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// ==UserScript== // @name EasyExchangeCredit // @namespace // @version 0.24 // @description 简单兑换积分成体力 // @license MIT // @author Wentao MA // @copyright 2019, Wentao MA ( // @updateURL // @match http*:// // @match http*:// // @run-at document-idle // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_deleteValue // ==/UserScript== var PWDNAME = "steamcn"; //使用此NAME保存密码 var FIRSTRUN = "firstrun"; //使用此检测是否第一次运行,并存储结束蒸汽数量 var stopBalance; var pwd = ""; var stopButton; (function() { 'use strict'; if(getPassword()){ if(!GM_getValue(FIRSTRUN)){ if(!getStopBalance()){ return; } GM_setValue(FIRSTRUN,stopBalance); } document.body.addEventListener("keypress", pressToStop); stopBalance = GM_getValue(FIRSTRUN); if(checkCredit()){ exchangeCredit(); } } })(); function exchangeCredit(){ document.getElementById("exchangeamount").value = 3;//每次兑换3蒸汽 exchangecalcredit(); document.querySelector("input[type=\"password\"]").value = pwd; document.getElementById("exchangeform").submit(); } function getPassword(){ if(!GM_getValue(PWDNAME)){ pwd = prompt("请输入你的密码(当兑换结束时会自动删除密码):", ""); if (pwd !== null && pwd !== "") { GM_setValue(PWDNAME, pwd); return true; }else{ alert("没有输密码 怎么种庄稼"); return false; } }else{ pwd = GM_getValue(PWDNAME); return true; } } function getStopBalance(){ stopBalance = prompt("请输入结束时蒸汽数量(至少50哦):", "50"); stopBalance = parseInt(stopBalance); if((!stopBalance)|| stopBalance<50){ alert("哎呀,输入的数字不太对..."); stopExchange(); return false; } return true; } function checkCredit(){ //获取蒸汽数量,<=stopBalance自动停止 var balance = parseInt(document.querySelectorAll(" li")[1].lastChild.textContent); if(balance <= stopBalance){ alert("蒸汽兑换结束\n剩余蒸汽:"+balance); stopExchange(); return false; } return true; } function pressToStop(event){ document.body.removeEventListener("keydown", pressToStop); var kCode = event.which || event.keyCode; if (kCode == 83 || kCode == 115) { stopExchange(); } } function stopExchange(){ if(GM_getValue(PWDNAME)){ GM_deleteValue(PWDNAME); } if(GM_getValue(FIRSTRUN)){ GM_deleteValue(FIRSTRUN); } alert("已经停止自动兑换并删除保存密码\n\n重新开始请刷新页面"); }