Jimmy341 / OGame Redesign: Auction Timer

// ==UserScript==
// @name           OGame Redesign: Auction Timer
// @namespace      Jimmy341
// @version        2.0
// @date           2015-07-31
// @description    Displays a countdown timer for the Auction in OGame 4.*
// @include     	*.ogame*gameforge.com/game/index.php?page=*
// Originaly developed by Vesselin Bug Fix's by jimmy341
// ==/UserScript==

(function ()
	// The following "if" is not really necessary but with it this script will work for Opera too
	if (document.location.href.indexOf ("/game/index.php?") < 0)
	var myFunc1 = (function ()
		function myIo ()
			if (typeof (io) == "undefined")
				setTimeout (myIo, 500);
			var oldMins = -1;
			var first = false;
			var overflowAuctionTimer = null;
			var newMins, mins, secs, auctionTimer, auctionEndTime, currentTime;
			var uni = document.location.href.replace (/^http:\/\/([^\/]+).+/, "$1");
			function changeTimeLeft (timer, timeLeft)
				if (typeof (timer) != "object")
				var time = new Date ();
				if (typeof (timer.countdown) == "object")
					timer.countdown.startTime = time.getTime ();
					timer.countdown.startLeftoverTime = timeLeft;
				else if (typeof (timer.countdownObject) == "object")
					timer.countdownObject.startTime = time.getTime ();
					timer.countdownObject.startLeftoverTime = timeLeft;
			if ($ ("#auctionTimer").length)
			$ ("p.auction_info").next ().before ('<span id="auctionTimer" style="font-weight: bold; color: ' + $ ("p.auction_info span").css ("color") + ';"></span>');
			if ($ ("#div_traderAuctioneer .left_header h2").text ().indexOf (loca.auctionFinished) < 0)
				auctionEndTime = localStorage.getItem (uni + "_auctionEndTime");
				auctionEndTime = (auctionEndTime) ? parseInt (auctionEndTime) : -1;
				currentTime = new Date ().getTime ();
				if (auctionEndTime >= currentTime)
					secs =  Math.round ((auctionEndTime - currentTime) / 1000);
					oldMins = Math.ceil (secs / 60);
					first = false;
					oldMins = parseInt ($ ("p.auction_info").text ().match (/\d+/g) [0]);
					secs = oldMins * 60;
					first = true;
				mins = oldMins;
				auctionTimer = new simpleCountdown ($ ("#auctionTimer").get (0), secs, function () { $ ("#auctionTimer").text (""); });
			var mySock = new io.connect ("/auctioneer",
				port: auctioneerPort
			mySock.on ("timeLeft", function (msg)
				if ($ ("#div_traderAuctioneer .left_header h2").text ().indexOf (loca.auctionFinished) >= 0)
					first = true;
					localStorage.setItem (uni + "_auctionEndTime", "-1");
				auctionEndTime = localStorage.getItem (uni + "_auctionEndTime");
				auctionEndTime = (auctionEndTime) ? parseInt (auctionEndTime) : -1;
				currentTime = new Date ().getTime ();
				/<b>\D+(\d+)/.exec (msg);
				newMins = parseInt (RegExp.$1);
				if (newMins == oldMins)
					if (first)
						first = false;
					else if (auctionEndTime >= 0)
						localStorage.setItem (uni + "_auctionEndTime", currentTime + mins * 60 * 1000);
					if ((newMins > oldMins) && (auctionEndTime >= currentTime))
						newMins = Math.round ((auctionEndTime - currentTime) / (1000 * 60));
					if (first)
						first = false;
					else if (oldMins >= 0)
						localStorage.setItem (uni + "_auctionEndTime", currentTime + newMins * 60 * 1000);
					oldMins = newMins;
					mins = newMins;
				if (mins)
					changeTimeLeft (auctionTimer, mins * 60);
					overflowAuctionTimer = new simpleCountdown ($ ("#auctionTimer").get (0), 30, function () { $ ("#auctionTimer").text (""); });
				setTimeout (function ()
					$ ("#auctionTimer").css ("color", $ ("p.auction_info span").css ("color"));
				}, 100);
			mySock.on ("new auction", function (msg)
				/<b>\D+(\d+)/.exec (msg.info);
				mins = parseInt (RegExp.$1);
				auctionTimer = new simpleCountdown ($ ("#auctionTimer").get (0), mins * 60, function () { $ ("#auctionTimer").text (""); });
				overflowAuctionTimer = null;
				first = true;
				setTimeout (function ()
					$ ("#auctionTimer").css ("color", $ ("p.auction_info span").css ("color"));
				}, 100);
			mySock.on ("auction finished", function (msg)
				changeTimeLeft (auctionTimer, 0);
				changeTimeLeft (overflowAuctionTimer, 0);
				first = true;
				localStorage.setItem (uni + "_auctionEndTime", "-1");
		if (document.getElementById ("div_traderAuctioneer"))
			myIo ();
			$ (document).ajaxSuccess (function ()
				if ($ ("#auctionTimer").length == 0)
					myIo ();
	}).toString ();
	var myFunc2 = (function ()
		var uni = document.location.href.replace (/^http:\/\/([^\/]+).+/, "$1");
		var auctionEndTime = localStorage.getItem (uni + "_auctionEndTime");
		if (auctionEndTime == null)
		auctionEndTime = parseInt (auctionEndTime);
		var currentTime = new Date ().getTime ();
		if (auctionEndTime < currentTime)
		var clock = $ ("#OGameClock");
		if (clock.length <= 0)
			clock = $ (".OGameClock")
		if (clock.length <= 0)
		clock.parent ().append ('<li id="auctionTimer" style="position: absolute; right: 125px;"></li>');
		var auctionTimer = new simpleCountdown ($ ("#auctionTimer").get (0),
			Math.round ((auctionEndTime - currentTime) / 1000),
			function () { $ ("#auctionTimer").text (""); });
	}).toString ();
	function injectScript (myFunc)
		var script = document.createElement ("script");
		script.setAttribute ("type", "application/javascript");
		script.textContent = "(" + myFunc + ") ();";
		document.body.appendChild (script);
	if (document.location.href.indexOf ("/game/index.php?page=traderOverview") >= 0)
		injectScript (myFunc1);
	else if (document.getElementById ("bar"))
		injectScript (myFunc2);
}) ();