HACKSCOMICON / Trivia Crack / Preguntados Correct Answer Cheat! + works on Violentmonkey (Maxthon)


Version: 1.4+eb62c7b updated

Summary: EN: This user script shows the Trivia Crack correct answer (Facebook Game). \n ES: Este script muestra la respuesta correcta en el juego Preguntados (Juego de Facebook)

Homepage: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/9624

Support: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/9624/feedback

License: MIT; https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT

Userscript made for Greasemonkey (Firefox) or Tampermonkey (Google Chrome) or Violentmonkey (Maxthon) who shows the correct answer of Trivia Crack game (www.triviacrack.com/game) or also known by Preguntados (www.preguntados.com/game) for the spanish people.


Show correct answer with a red border in the correct button
Works in 'prize' or 'crown' mode
Note: Don't works in challenge or battle mode
Note: Not made by me. Made by MauroCendon. Just remodify some codes to work on Violentmonkey for Maxthon.
Note: Dosen't work on some websites that have trivia crack? Tell me! Post a feedback so i can fix it.

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