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// ==UserScript== // @name genshinSeelieEx // @name:zh 原神规划助手扩展 // @namespace // @version 5.3.2 // @author KeyPJ // @description:zh 个人想偷懒,不想手动在仙灵 - 原神规划助手 手动录入角色及其天赋,于是简单整理一个脚本,利用米游社养成计算器api获取角色信息,直接导入至seelie // @license MIT // @homepage // @homepageURL // @updateURL // @include* // @include* // @require // @require // @resource character // @resource weapon // @connect // @connect // @grant GM.xmlHttpRequest // @grant GM_getResourceText // @grant GM_openInTab // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant unsafeWindow // @run-at document-end // @contributionURL // @copyright 2021, KeyPJ // ==/UserScript== (e=>{const t=document.createElement("style");t.dataset.source="vite-plugin-monkey",t.innerText=e,document.head.appendChild(t)})('*,:before,:after{box-sizing:border-box;border-width:0;border-style:solid;border-color:#e5e7eb}:before,:after{--tw-content: 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(const k2 in e) { if (k2 !== "default") { const d = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, k2); Object.defineProperty(n2, k2, d.get ? d : { enumerable: true, get: () => e[k2] }); } } } n2.default = e; return Object.freeze(n2); } const React__namespace = /* @__PURE__ */ _interopNamespaceDefault(React2); const App$1 = ""; const characters = JSON.parse(GM_getResourceText("character")); const weapons = JSON.parse(GM_getResourceText("weapon")); const charactersNum = characters.length; const getCharacterId = (queryName) => { for (let e of characters) { const { id, name } = e; if (queryName == name) { return id; } } console.error(`getCharacterId ${queryName} 查询失败`); return ""; }; const getWeaponId = (queryName) => { for (let e of weapons) { const { id, name } = e; if (queryName == name) { return id; } } console.error(`getWeaponrId ${queryName} 查询失败`); return ""; }; const elementAttrIds = [ { element_attr_id: 1, name: "pyro" }, { element_attr_id: 2, name: "anemo" }, { element_attr_id: 3, name: "geo" }, { element_attr_id: 4, name: "electro" }, { element_attr_id: 5, name: "hydro" }, { element_attr_id: 6, name: "cryo" }, { element_attr_id: 7, name: "dendro" } ]; const getElementAttrName = (queryName) => { for (let e of elementAttrIds) { const { element_attr_id, name } = e; if (queryName == element_attr_id) { return name; } } console.error(`getElementAttrName: ${queryName} 查询失败`); return ""; }; const getAccount$1 = () => localStorage.account || "main"; const getTotalGoal = () => JSON.parse( localStorage.getItem(`${getAccount$1()}-goals`) || "[]" ); const getGoalInactive = () => Object.keys(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(`${getAccount$1()}-inactive`) || "{}")); const setGoals = (goals) => { localStorage.setItem(`${getAccount$1()}-goals`, JSON.stringify(goals)); localStorage.setItem("last_update", new Date().toISOString()); }; const addGoal = (data2) => { var _a2, _b2; let index = -1; const goals = getTotalGoal(); if (data2.character) { index = goals.findIndex( (g2) => g2.character === data2.character && g2.type === data2.type ); } else if ( { index = goals.findIndex((g2) => ===; } if (index >= 0) { goals[index] = { ...goals[index], ...data2 }; } else { const lastId = (_b2 = (_a2 = goals == null ? void 0 : => == null ? void 0 : _a2.filter((id) => typeof id == "number")) == null ? void 0 : _b2.sort((a, b) => a < b ? 1 : -1)[0]; = (lastId || 0) + 1; goals.push(data2); console.log(data2); } setGoals(goals); }; const addTalentGoal = (talentCharacter, skill_list) => { const totalGoal = getTotalGoal(); const ids = =>; const id = Math.max(...ids) + 1 || 1; const talentIdx = totalGoal.findIndex((g2) => g2.type == "talent" && g2.character == talentCharacter); const [normalCurrent, skillCurrent, burstCurrent] = skill_list.filter((a) => a.max_level == 10).sort().map((a) => a.level_current); let talentGoal; if (talentIdx < 0) { talentGoal = { type: "talent", character: talentCharacter, c3: false, c5: false, normal: { current: normalCurrent, goal: normalCurrent }, skill: { current: skillCurrent, goal: skillCurrent }, burst: { current: burstCurrent, goal: burstCurrent }, id }; } else { const seelieGoal = totalGoal[talentIdx]; const { normal, skill, burst } = seelieGoal; const { goal: normalGoal } = normal; const { goal: skillGoal } = skill; const { goal: burstGoal } = burst; talentGoal = { ...seelieGoal, normal: { current: normalCurrent, goal: normalCurrent > normalGoal ? normalCurrent : normalGoal }, skill: { current: skillCurrent, goal: skillCurrent > skillGoal ? skillCurrent : skillGoal }, burst: { current: burstCurrent, goal: burstCurrent > burstGoal ? burstCurrent : burstGoal } }; } addGoal(talentGoal); }; const addCharacterGoal = (level_current, nameEn, name, type) => { let totalGoal = getTotalGoal(); const ids = =>; const id = Math.max(...ids) + 1 || 1; let characterPredicate = (g2) => g2.type == type && g2.character == nameEn; let weaponPredicate = (g2) => g2.type == type && g2.weapon == nameEn; const characterIdx = totalGoal.findIndex(type == "character" ? characterPredicate : weaponPredicate); const characterStatus = initCharacterStatus(level_current); let characterGoal; function initCharacterGoal() { return { type, character: nameEn, current: characterStatus, goal: characterStatus, id }; } function initWeaponGoal() { return { type, character: "", weapon: nameEn, current: characterStatus, goal: characterStatus, id }; } if (characterIdx < 0) { characterGoal = type == "character" ? initCharacterGoal() : initWeaponGoal(); } else { const seelieGoal = type == "character" ? totalGoal[characterIdx] : totalGoal[characterIdx]; const { goal, current } = seelieGoal; const { level: levelCurrent, asc: ascCurrent } = current; const { level: levelGoal, asc: ascGoal } = goal; const { level, asc } = characterStatus; characterGoal = { ...seelieGoal, current: level >= levelCurrent && asc >= ascCurrent ? characterStatus : current, goal: level >= levelGoal && asc >= ascGoal ? characterStatus : goal }; } addGoal(characterGoal); }; function addCharacter(characterDataEx) { const { character, skill_list, weapon } = characterDataEx; const { name, element_attr_id } = character; if (weapon) { const { name: name2, level_current: weaponLeveL } = weapon; const weaponId = getWeaponId(name2); if (weaponId) { addCharacterGoal(weaponLeveL, weaponId, name2, "weapon"); } } const { level_current: characterLevel } = character; const characterId = getCharacterId(name); if (!characterId) { return; } addCharacterGoal(characterLevel, characterId, name, "character"); let talentCharacter = characterId; if (characterId == "traveler") { const elementAttrName = getElementAttrName(element_attr_id); talentCharacter = `traveler_${elementAttrName}`; } addTalentGoal(talentCharacter, skill_list); } const characterStatusList = [ { level: 1, asc: 0, text: "1" }, { level: 20, asc: 0, text: "20" }, { level: 20, asc: 1, text: "20 A" }, { level: 40, asc: 1, text: "40" }, { level: 40, asc: 2, text: "40 A" }, { level: 50, asc: 2, text: "50" }, { level: 50, asc: 3, text: "50 A" }, { level: 60, asc: 3, text: "60" }, { level: 60, asc: 4, text: "60 A" }, { level: 70, asc: 4, text: "70" }, { level: 70, asc: 5, text: "70 A" }, { level: 80, asc: 5, text: "80" }, { level: 80, asc: 6, text: "80 A" }, { level: 90, asc: 6, text: "90" } ]; const initCharacterStatus = (level_current) => { let initCharacterStatus2 = characterStatusList[0]; if (level_current < 20) { return initCharacterStatus2; } for (let characterStatus of characterStatusList) { const { level } = characterStatus; if (level_current < level) { return initCharacterStatus2; } else if (level_current == level) { return characterStatus; } else if (level_current > level) { initCharacterStatus2 = characterStatus; } } return initCharacterStatus2; }; const updateTalent = (talent, normalGoal = 9, skillGoal = 9, burstGoal = 9) => { const { normal: { current: normalCurrent }, skill: { current: skillCurrent }, burst: { current: burstCurrent } } = talent; const talentNew = { ...talent, normal: { current: normalCurrent, goal: normalCurrent > normalGoal ? normalCurrent : normalGoal }, skill: { current: skillCurrent, goal: skillCurrent > skillGoal ? skillCurrent : skillGoal }, burst: { current: burstCurrent, goal: burstCurrent > burstGoal ? burstCurrent : burstGoal } }; addGoal(talentNew); }; const batchUpdateTalent = (all, normal, skill, burst) => { getTotalGoal().filter((a) => a.type == "talent").filter((a) => all || !getGoalInactive().includes(a.character)).map((a) => updateTalent(a, normal, skill, burst)); }; const updateCharacter = (character, characterStatusGoal) => { const { current } = character; const { level: levelCurrent, asc: ascCurrent } = current; const { level, asc } = characterStatusGoal; const characterGoalNew = { ...character, goal: level >= levelCurrent && asc >= ascCurrent ? characterStatusGoal : current }; addGoal(characterGoalNew); }; const batchUpdateCharacter = (all, characterStatusGoal) => { getTotalGoal().filter((a) => a.type == "character").filter((a) => all || !getGoalInactive().includes(a.character)).map((a) => updateCharacter(a, characterStatusGoal)); location.reload(); }; const batchUpdateWeapon = (all, characterStatusGoal) => { getTotalGoal().filter((a) => a.type == "weapon").filter((a) => all || !getGoalInactive().includes(a.weapon)).map((a) => updateCharacter(a, characterStatusGoal)); location.reload(); }; function k() { let e = [], t = [], r = { enqueue(o) { t.push(o); }, requestAnimationFrame(...o) { let n2 = requestAnimationFrame(...o); r.add(() => cancelAnimationFrame(n2)); }, nextFrame(...o) { r.requestAnimationFrame(() => { r.requestAnimationFrame(...o); }); }, setTimeout(...o) { let n2 = setTimeout(...o); r.add(() => clearTimeout(n2)); }, add(o) { e.push(o); }, dispose() { for (let o of e.splice(0)) o(); }, async workQueue() { for (let o of t.splice(0)) await o(); } }; return r; } function Q() { let [e] = React2.useState(k); return React2.useEffect(() => () => e.dispose(), [e]), e; } var x = typeof window != "undefined" ? React2.useLayoutEffect : React2.useEffect; var yt = { serverHandoffComplete: false }; function q$1() { let [e, t] = React2.useState(yt.serverHandoffComplete); return React2.useEffect(() => { e !== true && t(true); }, [e]), React2.useEffect(() => { yt.serverHandoffComplete === false && (yt.serverHandoffComplete = true); }, []), e; } var or = 0; function to$1() { return ++or; } function A() { let e = q$1(), [t, r] = React2.useState(e ? to$1 : null); return x(() => { t === null && r(to$1()); }, [t]), t != null ? "" + t : void 0; } function ke(e) { let t = React2.useRef(e); return React2.useEffect(() => { t.current = e; }, [e]), t; } function ee(e, t) { let [r, o] = React2.useState(e), n2 = ke(e); return x(() => o(n2.current), [n2, o, ...t]), r; } function I(...e) { let t = React2.useRef(e); return React2.useEffect(() => { t.current = e; }, [e]), React2.useCallback((r) => { for (let o of t.current) o != null && (typeof o == "function" ? o(r) : o.current = r); }, [t]); } function S(e, t, ...r) { if (e in t) { let n2 = t[e]; return typeof n2 == "function" ? n2(...r) : n2; } let o = new Error(`Tried to handle "${e}" but there is no handler defined. Only defined handlers are: ${Object.keys(t).map((n2) => `"${n2}"`).join(", ")}.`); throw Error.captureStackTrace && Error.captureStackTrace(o, S), o; } function E({ props: e, slot: t, defaultTag: r, features: o, visible: n2 = true, name: i }) { if (n2) return _e(e, t, r, i); let a = o != null ? o : 0; if (a & 2) { let { static: l = false, ...s } = e; if (l) return _e(s, t, r, i); } if (a & 1) { let { unmount: l = true, ...s } = e; return S(l ? 0 : 1, { [0]() { return null; }, [1]() { return _e({ ...s, hidden: true, style: { display: "none" } }, t, r, i); } }); } return _e(e, t, r, i); } function _e(e, t = {}, r, o) { let { as: n2 = r, children: i, refName: a = "ref", ...l } = gt(e, ["unmount", "static"]), s = e.ref !== void 0 ? { [a]: e.ref } : {}, u = typeof i == "function" ? i(t) : i; if (l.className && typeof l.className == "function" && (l.className = l.className(t)), n2 === React2.Fragment && Object.keys(l).length > 0) { if (!React2.isValidElement(u) || Array.isArray(u) && u.length > 1) throw new Error(['Passing props on "Fragment"!', "", `The current component <${o} /> is rendering a "Fragment".`, "However we need to passthrough the following props:", Object.keys(l).map((c) => ` - ${c}`).join(` `), "", "You can apply a few solutions:", ['Add an `as="..."` prop, to ensure that we render an actual element instead of a "Fragment".', "Render a single element as the child so that we can forward the props onto that element."].map((c) => ` - ${c}`).join(` `)].join(` `)); return React2.cloneElement(u, Object.assign({}, fr(mr(gt(l, ["ref"])), u.props, ["onClick"]), s)); } return React2.createElement(n2, Object.assign({}, gt(l, ["ref"]), n2 !== React2.Fragment && s), u); } function fr(e, t, r) { let o = Object.assign({}, e); for (let n2 of r) e[n2] !== void 0 && t[n2] !== void 0 && Object.assign(o, { [n2](i) { i.defaultPrevented || e[n2](i), i.defaultPrevented || t[n2](i); } }); return o; } function D(e) { var t; return Object.assign(React2.forwardRef(e), { displayName: (t = e.displayName) != null ? t : }); } function mr(e) { let t = Object.assign({}, e); for (let r in t) t[r] === void 0 && delete t[r]; return t; } function gt(e, t = []) { let r = Object.assign({}, e); for (let o of t) o in r && delete r[o]; return r; } function br(e) { throw new Error("Unexpected object: " + e); } function ae(e, t) { let r = t.resolveItems(); if (r.length <= 0) return null; let o = t.resolveActiveIndex(), n2 = o != null ? o : -1, i = (() => { switch (e.focus) { case 0: return r.findIndex((a) => !t.resolveDisabled(a)); case 1: { let a = r.slice().reverse().findIndex((l, s, u) => n2 !== -1 && u.length - s - 1 >= n2 ? false : !t.resolveDisabled(l)); return a === -1 ? a : r.length - 1 - a; } case 2: return r.findIndex((a, l) => l <= n2 ? false : !t.resolveDisabled(a)); case 3: { let a = r.slice().reverse().findIndex((l) => !t.resolveDisabled(l)); return a === -1 ? a : r.length - 1 - a; } case 4: return r.findIndex((a) => t.resolveId(a) ===; case 5: return null; default: br(e); } })(); return i === -1 ? o : i; } function G(e) { let t = e.parentElement, r = null; for (; t && !(t instanceof HTMLFieldSetElement); ) t instanceof HTMLLegendElement && (r = t), t = t.parentElement; let o = (t == null ? void 0 : t.getAttribute("disabled")) === ""; return o && Tr(r) ? false : o; } function Tr(e) { if (!e) return false; let t = e.previousElementSibling; for (; t !== null; ) { if (t instanceof HTMLLegendElement) return false; t = t.previousElementSibling; } return true; } function w(e, t, r) { let o = React2.useRef(t); o.current = t, React2.useEffect(() => { function n2(i) {, i); } return window.addEventListener(e, n2, r), () => window.removeEventListener(e, n2, r); }, [e, r]); } var Pt = React2.createContext(null); Pt.displayName = "OpenClosedContext"; function _() { return React2.useContext(Pt); } function W({ value: e, children: t }) { return React2.createElement(Pt.Provider, { value: e }, t); } function ro(e) { var r; if (e.type) return e.type; let t = (r = != null ? r : "button"; if (typeof t == "string" && t.toLowerCase() === "button") return "button"; } function U(e, t) { let [r, o] = React2.useState(() => ro(e)); return x(() => { o(ro(e)); }, [e.type,]), x(() => { r || !t.current || t.current instanceof HTMLButtonElement && !t.current.hasAttribute("type") && o("button"); }, [r, t]), r; } function se({ container: e, accept: t, walk: r, enabled: o = true }) { let n2 = React2.useRef(t), i = React2.useRef(r); React2.useEffect(() => { n2.current = t, i.current = r; }, [t, r]), x(() => { if (!e || !o) return; let a = n2.current, l = i.current, s = Object.assign((c) => a(c), { acceptNode: a }), u = document.createTreeWalker(e, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT, s, false); for (; u.nextNode(); ) l(u.currentNode); }, [e, o, n2, i]); } var Ar = { [1](e) { return e.disabled || e.comboboxState === 1 ? e : { ...e, activeOptionIndex: null, comboboxState: 1 }; }, [0](e) { return e.disabled || e.comboboxState === 0 ? e : { ...e, comboboxState: 0 }; }, [2](e, t) { return e.disabled === t.disabled ? e : { ...e, disabled: t.disabled }; }, [3](e, t) { if (e.disabled || e.optionsRef.current && !e.optionsPropsRef.current.static && e.comboboxState === 1) return e; let r = ae(t, { resolveItems: () => e.options, resolveActiveIndex: () => e.activeOptionIndex, resolveId: (o) =>, resolveDisabled: (o) => o.dataRef.current.disabled }); return e.activeOptionIndex === r ? e : { ...e, activeOptionIndex: r }; }, [4]: (e, t) => { var i; let r = e.activeOptionIndex !== null ? e.options[e.activeOptionIndex] : null, o = Array.from((i = e.optionsRef.current) == null ? void 0 : i.querySelectorAll('[id^="headlessui-combobox-option-"]')).reduce((a, l, s) => Object.assign(a, { []: s }), {}), n2 = [...e.options, { id:, dataRef: t.dataRef }].sort((a, l) => o[] - o[]); return { ...e, options: n2, activeOptionIndex: (() => r === null ? null : n2.indexOf(r))() }; }, [5]: (e, t) => { let r = e.options.slice(), o = e.activeOptionIndex !== null ? r[e.activeOptionIndex] : null, n2 = r.findIndex((i) => ===; return n2 !== -1 && r.splice(n2, 1), { ...e, options: r, activeOptionIndex: (() => n2 === e.activeOptionIndex || o === null ? null : r.indexOf(o))() }; } }, vt = React2.createContext(null); vt.displayName = "ComboboxContext"; function pe(e) { let t = React2.useContext(vt); if (t === null) { let r = new Error(`<${e} /> is missing a parent <Combobox /> component.`); throw Error.captureStackTrace && Error.captureStackTrace(r, pe), r; } return t; } var Rt = React2.createContext(null); Rt.displayName = "ComboboxActions"; function Ue() { let e = React2.useContext(Rt); if (e === null) { let t = new Error("ComboboxActions is missing a parent <Combobox /> component."); throw Error.captureStackTrace && Error.captureStackTrace(t, Ue), t; } return e; } function hr(e, t) { return S(t.type, Ar, e, t); } var Or = React2.Fragment, Ir = D(function(t, r) { let { value: o, onChange: n2, disabled: i = false, ...a } = t, l = React2.useRef({ value: o, onChange: n2 }), s = React2.useRef({ static: false, hold: false }), u = React2.useRef({ displayValue: void 0 }), c = React2.useReducer(hr, { comboboxState: 1, comboboxPropsRef: l, optionsPropsRef: s, inputPropsRef: u, labelRef: React2.createRef(), inputRef: React2.createRef(), buttonRef: React2.createRef(), optionsRef: React2.createRef(), disabled: i, options: [], activeOptionIndex: null }), [{ comboboxState: m2, options: b, activeOptionIndex: T, optionsRef: y, inputRef: p2, buttonRef: f2 }, d] = c; x(() => { l.current.value = o; }, [o, l]), x(() => { l.current.onChange = n2; }, [n2, l]), x(() => d({ type: 2, disabled: i }), [i]), w("mousedown", (O) => { var N, K, V; let L =; m2 === 0 && (((N = f2.current) == null ? void 0 : N.contains(L)) || ((K = p2.current) == null ? void 0 : K.contains(L)) || ((V = y.current) == null ? void 0 : V.contains(L)) || d({ type: 1 })); }); let P = T === null ? null : b[T].dataRef.current.value, C = React2.useMemo(() => ({ open: m2 === 0, disabled: i, activeIndex: T, activeOption: P }), [m2, i, b, T]), R = React2.useCallback(() => { if (!p2.current || o === void 0) return; let O = u.current.displayValue; typeof O == "function" ? p2.current.value = O(o) : typeof o == "string" && (p2.current.value = o); }, [o, p2, u]), g2 = React2.useCallback((O) => { let L = b.find((K) => === O); if (!L) return; let { dataRef: N } = L; l.current.onChange(N.current.value), R(); }, [b, l, p2]), v = React2.useCallback(() => { if (T !== null) { let { dataRef: O } = b[T]; l.current.onChange(O.current.value), R(); } }, [T, b, l, p2]), h2 = React2.useMemo(() => ({ selectOption: g2, selectActiveOption: v }), [g2, v]); return x(() => { m2 === 1 && R(); }, [R, m2]), x(R, [R]), React2.createElement(Rt.Provider, { value: h2 }, React2.createElement(vt.Provider, { value: c }, React2.createElement(W, { value: S(m2, { [0]: 0, [1]: 1 }) }, E({ props: r === null ? a : { ...a, ref: r }, slot: C, defaultTag: Or, name: "Combobox" })))); }), Lr = "input", Dr = D(function(t, r) { var R, g2; let { value: o, onChange: n2, displayValue: i, ...a } = t, [l, s] = pe("Combobox.Input"), u = Ue(), c = I(l.inputRef, r), m2 = l.inputPropsRef, b = `headlessui-combobox-input-${A()}`, T = Q(), y = ke(n2); x(() => { m2.current.displayValue = i; }, [i, m2]); let p2 = React2.useCallback((v) => { switch (v.key) { case "Enter": v.preventDefault(), v.stopPropagation(), u.selectActiveOption(), s({ type: 1 }); break; case "ArrowDown": return v.preventDefault(), v.stopPropagation(), S(l.comboboxState, { [0]: () => s({ type: 3, focus: 2 }), [1]: () => { s({ type: 0 }), T.nextFrame(() => { l.comboboxPropsRef.current.value || s({ type: 3, focus: 0 }); }); } }); case "ArrowUp": return v.preventDefault(), v.stopPropagation(), S(l.comboboxState, { [0]: () => s({ type: 3, focus: 1 }), [1]: () => { s({ type: 0 }), T.nextFrame(() => { l.comboboxPropsRef.current.value || s({ type: 3, focus: 3 }); }); } }); case "Home": case "PageUp": return v.preventDefault(), v.stopPropagation(), s({ type: 3, focus: 0 }); case "End": case "PageDown": return v.preventDefault(), v.stopPropagation(), s({ type: 3, focus: 3 }); case "Escape": return v.preventDefault(), l.optionsRef.current && !l.optionsPropsRef.current.static && v.stopPropagation(), s({ type: 1 }); case "Tab": u.selectActiveOption(), s({ type: 1 }); break; } }, [T, s, l, u]), f2 = React2.useCallback((v) => { var h2; s({ type: 0 }), (h2 = y.current) == null ||, v); }, [s, y]), d = ee(() => { if (!!l.labelRef.current) return [].join(" "); }, [l.labelRef.current]), P = React2.useMemo(() => ({ open: l.comboboxState === 0, disabled: l.disabled }), [l]), C = { ref: c, id: b, role: "combobox", type: "text", "aria-controls": (R = l.optionsRef.current) == null ? void 0 :, "aria-expanded": l.disabled ? void 0 : l.comboboxState === 0, "aria-activedescendant": l.activeOptionIndex === null || (g2 = l.options[l.activeOptionIndex]) == null ? void 0 :, "aria-labelledby": d, disabled: l.disabled, onKeyDown: p2, onChange: f2 }; return E({ props: { ...a, ...C }, slot: P, defaultTag: Lr, name: "Combobox.Input" }); }), Mr = "button", Fr = D(function(t, r) { var p2; let [o, n2] = pe("Combobox.Button"), i = Ue(), a = I(o.buttonRef, r), l = `headlessui-combobox-button-${A()}`, s = Q(), u = React2.useCallback((f2) => { switch (f2.key) { case "ArrowDown": return f2.preventDefault(), f2.stopPropagation(), o.comboboxState === 1 && (n2({ type: 0 }), s.nextFrame(() => { o.comboboxPropsRef.current.value || n2({ type: 3, focus: 0 }); })), s.nextFrame(() => { var d; return (d = o.inputRef.current) == null ? void 0 : d.focus({ preventScroll: true }); }); case "ArrowUp": return f2.preventDefault(), f2.stopPropagation(), o.comboboxState === 1 && (n2({ type: 0 }), s.nextFrame(() => { o.comboboxPropsRef.current.value || n2({ type: 3, focus: 3 }); })), s.nextFrame(() => { var d; return (d = o.inputRef.current) == null ? void 0 : d.focus({ preventScroll: true }); }); case "Escape": return f2.preventDefault(), o.optionsRef.current && !o.optionsPropsRef.current.static && f2.stopPropagation(), n2({ type: 1 }), s.nextFrame(() => { var d; return (d = o.inputRef.current) == null ? void 0 : d.focus({ preventScroll: true }); }); } }, [s, n2, o, i]), c = React2.useCallback((f2) => { if (G(f2.currentTarget)) return f2.preventDefault(); o.comboboxState === 0 ? n2({ type: 1 }) : (f2.preventDefault(), n2({ type: 0 })), s.nextFrame(() => { var d; return (d = o.inputRef.current) == null ? void 0 : d.focus({ preventScroll: true }); }); }, [n2, s, o]), m2 = ee(() => { if (!!o.labelRef.current) return [, l].join(" "); }, [o.labelRef.current, l]), b = React2.useMemo(() => ({ open: o.comboboxState === 0, disabled: o.disabled }), [o]), T = t, y = { ref: a, id: l, type: U(t, o.buttonRef), tabIndex: -1, "aria-haspopup": true, "aria-controls": (p2 = o.optionsRef.current) == null ? void 0 :, "aria-expanded": o.disabled ? void 0 : o.comboboxState === 0, "aria-labelledby": m2, disabled: o.disabled, onClick: c, onKeyDown: u }; return E({ props: { ...T, ...y }, slot: b, defaultTag: Mr, name: "Combobox.Button" }); }), wr = "label"; function kr(e) { let [t] = pe("Combobox.Label"), r = `headlessui-combobox-label-${A()}`, o = React2.useCallback(() => { var a; return (a = t.inputRef.current) == null ? void 0 : a.focus({ preventScroll: true }); }, [t.inputRef]), n2 = React2.useMemo(() => ({ open: t.comboboxState === 0, disabled: t.disabled }), [t]), i = { ref: t.labelRef, id: r, onClick: o }; return E({ props: { ...e, ...i }, slot: n2, defaultTag: wr, name: "Combobox.Label" }); } var _r = "ul", Gr = 1 | 2, Hr = D(function(t, r) { var y; let { hold: o = false, ...n2 } = t, [i] = pe("Combobox.Options"), { optionsPropsRef: a } = i, l = I(i.optionsRef, r), s = `headlessui-combobox-options-${A()}`, u = _(), c = (() => u !== null ? u === 0 : i.comboboxState === 0)(); x(() => { var p2; a.current.static = (p2 = t.static) != null ? p2 : false; }, [a, t.static]), x(() => { a.current.hold = o; }, [o, a]), se({ container: i.optionsRef.current, enabled: i.comboboxState === 0, accept(p2) { return p2.getAttribute("role") === "option" ? NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT : p2.hasAttribute("role") ? NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP : NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT; }, walk(p2) { p2.setAttribute("role", "none"); } }); let m2 = ee(() => { var p2, f2, d; return (d = (p2 = i.labelRef.current) == null ? void 0 : != null ? d : (f2 = i.buttonRef.current) == null ? void 0 :; }, [i.labelRef.current, i.buttonRef.current]), b = React2.useMemo(() => ({ open: i.comboboxState === 0 }), [i]), T = { "aria-activedescendant": i.activeOptionIndex === null || (y = i.options[i.activeOptionIndex]) == null ? void 0 :, "aria-labelledby": m2, role: "listbox", id: s, ref: l }; return E({ props: { ...n2, ...T }, slot: b, defaultTag: _r, features: Gr, visible: c, name: "Combobox.Options" }); }), Ur = "li"; function Br(e) { let { disabled: t = false, value: r, ...o } = e, [n2, i] = pe("Combobox.Option"), a = Ue(), l = `headlessui-combobox-option-${A()}`, s = n2.activeOptionIndex !== null ? n2.options[n2.activeOptionIndex].id === l : false, u = n2.comboboxPropsRef.current.value === r, c = React2.useRef({ disabled: t, value: r }); x(() => { c.current.disabled = t; }, [c, t]), x(() => { c.current.value = r; }, [c, r]), x(() => { var P, C; c.current.textValue = (C = (P = document.getElementById(l)) == null ? void 0 : P.textContent) == null ? void 0 : C.toLowerCase(); }, [c, l]); let m2 = React2.useCallback(() => a.selectOption(l), [a, l]); x(() => (i({ type: 4, id: l, dataRef: c }), () => i({ type: 5, id: l })), [c, l]), x(() => { n2.comboboxState === 0 && (!u || i({ type: 3, focus: 4, id: l })); }, [n2.comboboxState, u, l]), x(() => { if (n2.comboboxState !== 0 || !s) return; let P = k(); return P.requestAnimationFrame(() => { var C, R; (R = (C = document.getElementById(l)) == null ? void 0 : C.scrollIntoView) == null ||, { block: "nearest" }); }), P.dispose; }, [l, s, n2.comboboxState, n2.activeOptionIndex]); let b = React2.useCallback((P) => { if (t) return P.preventDefault(); m2(), i({ type: 1 }), k().nextFrame(() => { var C; return (C = n2.inputRef.current) == null ? void 0 : C.focus({ preventScroll: true }); }); }, [i, n2.inputRef, t, m2]), T = React2.useCallback(() => { if (t) return i({ type: 3, focus: 5 }); i({ type: 3, focus: 4, id: l }); }, [t, l, i]), y = React2.useCallback(() => { t || s || i({ type: 3, focus: 4, id: l }); }, [t, s, l, i]), p2 = React2.useCallback(() => { t || !s || n2.optionsPropsRef.current.hold || i({ type: 3, focus: 5 }); }, [t, s, i, n2.comboboxState, n2.comboboxPropsRef]), f2 = React2.useMemo(() => ({ active: s, selected: u, disabled: t }), [s, u, t]); return E({ props: { ...o, ...{ id: l, role: "option", tabIndex: t === true ? void 0 : -1, "aria-disabled": t === true ? true : void 0, "aria-selected": u === true ? true : void 0, disabled: void 0, onClick: b, onFocus: T, onPointerMove: y, onMouseMove: y, onPointerLeave: p2, onMouseLeave: p2 } }, slot: f2, defaultTag: Ur, name: "Combobox.Option" }); } Object.assign(Ir, { Input: Dr, Button: Fr, Label: kr, Options: Hr, Option: Br }); var Et = ["[contentEditable=true]", "[tabindex]", "a[href]", "area[href]", "button:not([disabled])", "iframe", "input:not([disabled])", "select:not([disabled])", "textarea:not([disabled])"].map((e) => `${e}:not([tabindex='-1'])`).join(","); function xe(e = document.body) { return e == null ? [] : Array.from(e.querySelectorAll(Et)); } function de(e, t = 0) { return e === document.body ? false : S(t, { [0]() { return e.matches(Et); }, [1]() { let r = e; for (; r !== null; ) { if (r.matches(Et)) return true; r = r.parentElement; } return false; } }); } function ce(e) { e == null || e.focus({ preventScroll: true }); } function M(e, t) { let r = Array.isArray(e) ? e.slice().sort((c, m2) => { let b = c.compareDocumentPosition(m2); return b & Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING ? -1 : b & Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING ? 1 : 0; }) : xe(e), o = document.activeElement, n2 = (() => { if (t & (1 | 4)) return 1; if (t & (2 | 8)) return -1; throw new Error("Missing Focus.First, Focus.Previous, Focus.Next or Focus.Last"); })(), i = (() => { if (t & 1) return 0; if (t & 2) return Math.max(0, r.indexOf(o)) - 1; if (t & 4) return Math.max(0, r.indexOf(o)) + 1; if (t & 8) return r.length - 1; throw new Error("Missing Focus.First, Focus.Previous, Focus.Next or Focus.Last"); })(), a = t & 32 ? { preventScroll: true } : {}, l = 0, s = r.length, u; do { if (l >= s || l + s <= 0) return 0; let c = i + l; if (t & 16) c = (c + s) % s; else { if (c < 0) return 3; if (c >= s) return 1; } u = r[c], u == null || u.focus(a), l += n2; } while (u !== document.activeElement); return u.hasAttribute("tabindex") || u.setAttribute("tabindex", "0"), 2; } function Be() { let e = React2.useRef(false); return React2.useEffect(() => (e.current = true, () => { e.current = false; }), []), e; } function Ne(e, t = 30, { initialFocus: r, containers: o } = {}) { let n2 = React2.useRef(typeof window != "undefined" ? document.activeElement : null), i = React2.useRef(null), a = Be(), l = Boolean(t & 16), s = Boolean(t & 2); React2.useEffect(() => { !l || (n2.current = document.activeElement); }, [l]), React2.useEffect(() => { if (!!l) return () => { ce(n2.current), n2.current = null; }; }, [l]), React2.useEffect(() => { if (!s || !e.current) return; let u = document.activeElement; if (r == null ? void 0 : r.current) { if ((r == null ? void 0 : r.current) === u) { i.current = u; return; } } else if (e.current.contains(u)) { i.current = u; return; } (r == null ? void 0 : r.current) ? ce(r.current) : M(e.current, 1) === 0 && console.warn("There are no focusable elements inside the <FocusTrap />"), i.current = document.activeElement; }, [e, r, s]), w("keydown", (u) => { !(t & 4) || !e.current || u.key === "Tab" && (u.preventDefault(), M(e.current, (u.shiftKey ? 2 : 4) | 16) === 2 && (i.current = document.activeElement)); }), w("focus", (u) => { if (!(t & 8)) return; let c = new Set(o == null ? void 0 : o.current); if (c.add(e), !c.size) return; let m2 = i.current; if (!m2 || !a.current) return; let b =; b && b instanceof HTMLElement ? Kr(c, b) ? (i.current = b, ce(b)) : (u.preventDefault(), u.stopPropagation(), ce(m2)) : ce(i.current); }, true); } function Kr(e, t) { var r; for (let o of e) if ((r = o.current) == null ? void 0 : r.contains(t)) return true; return false; } var fe = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), J = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); function po(e) { e.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "true"), e.inert = true; } function co(e) { let t = J.get(e); !t || (t["aria-hidden"] === null ? e.removeAttribute("aria-hidden") : e.setAttribute("aria-hidden", t["aria-hidden"]), e.inert = t.inert); } function fo(e, t = true) { x(() => { if (!t || !e.current) return; let r = e.current; fe.add(r); for (let o of J.keys()) o.contains(r) && (co(o), J.delete(o)); return document.querySelectorAll("body > *").forEach((o) => { if (o instanceof HTMLElement) { for (let n2 of fe) if (o.contains(n2)) return; fe.size === 1 && (J.set(o, { "aria-hidden": o.getAttribute("aria-hidden"), inert: o.inert }), po(o)); } }), () => { if (fe.delete(r), fe.size > 0) document.querySelectorAll("body > *").forEach((o) => { if (o instanceof HTMLElement && !J.has(o)) { for (let n2 of fe) if (o.contains(n2)) return; J.set(o, { "aria-hidden": o.getAttribute("aria-hidden"), inert: o.inert }), po(o); } }); else for (let o of J.keys()) co(o), J.delete(o); }; }, [t]); } var mo = React2.createContext(false); function bo() { return React2.useContext(mo); } function At(e) { return React2.createElement(mo.Provider, { value: e.force }, e.children); } function Xr() { let e = bo(), t = React2.useContext(Po), [r, o] = React2.useState(() => { if (!e && t !== null || typeof window == "undefined") return null; let n2 = document.getElementById("headlessui-portal-root"); if (n2) return n2; let i = document.createElement("div"); return i.setAttribute("id", "headlessui-portal-root"), document.body.appendChild(i); }); return React2.useEffect(() => { r !== null && (document.body.contains(r) || document.body.appendChild(r)); }, [r]), React2.useEffect(() => { e || t !== null && o(t.current); }, [t, o, e]), r; } var Jr = React2.Fragment; function We(e) { let t = e, r = Xr(), [o] = React2.useState(() => typeof window == "undefined" ? null : document.createElement("div")), n2 = q$1(); return x(() => { if (!!r && !!o) return r.appendChild(o), () => { var i; !r || !o || (r.removeChild(o), r.childNodes.length <= 0 && ((i = r.parentElement) == null || i.removeChild(r))); }; }, [r, o]), n2 ? !r || !o ? null : ReactDOM2.createPortal(E({ props: t, defaultTag: Jr, name: "Portal" }), o) : null; } var Zr = React2.Fragment, Po = React2.createContext(null); function en(e) { let { target: t, ...r } = e; return React2.createElement(Po.Provider, { value: t }, E({ props: r, defaultTag: Zr, name: "Popover.Group" })); } We.Group = en; var vo = React2.createContext(null); function Ro() { let e = React2.useContext(vo); if (e === null) { let t = new Error("You used a <Description /> component, but it is not inside a relevant parent."); throw Error.captureStackTrace && Error.captureStackTrace(t, Ro), t; } return e; } function re() { let [e, t] = React2.useState([]); return [e.length > 0 ? e.join(" ") : void 0, React2.useMemo(() => function(o) { let n2 = React2.useCallback((a) => (t((l) => [...l, a]), () => t((l) => { let s = l.slice(), u = s.indexOf(a); return u !== -1 && s.splice(u, 1), s; })), []), i = React2.useMemo(() => ({ register: n2, slot: o.slot, name:, props: o.props }), [n2, o.slot,, o.props]); return React2.createElement(vo.Provider, { value: i }, o.children); }, [t])]; } var an = "p"; function me(e) { let t = Ro(), r = `headlessui-description-${A()}`; x(() => t.register(r), [r, t.register]); let o = e, n2 = { ...t.props, id: r }; return E({ props: { ...o, ...n2 }, slot: t.slot || {}, defaultTag: an, name: || "Description" }); } var ht = React2.createContext(() => { }); ht.displayName = "StackContext"; function cn() { return React2.useContext(ht); } function Eo({ children: e, onUpdate: t, type: r, element: o }) { let n2 = cn(), i = React2.useCallback((...a) => { t == null || t(...a), n2(...a); }, [n2, t]); return x(() => (i(0, r, o), () => i(1, r, o)), [i, r, o]), React2.createElement(ht.Provider, { value: i }, e); } var yn = { [0](e, t) { return e.titleId === ? e : { ...e, titleId: }; } }, Ve = React2.createContext(null); Ve.displayName = "DialogContext"; function It(e) { let t = React2.useContext(Ve); if (t === null) { let r = new Error(`<${e} /> is missing a parent <${An.displayName} /> component.`); throw Error.captureStackTrace && Error.captureStackTrace(r, It), r; } return t; } function gn(e, t) { return S(t.type, yn, e, t); } var Pn = "div", xn = 1 | 2, vn = D(function(t, r) { let { open: o, onClose: n2, initialFocus: i, ...a } = t, [l, s] = React2.useState(0), u = _(); o === void 0 && u !== null && (o = S(u, { [0]: true, [1]: false })); let c = React2.useRef(/* @__PURE__ */ new Set()), m2 = React2.useRef(null), b = I(m2, r), T = t.hasOwnProperty("open") || u !== null, y = t.hasOwnProperty("onClose"); if (!T && !y) throw new Error("You have to provide an `open` and an `onClose` prop to the `Dialog` component."); if (!T) throw new Error("You provided an `onClose` prop to the `Dialog`, but forgot an `open` prop."); if (!y) throw new Error("You provided an `open` prop to the `Dialog`, but forgot an `onClose` prop."); if (typeof o != "boolean") throw new Error(`You provided an \`open\` prop to the \`Dialog\`, but the value is not a boolean. Received: ${o}`); if (typeof n2 != "function") throw new Error(`You provided an \`onClose\` prop to the \`Dialog\`, but the value is not a function. Received: ${n2}`); let p2 = o ? 0 : 1, f2 = (() => u !== null ? u === 0 : p2 === 0)(), [d, P] = React2.useReducer(gn, { titleId: null, descriptionId: null }), C = React2.useCallback(() => n2(false), [n2]), R = React2.useCallback((F) => P({ type: 0, id: F }), [P]), v = q$1() && p2 === 0, h2 = l > 1, O = React2.useContext(Ve) !== null; Ne(m2, v ? S(h2 ? "parent" : "leaf", { parent: 16, leaf: 30 }) : 1, { initialFocus: i, containers: c }), fo(m2, h2 ? v : false), w("mousedown", (F) => { var H; let $ =; p2 === 0 && (h2 || ((H = m2.current) == null ? void 0 : H.contains($)) || C()); }), w("keydown", (F) => { F.key === "Escape" && p2 === 0 && (h2 || (F.preventDefault(), F.stopPropagation(), C())); }), React2.useEffect(() => { if (p2 !== 0 || O) return; let F =, $ =, H = window.innerWidth - document.documentElement.clientWidth; return = "hidden", = `${H}px`, () => { = F, = $; }; }, [p2, O]), React2.useEffect(() => { if (p2 !== 0 || !m2.current) return; let F = new IntersectionObserver(($) => { for (let H of $) H.boundingClientRect.x === 0 && H.boundingClientRect.y === 0 && H.boundingClientRect.width === 0 && H.boundingClientRect.height === 0 && C(); }); return F.observe(m2.current), () => F.disconnect(); }, [p2, m2, C]); let [N, K] = re(), V = `headlessui-dialog-${A()}`, Fe = React2.useMemo(() => [{ dialogState: p2, close: C, setTitleId: R }, d], [p2, d, C, R]), ge = React2.useMemo(() => ({ open: p2 === 0 }), [p2]), we = { ref: b, id: V, role: "dialog", "aria-modal": p2 === 0 ? true : void 0, "aria-labelledby": d.titleId, "aria-describedby": N, onClick(F) { F.stopPropagation(); } }, X = a; return React2.createElement(Eo, { type: "Dialog", element: m2, onUpdate: React2.useCallback((F, $, H) => { $ === "Dialog" && S(F, { [0]() { c.current.add(H), s((Pe) => Pe + 1); }, [1]() { c.current.add(H), s((Pe) => Pe - 1); } }); }, []) }, React2.createElement(At, { force: true }, React2.createElement(We, null, React2.createElement(Ve.Provider, { value: Fe }, React2.createElement(We.Group, { target: m2 }, React2.createElement(At, { force: false }, React2.createElement(K, { slot: ge, name: "Dialog.Description" }, E({ props: { ...X, ...we }, slot: ge, defaultTag: Pn, features: xn, visible: f2, name: "Dialog" })))))))); }), Rn = "div", En = D(function(t, r) { let [{ dialogState: o, close: n2 }] = It("Dialog.Overlay"), i = I(r), a = `headlessui-dialog-overlay-${A()}`, l = React2.useCallback((m2) => { if ( === m2.currentTarget) { if (G(m2.currentTarget)) return m2.preventDefault(); m2.preventDefault(), m2.stopPropagation(), n2(); } }, [n2]), s = React2.useMemo(() => ({ open: o === 0 }), [o]); return E({ props: { ...t, ...{ ref: i, id: a, "aria-hidden": true, onClick: l } }, slot: s, defaultTag: Rn, name: "Dialog.Overlay" }); }), Cn = "h2"; function Sn(e) { let [{ dialogState: t, setTitleId: r }] = It("Dialog.Title"), o = `headlessui-dialog-title-${A()}`; React2.useEffect(() => (r(o), () => r(null)), [o, r]); let n2 = React2.useMemo(() => ({ open: t === 0 }), [t]); return E({ props: { ...e, ...{ id: o } }, slot: n2, defaultTag: Cn, name: "Dialog.Title" }); } var An = Object.assign(vn, { Overlay: En, Title: Sn, Description: me }); var Ln = { [0]: (e) => ({ ...e, disclosureState: S(e.disclosureState, { [0]: 1, [1]: 0 }) }), [1]: (e) => e.disclosureState === 1 ? e : { ...e, disclosureState: 1 }, [4](e) { return e.linkedPanel === true ? e : { ...e, linkedPanel: true }; }, [5](e) { return e.linkedPanel === false ? e : { ...e, linkedPanel: false }; }, [2](e, t) { return e.buttonId === t.buttonId ? e : { ...e, buttonId: t.buttonId }; }, [3](e, t) { return e.panelId === t.panelId ? e : { ...e, panelId: t.panelId }; } }, Mt = React2.createContext(null); Mt.displayName = "DisclosureContext"; function Ft(e) { let t = React2.useContext(Mt); if (t === null) { let r = new Error(`<${e} /> is missing a parent <${} /> component.`); throw Error.captureStackTrace && Error.captureStackTrace(r, Ft), r; } return t; } var wt = React2.createContext(null); wt.displayName = "DisclosureAPIContext"; function Ao(e) { let t = React2.useContext(wt); if (t === null) { let r = new Error(`<${e} /> is missing a parent <${} /> component.`); throw Error.captureStackTrace && Error.captureStackTrace(r, Ao), r; } return t; } var kt = React2.createContext(null); kt.displayName = "DisclosurePanelContext"; function Dn() { return React2.useContext(kt); } function Mn(e, t) { return S(t.type, Ln, e, t); } var Fn = React2.Fragment; function Ye(e) { let { defaultOpen: t = false, ...r } = e, o = `headlessui-disclosure-button-${A()}`, n2 = `headlessui-disclosure-panel-${A()}`, i = React2.useReducer(Mn, { disclosureState: t ? 0 : 1, linkedPanel: false, buttonId: o, panelId: n2 }), [{ disclosureState: a }, l] = i; React2.useEffect(() => l({ type: 2, buttonId: o }), [o, l]), React2.useEffect(() => l({ type: 3, panelId: n2 }), [n2, l]); let s = React2.useCallback((m2) => { l({ type: 1 }); let b = (() => m2 ? m2 instanceof HTMLElement ? m2 : m2.current instanceof HTMLElement ? m2.current : document.getElementById(o) : document.getElementById(o))(); b == null || b.focus(); }, [l, o]), u = React2.useMemo(() => ({ close: s }), [s]), c = React2.useMemo(() => ({ open: a === 0, close: s }), [a, s]); return React2.createElement(Mt.Provider, { value: i }, React2.createElement(wt.Provider, { value: u }, React2.createElement(W, { value: S(a, { [0]: 0, [1]: 1 }) }, E({ props: r, slot: c, defaultTag: Fn, name: "Disclosure" })))); } var wn = "button", kn = D(function(t, r) { let [o, n2] = Ft("Disclosure.Button"), i = React2.useRef(null), a = I(i, r), l = Dn(), s = l === null ? false : l === o.panelId, u = React2.useCallback((f2) => { var d; if (s) { if (o.disclosureState === 1) return; switch (f2.key) { case " ": case "Enter": f2.preventDefault(), f2.stopPropagation(), n2({ type: 0 }), (d = document.getElementById(o.buttonId)) == null || d.focus(); break; } } else switch (f2.key) { case " ": case "Enter": f2.preventDefault(), f2.stopPropagation(), n2({ type: 0 }); break; } }, [n2, s, o.disclosureState, o.buttonId]), c = React2.useCallback((f2) => { switch (f2.key) { case " ": f2.preventDefault(); break; } }, []), m2 = React2.useCallback((f2) => { var d; G(f2.currentTarget) || t.disabled || (s ? (n2({ type: 0 }), (d = document.getElementById(o.buttonId)) == null || d.focus()) : n2({ type: 0 })); }, [n2, t.disabled, o.buttonId, s]), b = React2.useMemo(() => ({ open: o.disclosureState === 0 }), [o]), T = U(t, i), y = t, p2 = s ? { ref: a, type: T, onKeyDown: u, onClick: m2 } : { ref: a, id: o.buttonId, type: T, "aria-expanded": t.disabled ? void 0 : o.disclosureState === 0, "aria-controls": o.linkedPanel ? o.panelId : void 0, onKeyDown: u, onKeyUp: c, onClick: m2 }; return E({ props: { ...y, ...p2 }, slot: b, defaultTag: wn, name: "Disclosure.Button" }); }), _n = "div", Gn = 1 | 2, Hn = D(function(t, r) { let [o, n2] = Ft("Disclosure.Panel"), { close: i } = Ao("Disclosure.Panel"), a = I(r, () => { o.linkedPanel || n2({ type: 4 }); }), l = _(), s = (() => l !== null ? l === 0 : o.disclosureState === 0)(); React2.useEffect(() => () => n2({ type: 5 }), [n2]), React2.useEffect(() => { var b; o.disclosureState === 1 && ((b = t.unmount) != null ? b : true) && n2({ type: 5 }); }, [o.disclosureState, t.unmount, n2]); let u = React2.useMemo(() => ({ open: o.disclosureState === 0, close: i }), [o, i]), c = { ref: a, id: o.panelId }, m2 = t; return React2.createElement(kt.Provider, { value: o.panelId }, E({ props: { ...m2, ...c }, slot: u, defaultTag: _n, features: Gn, visible: s, name: "Disclosure.Panel" })); }); Ye.Button = kn; Ye.Panel = Hn; var $n = { [1](e) { return e.disabled || e.listboxState === 1 ? e : { ...e, activeOptionIndex: null, listboxState: 1 }; }, [0](e) { return e.disabled || e.listboxState === 0 ? e : { ...e, listboxState: 0 }; }, [2](e, t) { return e.disabled === t.disabled ? e : { ...e, disabled: t.disabled }; }, [3](e, t) { return e.orientation === t.orientation ? e : { ...e, orientation: t.orientation }; }, [4](e, t) { if (e.disabled || e.listboxState === 1) return e; let r = ae(t, { resolveItems: () => e.options, resolveActiveIndex: () => e.activeOptionIndex, resolveId: (o) =>, resolveDisabled: (o) => o.dataRef.current.disabled }); return e.searchQuery === "" && e.activeOptionIndex === r ? e : { ...e, searchQuery: "", activeOptionIndex: r }; }, [5]: (e, t) => { if (e.disabled || e.listboxState === 1) return e; let o = e.searchQuery !== "" ? 0 : 1, n2 = e.searchQuery + t.value.toLowerCase(), a = (e.activeOptionIndex !== null ? e.options.slice(e.activeOptionIndex + o).concat(e.options.slice(0, e.activeOptionIndex + o)) : e.options).find((s) => { var u; return !s.dataRef.current.disabled && ((u = s.dataRef.current.textValue) == null ? void 0 : u.startsWith(n2)); }), l = a ? e.options.indexOf(a) : -1; return l === -1 || l === e.activeOptionIndex ? { ...e, searchQuery: n2 } : { ...e, searchQuery: n2, activeOptionIndex: l }; }, [6](e) { return e.disabled || e.listboxState === 1 || e.searchQuery === "" ? e : { ...e, searchQuery: "" }; }, [7]: (e, t) => { var n2; let r = Array.from((n2 = e.optionsRef.current) == null ? void 0 : n2.querySelectorAll('[id^="headlessui-listbox-option-"]')).reduce((i, a, l) => Object.assign(i, { []: l }), {}), o = [...e.options, { id:, dataRef: t.dataRef }].sort((i, a) => r[] - r[]); return { ...e, options: o }; }, [8]: (e, t) => { let r = e.options.slice(), o = e.activeOptionIndex !== null ? r[e.activeOptionIndex] : null, n2 = r.findIndex((i) => ===; return n2 !== -1 && r.splice(n2, 1), { ...e, options: r, activeOptionIndex: (() => n2 === e.activeOptionIndex || o === null ? null : r.indexOf(o))() }; } }, Gt = React2.createContext(null); Gt.displayName = "ListboxContext"; function Re(e) { let t = React2.useContext(Gt); if (t === null) { let r = new Error(`<${e} /> is missing a parent <${} /> component.`); throw Error.captureStackTrace && Error.captureStackTrace(r, Re), r; } return t; } function Qn(e, t) { return S(t.type, $n, e, t); } var qn = React2.Fragment; function Ee(e) { let { value: t, onChange: r, disabled: o = false, horizontal: n2 = false, ...i } = e, a = n2 ? "horizontal" : "vertical", l = React2.useReducer(Qn, { listboxState: 1, propsRef: { current: { value: t, onChange: r } }, labelRef: React2.createRef(), buttonRef: React2.createRef(), optionsRef: React2.createRef(), disabled: o, orientation: a, options: [], searchQuery: "", activeOptionIndex: null }), [{ listboxState: s, propsRef: u, optionsRef: c, buttonRef: m2 }, b] = l; x(() => { u.current.value = t; }, [t, u]), x(() => { u.current.onChange = r; }, [r, u]), x(() => b({ type: 2, disabled: o }), [o]), x(() => b({ type: 3, orientation: a }), [a]), w("mousedown", (y) => { var f2, d, P; let p2 =; s === 0 && (((f2 = m2.current) == null ? void 0 : f2.contains(p2)) || ((d = c.current) == null ? void 0 : d.contains(p2)) || (b({ type: 1 }), de(p2, 1) || (y.preventDefault(), (P = m2.current) == null || P.focus()))); }); let T = React2.useMemo(() => ({ open: s === 0, disabled: o }), [s, o]); return React2.createElement(Gt.Provider, { value: l }, React2.createElement(W, { value: S(s, { [0]: 0, [1]: 1 }) }, E({ props: i, slot: T, defaultTag: qn, name: "Listbox" }))); } var zn = "button", Yn = D(function(t, r) { var p2; let [o, n2] = Re("Listbox.Button"), i = I(o.buttonRef, r), a = `headlessui-listbox-button-${A()}`, l = Q(), s = React2.useCallback((f2) => { switch (f2.key) { case " ": case "Enter": case "ArrowDown": f2.preventDefault(), n2({ type: 0 }), l.nextFrame(() => { o.propsRef.current.value || n2({ type: 4, focus: 0 }); }); break; case "ArrowUp": f2.preventDefault(), n2({ type: 0 }), l.nextFrame(() => { o.propsRef.current.value || n2({ type: 4, focus: 3 }); }); break; } }, [n2, o, l]), u = React2.useCallback((f2) => { switch (f2.key) { case " ": f2.preventDefault(); break; } }, []), c = React2.useCallback((f2) => { if (G(f2.currentTarget)) return f2.preventDefault(); o.listboxState === 0 ? (n2({ type: 1 }), l.nextFrame(() => { var d; return (d = o.buttonRef.current) == null ? void 0 : d.focus({ preventScroll: true }); })) : (f2.preventDefault(), n2({ type: 0 })); }, [n2, l, o]), m2 = ee(() => { if (!!o.labelRef.current) return [, a].join(" "); }, [o.labelRef.current, a]), b = React2.useMemo(() => ({ open: o.listboxState === 0, disabled: o.disabled }), [o]), T = t, y = { ref: i, id: a, type: U(t, o.buttonRef), "aria-haspopup": true, "aria-controls": (p2 = o.optionsRef.current) == null ? void 0 :, "aria-expanded": o.disabled ? void 0 : o.listboxState === 0, "aria-labelledby": m2, disabled: o.disabled, onKeyDown: s, onKeyUp: u, onClick: c }; return E({ props: { ...T, ...y }, slot: b, defaultTag: zn, name: "Listbox.Button" }); }), Xn = "label"; function Jn(e) { let [t] = Re("Listbox.Label"), r = `headlessui-listbox-label-${A()}`, o = React2.useCallback(() => { var a; return (a = t.buttonRef.current) == null ? void 0 : a.focus({ preventScroll: true }); }, [t.buttonRef]), n2 = React2.useMemo(() => ({ open: t.listboxState === 0, disabled: t.disabled }), [t]), i = { ref: t.labelRef, id: r, onClick: o }; return E({ props: { ...e, ...i }, slot: n2, defaultTag: Xn, name: "Listbox.Label" }); } var Zn = "ul", ei = 1 | 2, ti = D(function(t, r) { var f2; let [o, n2] = Re("Listbox.Options"), i = I(o.optionsRef, r), a = `headlessui-listbox-options-${A()}`, l = Q(), s = Q(), u = _(), c = (() => u !== null ? u === 0 : o.listboxState === 0)(); x(() => { let d = o.optionsRef.current; !d || o.listboxState === 0 && d !== document.activeElement && d.focus({ preventScroll: true }); }, [o.listboxState, o.optionsRef]); let m2 = React2.useCallback((d) => { switch (s.dispose(), d.key) { case " ": if (o.searchQuery !== "") return d.preventDefault(), d.stopPropagation(), n2({ type: 5, value: d.key }); case "Enter": if (d.preventDefault(), d.stopPropagation(), n2({ type: 1 }), o.activeOptionIndex !== null) { let { dataRef: P } = o.options[o.activeOptionIndex]; o.propsRef.current.onChange(P.current.value); } k().nextFrame(() => { var P; return (P = o.buttonRef.current) == null ? void 0 : P.focus({ preventScroll: true }); }); break; case S(o.orientation, { vertical: "ArrowDown", horizontal: "ArrowRight" }): return d.preventDefault(), d.stopPropagation(), n2({ type: 4, focus: 2 }); case S(o.orientation, { vertical: "ArrowUp", horizontal: "ArrowLeft" }): return d.preventDefault(), d.stopPropagation(), n2({ type: 4, focus: 1 }); case "Home": case "PageUp": return d.preventDefault(), d.stopPropagation(), n2({ type: 4, focus: 0 }); case "End": case "PageDown": return d.preventDefault(), d.stopPropagation(), n2({ type: 4, focus: 3 }); case "Escape": return d.preventDefault(), d.stopPropagation(), n2({ type: 1 }), l.nextFrame(() => { var P; return (P = o.buttonRef.current) == null ? void 0 : P.focus({ preventScroll: true }); }); case "Tab": d.preventDefault(), d.stopPropagation(); break; default: d.key.length === 1 && (n2({ type: 5, value: d.key }), s.setTimeout(() => n2({ type: 6 }), 350)); break; } }, [l, n2, s, o]), b = ee(() => { var d, P, C; return (C = (d = o.labelRef.current) == null ? void 0 : != null ? C : (P = o.buttonRef.current) == null ? void 0 :; }, [o.labelRef.current, o.buttonRef.current]), T = React2.useMemo(() => ({ open: o.listboxState === 0 }), [o]), y = { "aria-activedescendant": o.activeOptionIndex === null || (f2 = o.options[o.activeOptionIndex]) == null ? void 0 :, "aria-labelledby": b, "aria-orientation": o.orientation, id: a, onKeyDown: m2, role: "listbox", tabIndex: 0, ref: i }; return E({ props: { ...t, ...y }, slot: T, defaultTag: Zn, features: ei, visible: c, name: "Listbox.Options" }); }), oi = "li"; function ri(e) { let { disabled: t = false, value: r, ...o } = e, [n2, i] = Re("Listbox.Option"), a = `headlessui-listbox-option-${A()}`, l = n2.activeOptionIndex !== null ? n2.options[n2.activeOptionIndex].id === a : false, s = n2.propsRef.current.value === r, u = React2.useRef({ disabled: t, value: r }); x(() => { u.current.disabled = t; }, [u, t]), x(() => { u.current.value = r; }, [u, r]), x(() => { var d, P; u.current.textValue = (P = (d = document.getElementById(a)) == null ? void 0 : d.textContent) == null ? void 0 : P.toLowerCase(); }, [u, a]); let c = React2.useCallback(() => n2.propsRef.current.onChange(r), [n2.propsRef, r]); x(() => (i({ type: 7, id: a, dataRef: u }), () => i({ type: 8, id: a })), [u, a]), x(() => { var d, P; n2.listboxState === 0 && (!s || (i({ type: 4, focus: 4, id: a }), (P = (d = document.getElementById(a)) == null ? void 0 : d.focus) == null ||; }, [n2.listboxState]), x(() => { if (n2.listboxState !== 0 || !l) return; let d = k(); return d.requestAnimationFrame(() => { var P, C; (C = (P = document.getElementById(a)) == null ? void 0 : P.scrollIntoView) == null ||, { block: "nearest" }); }), d.dispose; }, [a, l, n2.listboxState, n2.activeOptionIndex]); let m2 = React2.useCallback((d) => { if (t) return d.preventDefault(); c(), i({ type: 1 }), k().nextFrame(() => { var P; return (P = n2.buttonRef.current) == null ? void 0 : P.focus({ preventScroll: true }); }); }, [i, n2.buttonRef, t, c]), b = React2.useCallback(() => { if (t) return i({ type: 4, focus: 5 }); i({ type: 4, focus: 4, id: a }); }, [t, a, i]), T = React2.useCallback(() => { t || l || i({ type: 4, focus: 4, id: a }); }, [t, l, a, i]), y = React2.useCallback(() => { t || !l || i({ type: 4, focus: 5 }); }, [t, l, i]), p2 = React2.useMemo(() => ({ active: l, selected: s, disabled: t }), [l, s, t]); return E({ props: { ...o, ...{ id: a, role: "option", tabIndex: t === true ? void 0 : -1, "aria-disabled": t === true ? true : void 0, "aria-selected": s === true ? true : void 0, disabled: void 0, onClick: m2, onFocus: b, onPointerMove: T, onMouseMove: T, onPointerLeave: y, onMouseLeave: y } }, slot: p2, defaultTag: oi, name: "Listbox.Option" }); } Ee.Button = Yn; Ee.Label = Jn; Ee.Options = ti; Ee.Option = ri; var ui = { [1](e) { return e.menuState === 1 ? e : { ...e, activeItemIndex: null, menuState: 1 }; }, [0](e) { return e.menuState === 0 ? e : { ...e, menuState: 0 }; }, [2]: (e, t) => { let r = ae(t, { resolveItems: () => e.items, resolveActiveIndex: () => e.activeItemIndex, resolveId: (o) =>, resolveDisabled: (o) => o.dataRef.current.disabled }); return e.searchQuery === "" && e.activeItemIndex === r ? e : { ...e, searchQuery: "", activeItemIndex: r }; }, [3]: (e, t) => { let o = e.searchQuery !== "" ? 0 : 1, n2 = e.searchQuery + t.value.toLowerCase(), a = (e.activeItemIndex !== null ? e.items.slice(e.activeItemIndex + o).concat(e.items.slice(0, e.activeItemIndex + o)) : e.items).find((s) => { var u; return ((u = s.dataRef.current.textValue) == null ? void 0 : u.startsWith(n2)) && !s.dataRef.current.disabled; }), l = a ? e.items.indexOf(a) : -1; return l === -1 || l === e.activeItemIndex ? { ...e, searchQuery: n2 } : { ...e, searchQuery: n2, activeItemIndex: l }; }, [4](e) { return e.searchQuery === "" ? e : { ...e, searchQuery: "", searchActiveItemIndex: null }; }, [5]: (e, t) => { var n2; let r = Array.from((n2 = e.itemsRef.current) == null ? void 0 : n2.querySelectorAll('[id^="headlessui-menu-item-"]')).reduce((i, a, l) => Object.assign(i, { []: l }), {}), o = [...e.items, { id:, dataRef: t.dataRef }].sort((i, a) => r[] - r[]); return { ...e, items: o }; }, [6]: (e, t) => { let r = e.items.slice(), o = e.activeItemIndex !== null ? r[e.activeItemIndex] : null, n2 = r.findIndex((i) => ===; return n2 !== -1 && r.splice(n2, 1), { ...e, items: r, activeItemIndex: (() => n2 === e.activeItemIndex || o === null ? null : r.indexOf(o))() }; } }, Ht = React2.createContext(null); Ht.displayName = "MenuContext"; function Je(e) { let t = React2.useContext(Ht); if (t === null) { let r = new Error(`<${e} /> is missing a parent <${} /> component.`); throw Error.captureStackTrace && Error.captureStackTrace(r, Je), r; } return t; } function pi(e, t) { return S(t.type, ui, e, t); } var di = React2.Fragment; function Ze(e) { let t = React2.useReducer(pi, { menuState: 1, buttonRef: React2.createRef(), itemsRef: React2.createRef(), items: [], searchQuery: "", activeItemIndex: null }), [{ menuState: r, itemsRef: o, buttonRef: n2 }, i] = t; w("mousedown", (l) => { var u, c, m2; let s =; r === 0 && (((u = n2.current) == null ? void 0 : u.contains(s)) || ((c = o.current) == null ? void 0 : c.contains(s)) || (i({ type: 1 }), de(s, 1) || (l.preventDefault(), (m2 = n2.current) == null || m2.focus()))); }); let a = React2.useMemo(() => ({ open: r === 0 }), [r]); return React2.createElement(Ht.Provider, { value: t }, React2.createElement(W, { value: S(r, { [0]: 0, [1]: 1 }) }, E({ props: e, slot: a, defaultTag: di, name: "Menu" }))); } var ci = "button", fi = D(function(t, r) { var y; let [o, n2] = Je("Menu.Button"), i = I(o.buttonRef, r), a = `headlessui-menu-button-${A()}`, l = Q(), s = React2.useCallback((p2) => { switch (p2.key) { case " ": case "Enter": case "ArrowDown": p2.preventDefault(), p2.stopPropagation(), n2({ type: 0 }), l.nextFrame(() => n2({ type: 2, focus: 0 })); break; case "ArrowUp": p2.preventDefault(), p2.stopPropagation(), n2({ type: 0 }), l.nextFrame(() => n2({ type: 2, focus: 3 })); break; } }, [n2, l]), u = React2.useCallback((p2) => { switch (p2.key) { case " ": p2.preventDefault(); break; } }, []), c = React2.useCallback((p2) => { if (G(p2.currentTarget)) return p2.preventDefault(); t.disabled || (o.menuState === 0 ? (n2({ type: 1 }), l.nextFrame(() => { var f2; return (f2 = o.buttonRef.current) == null ? void 0 : f2.focus({ preventScroll: true }); })) : (p2.preventDefault(), p2.stopPropagation(), n2({ type: 0 }))); }, [n2, l, o, t.disabled]), m2 = React2.useMemo(() => ({ open: o.menuState === 0 }), [o]), b = t, T = { ref: i, id: a, type: U(t, o.buttonRef), "aria-haspopup": true, "aria-controls": (y = o.itemsRef.current) == null ? void 0 :, "aria-expanded": t.disabled ? void 0 : o.menuState === 0, onKeyDown: s, onKeyUp: u, onClick: c }; return E({ props: { ...b, ...T }, slot: m2, defaultTag: ci, name: "Menu.Button" }); }), mi = "div", bi = 1 | 2, Ti = D(function(t, r) { var p2, f2; let [o, n2] = Je("Menu.Items"), i = I(o.itemsRef, r), a = `headlessui-menu-items-${A()}`, l = Q(), s = _(), u = (() => s !== null ? s === 0 : o.menuState === 0)(); React2.useEffect(() => { let d = o.itemsRef.current; !d || o.menuState === 0 && d !== document.activeElement && d.focus({ preventScroll: true }); }, [o.menuState, o.itemsRef]), se({ container: o.itemsRef.current, enabled: o.menuState === 0, accept(d) { return d.getAttribute("role") === "menuitem" ? NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT : d.hasAttribute("role") ? NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP : NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT; }, walk(d) { d.setAttribute("role", "none"); } }); let c = React2.useCallback((d) => { var P; switch (l.dispose(), d.key) { case " ": if (o.searchQuery !== "") return d.preventDefault(), d.stopPropagation(), n2({ type: 3, value: d.key }); case "Enter": if (d.preventDefault(), d.stopPropagation(), n2({ type: 1 }), o.activeItemIndex !== null) { let { id: C } = o.items[o.activeItemIndex]; (P = document.getElementById(C)) == null ||; } k().nextFrame(() => { var C; return (C = o.buttonRef.current) == null ? void 0 : C.focus({ preventScroll: true }); }); break; case "ArrowDown": return d.preventDefault(), d.stopPropagation(), n2({ type: 2, focus: 2 }); case "ArrowUp": return d.preventDefault(), d.stopPropagation(), n2({ type: 2, focus: 1 }); case "Home": case "PageUp": return d.preventDefault(), d.stopPropagation(), n2({ type: 2, focus: 0 }); case "End": case "PageDown": return d.preventDefault(), d.stopPropagation(), n2({ type: 2, focus: 3 }); case "Escape": d.preventDefault(), d.stopPropagation(), n2({ type: 1 }), k().nextFrame(() => { var C; return (C = o.buttonRef.current) == null ? void 0 : C.focus({ preventScroll: true }); }); break; case "Tab": d.preventDefault(), d.stopPropagation(); break; default: d.key.length === 1 && (n2({ type: 3, value: d.key }), l.setTimeout(() => n2({ type: 4 }), 350)); break; } }, [n2, l, o]), m2 = React2.useCallback((d) => { switch (d.key) { case " ": d.preventDefault(); break; } }, []), b = React2.useMemo(() => ({ open: o.menuState === 0 }), [o]), T = { "aria-activedescendant": o.activeItemIndex === null || (p2 = o.items[o.activeItemIndex]) == null ? void 0 :, "aria-labelledby": (f2 = o.buttonRef.current) == null ? void 0 :, id: a, onKeyDown: c, onKeyUp: m2, role: "menu", tabIndex: 0, ref: i }; return E({ props: { ...t, ...T }, slot: b, defaultTag: mi, features: bi, visible: u, name: "Menu.Items" }); }), yi = React2.Fragment; function gi(e) { let { disabled: t = false, onClick: r, ...o } = e, [n2, i] = Je("Menu.Item"), a = `headlessui-menu-item-${A()}`, l = n2.activeItemIndex !== null ? n2.items[n2.activeItemIndex].id === a : false; x(() => { if (n2.menuState !== 0 || !l) return; let p2 = k(); return p2.requestAnimationFrame(() => { var f2, d; (d = (f2 = document.getElementById(a)) == null ? void 0 : f2.scrollIntoView) == null ||, { block: "nearest" }); }), p2.dispose; }, [a, l, n2.menuState, n2.activeItemIndex]); let s = React2.useRef({ disabled: t }); x(() => { s.current.disabled = t; }, [s, t]), x(() => { var p2, f2; s.current.textValue = (f2 = (p2 = document.getElementById(a)) == null ? void 0 : p2.textContent) == null ? void 0 : f2.toLowerCase(); }, [s, a]), x(() => (i({ type: 5, id: a, dataRef: s }), () => i({ type: 6, id: a })), [s, a]); let u = React2.useCallback((p2) => { if (t) return p2.preventDefault(); if (i({ type: 1 }), k().nextFrame(() => { var f2; return (f2 = n2.buttonRef.current) == null ? void 0 : f2.focus({ preventScroll: true }); }), r) return r(p2); }, [i, n2.buttonRef, t, r]), c = React2.useCallback(() => { if (t) return i({ type: 2, focus: 5 }); i({ type: 2, focus: 4, id: a }); }, [t, a, i]), m2 = React2.useCallback(() => { t || l || i({ type: 2, focus: 4, id: a }); }, [t, l, a, i]), b = React2.useCallback(() => { t || !l || i({ type: 2, focus: 5 }); }, [t, l, i]), T = React2.useMemo(() => ({ active: l, disabled: t }), [l, t]); return E({ props: { ...o, ...{ id: a, role: "menuitem", tabIndex: t === true ? void 0 : -1, "aria-disabled": t === true ? true : void 0, disabled: void 0, onClick: u, onFocus: c, onPointerMove: m2, onMouseMove: m2, onPointerLeave: b, onMouseLeave: b } }, slot: T, defaultTag: yi, name: "Menu.Item" }); } Ze.Button = fi; Ze.Items = Ti; Ze.Item = gi; var vi = { [0]: (e) => ({ ...e, popoverState: S(e.popoverState, { [0]: 1, [1]: 0 }) }), [1](e) { return e.popoverState === 1 ? e : { ...e, popoverState: 1 }; }, [2](e, t) { return e.button === t.button ? e : { ...e, button: t.button }; }, [3](e, t) { return e.buttonId === t.buttonId ? e : { ...e, buttonId: t.buttonId }; }, [4](e, t) { return e.panel === t.panel ? e : { ...e, panel: t.panel }; }, [5](e, t) { return e.panelId === t.panelId ? e : { ...e, panelId: t.panelId }; } }, Ut = React2.createContext(null); Ut.displayName = "PopoverContext"; function ot(e) { let t = React2.useContext(Ut); if (t === null) { let r = new Error(`<${e} /> is missing a parent <${} /> component.`); throw Error.captureStackTrace && Error.captureStackTrace(r, ot), r; } return t; } var Bt = React2.createContext(null); Bt.displayName = "PopoverAPIContext"; function Mo(e) { let t = React2.useContext(Bt); if (t === null) { let r = new Error(`<${e} /> is missing a parent <${} /> component.`); throw Error.captureStackTrace && Error.captureStackTrace(r, Mo), r; } return t; } var Nt = React2.createContext(null); Nt.displayName = "PopoverGroupContext"; function Fo() { return React2.useContext(Nt); } var Wt = React2.createContext(null); Wt.displayName = "PopoverPanelContext"; function Ri() { return React2.useContext(Wt); } function Ei(e, t) { return S(t.type, vi, e, t); } var Ci = "div"; function Te(e) { let t = `headlessui-popover-button-${A()}`, r = `headlessui-popover-panel-${A()}`, o = React2.useReducer(Ei, { popoverState: 1, button: null, buttonId: t, panel: null, panelId: r }), [{ popoverState: n2, button: i, panel: a }, l] = o; React2.useEffect(() => l({ type: 3, buttonId: t }), [t, l]), React2.useEffect(() => l({ type: 5, panelId: r }), [r, l]); let s = React2.useMemo(() => ({ buttonId: t, panelId: r, close: () => l({ type: 1 }) }), [t, r, l]), u = Fo(), c = u == null ? void 0 : u.registerPopover, m2 = React2.useCallback(() => { var p2; return (p2 = u == null ? void 0 : u.isFocusWithinPopoverGroup()) != null ? p2 : (i == null ? void 0 : i.contains(document.activeElement)) || (a == null ? void 0 : a.contains(document.activeElement)); }, [u, i, a]); React2.useEffect(() => c == null ? void 0 : c(s), [c, s]), w("focus", () => { n2 === 0 && (m2() || !i || !a || l({ type: 1 })); }, true), w("mousedown", (p2) => { let f2 =; n2 === 0 && ((i == null ? void 0 : i.contains(f2)) || (a == null ? void 0 : a.contains(f2)) || (l({ type: 1 }), de(f2, 1) || (p2.preventDefault(), i == null || i.focus()))); }); let b = React2.useCallback((p2) => { l({ type: 1 }); let f2 = (() => p2 ? p2 instanceof HTMLElement ? p2 : p2.current instanceof HTMLElement ? p2.current : i : i)(); f2 == null || f2.focus(); }, [l, i]), T = React2.useMemo(() => ({ close: b }), [b]), y = React2.useMemo(() => ({ open: n2 === 0, close: b }), [n2, b]); return React2.createElement(Ut.Provider, { value: o }, React2.createElement(Bt.Provider, { value: T }, React2.createElement(W, { value: S(n2, { [0]: 0, [1]: 1 }) }, E({ props: e, slot: y, defaultTag: Ci, name: "Popover" })))); } var Si = "button", Ai = D(function(t, r) { let [o, n2] = ot("Popover.Button"), i = React2.useRef(null), a = Fo(), l = a == null ? void 0 : a.closeOthers, s = Ri(), u = s === null ? false : s === o.panelId, c = I(i, r, u ? null : (g2) => n2({ type: 2, button: g2 })), m2 = I(i, r), b = React2.useRef(null), T = React2.useRef(typeof window == "undefined" ? null : document.activeElement); w("focus", () => { T.current = b.current, b.current = document.activeElement; }, true); let y = React2.useCallback((g2) => { var v, h2; if (u) { if (o.popoverState === 1) return; switch (g2.key) { case " ": case "Enter": g2.preventDefault(), g2.stopPropagation(), n2({ type: 1 }), (v = o.button) == null || v.focus(); break; } } else switch (g2.key) { case " ": case "Enter": g2.preventDefault(), g2.stopPropagation(), o.popoverState === 1 && (l == null || l(o.buttonId)), n2({ type: 0 }); break; case "Escape": if (o.popoverState !== 0) return l == null ? void 0 : l(o.buttonId); if (!i.current || !i.current.contains(document.activeElement)) return; g2.preventDefault(), g2.stopPropagation(), n2({ type: 1 }); break; case "Tab": if (o.popoverState !== 0 || !o.panel || !o.button) return; if (g2.shiftKey) { if (!T.current || ((h2 = o.button) == null ? void 0 : h2.contains(T.current)) || o.panel.contains(T.current)) return; let O = xe(), L = O.indexOf(T.current); if (O.indexOf(o.button) > L) return; g2.preventDefault(), g2.stopPropagation(), M(o.panel, 8); } else g2.preventDefault(), g2.stopPropagation(), M(o.panel, 1); break; } }, [n2, o.popoverState, o.buttonId, o.button, o.panel, i, l, u]), p2 = React2.useCallback((g2) => { var v; if (!u && (g2.key === " " && g2.preventDefault(), o.popoverState === 0 && !!o.panel && !!o.button)) switch (g2.key) { case "Tab": if (!T.current || ((v = o.button) == null ? void 0 : v.contains(T.current)) || o.panel.contains(T.current)) return; let h2 = xe(), O = h2.indexOf(T.current); if (h2.indexOf(o.button) > O) return; g2.preventDefault(), g2.stopPropagation(), M(o.panel, 8); break; } }, [o.popoverState, o.panel, o.button, u]), f2 = React2.useCallback((g2) => { var v, h2; G(g2.currentTarget) || t.disabled || (u ? (n2({ type: 1 }), (v = o.button) == null || v.focus()) : (o.popoverState === 1 && (l == null || l(o.buttonId)), (h2 = o.button) == null || h2.focus(), n2({ type: 0 }))); }, [n2, o.button, o.popoverState, o.buttonId, t.disabled, l, u]), d = React2.useMemo(() => ({ open: o.popoverState === 0 }), [o]), P = U(t, i), C = t, R = u ? { ref: m2, type: P, onKeyDown: y, onClick: f2 } : { ref: c, id: o.buttonId, type: P, "aria-expanded": t.disabled ? void 0 : o.popoverState === 0, "aria-controls": o.panel ? o.panelId : void 0, onKeyDown: y, onKeyUp: p2, onClick: f2 }; return E({ props: { ...C, ...R }, slot: d, defaultTag: Si, name: "Popover.Button" }); }), hi = "div", Oi = 1 | 2, Ii = D(function(t, r) { let [{ popoverState: o }, n2] = ot("Popover.Overlay"), i = I(r), a = `headlessui-popover-overlay-${A()}`, l = _(), s = (() => l !== null ? l === 0 : o === 0)(), u = React2.useCallback((T) => { if (G(T.currentTarget)) return T.preventDefault(); n2({ type: 1 }); }, [n2]), c = React2.useMemo(() => ({ open: o === 0 }), [o]); return E({ props: { ...t, ...{ ref: i, id: a, "aria-hidden": true, onClick: u } }, slot: c, defaultTag: hi, features: Oi, visible: s, name: "Popover.Overlay" }); }), Li = "div", Di = 1 | 2, Mi = D(function(t, r) { let { focus: o = false, ...n2 } = t, [i, a] = ot("Popover.Panel"), { close: l } = Mo("Popover.Panel"), s = React2.useRef(null), u = I(s, r, (p2) => { a({ type: 4, panel: p2 }); }), c = _(), m2 = (() => c !== null ? c === 0 : i.popoverState === 0)(), b = React2.useCallback((p2) => { var f2; switch (p2.key) { case "Escape": if (i.popoverState !== 0 || !s.current || !s.current.contains(document.activeElement)) return; p2.preventDefault(), p2.stopPropagation(), a({ type: 1 }), (f2 = i.button) == null || f2.focus(); break; } }, [i, s, a]); React2.useEffect(() => () => a({ type: 4, panel: null }), [a]), React2.useEffect(() => { var p2; t.static || i.popoverState === 1 && ((p2 = t.unmount) != null ? p2 : true) && a({ type: 4, panel: null }); }, [i.popoverState, t.unmount, t.static, a]), React2.useEffect(() => { if (!o || i.popoverState !== 0 || !s.current) return; let p2 = document.activeElement; s.current.contains(p2) || M(s.current, 1); }, [o, s, i.popoverState]), w("keydown", (p2) => { var d; if (i.popoverState !== 0 || !s.current || p2.key !== "Tab" || !document.activeElement || !s.current || !s.current.contains(document.activeElement)) return; p2.preventDefault(); let f2 = M(s.current, p2.shiftKey ? 2 : 4); if (f2 === 3) return (d = i.button) == null ? void 0 : d.focus(); if (f2 === 1) { if (!i.button) return; let P = xe(), C = P.indexOf(i.button), R = P.splice(C + 1).filter((g2) => { var v; return !((v = s.current) == null ? void 0 : v.contains(g2)); }); M(R, 1) === 0 && M(document.body, 1); } }), w("focus", () => { var p2; !o || i.popoverState === 0 && (!s.current || ((p2 = s.current) == null ? void 0 : p2.contains(document.activeElement)) || a({ type: 1 })); }, true); let T = React2.useMemo(() => ({ open: i.popoverState === 0, close: l }), [i, l]), y = { ref: u, id: i.panelId, onKeyDown: b }; return React2.createElement(Wt.Provider, { value: i.panelId }, E({ props: { ...n2, ...y }, slot: T, defaultTag: Li, features: Di, visible: m2, name: "Popover.Panel" })); }), Fi = "div"; function wi(e) { let t = React2.useRef(null), [r, o] = React2.useState([]), n2 = React2.useCallback((b) => { o((T) => { let y = T.indexOf(b); if (y !== -1) { let p2 = T.slice(); return p2.splice(y, 1), p2; } return T; }); }, [o]), i = React2.useCallback((b) => (o((T) => [...T, b]), () => n2(b)), [o, n2]), a = React2.useCallback(() => { var T; let b = document.activeElement; return ((T = t.current) == null ? void 0 : T.contains(b)) ? true : r.some((y) => { var p2, f2; return ((p2 = document.getElementById(y.buttonId)) == null ? void 0 : p2.contains(b)) || ((f2 = document.getElementById(y.panelId)) == null ? void 0 : f2.contains(b)); }); }, [t, r]), l = React2.useCallback((b) => { for (let T of r) T.buttonId !== b && T.close(); }, [r]), s = React2.useMemo(() => ({ registerPopover: i, unregisterPopover: n2, isFocusWithinPopoverGroup: a, closeOthers: l }), [i, n2, a, l]), u = React2.useMemo(() => ({}), []), c = { ref: t }, m2 = e; return React2.createElement(Nt.Provider, { value: s }, E({ props: { ...m2, ...c }, slot: u, defaultTag: Fi, name: "Popover.Group" })); } Te.Button = Ai; Te.Overlay = Ii; Te.Panel = Mi; Te.Group = wi; var _o = React2.createContext(null); function Go() { let e = React2.useContext(_o); if (e === null) { let t = new Error("You used a <Label /> component, but it is not inside a relevant parent."); throw Error.captureStackTrace && Error.captureStackTrace(t, Go), t; } return e; } function Ae() { let [e, t] = React2.useState([]); return [e.length > 0 ? e.join(" ") : void 0, React2.useMemo(() => function(o) { let n2 = React2.useCallback((a) => (t((l) => [...l, a]), () => t((l) => { let s = l.slice(), u = s.indexOf(a); return u !== -1 && s.splice(u, 1), s; })), []), i = React2.useMemo(() => ({ register: n2, slot: o.slot, name:, props: o.props }), [n2, o.slot,, o.props]); return React2.createElement(_o.Provider, { value: i }, o.children); }, [t])]; } var Ni = "label"; function nt(e) { let { passive: t = false, ...r } = e, o = Go(), n2 = `headlessui-label-${A()}`; x(() => o.register(n2), [n2, o.register]); let i = { ...o.props, id: n2 }, a = { ...r, ...i }; return t && delete a.onClick, E({ props: a, slot: o.slot || {}, defaultTag: Ni, name: || "Label" }); } var jt = React2.createContext(null); jt.displayName = "RadioGroupContext"; var $t = React2.createContext(null); $t.displayName = "GroupContext"; var tl = React2.Fragment; function ol(e) { let [t, r] = React2.useState(null), [o, n2] = Ae(), [i, a] = re(), l = React2.useMemo(() => ({ switch: t, setSwitch: r, labelledby: o, describedby: i }), [t, r, o, i]); return React2.createElement(a, { name: "Switch.Description" }, React2.createElement(n2, { name: "Switch.Label", props: { onClick() { !t || (, t.focus({ preventScroll: true })); } } }, React2.createElement($t.Provider, { value: l }, E({ props: e, defaultTag: tl, name: "Switch.Group" })))); } var rl = "button"; function Qt(e) { let { checked: t, onChange: r, ...o } = e, n2 = `headlessui-switch-${A()}`, i = React2.useContext($t), a = React2.useRef(null), l = I(a, i === null ? null : i.setSwitch), s = React2.useCallback(() => r(!t), [r, t]), u = React2.useCallback((y) => { if (G(y.currentTarget)) return y.preventDefault(); y.preventDefault(), s(); }, [s]), c = React2.useCallback((y) => { y.key !== "Tab" && y.preventDefault(), y.key === " " && s(); }, [s]), m2 = React2.useCallback((y) => y.preventDefault(), []), b = React2.useMemo(() => ({ checked: t }), [t]), T = { id: n2, ref: l, role: "switch", type: U(e, a), tabIndex: 0, "aria-checked": t, "aria-labelledby": i == null ? void 0 : i.labelledby, "aria-describedby": i == null ? void 0 : i.describedby, onClick: u, onKeyUp: c, onKeyPress: m2 }; return E({ props: { ...o, ...T }, slot: b, defaultTag: rl, name: "Switch" }); } Qt.Group = ol; Qt.Label = nt; Qt.Description = me; var ul = { [0](e, t) { return e.selectedIndex === t.index ? e : { ...e, selectedIndex: t.index }; }, [1](e, t) { return e.orientation === t.orientation ? e : { ...e, orientation: t.orientation }; }, [2](e, t) { return e.activation === t.activation ? e : { ...e, activation: t.activation }; }, [3](e, t) { return e.tabs.includes( ? e : { ...e, tabs: [...e.tabs,] }; }, [4](e, t) { return { ...e, tabs: e.tabs.filter((r) => r !== }; }, [5](e, t) { return e.panels.includes(t.panel) ? e : { ...e, panels: [...e.panels, t.panel] }; }, [6](e, t) { return { ...e, panels: e.panels.filter((r) => r !== t.panel) }; }, [7](e) { return { ...e }; } }, zt = React2.createContext(null); zt.displayName = "TabsContext"; function Le(e) { let t = React2.useContext(zt); if (t === null) { let r = new Error(`<${e} /> is missing a parent <Tab.Group /> component.`); throw Error.captureStackTrace && Error.captureStackTrace(r, Le), r; } return t; } function pl(e, t) { return S(t.type, ul, e, t); } var dl = React2.Fragment; function cl(e) { let { defaultIndex: t = 0, vertical: r = false, manual: o = false, onChange: n2, selectedIndex: i = null, ...a } = e, l = r ? "vertical" : "horizontal", s = o ? "manual" : "auto", [u, c] = React2.useReducer(pl, { selectedIndex: null, tabs: [], panels: [], orientation: l, activation: s }), m2 = React2.useMemo(() => ({ selectedIndex: u.selectedIndex }), [u.selectedIndex]), b = React2.useRef(() => { }); React2.useEffect(() => { c({ type: 1, orientation: l }); }, [l]), React2.useEffect(() => { c({ type: 2, activation: s }); }, [s]), React2.useEffect(() => { typeof n2 == "function" && (b.current = n2); }, [n2]), React2.useEffect(() => { if (u.tabs.length <= 0 || i === null && u.selectedIndex !== null) return; let p2 = => P.current).filter(Boolean), f2 = p2.filter((P) => !P.hasAttribute("disabled")), d = i != null ? i : t; if (d < 0) c({ type: 0, index: p2.indexOf(f2[0]) }); else if (d > u.tabs.length) c({ type: 0, index: p2.indexOf(f2[f2.length - 1]) }); else { let P = p2.slice(0, d), R = [...p2.slice(d), ...P].find((g2) => f2.includes(g2)); if (!R) return; c({ type: 0, index: p2.indexOf(R) }); } }, [t, i, u.tabs, u.selectedIndex]); let T = React2.useRef(u.selectedIndex); React2.useEffect(() => { T.current = u.selectedIndex; }, [u.selectedIndex]); let y = React2.useMemo(() => [u, { dispatch: c, change(p2) { T.current !== p2 && b.current(p2), T.current = p2, c({ type: 0, index: p2 }); } }], [u, c]); return React2.createElement(zt.Provider, { value: y }, E({ props: { ...a }, slot: m2, defaultTag: dl, name: "Tabs" })); } var fl = "div"; function ml(e) { let [{ selectedIndex: t, orientation: r }] = Le("Tab.List"), o = { selectedIndex: t }; return E({ props: { ...e, ...{ role: "tablist", "aria-orientation": r } }, slot: o, defaultTag: fl, name: "Tabs.List" }); } var bl = "button"; function De(e) { var C, R; let t = `headlessui-tabs-tab-${A()}`, [{ selectedIndex: r, tabs: o, panels: n2, orientation: i, activation: a }, { dispatch: l, change: s }] = Le(, u = React2.useRef(null), c = I(u, (g2) => { !g2 || l({ type: 7 }); }); x(() => (l({ type: 3, tab: u }), () => l({ type: 4, tab: u })), [l, u]); let m2 = o.indexOf(u), b = m2 === r, T = React2.useCallback((g2) => { let v = => h2.current).filter(Boolean); if (g2.key === " " || g2.key === "Enter") { g2.preventDefault(), g2.stopPropagation(), s(m2); return; } switch (g2.key) { case "Home": case "PageUp": return g2.preventDefault(), g2.stopPropagation(), M(v, 1); case "End": case "PageDown": return g2.preventDefault(), g2.stopPropagation(), M(v, 8); } return S(i, { vertical() { if (g2.key === "ArrowUp") return M(v, 2 | 16); if (g2.key === "ArrowDown") return M(v, 4 | 16); }, horizontal() { if (g2.key === "ArrowLeft") return M(v, 2 | 16); if (g2.key === "ArrowRight") return M(v, 4 | 16); } }); }, [o, i, m2, s]), y = React2.useCallback(() => { var g2; (g2 = u.current) == null || g2.focus(); }, [u]), p2 = React2.useCallback(() => { var g2; (g2 = u.current) == null || g2.focus(), s(m2); }, [s, m2, u]), f2 = React2.useMemo(() => ({ selected: b }), [b]), d = { ref: c, onKeyDown: T, onFocus: a === "manual" ? y : p2, onClick: p2, id: t, role: "tab", type: U(e, u), "aria-controls": (R = (C = n2[m2]) == null ? void 0 : C.current) == null ? void 0 :, "aria-selected": b, tabIndex: b ? 0 : -1 }; return E({ props: { ...e, ...d }, slot: f2, defaultTag: bl, name: "Tabs.Tab" }); } var Tl = "div"; function yl(e) { let [{ selectedIndex: t }] = Le("Tab.Panels"), r = React2.useMemo(() => ({ selectedIndex: t }), [t]); return E({ props: e, slot: r, defaultTag: Tl, name: "Tabs.Panels" }); } var gl = "div", Pl = 1 | 2; function xl(e) { var T, y; let [{ selectedIndex: t, tabs: r, panels: o }, { dispatch: n2 }] = Le("Tab.Panel"), i = `headlessui-tabs-panel-${A()}`, a = React2.useRef(null), l = I(a, (p2) => { !p2 || n2({ type: 7 }); }); x(() => (n2({ type: 5, panel: a }), () => n2({ type: 6, panel: a })), [n2, a]); let s = o.indexOf(a), u = s === t, c = React2.useMemo(() => ({ selected: u }), [u]), m2 = { ref: l, id: i, role: "tabpanel", "aria-labelledby": (y = (T = r[s]) == null ? void 0 : T.current) == null ? void 0 :, tabIndex: u ? 0 : -1 }; return E({ props: { ...e, ...m2 }, slot: c, defaultTag: gl, features: Pl, visible: u, name: "Tabs.Panel" }); } De.Group = cl; De.List = ml; De.Panels = yl; De.Panel = xl; function Bo() { let e = React2.useRef(true); return React2.useEffect(() => { e.current = false; }, []), e.current; } function No(e) { let t = { called: false }; return (...r) => { if (!t.called) return t.called = true, e(...r); }; } function Yt(e, ...t) { e && t.length > 0 && e.classList.add(...t); } function ut(e, ...t) { e && t.length > 0 && e.classList.remove(...t); } function El(e, t) { let r = k(); if (!e) return r.dispose; let { transitionDuration: o, transitionDelay: n2 } = getComputedStyle(e), [i, a] = [o, n2].map((l) => { let [s = 0] = l.split(",").filter(Boolean).map((u) => u.includes("ms") ? parseFloat(u) : parseFloat(u) * 1e3).sort((u, c) => c - u); return s; }); return i !== 0 ? r.setTimeout(() => { t("finished"); }, i + a) : t("finished"), r.add(() => t("cancelled")), r.dispose; } function Xt(e, t, r, o, n2, i) { let a = k(), l = i !== void 0 ? No(i) : () => { }; return ut(e, ...n2), Yt(e, ...t, ...r), a.nextFrame(() => { ut(e, ...r), Yt(e, ...o), a.add(El(e, (s) => (ut(e, ...o, ...t), Yt(e, ...n2), l(s)))); }), a.add(() => ut(e, ...t, ...r, ...o, ...n2)), a.add(() => l("cancelled")), a.dispose; } function le(e = "") { return React2.useMemo(() => e.split(" ").filter((t) => t.trim().length > 1), [e]); } var dt = React2.createContext(null); dt.displayName = "TransitionContext"; function Cl() { let e = React2.useContext(dt); if (e === null) throw new Error("A <Transition.Child /> is used but it is missing a parent <Transition /> or <Transition.Root />."); return e; } function Sl() { let e = React2.useContext(ct); if (e === null) throw new Error("A <Transition.Child /> is used but it is missing a parent <Transition /> or <Transition.Root />."); return e; } var ct = React2.createContext(null); ct.displayName = "NestingContext"; function ft(e) { return "children" in e ? ft(e.children) : e.current.filter(({ state: t }) => t === "visible").length > 0; } function $o(e) { let t = React2.useRef(e), r = React2.useRef([]), o = Be(); React2.useEffect(() => { t.current = e; }, [e]); let n2 = React2.useCallback((a, l = 1) => { var u; let s = r.current.findIndex(({ id: c }) => c === a); s !== -1 && (S(l, { [0]() { r.current.splice(s, 1); }, [1]() { r.current[s].state = "hidden"; } }), !ft(r) && o.current && ((u = t.current) == null ||; }, [t, o, r]), i = React2.useCallback((a) => { let l = r.current.find(({ id: s }) => s === a); return l ? l.state !== "visible" && (l.state = "visible") : r.current.push({ id: a, state: "visible" }), () => n2(a, 0); }, [r, n2]); return React2.useMemo(() => ({ children: r, register: i, unregister: n2 }), [i, n2, r]); } function Al() { } var hl = ["beforeEnter", "afterEnter", "beforeLeave", "afterLeave"]; function Qo(e) { var r; let t = {}; for (let o of hl) t[o] = (r = e[o]) != null ? r : Al; return t; } function Ol(e) { let t = React2.useRef(Qo(e)); return React2.useEffect(() => { t.current = Qo(e); }, [e]), t; } var Il = "div", qo = 1; function zo(e) { let { beforeEnter: t, afterEnter: r, beforeLeave: o, afterLeave: n2, enter: i, enterFrom: a, enterTo: l, entered: s, leave: u, leaveFrom: c, leaveTo: m2, ...b } = e, T = React2.useRef(null), [y, p2] = React2.useState("visible"), f2 = b.unmount ? 0 : 1, { show: d, appear: P, initial: C } = Cl(), { register: R, unregister: g2 } = Sl(), v = A(), h2 = React2.useRef(false), O = $o(() => { h2.current || (p2("hidden"), g2(v), X.current.afterLeave()); }); x(() => { if (!!v) return R(v); }, [R, v]), x(() => { if (f2 === 1 && !!v) { if (d && y !== "visible") { p2("visible"); return; } S(y, { hidden: () => g2(v), visible: () => R(v) }); } }, [y, v, R, g2, d, f2]); let L = le(i), N = le(a), K = le(l), V = le(s), Fe = le(u), ge = le(c), we = le(m2), X = Ol({ beforeEnter: t, afterEnter: r, beforeLeave: o, afterLeave: n2 }), F = q$1(); React2.useEffect(() => { if (F && y === "visible" && T.current === null) throw new Error("Did you forget to passthrough the `ref` to the actual DOM node?"); }, [T, y, F]); let $ = C && !P; x(() => { let bt = T.current; if (!!bt && !$) return h2.current = true, d && X.current.beforeEnter(), d || X.current.beforeLeave(), d ? Xt(bt, L, N, K, V, (Tt) => { h2.current = false, Tt === "finished" && X.current.afterEnter(); }) : Xt(bt, Fe, ge, we, V, (Tt) => { h2.current = false, Tt === "finished" && (ft(O) || (p2("hidden"), g2(v), X.current.afterLeave())); }); }, [X, v, h2, g2, O, T, $, d, L, N, K, Fe, ge, we]); let H = { ref: T }, Pe = b; return React2.createElement(ct.Provider, { value: O }, React2.createElement(W, { value: S(y, { visible: 0, hidden: 1 }) }, E({ props: { ...Pe, ...H }, defaultTag: Il, features: qo, visible: y === "visible", name: "Transition.Child" }))); } function mt(e) { let { show: t, appear: r = false, unmount: o, ...n2 } = e, i = _(); if (t === void 0 && i !== null && (t = S(i, { [0]: true, [1]: false })), ![true, false].includes(t)) throw new Error("A <Transition /> is used but it is missing a `show={true | false}` prop."); let [a, l] = React2.useState(t ? "visible" : "hidden"), s = $o(() => { l("hidden"); }), u = Bo(), c = React2.useMemo(() => ({ show: t, appear: r || !u, initial: u }), [t, r, u]); React2.useEffect(() => { t ? l("visible") : ft(s) || l("hidden"); }, [t, s]); let m2 = { unmount: o }; return React2.createElement(ct.Provider, { value: s }, React2.createElement(dt.Provider, { value: c }, E({ props: { ...m2, as: React2.Fragment, children: React2.createElement(zo, { ...m2, ...n2 }) }, defaultTag: React2.Fragment, features: qo, visible: a === "visible", name: "Transition" }))); } mt.Child = function(t) { let r = React2.useContext(dt) !== null, o = _() !== null; return !r && o ? React2.createElement(mt, { ...t }) : React2.createElement(zo, { ...t }); }; mt.Root = mt; function getDefaultExportFromCjs(x2) { return x2 && x2.__esModule &&, "default") ? x2["default"] : x2; } var jsxRuntimeExports = {}; var jsxRuntime = { get exports() { return jsxRuntimeExports; }, set exports(v) { jsxRuntimeExports = v; } }; var reactJsxRuntime_production_min = {}; /* object-assign (c) Sindre Sorhus @license MIT */ var getOwnPropertySymbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols; var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var propIsEnumerable = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable; function toObject(val) { if (val === null || val === void 0) { throw new TypeError("Object.assign cannot be called with null or undefined"); } return Object(val); } function shouldUseNative() { try { if (!Object.assign) { return false; } var test1 = new String("abc"); test1[5] = "de"; if (Object.getOwnPropertyNames(test1)[0] === "5") { return false; } var test2 = {}; for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { test2["_" + String.fromCharCode(i)] = i; } var order2 = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(test2).map(function(n2) { return test2[n2]; }); if (order2.join("") !== "0123456789") { return false; } var test3 = {}; "abcdefghijklmnopqrst".split("").forEach(function(letter) { test3[letter] = letter; }); if (Object.keys(Object.assign({}, test3)).join("") !== "abcdefghijklmnopqrst") { return false; } return true; } catch (err) { return false; } } shouldUseNative() ? Object.assign : function(target, source) { var from; var to2 = toObject(target); var symbols; for (var s = 1; s < arguments.length; s++) { from = Object(arguments[s]); for (var key in from) { if (, key)) { to2[key] = from[key]; } } if (getOwnPropertySymbols) { symbols = getOwnPropertySymbols(from); for (var i = 0; i < symbols.length; i++) { if (, symbols[i])) { to2[symbols[i]] = from[symbols[i]]; } } } } return to2; }; /** @license React v17.0.2 * react-jsx-runtime.production.min.js * * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ var f = React2, g = 60103; reactJsxRuntime_production_min.Fragment = 60107; if ("function" === typeof Symbol && Symbol.for) { var h = Symbol.for; g = h("react.element"); reactJsxRuntime_production_min.Fragment = h("react.fragment"); } var m = f.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED.ReactCurrentOwner, n = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, p = { key: true, ref: true, __self: true, __source: true }; function q(c, a, k2) { var b, d = {}, e = null, l = null; void 0 !== k2 && (e = "" + k2); void 0 !== a.key && (e = "" + a.key); void 0 !== a.ref && (l = a.ref); for (b in a), b) && !p.hasOwnProperty(b) && (d[b] = a[b]); if (c && c.defaultProps) for (b in a = c.defaultProps, a) void 0 === d[b] && (d[b] = a[b]); return { $$typeof: g, type: c, key: e, ref: l, props: d, _owner: m.current }; } reactJsxRuntime_production_min.jsx = q; reactJsxRuntime_production_min.jsxs = q; (function(module) { { module.exports = reactJsxRuntime_production_min; } })(jsxRuntime); const jsx = jsxRuntimeExports.jsx; const jsxs = jsxRuntimeExports.jsxs; const Fragment = jsxRuntimeExports.Fragment; function ToggleSwitch(props) { const { className, checked, onChange, labelLeft, labelRight } = props; return /* @__PURE__ */ jsxs("div", { className: `${className} flex flex-row`, children: [/* @__PURE__ */ jsx("div", { className: "w-1/4", children: labelLeft }), /* @__PURE__ */ jsx("div", { className: "w-1/2", children: /* @__PURE__ */ jsx(Qt, { checked, onChange, className: `${checked ? "bg-blue-600" : "bg-gray-200"} relative inline-flex items-center h-6 rounded-full w-11`, children: /* @__PURE__ */ jsx("span", { className: `${checked ? "translate-x-6" : "translate-x-1"} inline-block w-4 h-4 transform bg-white rounded-full` }) }) }), /* @__PURE__ */ jsx("div", { className: "w-1/4", children: labelRight })] }); } function CheckIcon(props, svgRef) { return /* @__PURE__ */ React__namespace.createElement("svg", Object.assign({ xmlns: "", viewBox: "0 0 20 20", fill: "currentColor", "aria-hidden": "true", ref: svgRef }, props), /* @__PURE__ */ React__namespace.createElement("path", { fillRule: "evenodd", d: "M16.707 5.293a1 1 0 010 1.414l-8 8a1 1 0 01-1.414 0l-4-4a1 1 0 011.414-1.414L8 12.586l7.293-7.293a1 1 0 011.414 0z", clipRule: "evenodd" })); } const ForwardRef$2 = React__namespace.forwardRef(CheckIcon); const CheckIcon$1 = ForwardRef$2; function ChevronUpIcon(props, svgRef) { return /* @__PURE__ */ React__namespace.createElement("svg", Object.assign({ xmlns: "", viewBox: "0 0 20 20", fill: "currentColor", "aria-hidden": "true", ref: svgRef }, props), /* @__PURE__ */ React__namespace.createElement("path", { fillRule: "evenodd", d: "M14.707 12.707a1 1 0 01-1.414 0L10 9.414l-3.293 3.293a1 1 0 01-1.414-1.414l4-4a1 1 0 011.414 0l4 4a1 1 0 010 1.414z", clipRule: "evenodd" })); } const ForwardRef$1 = React__namespace.forwardRef(ChevronUpIcon); const ChevronUpIcon$1 = ForwardRef$1; function SelectorIcon(props, svgRef) { return /* @__PURE__ */ React__namespace.createElement("svg", Object.assign({ xmlns: "", viewBox: "0 0 20 20", fill: "currentColor", "aria-hidden": "true", ref: svgRef }, props), /* @__PURE__ */ React__namespace.createElement("path", { fillRule: "evenodd", d: "M10 3a1 1 0 01.707.293l3 3a1 1 0 01-1.414 1.414L10 5.414 7.707 7.707a1 1 0 01-1.414-1.414l3-3A1 1 0 0110 3zm-3.707 9.293a1 1 0 011.414 0L10 14.586l2.293-2.293a1 1 0 011.414 1.414l-3 3a1 1 0 01-1.414 0l-3-3a1 1 0 010-1.414z", clipRule: "evenodd" })); } const ForwardRef = React__namespace.forwardRef(SelectorIcon); const SelectorIcon$1 = ForwardRef; function ListboxSelect(props) { const { selected, setSelected, optionList, show } = props; return /* @__PURE__ */ jsx(Ee, { value: selected, onChange: setSelected, children: /* @__PURE__ */ jsxs("div", { className: "relative mt-1", children: [/* @__PURE__ */ jsxs(Ee.Button, { className: "relative w-full py-2 pl-3 pr-10 text-left bg-white rounded-lg shadow-md cursor-default focus:outline-none focus-visible:ring-2 focus-visible:ring-opacity-75 focus-visible:ring-white focus-visible:ring-offset-orange-300 focus-visible:ring-offset-2 focus-visible:border-indigo-500 sm:text-sm", children: [/* @__PURE__ */ jsx("span", { className: "block truncate text-gray-900", children: show(selected) }), /* @__PURE__ */ jsx("span", { className: "absolute inset-y-0 right-0 flex items-center pr-2 pointer-events-none", children: /* @__PURE__ */ jsx(SelectorIcon$1, { className: "w-5 h-5 text-gray-400", "aria-hidden": "true" }) })] }), /* @__PURE__ */ jsx(mt, { as: React2.Fragment, leave: "transition ease-in duration-100", leaveFrom: "opacity-100", leaveTo: "opacity-0", children: /* @__PURE__ */ jsx(Ee.Options, { className: "absolute w-full py-1 mt-1 overflow-auto text-base bg-white rounded-md shadow-lg max-h-60 ring-1 ring-black ring-opacity-5 focus:outline-none sm:text-sm", children:, personIdx) => /* @__PURE__ */ jsx(Ee.Option, { className: ({ active }) => `cursor-default select-none relative py-2 pl-10 pr-4 ${active ? "text-amber-900 bg-amber-100" : "text-gray-900"}`, value: person, children: ({ selected: selected2 }) => /* @__PURE__ */ jsxs(Fragment, { children: [/* @__PURE__ */ jsx("span", { className: `block truncate ${selected2 ? "font-medium" : "font-normal"}`, children: show(person) }), selected2 ? /* @__PURE__ */ jsx("span", { className: "absolute inset-y-0 left-0 flex items-center pl-3 text-amber-600", children: /* @__PURE__ */ jsx(CheckIcon$1, { className: "w-5 h-5", "aria-hidden": "true" }) }) : null] }) }, personIdx)) }) })] }) }); } function CharacterGoalTab(props) { const { showText, batchUpdateCharacter: batchUpdateCharacter2 } = props; const [selectAllRoles, setSelectAllRoles] = React2.useState(() => true); const optionList = characterStatusList.slice(0).reverse(); const [characterLevelGoal, setCharacterLevelGoal] = React2.useState(() => optionList[0]); const batchSetCharacterGoalLevel = () => { console.log(`批量设置${showText}目标等级`); console.log(selectAllRoles); console.log(characterLevelGoal); batchUpdateCharacter2(!selectAllRoles, characterLevelGoal); alert(`${showText}目标等级设置完毕`); }; return /* @__PURE__ */ jsxs("div", { children: [/* @__PURE__ */ jsx("div", { className: "flex pt-4", children: /* @__PURE__ */ jsx(ToggleSwitch, { className: "w-full", checked: selectAllRoles, onChange: setSelectAllRoles, labelLeft: `全部${showText}`, labelRight: `仅激活${showText}` }) }), /* @__PURE__ */ jsxs("div", { className: "flex pt-4", children: [/* @__PURE__ */ jsxs("div", { className: "w-1/2 text-white-900", children: [showText, "目标等级:"] }), /* @__PURE__ */ jsx("div", { className: "w-1/2", children: /* @__PURE__ */ jsx(ListboxSelect, { selected: characterLevelGoal, setSelected: setCharacterLevelGoal, optionList, show: (characterStatus) => `${characterStatus.text.replace("A", "破")}` }) })] }), /* @__PURE__ */ jsx("div", { className: "flex pt-2", children: /* @__PURE__ */ jsx("div", { className: "w-full", children: /* @__PURE__ */ jsxs("button", { className: "text-white bg-blue-500 px-4 py-2", onClick: batchSetCharacterGoalLevel, children: ["批量设置", showText, "目标等级"] }) }) })] }); } function TalentGoalTab() { const [selectAllRoles, setSelectAllRoles] = React2.useState(() => true); const [talentGoalLevel, setTalentGoalLevel] = React2.useState({ normal: 1, skill: 6, burst: 6 }); const talentLevels = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10].reverse(); const batchSetCharacterTalentLevel = () => { console.log("批量设置角色目标天赋"); console.log(talentGoalLevel); const { normal, skill, burst } = talentGoalLevel; console.log(selectAllRoles); batchUpdateTalent(!selectAllRoles, normal, skill, burst); alert("角色目标天赋设置完毕"); }; return /* @__PURE__ */ jsxs("div", { children: [/* @__PURE__ */ jsx("div", { className: "flex pt-4", children: /* @__PURE__ */ jsx(ToggleSwitch, { className: "w-full", checked: selectAllRoles, onChange: setSelectAllRoles, labelLeft: "全部角色", labelRight: "仅激活角色" }) }), /* @__PURE__ */ jsxs("div", { className: "grid grid-rows-2 grid-flow-col gap-2", children: [/* @__PURE__ */ jsx("div", { className: "mt-10", children: "普通攻击" }), /* @__PURE__ */ jsx("div", { children: /* @__PURE__ */ jsx(ListboxSelect, { selected: talentGoalLevel.normal, setSelected: (num) => setTalentGoalLevel({ ...talentGoalLevel, normal: num }), optionList: talentLevels, show: (num) => `${num}` }) }), /* @__PURE__ */ jsx("div", { className: "mt-10", children: "元素战技" }), /* @__PURE__ */ jsx("div", { children: /* @__PURE__ */ jsx(ListboxSelect, { selected: talentGoalLevel.skill, setSelected: (num) => setTalentGoalLevel({ ...talentGoalLevel, skill: num }), optionList: talentLevels, show: (num) => `${num}` }) }), /* @__PURE__ */ jsx("div", { className: "mt-10", children: "元素爆发" }), /* @__PURE__ */ jsx("div", { children: /* @__PURE__ */ jsx(ListboxSelect, { selected: talentGoalLevel.burst, setSelected: (num) => setTalentGoalLevel({ ...talentGoalLevel, burst: num }), optionList: talentLevels, show: (num) => `${num}` }) })] }), /* @__PURE__ */ jsx("div", { className: "flex pt-2", children: /* @__PURE__ */ jsx("div", { className: "w-full", children: /* @__PURE__ */ jsx("button", { className: "text-white bg-blue-500 px-4 py-2", onClick: batchSetCharacterTalentLevel, children: "批量设置角色目标天赋" }) }) })] }); } var axiosExports$1 = {}; var axios$3 = { get exports() { return axiosExports$1; }, set exports(v) { axiosExports$1 = v; } }; var axiosExports = {}; var axios$2 = { get exports() { return axiosExports; }, set exports(v) { axiosExports = v; } }; var bind$2 = function bind2(fn, thisArg) { return function wrap() { var args = new Array(arguments.length); for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { args[i] = arguments[i]; } return fn.apply(thisArg, args); }; }; var bind$1 = bind$2; var toString = Object.prototype.toString; var kindOf = function(cache) { return function(thing) { var str =; return cache[str] || (cache[str] = str.slice(8, -1).toLowerCase()); }; }(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null)); function kindOfTest(type) { type = type.toLowerCase(); return function isKindOf(thing) { return kindOf(thing) === type; }; } function isArray(val) { return Array.isArray(val); } function isUndefined(val) { return typeof val === "undefined"; } function isBuffer(val) { return val !== null && !isUndefined(val) && val.constructor !== null && !isUndefined(val.constructor) && typeof val.constructor.isBuffer === "function" && val.constructor.isBuffer(val); } var isArrayBuffer = kindOfTest("ArrayBuffer"); function isArrayBufferView(val) { var result; if (typeof ArrayBuffer !== "undefined" && ArrayBuffer.isView) { result = ArrayBuffer.isView(val); } else { result = val && val.buffer && isArrayBuffer(val.buffer); } return result; } function isString(val) { return typeof val === "string"; } function isNumber(val) { return typeof val === "number"; } function isObject(val) { return val !== null && typeof val === "object"; } function isPlainObject(val) { if (kindOf(val) !== "object") { return false; } var prototype2 = Object.getPrototypeOf(val); return prototype2 === null || prototype2 === Object.prototype; } var isDate = kindOfTest("Date"); var isFile = kindOfTest("File"); var isBlob = kindOfTest("Blob"); var isFileList = kindOfTest("FileList"); function isFunction(val) { return === "[object Function]"; } function isStream(val) { return isObject(val) && isFunction(val.pipe); } function isFormData(thing) { var pattern = "[object FormData]"; return thing && (typeof FormData === "function" && thing instanceof FormData || === pattern || isFunction(thing.toString) && thing.toString() === pattern); } var isURLSearchParams = kindOfTest("URLSearchParams"); function trim(str) { return str.trim ? str.trim() : str.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ""); } function isStandardBrowserEnv() { if (typeof navigator !== "undefined" && (navigator.product === "ReactNative" || navigator.product === "NativeScript" || navigator.product === "NS")) { return false; } return typeof window !== "undefined" && typeof document !== "undefined"; } function forEach(obj, fn) { if (obj === null || typeof obj === "undefined") { return; } if (typeof obj !== "object") { obj = [obj]; } if (isArray(obj)) { for (var i = 0, l = obj.length; i < l; i++) {, obj[i], i, obj); } } else { for (var key in obj) { if (, key)) {, obj[key], key, obj); } } } } function merge() { var result = {}; function assignValue(val, key) { if (isPlainObject(result[key]) && isPlainObject(val)) { result[key] = merge(result[key], val); } else if (isPlainObject(val)) { result[key] = merge({}, val); } else if (isArray(val)) { result[key] = val.slice(); } else { result[key] = val; } } for (var i = 0, l = arguments.length; i < l; i++) { forEach(arguments[i], assignValue); } return result; } function extend(a, b, thisArg) { forEach(b, function assignValue(val, key) { if (thisArg && typeof val === "function") { a[key] = bind$1(val, thisArg); } else { a[key] = val; } }); return a; } function stripBOM(content) { if (content.charCodeAt(0) === 65279) { content = content.slice(1); } return content; } function inherits(constructor, superConstructor, props, descriptors2) { constructor.prototype = Object.create(superConstructor.prototype, descriptors2); constructor.prototype.constructor = constructor; props && Object.assign(constructor.prototype, props); } function toFlatObject(sourceObj, destObj, filter) { var props; var i; var prop; var merged = {}; destObj = destObj || {}; do { props = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(sourceObj); i = props.length; while (i-- > 0) { prop = props[i]; if (!merged[prop]) { destObj[prop] = sourceObj[prop]; merged[prop] = true; } } sourceObj = Object.getPrototypeOf(sourceObj); } while (sourceObj && (!filter || filter(sourceObj, destObj)) && sourceObj !== Object.prototype); return destObj; } function endsWith(str, searchString, position) { str = String(str); if (position === void 0 || position > str.length) { position = str.length; } position -= searchString.length; var lastIndex = str.indexOf(searchString, position); return lastIndex !== -1 && lastIndex === position; } function toArray(thing) { if (!thing) return null; var i = thing.length; if (isUndefined(i)) return null; var arr = new Array(i); while (i-- > 0) { arr[i] = thing[i]; } return arr; } var isTypedArray = function(TypedArray) { return function(thing) { return TypedArray && thing instanceof TypedArray; }; }(typeof Uint8Array !== "undefined" && Object.getPrototypeOf(Uint8Array)); var utils$b = { isArray, isArrayBuffer, isBuffer, isFormData, isArrayBufferView, isString, isNumber, isObject, isPlainObject, isUndefined, isDate, isFile, isBlob, isFunction, isStream, isURLSearchParams, isStandardBrowserEnv, forEach, merge, extend, trim, stripBOM, inherits, toFlatObject, kindOf, kindOfTest, endsWith, toArray, isTypedArray, isFileList }; var utils$a = utils$b; function encode(val) { return encodeURIComponent(val).replace(/%3A/gi, ":").replace(/%24/g, "$").replace(/%2C/gi, ",").replace(/%20/g, "+").replace(/%5B/gi, "[").replace(/%5D/gi, "]"); } var buildURL$1 = function buildURL2(url, params, paramsSerializer) { if (!params) { return url; } var serializedParams; if (paramsSerializer) { serializedParams = paramsSerializer(params); } else if (utils$a.isURLSearchParams(params)) { serializedParams = params.toString(); } else { var parts = []; utils$a.forEach(params, function serialize(val, key) { if (val === null || typeof val === "undefined") { return; } if (utils$a.isArray(val)) { key = key + "[]"; } else { val = [val]; } utils$a.forEach(val, function parseValue(v) { if (utils$a.isDate(v)) { v = v.toISOString(); } else if (utils$a.isObject(v)) { v = JSON.stringify(v); } parts.push(encode(key) + "=" + encode(v)); }); }); serializedParams = parts.join("&"); } if (serializedParams) { var hashmarkIndex = url.indexOf("#"); if (hashmarkIndex !== -1) { url = url.slice(0, hashmarkIndex); } url += (url.indexOf("?") === -1 ? "?" : "&") + serializedParams; } return url; }; var utils$9 = utils$b; function InterceptorManager$1() { this.handlers = []; } InterceptorManager$1.prototype.use = function use(fulfilled, rejected, options) { this.handlers.push({ fulfilled, rejected, synchronous: options ? options.synchronous : false, runWhen: options ? options.runWhen : null }); return this.handlers.length - 1; }; InterceptorManager$1.prototype.eject = function eject(id) { if (this.handlers[id]) { this.handlers[id] = null; } }; InterceptorManager$1.prototype.forEach = function forEach2(fn) { utils$9.forEach(this.handlers, function forEachHandler(h2) { if (h2 !== null) { fn(h2); } }); }; var InterceptorManager_1 = InterceptorManager$1; var utils$8 = utils$b; var normalizeHeaderName$1 = function normalizeHeaderName2(headers2, normalizedName) { utils$8.forEach(headers2, function processHeader(value, name) { if (name !== normalizedName && name.toUpperCase() === normalizedName.toUpperCase()) { headers2[normalizedName] = value; delete headers2[name]; } }); }; var utils$7 = utils$b; function AxiosError$3(message, code, config, request, response) {; this.message = message; = "AxiosError"; code && (this.code = code); config && (this.config = config); request && (this.request = request); response && (this.response = response); } utils$7.inherits(AxiosError$3, Error, { toJSON: function toJSON() { return { // Standard message: this.message, name:, // Microsoft description: this.description, number: this.number, // Mozilla fileName: this.fileName, lineNumber: this.lineNumber, columnNumber: this.columnNumber, stack: this.stack, // Axios config: this.config, code: this.code, status: this.response && this.response.status ? this.response.status : null }; } }); var prototype = AxiosError$3.prototype; var descriptors = {}; [ "ERR_BAD_OPTION_VALUE", "ERR_BAD_OPTION", "ECONNABORTED", "ETIMEDOUT", "ERR_NETWORK", "ERR_FR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS", "ERR_DEPRECATED", "ERR_BAD_RESPONSE", "ERR_BAD_REQUEST", "ERR_CANCELED" // eslint-disable-next-line func-names ].forEach(function(code) { descriptors[code] = { value: code }; }); Object.defineProperties(AxiosError$3, descriptors); Object.defineProperty(prototype, "isAxiosError", { value: true }); AxiosError$3.from = function(error, code, config, request, response, customProps) { var axiosError = Object.create(prototype); utils$7.toFlatObject(error, axiosError, function filter(obj) { return obj !== Error.prototype; }); AxiosError$, error.message, code, config, request, response); =; customProps && Object.assign(axiosError, customProps); return axiosError; }; var AxiosError_1 = AxiosError$3; var transitional = { silentJSONParsing: true, forcedJSONParsing: true, clarifyTimeoutError: false }; var toFormData_1; var hasRequiredToFormData; function requireToFormData() { if (hasRequiredToFormData) return toFormData_1; hasRequiredToFormData = 1; var utils2 = utils$b; function toFormData2(obj, formData) { formData = formData || new FormData(); var stack = []; function convertValue(value) { if (value === null) return ""; if (utils2.isDate(value)) { return value.toISOString(); } if (utils2.isArrayBuffer(value) || utils2.isTypedArray(value)) { return typeof Blob === "function" ? new Blob([value]) : Buffer.from(value); } return value; } function build(data2, parentKey) { if (utils2.isPlainObject(data2) || utils2.isArray(data2)) { if (stack.indexOf(data2) !== -1) { throw Error("Circular reference detected in " + parentKey); } stack.push(data2); utils2.forEach(data2, function each(value, key) { if (utils2.isUndefined(value)) return; var fullKey = parentKey ? parentKey + "." + key : key; var arr; if (value && !parentKey && typeof value === "object") { if (utils2.endsWith(key, "{}")) { value = JSON.stringify(value); } else if (utils2.endsWith(key, "[]") && (arr = utils2.toArray(value))) { arr.forEach(function(el) { !utils2.isUndefined(el) && formData.append(fullKey, convertValue(el)); }); return; } } build(value, fullKey); }); stack.pop(); } else { formData.append(parentKey, convertValue(data2)); } } build(obj); return formData; } toFormData_1 = toFormData2; return toFormData_1; } var AxiosError$2 = AxiosError_1; var settle = function settle2(resolve, reject, response) { var validateStatus = response.config.validateStatus; if (!response.status || !validateStatus || validateStatus(response.status)) { resolve(response); } else { reject(new AxiosError$2( "Request failed with status code " + response.status, [AxiosError$2.ERR_BAD_REQUEST, AxiosError$2.ERR_BAD_RESPONSE][Math.floor(response.status / 100) - 4], response.config, response.request, response )); } }; var cookies; var hasRequiredCookies; function requireCookies() { if (hasRequiredCookies) return cookies; hasRequiredCookies = 1; var utils2 = utils$b; cookies = utils2.isStandardBrowserEnv() ? ( // Standard browser envs support document.cookie function standardBrowserEnv() { return { write: function write(name, value, expires, path, domain, secure) { var cookie = []; cookie.push(name + "=" + encodeURIComponent(value)); if (utils2.isNumber(expires)) { cookie.push("expires=" + new Date(expires).toGMTString()); } if (utils2.isString(path)) { cookie.push("path=" + path); } if (utils2.isString(domain)) { cookie.push("domain=" + domain); } if (secure === true) { cookie.push("secure"); } document.cookie = cookie.join("; "); }, read: function read(name) { var match = document.cookie.match(new RegExp("(^|;\\s*)(" + name + ")=([^;]*)")); return match ? decodeURIComponent(match[3]) : null; }, remove: function remove(name) { this.write(name, "", - 864e5); } }; }() ) : ( // Non standard browser env (web workers, react-native) lack needed support. function nonStandardBrowserEnv() { return { write: function write() { }, read: function read() { return null; }, remove: function remove() { } }; }() ); return cookies; } var isAbsoluteURL$1 = function isAbsoluteURL2(url) { return /^([a-z][a-z\d+\-.]*:)?\/\//i.test(url); }; var combineURLs$1 = function combineURLs2(baseURL, relativeURL) { return relativeURL ? baseURL.replace(/\/+$/, "") + "/" + relativeURL.replace(/^\/+/, "") : baseURL; }; var isAbsoluteURL = isAbsoluteURL$1; var combineURLs = combineURLs$1; var buildFullPath$1 = function buildFullPath2(baseURL, requestedURL) { if (baseURL && !isAbsoluteURL(requestedURL)) { return combineURLs(baseURL, requestedURL); } return requestedURL; }; var utils$6 = utils$b; var ignoreDuplicateOf = [ "age", "authorization", "content-length", "content-type", "etag", "expires", "from", "host", "if-modified-since", "if-unmodified-since", "last-modified", "location", "max-forwards", "proxy-authorization", "referer", "retry-after", "user-agent" ]; var parseHeaders = function parseHeaders2(headers2) { var parsed = {}; var key; var val; var i; if (!headers2) { return parsed; } utils$6.forEach(headers2.split("\n"), function parser(line) { i = line.indexOf(":"); key = utils$6.trim(line.substr(0, i)).toLowerCase(); val = utils$6.trim(line.substr(i + 1)); if (key) { if (parsed[key] && ignoreDuplicateOf.indexOf(key) >= 0) { return; } if (key === "set-cookie") { parsed[key] = (parsed[key] ? parsed[key] : []).concat([val]); } else { parsed[key] = parsed[key] ? parsed[key] + ", " + val : val; } } }); return parsed; }; var isURLSameOrigin; var hasRequiredIsURLSameOrigin; function requireIsURLSameOrigin() { if (hasRequiredIsURLSameOrigin) return isURLSameOrigin; hasRequiredIsURLSameOrigin = 1; var utils2 = utils$b; isURLSameOrigin = utils2.isStandardBrowserEnv() ? ( // Standard browser envs have full support of the APIs needed to test // whether the request URL is of the same origin as current location. function standardBrowserEnv() { var msie = /(msie|trident)/i.test(navigator.userAgent); var urlParsingNode = document.createElement("a"); var originURL; function resolveURL(url) { var href = url; if (msie) { urlParsingNode.setAttribute("href", href); href = urlParsingNode.href; } urlParsingNode.setAttribute("href", href); return { href: urlParsingNode.href, protocol: urlParsingNode.protocol ? urlParsingNode.protocol.replace(/:$/, "") : "", host:, search: ?^\?/, "") : "", hash: urlParsingNode.hash ? urlParsingNode.hash.replace(/^#/, "") : "", hostname: urlParsingNode.hostname, port: urlParsingNode.port, pathname: urlParsingNode.pathname.charAt(0) === "/" ? urlParsingNode.pathname : "/" + urlParsingNode.pathname }; } originURL = resolveURL(window.location.href); return function isURLSameOrigin2(requestURL) { var parsed = utils2.isString(requestURL) ? resolveURL(requestURL) : requestURL; return parsed.protocol === originURL.protocol && ===; }; }() ) : ( // Non standard browser envs (web workers, react-native) lack needed support. function nonStandardBrowserEnv() { return function isURLSameOrigin2() { return true; }; }() ); return isURLSameOrigin; } var CanceledError_1; var hasRequiredCanceledError; function requireCanceledError() { if (hasRequiredCanceledError) return CanceledError_1; hasRequiredCanceledError = 1; var AxiosError2 = AxiosError_1; var utils2 = utils$b; function CanceledError2(message) {, message == null ? "canceled" : message, AxiosError2.ERR_CANCELED); = "CanceledError"; } utils2.inherits(CanceledError2, AxiosError2, { __CANCEL__: true }); CanceledError_1 = CanceledError2; return CanceledError_1; } var parseProtocol; var hasRequiredParseProtocol; function requireParseProtocol() { if (hasRequiredParseProtocol) return parseProtocol; hasRequiredParseProtocol = 1; parseProtocol = function parseProtocol2(url) { var match = /^([-+\w]{1,25})(:?\/\/|:)/.exec(url); return match && match[1] || ""; }; return parseProtocol; } var xhr; var hasRequiredXhr; function requireXhr() { if (hasRequiredXhr) return xhr; hasRequiredXhr = 1; var utils2 = utils$b; var settle$1 = settle; var cookies2 = requireCookies(); var buildURL2 = buildURL$1; var buildFullPath2 = buildFullPath$1; var parseHeaders$1 = parseHeaders; var isURLSameOrigin2 = requireIsURLSameOrigin(); var transitionalDefaults2 = transitional; var AxiosError2 = AxiosError_1; var CanceledError2 = requireCanceledError(); var parseProtocol2 = requireParseProtocol(); xhr = function xhrAdapter2(config) { return new Promise(function dispatchXhrRequest(resolve, reject) { var requestData =; var requestHeaders = config.headers; var responseType = config.responseType; var onCanceled; function done() { if (config.cancelToken) { config.cancelToken.unsubscribe(onCanceled); } if (config.signal) { config.signal.removeEventListener("abort", onCanceled); } } if (utils2.isFormData(requestData) && utils2.isStandardBrowserEnv()) { delete requestHeaders["Content-Type"]; } var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); if (config.auth) { var username = config.auth.username || ""; var password = config.auth.password ? unescape(encodeURIComponent(config.auth.password)) : ""; requestHeaders.Authorization = "Basic " + btoa(username + ":" + password); } var fullPath = buildFullPath2(config.baseURL, config.url);, buildURL2(fullPath, config.params, config.paramsSerializer), true); request.timeout = config.timeout; function onloadend() { if (!request) { return; } var responseHeaders = "getAllResponseHeaders" in request ? parseHeaders$1(request.getAllResponseHeaders()) : null; var responseData = !responseType || responseType === "text" || responseType === "json" ? request.responseText : request.response; var response = { data: responseData, status: request.status, statusText: request.statusText, headers: responseHeaders, config, request }; settle$1(function _resolve(value) { resolve(value); done(); }, function _reject(err) { reject(err); done(); }, response); request = null; } if ("onloadend" in request) { request.onloadend = onloadend; } else { request.onreadystatechange = function handleLoad() { if (!request || request.readyState !== 4) { return; } if (request.status === 0 && !(request.responseURL && request.responseURL.indexOf("file:") === 0)) { return; } setTimeout(onloadend); }; } request.onabort = function handleAbort() { if (!request) { return; } reject(new AxiosError2("Request aborted", AxiosError2.ECONNABORTED, config, request)); request = null; }; request.onerror = function handleError() { reject(new AxiosError2("Network Error", AxiosError2.ERR_NETWORK, config, request, request)); request = null; }; request.ontimeout = function handleTimeout() { var timeoutErrorMessage = config.timeout ? "timeout of " + config.timeout + "ms exceeded" : "timeout exceeded"; var transitional2 = config.transitional || transitionalDefaults2; if (config.timeoutErrorMessage) { timeoutErrorMessage = config.timeoutErrorMessage; } reject(new AxiosError2( timeoutErrorMessage, transitional2.clarifyTimeoutError ? AxiosError2.ETIMEDOUT : AxiosError2.ECONNABORTED, config, request )); request = null; }; if (utils2.isStandardBrowserEnv()) { var xsrfValue = (config.withCredentials || isURLSameOrigin2(fullPath)) && config.xsrfCookieName ? : void 0; if (xsrfValue) { requestHeaders[config.xsrfHeaderName] = xsrfValue; } } if ("setRequestHeader" in request) { utils2.forEach(requestHeaders, function setRequestHeader(val, key) { if (typeof requestData === "undefined" && key.toLowerCase() === "content-type") { delete requestHeaders[key]; } else { request.setRequestHeader(key, val); } }); } if (!utils2.isUndefined(config.withCredentials)) { request.withCredentials = !!config.withCredentials; } if (responseType && responseType !== "json") { request.responseType = config.responseType; } if (typeof config.onDownloadProgress === "function") { request.addEventListener("progress", config.onDownloadProgress); } if (typeof config.onUploadProgress === "function" && request.upload) { request.upload.addEventListener("progress", config.onUploadProgress); } if (config.cancelToken || config.signal) { onCanceled = function(cancel) { if (!request) { return; } reject(!cancel || cancel && cancel.type ? new CanceledError2() : cancel); request.abort(); request = null; }; config.cancelToken && config.cancelToken.subscribe(onCanceled); if (config.signal) { config.signal.aborted ? onCanceled() : config.signal.addEventListener("abort", onCanceled); } } if (!requestData) { requestData = null; } var protocol = parseProtocol2(fullPath); if (protocol && ["http", "https", "file"].indexOf(protocol) === -1) { reject(new AxiosError2("Unsupported protocol " + protocol + ":", AxiosError2.ERR_BAD_REQUEST, config)); return; } request.send(requestData); }); }; return xhr; } var _null; var hasRequired_null; function require_null() { if (hasRequired_null) return _null; hasRequired_null = 1; _null = null; return _null; } var utils$5 = utils$b; var normalizeHeaderName = normalizeHeaderName$1; var AxiosError$1 = AxiosError_1; var transitionalDefaults = transitional; var toFormData = requireToFormData(); var DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE = { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" }; function setContentTypeIfUnset(headers2, value) { if (!utils$5.isUndefined(headers2) && utils$5.isUndefined(headers2["Content-Type"])) { headers2["Content-Type"] = value; } } function getDefaultAdapter() { var adapter; if (typeof XMLHttpRequest !== "undefined") { adapter = requireXhr(); } else if (typeof process !== "undefined" && === "[object process]") { adapter = requireXhr(); } return adapter; } function stringifySafely(rawValue, parser, encoder) { if (utils$5.isString(rawValue)) { try { (parser || JSON.parse)(rawValue); return utils$5.trim(rawValue); } catch (e) { if ( !== "SyntaxError") { throw e; } } } return (encoder || JSON.stringify)(rawValue); } var defaults$3 = { transitional: transitionalDefaults, adapter: getDefaultAdapter(), transformRequest: [function transformRequest(data2, headers2) { normalizeHeaderName(headers2, "Accept"); normalizeHeaderName(headers2, "Content-Type"); if (utils$5.isFormData(data2) || utils$5.isArrayBuffer(data2) || utils$5.isBuffer(data2) || utils$5.isStream(data2) || utils$5.isFile(data2) || utils$5.isBlob(data2)) { return data2; } if (utils$5.isArrayBufferView(data2)) { return data2.buffer; } if (utils$5.isURLSearchParams(data2)) { setContentTypeIfUnset(headers2, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8"); return data2.toString(); } var isObjectPayload = utils$5.isObject(data2); var contentType = headers2 && headers2["Content-Type"]; var isFileList2; if ((isFileList2 = utils$5.isFileList(data2)) || isObjectPayload && contentType === "multipart/form-data") { var _FormData = this.env && this.env.FormData; return toFormData(isFileList2 ? { "files[]": data2 } : data2, _FormData && new _FormData()); } else if (isObjectPayload || contentType === "application/json") { setContentTypeIfUnset(headers2, "application/json"); return stringifySafely(data2); } return data2; }], transformResponse: [function transformResponse(data2) { var transitional2 = this.transitional || defaults$3.transitional; var silentJSONParsing = transitional2 && transitional2.silentJSONParsing; var forcedJSONParsing = transitional2 && transitional2.forcedJSONParsing; var strictJSONParsing = !silentJSONParsing && this.responseType === "json"; if (strictJSONParsing || forcedJSONParsing && utils$5.isString(data2) && data2.length) { try { return JSON.parse(data2); } catch (e) { if (strictJSONParsing) { if ( === "SyntaxError") { throw AxiosError$1.from(e, AxiosError$1.ERR_BAD_RESPONSE, this, null, this.response); } throw e; } } } return data2; }], /** * A timeout in milliseconds to abort a request. If set to 0 (default) a * timeout is not created. */ timeout: 0, xsrfCookieName: "XSRF-TOKEN", xsrfHeaderName: "X-XSRF-TOKEN", maxContentLength: -1, maxBodyLength: -1, env: { FormData: require_null() }, validateStatus: function validateStatus(status) { return status >= 200 && status < 300; }, headers: { common: { "Accept": "application/json, text/plain, */*" } } }; utils$5.forEach(["delete", "get", "head"], function forEachMethodNoData(method) { defaults$3.headers[method] = {}; }); utils$5.forEach(["post", "put", "patch"], function forEachMethodWithData(method) { defaults$3.headers[method] = utils$5.merge(DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE); }); var defaults_1 = defaults$3; var utils$4 = utils$b; var defaults$2 = defaults_1; var transformData$1 = function transformData2(data2, headers2, fns) { var context = this || defaults$2; utils$4.forEach(fns, function transform(fn) { data2 =, data2, headers2); }); return data2; }; var isCancel$1; var hasRequiredIsCancel; function requireIsCancel() { if (hasRequiredIsCancel) return isCancel$1; hasRequiredIsCancel = 1; isCancel$1 = function isCancel2(value) { return !!(value && value.__CANCEL__); }; return isCancel$1; } var utils$3 = utils$b; var transformData = transformData$1; var isCancel = requireIsCancel(); var defaults$1 = defaults_1; var CanceledError = requireCanceledError(); function throwIfCancellationRequested(config) { if (config.cancelToken) { config.cancelToken.throwIfRequested(); } if (config.signal && config.signal.aborted) { throw new CanceledError(); } } var dispatchRequest$1 = function dispatchRequest2(config) { throwIfCancellationRequested(config); config.headers = config.headers || {}; = config,, config.headers, config.transformRequest ); config.headers = utils$3.merge( config.headers.common || {}, config.headers[config.method] || {}, config.headers ); utils$3.forEach( ["delete", "get", "head", "post", "put", "patch", "common"], function cleanHeaderConfig(method) { delete config.headers[method]; } ); var adapter = config.adapter || defaults$1.adapter; return adapter(config).then(function onAdapterResolution(response) { throwIfCancellationRequested(config); = config,, response.headers, config.transformResponse ); return response; }, function onAdapterRejection(reason) { if (!isCancel(reason)) { throwIfCancellationRequested(config); if (reason && reason.response) { = config,, reason.response.headers, config.transformResponse ); } } return Promise.reject(reason); }); }; var utils$2 = utils$b; var mergeConfig$2 = function mergeConfig2(config1, config2) { config2 = config2 || {}; var config = {}; function getMergedValue(target, source) { if (utils$2.isPlainObject(target) && utils$2.isPlainObject(source)) { return utils$2.merge(target, source); } else if (utils$2.isPlainObject(source)) { return utils$2.merge({}, source); } else if (utils$2.isArray(source)) { return source.slice(); } return source; } function mergeDeepProperties(prop) { if (!utils$2.isUndefined(config2[prop])) { return getMergedValue(config1[prop], config2[prop]); } else if (!utils$2.isUndefined(config1[prop])) { return getMergedValue(void 0, config1[prop]); } } function valueFromConfig2(prop) { if (!utils$2.isUndefined(config2[prop])) { return getMergedValue(void 0, config2[prop]); } } function defaultToConfig2(prop) { if (!utils$2.isUndefined(config2[prop])) { return getMergedValue(void 0, config2[prop]); } else if (!utils$2.isUndefined(config1[prop])) { return getMergedValue(void 0, config1[prop]); } } function mergeDirectKeys(prop) { if (prop in config2) { return getMergedValue(config1[prop], config2[prop]); } else if (prop in config1) { return getMergedValue(void 0, config1[prop]); } } var mergeMap = { "url": valueFromConfig2, "method": valueFromConfig2, "data": valueFromConfig2, "baseURL": defaultToConfig2, "transformRequest": defaultToConfig2, "transformResponse": defaultToConfig2, "paramsSerializer": defaultToConfig2, "timeout": defaultToConfig2, "timeoutMessage": defaultToConfig2, "withCredentials": defaultToConfig2, "adapter": defaultToConfig2, "responseType": defaultToConfig2, "xsrfCookieName": defaultToConfig2, "xsrfHeaderName": defaultToConfig2, "onUploadProgress": defaultToConfig2, "onDownloadProgress": defaultToConfig2, "decompress": defaultToConfig2, "maxContentLength": defaultToConfig2, "maxBodyLength": defaultToConfig2, "beforeRedirect": defaultToConfig2, "transport": defaultToConfig2, "httpAgent": defaultToConfig2, "httpsAgent": defaultToConfig2, "cancelToken": defaultToConfig2, "socketPath": defaultToConfig2, "responseEncoding": defaultToConfig2, "validateStatus": mergeDirectKeys }; utils$2.forEach(Object.keys(config1).concat(Object.keys(config2)), function computeConfigValue(prop) { var merge2 = mergeMap[prop] || mergeDeepProperties; var configValue = merge2(prop); utils$2.isUndefined(configValue) && merge2 !== mergeDirectKeys || (config[prop] = configValue); }); return config; }; var data; var hasRequiredData; function requireData() { if (hasRequiredData) return data; hasRequiredData = 1; data = { "version": "0.27.2" }; return data; } var VERSION = requireData().version; var AxiosError = AxiosError_1; var validators$1 = {}; ["object", "boolean", "number", "function", "string", "symbol"].forEach(function(type, i) { validators$1[type] = function validator2(thing) { return typeof thing === type || "a" + (i < 1 ? "n " : " ") + type; }; }); var deprecatedWarnings = {}; validators$1.transitional = function transitional2(validator2, version, message) { function formatMessage(opt, desc) { return "[Axios v" + VERSION + "] Transitional option '" + opt + "'" + desc + (message ? ". " + message : ""); } return function(value, opt, opts) { if (validator2 === false) { throw new AxiosError( formatMessage(opt, " has been removed" + (version ? " in " + version : "")), AxiosError.ERR_DEPRECATED ); } if (version && !deprecatedWarnings[opt]) { deprecatedWarnings[opt] = true; console.warn( formatMessage( opt, " has been deprecated since v" + version + " and will be removed in the near future" ) ); } return validator2 ? validator2(value, opt, opts) : true; }; }; function assertOptions(options, schema, allowUnknown) { if (typeof options !== "object") { throw new AxiosError("options must be an object", AxiosError.ERR_BAD_OPTION_VALUE); } var keys = Object.keys(options); var i = keys.length; while (i-- > 0) { var opt = keys[i]; var validator2 = schema[opt]; if (validator2) { var value = options[opt]; var result = value === void 0 || validator2(value, opt, options); if (result !== true) { throw new AxiosError("option " + opt + " must be " + result, AxiosError.ERR_BAD_OPTION_VALUE); } continue; } if (allowUnknown !== true) { throw new AxiosError("Unknown option " + opt, AxiosError.ERR_BAD_OPTION); } } } var validator$1 = { assertOptions, validators: validators$1 }; var utils$1 = utils$b; var buildURL = buildURL$1; var InterceptorManager = InterceptorManager_1; var dispatchRequest = dispatchRequest$1; var mergeConfig$1 = mergeConfig$2; var buildFullPath = buildFullPath$1; var validator = validator$1; var validators = validator.validators; function Axios$1(instanceConfig) { this.defaults = instanceConfig; this.interceptors = { request: new InterceptorManager(), response: new InterceptorManager() }; } Axios$1.prototype.request = function request(configOrUrl, config) { if (typeof configOrUrl === "string") { config = config || {}; config.url = configOrUrl; } else { config = configOrUrl || {}; } config = mergeConfig$1(this.defaults, config); if (config.method) { config.method = config.method.toLowerCase(); } else if (this.defaults.method) { config.method = this.defaults.method.toLowerCase(); } else { config.method = "get"; } var transitional2 = config.transitional; if (transitional2 !== void 0) { validator.assertOptions(transitional2, { silentJSONParsing: validators.transitional(validators.boolean), forcedJSONParsing: validators.transitional(validators.boolean), clarifyTimeoutError: validators.transitional(validators.boolean) }, false); } var requestInterceptorChain = []; var synchronousRequestInterceptors = true; this.interceptors.request.forEach(function unshiftRequestInterceptors(interceptor) { if (typeof interceptor.runWhen === "function" && interceptor.runWhen(config) === false) { return; } synchronousRequestInterceptors = synchronousRequestInterceptors && interceptor.synchronous; requestInterceptorChain.unshift(interceptor.fulfilled, interceptor.rejected); }); var responseInterceptorChain = []; this.interceptors.response.forEach(function pushResponseInterceptors(interceptor) { responseInterceptorChain.push(interceptor.fulfilled, interceptor.rejected); }); var promise; if (!synchronousRequestInterceptors) { var chain = [dispatchRequest, void 0]; Array.prototype.unshift.apply(chain, requestInterceptorChain); chain = chain.concat(responseInterceptorChain); promise = Promise.resolve(config); while (chain.length) { promise = promise.then(chain.shift(), chain.shift()); } return promise; } var newConfig = config; while (requestInterceptorChain.length) { var onFulfilled = requestInterceptorChain.shift(); var onRejected = requestInterceptorChain.shift(); try { newConfig = onFulfilled(newConfig); } catch (error) { onRejected(error); break; } } try { promise = dispatchRequest(newConfig); } catch (error) { return Promise.reject(error); } while (responseInterceptorChain.length) { promise = promise.then(responseInterceptorChain.shift(), responseInterceptorChain.shift()); } return promise; }; Axios$1.prototype.getUri = function getUri(config) { config = mergeConfig$1(this.defaults, config); var fullPath = buildFullPath(config.baseURL, config.url); return buildURL(fullPath, config.params, config.paramsSerializer); }; utils$1.forEach(["delete", "get", "head", "options"], function forEachMethodNoData(method) { Axios$1.prototype[method] = function(url, config) { return this.request(mergeConfig$1(config || {}, { method, url, data: (config || {}).data })); }; }); utils$1.forEach(["post", "put", "patch"], function forEachMethodWithData(method) { function generateHTTPMethod(isForm) { return function httpMethod(url, data2, config) { return this.request(mergeConfig$1(config || {}, { method, headers: isForm ? { "Content-Type": "multipart/form-data" } : {}, url, data: data2 })); }; } Axios$1.prototype[method] = generateHTTPMethod(); Axios$1.prototype[method + "Form"] = generateHTTPMethod(true); }); var Axios_1 = Axios$1; var CancelToken_1; var hasRequiredCancelToken; function requireCancelToken() { if (hasRequiredCancelToken) return CancelToken_1; hasRequiredCancelToken = 1; var CanceledError2 = requireCanceledError(); function CancelToken(executor) { if (typeof executor !== "function") { throw new TypeError("executor must be a function."); } var resolvePromise; this.promise = new Promise(function promiseExecutor(resolve) { resolvePromise = resolve; }); var token = this; this.promise.then(function(cancel) { if (!token._listeners) return; var i; var l = token._listeners.length; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { token._listeners[i](cancel); } token._listeners = null; }); this.promise.then = function(onfulfilled) { var _resolve; var promise = new Promise(function(resolve) { token.subscribe(resolve); _resolve = resolve; }).then(onfulfilled); promise.cancel = function reject() { token.unsubscribe(_resolve); }; return promise; }; executor(function cancel(message) { if (token.reason) { return; } token.reason = new CanceledError2(message); resolvePromise(token.reason); }); } CancelToken.prototype.throwIfRequested = function throwIfRequested() { if (this.reason) { throw this.reason; } }; CancelToken.prototype.subscribe = function subscribe(listener) { if (this.reason) { listener(this.reason); return; } if (this._listeners) { this._listeners.push(listener); } else { this._listeners = [listener]; } }; CancelToken.prototype.unsubscribe = function unsubscribe(listener) { if (!this._listeners) { return; } var index = this._listeners.indexOf(listener); if (index !== -1) { this._listeners.splice(index, 1); } }; CancelToken.source = function source() { var cancel; var token = new CancelToken(function executor(c) { cancel = c; }); return { token, cancel }; }; CancelToken_1 = CancelToken; return CancelToken_1; } var spread; var hasRequiredSpread; function requireSpread() { if (hasRequiredSpread) return spread; hasRequiredSpread = 1; spread = function spread2(callback) { return function wrap(arr) { return callback.apply(null, arr); }; }; return spread; } var isAxiosError; var hasRequiredIsAxiosError; function requireIsAxiosError() { if (hasRequiredIsAxiosError) return isAxiosError; hasRequiredIsAxiosError = 1; var utils2 = utils$b; isAxiosError = function isAxiosError2(payload) { return utils2.isObject(payload) && payload.isAxiosError === true; }; return isAxiosError; } var utils = utils$b; var bind = bind$2; var Axios = Axios_1; var mergeConfig = mergeConfig$2; var defaults = defaults_1; function createInstance(defaultConfig) { var context = new Axios(defaultConfig); var instance = bind(Axios.prototype.request, context); utils.extend(instance, Axios.prototype, context); utils.extend(instance, context); instance.create = function create(instanceConfig) { return createInstance(mergeConfig(defaultConfig, instanceConfig)); }; return instance; } var axios$1 = createInstance(defaults); axios$1.Axios = Axios; axios$1.CanceledError = requireCanceledError(); axios$1.CancelToken = requireCancelToken(); axios$1.isCancel = requireIsCancel(); axios$1.VERSION = requireData().version; axios$1.toFormData = requireToFormData(); axios$1.AxiosError = AxiosError_1; axios$1.Cancel = axios$1.CanceledError; axios$1.all = function all(promises) { return Promise.all(promises); }; axios$1.spread = requireSpread(); axios$1.isAxiosError = requireIsAxiosError(); axios$2.exports = axios$1; axiosExports.default = axios$1; (function(module) { module.exports = axiosExports; })(axios$3); const axios = /* @__PURE__ */ getDefaultExportFromCjs(axiosExports$1); function xhrAdapter(config) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let requestData =; const requestHeaders = config.headers ?? {}; if (utils$b.isFormData(requestData)) { delete requestHeaders["Content-Type"]; } if (config.auth) { const username = config.auth.username || ""; const password = config.auth.password || ""; requestHeaders.Authorization = "Basic " + Buffer.from(username + ":" + password).toString("base64"); } const onerror = function handleError() { reject(new axiosExports$1.AxiosError("Network Error", axiosExports$1.AxiosError.ERR_NETWORK, config)); }; const ontimeout = function handleTimeout() { reject(new axiosExports$1.AxiosError("timeout of " + config.timeout + "ms exceeded", axiosExports$1.AxiosError.ECONNABORTED, config)); }; utils$b.forEach(requestHeaders, function setRequestHeader(val, key) { if (typeof requestData === "undefined" && key.toLowerCase() === "content-type") { delete requestHeaders[key]; } }); if (requestData === void 0) { requestData = null; } const onload = function handleLoad(resp) { const responseHeaders = "responseHeaders" in resp ? parseHeaders(resp.responseHeaders) : {}; const responseData = !config.responseType || config.responseType === "text" ? resp.responseText : resp.response; const response = { data: responseData, status: resp.status, statusText: resp.statusText, headers: responseHeaders, config, request: { // can't got real XMLHttpRequest object, only some property is available responseURL: resp.finalUrl, status: resp.status, statusText: resp.statusText, responseXML: null } }; settle(resolve, reject, response); }; if (config.cancelToken) { config.cancelToken.promise.then(function onCanceled(cancel) { reject(cancel); }); } let responseType; if (config.responseType && config.responseType !== "json") { responseType = config.responseType; } const method = config.method.toUpperCase(); if (method === "UNLINK" || method === "PURGE" || method === "LINK") { reject(new axiosExports$1.AxiosError(`${method} is not a supported method by GM.xmlHttpRequest`)); } else { GM.xmlHttpRequest({ method, url: buildURL$1(buildFullPath$1(config.baseURL, config.url), config.params, config.paramsSerializer), headers: Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(requestHeaders).map(([key, val]) => [key, val.toString()])), responseType, data: requestData, timeout: config.timeout, ontimeout, onload, onerror }); } }); } const BBS_URL = ""; const ROLE_URL = ""; const CHARACTERS_URL = ""; axios.defaults.adapter = xhrAdapter; axios.defaults.withCredentials = true; function generateCharString(number = 16) { const characters2 = "abcdef0123456789"; let result = ""; for (let i = 0; i < number; i++) { const randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * characters2.length); result += characters2[randomIndex]; } return result; } const headers = { Referer: "", "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36" }; const to = (promise) => promise.then((data2) => { return [null, data2]; }).catch((err) => [err]); const requestPageSize = 200; const getAccount = async () => { const [err, res] = await to(axios.get(ROLE_URL, { headers })); if (!err) { const { status, data: resData } = await res; if (status == 200) { const { retcode, data: data2 } = resData; if (retcode === 0) { const { list: accountList } = await data2; return accountList; } } } alert("请确认已登录活动页面且绑定原神账户!"); GM_openInTab(BBS_URL); throw err ? err : new Error("账户信息获取失败"); }; const getCharacters = async (uid, region, page = 1) => { let fp = await getFp(); const headers2 = { "x-rpc-device_fp": fp, Referer: "", "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36" }; let url = CHARACTERS_URL; const [err, res] = await to(, JSON.stringify({ "element_attr_ids": [], "weapon_cat_ids": [], "page": page, "size": requestPageSize, "uid": uid, "region": region, "lang": "zh-cn" }), { timeout: 5e3, headers: headers2 })); if (!err) { const { status, data: resData } = await res; console.log(res); if (status == 200) { const { retcode, data: data2 } = resData; if (retcode === 0) { const { list: characterList } = await data2; return characterList; } } } localStorage.removeItem("fp"); alert("请确认已登录活动页面且绑定原神账户!"); GM_openInTab(BBS_URL); throw err ? err : new Error("角色列表获取失败"); }; const getCharacterDetail = async (character, uid, region) => { return { character, ...character }; }; function getGuid() { function S4() { return ((1 + Math.random()) * 65536 | 0).toString(16).substring(1); } return S4() + S4() + "-" + S4() + "-" + S4() + "-" + S4() + "-" + S4() + S4() + S4(); } const getFp = async () => { let fp = localStorage.getItem("fp"); let deviceId = localStorage.getItem("mysDeviceId"); if (!deviceId) { deviceId = getGuid(); localStorage.setItem("mysDeviceId", deviceId); } if (!fp) { let url = ""; const [err, res] = await to( url, JSON.stringify({ seed_id: generateCharString(), device_id: deviceId.toUpperCase(), platform: "1", seed_time: new Date().getTime() + "", ext_fields: `{"proxyStatus":"0","accelerometer":"-0.159515x-0.830887x-0.682495","ramCapacity":"3746","IDFV":"${deviceId.toUpperCase()}","gyroscope":"-0.191951x-0.112927x0.632637","isJailBreak":"0","model":"iPhone12,5","ramRemain":"115","chargeStatus":"1","networkType":"WIFI","vendor":"--","osVersion":"17.0.2","batteryStatus":"50","screenSize":"414×896","cpuCores":"6","appMemory":"55","romCapacity":"488153","romRemain":"157348","cpuType":"CPU_TYPE_ARM64","magnetometer":"-84.426331x-89.708435x-37.117889"}`, app_name: "bbs_cn", device_fp: "38d7ee834d1e9" }), { timeout: 5e3, headers } )); if (!err) { const { status, data: resData } = await res; console.log(res); if (status == 200) { const { retcode, data: data2 } = resData; if (retcode === 0) { console.log(data2); let resFp = data2["device_fp"]; localStorage.setItem("fp", resFp); return resFp; } } } } else { return fp; } }; const getDetailList = async (game_uid, region) => { let maxPageSize = Math.ceil(charactersNum / requestPageSize); let idxs = Array.from(new Array(maxPageSize).keys()); const characters2 = []; for await (let i of idxs) { characters2.push.apply(characters2, await getCharacters(game_uid, region, i + 1)); } const details = => getCharacterDetail(c)); const detailList = []; for await (let d of details) { if (!!d) { detailList.push(d); } } return detailList; }; function ExDialog() { const [accountList, setAccountList] = React2.useState([]); const [currentAccount, setCurrentAccount] = React2.useState(); const handleRoleSelectChange = (idx) => { setCurrentAccount(accountList[idx]); }; const accountShow = (idx) => { if (!accountList || !accountList[idx]) { return ""; } const role = accountList[idx]; return `${role.game_uid}(${role.region})`; }; const getAccountList = () => { getAccount().then((res) => { const roles = res; setAccountList(roles); roles.length > 0 && setCurrentAccount(roles[0]); }).catch((err) => { console.error(err); console.error("账户信息获取失败"); alert("账户信息获取失败"); }); }; const syncCharacterInfo = () => { if (!currentAccount) { console.error("账户信息获取失败"); alert("账户信息获取失败"); return; } console.log("开始同步角色信息"); const { game_uid, region } = currentAccount; getDetailList(game_uid, region).then((res) => {"返回数据"); console.groupCollapsed("角色"); console.table( => a.character)); console.groupEnd(); console.groupCollapsed("武器"); console.table( => a.weapon)); console.groupEnd(); console.groupCollapsed("角色天赋"); res.forEach((c) => { const name =; console.groupCollapsed(name); console.table(c.skill_list); console.groupEnd(); }); console.groupEnd(); console.groupEnd(); res.forEach((v) => { addCharacter(v); }); console.log(`米游社数据无法判断是否突破,请自行比较整数等级是否已突破`); console.log(`角色信息同步完毕`); alert("角色信息同步完毕"); location.reload(); }); }; function classNames(...classes) { return classes.filter(Boolean).join(" "); } return /* @__PURE__ */ jsxs("div", { className: "fixed top-10 inset-x-[20%] mx-auto min-w-[50%] min-h-min rounded-md bg-slate-700 opacity-75 text-white text-center z-[1200]", children: [/* @__PURE__ */ jsx("h1", { className: "text-3xl font-bold underline pt-4", children: "SeelieEX" }), /* @__PURE__ */ jsx("h2", { className: "text-xl font-bold underline pt-4", children: "本脚本与原网页样式冲突,不使用时可以临时禁用脚本" }), /* @__PURE__ */ jsx("div", { className: "w-full p-4", children: /* @__PURE__ */ jsxs("div", { className: "w-full max-w-md p-2 mx-auto bg-purple rounded-2xl", children: [/* @__PURE__ */ jsx(Ye, { children: ({ open }) => /* @__PURE__ */ jsxs(Fragment, { children: [/* @__PURE__ */ jsxs(Ye.Button, { className: "flex justify-between w-full px-4 py-2 text-sm font-medium text-left text-slate-900 bg-purple-100 rounded-lg hover:bg-purple-200 focus:outline-none focus-visible:ring focus-visible:ring-purple-500 focus-visible:ring-opacity-75", children: [/* @__PURE__ */ jsx("span", { children: "角色信息同步" }), /* @__PURE__ */ jsx(ChevronUpIcon$1, { className: `${open ? "transform rotate-180" : ""} w-5 h-5 text-purple-500` })] }), /* @__PURE__ */ jsxs(Ye.Panel, { className: "px-4 pt-4 pb-2 text-sm text-white-500", children: [/* @__PURE__ */ jsx("div", { className: "flex pt-2", children: /* @__PURE__ */ jsx("div", { className: "w-full", children: /* @__PURE__ */ jsx("button", { className: "text-white bg-blue-500 px-4 py-2", onClick: getAccountList, children: "获取账户信息" }) }) }), /* @__PURE__ */ jsxs("div", { className: "flex pt-4", children: [/* @__PURE__ */ jsx("div", { className: "w-1/2 text-white-900", children: "账户选择:" }), /* @__PURE__ */ jsx("div", { className: "w-1/2", children: /* @__PURE__ */ jsx(ListboxSelect, { selected: currentAccount ? accountList.indexOf(currentAccount) : 0, setSelected: handleRoleSelectChange, optionList:, idx) => idx), show: accountShow }) })] }), /* @__PURE__ */ jsx("div", { className: "flex pt-2", children: /* @__PURE__ */ jsx("div", { className: "w-full", children: /* @__PURE__ */ jsx("button", { className: "text-white bg-blue-500 px-4 py-2", onClick: syncCharacterInfo, children: "同步mihoyo角色信息" }) }) })] })] }) }), /* @__PURE__ */ jsx(Ye, { as: "div", className: "mt-2", children: ({ open }) => /* @__PURE__ */ jsxs(Fragment, { children: [/* @__PURE__ */ jsxs(Ye.Button, { className: "flex justify-between w-full px-4 py-2 text-sm font-medium text-left text-slate-900 bg-purple-100 rounded-lg hover:bg-purple-200 focus:outline-none focus-visible:ring focus-visible:ring-purple-500 focus-visible:ring-opacity-75", children: [/* @__PURE__ */ jsx("span", { children: "规划批量操作" }), /* @__PURE__ */ jsx(ChevronUpIcon$1, { className: `${open ? "transform rotate-180" : ""} w-5 h-5 text-purple-500` })] }), /* @__PURE__ */ jsx(Ye.Panel, { className: "px-4 pt-4 pb-2 text-sm text-white-500", children: /* @__PURE__ */ jsxs(De.Group, { children: [/* @__PURE__ */ jsx(De.List, { className: "flex p-1 space-x-1 bg-blue-900/20 rounded-xl", children: ["角色目标等级", "天赋目标等级", "武器目标等级"].map((category) => /* @__PURE__ */ jsx(De, { className: ({ selected }) => classNames("w-full py-2.5 text-sm leading-5 font-medium text-blue-700 rounded-lg", "focus:outline-none focus:ring-2 ring-offset-2 ring-offset-blue-400 ring-white ring-opacity-60", selected ? "bg-white shadow" : "text-blue-100 hover:bg-white/[0.12] hover:text-white"), children: category }, category)) }), /* @__PURE__ */ jsxs(De.Panels, { children: [/* @__PURE__ */ jsx(De.Panel, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ jsx(CharacterGoalTab, { showText: "角色", batchUpdateCharacter }) }), /* @__PURE__ */ jsx(De.Panel, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ jsx(TalentGoalTab, {}) }), /* @__PURE__ */ jsx(De.Panel, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ jsx(CharacterGoalTab, { showText: "武器", batchUpdateCharacter: batchUpdateWeapon }) })] })] }) })] }) })] }) })] }); } function App() { const [showExDialog, setShowExDialog] = React2.useState(() => false); React2.useEffect(() => { GM_registerMenuCommand("打开SeelieEx", () => setShowExDialog(true)); GM_registerMenuCommand("关闭SeelieEx", () => setShowExDialog(false)); GM_registerMenuCommand("原神祈愿历史一览", () => GM_openInTab("")); GM_registerMenuCommand("意见反馈", () => GM_openInTab("")); }); return /* @__PURE__ */ jsx("div", { className: "App", style: { display: showExDialog ? "" : "none" }, children: /* @__PURE__ */ jsx(ExDialog, {}) }); } let seelieEx = document.createElement("div"); = "seelieEx"; seelieEx.className = "flex"; (_b = (_a = document.getElementById("app")) == null ? void 0 : _a.parentElement) == null ? void 0 : _b.append(seelieEx); ReactDOM2.render(/* @__PURE__ */ jsx(React2.StrictMode, { children: /* @__PURE__ */ jsx(App, {}) }), document.getElementById("seelieEx")); })(React, ReactDOM);