G00DB0Y / Cello Extract with One click Copy and Scrollable Table


Version: 5.1+0690c0d

Summary: Display all rows with a star (*) on the second page in a scrollable table format. Copy functionality ensures data from the Short Form column is pasted into a single Excel cell per index. Scan the entire page for Gene Name after SeqID:, and place each Gene Name in its respective row, adding ">" before each Gene Name without space. Adds notification on successful copy and fixed title on the table.

License: MIT

Cello (http://cello.life.nctu.edu.tw/) Personal Script

  1. Shows result in excel and has copy button
  2. button shows notification
  3. Made by Faisal Ahmed has rainbow color
  4. Only grabs values with * sign
  5. make short form of collected data
  6. https://prnt.sc/KIkbbn8m-CYa

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