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// ==UserScript== // @namespace // @name colour change // @description Changes the colour of some elements in // @copyright 2020, Jabster28 ( // @license MIT // @version 0.0.1 // @include* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== // ==OpenUserJS== // @author Jabster28 // ==/OpenUserJS== /** * * Please begin typing or paste your User script now. * */ /* bunch of code that just shifts a hex color by an angle in degrees, minified for size */ function changeHue(r, a) { var e = rgbToHSL(r); return e.h += a, e.h > 360 ? e.h -= 360 : e.h < 0 && (e.h += 360), hslToRGB(e) } function rgbToHSL(r) { 3 == (r = r.replace(/^\s*#|\s*$/g, "")).length && (r = r.replace(/(.)/g, "$1$1")); var a = parseInt(r.substr(0, 2), 16) / 255, e = parseInt(r.substr(2, 2), 16) / 255, n = parseInt(r.substr(4, 2), 16) / 255, t = Math.max(a, e, n), s = Math.min(a, e, n), o = t - s, u = (t + s) / 2; return { h: 0 == o ? 0 : t == a ? (e - n) / o % 6 * 60 : t == e ? 60 * ((n - a) / o + 2) : 60 * ((a - e) / o + 4), s: 0 == o ? 0 : o / (1 - Math.abs(2 * u - 1)), l: u } } function hslToRGB(r) { var a, e, n, t = r.h, s = r.s, o = r.l, u = (1 - Math.abs(2 * o - 1)) * s, h = u * (1 - Math.abs(t / 60 % 2 - 1)), l = o - u / 2; return t < 60 ? (a = u, e = h, n = 0) : t < 120 ? (a = h, e = u, n = 0) : t < 180 ? (a = 0, e = u, n = h) : t < 240 ? (a = 0, e = h, n = u) : t < 300 ? (a = h, e = 0, n = u) : (a = u, e = 0, n = h), rgbToHex(a = normalize_rgb_value(a, l), e = normalize_rgb_value(e, l), n = normalize_rgb_value(n, l)) } function normalize_rgb_value(r, a) { return (r = Math.floor(255 * (r + a))) < 0 && (r = 0), r } function rgbToHex(r, a, e) { return "#" + ((1 << 24) + (r << 16) + (a << 8) + e).toString(16).slice(1) } // original code is here // how much to shift the colors by, 180 means green (in this case) deg = 180 // Put the css here in a identifier: styles pair function redefine() { css = { "#header": { "background": `linear-gradient(to bottom,${changeHue("472869", deg)} 0,${changeHue("#221344", deg)} 100%)`, "border-bottom": "2px solid " + changeHue("#351d77", deg), }, "#footer": { "background": `linear-gradient(to bottom,${changeHue("251c3f", deg)} 0,${changeHue("#371d53", 180)} 100%)`, "border-top": `2px solid ${changeHue("#3f1c7a", deg)}` }, "#roommodeblurb": { "color": changeHue("#634d83", deg) }, ".scroller_player": { "background-color": changeHue("#372b51", deg), "border-top": "3px solid " + changeHue("#453469", deg), "border-right": "3px solid " + changeHue("#302742", deg), "border-bottom": "3px solid " + changeHue("#211c2c", deg), }, ".scroller_player h1": { "color": changeHue("d9bef3", deg), }, ".precord": { "color": changeHue("d9bef3", deg), }, "#menus[data-menu-type=lobby] .keypairs td, #menus[data-menu-type=victory] .keypairs td": { "color": changeHue("#9456ab", deg) }, "#startroom": { "color": changeHue("#b190e2", deg), }, /* can't get the playing.specating button to change w/o breaking it */ // "#room_switchbracket": { // "color": changeHue("#b190e2", deg), // "background": `linear-gradient(to bottom,${changeHue("#2e1c49", deg)} 0,${changeHue("#221437", deg)} 100%)`, // // "clip-path": "polygon(0 100%,0 0,90% 0,100% 100%)", // // "filter": `brightness(1) drop-shadow(0 -2px ${changeHue("#16101e", deg)}) drop-shadow(-2px 0 ${changeHue("#16101e", deg)}) drop-shadow(2px 0 ${changeHue("#16101e", deg)}) drop-shadow(0 4px 8px #0004)` // }, "#swb_addendum": { "color": changeHue("#634c85", deg) } } } function addStyles(element, styles) { for (id in styles) {[id] = styles[id]; } } // actual usage colorChange = setInterval(() => { redefine() for (var i = 0; i < Object.keys(css).length; i++) { var nFilter = document.querySelectorAll(Object.keys(css)[i]); for (var j = 0; j < nFilter.length; j++) { var styles = Object.values(css)[i] addStyles(nFilter[j], styles); } } }, 200) // call this to stop it from updating again stopColorChange = function () { clearInterval(colorChange) for (var i = 0; i < Object.keys(css).length; i++) { var nFilter = document.querySelectorAll(Object.keys(css)[i]); addStyles(nFilter, {}); } }