125,  0.871069095865164,  0.454514672470839, 0.555697278549252, 0.42777598627972,  0.338218821750765, 0.134348455965202, 0.796916786677566, 0.048831870932616, 0.116363443378865, 0.282347752982916],	//DC
			   [0.565605120229193,  0.430973382039533, 0.917125432457378, 0.815702528287723,  0.99022325015212,   0.547995876625372, 0.522203232914265, 0.309928898819518, 0.837365352274204, 0.483822472259513, 0.656901420858592, 0.137582588344562, 0.163658117596413, 0.303915447383549],	//DL/R
			   [0.55838825558912,   0.603683502357502, 0.563792314670998, 0.770425088563048,  0.641965853834719,  0.675495235675077, 0.683863478201805, 0.757342915150728, 0.473070797767482, 0.494107823556837, 0.397547163237438, 0.429660916538242, 0.56364174077388,  0.224791093448809],	//DMC
			   [0.582074038075056,  0.420032202680124, 0.7887541874616,   0.726221389774063,  0.722972329840151,  0.737617252827595, 0.62234458453736,  0.466946909655194, 0.814382915598981, 0.561877829393632, 0.367446981999576, 0.360623408340649, 0.390057769678583, 0.249517737311268],	//DML/R
			   [0.578431939417021,  0.778134685048085, 0.574726322388294, 0.71400292078636,   0.635403391007978,  0.822308254446722, 0.877857040588335, 0.864265671245476, 0.433450219618618, 0.697164252367046, 0.412568516841575, 0.586627586272733, 0.617905053049757, 0.308426814834866],	//MC
			   [0.497429376361348,  0.545347364699553, 0.788280917110089, 0.578724574327427,  0.663235306043286,  0.772537143243647, 0.638706135095199, 0.538453108494387, 0.887935381275257, 0.572515970409641, 0.290549550901104, 0.476180499897665, 0.526149424898544, 0.287001645266184],	//ML/R
			   [0.656437768926678,  0.617260722143117, 0.656569986958435, 0.63741054520629,   0.55148452726771,   0.922379789905246, 0.790553566121791, 0.999688557334153, 0.426203575603164, 0.778770912265944, 0.652374065121788, 0.662264393455567, 0.73120100926333,  0.274563618133769],	//OMC
			   [0.483341947292063,  0.494773052635464, 0.799434804259974, 0.628789194186491,  0.633847969631333,  0.681354437033551, 0.671233869875345, 0.536121458625519, 0.849389745477645, 0.684067723274814, 0.389732973354501, 0.499972692291964, 0.577231818355874, 0.272773352088982],	//OML/R
			   [0.493917051093473,  0.370423904816088, 0.532148929996192, 0.0629206658586336, 0.0904950078155216, 0.415494774080483, 0.54106107545574,  0.468181146095801, 0.158106484131194, 0.461125738338018, 0.83399612271067,  0.999828328674183, 0.827171977606305, 0.253225855459207],	//F
//			   For  Rez    Vit  Ind  One  Ref Aer  Sar  Com    Deg    Aru
			   [0.5, 0.333, 0.5, 1,   0.5, 1,  0.5, 0.5, 0.333, 0.333, 0.333]]; //GK

//				DC		   DL/R		  DMC		  DML/R		  MC		  ML/R		  OMC		  OML/R		  F			  GK
var recLast = [[14.866375, 15.980742, 15.8932675, 15.5835325, 17.6955092, 16.6189141, 18.1255351, 15.6304867, 13.2762119, 15],
			   [18.95664,  22.895539, 23.1801296, 23.2813871, 26.8420884, 23.9940623, 27.8974544, 24.54323,   19.5088591, 22.3]];

				  // L	DC	R	L	DMC	R	L	MC	R	L	OMC	R	F
var	positionsAll = [[2,	0,	2,	3,	1,	3,	4,	2,	4,	4,	3,	4,	4],	// D C
					[0,	2,	1,	1,	3,	2,	2,	4,	3,	3,	4,	4,	4],	// D L
					[1,	2,	0,	2,	3,	1,	3,	4,	2,	4,	4,	3,	4],	// D R
					[3,	1,	3,	2,	0,	2,	3,	1,	3,	4,	2,	4,	3],	// DM C
					[1,	3,	2,	0,	2,	1,	1,	3,	2,	2,	4,	3,	4],	// DM L
					[2,	3,	1,	1,	2,	0,	2,	3,	1,	3,	4,	2,	4],	// DM R
					[4,	2,	4,	3,	1,	3,	2,	0,	2,	3,	1,	3,	2],	// M C
					[2,	4,	3,	1,	3,	2,	0,	2,	1,	1,	3,	2,	4],	// M L
					[3,	4,	2,	2,	3,	1,	1,	2,	0,	2,	3,	1,	4],	// M R
					[4,	3,	4,	4,	2,	4,	3,	1,	3,	2,	0,	2,	1],	// OM C
					[3,	4,	4,	2,	4,	3,	1,	3,	2,	0,	2,	1,	3],	// OM L
					[4,	4,	3,	3,	4,	2,	2,	3,	1,	1,	2,	0,	3],	// OM R
					[4,	4,	4,	4,	3,	4,	4,	2,	4,	3,	1,	3,	0]]	// F

var positionNames = ["D C", "D L", "D R", "DM C", "DM L", "DM R", "M C", "M L", "M R", "OM C", "OM L", "OM R", "F", "GK"];
//to translate
var positionFullNames = ["Defender Center", "Defender Left", "Defender Right", "Defensive Midfielder Center", "Defensive Midfielder Left", "Defensive Midfielder Right", "Midfielder Center", "Midfielder Left", "Midfielder Right", "Offensive Midfielder Center", "Offensive Midfielder Left", "Offensive Midfielder Right", "Forward", "Goalkeeper"];
var positionFullNamesJ = ["ディフェンダー 中央", "ディフェンダー 左", "ディフェンダー 右", "守備的ミッドフィルダー 中央", "守備的ミッドフィルダー 左", "守備的ミッドフィルダー 右", "ミッドフィルダー 中央", "ミッドフィルダー 左", "ミッドフィルダー 右", "攻撃的ミッドフィルダー 中央", "攻撃的ミッドフィルダー 左", "攻撃的ミッドフィルダー 右", "フォワード", "ゴールキーパー"];
var positionFullNamesGE = ["მცველი ცენტრალური", "მცველი მარცხენა", "მცველი მარჯვენა", "საყრდენი ნახევარმცველი ცენტრალური", "საყრდენი ნახევარმცველი მარცხენა", "საყრდენი ნახევარმცველი მარჯვენა", "ნახევარმცველი ცენტრალური", "ნახევარმცველი მარცხენა", "ნახევარმცველი მარჯვენა", "შემტევი ნახევარმცველი ცენტრალური", "შემტევი ნახევარმცველი მარცხენა", "შემტევი ნახევარმცველი მარჯვენა", "თავდამსხმელი", "მეკარე"];

if (location.href.indexOf("/players/") != -1){

	// positionIndex is the array of skill priority for this player.
	// skills is an array of skills for each user
	document.calculateSkill = function(positionIndex, skills) {
		var totSkill = 0;
		for (var i=0; i< positions[positionIndex].length; i++) {
			if (skills[i]>0) {
				totSkill += skills[i]*document.calculateSkillWeight(positions[positionIndex], weights[positionIndex], i);
		totSkill = totSkill / 200; 
		totSkill = Math.round(totSkill*1000)/1000;
		return totSkill;
	document.calculateSkillWeight = function(positionWeightLevels, weights, index) {
		var weight = 0;
		weight = weights[positionWeightLevels[index]-1] / document.numberAtWeight(positionWeightLevels, positionWeightLevels[index]) * 10;
		return weight;
	document.numberAtWeight = function(positionWeightLevels, value) {
		var count = 0;
		for (var i=0; i< positionWeightLevels.length; i++) {
			if (positionWeightLevels[i] == value) {
		return count;

	document.findPositionIndex = function(position) {
		var index = -1;
		for (var k=0; k< positionFullNames.length; k++) {
			if (position.indexOf(positionFullNames[k]) == 0) {
			return k;
		for (var k=0; k< positionFullNamesJ.length; k++) {
			if (position.indexOf(positionFullNamesJ[k]) == 0) {
			return k;
		for (var k=0; k< positionFullNamesGE.length; k++) {
			if (position.indexOf(positionFullNamesGE[k]) == 0) {
			return k;
		return index;
	document.getSkills = function(table) {
		var skillArray = [];
		var tableData = table.getElementsByTagName("td");
		if (tableData.length > 1) {
			for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
				for (var j = i; j < tableData.length; j += 2) {
					if (tableData[j].innerHTML.indexOf("star.png") > 0) {
					else if (tableData[j].innerHTML.indexOf("star_silver.png") > 0) {
					else if (tableData[j].textContent.length != 0) {
		return skillArray;

	function funFix (i) {
		i = (Math.round(i*100)/100).toFixed(2);
		return i;
	function funFix2 (i) {
		i = (Math.round(i*10)/10).toFixed(1);
		return i;
	//to translate
	function siSearch (gettr) {
		for (var i = 0; i < gettr.length; i++){
			if (gettr[i].innerHTML.indexOf("スキル指数") > 0) return i;
			else if (gettr[i].innerHTML.indexOf("Skill Index") > 0) return i;
			else if (gettr[i].innerHTML.indexOf("უნარების ინდექსი") > 0) return i;
	document.createTR = function(table, SKarray) {
		var tr = document.createElement("tr");
		var th = document.createElement("th");
		th.innerHTML = "SK1";
		var td = document.createElement("td");
		td.setAttribute("class", "align_center");
		td.innerHTML = SKarray[0];
		var th = document.createElement("th");
		th.innerHTML = "SK2";
		var td = document.createElement("td");
		td.setAttribute("class", "align_center");
		if (SKarray[1] == 0){
			td.innerHTML = "N/A";
		} else {
			td.innerHTML = SKarray[1];
	function computeSK(table, skills){
	var SKs = [0, 0];
	var REREC = [[],[],[]];
	var FP = [];
	var positionCell = document.getElementsByClassName("favposition long")[0].childNodes;
	var positionArray = [];
	if (positionCell.length == 1){
			positionArray[0] = positionCell[0].textContent;
	} else if (positionCell.length == 2){
			positionArray[0] = positionCell[0].textContent + positionCell[1].textContent;
	} else if (positionCell[1].className == "split"){
			positionArray[0] = positionCell[0].textContent + positionCell[3].textContent;
			positionArray[1] = positionCell[2].textContent + positionCell[3].textContent;
	} else if (positionCell[3].className == "f"){
			positionArray[0] = positionCell[0].textContent + positionCell[1].textContent;
			positionArray[1] = positionCell[3].textContent;
	} else {
			positionArray[0] = positionCell[0].textContent + positionCell[1].textContent;
			positionArray[1] = positionCell[0].textContent + positionCell[3].textContent;
	var gettr = document.getElementsByTagName("tr");
	var trnum = siSearch(gettr);
	var rou = gettr[trnum+2].getElementsByTagName("td")[0].innerHTML;
	rou = Math.pow(5/3, Math.LOG2E * Math.log(rou * 10)) * 0.4;
	for (var i = 0; i < positionArray.length; i++){
			var positionIndex = document.findPositionIndex(positionArray[i]);
			FP[i] = positionIndex;
			FP[i+1] = FP[i];
			if (positionIndex > -1) {
				SKs[i] = document.calculateSkill(positionIndex, skills);
			if (i == 0) REREC = document.calculateREREC(positionIndex, skills, gettr, trnum, rou, rou_factor);
	var SI = new String(gettr[trnum].getElementsByTagName("td")[0].innerHTML).replace(/,/g, "");
	if (positionIndex == 13){
		var phySum = skills[0]*1 + skills[1]*1 + skills[2]*1 + skills[7]*1;
		var tacSum = skills[4]*1 + skills[6]*1 + skills[8]*1;
		var tecSum = skills[3]*1 + skills[5]*1 + skills[9]*1 + skills[10]*1;
		var weight = 48717927500;
	else {
		var phySum = skills[0]*1 + skills[1]*1 + skills[2]*1 + skills[10]*1;
		var tacSum = skills[3]*1 + skills[4]*1 + skills[5]*1 + skills[6]*1;
		var tecSum = skills[7]*1 + skills[8]*1 + skills[9]*1 + skills[11]*1 + skills[12]*1 + skills[13]*1;
		var weight = 263533760000;
	var allSum = phySum + tacSum + tecSum;
	var remainder = funFix2(Math.pow(2,Math.log(weight*SI)/Math.log(Math.pow(2,7))) - allSum);
	var recth = document.createElement("div");
	var rectd = document.createElement("div");
	var ratth = document.createElement("div");
	var rattd = document.createElement("div");
	rectd.setAttribute("style", "color: gold;");
	rattd.setAttribute("style", "color: gold;");
	var FP2 = [FP[0], FP[1]];
	for (i = 0; i < FP.length; i++) {
		for (j = 0; 2+j <= FP[i]; j += 2) FP[i]--;
	if (FP[0] != FP[1]) {
		rectd.innerHTML = REREC[0][FP[0]] + "/" + REREC[0][FP[1]];
		rattd.innerHTML = REREC[2][FP[0]] + "/" + REREC[2][FP[1]];
		var ratingR2 = rattd.innerHTML;
		var rouEffect = funFix(REREC[2][FP[0]]*1 - REREC[1][FP[0]]*1) + "/" + funFix(REREC[2][FP[1]]*1 - REREC[1][FP[1]]*1);
		var R2Pure = REREC[1][FP[0]] + "/" + REREC[1][FP[1]];
	else {
		rectd.innerHTML = REREC[0][FP[0]];
		rattd.innerHTML = REREC[2][FP[0]];
		var ratingR2 = rattd.innerHTML;
		var rouEffect = funFix(REREC[2][FP[0]]*1 - REREC[1][FP[0]]*1);
		var R2Pure = REREC[1][FP[0]];
	recth.innerHTML = "<b style=\"color: gold;\">REREC</b>";
	ratth.innerHTML = "<b style=\"color: gold;\">RatingR2</b>";
	var div_area = document.createElement('div');
	div_area.innerHTML="<div id=\"area\" style=\"position: absolute; z-index: 1000; width: 175px; margin-top: 25px; background: #5F8D2D; padding-left: 5px; text-align: middle; color: gold; border: 2px #333333 outset; display:inline;\"><p style=\"text-decoration: underline;\"><b>PlayerData+:<\p><table style=\"margin-top: -1em; margin-bottom: 1em;\"><tr><td>PhySum: </td><td>" + phySum + " </td></tr><tr><td>TacSum: </td><td>" + tacSum + " </td></tr><tr><td>TecSum: </td><td>" + tecSum + " </td></tr><tr><td>AllSum: </td><td>" + allSum + " + " + remainder + " </td></tr><tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr><tr><td>RatingR2: </td><td>" + ratingR2 + " </td></tr><tr><td>RouEffect: </td><td>" + rouEffect + " </td></tr><tr><td>Rating-Pure: </td><td>" + R2Pure + "</td></tr></table></b></div>";
	document.createTR(table, SKs);
	var hidden = document.getElementById("hidden_skill_table").getElementsByTagName("td");
	if (hidden[0].innerHTML != "") {
		var x;
		for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
			x = hidden[i].getAttribute("tooltip").match(/\d+/);
			if (x < 10) x = " " + x;
			hidden[i].setAttribute("style", "white-space: nowrap;"); 
			hidden[i].innerHTML += " (" + x + "/20)";
		if (positionIndex != 13) {
			var div = document.createElement("div");
			div.setAttribute("style", "position: absolute; z-index: 1000; width: 175px; margin-top: 240px; background: #5F8D2D; padding-left: 5px; border: 2px #333333 outset; display:inline;");
			div.innerHTML = "<p><b>RatingR2: All Positions</b></p>";
			var table2 = document.createElement("table");
			table2.setAttribute("border", "1");
			table2.setAttribute("bordercolor", "YellowGreen");
			table2.setAttribute("style", "width: 170px; margin-bottom: 7px;");
			var tbody = document.createElement("tbody");
			tbody.setAttribute("align", "center");
			var adapt = hidden[3].getAttribute("tooltip").match(/\d+/);
			var R2all = [REREC[2][1], REREC[2][0], REREC[2][1], REREC[2][3], REREC[2][2], REREC[2][3], REREC[2][5], REREC[2][4], REREC[2][5], REREC[2][7], REREC[2][6], REREC[2][7], REREC[2][8]];
			for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
				var tr = document.createElement("tr");
				for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
					var num = (4-i)*3+j;
					var td = document.createElement("td");
					if (num < 12 || num == 13) {
						if (num == 13) num--;
						if (positionsAll[FP2[0]][num] > positionsAll[FP2[1]][num]) positionsAll[FP2[0]][num] = positionsAll[FP2[1]][num];
						td.innerHTML = funFix(R2all[num] * (1 - (20 - adapt) * positionsAll[FP2[0]][num] / 200));
					else td.innerHTML = "";
	if (positionIndex != 13) {
		var table2 = document.createElement("table");
		var tbody = document.createElement("tbody");
		table2.setAttribute("border", "1");  
		table2.setAttribute("bordercolor", "#6C9922");  
		table2.innerHTML = "<thead><tr><th></th><th>DC</th><th>DLR</th><th>DMC</th><th>DMLR</th><th>MC</th><th>MLR</th><th>OMC</th><th>OMLR</th><th>F</th></tr></thead>";
		tbody.setAttribute("align", "center");  
		var tr = document.createElement("tr");
		for (var i = 0; i < 3; i+=2) {
			var th = document.createElement("th");
			if (i == 0) th.innerHTML = "REC";
			else th.innerHTML = "R2";
			for (var j = 0; j < 9; j++) {
				var td = document.createElement("td");
				if (REREC[i][j]*1 >= 100) REREC[i][j] = funFix2(REREC[i][j]*1);
				td.innerHTML = REREC[i][j];
			var tr = document.createElement("tr");
			var th = document.createElement("th");
			th.setAttribute("colspan", "4");  
			th.setAttribute("align", "center");  
	document.calculateREREC = function (positionIndex, skills, gettr, num, rou, rou_factor){
		var rec = [];			// REREC
		var ratingR = [];		// RatingR2
		var ratingR2 = [];		// RatingR2 + routine
		var skillSum = 0;
		var SI = new String(gettr[num].getElementsByTagName("td")[0].innerHTML).replace(/,/g, "");
		if (positionIndex == 13) {
			var skillWeightSum = Math.pow(SI, 0.143) / 0.02979;			// GK Skillsum
			var weight = 48717927500;
		else {
			var skillWeightSum = Math.pow(SI, 1/6.99194)/0.02336483;	// Other Skillsum
			var weight = 263533760000;
		for (var i = 0; i < skills.length; i++) {
			skillSum += parseInt(skills[i]);
		for (i = 0; 2+i <= positionIndex; i += 2) {		// TrExMaとRECのweight表のずれ修正
		skillWeightSum -= skillSum;			// REREC remainder
		var remainder = Math.round((Math.pow(2,Math.log(weight*SI)/Math.log(Math.pow(2,7))) - skillSum)*10)/10;		// RatingR2 remainder
		for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
			rec[i] = 0;
			ratingR[i] = 0;
		for (var j = 0; j < 9; j++) {		// All position
			var remainderWeight = 0;		// REREC remainder weight sum
			var remainderWeight2 = 0;		// RatingR2 remainder weight sum
			var not20 = 0;					// 20以外のスキル数
			if (positionIndex == 9) j = 9;	// GK
			for (var i = 0; i < weightR[positionIndex].length; i++) {
				rec[j] += skills[i] * weightR[j][i];
				ratingR[j] += skills[i] * weightR2[j][i];
				if (skills[i] != 20) {
					remainderWeight += weightR[j][i];
					remainderWeight2 += weightR2[j][i];
					not20 += 1;
			rec[j] += skillWeightSum * remainderWeight / not20;		//REREC Score
			if (positionIndex == 9) rec[j] *= 1.27;					//GK
			rec[j] = funFix((rec[j] - recLast[0][j]) / recLast[1][j]);
			ratingR[j] += remainder * remainderWeight2 / not20;
			ratingR2[j] = funFix(ratingR[j] * (1 + rou * rou_factor));
			ratingR[j] = funFix(ratingR[j]);
			if (positionIndex == 9) j = 9;		// Loop end
		var recAndRating = [rec, ratingR, ratingR2];
		return recAndRating;
	function seasonTI () {
		var sith = document.createElement("div");
		var sitd = document.createElement("div");
		var gettr = document.getElementsByTagName("tr");
		var trnum = siSearch(gettr);
		var SI = new String(gettr[trnum].getElementsByTagName("td")[0].innerHTML).replace(/,/g, "");
		var wage = new String(gettr[trnum-2].getElementsByTagName("span")[0].innerHTML).replace(/,/g, "");
		if (wage == 30000) {
			sitd.innerHTML = "---";
		//to translate
		else {
			if (document.getElementsByClassName("favposition long")[0].innerHTML.indexOf("ゴールキーパー") > 0) {
				var weight = 48717927500;
			else if (document.getElementsByClassName("favposition long")[0].innerHTML.indexOf("Goalkeeper") > 0) {
				var weight = 48717927500;
			else var weight = 263533760000;
			var TI = Math.pow(2,Math.log(weight*SI)/Math.log(Math.pow(2,7))) - Math.pow(2,Math.log(weight*wage/wage_rate)/Math.log(Math.pow(2,7)));
			sitd.innerHTML = Math.round(TI*10);
		sith.innerHTML = "<b>Season TI</b>";
	(function() {
		var playerTable = document.getElementsByClassName("skill_table zebra")[0];
		var skillArray = document.getSkills(playerTable);
		var SKs = computeSK(playerTable, skillArray);