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// ==UserScript== // @name AvenoelExt // @author ImThatGuy // @description Extension pour Avenoel // @include* // @require // @require // @require // @require // @require // @require // @require // @grant GM_addStyle // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant GM_getResourceText // @grant GM_getResourceURL // @version 0.4 // @icon // @copyright 2018+, ImThatGuy // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== /* Avenoel extension. 2017-2018. Developpé par ImThatGuy. 2018+, ImThatGuy. Changelog Version 0.1 : 1ère version. Version 0.2 : Correction de bugs Ajout d'une notification dans l'onglet quand un nouveau msg est posté Focus automatique du textarea après citation Version 0.3 : Correction bouton actualiser depuis m.a.j avenoel Nouveau système pour ajouter un sticker perso Version 0.4 : Correction ajout de stickers risibank / aperçu url */ /*jshint multistr: true */ (function() { 'use strict'; const version = '0.4'; // CSS import $('head').append('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""/>'); $('head').append('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""/>'); $('head').append('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""/>'); $('head').append('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""/>'); $('head').append('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""/>'); $('head').append('<link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>'); $("head").append('<link href="//" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">'); // First time execute the script var firstTime = GM_getValue('firstTime'); if (firstTime === undefined) {firstTime = true;} if (firstTime) { // Set all stored values GM_setValue("dragndrop", false); GM_setValue("refreshbtn", true); GM_setValue("tooltips", true); GM_setValue("notifs", true); } GM_setValue("firstTime", false); // OPTIONS var HEIGHT = "120"; // Hauteur du cadre en pixels var STICKERS_MAX = "60"; // Taille max des stickers en pixels // var dragNDrop = GM_getValue("dragndrop"); var refreshBtn = GM_getValue("refreshbtn"); var tooltips = GM_getValue("tooltips"); var notifs = GM_getValue("notifs"); // Variables var focusRisitas = true; var stickers = [ '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '' ]; var stickers_perso; // Stickers personnels try { stickers_perso = JSON.parse(GM_getValue("stickers-p-ave")); } catch (err) { stickers_perso = []; } var postContents = []; // All .post-content textarea // Functions function getTopicId() { var id = window.location.href.split("/")[4].split("-")[0]; return id; } // Notif var documentTitle = document.title; var lastmsg = ""; var notifNb = 0; function notifCheck(id) { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "GET", url: ""+id, headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" }, onload: function(response) { //console.log(response.responseText); var result = JSON.parse(response.responseText); //console.log(result); //alert(lastmsg); if ( != lastmsg) { if (lastmsg !== "") { document.title = "("+notifNb+") " + documentTitle; } lastmsg =; notifNb += 1; } } }); } // Liste des sujets function listeSujets() { if ( $(".primary-page-title").length ) { return true; } else { return false; } } // Append last realtime function appendSticker(b) { $(".sticker-dernier").attr("src", b); } // Define last sticker var dernierSticker; function defineDernierSticker() { dernierSticker = GM_getValue('dernierSticker'); } defineDernierSticker(); function getPostContent() { $('.post-content[name="content"]').each(function() { postContents.push( $(this) ); //alert($(this)); }); } getPostContent(); // Add sticker function addSticker(sticker) { for (var i=0; i < postContents.length; i++) { var $textarea = postContents[i]; var caretPos = $textarea[0].selectionStart; var textAreaTxt = $textarea.val(); var txtToAdd = sticker + ' '; $textarea.val(textAreaTxt.substring(0, caretPos) + txtToAdd + textAreaTxt.substring(caretPos) ); $textarea.focus(); } // Last sticker GM_setValue('dernierSticker', sticker); // Défini le dernier sticker utilisé defineDernierSticker(); if (dernierSticker !== undefined) { appendSticker(sticker); } } // Display stickers function displayStickers(stickers_list) { $(".stickers-i").empty(); // Dernier sticker if (dernierSticker !== undefined) { $('.stickers-i').prepend('<img title="Dernier sticker utilisé" class="sticker-dernier" style="border:1px solid #9b9b9b;" src="'+dernierSticker+'">'); } if (focusRisitas === false) { if (stickers_list.length <= 0) { $(".stickers-i").append("<i>Vous n'avez pas de stickers personnels.</i>"); } } for (var i=0; i<stickers_list.length;i++) { if (focusRisitas === false) { $(".stickers-i").append('<img id="stickerperso" class="stickers-cadre" src="'+stickers_list[i]+'">'); } else { $(".stickers-i").append('<img class="stickers-cadre" src="'+stickers_list[i]+'">'); } } stickersListeners(); } function addStickerToList(sticker) { stickers_perso.push(sticker); GM_setValue("stickers-p-ave", JSON.stringify(stickers_perso)); location.reload(); } function setOption(option) { if (GM_getValue(option) === true) { GM_setValue(option, false); } else { GM_setValue(option, true); } } function isChecked(option) { if (GM_getValue(option)) { return "checked"; } else { return ""; } } // Append // Remodal $("body").append('<div class="remodal" data-remodal-id="modal">\ <button data-remodal-action="close" class="remodal-close"></button>\ <h1>AvenoelExt v'+version+' options</h1><hr>\ \ <div class="pretty p-default"><input class="option-ave form-control" option="refreshbtn" type="checkbox" '+isChecked("refreshbtn")+'>\ <div class="state"><label>Bouton actualiser</label></div></div><hr>\ \ <div class="pretty p-default"><input class="option-ave form-control" option="dragndrop" type="checkbox" '+isChecked("dragndrop")+'>\ <div class="state"><label>Drag and drop stickers</label></div></div><hr>\ \ <div class="pretty p-default"><input class="option-ave form-control" option="tooltips" type="checkbox" '+isChecked("tooltips")+'>\ <div class="state"><label>Tooltips</label></div></div><hr>\ \ <div class="pretty p-default"><input class="option-ave form-control" option="notifs" type="checkbox" '+isChecked("notifs")+'>\ <div class="state"><label>Notifications</label></div></div><hr>\ \ <button data-remodal-action="confirm" class="remodal-confirm">OK</button>\ </div>'); var inst = $('[data-remodal-id=modal]').remodal(); // Remodal init // Main append $(".bbcodes").append('<span title="Options" class="glyphicon glyphicon-option-vertical options-i"></span> \ <span title="Ajouter un sticker personnel" class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus stickers-add"></span> \ <span title="Effacer ma liste de sticker personnels" class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash stickers-remove"></span> \ <span title="Changer de liste de stickers" class="glyphicon glyphicon-folder-open stickers-change"></span>\ <div id="drop-i">Déposer un sticker ici</div>\ <div class="stickers-i"></div>\ '); // Append boutons posts $(".message-actions").append('<li><span title="Ajouter un sticker personnel" class="glyphicon glyphicon-download add-sticker-p"></span></li>'); displayStickers(stickers); // Focus msg quand citation $(".message-quote").click(function() { setTimeout(function() { var $textarea = postContents[postContents.length-1]; //console.log($textarea); $textarea.focus(); }, 200); }); // Notif si nouveau msg est ajouté if (!listeSujets()) { if (notifs) { setInterval(function() { notifCheck(getTopicId()); }, 2000); } } // Add refresh button if (!listeSujets()) { if (refreshBtn) { // Depuis update avenoel $(".grey-btn").each(function() { if ( $(this).html() == '<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-refresh"></i>' ) { $(this).remove(); } }); // Ajoute le btn $(".btn-primary").each(function() { if ( $(this).attr("href") == "" ) { $('<a style="float:right" class="btn btn-primary" onclick="location.reload()">Actualiser</a>').insertAfter(this); } }); } } // Drag n drop if (!dragNDrop) { setTimeout(function() { $("div#drop-i").remove(); }, 10); } if (!listeSujets()) { if (dragNDrop) { $(".message-content img").draggable({ //containment : '.topic-messages' revert : 'invalid', drag : function() { $("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: $(document).height() }, "slow"); /* $('html, body').stop().animate({ scrollTop: $("div#drop-i").offset().top }, 650); */ } }); $('div#drop-i').droppable({ accept : 'img', drop : function (e, ui) { addStickerToList( $(ui.draggable).attr("src") ); } }); } } $(".apercite-image").find("img").addClass("preview-del"); // Class pour delete aperçu url // Add sticker posts $("body").append('<div id="dialog"></div>'); $(".add-sticker-p").click(function() { var b = $(this).parents().closest(".message-wrapper").find(".message-content").first().find("img"); var permalink = $(this).parents().closest(".message-wrapper").find(".message-footer").first().find(".message-permalink").attr("href"); //console.log(b); $("#dialog").empty(); $("#dialog").append('<span style="font-size:12px;">Clique sur un sticker pour l\'ajouter à ta liste personnel</span><hr>'); if (b.length > 0) { b.each(function() { if ($(this).attr("class") == "smiley" || $(this).attr("class") == "risi-fav-button" || $(this).attr("class") == "preview-del") { //$(this).remove(); } else { $("#dialog").append('<img class="st-add-p" src="'+$(this).attr("src")+'">'); } }); $(".st-add-p").click(function() { addStickerToList($(this).attr("src")); }); } else { $("#dialog").empty().append("Ce post ne contient aucun sticker."); } if ($("#dialog").find(".st-add-p").length <= 0) { $("#dialog").empty().append("Ce post ne contient aucun sticker."); } $("#dialog").dialog({ title: "Sticker(s) du post "+permalink, width: 400, height: 250, modal: true, open: function(event, ui) { $(".ui-widget-overlay").click(function() { $("#dialog").dialog('close'); }); } }); }); // Listeners function stickersListeners() { $(".stickers-cadre, .sticker-dernier").click(function() { addSticker($(this).attr("src")); }); } $(".stickers-change").click(function() { if (focusRisitas === true) { focusRisitas = false; displayStickers(stickers_perso); } else { focusRisitas = true; displayStickers(stickers); } }); // Options $(".options-i").click(function() {; }); $(document).on('confirmation', '.remodal', function (e) { location.reload(); }); // Delete stickers $(".stickers-remove").click(function() { if ( confirm("Etes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer tous vos stickers personnels ?") ) { GM_setValue("stickers-p-ave", "[]"); location.reload(); } }); // Add sticker $(".stickers-add").click(function() { var b = prompt("Lien direct du sticker"); if (b) { stickers_perso.push(b); GM_setValue("stickers-p-ave", JSON.stringify(stickers_perso)); location.reload(); } }); // Set option $(".option-ave").click(function() { setOption( $(this).attr("option") ); }); // Context menu $(function() { var context = $('body').nuContextMenu({ hideAfterClick: true, items: '.stickers-cadre', callback: function(key, element) { if (key == "delete") { if ( $(element).attr("id") == "stickerperso" ) { $(element).remove(); var stickerPersoDel = stickers_perso.indexOf($(element).attr("src")); if (stickerPersoDel > -1) { stickers_perso.splice(stickerPersoDel, 1); } GM_setValue("stickers-p-ave", JSON.stringify(stickers_perso)); location.reload(); } else { alert("Vous ne pouvez pas supprimer ce sticker"); } } else if ( key == 'download' ) { var a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = element.src; = element.src; = 'none'; document.body.appendChild(a);; } else if ( key == 'reply' ) { addSticker($(element).attr("src")); } }, menu: [ { name: 'download', title: 'Télécharger', icon: 'download', }, { name: 'reply', title: 'Ajouter à mon post', icon: 'reply', }, { name: 'void' }, { name: 'delete', title: 'Supprimer', icon: 'trash', }, ] }); }); // Tooltips /* $('.sticker-dernier').qtip({ content: { text: 'Dernier sticker utilisé' }, style: { classes: 'qtip-light' //classes: 'qtip-tipsy' }, position: { my: 'top left', at: 'bottom center' } }); */ if (tooltips) { $('[title!=""]').qtip({ style: { classes: 'qtip-light' //classes: 'qtip-tipsy' }, position: { my: 'top left', at: 'bottom center' } }); } // CSS GM_addStyle(".stickers-cadre, .sticker-dernier { max-height: "+STICKERS_MAX+"px; max-width: "+STICKERS_MAX+"px; opacity: 0.7; cursor: pointer; }\ .stickers-cadre:hover, .sticker-dernier:hover { opacity: 1 }\ .stickers-i { width: 100%; height: "+HEIGHT+"px; overflow: auto; }\ #drop-i { border-top : 1px solid #ccc; border-bottom : 1px solid #ccc; height : 40px; text-align: center; cursor: pointer }\ .stickers-change, .stickers-remove, .options-i, .stickers-add { cursor: pointer; float: right; margin-right: 15px; margin-top: 7px; }\ .add-sticker-p { cursor: pointer; color: #494949; font-size: 21px; vertical-align: middle; margin-left: 3px; }\ .st-add-p { cursor : pointer; max-height: 70px; max-width: 70px; margin-right: 5px; border-bottom: 2px solid #ccc; }\ .st-add-p:active { opacity: 0.7 }\ .st-add-p:hover { border-color: #494949; }\ "); })();