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// ==UserScript== // @name CactusBotsV1 // @namespace Cactus // @version 1.0 // @description THE BEST FREE BOTS! // @author Cactus // @match* // @require // @grant none // @run-at document-start // ==/UserScript== setTimeout(function() { var real_minx = -7071; var real_miny = -7071; var real_maxx = 7071; var real_maxy = 7071; var lastsent = { minx: 0, miny: 0, maxx: 0, maxy: 0 }; function valcompare(Y, Z) { return 0.01 > Y - Z && -0.01 < Y - Z } window.agar.hooks.dimensionsUpdated = function(server_minx, server_miny, server_maxx, server_maxy) { if (valcompare(server_maxx - server_minx, server_maxy - server_miny)) { real_minx = server_minx; real_miny = server_miny; real_maxx = server_maxx; real_maxy = server_maxy } else { if (valcompare(server_minx, lastsent.minx)) { if (0.01 < server_maxx - lastsent.maxx || -0.01 > server_maxx - lastsent.maxx) { real_minx = server_minx; real_maxx = server_minx + 14142.135623730952 } } if (0.01 < server_minx - lastsent.minx || -0.01 > server_minx - lastsent.minx) { if (valcompare(server_maxx, lastsent.maxx)) { real_maxx = server_maxx; real_minx = server_maxx - 14142.135623730952 } } if (0.01 < server_miny - lastsent.miny || -0.01 > server_miny - lastsent.miny) { if (valcompare(server_maxy, lastsent.maxy)) { real_maxy = server_maxy; real_miny = server_maxy - 14142.135623730952 } } if (valcompare(server_miny, lastsent.miny)) { if (0.01 < server_maxy - lastsent.maxy || -0.01 > server_maxy - lastsent.maxy) { real_miny = server_miny; real_maxy = server_miny + 14142.135623730952 } } if (server_minx < real_minx) { real_minx = server_minx; real_maxx = server_minx + 14142.135623730952 } if (server_maxx > real_maxx) { real_maxx = server_maxx; real_minx = server_maxx - 14142.135623730952 } if (server_miny < real_miny) { real_miny = server_miny; real_maxy = server_miny + 14142.135623730952 } if (server_maxy > real_maxy) { real_maxy = server_maxy; real_miny = server_maxy - 14142.135623730952 } lastsent.minx = server_minx; lastsent.miny = server_miny; lastsent.maxy = server_maxy; lastsent.maxx = server_maxx } offset_x = real_minx || -7071; offset_y = real_miny || -7071 }; var socket = io.connect('ws://'); var canMove = true; var movetoMouse = true; var moveEvent = new Array(2); var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas"); last_transmited_game_server = null; socket.on('force-login', function(data) { socket.emit("login", { "uuid": client_uuid, "type": "client" }); transmit_game_server() }); $( "#canvas" ).after( "<div style='background-color: #000000; -moz-opacity: 0.4; -khtml-opacity: 0.4; opacity: 0.4; filter: alpha(opacity=40); zoom: 1; width: 205px; top: 10px; left: 10px; display: block; position: absolute; text-align: center; font-size: 15px; color: #ffffff; padding: 5px; font-family: Ubuntu;'> <div style='color:#F5B625; display: inline; -moz-opacity:1; -khtml-opacity: 1; opacity:1; filter:alpha(opacity=100); padding: 10px;'><a>CactusBotsV3</a></div> <div style='color:#ffffff; display: inline; -moz-opacity:1; -khtml-opacity: 1; opacity:1; filter:alpha(opacity=100); padding: 10px;'><br>BOTS: <a id='minionCount' >Offline</a> </div> <div style='color:#ffffff; display: inline; -moz-opacity:1; -khtml-opacity: 1; opacity:1; filter:alpha(opacity=100); padding: 10px;'><br>Move To Mouse(A): <a id='ismoveToMouse' >On</a> </div> <div style='color:#ffffff; display: inline; -moz-opacity:1; -khtml-opacity: 1; opacity:1; filter:alpha(opacity=100); padding: 10px;'><br>Split BOT(E)</a> </div><div style='color:#ffffff; display: inline; -moz-opacity:1; -khtml-opacity: 1; opacity:1; filter:alpha(opacity=100); padding: 10px;'><br>Throw BOT mass(R)</div> <div style='color:#ffffff; display: inline; -moz-opacity:1; -khtml-opacity: 1; opacity:1; filter:alpha(opacity=100); padding: 10px;'><br>Lock movement(D)</div>" ); socket.on('spawn-count', function(data) { document.getElementById('minionCount').innerHTML = data }); var client_uuid = localStorage.getItem('client_uuid'); if (client_uuid == null) { console.log("generating a uuid for this user"); client_uuid = ""; var ranStr = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"; for (var ii = 0; ii < 15; ii++) client_uuid += ranStr.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * ranStr.length)); localStorage.setItem('client_uuid', client_uuid) } socket.emit("login", client_uuid); $("#instructions").replaceWith('<br><div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon" id="basic-addon1">UUID</span><input type="text" value="' + client_uuid + '" readonly class="form-control"</div>'); function isMe(cell) { for (var i = 0; i < window.agar.myCells.length; i++) { if (window.agar.myCells[i] == { return true } } return false } function getCell() { var me = []; for (var key in window.agar.allCells) { var cell = window.agar.allCells[key]; if (isMe(cell)) { me.push(cell) } } return me[0] } var skin_var = 0; function emitPosition() { for (i = 0; i < agar.myCells.length; i++) {} x = (mouseX - window.innerWidth / 2) / window.agar.drawScale + window.agar.rawViewport.x; y = (mouseY - window.innerHeight / 2) / window.agar.drawScale + window.agar.rawViewport.y; if (!movetoMouse) { x = getCell().x; y = getCell().y } socket.emit("pos", { "x": x - (real_minx + 7071), "y": y - (real_miny + 7071), "dimensions": [-7071, -7071, 7071, 7071] }) } function emitSplit() { socket.emit("cmd", { "name": "split" }) } function emitMassEject() { socket.emit("cmd", { "name": "eject" }) } function toggleMovement() { canMove = !canMove; switch (canMove) { case true: canvas.onmousemove = moveEvent[0]; moveEvent[0] = null; canvas.onmousedown = moveEvent[1]; moveEvent[1] = null; break; case false: canvas.onmousemove({ clientX: innerWidth / 2, clientY: innerHeight / 2 }); moveEvent[0] = canvas.onmousemove; canvas.onmousemove = null; moveEvent[1] = canvas.onmousedown; canvas.onmousedown = null; break } } interval_id = setInterval(function() { emitPosition() }, 100); interval_id2 = setInterval(function() { transmit_game_server_if_changed() }, 5000); document.addEventListener('keydown', function(e) { var key = e.keyCode || e.which; switch (key) { case 65: movetoMouse = !movetoMouse; if(movetoMouse) { document.getElementById('ismoveToMouse').innerHTML = "On"; } else { document.getElementById('ismoveToMouse').innerHTML = "Off"; } break; case 68: toggleMovement(); if(!canMove) { document.getElementById('isStopMove').innerHTML = "On"; } else { document.getElementById('isStopMove').innerHTML = "Off"; } break; case 69: emitSplit(); break; case 82: emitMassEject(); break } }); function transmit_game_server_if_changed() { if (last_transmited_game_server != { transmit_game_server() } } function transmit_game_server() { last_transmited_game_server =; socket.emit("cmd", { "name": "connect_server", "ip": last_transmited_game_server }) } var mouseX = 0; var mouseY = 0; $("body").mousemove(function(event) { mouseX = event.clientX; mouseY = event.clientY }); window.agar.minScale = -30 }, 5000); var allRules = [ { hostname: [""], scriptUriRe: /^http:\/\/agar\.io\/main_out\.js/, replace: function (m) { m.removeNewlines() m.replace("var:allCells", /(=null;)(\w+)(.hasOwnProperty\(\w+\)?)/, "$1" + "$v=$2;" + "$2$3", "$v = {}") m.replace("var:myCells", /(case 32:)(\w+)(\.push)/, "$1" + "$v=$2;" + "$2$3", "$v = []") m.replace("var:top", /case 49:[^:]+?(\w+)=\[];/, "$&" + "$v=$1;", "$v = []") m.replace("var:topTeams", /case 50:(\w+)=\[];/, "$&" + "$v=$1;", "$v = []") var dr = "(\\w+)=\\w+\\.getFloat64\\(\\w+,!0\\);\\w+\\+=8;\\n?" var dd = 7071.067811865476 m.replace("var:dimensions hook:dimensionsUpdated", RegExp("case 64:"+dr+dr+dr+dr), "$&" + "$v = [$1,$2,$3,$4],$H($1,$2,$3,$4),", "$v = " + JSON.stringify([-dd,-dd,dd,dd])) var vr = "(\\w+)=\\w+\\.getFloat32\\(\\w+,!0\\);\\w+\\+=4;" && m.replace("var:rawViewport:x,y var:disableRendering:1", /else \w+=\(5\*\w+\+(\w+)\)\/6,\w+=\(5\*\w+\+(\w+)\)\/6,.*?;/, "$&" + "$v0.x=$1; $v0.y=$2; if($v1)return;") && m.replace("var:disableRendering:2 hook:skipCellDraw", /(\w+:function\(\w+\){)(if\(this\.\w+\(\)\){\+\+this\.[\w$]+;)/, "$1" + "if($v || $H(this))return;" + "$2") && m.replace("var:rawViewport:scale", /Math\.pow\(Math\.min\(64\/\w+,1\),\.4\)/, "($v.scale=$&)") && m.replace("var:rawViewport:x,y,scale", RegExp("case 17:"+vr+vr+vr), "$&" + "$v.x=$1; $v.y=$2; $v.scale=$3;") && m.reset_("window.agar.rawViewport = {x:0,y:0,scale:1};" + "window.agar.disableRendering = false;") || m.restore() m.replace("reset hook:connect var:ws var:webSocket", /new WebSocket\((\w+)\);/, "$v1 = $&; $v0=$1;" + m.reset + "$H();", "$v0 = ''; $v1 = null;") m.replace("property:scale", /function \w+\(\w+\){\w+\.preventDefault\(\);[^;]+;1>(\w+)&&\(\1=1\)/, `;${makeProperty("scale", "$1")};$&`) m.replace("var:minScale", /;1>(\w+)&&\(\1=1\)/, ";$v>$1 && ($1=$v)", "$v = 1") m.replace("var:region", /console\.log\("Find "\+(\w+\+\w+)\);/, "$&" + "$v=$1;", "$v = ''") m.replace("cellProperty:isVirus", /((\w+)=!!\(\w+&1\)[\s\S]{0,400})((\w+).(\w+)=\2;)/, "$1$4.isVirus=$3") m.replace("var:dommousescroll", /("DOMMouseScroll",)(\w+),/, "$1($v=$2),") m.replace("var:skinF hook:cellSkin", /(\w+.fill\(\))(;null!=(\w+))/, "$1;" + "if($v)$3 = $v(this,$3);" + "if($h)$3 = $h(this,$3);" + "$2"); m.replace("hook:afterCellStroke", /\((\w+)\.strokeStyle="#000000",\1\.globalAlpha\*=\.1,\1\.stroke\(\)\);\1\.globalAlpha=1;/, "$&" + "$H(this);") m.replace("var:showStartupBg", /\w+\?\(\w\.globalAlpha=\w+,/, "$v && $&", "$v = true") var vAlive = /\((\w+)\[(\w+)\]==this\){\1\.splice\(\2,1\);/.exec(m.text) var vEaten = /0<this\.[$\w]+&&(\w+)\.push\(this\)}/.exec(m.text) !vAlive && console.error("Expose: can't find vAlive") !vEaten && console.error("Expose: can't find vEaten") if (vAlive && vEaten) m.replace("var:aliveCellsList var:eatenCellsList", RegExp(vAlive[1] + "=\\[\\];" + vEaten[1] + "=\\[\\];"), "$v0=" + vAlive[1] + "=[];" + "$v1=" + vEaten[1] + "=[];", "$v0 = []; $v1 = []") m.replace("hook:drawScore", /(;(\w+)=Math\.max\(\2,(\w+\(\))\);)0!=\2&&/, "$1($H($3))||0!=$2&&") m.replace("hook:beforeTransform hook:beforeDraw var:drawScale", /(\w+)\.save\(\);\1\.translate\((\w+\/2,\w+\/2)\);\1\.scale\((\w+),\3\);\1\.translate\((-\w+,-\w+)\);/, "$v = $3;$H0($1,$2,$3,$4);" + "$&" + "$H1($1,$2,$3,$4);", "$v = 1") m.replace("hook:afterDraw", /(\w+)\.restore\(\);(\w+)&&\2\.width&&\1\.drawImage/, "$H();" + "$&") m.replace("hook:cellColor", /(\w+=)this\.color,/, "$1 ($h && $h(this, this.color) || this.color),") m.replace("var:drawGrid", /(\w+)\.globalAlpha=(\.2\*\w+);/, "if(!$v)return;" + "$&", "$v = true") m.replace("hook:drawCellMass", /&&\((\w+\|\|0==\w+\.length&&\(!this\.\w+\|\|this\.\w+\)&&20<this\.size)\)&&/, "&&( $h ? $h(this,$1) : ($1) )&&") m.replace("hook:cellMassText", /(\.\w+)(\(~~\(this\.size\*this\.size\/100\)\))/, "$1( $h ? $h(this,$2) : $2 )") m.replace("hook:cellMassTextScale", /(\.\w+)\((this\.\w+\(\))\)([\s\S]{0,1000})\1\(\2\/2\)/, "$1($2)$3$1( $h ? $h(this,$2/2) : ($2/2) )") m.replace("var:enableDirectionSending", /;64>(\w+)\*\1\+(\w+)\*\2/, ";if(!$v)return" + "$&", "$v = true") m.replace("var:simpleCellDraw", /(:function\(\){)(var a=10;)/, "$1 if($v)return true;$2", "$v=false") m.replace("hook:updateLeaderboard", /({\w+=null;)(if\(null!=)/, "$1 if($H())return; $2") var template = (key,n) => `this\\.${key}=\\w+\\*\\(this\\.(\\w+)-this\\.(\\w+)\\)\\+this\\.\\${n};` var re = new RegExp(template('x', 2) + template('y', 4) + template('size', 6)) var match = re.exec(m.text) if (match) { m.cellProp.nx = match[1] m.cellProp.ny = match[3] m.cellProp.nSize = match[5] } else console.error("Expose: cellProp:x,y,size search failed!") }}, ] function makeProperty(name, varname) { return "'" + name + "' in window.agar || " + "Object.defineProperty( window.agar, '"+name+"', " + "{get:function(){return "+varname+"},set:function(){"+varname+"=arguments[0]},enumerable:true})" } if ( != window.self) return if (document.readyState !== 'loading') return console.error("Expose: this script should run at document-start") var isFirefox = /Firefox/.test(navigator.userAgent) // Stage 1: Find corresponding rule var rules for (var i = 0; i < allRules.length; i++) if (allRules[i].hostname.indexOf(window.location.hostname) !== -1) { rules = allRules[i] break } if (!rules) return console.error("Expose: cant find corresponding rule") // Stage 2: Search for `main_out.js` if (isFirefox) { function bse_listener(e) { tryReplace(, e) } window.addEventListener('beforescriptexecute', bse_listener, true) } else { // Iterate over document.head child elements and look for `main_out.js` for (var i = 0; i < document.head.childNodes.length; i++) if (tryReplace(document.head.childNodes[i])) return // If there are no desired element in document.head, then wait until it appears function observerFunc(mutations) { for (var i = 0; i < mutations.length; i++) { var addedNodes = mutations[i].addedNodes for (var j = 0; j < addedNodes.length; j++) if (tryReplace(addedNodes[j])) return observer.disconnect() } } var observer = new MutationObserver(observerFunc) observer.observe(document.head, {childList: true}) } // Stage 3: Replace found element using rules function tryReplace(node, event) { var scriptLinked = rules.scriptUriRe && rules.scriptUriRe.test(node.src) var scriptEmbedded = rules.scriptTextRe && rules.scriptTextRe.test(node.textContent) if (node.tagName != "SCRIPT" || (!scriptLinked && !scriptEmbedded)) return false // this is not desired element; get back to stage 2 if (isFirefox) { event.preventDefault() window.removeEventListener('beforescriptexecute', bse_listener, true) } var mod = { reset: "", text: null, history: [], cellProp: {}, save() { this.history.push({reset:this.reset, text:this.text}) return true }, restore() { var state = this.history.pop() this.reset = state.reset this.text = state.text return true }, reset_(reset) { this.reset += reset return true }, replace(what, from, to, reset) { var vars = [], hooks = [] what.split(" ").forEach((x) => { x = x.split(":") x[0] === "var" && vars.push(x[1]) x[0] === "hook" && hooks.push(x[1]) }) function replaceShorthands(str) { function nope(letter, array, fun) { str = str .split(new RegExp('\\$' + letter + '([0-9]?)')) .map((v,n) => n%2 ? fun(array[v||0]) : v) .join("") } nope('v', vars, (name) => "window.agar." + name) nope('h', hooks, (name) => "window.agar.hooks." + name) nope('H', hooks, (name) => "window.agar.hooks." + name + "&&" + "window.agar.hooks." + name) return str } var newText = this.text.replace(from, replaceShorthands(to)) if(newText === this.text) { console.error("Expose: `" + what + "` replacement failed!") return false } else { this.text = newText if (reset) this.reset += replaceShorthands(reset) + ";" return true } }, removeNewlines() { this.text = this.text.replace(/([,\/;])\n/mg, "$1") }, get: function() { var cellProp = JSON.stringify(this.cellProp) return `window.agar={hooks:{},cellProp:${cellProp}};` + this.reset + this.text } } if (scriptEmbedded) { mod.text = node.textContent rules.replace(mod) if (isFirefox) { document.head.removeChild(node) var script = document.createElement("script") script.textContent = mod.get() document.head.appendChild(script) } else { node.textContent = mod.get() } console.log("Expose: replacement done") } else { document.head.removeChild(node) var request = new XMLHttpRequest() request.onload = function() { var script = document.createElement("script") mod.text = this.responseText rules.replace(mod) script.textContent = mod.get() // `main_out.js` should not executed before jQuery was loaded, so we need to wait jQuery function insertScript(script) { if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") return setTimeout(insertScript, 0, script) document.head.appendChild(script) console.log("Expose: replacement done") } insertScript(script) } request.onerror = function() { console.error("Expose: response was null") }"get", node.src, true) request.send() } return true }