Grinch27 / Ehentai Uploader Smart Sort


Version: 0.1.6+a3cf61d updated

Summary: help Ehentai Uploader Sort uploade-Img Smarter!


Homepage: Uploader Smart Sort.js

Copyright: 2022, Grinch27 (

License: GPL-3.0-or-later;

Some javascript toolkits that help uploaders manage Gallery more easily

Managegallery Smart Sort (filename with number{series_, index_}). Good for filename such as 114_1.jpg, the first shown number would be the series_, then the second one be the index_. Sort by [-series_, index_], means that the max series_ shows first, and the min index_ follows.

for example: filename shown in Managegallery Page: A001_B002.jpg, C001_D000.png, E002_F001.gif, G001_H001.jpg

will be sorted to: E002_F001.gif C001_D000.png G001_H001.jpg A001_B002.jpg

But I didn't test what will happen if more than 2 files with same series_ and index_, Anyway, it works well in img sort, especially for those files like Pixix/Fanbox/Fantia set, because they usually have filename like (series_number)_p(index_number).

I hope this tool can help EH uploaders, for it does save a lot of time from sorting plenty of imgs.

Welcome for any Issues!

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