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// ==UserScript== // @name OGame : Available Fields // @description Displays in the small list of planets the number of fields that are available. // @version 1.90 // @author Hardox - jun'21 // @copyright 2020 // @license MIT // @icon // @homepageURL // @updateURL // @downloadURL // @include https://** // @run-at document-end // @grant GM_addStyle // // ==/UserScript== /* Known issues: If Hide Planet / Moon Tooltip is on, Infocompte7 stops working because it looks for data in the "title" tags. Infocompte7 should take the information from a more stable source. This script saves the title in the data-title tag */ (function () { // ================ SETTING ================= var red_level = 3; /* set the value to your desire */ var yellow_level = 6; /* set the value to your desire */ var view_avail = true; /* true/false to see the available / used */ var hide_tooltip = true; /* true/false to hide the planets and moons tooltips */ // ================ SCRIPT ================== GM_addStyle('#rechts #myPlanets div.smallplanet a.moonlink {width: 48px; height: 52px; left: 100px !important; top: 0 !important;}'); GM_addStyle('#rechts #myPlanets div.smallplanet a.moonlink .icon-moon {width: 20px; height: 20px; position: relative; left: 0; top: 10px;}'); GM_addStyle('#planetbarcomponent #rechts #myPlanets .smallplanet a.moonlink {left: 0px; top: 20px;}'); $('.smallplanet').each(function( index ) { var fields = 0; var moon_text = ""; var moon_flag = false; var availableString = ""; var base = $(this).html(); var name = $(this).find(".planet-name").text(); if ("km") == -1) { return index; } if ('moonlink active') !== -1) { name = base.split('title="<b>')[2].split(" [")[0]; // gets moon name fields = (base.split("km (")[2]).split(")")[0]; moon_text = " "; moon_flag = true; } else { fields = (base.split("km (")[1]).split(")")[0]; } if ("overmark") != -1) { fields = fields.replace("<span class='overmark' >", "").replace("</span>","");} var used = fields.split("/")[0]; var maxim = fields.split("/")[1]; var available = maxim - used; switch (true) { case (available <= red_level): availableString = '<font style="color: DeepPink; font-size: 12px;'; break; case (available > yellow_level): availableString= '<font style=\"color: lime; font-size: 11px;'; break; default: availableString = '<font style=\"color: orange; font-size: 11px;'; } if (view_avail == false) { available = used }; availableString = availableString + 'position: relative; top: -1px;">' + moon_text + available + "/" + maxim +'</font> '; var newText = moon_flag ? name + availableString : availableString + name; $(this).find(".planet-name").html( newText ); }); if (hide_tooltip == true ) { $('.smallplanet a').each(function(){ let t = $(this).attr('title'); $(this).attr('data-title', t); $(this).attr('title', ""); }); } })();