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// ==UserScript== // @name Automated submit buttons // @description Automatically clicks on submit button in Go training system at // @namespace // @match* // @match* // @include* // @include* // @version 1.1.1 // @author Jonathan Swift // @encoding utf-8 // @license MPL 2.0 // @copyright 2017+, Jonathan Swift // @homepage // @homepageURL // @twitterURL // @updateURL // @downloadURL // @contactURL // @supportURL // @contributionURL // @run-at document-idle // @grant none // ==/UserScript== /*jslint sub: true, plusplus: true */ /*global $, clearTimeout, setTimeout */ $(function () { 'use strict'; var made_mistake = false, done_without_mistake = true, mistakes = 0, clicks = 0, QUESTION_REG = /\:(\?|yes)/i, next_step_btn_resolver, reviewing_regime_btn_resolver, timeout, default_cfg = { 'timeout': { 'ok': 720, 'restart': 1000, 'mistake': 3300, 'word_const': 130, 'wait_before_check': 530 }, 'current_reviewing_regime': 'normal', // strict 'on': true }, cfg = $.cookie('button_automation', JSON.parse) || default_cfg, cfg_dialog, $controls_holder = $('#discuss'), $content_holder = $('#igs-body'), got_it_btn_id = '#got_it', not_yet_btn_id = '#not_yet', next_problem_btn_id = '#cram', easy_problem_btn_id = '#easy', good_problem_btn_id = '#good', hard_problem_btn_id = '#hard', restart_btn_id = '#restart', forgotten_problem_btn_id = '#forgotten'; function noop() {} function dataFocus() { return $('[data-focus]').toArray(); } function isQuestion() { return dataFocus().some(function (el) { return QUESTION_REG.test($(el).data('focus').LB); }); } function problemComments() { return dataFocus().map(function (el) { return $(el).data('focus').C; }); } function sortedComments() { return problemComments().sort(function (a, b) { return a.length <= b.length; }); } function longestComment() { return sortedComments()[0] || ''; } function countCommentWords() { return longestComment().split(' ').length; } function waitIntervalBeforeSubmit(made_mistake, done_without_mistake, words_count) { var timeout_type = done_without_mistake ? (made_mistake ? 'mistake' : 'ok') : 'restart'; return cfg.timeout[timeout_type] + words_count * cfg.timeout.word_const; } function currentReviewingRegimeBtn() { return reviewing_regime_btn_resolver[cfg.current_reviewing_regime]; } function studyType() { return $('#eval_title').text().split('.')[0].replace(' ', '_').toLowerCase() || 'quick_look'; } function clickHandler() { clearTimeout(clickHandler.timeout); clickHandler[$('#probstatus').attr('class')](); } clickHandler.undefined = noop; clickHandler.timeout = 1; clickHandler.wrong = function () { done_without_mistake = false; mistakes += 1; made_mistake = true; }; clickHandler.correct = function () { this.timeout = setTimeout(function () { var btn_id = next_step_btn_resolver[studyType()](made_mistake, done_without_mistake, clicks); $(btn_id).click(); done_without_mistake = true; }, waitIntervalBeforeSubmit(made_mistake, done_without_mistake, countCommentWords())); }; function storeConfig(cfg) { $.cookie('button_automation', JSON.stringify(cfg), { path: '/auth/problems/', expires: 365 }); } function configLinkHtml() { return '<span>Auto</span>'; } function toggleLinkHtml(on) { var sub = { true: { text: '(on)', color: '#78AB46' }, false: { text: '(off)', color: '#608341' } }; return $('<span />', { 'text': sub[on].text, 'style': 'color: ' + sub[on].color }); } function configMenuLink() { return $('<a>', { 'html': configLinkHtml(), 'id': 'button_automation_config_link', 'title': 'Open button automation config dialog.', 'style': 'padding: 0 0 0 4px;' } ); } function automationToggleLink(is_on) { return $('<a>', { 'html': toggleLinkHtml(is_on), 'id': 'button_automation_toggle_link', 'title': 'Toggle automation', 'style': 'padding: 0px 2px;' }); } function configFormHtml(cfg) { return $('<div/>') .append( $('<textarea/>', { rows: 12, cols: 60, text: JSON.stringify(cfg, undefined, 4) }) ).append( $('<a/>', { 'text': ' Documentation. ', 'href': '', 'target': '_blank' }) ); } function configForm(cfg) { return $('<form>', { 'html': configFormHtml(cfg), 'id': 'button_automation_config_form' }); } function updateConfigEditorData(cfg) { $('#button_automation_config_form textarea').val(JSON.stringify(cfg, undefined, 4)); } function isOn() { return cfg.on && !isQuestion(); } function updateToggleLinkText(is_on) { $('#button_automation_toggle_link') .html(toggleLinkHtml(is_on)); } next_step_btn_resolver = { 'learning': function (made_mistake, done_without_mistake, clicks) { if (done_without_mistake) { if (made_mistake) { return not_yet_btn_id; } return got_it_btn_id; } return restart_btn_id; }, 'quick_look': function (made_mistake, done_without_mistake, clicks) { return done_without_mistake ? next_problem_btn_id : restart_btn_id; }, 'reviewing': function (made_mistake, done_without_mistake, clicks) { if (!done_without_mistake) { return restart_btn_id; } return currentReviewingRegimeBtn()(mistakes, clicks); } }; reviewing_regime_btn_resolver = { 'normal': function (mistakes, clicks) { if (mistakes === 0) { if (clicks > 1) { return good_problem_btn_id; } return easy_problem_btn_id; } if (mistakes === 1) { return hard_problem_btn_id; } return forgotten_problem_btn_id; }, 'strict': function (mistakes, clicks) { if (mistakes === 0) { return hard_problem_btn_id; } return forgotten_problem_btn_id; } }; $content_holder.append(configForm(cfg)); $controls_holder.append(configMenuLink()); setTimeout(function () { $controls_holder.append(automationToggleLink(isOn())); }, 850); cfg_dialog = $('#button_automation_config_form').dialog({ autoOpen: false, modal: true, title: 'Button automation configuration', width: '50%', buttons: { 'Restore': { 'text': 'Restore defaults', 'click': function () { updateConfigEditorData(default_cfg); } }, 'Save and close': function () { cfg = JSON.parse($('#button_automation_config_form textarea').val()); updateToggleLinkText(isOn()); cfg_dialog.dialog('close'); } }, close: function () { storeConfig(cfg); } }); $content_holder.on('click', '#button_automation_config_link', function () { cfg_dialog.dialog('open'); }); $content_holder.on('click', '#button_automation_toggle_link', function () { if (isQuestion()) { return; } cfg.on = !cfg.on; updateConfigEditorData(cfg); updateToggleLinkText(isOn()); storeConfig(cfg); }); $content_holder.on('click', '#board', function () { if (!isOn()) { return; } clicks += 1; clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = setTimeout(clickHandler, cfg.timeout.wait_before_check); }); });