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// ==UserScript== // @name YouThumb! YouTube thumbnails showing // @namespace // @version 1.6.7 // @license GPL-2.0-only // @description Show YouTube thumbnail picture by button, near likes buttons. // @author FreeWebber // @supportURL // @updateURL!_YouTube_thumbnails_showing.meta.js // @downloadURL!_YouTube_thumbnails_showing.user.js // @include ** // @match ** // @grant none // @run-at document-end // @require // ==/UserScript== /* #Changes: Fix for new youtube design Fix thumbnail button naming #Videos for testing - all resolutions with shrink - only hqdefautl - WO maxres - Jump over playlist - from this to this #TODO Show thumbs not only on watch page */ (function ($, undefined) { $(function () { 'use strict'; var t = { // translates show_thumb: { ru: "Показать превью", en: "Show thumb" }, hide_thumb: { ru: "Скрыть превью", en: "Hide thumb" }, show_hide_thumb: { ru: "Показать / скрыть превью", en: "Show / hide thumb" }, close_thumb: { ru: "Кликните, чтобы закрыть превью", en: "Click to close thumbnail" } }, cl = function(m){console.log(m);}, isset = function (e){ return typeof e == 'undefined' ? false : true;}, trys = 0, imgBase, defaultImgSrc = 0, imgSrc = null, images = ['maxresdefault.jpg', 'sddefault.jpg', 'hqdefault.jpg'], maxCount = 25, count = 0, LANG = navigator.language, $body = $('body'), bp_width = '32px', bp_height = '20px', widthes = [0, 0, 0], setImagesInterval, last_location = null, thumb_display = false, last_src = null, endvar; //if(LANG == 'en-US') LANG = 'en'; LANG = 'en'; if(LANG == 'ru-RU') LANG = 'ru'; function setThumbnail(event){ /* background-size: contain; background-image: url(; */ //cl('setThumbnail'); thumb_display = true; last_src = imgSrc; var $playerel = $('#ytd-player'); //var $playerel = $('#player-theater-container').find('#player-container'); cl($playerel); //.style-scope.ytd-watch-flexy var width = $playerel[0].offsetWidth; var height = $playerel[0].offsetHeight; //$('#player-container').css({backgroundImage: 'url('+ imgSrc +')', backgroundSize: 'cover'}); var $YouThumb = $('<img title="'+ t.close_thumb[LANG] +'" id=YouThumb src='+ imgSrc +' style=position:absolute;z-index:999>'); $YouThumb.on('click', removeThumbnail); $playerel.prepend($YouThumb); //cl($YouThumb[0].naturalWidth); cl($YouThumb[0].naturalHeight); var offval = 0; var aspect = $YouThumb[0].naturalWidth / $YouThumb[0].naturalHeight; //cl(aspect); if(aspect < 1.4) { // try keep aspect ratio //cl(1.4); $YouThumb.css({width: width, height: height}); } else { var nwidth = height + (height / 3); offval = (nwidth - (height + (height / 3))) / 2; if(offval !== 0) $YouThumb.css({width: nwidth, height: height}); else $YouThumb.css({width: width, height: height}); } $YouThumb.css('left', parseInt($YouThumb.css('left'))+ offval +'px'); $('#YouThumbStatus').html(t.hide_thumb[LANG]); $('#movie_player').css('visibility','hidden'); } function removeThumbnail(){ thumb_display = false; var $YouThumb = $('#YouThumb'); $('#YouThumbStatus').html(t.show_thumb[LANG]); $YouThumb.remove(); $('#movie_player').css('visibility','visible'); } function setRemoveThumbnail(event){ // when click on buttons or thumbnail var span = == 'SPAN' ? true : false; imgSrc = span ? defaultImgSrc :; if(span && defaultImgSrc === null) cl('defaultImgSrc!!!'); //!defaultImgSrc if(thumb_display){ removeThumbnail(event); if(!span && imgSrc !== last_src) setThumbnail(event); } else { removeThumbnail(event); setThumbnail(event); } } function getWidths_setButton(){ //cl('getWidths_setButton'); count++; for(let i = 0; i < images.length; i++){ let $img = $('#YouThumb_'+ images[i].replace('.','')); if(!$img.length && count < maxCount){ setTimeout(getWidths_setButton, 500); } else widthes[i] = $img[0].naturalWidth; } let to_insert = ''; for(let i = 0; i < widthes.length; i++){ if(widthes[i] === 0 && count < maxCount){ setTimeout(getWidths_setButton, 500); return;} if(widthes[i] > 120){ if(!defaultImgSrc) defaultImgSrc = imgBase + images[i]; to_insert+= ' <img class=YouThumbButtonImage src="'+ imgBase + images[i] +'" style="vertical-align:middle;cursor:pointer;width:'+ bp_width +';height:'+ bp_height +'"/>'; } } if($('#YouThumbButton').length) return; //cl($('#top-level-buttons-computed')); $('<div id=YouThumbButton style=line-height:40px><span style=vertical-align:middle;cursor:pointer id=YouThumbStatus>'+ t.show_thumb[LANG] +' </span></div>').appendTo($('#top-level-buttons-computed')); // $('#YouThumbButton').append(to_insert); $('body').on('click', '#YouThumb', removeThumbnail); //player-container } function setImages(){ var $YouThumb = $('#YouThumb'); var $YouThumbButton = $('#YouThumbButton'); try { imgBase = location.href.split('v=')[1]; if(imgBase.indexOf('&') !== -1) imgBase = imgBase.split('&')[0]; imgBase = '' + imgBase + '/'; } catch(err) { cl('err'); cl(err); return; } clearInterval(setImagesInterval); var images_to_insert = ''; for(let i = 0; i < images.length; i++){ images_to_insert+= '<img class=YouThumb_preload_images id=YouThumb_'+ images[i].replace('.','') +' src="'+ imgBase + images[i] +'" data-tooltip-text="'+ t.show_hide_thumb[LANG] +'" style=position:absolute;top:-50px;left:-50px;width:1px;height:1px>'; } $('body').append(images_to_insert); getWidths_setButton(); } function mocallback(mutationrecords){ if($('title').html() == title || !/watch/i.test(location.href)) return; var current_location = location.href +''; if(last_location != current_location) last_location = current_location; else return; if(last_location !== null) { removeThumbnail(event); $('#YouThumbButton').remove(); $('.YouThumb_preload_images').remove(); } count = 0; defaultImgSrc = 0; setImagesInterval = setInterval(setImages, 1000); // TODO launch every 200 msecs. while not success, and no more than 50 times! } var title = $('title'); if(!isset(title[0])) return; var title_content = title.html(); var mo = new MutationObserver(mocallback); var options = {'childList': true}; mo.observe(title[0], options); //mo.observe(document.title, options); mo.observe(qs('head>title'), options); //mo.observe(document.getElementById('eow-title'), options); $('body').on('click', '.YouThumbButtonImage', setRemoveThumbnail); $('body').on('click', '#YouThumbStatus', setRemoveThumbnail); }); })(window.jQuery.noConflict(true));