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// ==UserScript== // @name Use Croct experimental endpoints // @version 0.3.0-beta3 // @license MIT // @author Fryuni // @copyright 2022, Luiz Ferraz // @updateURL // @downloadURL // @description Plugs Croct with the experimental endpoints. Configurable with Ctrl+Alt+C. // @match **/** // @icon // @run-at document-body // @require // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // ==/UserScript== const ipAddress = fetch('') .then(resp => resp.text()) .catch(err => { console.error(err); return ''; }); function injectEap(croct, croctEap) { const originalEap = { ...croctEap }; // Return and mutate in-place. Works in as many browser isolations as possible. return Object.assign(croctEap, { ...GM_config.get('hijack-fetch-eap') && { fetch: async (slotId, options) => { const url = GM_config.get('fetch-eap-endpoint'); const headers = new Headers(); // Constants for experimental environments. // TODO: Drop this once PMS is released. headers.set('X-Organization-Id', GM_config.get('dev-organization')); headers.set('X-Workspace-Id', GM_config.get('dev-workspace')); headers.set('X-Application-Id', GM_config.get('dev-application')); headers.set('X-Client-Ip', await ipAddress); headers.set('X-Visitor-Id', '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'); headers.set('X-Client-Id', await croct.instance.sdk.cidAssigner.assignCid()); headers.set('Content-Type', 'application/json'); const response = await fetch(url, { method: 'POST', headers, mode: 'cors', credentials: 'omit', cache: 'no-cache', body: JSON.stringify({ slotId, }), }); const data = await response.json(); return { payload: data.content }; }, }, }) } (async function () { 'use strict'; const croctEap = window.croctEap ?? unsafeWindow.croctEap ?? {}; const croct = window.croct ?? unsafeWindow.croct; if (croct !== undefined) { GM_config.init({ id: 'croct-experiments', fields: { 'dev-organization': { label: 'Organization ID', type: 'uuid', default: 'd23da44c-470e-439c-84d0-27c04f5c9f1d', }, 'dev-workspace': { label: 'Workspace ID', type: 'uuid', default: 'f65133ea-e745-4f6c-bc2e-542be9b1681d', }, 'dev-application': { label: 'Application ID', type: 'uuid', default: croct.instance.sdk.appId, }, 'enable-debug': { label: 'Enable Croct debug logs', type: 'checkbox', default: false, }, 'change-evaluation': { label: 'Use custom evaluation endpoint', type: 'checkbox', default: false, }, 'evaluation-endpoint': { label: 'Evaluation URL', type: 'select', options: [ '', '', '', ], default: '', }, 'hijack-fetch-eap': { label: 'Hijack Fetch EAP', type: 'checkbox', default: false, }, 'fetch-eap-endpoint': { label: 'Fetch EAP Endpoint', type: 'select', options: [ '', ], default: '', }, }, events: { close: () => { window.location.reload(); }, }, }); document.addEventListener('keydown', event => { if (!(event instanceof KeyboardEvent)) return; if (event.code === 'KeyC' && event.ctrlKey && event.altKey) {; } }); const config = { appId: GM_config.get('dev-application'), debug: GM_config.get('enable-debug'), ...GM_config.get('change-evaluation') && { evaluationEndpointUrl: GM_config.get('evaluation-endpoint'), }, }; console.log('Configuring croct plug with:', config); croct.unplug(); croct.plug(config); window.croctEap = unsafeWindow.croctEap = injectEap(croct, croctEap); } })();