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// ==UserScript== // @name Ogame: Max_Cargo_patch // @author =Hardox= @2021 // @licence MIT // @version 0.62 // @description Patch for freight with maximum load. // @namespace // @homepage // @updateURL // @downloadURL // @match https://** // @grant none // @run-at document-end // ==/UserScript== let shipsDB = [ {id:202, CapacityBase: 5000, bonusCollector:0.25, bonusGeneral: 0, CapacityCargo: 0, name: 'TransporterSmall'}, {id:203, CapacityBase: 25000, bonusCollector:0.25, bonusGeneral: 0, CapacityCargo: 0, name: 'TransporterLarge'}, {id:208, CapacityBase: 7500, bonusCollector: 0, bonusGeneral: 0, CapacityCargo: 0, name: 'ColonyShip'}, {id:209, CapacityBase: 20000, bonusCollector: 0, bonusGeneral:0.20, CapacityCargo: 0, name: 'Recycler'}, {id:210, CapacityBase: 0, bonusCollector: 0, bonusGeneral: 0, CapacityCargo: 0, name: 'Probe'}, {id:204, CapacityBase: 50, bonusCollector: 0, bonusGeneral: 0, CapacityCargo: 0, name: 'FighterLight'}, {id:205, CapacityBase: 100, bonusCollector: 0, bonusGeneral: 0, CapacityCargo: 0, name: 'FighterHeavy'}, {id:206, CapacityBase: 800, bonusCollector: 0, bonusGeneral: 0, CapacityCargo: 0, name: 'Cruiser'}, {id:207, CapacityBase: 1500, bonusCollector: 0, bonusGeneral: 0, CapacityCargo: 0, name: 'Battleship'}, {id:215, CapacityBase: 750, bonusCollector: 0, bonusGeneral: 0, CapacityCargo: 0, name: 'Interceptor'}, {id:211, CapacityBase: 500, bonusCollector: 0, bonusGeneral: 0, CapacityCargo: 0, name: 'Bomber'}, {id:213, CapacityBase: 2000, bonusCollector: 0, bonusGeneral: 0, CapacityCargo: 0, name: 'Destroyer'}, {id:214, CapacityBase:1000000, bonusCollector: 0, bonusGeneral: 0, CapacityCargo: 0, name: 'Deathstar'}, {id:218, CapacityBase: 10000, bonusCollector: 0, bonusGeneral: 0, CapacityCargo: 0, name: 'Reaper'}, {id:219, CapacityBase: 10000, bonusCollector: 0, bonusGeneral:0.20, CapacityCargo: 0, name: 'Explorer'}, ]; let Patch=0; const HS_Tech = parseInt(fleetDispatcher.apiTechData[6][1], 10); // 114 = HiperSpace_Tech_level const Player_Class = parseInt(apiCommonData[1][1], 10); if (fleetDispatcher.fleetHelper.shipsData[210].baseCargoCapacity !== 0) {shipsDB[4].CapacityBase = 5;} // Is it a universe in which the probes are carrying capacity? -> update value shipsDB.forEach(function (nave) { let plus_Tech = (nave.CapacityBase * HS_Tech * 5/100); let plus_Class = nave.CapacityBase * ((Player_Class == 1 ? nave.bonusCollector : 0) + (Player_Class == 2 ? nave.bonusGeneral : 0)); nave.CapacityCargo = nave.CapacityBase + plus_Tech + plus_Class; if (fleetDispatcher.fleetHelper.shipsData[].cargoCapacity !== nave.CapacityCargo){ Patch += 1;} // Patches number }); if (Patch == 0) { fadeBox("It is not necessary to correct the cargo capacity.<br>You can disable the script:<br>'" + +"'", true, 0, 7000); } FleetHelper.prototype.calcCargoCapacity = function (shipId, number) { let index = shipsDB.findIndex(nave => === shipId); let cargo = Math.trunc(shipsDB[index].CapacityCargo * number); return cargo; }