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// ==UserScript== // @name Download FOX+CN+CC Videos as MP4 // @description Скачать видео каналов FOX, Cartoon Network, Comedy Central одним кликом. Прямые ссылки на видео под плеером (,, // @namespace // @include *://** // @include *://** // @include *://** // @include *://** // @include *://** // @include *://* // @include *://* // @include *://* // @version 1.3.0 // @run-at document-start // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant GM.xmlHttpRequest // @require // @updateURL // @copyright 2017, Iron_man ( // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== var RANDOM = 1687511;//Math.round(Math.random()*1.e6 + 1.e6); (function(){ var clog = console.log; //clog = function(){}; var userOptions = initOptions(); userOptions.set({ 'delim': ' - ', 'space': ' ', 'addEpisodeEng': true,// добавить англ. название эпизода 'delay': 500, }); var isSource = downloadFromSource(); if( isSource ) return; else document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', start, false); function downloadFromSource() { /* try{ alert("href: " + window.location.href + "\nhash" + window.location.hash); }catch(e){console.error(e); alert(e);} */ var hash = window.location.hash, name, source; if( hash ) { name = hash.slice(1); name = decodeURIComponent(name); source = window.location.origin + window.location.pathname; //alert("name: " + name + "\nsource: " + source); }else return false; if( source && name && /\.mp4$/.test(name) ) { var sendMessage = function(){window.parent.postMessage({msg: 'close-iframe', 'id':,}, '*');}, closeWindow = function(){window.close();}, videoClose = function(){ remove(document.querySelector('video')); if( window.self !== window.parent ) setTimeout( sendMessage, userOptions.val('delay') ); else setTimeout( closeWindow, userOptions.val('delay') ); }; document.addEventListener('readystatechange', function(event){ if( this.readyState === 'interactive' ) { fileDownloader(name, source); var video = document.querySelector('video'); if( video ) video.addEventListener('error', videoClose, false); } else if( this.readyState === 'complete' ) videoClose(); }, false); return true; } return false; } function fileDownloader( name, resource ) { var a = document.createElement('a'), body = document.body || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; a.href = resource; a.setAttribute('download', name); body.appendChild(a);; body.removeChild(a); } function start() { console.log("start Download FOX+CN+CC Videos as MP4.."); getLinks(); showDetail('description');// описание //showAll(); } function getLinks() { var links = document.querySelectorAll('div#voice a'); for( var i = 0, href; i < links.length; ++i) { href = links[i].href; GM.xmlHttpRequest({ url: href, method: 'GET', onload: handleXHR, }); } } function handleXHR( xhr ) { var doc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument(""); doc.documentElement.innerHTML = xhr.responseText; setLink(doc); } function setLink( doc ) { doc = doc || document; var script = doc.querySelector('#centerSeries > script'), video_obj, video_src, subt, div, video_div, video_link, file_name, player; if( !script ) { player = doc.querySelector('div[id*="player"]'); if( player ) script = player.nextElementSibling; } video_obj = script ? getVideoObject( script.innerHTML ) : null; if( video_obj ) { video_src = video_obj.file; subt = video_obj.subtitle; } if( video_src ) { div = document.getElementById('video-links-' + RANDOM) || createVideoDiv('video-links-' + RANDOM); video_div = document.createElement('div'); file_name = getFileName(doc); clog("file name: " + file_name); video_div.innerHTML = '<a href="' + video_src + '" title="Скачать" ' + 'data-file-name="' + file_name + '" data-file-ext="mp4" data-file-source="' + video_src + '" ' + (subt ? ('data-subtitle="' + subt + '"') : '') + ' ' + 'class="video-link">' + file_name + '</a>'; div.appendChild( video_div ); video_link = video_div.querySelector('a'); video_link.addEventListener('click', handleDownloadEvent, false); GM.xmlHttpRequest({ url: video_src, method: 'HEAD', context: {url: video_src}, onload: function(xhr){ if( xhr.status != 200 ) { console.error("Error: xhr.status = ", xhr.status, xhr.statusText); return; } var videoSize = getContentLength(xhr.responseHeaders), smartSize = "" + (videoSize/(1024*1024)).toFixed(1) + " Mb"; video_link.setAttribute('title', "Скачать, " + smartSize ); console.log("source: ", xhr.context.url, "size: ", smartSize); }, }); }else{ console.error("can't find video source"); } } function getContentLength(headersStr) { var headers = headersStr.split('\r\n'); for( var i = 0, h; i < headers.length; ++i ) { h = headers[i]; if( h.indexOf('Content-Length') != -1 ) return parseInt(h.match(/\d+/)[0], 10); } return 0; } function createVideoDiv( id ) { var div = document.createElement('div'); div.setAttribute('id', id); var html = '' + '<font class="size18 link_20" title="Нажмите на ссылку, чтобы скачать">Ссылки на видео</font>' + '<br><div id="tochki2" class="tocka"></div>'; div.innerHTML = html; var insPlace = document.getElementById('4'); return insPlace.parentNode.insertBefore( div, insPlace.nextSibling ); } function getVideoObject( text ) { if( !text ) return null; var str = text.match(/{.*}/)[0]; str = str.replace(/([\w]+)\:([^\/]{1})/g, function(m, p1, p2){ return '"' + p1 + '":' + p2; }); str = str.replace(/'/g, '"'); return JSON.parse( str ); } function getFileName( doc ) { this.fn_count = this.fn_count || 0; ++this.fn_count; var delim = userOptions.val('delim'), space = userOptions.val('space'); doc = doc || document; var topContent = doc.querySelector('.topContent'), topContentDiv, topContentLinks; if( topContent ) { topContentDiv = doc.querySelector('.topContent > div'); topContentLinks = doc.querySelectorAll('.topContent > a'); }else{ topContentDiv = doc.querySelector('table.content tr > td > div'); topContentLinks = doc.querySelectorAll('table.content tr > td > a'); } var voiceId, videoId, videoIdStr, seasonNum, episodeNum; if( topContentDiv ) { // ID озвучки и ID видео voiceId = topContentDiv.querySelector('#voice').innerHTML; videoId = topContentDiv.querySelector('#actual').innerHTML; } if( videoId ) { var videoIdStr = videoId.toString(), videoIdMatch = videoIdStr.match(/(\d+)(\D)?/); // номер сезон и номер эпизода seasonNum = videoIdMatch[1].slice(0, -2); episodeNum = videoIdMatch[1].slice(-2) + (videoIdMatch[2] || ''); } var seriesRus, episodeRus, episodeEng, voiceRus; if( topContentLinks ) { // название серий и название эпизода (рус.) seriesRus = topContentLinks[1].innerText; var lastLink = last(topContentLinks), regExp = new RegExp('id=' + videoId); if( videoId && lastLink && regExp.test(getLocation(lastLink.href, 'search')) ) episodeRus = lastLink.innerText; } var titleSeriesEng = doc.querySelector('#titleSeriesEng > span'), titleSeries = doc.querySelector('#titleSeries'); // название эпизода (англ.) if( titleSeriesEng ) episodeEng = titleSeriesEng.innerText; if( !episodeRus && titleSeries ) episodeRus = titleSeries.innerText; var voice = doc.querySelectorAll('#voice .voiceOn a'); if( voice ) { // название озвучки (рус.) if( voice.length == 1 ) voiceRus = voice[0].innerText; else if( voiceId !== undefined ) { for( var i = 0, regExp = new RegExp('voice=' + voiceId + '\\D?'); i < voice.length; ++i ) { if( regExp.test(getLocation(voice[i].href, 'search')) ) voiceRus = voice[i].innerText; } } } var fileName = ''; fileName += seriesRus.replace(/\s+/g, space) + delim; if( seasonNum ) fileName += 'сезон' + space + padRight(seasonNum, 2, '0') + delim; if( episodeNum ) fileName += 'серия' + space + padRight(episodeNum, 2, '0') + delim; if( episodeRus ) fileName += episodeRus.replace(/\s+/g, space) + delim; else if( videoId ) fileName += 'видео' + space + videoId + delim; else fileName += 'видео' + space + padRight(this.fn_count, 4, '0') + delim; if( episodeEng && userOptions.val('addEpisodeEng') ) fileName += episodeEng.replace(/\s+/g, space) + delim; if( voiceRus ) fileName += voiceRus.replace(/\s+/g, space); else fileName = fileName.slice(0, -delim.length); return fileName; } function handleDownloadEvent(event) { if( event.ctrlKey ) return; event.preventDefault(); var fileName = this.getAttribute('data-file-name') + '.' + this.getAttribute('data-file-ext'); downloadFile( fileName, this.getAttribute('data-file-source') ); var subtitle = this.getAttribute('data-subtitle'), subtitleExt = subtitle ? subtitle.match(/\.([^\.]+)$/)[1] : null; if( subtitle ) GM_fileDownloader( this.getAttribute('data-file-name') + '.' + subtitleExt, subtitle ); } function downloadFile( name, source ) { var href = source + '#' + encodeURIComponent(name), orig = getLocation(href, 'origin'); if( orig === window.location.origin ) fileDownloader( name, source ); else{ clog("name: ", name); href ); //makeIFrame( name, source ); } } function makeIFrame( name, resource ) { this.num = this.num || 0; ++this.num; var iframe = document.createElement('iframe'), body = document.body || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; name = encodeURIComponent(name); var hash = getLocation(resource, 'hash'); if( hash ) resource = resource.replace(hash, ''); iframe.src = resource + '#' + name; = 'iframe-' + this.num; iframe.setAttribute('name', 'iframe-' + this.num); iframe.setAttribute('style', 'display: none;'); body.appendChild(iframe); } function GM_fileDownloader( name, source ) { GM.xmlHttpRequest({ url: source, method: 'GET', responseType: 'blob', onload: function(xhr){ if( xhr.status !== 200 ) { console.error("ERROR: status = ", xhr.status, xhr.statusText); console.error("url: ", this.url); return; } var wURL = window.webkitURL || window.URL, resource = wURL.createObjectURL(xhr.response); fileDownloader( name, resource ); wURL.revokeObjectURL( resource ); }, }); } function initOptions() { function _setDef( v ){this.val = this.def;} var retVal = { data: { 'delim': { val: null, def: ' - ', setDef: _setDef, }, 'space': { val: null, def: ' ', setDef: _setDef, }, 'addEpisodeEng': { val: null, def: true, setDef: _setDef, }, 'delay': { val: null, def: 500, setDef: _setDef, }, }, setDefs: function(){ for( var key in )[key].setDef(); }, val: function( prop, v ){ if([prop] ) { if( v !== undefined )[prop].val = v; return[prop].val; } return null; }, set: function( obj ){ for( var key in obj ) this.val( key, obj[key] ); }, }; retVal.setDefs(); return retVal; } function getIDs( n ) { this.ids = this.ids || ['zero1', 'zero2', 'description', 'trivia', 'parody', 'criticism', 'awards', 'censorship']; if( n !== undefined ) return this.ids[n]; return this.ids; } function showDetail( id ) { var ids, n, elm; if( typeof id === 'number' ){ elm = document.getElementById(id); }else{ ids = getIDs(); n = ids.indexOf(id); elm = document.getElementById(n); } if( elm ) = 'block'; } function showAll() { for( var i = 1, len = getIDs().length; i < len; ++i ) showDetail( i ); } function padRight( t, n, fill ) { if( !t || !n ) return t; fill = (fill === undefined ? ' ' : fill ); t = t.toString(); while( t.length < n ) t = fill + t; return t; } function getLocation( url, prop ) { var a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = url; return a[prop]; } function last( arr ) { if( arr && arr.length > 0 ) return arr[arr.length-1]; return null; } function indexOfAttr( arr, attr, val ) { if( !arr || !attr || !val ) return -1; for( var i = 0, len = arr.length, elm; i < len; ++i ) { elm = arr[i]; if( elm[attr] == val ) return i; } return -1; } function remove( elm ) { if( elm && elm.parentNode ) return elm.parentNode.removeChild(elm); return elm; } window.addEventListener('message', recieveMessage, false); function recieveMessage(event) { if( && === ('close-iframe') && ) { var iframe = document.querySelector('iframe[name="' + + '"]'); clog("close iframe: ", iframe); setTimeout(function(){ remove(iframe); }, userOptions.val('delay') ); } } })();