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// ==UserScript== // @name Ogame: jun@2021 Patch // @author =Hardox= @2021 // @licence MIT // @version 0.3 // @description Fix 4 errors of the fleet page in OGAME version 8.0.0-pl7 // @namespace // @homepage // @updateURL // @downloadURL // @match https://** // @grant none // @run-at document-end // ==/UserScript== const OGAME = $('meta[name="ogame-version"')[0].content; if (OGAME == '8.0.0-pl7') { //Bug 1 slow down the page and does not contribute anything FleetDispatcher.prototype.fetchTargetPlayerData = function(){return} //Bug 2 A half second setTimeout is removed which only slows down the page FleetDispatcher.prototype.updateTarget = function () { let galaxy = clampInt(getValue($('#galaxy').val()), 1, this.fleetHelper.MAX_GALAXY, true) let system = clampInt(getValue($('#system').val()), 1, this.fleetHelper.MAX_SYSTEM, true) let position = clampInt(getValue($('#position').val()), 1, this.fleetHelper.MAX_POSITION, true) this.targetPlanet.galaxy = galaxy this.targetPlanet.system = system this.targetPlanet.position = position if (this.targetPlanet.position === this.fleetHelper.EXPEDITION_POSITION) { this.targetPlanet.type = this.fleetHelper.PLANETTYPE_PLANET } clearTimeout(this.fetchTargetPlayerDataTimeout) } //Bug 3 Here, the bug of the 'enter' key before selecting mission, which made it impossible to send ships, is corrected. FleetDispatcher.prototype.trySubmitFleet3 = function () { let that = this; if ($("#sendFleet").is("a[disabled]") || (this.sendingInProgress === true) || (this.validateFleet3() === false)) { return } this.sendingInProgress = true; $("#sendFleet").attr("disabled", "disabled"); if (this.moveInProgress) { errorBoxDecision( this.loca.LOCA_ALL_NETWORK_ATTENTION, this.loca.LOCA_PLANETMOVE_BREAKUP_WARNING, this.loca.LOCA_ALL_YES, this.loca.LOCA_ALL_NO, function () {that.submitFleet3()} ) } else if (this.warningsEnabled && this.targetIsStrong && !this.targetIsOutlaw && !this.targetIsBuddyOrAllyMember && !this.playerIsOutlaw && this.fleetHelper.isAggressiveMission(this.mission)) { errorBoxDecision( this.loca.LOCA_ALL_NETWORK_ATTENTION, this.locadyn.locaAllOutlawWarning, this.loca.LOCA_ALL_YES, this.loca.LOCA_ALL_NO, function () {that.submitFleet3()} ) } else if (this.mission === this.fleetHelper.MISSION_COLONIZE && this.fleetHelper.COLONIZATION_ENABLED === true && !this.hasFreePlanetSlots()) { errorBoxDecision( this.loca.LOCA_ALL_NOTICE, this.loca.LOCA_FLEETSENDING_MAX_PLANET_WARNING, this.loca.LOCA_ALL_YES, this.loca.LOCA_ALL_NO, function () {that.submitFleet3()} ) } else {this.submitFleet3(); } } // bug 4 : The standard fleet edition cannot be reopened. initOverlays(); function initOverlays() { $(document) .undelegate('a[href*="overlay=1"], button[data-target*="overlay=1"], a.overlay, button.overlay', 'click') .delegate('a[href*="overlay=1"], button[data-target*="overlay=1"], a.overlay, button.overlay', 'click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var url = $(this).attr('href') || $(this).attr('data-target'); if ($(this).data('overlay-same')) { var $uiDialog = $(this).parents('.ui-dialog'); var $overlayDiv = $uiDialog.find('.overlayDiv'); if ($(this).data('overlay-same') && $overlayDiv.length > 0) { $.get(url, {}, function(data) { removeTooltip($overlayDiv.find(getTooltipSelector())); $overlayDiv .empty() // force repaint (ie 8 bug q.q) .append(data)// force repaint (ie 8 bug -.-) .dialog('moveToTop'); $overlayDiv.dialog("option", "position", $overlayDiv.dialog("option", "position")); $uiDialog.hide(); // force repaint (ie 9/10 bug ~=[,,_,,]:3) $; // force repaint... ie 9/10 bug (/¯◡ ‿ ◡)/¯ ~ ┻━┻ }); return false; } } var dialogParams = { zIndex: 4000 }; if ($(this).data('overlay-title')) { dialogParams.title = $(this).data('overlay-title'); } else if(typeof($(this).attr('title')) != 'undefined' && $(this).attr('title').length) { dialogParams.title = $(this).attr('title'); } else if ($(this).data('tipped_restore_title')) { dialogParams.title = $(this).data('tipped_restore_title').replace(/^.+\|/, ''); } if ($(this).data('overlay-class')) { dialogParams['class'] = $(this).data('overlay-class'); } if ($(this).data('overlay-width')) { dialogParams.width = $(this).data('overlay-width'); } if ($(this).data('overlay-height')) { dialogParams.height = $(this).data('overlay-height'); } if ($(this).data('overlay-popup-width')) { dialogParams.popupWidth = $(this).data('overlay-popup-width'); } if ($(this).data('overlay-popup-height')) { dialogParams.popupHeight = $(this).data('overlay-popup-height'); } if ($(this).data('overlay-modal')) { dialogParams.modal = $(this).data('overlay-modal'); dialogParams.resizable = false; 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Mal: var adjustTop = (typeof $myDropDown.attr('old_left') == 'undefined'? -18 : 0); var adjustLeft = (typeof $myDropDown.attr('old_left') == 'undefined'? -6 : 0); $myDropDown .attr('old_top', dialog.offset()['top'] + adjustTop) .attr('old_left', dialog.offset()['left'] + adjustLeft) .hide(); // Werte merken fuer dragStop } dialog.css('background', '#000000'); }; dialogParams.dragStop = function() { setTimeout(function() { $('html').data('noclick', false); }, 100); // try to use the different css properties of different browsers if (typeof ( == 'undefined' || == 0) { dialog.css('background-image', background.image); if (typeof (background.position) == 'undefined' || background.position.length == 0) { dialog .css('background-position-x', background.x) .css('background-position-y', background.y); } else { dialog.css('background-position', background.position); } } else { dialog.css('background',; } dialog.children().show(); // verschiebe die Dropdowns in der gleichen Weise wie den Dialog selbst var dropDowns = dialog.find('.markItUpDropMenu[id]'); for (var i = 0; i < dropDowns.length; ++i) { var $innerUl = $('body>ul[rel='+dropDowns[i].id+']'); $innerUl.css({ 'top': (parseInt($innerUl.css('top')) - $innerUl.attr('old_top') + dialog.offset()['top'])+'px', 'left':(parseInt($innerUl.css('left')) - $innerUl.attr('old_left') + dialog.offset()['left'])+'px' }); if ($(dropDowns[i]).attr('data-opened') == 1) { $; } } dialog .dialog('option', 'width', dialogParams.width) .dialog('option', 'height', dialogParams.height); positionDialog(dialog); }; } if (isNaN(dialogParams.resizable)) { dialogParams.resizable = false; } if (isMobile) { dialogParams.draggable = false; // dialogParams.modal = true; } if (dialogParams.modal) { = function(){ $('.ui-widget-overlay') .css('height', '') .css('width', ''); }; } switch (type) { case 'iframe': var width = overlayWidth; var height = overlayHeight; if (typeof(dialogParams.iframeWidth) != 'undefined') { width = dialogParams.iframeWidth; delete dialogParams.iframeWidth; } if (typeof(dialogParams.iframeHeight) != 'undefined') { height = dialogParams.iframeHeight; delete dialogParams.iframeHeight; } dialog .html( "<iframe allowTransparency='true'" + "frameborder='0' hspace='0' src='" + url + "' " + "id='TB_iframeContent' name='TB_iframeContent"+Math.round(Math.random()*1000)+"' " + "style='width:"+(width + 25)+"px;height:"+(height + 1)+"px;' >" + "</iframe>") .dialog(dialogParams) .dialog("moveToTop"); positionDialog(dialog); break; case 'inline': var inlineObject = $(url); var $dialogParent = inlineObject.parent(); inlineObject .addClass('overlayDiv') .dialog(dialogParams) .dialog("moveToTop"); positionDialog(inlineObject); break; default: dialog .dialog(dialogParams) .dialog("moveToTop"); $.get(url, {} ) .done( function(data) { dialog .empty() .append(data) .dialog( 'option', 'position', dialog.dialog('option', 'position')); setTimeout(function() { dialog.dialog( 'option', 'position', dialog.dialog('option', 'position')); positionDialog(dialog); }, 100); $(document).trigger('ajaxShowOverlay'); }) .fail( function() { }) ; } Tipped.hideAll(); $("select").ogameDropDown('hide'); if (!isMobile) { $(window).bind('resize.overlay' + currentIndex, function() { if (':data(dialog)')) { dialog.dialog( 'option', 'position', dialog.dialog('option', 'position')); positionDialog(dialog); } else { $(window).unbind('resize.overlay' + currentIndex); } }); } } }