GeGe_GM / EasyPTRE

// ==UserScript==
// @name         EasyPTRE
// @namespace
// @version      0.9.1
// @description  Plugin to use PTRE's basics features with AGR. Check
// @author       GeGe_GM
// @license      MIT
// @copyright    2022, GeGe_GM
// @match        https://**
// @match*
// @updateURL
// @downloadURL
// @require
// @icon         
// @grant        GM_addStyle
// @grant        GM_getValue
// @grant        GM_setValue
// @grant        GM_xmlhttpRequest
// ==/UserScript==

// Check current website
var modeEasyPTRE = "ingame";
if (/ {
    modeEasyPTRE = "ptre";
    console.log("EasyPTRE: Mode PTRE");

var toolName = 'EasyPTRE';
var server = -1;
var country = "";
var universe = -1;
var currentPlayerID = -1;

if (modeEasyPTRE == "ingame") {
    server = document.getElementsByName('ogame-universe')[0].content;
    var splitted = server.split('-');
    universe = splitted[0].slice(1);
    var splitted2 = splitted[1].split('.');
    country = splitted2[0];
    currentPlayerID = document.getElementsByName('ogame-player-id')[0].content;
} else {
    country = document.getElementsByName('ptre-country')[0].content;
    universe = document.getElementsByName('ptre-universe')[0].content;

var galaxyContentLinkTest = "https:\/\/"+server+"\/game\/index.php?page=ingame&component=galaxy&action=fetchGalaxyContent&ajax=1&asJson=1";
var lastActivitiesGalaSent = 0;
var lastActivitiesSysSent = 0;
var versionCheckTimeout = 6*60*60;
var technosCheckTimeout = 15*60;
var lastPTREActivityPushMicroTS = 0;

// GM keys
var ptreTeamKey = "ptre-" + country + "-" + universe + "-TK";
var ptreImproveAGRSpyTable = "ptre-" + country + "-" + universe + "-ImproveAGRSpyTable";
var ptrePTREPlayerListJSON = "ptre-" + country + "-" + universe + "-PTREPlayerListJSON";
var ptreAGRPlayerListJSON = "ptre-" + country + "-" + universe + "-AGRPlayerListJSON";
var ptreAGRPrivatePlayerListJSON = "ptre-" + country + "-" + universe + "-AGRPrivatePlayerListJSON";
var ptreEnableConsoleDebug = "ptre-" + country + "-" + universe + "-EnableConsoleDebug";
var ptreLastAvailableVersion = "ptre-" + country + "-" + universe + "-LastAvailableVersion";
var ptreLastAvailableVersionRefresh = "ptre-" + country + "-" + universe + "-LastAvailableVersionRefresh";
var ptreMaxCounterSpyTsSeen = "ptre-" + country + "-" + universe + "-MaxCounterSpyTsSeen";
var ptreTechnosJSON = "ptre-" + country + "-" + universe + "-Technos";
var ptreLastTechnosRefresh = "ptre-" + country + "-" + universe + "-LastTechnosRefresh";
var ptrePlayerID = "ptre-" + country + "-" + universe + "-PlayerID";

// Images
var imgPTREOK = '';
var imgAddPlayer = '';

// Settings
var ptreMessageDisplayTime = 5;
var menuImageDisplayTime = 3;
var ptreMenuDisplayTime = 1;
var ptreTargetListMaxSize = 100;
var ptrePushDelayMicroSec = 500;
// TODO: Set ptreAGRTargetListMaxSize

var urlPTREImportSR    = '' + toolName;
var urlPTREPushActivity = '' + toolName + '&country=' + country + '&univers=' + universe;
var urlPTRESyncTargets = '' + toolName + '&country=' + country + '&univers=' + universe;
var urlPTREGetPlayerInfos = '' + toolName + '&country=' + country + '&univers=' + universe;
var urlToScriptMetaInfos = '';

// *** *** ***
// OGame pages - Enabled whatever AGR, OGL, OGI setup
// *** *** ***

// Add EasyPTRE menu
if (modeEasyPTRE == "ingame" && !/page=standalone&component=empire/.test(location.href)) {
    // Setup Mneu Button
    var ptreMenuName = toolName;
    var lastAvailableVersion = GM_getValue(ptreLastAvailableVersion, -1);
    if (lastAvailableVersion != -1 && lastAvailableVersion !== GM_info.script.version) {
        ptreMenuName = "UPDATE ME";
    var aff_option = '<span class="menu_icon"><a id="iconeUpdate" href="" target="blank_" ><img id="imgPTREmenu" class="mouseSwitch" src="' + imgPTRE + '" height="26" width="26"></a></span>';
    aff_option += '<a id="affOptionsPTRE" class="menubutton " href="#" accesskey="" target="_self"><span class="textlabel" id="ptreMenuName">' + ptreMenuName + '</span></a>';

    var tab = document.createElement("li");
    tab.innerHTML = aff_option; = 'optionPTRE';

    document.getElementById('affOptionsPTRE').addEventListener("click", function (event) {
    }, true);

// Check for new version only if we already did the check once
// In order to not display the Tampermoney autorisation window during an inappropriate moment
// It will be enabled when user opens the PTRE menu
if (modeEasyPTRE == "ingame" && GM_getValue(ptreLastAvailableVersionRefresh, 0) != 0) {
} else {
    consoleDebug("Version Check not initialized: open settings to initialize it");

// Save fleeters techs in order to send it to simulator from PTRE pages
// Huge QOL to not add them manually
if (modeEasyPTRE == "ingame" && /page=ingame&component=fleetdispatch/.test(location.href)) {
    var currentTime = serverTime.getTime() / 1000;
    if (currentTime > GM_getValue(ptreLastTechnosRefresh, 0) + technosCheckTimeout) {
        setTimeout(doCheckLifeforms, 500);

// *** *** ***
// OGame pages - Only for AGR
// *** *** ***

// Update AGR Target List
if (modeEasyPTRE == "ingame" && !/page=standalone&component=empire/.test(location.href) && isAGREnabled() && !isOGLorOGIEnabled()) {
    if (document.getElementById('ago_panel_Player')) {
        let observer2 = new MutationObserver(updateLocalAGRList);
        var node2 = document.getElementById('ago_panel_Player');
        observer2.observe(node2, {
            attributes: true,
            childList: true, // observer les enfants directs
            subtree: true, // et les descendants aussi
            characterDataOldValue: true // transmettre les anciennes données au callback
    if (document.getElementById('ago_box_title')) {
        // Add PTRE link to AGR pinned player
        // Check if pinned player is updated
        let observer = new MutationObserver(addPTRELinkToAGRPinnedTarget);
        var node = document.getElementById('ago_box_title');
        observer.observe(node, {
            attributes: true,
            childList: true, // observer les enfants directs
            subtree: true, // et les descendants aussi
            characterDataOldValue: true // transmettre les anciennes données au callback

// Galaxy page: Set routines
if (modeEasyPTRE == "ingame" && /component=galaxy/.test(location.href) && !isOGLorOGIEnabled()) {
    consoleDebug("Galaxy detected: Setting routines");
    setTimeout(addPTREStuffsToGalaxyPage, 250);
    setTimeout(checkForNewSystem, 500);

// Add PTRE send SR button to messages page
if (modeEasyPTRE == "ingame" && /component=messages/.test(location.href) && !isOGLorOGIEnabled()) {
    if (GM_getValue(ptreTeamKey) != '') {
        // Update Message Page (spy report part)
        setTimeout(addPTREStuffsToMessagesPage, 1500);
        // Update AGR Spy Table
        if (isAGREnabled() && (GM_getValue(ptreImproveAGRSpyTable) == 'true')) {
            let spyTableObserver = new MutationObserver(addPTRESendSRButtonToAGRSpyTable);
            var nodeSpyTable = document.getElementById('messagecontainercomponent');
            spyTableObserver.observe(nodeSpyTable, {
                attributes: true,
                childList: true, // observer les enfants directs
                subtree: true, // et les descendants aussi

// *** *** ***
// PTRE pages only
// *** *** ***

// Display Lifeforms research on PTRE Lifeforms page
if (modeEasyPTRE == "ptre" && /\/\?page=lifeforms_researchs/.test(location.href)){
    if (universe != 0) {
        console.log("PTRE Lifeforms page detected: "+country+"-"+universe);
        const json = GM_getValue(ptreTechnosJSON, '');
        if (json != '') {
            tab = parsePlayerResearchs(json, "tab");
            document.getElementById("tech_from_easyptre").innerHTML = tab;
            console.log("Updating lifeforms page");
        } else {
            console.log("No lifeforms data saved");

// Update PTRE Spy Report Pages
if (modeEasyPTRE == "ptre" && /\/\?iid/.test(location.href)){
    console.log("PTRE Spy Report page detected: "+country+"-"+universe);
    const json = GM_getValue(ptreTechnosJSON, '');
    if (json != '') {
        const linkElement = document.getElementById("simulate_link");
        let hrefValue = linkElement.getAttribute("href");
        var prefill = parsePlayerResearchs(json, "prefill");
        hrefValue = hrefValue.replace("replaceme", prefill);
        linkElement.setAttribute("href", hrefValue);
        document.getElementById("simulator_comment").innerHTML = "This link contains your LF techs";
        console.log("Updating simulator link");
    } else {
        console.log("No lifeforms data saved");

// *** *** ***
// Add PTRE styles
// Ugly style... yes!
// *** *** ***
.status_positif {
.status_negatif {
    color: #bb2e15;
.status_warning {
.ptre_maintitle {
    color: #299f9b;
    text-decoration: underline;
.ptre_title {
    color: #299f9b;
.ptre_tab_title {
    color: #299f9b;
.td_cell {
    padding: 3px;
.ptre_ship {
    background-image: url('');
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    height: 28px;
    width: 28px;
    display: block;
.ptre_ship_202 {
    background-position: 0 0;
.ptre_ship_203 {
    background-position: -28px 0;
.ptre_ship_204 {
    background-position: -56px 0;
.ptre_ship_205 {
    background-position: -84px 0;
.ptre_ship_206 {
    background-position: -112px 0;
.ptre_ship_207 {
    background-position: -140px 0;
.ptre_ship_208 {
    background-position: -168px 0;
.ptre_ship_209 {
    background-position: -196px 0;
.ptre_ship_210 {
    background-position: -224px 0;
.ptre_ship_211 {
    background-position: -252px 0;
.ptre_ship_212 {
    background-position: -280px 0;
.ptre_ship_213 {
    background-position: -308px 0;
.ptre_ship_214 {
    background-position: -336px 0;
.ptre_ship_215 {
    background-position: -364px 0;
.ptre_ship_217 {
    background-position: -448px 0;
.ptre_ship_218 {
    background-position: -392px 0;
.ptre_ship_219 {
    background-position: -420px 0;
.td_ship {
    padding: 3px;
.button {
    cursor: pointer;
    display: inline-block;
    background-color: #8495b5;
#divPTRESettings {
    position: fixed;
    bottom: 30px;
    right: 10px;
    z-index: 1000;
    font-size: 10pt;
#boxPTRESettings {
    width: 500px;
    border: solid black 2px;
#boxPTREMessage {
    position: fixed;
    bottom: 30px;
    right: 10px;
    z-index: 1001;
    border: solid black 2px;
#boxPTREInfos {
    position: fixed;
    bottom: 30px;
    right: 540px;
    z-index: 1000;
    font-size: 10pt;
    min-width: 300px;
    border: solid black 2px;
#btnSaveOptPTRE {
#ptreSpanGalaxyMessageD {
#targetDivSettings {
    height: 400px;
    overflow-y: scroll;

// *** *** ***
// *** *** ***

// Displays PTRE responses messages
// Responses from server
function displayPTREPopUpMessage(message) {
    var previousContent = '';
    if (document.getElementById('boxPTREMessage') && document.getElementById("ptreMessage")) {
        // Get previous content and remove box
        previousContent = document.getElementById("ptreMessage").innerHTML;

    // Recreate box
    var divPTREMessage = '<div id="boxPTREMessage">PTRE:<span id="ptreMessage">' + previousContent + '<span id="fisrtPtreMessage"><br>' + message + '</span></span></div>';
    var boxPTREMessage = document.createElement("div");
    boxPTREMessage.innerHTML = divPTREMessage; = 'boxPTREMessage';

    if (document.getElementById('bottom')) {
        setTimeout(function() {cleanFirstPTREPopUpMessage();}, ptreMessageDisplayTime * 1000);

// Remove first message in list and remove entire message box if empty
function cleanFirstPTREPopUpMessage() {
    if (document.getElementById('fisrtPtreMessage')) {
        if (document.getElementById("ptreMessage").innerHTML == '') {

// Display message under galaxy view
function displayPTREGalaxyMessage(message) {
    if (document.getElementById("ptreSpanGalaxyMessageD")) {
        document.getElementById("ptreSpanGalaxyMessageD").innerHTML = "PTRE: " + message;
    } else {
        console.log("[PTRE] Error. Cant display: " + message);

// *** *** ***
// *** *** ***

// Detects if AGR is enabled
function isAGREnabled() {
    if (document.getElementById('ago_panel_Player')) {
        return true;
    return false;

// Detects if OGL is enabled
function isOGLorOGIEnabled() {
    if (document.querySelector('body.oglight') || document.getElementsByClassName('ogl-harvestOptions').length != 0) {
        return true;
    return false;

// Convert planets activities to OGL - PTRE format
function convertActivityToOGLFormat(showActivity, idleTime) {
    if (showActivity == '15') {
        return '*';
    } else if (showActivity == '60') {
        return idleTime;
    } else if (!showActivity) {
        return '60';
    return '60';

function buildPTRELinkToPlayer(playerID) {
    return '' + country + '&univers=' + universe + '&player_id=' + playerID;

function consoleDebug(message) {
    if (GM_getValue(ptreEnableConsoleDebug, 'false') == 'true') {
        console.log('[PTRE] ' + message);

function round(x, y) {
    return Number.parseFloat(x).toFixed(y);

function updateLastAvailableVersion(force) {
    // Only check once a day

    var lastCheckTime = GM_getValue(ptreLastAvailableVersionRefresh, 0);
    var currentTime = serverTime.getTime() / 1000;

    if (force === true || currentTime > lastCheckTime + versionCheckTimeout) {
        consoleDebug("Checking last version available");
            onload:result => {
                if (result.status == 200) {
                    var tab = result.responseText.split('//');
                    var availableVersion = tab[2].match(/\d+\.\d+.\d+/);
                    availableVersion = availableVersion[0];
                    consoleDebug("Current version: " + GM_info.script.version);
                    consoleDebug("Last version: " + availableVersion);
                    GM_setValue(ptreLastAvailableVersion, availableVersion);
                    GM_setValue(ptreLastAvailableVersionRefresh, currentTime);
                    if (availableVersion !== GM_info.script.version) {
                        if (document.getElementById('ptreUpdateVersionMessage')) {
                            document.getElementById('ptreUpdateVersionMessage').innerHTML = '<span class="status_negatif">Check <a href="" target="_blank">EasyPTRE</a> updates</span>';
                        if (document.getElementById('ptreMenuName')) {
                            document.getElementById('ptreMenuName').innerHTML = 'UPDATE ME';
                        consoleDebug('Version ' + availableVersion + ' is available');
                    } else {
                        if (document.getElementById('ptreUpdateVersionMessage')) {
                            document.getElementById('ptreUpdateVersionMessage').innerHTML = '<span class="status_positif">EasyPTRE is up to date</span>';
                } else {
                    document.getElementById('ptreUpdateVersionMessage').innerHTML = '<span class="status_negatif">Error ' + result.status + ' (' + result.statusText + ')</span>';
    } else {
        var temp = lastCheckTime + versionCheckTimeout - currentTime;
        consoleDebug("Skipping last version check. Next check in " + round(temp, 0) + " sec min");

function displayMessageInSettings(message) {
    if (document.getElementById('messageDivInSettings')) {
        document.getElementById('messageDivInSettings').innerHTML = message;

function setNumber(x) {
    return x.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, " ");

// *** *** ***
// *** *** ***

// Remove player from PTRE/AGR list
function deletePlayerFromList(playerId, type) {

    // Check if player is part of the list
    if (isPlayerInTheList(playerId, type)) {
        // Get list content depending on if its PTRE or AGR list
        var targetJSON = '';
        var pseudo = '';
        if (type == 'PTRE') {
            targetJSON = GM_getValue(ptrePTREPlayerListJSON, '');
        } else if (type == 'AGR') {
            targetJSON = GM_getValue(ptreAGRPlayerListJSON, '');
        var targetList = [];
        var idASup = '_';
        if (targetJSON != '') {
            targetList = JSON.parse(targetJSON);

        $.each(targetList, function(i, PlayerCheck) {
            if ( == playerId) {
                idASup = i;
                pseudo = PlayerCheck.pseudo;

        if (idASup != '_') {
            targetList.splice(idASup, 1);

        // Save list
        targetJSON = JSON.stringify(targetList);
        if (type == 'PTRE') {
            GM_setValue(ptrePTREPlayerListJSON, targetJSON);
        } else if (type == 'AGR') {
            GM_setValue(ptreAGRPlayerListJSON, targetJSON);

        return 'Player ' + pseudo + ' was removed from ' + type + ' list';
    } else {
        return 'Player is not part of ' + type + ' list';

// Add player to PTRE/AGR list
function addPlayerToList(playerId, playerPseudo, type) {

    // Check if player is part of the list
    if (!isPlayerInTheList(playerId, type)) {
        // Get list content depending on if its PTRE or AGR list
        var targetJSON = '';
        if (type == 'PTRE') {
            targetJSON = GM_getValue(ptrePTREPlayerListJSON, '');
        } else if (type == 'AGR') {
            targetJSON = GM_getValue(ptreAGRPlayerListJSON, '');

        var targetList = [];
        if (targetJSON != '') {
            targetList = JSON.parse(targetJSON);
        if (type == 'PTRE' && targetList.length >= ptreTargetListMaxSize) {
            return [0, type + ' targets list is full, please remove a target'];
        } else {
            // Add player to list
            var player = {id: playerId, pseudo: playerPseudo};

            // Save list
            targetJSON = JSON.stringify(targetList);
            var ret_code = 0;
            if (type == 'PTRE') {
                GM_setValue(ptrePTREPlayerListJSON, targetJSON);
            } else if (type == 'AGR') {
                GM_setValue(ptreAGRPlayerListJSON, targetJSON);
                // We want to detect and notify when an AGR target is added
                ret_code = 1;
            consoleDebug('Player ' + playerPseudo + ' has been added to ' + type + ' list');
            return [ret_code, 'Player has been added to ' + type + ' list'];
    } else {
        return [0, 'Player is already in ' + type + ' list'];

// This list contains targets that should not be shared to PTRE Team
function tooglePrivatePlayer(playerId) {
    var targetJSON = '';
    var targetList = [];
    var status = '';
    targetJSON = GM_getValue(ptreAGRPrivatePlayerListJSON , '');

    idASup = -1;
    if (targetJSON != '') {
        targetList = JSON.parse(targetJSON);

        $.each(targetList, function(i, PlayerCheck) {
            if ( == playerId) {
                // Present => Delete
                idASup = i;
        if (idASup != -1) {
            targetList.splice(idASup, 1);
            status = 'shareable (sync to share)';
            consoleDebug("Deleting private player (" + idASup + "): " + playerId);
    if (idASup == -1) {
        var player = {id: playerId};
        status = 'private';
        consoleDebug("Adding private player " + playerId);
    // Save new list
    targetJSON = JSON.stringify(targetList);
    GM_setValue(ptreAGRPrivatePlayerListJSON, targetJSON);

    return status;

function isTargetPrivate(playerId) {
    var targetJSON = '';
    var targetList = [];
    targetJSON = GM_getValue(ptreAGRPrivatePlayerListJSON , '');

    var found = 0;
    if (targetJSON != '') {
        targetList = JSON.parse(targetJSON);

        $.each(targetList, function(i, PlayerCheck) {
            if ( == playerId) {
                found = 1;
        if (found == 1) {
            return true;
    return false;

function debugListContent() {

    var targetJSON = '';

    targetJSON = GM_getValue(ptreAGRPlayerListJSON, '');
    var targetList = JSON.parse(targetJSON);
    console.log("AGR list: ");

    targetJSON = GM_getValue(ptrePTREPlayerListJSON, '');
    targetList = JSON.parse(targetJSON);
    console.log("PTRE list: ");

// Check is player is in list
function isPlayerInLists(playerId) {
    if (isPlayerInTheList(playerId, 'AGR') || isPlayerInTheList(playerId, 'PTRE')) {
        return true;
    return false;

function isPlayerInTheList(playerId, type = 'PTRE') {

    var targetJSON = '';
    if (type == 'PTRE') {
        targetJSON = GM_getValue(ptrePTREPlayerListJSON, '');
    } else if (type == 'AGR') {
        targetJSON = GM_getValue(ptreAGRPlayerListJSON, '');

    var ret = false;
    if (targetJSON != '') {
        var targetList = JSON.parse(targetJSON);

        $.each(targetList, function(i, PlayerCheck) {
            if ( == playerId) {
                ret = true;
    return ret;

function getAGRPlayerIDFromPseudo(playerPseudo) {
    var ret = 0;
    var targetJSON = GM_getValue(ptreAGRPlayerListJSON, '');
    if (targetJSON != '') {
        var targetList = JSON.parse(targetJSON);
        $.each(targetList, function(i, PlayerCheck) {
            if (PlayerCheck.pseudo == playerPseudo) {
                ret =;
    return ret;

// Copy AGR internal players list to local AGR list
// AGR list IDs
// Friend: 52 => NO
// Trader: 55 => NO
// Watch: 62 => YES
// Miner: 64 => YES
// Target: 66 => YES
// To attack: 67 => YES
function updateLocalAGRList() {
    var tabAgo = document.getElementsByClassName('ago_panel_overview');

    var count = 0;
    if (tabAgo && tabAgo[1] && tabAgo[1].children) {
        $.each(tabAgo[1].children, function(i, ligneJoueurAGR) {
            if (ligneJoueurAGR.getAttributeNode('ago-data')) {
                var txtjsonDataAgo = ligneJoueurAGR.getAttributeNode('ago-data').value;
                var jsonDataAgo = JSON.parse(txtjsonDataAgo);
                var token = jsonDataAgo.action.token;
                // Do not add Friends and Traders to target list
                // This will add user custom list too
                if (token != 52 && token != 55) {
                    var IdPlayer =;
                    var PseudoPlayer = ligneJoueurAGR.children[1].innerText;
                    //consoleDebug('AGR native list member: ' + PseudoPlayer + ' (' + IdPlayer + ') | token:' + token + ')');
                    var ret = addPlayerToList(IdPlayer, PseudoPlayer, 'AGR');
                    count+= ret[0];
    if (count > 0) {
        displayPTREPopUpMessage(count + ' targets added to AGR list');

// *** *** ***
// *** *** ***

// This function adds PTRE link to AGR pinned target
function addPTRELinkToAGRPinnedTarget() {
    if (document.getElementById('ago_box_title')) {
        var pseudoAGR = document.getElementById('ago_box_title').innerHTML;
        var playerID = getAGRPlayerIDFromPseudo(pseudoAGR);
        if (playerID != 0) {
            document.getElementById('ago_box_title').innerHTML = pseudoAGR + ' [<a href="' + buildPTRELinkToPlayer(playerID) + '" target="_blank">PTRE</a>]';

// Displays PTRE settings
function displayPTREMenu(mode = 'AGR') {

    if (!document.getElementById('btnSaveOptPTRE')) {
        var ptreStoredTK = GM_getValue(ptreTeamKey, '');
        // Get menu mode (what we will display)
        var other_mode = 'PTRE';
        if (mode == 'PTRE') {
            other_mode = 'AGR';
        // Check if AGR is enabled
        var isAGROn;
        if (isAGREnabled()) {
            isAGROn = true;
        } else {
            isAGROn = false;
            mode = 'PTRE';
            other_mode = 'AGR';
        var divPTRE = '<div id="boxPTRESettings"><table border="1" width="100%">';
        divPTRE += '<tr><td class="td_cell"><span class="ptre_maintitle">EasyPTRE PANNEL</span></td><td class="td_cell" align="right"><input id="btnHelpPTRE" type="button" class="button" value="HELP" /> <input id="btnRefreshOptPTRE" type="button" class="button" value="REFRESH" /> <input id="btnCloseOptPTRE" type="button" class="button" value="CLOSE" /></td></tr>';
        divPTRE += '<tr><td class="td_cell" align="center" colspan="2"><div id=messageDivInSettings class="status_warning"></div></td></tr>';
        divPTRE += '<tr><td class="td_cell" align="center" colspan="2"><hr /></td></tr>';
        divPTRE += '<tr><td class="td_cell"><div class="ptre_title">Settings</div></td><td class="td_cell" align="right"><input id="btnSaveOptPTRE" type="button" class="button" value="SAVE" /></td></tr>';
        divPTRE += '<tr><td class="td_cell"><div>PTRE Team Key:</div></td><td class="td_cell" align="center"><div><input onclick="document.getElementById(\'ptreTK\').type = \'text\'" style="width:160px;" type="password" id="ptreTK" value="'+ ptreStoredTK +'"></div></td></tr>';

        // If AGR is detected
        if (isAGROn) {
            // AGR Spy Table Improvement
            divPTRE += '<tr><td class="td_cell">Improve AGR Spy Table:</td>';
            var improveAGRSpyTable = (GM_getValue(ptreImproveAGRSpyTable, 'true') == 'true' ? 'checked' : '');
            divPTRE += '<td class="td_cell" style="text-align: center;"><input id="PTREImproveAGRSpyTable" type="checkbox" ';
            divPTRE += improveAGRSpyTable;
            divPTRE += ' />';
            if (improveAGRSpyTable != 'checked') {
                divPTRE += ' <span class="status_warning">(recommended)</span>';
            divPTRE += '</td></tr>';
        // Console Debug mode
        divPTRE += '<tr><td class="td_cell">Enable Console Debug:</td>';
        debugMode = (GM_getValue(ptreEnableConsoleDebug, 'false') == 'true' ? 'checked' : '');
        divPTRE += '<td class="td_cell" style="text-align: center;"><input id="PTREEnableConsoleDebug" type="checkbox" ';
        divPTRE += debugMode;
        divPTRE += ' />';
        divPTRE += '</td></tr>';
        divPTRE += '<tr><td class="td_cell" align="center" colspan="2"><hr /></td></tr>';

        // A reprendre
        if (isOGLorOGIEnabled()) {
            divPTRE += '<tr><td class="td_cell"><span class="ptre_title">Targets list</span></td></tr>';
            divPTRE += '<tr><td class="td_cell" align="center" colspan="2"><br><span class="status_warning">OGLight or OGInfinity is enabled: some EasyPTRE features are disabled to leave priority to your favorite tool, OGL/OGI.</span>';
            divPTRE += '<br><br><span class="status_positif">EasyPTRE is still managing some tasks, <br>like Lifeforms researchs synchronization for simulators.</span></td></tr>';
        } else {
            // EasyPTRE enabled (AGR mode or vanilla mode)
            // Targets list
            divPTRE += '<tr><td class="td_cell"><span class="ptre_title">' + mode + ' Targets list</span>&nbsp;(<a href="" target="_blank">Manage</a>)</td><td class="td_cell" align="right"><input id="synctTargetsWithPTRE" type="button" class="button" value="SYNC TARGETS" /></td></tr>';
            if (isAGROn) {
                divPTRE += '<tr><td class="td_cell"><i>Both lists are used</i></td><td class="td_cell" align="right"><input id="btnRefreshOptPTRESwitchList" type="button" class="button" value="DISPLAY ' + other_mode + ' LIST" /></td></tr>';
            } else {
                divPTRE += '<tr><td colspan="2" class="td_cell" align="center"><span class="status_negatif">AGR is not enabled: Only using PTRE list.</span></td></tr>';
            // Display PTRE list if AGR list setting is disabled OR AGR extension not installed
            var targetJSON = '';
            var targetList = '';
            divPTRE += '<tr><td class="td_cell" align="center" colspan="2"><div id="targetDivSettings"><table width="90%">';
            if (mode == 'AGR') {
                divPTRE += '<tr><td class="td_cell"><span class="ptre_tab_title">Player<br>Name</span></td><td class="td_cell" align="center"><span class="ptre_tab_title">Fleet<br>Infos</span></td><td class="td_cell" align="center"><span class="ptre_tab_title">PTRE<br>Profile</span></td><td class="td_cell" align="center"><span class="ptre_tab_title">Keep<br>Private</span></td><td class="td_cell" align="center"><span class="ptre_tab_title">Remove<br>Target</span></td></tr>';
            } else {
                divPTRE += '<tr><td class="td_cell"><span class="ptre_tab_title">Player<br>Name</span></td><td class="td_cell" align="center"><span class="ptre_tab_title">Fleet<br>Infos</span></td><td class="td_cell" align="center"><span class="ptre_tab_title">Remove<br>Target</span></td></tr>';
            if (mode == 'AGR' && isAGROn) {
                targetJSON = GM_getValue(ptreAGRPlayerListJSON, '');
                //divPTRE += '<tr><td class="td_cell" align="center" colspan="2"><div class="status_positif">You are using AGR target list</div><div>Add targets via AGR lists</div></div></td></tr>';
            } else {
                targetJSON = GM_getValue(ptrePTREPlayerListJSON, '');
                //divPTRE += '<tr><td class="td_cell" align="center" colspan="2"><div class="status_positif">You are using PTRE target lists</div><div>Add targets via galaxy view</div></td></tr>';
            if (targetJSON != '') {
                targetList = JSON.parse(targetJSON);
                if (targetList) {
                    $.each(targetList, function(i, PlayerCheck) {
                        divPTRE += '<tr id="rawPLayer_''"><td class="td_cell">- '+PlayerCheck.pseudo+'</td>';
                        divPTRE += '<td class="td_cell" align="center"><input id="btnGetPlayerInfos''" type="button" class="button" value="FLEET"></td>';
                        divPTRE += '<td class="td_cell" align="center"><a href="' + buildPTRELinkToPlayer( + '" target="_blank">Profile</a></td>';
                        if (mode == 'AGR') {
                            var checked = '';
                            if (isTargetPrivate( {
                                checked = ' checked';
                            divPTRE += '<td class="td_cell" align="center"><input class="sharedTargetStatus" id="''" type="checkbox"' + checked + '></td>';
                        divPTRE += '<td class="td_cell" align="center"><a class="tooltip" id="removePlayerFromListBySettings_''" style="cursor:pointer;"><img class="mouseSwitch" src="' + imgSupPlayer + '" height="12" width="12"></a></td>';
                        divPTRE += '</tr>';
            divPTRE += '</table></div></td></tr>';

        // Lifeforms Menu
        const currentTime = serverTime.getTime() / 1000;
        const lastTechCheck = GM_getValue(ptreLastTechnosRefresh, 0);
        var techMessage = '<span class="status_negatif">No Lifeforms researchs saved. Go to <a href="/game/index.php?page=ingame&component=fleetdispatch">Fleet Page to update</a>.</span>';
        if (lastTechCheck != 0) {
            var nb_min = (currentTime - lastTechCheck) / 60;
            techMessage = '<b>Lifeforms researchs saved '+round(nb_min, 0)+' minute(s) ago</b>.<br><a href="/game/index.php?page=ingame&component=fleetdispatch">Fleet menu to update</a> - <a href="" target="_blank">Check it out on PTRE</a>';
        divPTRE += '<tr><td class="td_cell" align="center" colspan="2"><hr /></td></tr>';
        divPTRE += '<tr><td class="td_cell" colspan="2"><span class="ptre_title">Lifeforms infos</span></td></tr>';
        divPTRE += '<tr><td class="td_cell" align="center" colspan="2">'+techMessage+'</td></tr>';

        // Footer
        divPTRE += '<tr><td class="td_cell" align="center" colspan="2"><hr /></td></tr>';
        divPTRE += '<tr><td class="td_cell" align="center" colspan="2"><a href="" target="_blank">PTRE</a> | <a href="" target="_blank">Discord</a> | <a href="" target="_blank">Donate</a></td></tr>';
        divPTRE += '<tr><td class="td_cell" align="center" colspan="2"><b>EasyPTRE  v' + GM_info.script.version + '</b> <input id="forceCheckVersionButton" type="button" class="button" value="CHECK" /></td></tr>';
        divPTRE += '<tr><td class="td_cell" align="center" colspan="2"><span id="ptreUpdateVersionMessage">';
        var lastAvailableVersion = GM_getValue(ptreLastAvailableVersion, -1);
        if (lastAvailableVersion != -1 && lastAvailableVersion !== GM_info.script.version) {
            divPTRE += '<span class="status_negatif">Check <a href="" target="_blank">EasyPTRE</a> updates</a></span>';
        divPTRE += '</span></td></tr>';
        // Check last script version

        //fin div table tr
        divPTRE += '</table></div>';

        var eletementSetPTRE = document.createElement("div");
        eletementSetPTRE.innerHTML = divPTRE; = 'divPTRESettings';

        if (document.getElementById('bottom')) {

        // Action: Check version
        document.getElementById('forceCheckVersionButton').addEventListener("click", function (event) {
            document.getElementById('ptreUpdateVersionMessage').innerHTML = '';

        // Action: Help
        document.getElementById('btnHelpPTRE').addEventListener("click", function (event) {

        // Action: Close
        document.getElementById('btnCloseOptPTRE').addEventListener("click", function (event) {
            if (document.getElementById('divPTREInfos')) {

        // Action: Save
        document.getElementById('btnSaveOptPTRE').addEventListener("click", function (event) {
            // Save PTRE Team Key
            var newTK = document.getElementById('ptreTK').value;
            // Check PTRE Team Key Format
            if (newTK.replace(/-/g, "").length == 18 && newTK.substr(0,2) == "TM") {
                // If new TK, store it
                if (newTK != ptreStoredTK) {
                    GM_setValue(ptreTeamKey, document.getElementById('ptreTK').value);
                if (isAGROn) {
                    // Update settings
                    GM_setValue(ptreImproveAGRSpyTable, document.getElementById('PTREImproveAGRSpyTable').checked + '');
                // Update Console Debug Mode
                GM_setValue(ptreEnableConsoleDebug, document.getElementById('PTREEnableConsoleDebug').checked + '');
                // Update menu image and remove it after few sec
                document.getElementById('imgPTREmenu').src = imgPTRESaveOK;
                setTimeout(function() {document.getElementById('imgPTREmenu').src = imgPTRE;}, menuImageDisplayTime * 1000);
                // Display OK message and remove div after few sec
                displayMessageInSettings('Team Key Format OK');
                setTimeout(function() {document.getElementById('divPTRESettings').parentNode.removeChild(document.getElementById('divPTRESettings'));}, ptreMenuDisplayTime * 1000);
            } else {
                displayMessageInSettings('Wrong Team Key Format');
        document.getElementById('btnRefreshOptPTRE').addEventListener("click", function (event) {
            setTimeout(function() {displayPTREMenu();}, 100);
        if (isAGROn) {
            document.getElementById('btnRefreshOptPTRESwitchList').addEventListener("click", function (event) {
                setTimeout(function() {displayPTREMenu(other_mode);}, 100);

        if (!isOGLorOGIEnabled()) {
            // Toogle target status
            var targetStatus = document.getElementsByClassName('sharedTargetStatus');
            $.each(targetStatus, function(nb, target) {
                document.getElementById("click", function (event)
                    var status = tooglePrivatePlayer(;
                    displayMessageInSettings('Target is now ' + status);

            // Action: Sync targets
            document.getElementById('synctTargetsWithPTRE').addEventListener("click", function (event) {
                var AGRJSON = GM_getValue(ptreAGRPlayerListJSON, '');
                var PTREJSON = GM_getValue(ptrePTREPlayerListJSON, '');
                var targetList = [];
                var targetListTemp;
                var player;
                var nb_private = 0;

                if (AGRJSON != '' && PTREJSON != '') {
                    targetListTemp = JSON.parse(AGRJSON);
                    var targetListPTRE = JSON.parse(PTREJSON);
                    targetListTemp = targetListTemp.concat(targetListPTRE);
                } else if (AGRJSON != '') {
                    targetListTemp = JSON.parse(AGRJSON);
                } else if (PTREJSON != '') {
                    targetListTemp = JSON.parse(PTREJSON);
                } else {
                    targetListTemp = [];

                targetListTemp.forEach(function(item, index, object) {
                    consoleDebug( + ' ' + item.pseudo);
                    if (isTargetPrivate( {
                        consoleDebug("Ignoring " + item.pseudo);
                    } else {
                        player = {id:, pseudo: item.pseudo};

                fetch(urlPTRESyncTargets + '&version=' + GM_info.script.version + '&team_key=' + ptreStoredTK,
                { method:'POST', body:JSON.stringify(targetList) })
                .then(response => response.json())
                .then(data => {
                    if(data.code == 1) {
                        var count = 0;
                        var newTargetList = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data.targets_array));
                        $.each(newTargetList, function(i, incomingPlayer) {
                            if (!isPlayerInLists(incomingPlayer.player_id)) {
                                addPlayerToList(incomingPlayer.player_id, incomingPlayer.pseudo, 'PTRE');
                        displayMessageInSettings(nb_private + ' private targets ignored. ' + data.message + ' ' + count + ' new targets added.');
                    } else {

            // Action: Player Infos
            if (targetList) {
                $.each(targetList, function(i, PlayerCheck) {
                    document.getElementById('btnGetPlayerInfos'"click", function (event) {
                        getPlayerInfos(, PlayerCheck.pseudo);

            // Action: Delete player
            if (targetList) {
                $.each(targetList, function(i, PlayerCheck) {
                    document.getElementById('removePlayerFromListBySettings_'"click", function (event) {
                        // Delete player from list
                        var mess = deletePlayerFromList(, mode);

// This function adds PTRE send SR button to AGR Spy Table
function addPTRESendSRButtonToAGRSpyTable(mutationList, observer) {
    if (document.getElementById('agoSpyReportOverview')) {
        // Stop observer
        var TKey = GM_getValue(ptreTeamKey, '');
        if (TKey != '') {
            console.log("[PTRE] Updating AGR Spy Table");
            var table = document.getElementsByClassName("ago_reports")[0];
            for (var i = 0, row; row = table.rows[i]; i++) {
                var nbCol = row.cells.length;
                if (row.cells[0].tagName == "TD") {
                    var rowCurrent = table.getElementsByTagName("tr")[i];
                    var messageID =;
                    if (document.getElementById("m"+messageID)) {
                        // Find API Key in page
                        var apiKeyRE;
                        var rawMessageData = document.querySelector('div.msg[data-msg-id="' + messageID + '"] .rawMessageData');
                        if (rawMessageData) {
                            // Obtenir la valeur de data-raw-hashcode
                            apiKeyRE = rawMessageData.getAttribute('data-raw-hashcode');
                        var tdAGRButtons = rowCurrent.getElementsByTagName("td")[nbCol-1];
               = "110px";
                        // Create PTRE button
                        var PTREbutton = document.createElement('a');
               = 'pointer';
                        PTREbutton.className = "spyTableIcon icon_galaxy mouseSwitch";
               = "sendSRFromAGRTable-" + apiKeyRE;
                        PTREbutton.setAttribute('apikey', apiKeyRE);
                        PTREbutton.innerHTML = "P";
                        // Add event to button
                        document.getElementById('sendSRFromAGRTable-' + apiKeyRE).addEventListener("click", function (event) {
                            apiKeyRE = this.getAttribute("apikey");
                            var urlPTRESpy = urlPTREImportSR + '&team_key=' + TKey + '&sr_id=' + apiKeyRE;
                                dataType: "json",
                                url: urlPTRESpy,
                                success: function(reponse) {
                                    if (reponse.code == 1) {
                    } else {
                        console.log("[PTRE] Error. Cant find data element: m" + messageID);
        } else {
            displayPTREPopUpMessage("Error. Add Team Key to PTRE settings");

// Add PTRE button to spy reports
function addPTREStuffsToMessagesPage() {

    // Add PTRE button to messages
    var TKey = GM_getValue(ptreTeamKey, '');
    if (TKey != '') {
        if (document.getElementsByClassName('messagesHolder')[0]) {
            var maxCounterSpyTsSeen = GM_getValue(ptreMaxCounterSpyTsSeen, 0);
            var maxCounterSpyTsSeenNow = 0;
            var tabActiPos = [];
            var messages = document.getElementsByClassName('msgWithFilter');
  , function(current_message) {
                var apiKeyRE = "";

                var messageID = current_message.getAttributeNode("data-msg-id").value;
                var rawMessageData = document.querySelector('div.msg[data-msg-id="' + messageID + '"] .rawMessageData');
                if (rawMessageData) {
                    // Obtenir la valeur de data-raw-hashcode
                    apiKeyRE = rawMessageData.getAttribute('data-raw-hashcode');
                    if (currentPlayerID !== rawMessageData.getAttribute('data-raw-targetplayerid')) {
                        // This is a Spy Report
                        var spanBtnPTRE = document.createElement("span"); // Create new div
                        spanBtnPTRE.innerHTML = '<a class="tooltip" target="ptre" title="Send to PTRE"><img id="sendRE-' + apiKeyRE + '" apikey="' + apiKeyRE + '" style="cursor:pointer;" class="mouseSwitch" src="' + imgPTRE + '" height="26" width="26"></a>';
               = 'PTREspan';
                        document.getElementById('sendRE-' + apiKeyRE).addEventListener("click", function (event) { 
                            var urlPTRESpy = urlPTREImportSR + '&team_key=' + TKey + '&sr_id=' + apiKeyRE;
                                dataType: "json",
                                url: urlPTRESpy,
                                success: function(reponse) {
                                    console.log('[PTRE] ' + reponse);
                                    if (reponse.code == 1) {
                                        document.getElementById('sendRE-'+apiKeyRE).src = imgPTREOK;
                                    } else {
                                        document.getElementById('sendRE-'+apiKeyRE).src = imgPTREKO;
                    } else {
                        var planet_acti;
                        var jsonLune;
                        const message_ts = rawMessageData.dataset.rawDatetime;
                        const spy_message_ts = message_ts * 1000;
                        var alreadySentLabel = "";

                        if (message_ts > maxCounterSpyTsSeen) {
                            if (message_ts > maxCounterSpyTsSeenNow) {
                                maxCounterSpyTsSeenNow = message_ts;
                            // Get Spy coords
                            var temp = current_message.getElementsByClassName("msgTitle")[0].innerHTML;
                            const regex = /\[(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)\]/;
                            var coords;
                            coords = temp.match(regex);
                            // Set both position as active
                            // TODO: find a way to find out if planet or moon in text :(
                            planet_acti = "*";
                            jsonLune = {activity:"*"};
                            // Find Player ID
                            const tmpHTML = document.createElement('div');
                            tmpHTML.insertAdjacentHTML("afterbegin", current_message.querySelector("span.player").dataset.tooltipTitle);
                            const playerID = tmpHTML.querySelector("[data-playerId]").dataset.playerid;

                            // Send counter-spy messages
                            var jsonActiPos = {
                                messageID : messageID,
                                player_id : playerID,
                                teamkey : TKey,
                                coords : coords[1]+':'+coords[2]+':'+coords[3],
                                galaxy : coords[1],
                                system : coords[2],
                                position : coords[3],
                                main : false,
                                activity : planet_acti,
                                moon : jsonLune,
                                spy_message_ts: spy_message_ts
                        } else {
                            alreadySentLabel = " already";

                        // Add button
                        var spanBtnPTRE = document.createElement("span"); // Create new div
                        spanBtnPTRE.innerHTML = '<a class="tooltip" target="ptre" title="Counter Spy' + alreadySentLabel + ' sent to PTRE"><img style="cursor:pointer;" class="mouseSwitch" src="' + imgPTREOK + '" height="26" width="26"></a>';
               = 'PTREspan';

            if (tabActiPos.length > 0){
                // Save New max TS to not re-send same counter spy messages
                GM_setValue(ptreMaxCounterSpyTsSeen, maxCounterSpyTsSeenNow);

                // Build JSON
                jsonSystem = '{';
                $.each(tabActiPos, function(nb, jsonPos){
                    jsonSystem += '"'+jsonPos.coords+'-'+jsonPos.messageID+'":'+JSON.stringify(jsonPos)+',';
                jsonSystem = jsonSystem.substr(0,jsonSystem.length-1);
                jsonSystem += '}';

                // Sent to PTRE
                    url : urlPTREPushActivity,
                    type : 'POST',
                    data: jsonSystem,
                    cache: false,
                    success : function(reponse){
                        var reponseDecode = jQuery.parseJSON(reponse);
                        if (reponseDecode.code != 1) {
                console.log('[PTRE] Pushing counter spy messages');

// This function creates empty Info Box.
// Its ready to be updated
function setupInfoBox() {
    if (document.getElementById('divPTREInfos')) {
    var divPTRE = '<div id="boxPTREInfos"><table border="1" width="100%"><tr><td align="right"><input id="btnCloseInfosPTRE" type="button" class="button" value="CLOSE" /><hr></td></tr><tr><td><div id="infoBoxContent"><br><br><center><span class="status_warning">LOADING...</span><center><br><br><br></div></td></tr></table>';
    var eletementSetPTRE = document.createElement("div");
    eletementSetPTRE.innerHTML = divPTRE; = 'divPTREInfos';

    if (document.getElementById('ingamepage')) {

    document.getElementById('btnCloseInfosPTRE').addEventListener("click", function (event) {

// This function calls PTRE backend to get player informations
// And sends results to Info Box
function getPlayerInfos(playerID, pseudo) {

        dataType: "json",
        url: urlPTREGetPlayerInfos + '&team_key=' + GM_getValue(ptreTeamKey, '') + '&player_id=' + playerID + '&pseudo=' + pseudo + '&noacti=yes',
        success: function(reponse) {
            if (reponse.code == 1) {
                var content = '<center><table width="90%"><tr><td class="td_ship ptre_tab_title" align="center">' + pseudo + '</td><td class="td_ship ptre_tab_title" align="center">' + setNumber(reponse.top_sr_fleet_points) + ' fleet points</td></tr>';
                content+= '<tr><td class="td_ship" align="center">[<a href="' + buildPTRELinkToPlayer(playerID) + '" target="_blank">PROFILE</a>]</td><td class="td_ship" align="center">[<a href="' + reponse.top_sr_link + '" target="_blank">BEST REPORT</a>]</td></tr>';
                content+= '<tr><td class="td_ship" colspan="2"><hr></td></tr>';
                reponse.fleet_json.forEach(function(item, index, object) {
                    content+= '<tr><td class="td_ship" align="center"><span class="ptre_ship ptre_ship_' + item.ship_type + '"></td><td class="td_ship" align="center"></span><b>' + setNumber(item.count) + '</b></td></tr>';
                content+= '</table></center>';
                document.getElementById('infoBoxContent').innerHTML = content;
            } else {
                document.getElementById('infoBoxContent').innerHTML = '<span class="status_negatif">' + reponse.message + '</span>';

function displayHelp() {
    content = '<span class="ptre_maintitle">EasyPTRE Help</span><br><br><span class="ptre_tab_title">Purpose</span><br><br>EasyPTRE works as a side-car of AGR in order to enable PTRE basic features. Once configured, you will be able to: <br>- Push and share spy reports<br>- Push counter spy messages as acivities<br>- Track targets galaxy activities and check results on PTRE website<br>- Display player top fleet from PTRE<br>- Sync targets list with your Team';
    content+= '<br><br><span class="ptre_tab_title">Team Key setting</span><br><br>To use it, you need to create a Team on <a href="" target="_blank">PTRE website</a> and add Team Key to EasyPTRE settings.<br>PTRE Team Key should look like: TM-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX. Create your Team or ask your teammates for it.';
    content+= '<br><br><span class="ptre_tab_title">Spy report push</span><br><br>You can push spy reports from the messages page or when opening a spy report. Spy report will be shared to your Team and over Discord (if <a href="" target="_blank">configuration</a> is done).';
    content+= '<br><br><span class="ptre_tab_title">Lifeforms Researchs synchronization</span><br><br>EasyPTRE will save your LF researchs so you never have to manually enter thme into simulator when using PTRE links. <a href="" target="_blank">Details here</a>.';
    content+= '<br><br><span class="ptre_tab_title">Activity sharing</span><br><br>EasyPTRE will send targets activities from galaxy and counter-spy messages from Inbox';
    content+= '<br><br><span class="ptre_tab_title">Target lists</span><br><br>EasyPTRE targets lists determines players that will be activity-tracked when exploring the galaxy. ';
    content+= 'EasyPTRE manages two targets lists that works at same time (both lists are tracked):<br>- AGR target list: it is based on you AGR left pannel: Target, To attack, Watch, Miner. It ignores Friends and traders. To update this list, open your AGR target pannels<br>- PTRE target list: this list containes targets shared by your team';
    content+= '<br><br>You can sync your target lists with your teammates (you may ignore some of your targets in order to NOT share them with friends and keep it to yourself).';
    content+= '<br><br>Common targets list (for your PTRE Team) can be configured <a href="" target="_blank">on PTRE players list page</a>.';
    content+= '<br><br><span class="ptre_tab_title">Need more help?</span><br><br>You can get some help on <a href="" target="_blank">Discord</a>, come and ask us.';

    document.getElementById('infoBoxContent').innerHTML = content;

// *** *** ***
// *** *** ***

// Add buttons to galaxy
function addPTREStuffsToGalaxyPage() {
    consoleDebug("Updating Galaxy View");

    // Add PTRE debug message Div
    if (!document.getElementById("ptreGalaxyMessageD")) {
        var spanPTREGalaxyMessageD = '<span id="ptreSpanGalaxyMessageD"></span>';
        var divPTREGalaxyMessageD = document.createElement("div");
        divPTREGalaxyMessageD.innerHTML = spanPTREGalaxyMessageD; = 'ptreGalaxyMessageD';
        document.getElementsByClassName('galaxyRow ctGalaxyFleetInfo')[0].appendChild(divPTREGalaxyMessageD);

    // Add new system trigger
    if (document.getElementById('galaxyHeader')) {
        let spyTableObserver = new MutationObserver(checkForNewSystem);
        var nodeSpyTable = document.getElementById('galaxyHeader');
        spyTableObserver.observe(nodeSpyTable, {
            attributes: true,
            childList: true, // observer les enfants directs
            subtree: true, // et les descendants aussi
            characterDataOldValue: true // transmettre les anciennes données au callback

    // If AGR is not enabled: add PTRE stuffs to Galaxy page
    if (!isAGREnabled()){
        var galaxy = document.getElementsByClassName('galaxyRow ctContentRow ');
        var nbBtnPTRE = 0;
        if (!document.getElementById('spanAddPlayer0') && !document.getElementById('spanSuppPlayer0')) {
            $.each(galaxy, function(nb, lignePosition) {
                if (lignePosition.children[7] != '') {
                    var actionPos = lignePosition.children[7];
                    if (actionPos.innerHTML != '') {
                        if (actionPos.children[1] && actionPos.children[1].getAttributeNode('data-playerid')) {
                            var playerId = actionPos.children[1].getAttributeNode('data-playerid').value;
                            var playerInfo = lignePosition.children[5];
                            if (playerInfo.children[0]) {
                                var playerPseudo = playerInfo.children[0].innerText;
                                var notIna = true;
                                var inaPlayer = playerInfo.children[1].innerText;
                                if (playerPseudo == '') {
                                    playerPseudo = playerInfo.children[1].innerText;
                                    inaPlayer = playerInfo.children[2].innerText;
                                if (isAGREnabled()) {
                                    inaPlayer = playerInfo.children[0].innerText;
                                    inaPlayer = inaPlayer.substr(-4, 4);
                                    var indexPseudo =\n/);
                                    playerPseudo = playerPseudo.substr(0, indexPseudo);
                                if (inaPlayer == ' (i)' || inaPlayer == ' (I)') {
                                    notIna = false;
                                //consoleDebug('id : '+playerId+' pseudo :'+playerPseudo+' ina :'+inaPlayer);
                                var isInList = isPlayerInTheList(playerId, 'PTRE');
                                if (!isInList && notIna) {
                                    var AddPlayerCheck = '<a class="tooltip" id="addcheckptr_'+nbBtnPTRE+'" title="Ajouter ce joueur a la liste PTRE" style="cursor:pointer;"><img class="mouseSwitch" src="' + imgAddPlayer + '" height="20" width="20"></a>';
                                    var btnAddPlayer = document.createElement("span");
                                    btnAddPlayer.innerHTML = AddPlayerCheck;
                           = 'spanAddPlayer'+nbBtnPTRE;
                                    document.getElementById('addcheckptr_'+nbBtnPTRE).addEventListener("click", function (event)
                                        //alert('J ajoute le joueur '+playerPseudo+' '+playerId);
                                        var retAdd = addPlayerToList(playerId, playerPseudo, 'PTRE');
                                    }, true);
                                } else if (isInList) {
                                    var SupPlayerCheck = '<a class="tooltip" id="suppcheckptr_'+nbBtnPTRE+'" title="Retirer ce joueur de la liste PTRE" style="cursor:pointer;"><img class="mouseSwitch" src="' + imgSupPlayer + '" height="20" width="20"></a>';
                                    var btnSupPlayer = document.createElement("span");
                                    btnSupPlayer.innerHTML = SupPlayerCheck;
                           = 'spanSuppPlayer'+nbBtnPTRE;
                                    document.getElementById('suppcheckptr_'+nbBtnPTRE).addEventListener("click", function (event)
                                        var retSupp = deletePlayerFromList(playerId, 'PTRE');
                                    }, true);

// *** *** ***
// *** *** ***

// Function called on galaxy page
// Checks if a new system is displayed
// If yes, we will push activities
function checkForNewSystem() {
    // Get current params
    var systemElem = $("input#system_input")[0];
    var galaxyElem = $("input#galaxy_input")[0];
    var galaxy = galaxyElem.value;
    var system = systemElem.value;

    // Check for wrong input
    if (galaxy.length === 0 || $.isNumeric(+galaxy) === false || system.length === 0 || $.isNumeric(+system) === false) {

    var currentMicroTime = serverTime.getTime();
    if (galaxy != lastActivitiesGalaSent || system != lastActivitiesSysSent || (currentMicroTime > lastPTREActivityPushMicroTS + ptrePushDelayMicroSec)) {
        lastPTREActivityPushMicroTS = currentMicroTime;
        lastActivitiesGalaSent = galaxy;
        lastActivitiesSysSent = system;
        console.log('[PTRE] [' + galaxy + ':' + system + "] Checking targets activities");
        displayPTREGalaxyMessage('[' + galaxy + ':' + system + "] Checking targets activities");

        // Get Galaxy System JSON
        $.post(galaxyContentLinkTest, {
            galaxy: galaxy,
            system: system
        }, processGalaxyData);
    } else {
        console.log("[PTRE] Cant push. Wait...");
        displayPTREGalaxyMessage("Cant push. Wait...");

function processGalaxyData(data) {

    var json = $.parseJSON(data);
    var systemPos = json.system.galaxyContent;
    var tabActiPos = [];
    var galaxy = "";
    var system = "";
    var jsonSystem = '';
    var ptreStoredTK = GM_getValue(ptreTeamKey, '');

    if (isAGREnabled()) {
        // Update AGR local list

    $.each(systemPos, function(pos, infoPos){

        if (infoPos.player) {
            var player_id = infoPos.player['playerId'];
            var player_name = infoPos.player['playerName'];
            if (isPlayerInLists(player_id)){
                var ina = infoPos.positionFilters;

                if (player_id != 99999 && !/inactive_filter/.test(ina)){
                    galaxy = infoPos.galaxy;
                    system = infoPos.system;
                    var position = infoPos.position;
                    var coords = galaxy+":"+system+":"+position;

                    var planete = infoPos.planets;
                    var planet_id = planete[0]['planetId'];
                    var planet_name = planete[0]['planetName'];
                    var planet_acti = convertActivityToOGLFormat(planete[0]['activity']['showActivity'], planete[0]['activity']['idleTime']);

                    // If their is a debris fiel AND/OR a moon
                    if (planete.length > 1) {
                        // Search Moon index
                        var moonIndex = -1;
                        if (planete[1]['planetType'] == 3) {
                            moonIndex = 1;
                        } else if (planete.length == 3 && planete[2]['planetType'] == 3) {
                            moonIndex = 2;
                        if (moonIndex != -1) {
                            //consoleDebug("MOON => " + planete[1]);
                            var lune_id = planete[moonIndex]['planetId'];
                            var lune_size = planete[moonIndex]['size'];
                            var lune_acti = convertActivityToOGLFormat(planete[moonIndex]['activity']['showActivity'], planete[moonIndex]['activity']['idleTime']);
                            var jsonLune = {id:lune_id, size:lune_size, activity:lune_acti};
                            //jsonLune = JSON.stringify(jsonLune);
                            //consoleDebug("MOON: " + jsonLune);
                        } else {
                            //consoleDebug("[PTRE] Error: Cant find moon");
                    } else {
                        //consoleDebug("NO MOON");

                    var jsonActiPos = {player_id : player_id,
                                       teamkey : ptreStoredTK,
                                       id : planet_id,
                                       name : planet_name,
                                       coords : coords,
                                       galaxy : galaxy,
                                       system : system,
                                       position : position,
                                       main : false,
                                       activity : planet_acti,
                                       moon : jsonLune};


    if (tabActiPos.length > 0){
        // Build JSON
        jsonSystem = '{';
        $.each(tabActiPos, function(nb, jsonPos){
            jsonSystem += '"'+jsonPos.coords+'":'+JSON.stringify(jsonPos)+',';
        jsonSystem = jsonSystem.substr(0,jsonSystem.length-1);
        jsonSystem += '}';

        // Sent to PTRE
            url : urlPTREPushActivity,
            type : 'POST',
            data: jsonSystem,
            cache: false,
            success : function(reponse){
                var reponseDecode = jQuery.parseJSON(reponse);
                if (reponseDecode.code != 1) {
        console.log('[PTRE] [' + galaxy + ':' + system + '] Pushing activities');
    } else {
        displayPTREGalaxyMessage("No target in this system");

function doCheckLifeforms() {
    console.log("Fleet page detected: Updating Techs...");
    GM_setValue(ptrePlayerID, currentPlayerID);
    var spanElement = document.querySelector('.show_fleet_apikey');
    var tooltipContent = spanElement.getAttribute('data-tooltip-title');
    var tempDiv = document.createElement('div');
    tempDiv.innerHTML = tooltipContent;
    var inputElements = tempDiv.querySelectorAll('input');
    var secondInputElement = inputElements[1];
    var techJSON = secondInputElement ? secondInputElement.value : null;
    if (techJSON != null) {
        //techList = JSON.parse(techJSON);
        GM_setValue(ptreTechnosJSON, techJSON);
        var tempMessage = 'Saving Lifeforms researches: <a href="" target="_blank">Display on PTRE</a>';
        // Update last check TS
        GM_setValue(ptreLastTechnosRefresh, currentTime);
    } else {
        console.log("Cant find Techs!");

// Convert IG API 2 JSON to Prefill format
// mode can be "prefill" or "tab"
function parsePlayerResearchs(json, mode) {
    const obj = JSON.parse(json);
    const characterClassId = obj.characterClassId;
    const allianceClassId = obj.allianceClassId;
    let out = {};

    if (mode == "tab") {
        var str = '<table width="60%" border="1"><tr><td style="padding: 5px" align="center">Ships</td>';
        str+='<td style="padding: 5px" align="center"><img src="/img/ogame/speed.png" width="30px"><br>Speed</td>';
        str+='<td style="padding: 5px" align="center"><img src="/img/ogame/armor.png" width="30px"><br>Armor</td>';
        str+='<td style="padding: 5px" align="center"><img src="/img/ogame/shield.png" width="30px"><br>Shield</td>';
        str+='<td style="padding: 5px" align="center"><img src="/img/ogame/weapon.png" width="30px"><br>Weapon</td>';
        str+='<td style="padding: 5px" align="center"><img src="/img/ogame/cargo.png" width="30px"><br>Cargo</td>';
        str+='<td style="padding: 5px" align="center"><br>Fuel</td></tr>';
    } else {
        out["0"] = {
            "class": characterClassId,
            "playerClass": characterClassId,
            "allianceClass": allianceClassId,
            "research": {},
            "lifeformBonuses": {
                "BaseStatsBooster": {},
                "CharacterClassBooster": {}
        for (const key in obj.researches) {
            out["0"]["research"][key] = JSON.parse('{"level":'+obj.researches[key]+'}');

    for (const key in obj.ships) {
        if (mode == "tab") {
            var type = 'ship';
            if (key > 400) {
                type = 'def';
            str+= '<tr><td align="center"><img src="/img/ogame/mini/'+type+'_'+key+'.png"></td>';
            var temp = '-'; if (obj.ships[key].speed > 0) { temp = '<span class="status_positif">'+round(obj.ships[key].speed*100, 2)+' %<span>'; }
            str+= '<td align="center">'+temp+'</td>';
            temp = '-'; if (obj.ships[key].armor > 0) { temp = '<span class="status_positif">'+round(obj.ships[key].armor*100, 2)+' %<span>'; }
            str+= '<td align="center">'+temp+'</td>';
            temp = '-'; if (obj.ships[key].shield > 0) { temp = '<span class="status_positif">'+round(obj.ships[key].shield*100, 2)+' %<span>'; }
            str+= '<td align="center">'+temp+'</td>';
            temp = '-'; if (obj.ships[key].weapon > 0) { temp = '<span class="status_positif">'+round(obj.ships[key].weapon*100, 2)+' %<span>'; }
            str+= '<td align="center">'+temp+'</td>';
            temp = '-'; if (obj.ships[key].cargo > 0) { temp = '<span class="status_positif">'+round(obj.ships[key].cargo*100, 2)+' %<span>'; }
            str+= '<td align="center">'+temp+'</td>';
            temp = '-'; if (obj.ships[key].fuel > 0) { temp = '<span class="status_positif">'+round(obj.ships[key].fuel*100, 2)+' %<span>'; }
            str+= '<td align="center">'+temp+'</td></tr>';
        } else {
            out["0"]["lifeformBonuses"]["BaseStatsBooster"][key] = {
                "armor": obj.ships[key].armor,
                "shield": obj.ships[key].shield,
                "weapon": obj.ships[key].weapon,
                "cargo": obj.ships[key].cargo,
                "speed": obj.ships[key].speed,
                "fuel": obj.ships[key].fuel

    if (mode == "tab") {
        str+= '</table>';
        return str;

    out["0"]["lifeformBonuses"]["CharacterClassBooster"]["1"] = obj.bonuses.characterClassBooster["1"];
    out["0"]["lifeformBonuses"]["CharacterClassBooster"]["2"] = obj.bonuses.characterClassBooster["2"];
    out["0"]["lifeformBonuses"]["CharacterClassBooster"]["3"] = obj.bonuses.characterClassBooster["3"];
    // Hook for simulator
    let ARR_ATT = [];
    const jsonOut = JSON.stringify({ "0": ARR_ATT });

    return btoa(jsonOut);