G00DB0Y / Expasy Data Extract (Auto Submit, Excel Table)


Version: 2.2+d773412

Summary: Collect specific protein data from Expasy ProtParam results, display it in an elegant table with copy functionality and notification, and include a fixed title. Molecular weight is divided by 1000 before displaying.

License: MIT

Expassy personal Script.

  1. Shows My name in title (Rainbow effect)
  2. Shows Excel table with desired data.(Protein Length (aa) Molecular weight (kDa) Theoretical pI Instability index Aliphatic index GRAVY)
  3. https://prnt.sc/9XinaJy1vi6i
  4. Data can be copied with copy button
  5. After pressing Copy notification will be shown
  6. can be paste to excel directly
  7. Molecular weight is auto in kDa
  8. Instability index shows stable or unstable with value

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