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// ==UserScript== // @name YT Saver // @namespace // @version 0.3 // @description Save link and name of YouTube videos you watch for later use // @author Stefan Ninic // @match* // @match* // @match* // @match* // @require // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // @grant GM_listValues // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_deleteValue // ==/UserScript== /* jshint -W097 */ 'use strict'; $(document).ready(function(){ var videoLink = $("link[itemprop='url']").attr("href"); var videoTitle = $("meta[itemprop='name']").attr("content"); var videoDescription = $("meta[itemprop='description']").attr("content"); var videoThumb = $("link[itemprop='thumbnailUrl']").attr("href"); var videoViews = $("meta[itemprop='interactionCount']").attr("content"); var videoPublished = $("meta[itemprop='datePublished']").attr("content"); var videoGenre = $("meta[itemprop='genre']").attr("content"); function saveVideo(){ var savedVideos = GM_getValue(videoTitle); if(savedVideos != null && savedVideos != undefined){ alert("Video is already in the database. NOTE: Try to reload page if you think this is not correct."); } else{ var videoInfo = { "videoLink": videoLink, "videoTitle": videoTitle, "videoDescription": videoDescription, "videoThumb": videoThumb, "videoViews": videoViews, "videoPublished": videoPublished, "videoGenre": videoGenre }; GM_setValue(videoTitle, videoInfo); alert("Video saved to database."); } } function listAllVideos(){ var videos = GM_listValues(); if(videos.length != 0){ var table = $("<ul id='com-kgbot-table'></ul>"); var header = $("<li id='com-kgbot-header'><span class='com-kgbot-cell'>Title</span>\ <span class='com-kgbot-cell'>Description</span><span class='com-kgbot-cell'>Thumbnail</span>\ <span class='com-kgbot-cell'>Views</span><span class='com-kgbot-cell'>Published</span><span class='com-kgbot-cell'>Genre</span>\ </li>"); $(table).append(header); $.each(videos, function(key, item){ var video = GM_getValue(item); var info = $("<li class='com-kgbot-row'><span class='com-kgbot-cell'><a href='" + video["videoLink"] + "'>" + video["videoTitle"] + "</a></span>\ <span class='com-kgbot-cell'>" + video["videoDescription"] + "</span><span class='com-kgbot-cell'><img width='60' height='60' src='" + video["videoThumb"] + "'></img></span>\ <span class='com-kgbot-cell'>" + video["videoViews"] + "</span><span class='com-kgbot-cell'>" + video["videoPublished"] + "</span>\ <span class='com-kgbot-cell'>" + video["videoGenre"] + "</span></li>"); $(table).append(info); }) var style = $("<link id='com-kgbot-ytstyle' rel='stylesheet' href=''>"); $("head").append(style); $("body").prepend(table); } else{ alert("There are no videos in database."); } } function clearVideos(){ var videos = GM_listValues(); $.each(videos, function(key, item){ GM_deleteValue(item); }) alert("Database cleared."); } function hideVideos(){ $("#com-kgbot-table").remove(); $("#com-kgbot-ytstyle").remove(); } GM_registerMenuCommand("Save video", saveVideo); GM_registerMenuCommand("List All Videos", listAllVideos); GM_registerMenuCommand("Delete All Videos", clearVideos); GM_registerMenuCommand("Hide All Videos", hideVideos); })